How to clean pine resin. Effective methods to remove tree tar stains from clothes or fabrics. Effective means and methods for removing resin from pine and spruce from clothes

Walking through the pine forest, it's hard to resist taking a photo next to the spruce. But after such fun moments on clothes, you can find tar stains. Of course, the situation is not pleasant, but do not spoil your mood. In the article we will analyze the question: How to remove resin from clothes at home.

After all, it can be washed and your favorite thing will return to the wardrobe again. Also, our tips will help you get rid of dried, old resin stains. Choose a convenient stain removal method for yourself and give things a second life.

What should not be done with a tar stain?

If you don't want to aggravate the situation with the stain, then read and remember what not to do with the tar stain.

  1. Just don't wash it in the washing machine. After all, this is not the usual contamination of the fabric, but resin. So you will make it even worse and just don’t wash anything;
  2. Rubbing a stain with resin is also not worth it. In this way, you will simply rub the resin deeper, and it will be much more difficult to clean the stain;
  3. Do not use conventional stain removal methods. They will not help you at all, and in some cases they can only aggravate the situation.

Resin stain pre-cleaning

Before removing the stain itself from the fabric, you should clean, remove the top layer of resin, so that it would be easier to work in the future.

  • Put your item in the freezer of the refrigerator for 2 hours. During this time, the resin will harden and you will burn the drop itself, then you can easily remove it from the fabric. When removing the hardened resin, use rag gloves to prevent the resin from sticking to your fingers;
  • If you can't use the freezer, then try to remove the top layer of resin with a knife. But don't pull the knife too hard, as you may enlarge the area of ​​the stain or rub the resin deeper into the fabric.

If you have contamination on a thin or delicate fabric, then you should not perform the above steps. To avoid damage to the fabric itself.

Preparing the spot cleaning area

No. 1 So that when cleaning the resin does not spread over clean areas of the fabric, do the following:

  • Treat the fabric around the stain with water;
  • Apply a small amount of talc or starch to the wetted surface.

#2 Before applying solvents to the stain, clean the area around the stain with a clothes brush or duct tape. By cleaning the fabric, solvents will not sag.

No. 3 Whatever solvents saturate the other side of the thing, put a flat piece of plank under the stain, wrapped several times with a waffle towel. You can use a kitchen wooden cutting board.

#1 Use of gasoline

To remove the stain you will need:

  1. Refined gasoline (sold in the store) or refined kerosene;
  2. Baby soap;
  3. A bowl of cool water;
  4. Plate.

We carry out the cleaning procedure:

  • In a bowl, mix gasoline with soap (1 to 1 proportions);
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave it for 1 hour;
  • Rinse the item in a bowl of water for 3 minutes.

Do not use motor gasoline. So you just spoil the thing forever.

#2 Use of alcohol

To remove the stain you will need:

  1. Acetone or medical alcohol;
  2. Cotton discs.

We carry out the stain removal procedure:

  • Soak the disc well with alcohol;
  • Treat the stain for 30 minutes until the stain disappears completely;
  • If the stain is gone, wash the item in the washing machine.

#3 Use of turpentine

You'll need:

  1. Turpentine;
  2. Cotton pads;
  3. Medical alcohol.

We carry out the procedure:

  • Soak the tar stain with turpentine using a cotton pad;
  • Wait 30 minutes;
  • Wet a clean cotton pad with alcohol;
  • Remove the resin with an alcohol-soaked cotton pad;
  • Wash the item in the washing machine with powder and conditioner for clothes;
  • Hang the item in fresh air.

Turpentine is a representative solvent with unpleasant odors. That is why the thing should be washed well and hung out in the fresh air.

You'll need:

  1. Dry paper towels or napkins;
  2. Ironing board;
  3. hot iron;
  4. Medical alcohol;
  5. Turpentine.

Removing the stain:

  • Mix alcohol and turpentine (in proportions 1 to 1);
  • Apply the mixture to the stain;
  • Apply dry wipes to the stain;
  • Iron the item through the napkins with an iron;
  • Replace soiled wipes with new clean ones;
  • Wash the item well with the powder and hang it out in the fresh air.

