How to make an Easter egg from pasta. DIY Easter egg made of paper using the applique technique. DIY Easter wreath

Easter is a great occasion to do some crafting. To decorate a child's room or a common living room, make the main symbols of the holiday - eggs. You should not immediately close the page, complaining that expensive materials will be required for a beautiful craft: we will tell you how to make a masterpiece from improvised means. So, the topic of today's article is an Easter craft from Egg pasta.

Decorating chicken eggs with pasta

Before you start creating a real work of art, treat yourself to easy crafts. Decorate chicken eggs regular pasta and paint in the most incredible colors.

Follow instructions:

  1. Prepare some chicken eggs for decoration. Please note: you will not eat them, so turn off the water that you have already put on the stove.
  2. Take a raw egg, make a hole on the sharp side. It should not exceed 2-3 mm in diameter. On the blunt side of the egg, carefully break a larger hole: 6-8 mm is enough.
  3. blow out the contents of the egg in a plate. By the way, you can cook scrambled eggs or a delicious omelette from it. But the empty shell is a frame for future crafts.
  4. Melt a household candle or cosmetic paraffin in the microwave. Warm composition Pour the eggs into the large hole. After the shell cavity is completely filled, seal the hole with glue and mask it with white paper.
  5. To make an egg hook, use medium wire or a paperclip. In the second case, break off the top of the stationery and use it as a hanging pin. Plug in it into the top hole, drip a little superglue to secure. Thread through beautiful rope or ribbon.

Finally the preparations are over. It's time to move on to the main part of the craft - decorating with pasta. It is advisable to use small pasta so that the testicle does not look bulky and sloppy. Such products are often used for soups and have many curly variations. To choose the most interesting options check out the photo below.

Decorating eggs with pasta

Creating an egg design is a responsible and individual matter. No one better than you can determine the principle of the arrangement of pasta on a thin shell. However, there are still several ways "for the lazy":

  • Full coverage
    Coat the shell with superglue: the flour products should already be in the bowl. The glue dries quickly, so further work must be done in an accelerated mode. Once the entire surface is covered with the sticky substance, dip the egg into the bowl and roll in the pasta. Randomly glued elements will create a unique Easter egg design. Don't forget to paint over the resulting craft with paint spray: silver or gold is best for Easter.
  • partial coverage
    The name of the method speaks for itself: if you have an idea on how to beautifully lay out a mosaic of pasta, immediately execute it. Lay flour products in stripes, make flowers or hearts. Pasta glued to a pre-painted egg looks very impressive.

Macaroni egg and balloon

An amazing craft for Easter can be created from any pasta. The size of the egg is adjustable at will, because you yourself set it during the execution of a stunning decor element.

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • Pasta
    Choose options that are of the greatest artistic value: horns, shells, curls, bagels. The size of the pasta depends on the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe craft.
  • Balloon
    The ball is the main element, without which needlework will not work. Choose oblong-shaped balls: round balls are not recommended.
  • PVA glue
    Stock up on PVA to create a solid foundation.
  • Super glue
    Such glue is suitable for fixing decorative elements.
  • One or more bowls
    Bowls or salad bowls are needed to prepare pasta for work. If the egg will be filled with different types of pasta, sort them in advance.
  • Cardboard or thin plastic for the stand.
  • Aerosol paint of the desired color.
  • Brushes and acrylic paints.

After everything is prepared, proceed to the work. There is very little time left - Easter is coming soon!

How to make an egg from pasta

Easter eggs are a family affair. Therefore, involve all household members in creating the decor: we are sure that even dad, tired from work, will be happy to contribute to family work. start making an egg according to the instructions:

  1. inflate balloon to the desired size.
  2. Mix pasta and PVA in a bowl. If you have several types of decorating elements, mix in turn. Otherwise, waiting for your turn, pasta dry up.
  3. Start pasting the ball with pasta. Be sure to provide a hole through which you will later pull out the bursting ball.
  4. After the surface of the ball is completely covered with pasta, the base is considered ready. Wait 30 minutes for the adhesive to set. pop the balloon, pull out through the prepared hole.
  5. Start decorating: Use superglue to attach the pasta in the form of bows, shells and other popular shapes to the base. It is not forbidden to come up with your own patterns. Close the hole for the ball with spaghetti. They will also help to make a cross on the top of the testicle.
  6. Make a stand for crafts: for this, build two bells out of cardboard or plastic. Turn them with sharp ends towards each other and glue: you will get a stylized hourglass. The wide sides of the sockets will serve as a bed for an egg and a stand for standing needlework. Don't forget to decorate with pasta!
  7. Put on a gauze bandage for yourself and your household: you have come to the main thing - coloring book Easter egg. Use the spray paint of your chosen color: hold the spray can 20 cm away from the craft, carefully aiming the nozzle at the Easter egg. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times to avoid gaps on the structure. Finish painting and decorating with acrylic paints.