Continue ironing until the resin disappears.

Removing old resin stains

old, forgotten resin stains removing from clothes will be a little more difficult than fresh ones. But you can still withdraw them using the following methods:

#1 Using clay, turpentine, starch and alcohol

To remove the stain you will need:

  1. White clay;
  2. Turpentine;
  3. Ammonia;
  4. Potato starch;
  5. Plate;
  6. Tea spoon;
  7. Clothes brush.

Eliminate pollution:

  • Mix starch and clay in a plate (in proportions of 1 to 1);
  • Pour in enough turpentine to make a mushy consistency;
  • Add 3 drops of alcohol;
  • Put the resulting mixture with a spoon on the stain and rub it into the fabric;
  • Leave the thing until the slurry is completely dry;
  • Scrub the dry mixture with a clothes brush;
  • If resin remains, repeat the procedure again.

If a yellow stain remains after removing the resin, it can be removed with a bleaching agent.

#2 Use of turpentine, ammonia and starch

You'll need:

  1. Potato starch - 1 tablespoon;
  2. Turpentine - 3 drops;
  3. Ammonia - 3 drops;
  4. Plate;
  5. Clothes brush.

Getting the resin out of the fabric:

  • In a bowl, mix turpentine, ammonia and starch;
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and wait until it dries;
  • Wipe the gruel with a brush;
  • Wash the item in the washing machine with the addition of powder and conditioner, hang to dry in fresh air.

If you have children, then after a walk they can easily walk on the carpet in their shoes. This can be both after walking through the coniferous forest, and during the flowering of poplars, when resin stickies stick everywhere. If left a tar mark on the carpet The following advice will help you get rid of it.

You'll need:

  1. Clean sponge for washing dishes;
  2. Gel dishwashing liquid;
  3. Vegetable oil.

We clean the floor covering:

  • Apply vegetable oil to the stain and rub with a sponge;
  • Resin is easily removed;
  • We remove the grease stain after the oil with a damp sponge, on which detergent should be applied;
  • Rub the place of contamination well;
  • Vacuum.

Removing black tar from clothes

On hot summer days, clothes can be stained by molten black tar that drips from the roof top. You can just as easily remove it from clothes:

  • Wet a cotton pad with vegetable oil and wipe the place of contamination;
  • Grease can be removed by wiping the stain with a damp cloth.

Remember! that if a resin stain appears on leatherette or genuine leather things, then in no case should it be cleaned off with chemicals - in order to avoid the abundant appearance of a faded stain.

If you are afraid to ruin the item with chemicals or are sure that you can clean the tar stain yourself, then it is better to take the item to a dry cleaner.

Video: How to remove wood tar stain from clothes

You can get dirty with resin not only in a forest or park area, but also at home when taking out a Christmas tree. Everyone knows that resin pollution is quite difficult to remove. This is because they have a complex structure. Despite this, methods of dealing with tar pollution exist. The following step-by-step actions will help to remove resin from clothes.

What needs to be done before removing the resin

First you need to prepare the contaminated item to remove the resin stain. Using a sharp object, the top layer of resin is scraped off. This must be done carefully so as not to stretch or damage the fabric. Otherwise, the thing will deteriorate, then it will simply need to be thrown away. So accuracy and patience must be present first of all.

Then the contaminated thing is packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for about one hour. This is done so that the resin can harden well. Then the place with contamination must be carefully mashed, then the resin will disintegrate into small pieces.

Remains of the sticky substance of the resin are easily removed with a brush. When a large item, such as a jacket, tar contamination is rubbed with ice. Usually, after these actions, a trace still remains on the clothes. Then the following simple tips will help to remove tree resin:

  • rip open the lining to treat only the area contaminated with a resinous substance;
  • the place around the stain must be treated with starch or talc so that the stain does not spread further;
  • put the thing on a hard surface so that the resin can be easily cleaned.

Most tar stains disappear from clothing after heat treatment with an iron or hair dryer. To do this, cover the area of ​​​​clothing with resin with a clean cloth or thick paper.

Next, iron the place of contamination with an iron or direct a jet of hot air heated by a hair dryer at it. Change fabric and paper as needed. Continue these steps until the fabric or paper is clean and no sticky residue remains. Then the thing is soaked in warm water, the stain is well rubbed with laundry soap.

Thirty minutes later, clothing contaminated with tar must be washed. This method is quite effective when it is necessary to remove pollution that has just been made. Old stains cannot be completely removed in this way.

How to remove fresh stains

If during a walk through the forest, resin gets on the clothes, then it can be easily removed. This must be done immediately upon arrival home. You can remove fresh tree resin with vegetable oil or margarine. It is enough to lubricate the place of contamination with these products and leave for twenty to thirty minutes. If the resin stain does not disappear immediately, then it must be lubricated with vodka or alcohol, and it is also advised to sprinkle salt on top.

The denim fabric is of a dense composition, so you should not be afraid that it will spread. Nothing will happen to her. Then the place of contamination is rubbed with laundry soap, and then washed. Usually fresh spots disappear.

How to remove old stains

It is rather difficult to remove pine resin from clothes when it has already dried up; this cannot be done without chemicals. Therefore, you will need acetone, gasoline or turpentine. A tampon is preliminarily made of cloth or cotton wool, moistened in a solution of the taken chemical, and then applied to the resin stain. The swab is applied to the stain for about thirty-five to forty minutes.

After that, a new swab is taken, previously soaked in the solution, and again applied to the site of contamination. Only now it is necessary to carefully remove the stain with a moistened swab. The clothes are then washed in the machine. It is desirable that washing occurs when using. This method of cleaning is well suited for dense fabrics. For example, products made of jeans or rubberized materials.

Starch paste also helps in the fight against old tar stains. To prepare such a remedy, you will need the following components: one tablespoon of starch, four drops of ammonia, four drops of turpentine.

A stain of resin is smeared with this agent, then dried and rubbed with a brush. If after this procedure the stain remains, then this procedure must be repeated again. After all, the thing must be thoroughly washed and dried.

How to remove tree resin

After the New Year, many people face such a problem. Parts of clothing contaminated with a resinous substance appear after the tree is removed and taken out. Resin can be removed by the thermal method described above.

Also, another proven method is suitable for removing tree resin. For him, you need to buy Coca-Cola or Sprite drinks in the store. The clothes are soaked in this liquid for about one hour. The acids contained in these drinks are able to quickly and well dissolve the components of the resin. Usually the result is noticeable immediately. Then things are washed in the machine or rinsed in cool water several times.

So that there are no stains on the clothes, the thing is soaked in milk for three hours, the stains completely disappear. After that, the clothes are rinsed well in cold water and hung out to dry.

How to remove tar stains from different types of fabrics

Before removing tar stains, it is necessary to determine the type of clothing fabric, as certain cleaning products are best suited for all fabrics.

  1. Leather jackets are cleaned with vegetable oil, which is applied to the stain for thirty minutes. After that, the resin is easily removed, the color of the jacket does not change.
  2. So, dishwashing detergent is good. First, sunflower oil is applied to the stain for twenty minutes. Then apply detergent and wait another thirty minutes. The last step is a thorough hand wash.
  3. velvet or suede is best cleaned with medical alcohol or vodka. To do this, thoroughly blot the contaminated area. Then the thing must be washed.
  4. Synthetics are afraid of gasoline and acetone. When using these products, synthetic fabrics can be destroyed. Therefore, the thermal method, which has already been mentioned above, is suitable.
  5. If a piece of cotton fabric is contaminated, then you can get rid of it with the help of organic solvents. These include turpentine and gasoline. First you need to apply the product on the stain, and then wash it well.

How to properly remove a resin stain so as not to damage the fabric

Sometimes, in order to remove a stain, it is necessary to apply not one, but several methods. Then there is a risk of damage. The following tips will help you avoid this.