Additional decor elements

If your imagination has played out, do not limit it to standard decoration methods. Complement pasta egg next details:

  • Purchased or pasta-made chapel inserted inside the product.
  • Quail eggs, painted in the color of the base.
  • Multi-colored paper straw placed in the heart of the craft.
  • Baked Easter cake.

Whatever you come up with, it is important to know: the main thing when doing crafts for Easter is a pure soul filled with love and forgiveness. If you have an abundance of this, then the Easter craft “Pasta Egg” will not only decorate your home, but also protect you from external adversities. After all, the symbol of a bright holiday, in which they have invested their soul, is a powerful amulet for the family. Happy celebration!

The Easter holiday inspires both adults and children to prepare for it. Do-it-yourself Easter crafts will help you plunge into the world of creativity and create an Easter mood yourself. There are a lot of Easter-themed crafts, but one of my favorites is the basket. A basket glued from pasta looks unusual and beautiful.

Not only baskets, but also eggs can be made from pasta of this shape.

pasta art

In a master class for children, a step-by-step description of the process of creating an egg-shaped basket-house for an Easter animal will be given. It could be an Easter Bunny or a Chicken.

Color the desired shape of pasta in the desired color using Easter egg dye. This can be done in bowls, or, as in the photo, in plastic bags with a zipper. When the pasta is stained, they need to be removed and dried well.

Prepare the basis on which our craft will subsequently stand. It can be a thick cardboard covered with foil, or a plank sheathed with sisal.

Inflate the balloon to the size of the planned craft.

You need to inflate it so that it is not tight, because when pierced, it can tear too much, and the whole pasta structure will burst.

If a child makes a craft, then you need to work with PVA Glue. If an adult makes crafts and not in a balloon, but on a jar, then it will be faster and more convenient to use a thermal gun. Carefully begin to glue the ball, trying to ensure that each part fits snugly against one another.

The place where the “entrance” will be, draw in advance, do not glue pasta there.

Allow the pasta ball to dry. Then gently pierce the ball and, helping yourself with tweezers, pull it out of the structure.

Set the egg house on a stand, decorate with pasta painted in a different color. Seat the “tenant” inside, decorate the house inside with eggs, flowers, sweets.

The diverse form of modern pasta allows you to make anything your heart desires from them.

You just need to choose the shape that is most suitable for the product, paint them in the desired color and you can glue them not only souvenirs, but also things that can be used in everyday life.

Having painted pasta with different patterns using acrylic paints, you can get blanks for decorating postcards, crafts, vases, photo albums and other items that suddenly need to be decorated.

We decorate windows

Cut out an egg template from cardboard, circle it with a pencil on the pages of an old magazine, wallpaper, or just colored paper. Cut out more images of eggs, punch paired holes in them, some at the top of the egg, some at the bottom. Take decorative twine or colored sixth threads, thread them through the holes, turning the eggs up and down. Decorate windows with these colored Easter garlands.

Inflate small balloons, grease them with glue, wrap them with colored threads, grease each layer, wait for it to dry. Remove the balls from the inside, attach bright threads to the top and decorate windows or a chandelier.

Use scissors to cut strips out of cardboard. Glue them into rings so that you get egg coasters. Wrap them with twine, decorate with a bead and a flower, insert painted eggs.

Easter Angels:

  • tear with your hands a white soft cloth into 2;
  • sintepon for the head of an angel;
  • 2 pieces of strong thread for modeling the figurine and connecting the details of the Easter craft;
  • elegant ribbon or lace (about 25-30 cm).

We put a synthetic winterizer in the middle of the square of fabric and with the help of a strong thread we form the head of an angel. With the same thread we form wings and a skirt. Fold the second square in half diagonally, make wings, tying it in the middle.

Tie the wings to the back. From the ribbon we tie a “wreath” on the head of an angel, and with the free ends of the ribbon we tie the chest and back crosswise. We tie the ends of the ribbon in front in the form of a belt.

Hang the angels on the Easter tree along with the painted eggs.

Video on the topic of the article

From various materials.

You can use napkins, cotton pads and even dough.

You can safely involve children in such creative work, for whom it will be not only interesting, but also useful.

Here are some very interesting crafts for Easter that can be made from different materials:

Easter Dough Craft: Easter Egg Medallions

You will need:

Salty dough


Dough cutter

shoulder blade

Tube (for small holes)

Aluminium foil

Paints (acrylic or spray)

Twine or ribbon.

1. Prepare salt dough. There are numerous ways to do this.

* If you do not want to make dough, you can replace it with polymer clay.

Here is one way to make salt dough:

2 cups of flour

1 st. a spoonful of fine salt

1 st. spoon of wallpaper paste

* Mix flour and salt. Add a little water to the glue (a few spoons) and wait until it swells.

* Mix flour, salt and glue - knead the dough. You can add some water if you wish. You should get a dough that sticks to your hands.

2. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to the desired thickness. In this example, the dough thickness is 6 mm.

3. Cut out the shapes of chicken eggs from the dough.

4. Place these molds on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil or baking paper. Make small holes with a straw so that you can hang the crafts later.