  1. First, the chemical must be tested on a small piece of cloth. Solvent can only be applied from the inside out. If the fabric turns pale, then this remedy is not suitable.
  2. First you need to study the properties of the fabric. Jeans should never be cleaned with alcohol. Synthetic clothing can be easily ruined with acetic acid or acetone.
  3. Stains are always removed only from the wrong side. Napkins are placed on the front side.
  4. It is better to start processing from the edge, and then move into the middle of the spot.

How to get rid of the smell after removing tar stains

When at home it was possible to remove tree resin from clothes, another problem arises: an unpleasant smell. To eliminate it, you need either dishwashing liquid. Simply add these products to the washing machine. If after washing the smell still does not disappear completely, then the clothes must be dried in the fresh air. It will be good if the wind is outside at this time. Then all the unpleasant odors will disappear, the laundry will smell nice.

What precautions should be taken

When using wood resin stains, the following precautions must be observed:

  • do not remove stains near the fire;
  • when using chemicals, it is better to wear gloves;
  • it is impossible to remove stains with small children; also, all chemicals must be immediately closed and put away in a place that is hard to reach for children;
  • If chemicals come into contact with open areas of the body, they must be thoroughly washed off under a strong stream of running water.

Preventive measures

Everyone knows the proverb that a problem is easier to prevent than to fix. Therefore, the observance of some preventive measures will help to avoid the troubles associated with the removal of tree resin. Here are some of them .

  1. When buying furniture made from natural wood, there is a chance that wood resin will damage clothes. Therefore, it is better to treat wooden furniture with an alcohol solution or a solvent.
  2. When going on a picnic or a walk in the forest, you need to take a small bottle of alcohol or solvent with you. This is because it is much easier to remove the resin of a tree when it has not yet had time to harden.
  3. It is better to clean the Christmas tree in old clothes, which you don’t feel sorry for if something happens and throw it away. You can also put on an old dressing gown or an unnecessary sweater over good clothes.

Having accidentally planted a tar stain, you should not be upset and throw away the contaminated thing. Today, there are enough means and methods to remove tree resin from clothes without residue.

To get a resin stain, it is not necessary to hug pine trees in the forest: it is quite unfortunate enough to take out a fir tree after the New Year holidays, sit down on a fresh pine log at a picnic, or hang things to dry next to the cedars on vacation. Household stains that we encounter daily are not as difficult to remove as removing tar from clothes, so you may simply not have the necessary knowledge. That's exactly what we're going to fix with this step-by-step guide to getting your things back to their original state.

What not to do?

Let's first talk about what not to do: either because it might make the situation worse, or because it is unlikely to help.

  • Do not throw a thing into the washing machine, as if you just stained your clothes with dirt. Resin is not the easiest contamination, and without the help of solvents, neither washing machine nor soaking will help to remove it.
  • Don't rub the stain: this will only help the resin to soak into the structure of the fabric, making it harder for you to clean up the stain. And from light fabrics after such washing, you generally run the risk of not removing the stain completely.
  • When deciding to use non-trivial ways to remove resin at home, such as soda or vegetable oil, do not count on speed and efficiency. Firstly, these methods are mentioned as an option for dealing with the stain left by the resin, and secondly, there are other more effective means for removing stains. To be fair, vegetable oil can actually help loosen tar if the stain is on a non-fibrous surface like leather. And in mind are both the material and your hands. But for cotton, terry cloth, and for synthetics, it has a dubious effect.

Resin tends to harden, so if you want to clean the item without much effort later, try to remove as much resin as possible now.

Removing resin

Wondering how to get tar out of clothes? The secret is that you don't need to wash it! The first step on the path to clean clothes will be the mechanical removal of contamination.

  • It will be easier to remove the contamination, the more resin you can remove before using solvents. Make your job easier by picking off as much resin as possible with a sharp object or, in the absence of anything sharp at hand, with your nails.
  • If you've removed almost all of the resin you can skip this step, but if you still can't see the texture of the fabric through the resin, you need to lower the amount even further. To do this, throw clothes in the freezer for an hour or put something cold on the stain, such as frozen vegetables or meat. After freezing, some more resin can be cleaned by rubbing the stain: the resin should crack and fall off, leaving behind a less intimidating stain.
  • Another mechanical way to remove the resin can be considered as heating the contamination with an iron, so that the resin, having taken on a viscous state, passes to the prepared substrates in the form of a sheet of paper napkins or a strip of cotton fabric. This method is useful if you have already tried both of the previous ones, but there is still a lot of resin left in the structure of the fabric, and if you do not want to remove the stain with solvents from a delicate or dyed fabric. For those who are still going to resort to less sparing methods, this stage is not at all necessary.

To keep dirt from creeping into your clothes while you try to clean it, dust the area around with talcum powder, moisten it with water, or oil it.

We wash the stain

No matter how delicate ways to get rid of resin from pine and other coniferous trees you find on the Internet, their effectiveness and speed of action cannot be compared with the power of solvents. Of course, all of these substances are quite aggressive, and we advise you to try them on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing before flooding the stain with them. But it is they who are able to remove the resin almost instantly and save a lot of time, and in a world with a frantic pace of life, this is quite a valuable property.

Let's start with the product that has the most positive reviews, and this is ordinary alcohol. By soaking a cotton swab or Q-tip in rubbing alcohol and rubbing the stain a little, you can clean your clothes in just a few minutes. But this is if you did not neglect the preparatory stage and removed the maximum amount of resin mechanically. You can try to remove a thick layer of resin with alcohol for days and weeks - that's how important the first stage is. If your pollution is not too old and you did everything according to our instructions, then most likely you will not have to do anything else. In this case, alcohol will have the least destructive effect on the color and structure of the fabric.

What to do with a stain that cannot be washed off with alcohol? More aggressive means that will not stand on ceremony with pollution will help to wipe it off:

  • "White Spirit";
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • refined gasoline;
  • turpentine.

You can even remove the resin with nail polish remover if there is nothing else at hand. True, it is worth mentioning that it will not work to wipe off the stain with ordinary gasoline, which you fill your car with: you just put a new stain on your clothes. In addition, it is better to apply any of these products with a cotton swab, without touching a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, so as not to damage its structure.

Using solvent is the quickest way to clean clothes, but it's worth considering the damage it can potentially cause. If the fabric is too thin, and its paint is not too resistant, it is better to spend more time and remove the stain with alcohol than to cry over an irretrievably damaged thing.

Remove marks and odor

Did you manage to clean the item from the stain, but now there are stains on the clothes, and the smell of the solvent is so persistent that it does not disappear in any way? In order to remove stains and odors, you need to wash the item in a washing machine with the addition of dishwashing detergent or stain remover. You can also use liquid laundry detergents to enhance the effect.

Do not forget about such useful things as air conditioning. You may not normally use it, but after using solvents it can come in handy as it can mask bad odors. After all, it is better to smell the aroma of alpine meadows than to have a train like from an old jacket of an auto repair worker.

It is possible to clean tar from clothes and save your favorite item if you follow this step by step guide. From now on, you will be more careful, but this useful knowledge will always remain with you in case of unforeseen situations.

Coniferous resin often appears on clothes after a good weekend in the woods or a walk in a city park. Do not despair if this substance has been seen on clothes, since removing a stain from any kind of resin is quite simple.

Cleaning things from this substance should be done carefully, since any careless movements can spoil the quality of the fabric, and also only rub the resin deeper into the fibers of the material, and it will not be possible to get it out of there later.

You should immediately start removing it from your clothes, but it is not recommended to grab paper napkins and towels, as they will only work the dirt deeper into the fabric, and this must be avoided at all costs.

The main tool that should be used in this process is a knife, with which the cured resin is easily removed from the fabric. But it is recommended to help her in this difficult matter. To do this, you need to put the thing in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer until the resin hardens.

After that, it will be even easier to remove it, but in most cases, the resin will still leave behind a greasy stain, which will have to be disposed of in other ways. But after the freezer, it is not at all necessary to use a penknife, since you can get rid of the hardened substance with your own hands. It is only required to gently knead the fabric in this place, especially without touching the resin itself.