5. Bake first at a low temperature - about 100 C. After that, remove the aluminum foil and put the baking sheet back into the oven at 125 C. Try not to burn yourself. You can use parchment paper instead of foil and bake at 120 degrees for 2 hours.

After that, place the salt dough blanks on the wire rack.

You can turn off the oven and wait until the dough is still dry.

6. Start painting your blanks, and after the paint dries, tie a ribbon and hang.

Easter crafts from pasta: a large Easter egg

You will need:

Pasta in various shapes

Felt pens (markers)

PVA glue

Paint (aerosol)

big balloon

Hot glue.

1. Inflate the balloon.

2. Mark the place for cutting on the ball with a marker.

3. Apply PVA glue to the entire ball, except for the indicated place.

4. Start gluing the pasta onto the ball to form a pattern.

5. When everything is dry, you need to remove the ball - pierce it with a needle.

6. It's time to decorate the craft. It all depends on your imagination.

7. You can put the craft on a stand and paint it with spray paint - in this example, gold.

DIY Easter crafts from pasta

You will need:

Chicken eggs

small pasta

PVA glue

Aerosol paints (if desired).

1. Dispose of the contents of the egg.

2. Apply PVA glue to the shell.

3. Glue small pasta to the shell (you can glue each pasta, sprinkle or dip in a bowl).

4. You can use lentils or peas in addition to pasta.

5. When the glue is dry, paint the egg. First, paint one side, and then the other half.

Paper crafts for Easter

Easter chicken. Option 1.

To make such a craft, you first need to download the template. You can also draw the pattern yourself.

Easter chicken. Option 2.

A paper chicken can be made from paper plates or cardboard, from which you need to cut a circle. Just fold a paper plate in half, cut out wings, eyes, a beak and a comb from colored paper and glue them to the plate.

3-D Chicken

For such a craft, you also need to download a chicken paper model template, cut it out and color it.

Crafts from napkins for Easter: stand

1. Prepare a paper napkin and fold it in half diagonally.

2. Bend the corners of the resulting triangle up so that they connect with the top corner. You should get a square.

3. Twist the bottom edge of the resulting square with a roller to the middle.

4. Now turn your design over and connect the bottom corners that are under the roller. These corners should be secured with a paper clip.

5. Turn the workpiece back so that the staple is at the back. Straighten the ends of the workpiece in different directions, and you will get a beautiful stand for an Easter egg.

We paint eggs with do-it-yourself napkins

1. Dip a paper towel in the vinegar, squeeze out the excess, and wrap it around the egg.

2. Place the egg on a plate or baking sheet and gently start adding drops of multi-colored food coloring.

3. When the whole egg is colored, remove the paper towel and place the colored egg in the carton.

Crafts from eggs for Easter: decoupage

You will need:

white eggs

Napkins with beautiful patterns and patterns


PVA glue.

1. Separate the topmost layer from a paper napkin, you will not need the rest.

2. Cut out beautiful designs and patterns. You can cut with white edges and not necessarily neat.

3. Prepare an egg and brush it with glue or egg white.

4. Glue the cut out pattern to the egg, and apply a layer of glue on top with a brush.

When everything is dry, you will have a beautiful Easter egg.

Crafts from cotton pads for Easter: chicken

You will need:

cotton pads

Yellow egg paint

colored paper


Chenille wire

1. Dilute the yellow paint with water. Dip 2 cotton pads in the solution and color them. After that, leave the discs to dry.

2. Use chenille wire to make chicken legs.

3. Cut out the scallop, wings and beak from colored paper.

4. Glue all the details between two cotton pads.

5. Glue the toy eyes and the chicken is ready.

DIY Easter wreath

You will need:

Willow wreath (you can make your own wreath)

Plain paper napkins

corrugated paper

Colored and plain cardboard


simple pencil

Hot glue

1. We make decorations for the wreath. Cut out several circles of different diameters from paper: the circle for the body has a diameter of 5 cm, for the head 4.5 cm. The more circles, the more voluminous the detail.

2. Cut out 2 more circles from cardboard, each with a diameter of 2-3 cm. This will be the base of the chicken.

3. Now glue all the blanks. To begin, apply a little glue to the center of the first circle and glue the next one. Thus, glue all the circles.

4. Glue the piece of cardboard to one of the circles.

5. In a similar way, you need to glue another stack of circles.

6. Make small cuts on the circles, and then fluff the circles.

7. Cut out the chicken's beak, paws and wing from colored cardboard. In order to fasten the body of the chicken, cut a strip of cardboard and glue all the details to it - the wing on one side, and everything else on the other.

8. Make eyes. You can use plasticine, buttons, or other parts that are suitable in size and shape.

* If you wish, you can make another chicken in a different color.

9. We make decorative flowers and eggs. Get some dust wipes. You can use felt, but it's more expensive. Cut out ovals that will act as Easter eggs, and various patterns for them.