What can't be used

Fossilized resin is practically impossible to clean, and therefore you should not run things to such a state. It is recommended to know the methods of how to wash the resin of pine and other trees from clothes at home will not work. This is required in order not to make stupid mistakes, after which things will be irrevocably damaged.

It is highly undesirable to throw things with fresh resin into the washing machine, since it can only cope with ordinary dirt, such as dirt, but the resin has its own unique composition that will not allow you to get rid of it so easily. Without the use of solvents, neither soaking nor washing will help get rid of this kind of contamination.

In no case should you rub the resin, because in this case it will only penetrate deeper into the fibers of the fabric and it will be almost impossible to remove it, and therefore you should not take such risks. Resin embedded in the fabric complicates the work of cleaning it, and from light-colored fabrics, such a stain may not disappear at all after cleaning with any of the methods listed below.

It should be understood that if there is no desire to use more aggressive cleaning products, but you want to use more gentle methods, like soaking in oil and soda, you should not hope for a quick result, since this is impossible. It will most likely take many hours, if these methods can help at all.

How to properly prepare

Before applying methods that will help to completely rid the product of any traces left by the resin, it is required to carefully prepare it for these procedures. This can be done by following simple mechanical cleaning steps.

It will be easier to remove the resin from clothes or other surfaces using mechanical action, without using solvents in the first stages. How to do it? using sharp objects. In most cases, you can use a knife for this, but if it is not at hand, you can use your nails to pick off the excess substance.

It is better to oil the areas next to the resinous composition, moisten with water or use talc. This will protect neighboring areas from the spread of this substance to them.

If the structure of the material is still not visible through the resin, more product will need to be removed. To do this, you can again use the freezer. If the product is large enough and does not fit in the refrigerator, then frozen vegetables or other items should be placed on top of the resin. After rubbing the stain afterwards, the resin should crumble into crumbs, making it easy to remove.

A more gentle cleaning method is an iron. It is required to lay out sheets of clean office paper above and below the contamination on the product and iron this place. The resin will begin to take on a more viscous state, and therefore it will spread from the thing to the prepared substrate.

Features of cleaning from different surfaces

Depending on the structure of the material or the surface on which the resin somehow got, the methods of getting rid of it will differ. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with similar recommendations on how to wash resin from various surfaces, since it will be easier to use a method that is adapted to a particular material.


Removing resin from clothes should be done using any available method presented in the article, but first you should figure out what material the product is made of. In this regard, a cleaning method is selected. In order to remove resin from clothes made of synthetic fabrics, it is required to use white spirit; for colored items, it is advisable to select a special stain remover so as not to damage the color of the product; for white materials, you can use any bleaching agent. Do not forget about the mechanical method of cleaning.


Leather and leather clothing is a rather delicate material, from which it is necessary to remove the resin in the most gentle ways. After all, it is impossible to use solvents on a living person: they will leave chemical burns, therefore, when working with any solvents, rubber gloves must be used.

But in this case, a weighty question: how to wipe the resin? A fairly simple, but quite effective way is vegetable oil. It may take a little longer to remove this substance than we would like, but the result is worth it.

You can wash off the resin from the skin with rubber glue. To do this, you need to apply a small amount to the contaminated area, hold it for a few seconds and start rolling it along with the resin, and then wash your hands.

A baby cream also works, but it does not need to be kept for a while. It is cyclically required to repeat the process "applied - erased". You can use citric acid: moisten a cotton pad, apply crystals on it, rub the resin from the edge to the center.


Just like for the skin, you can use vegetable oil. This will also require a fine-toothed comb, but you need to be careful not to pull out the hair. You can also use a piece of ice, with which you want to freeze the resin. Subsequently, it will be easier to remove it with your hands.

Apply mayonnaise or peanut butter to the entire length of contaminated hair, wrap these strands in polyethylene, wait half an hour, and then rinse with water.


Removing the tar compound from wood is most easily accomplished by simply heating the surface. To do this, you can use a regular building hair dryer. Most often, this method is resorted to if it is necessary to remove the resin from the floor, but other surfaces are no exception. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the substance does not boil, and also take into account that it will harden again quickly enough, and therefore you should act not only carefully enough, but also quickly.

Machine and varnish surfaces

Poplar resin from the car must be removed as carefully as possible so as not to damage the varnish coating and paint of the car. The modern market provides a large selection of special tools that will help get rid of contaminants, but you can remove the resin without their help.

It is required to wash the car with plain water so that it does not have excessive dirt and dust, and then prepare a solution from laundry soap dissolved in hot water. With this solution, you need to thoroughly wash the car, and then rub it to a shine with a dry material.

fresh spots

When stains are fresh, they are much easier to remove. This applies to almost any substance, and therefore the resin is no exception, and it does not matter if it is spruce, epoxy or poplar. There are several ways:

  1. Fresh Christmas tree resin can soften in Coca-Cola, and therefore the drink needs to be poured over the stain and left for a third of an hour, and then washed.
  2. Prepare a mixture of a small amount of starch - 2 teaspoons. It is required to add a few drops of ammonia and turpentine to the powder. Apply the resulting slurry to the resin and leave for a while.

You can remove them with a regular dishwashing detergent, and butter or vegetable oil will also help. These are the most gentle means, and therefore it is required to prepare in advance for cleaning things if they have formed this kind of pollution.

Pollution needs to be rubbed with oil, due to which the amorphous substance will become much softer in a quarter of an hour. When the required time has passed, it is required to apply the selected agent to the contamination, leave it in this state for at least half an hour, and then rinse with water at room temperature.

You can use not only vegetable, but also creamy a little, since they are fatty enough to dissolve resinous contaminants. You can also simply pour a certain amount of alcohol on the soiled place and wash it after a third of an hour using laundry soap. This method is suitable both for cleaning leather products and for washing hands from resin.

old stains

Removing old stains requires a more careful approach and understanding which methods are best used in a particular case. Most likely, the most gentle and simple methods are not suitable for cleaning stains of this kind, and therefore you will have to think about how to wipe the resin from resin, pine and other trees.

Pants and other items of clothing made of coarse and dense material can be cleaned using the following substances:

  • acetone;
  • turpentine;
  • gasoline.

To do this, in the selected solution, it is required to moisten a cotton pad and apply it to the contamination for half an hour. Then moisten a new swab or cotton pad again in the same solution and begin to scrub the resin from the material. Subsequently, a normal wash will be required, preferably with a fabric softener to tame the odor.

But if things are made of delicate fabrics, then such an approach is impossible, since such organic solvents can easily corrode the material, which is not required by the person who decided to save it from pollution. Therefore, for such fabrics, the use of laundry or baby soap is required, which rubs the resin stain.

Subsequently, it is required to mix gasoline and soap shavings in equal proportions. In this case, it is worth taking refined gasoline. The resulting mixture must be spread quite tightly on the material, left in this position for about an hour, and then sent to the washing machine.

bitumen stains

Bitumen, also often called tar, can be easily cleaned with vegetable or animal oils from leather items, but in the case of a more complex material that has a clearly defined weave structure, it will take a lot of effort to get rid of the resin because it is quite difficult to do so.

If you want to clean products made from natural fabrics, then you can use any organic solvent: acetone, gasoline or kerosene, as well as use white spirit. The stain is poured with the selected solution and left for several minutes. This time is enough for the resinous substance to become much softer, and therefore later you can take a cotton swab, moisten it in the same agent and continue to wipe the resin from your clothes.

Synthetic products require more delicate handling, and therefore are less likely to be salvaged, since it is impossible to guarantee the effectiveness of cleaning: a caustic solvent can damage not only the resin, but also the fabric fibers themselves. You can try to remove contamination using the same substances, but you should first test them on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric to check the reaction of the material to this substance.

Epoxy stains

What can dissolve and wash epoxy resin? For her, there are a lot of special solvents that are designed specifically for this type of resin. This happened due to the fact that epoxy resin is often used to create jewelry, decor items and other inventions, and is often used in the home.

Because of this, there are many cases when this material is not quite in the places where it should be, and therefore it is somehow required to deal with it at home, because the manufacturers took care of this in advance and prepared a line of products for cleaning things from such contamination. kind.

Most likely, clothes can be saved even at home if this substance has got on it. It is required to initially prepare the product for cleaning by mechanical processing. This can be done using a spatula or knife.

The remaining material can then be removed with acetone or alcohol products. Any selected substance must be poured onto the contamination, left for a quarter of an hour, and then try to wipe off the contamination with a swab that has previously been soaked in the same substance.

How to remove stains and smell

After the methods listed above, the resin itself could completely disappear from clothes and other surfaces, but the stain from it remains in most cases, and therefore it will not work to rejoice ahead of time.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can only be used if the products have light colors, since this substance is a bleach. Divorces need to be moistened with a substance, and then moistened in a soda solution. After washing, the dirt should disappear.

soda and salt

In this case, you need to purchase soda ash, not baking soda. It is recommended to mix the ingredients in equal proportions, and then rub the resulting powder into a pre-moistened cloth at the places of stains. After half an hour of diligence, it is required to soak the products in water with the addition of a small amount of washing powder.


To use this method, you will need to use not a ready-made sauce, but a powder, which should be diluted with high temperature water to the desired consistency. You should get a paste that needs to be applied to the pollution as soon as it cools.

In a similar state, the products should be up to a quarter of an hour, and then, together with the cleanser used, they will go into a soapy solution prepared with washing powder. Wash after an hour of soaking.

The hardened resin on the pine should remain on the pine, and therefore, no matter how strong the love for nature is, you should not provoke the appearance of stains of this kind on clothes so that you do not have to subsequently make a lot of effort to remove them.

Updated: 10/10/2018

You can get dirty in resin during a picnic or a walk, leaning against a coniferous tree. It happens that clothes get dirty during repair work. The spots have a complex structure, so they are difficult to remove. However, you can remove resin from clothes even at home, without going to dry cleaners.

First of all, it is worth understanding what resin is. This is the name of a group of substances that are solid under normal conditions, but become fluid when slightly heated. There are natural or artificial origin.

Coniferous trees (spruce, pine) secrete natural resin or resin, which is why you can often find spots on jackets and trousers after a walk in the forest. Artificial origin is used in the repair of various things.

To remove pine resin from clothes, use mechanical, physical and chemical methods. Thus, in order to work, you may need:

  • plastic or wooden spatulas;
  • freezer and heat treatment iron;
  • organic solvents (acetone, gasoline, alcohol).

In addition, you will need a supply of paper towels or clean white cotton rags, cotton pads and laundry detergent.


Before cleaning clothes from traces of wood or synthetic resin, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation.

To start, use mechanical method, that is, they try to remove the largest amount of resin from the fabric by simply scraping off the substance. To perform this work, plastic or wooden spatulas are used.

You can also use a spoon or try scraping off the resin with the blunt side of a knife. But you need to clean as carefully as possible so as not to damage the fabric and rub dirt even deeper into the fibers.

Do not attempt to mechanically remove dirt from a silk dress or thin knit T-shirt, as delicate fabrics are easily damaged and / or stretched.

Further, it is recommended to use physical methods, affecting the place of contamination with temperature. If you need to remove the stain from the jeans, then the pants are packed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for at least an hour and a half.

During this time, the resin will freeze and become more brittle. If the fabric is wrinkled, then the film will crack and crumble into small fragments, it remains just to clean it off with a brush.

Advice! If the soiled item is too large and cannot be put in the freezer, then you need to process the contaminated area from the wrong side with ice cubes.

And you can also try to get rid of with high temperature methods:

  • put on the stain and under it porous paper folded in 2-3 layers or a clean white cotton cloth;
  • iron several times;
  • periodically change the paper (fabric), as melting resin will be absorbed into it;
  • wash the place of contamination using laundry soap.

However, even after removing the main layer of resin from the clothes, a noticeable mark still remains on the fabric. Organic solvents are used to remove it.

Rules for preparing for work:

  • thoroughly clean the thing with a brush from dust, this will avoid the formation of dirty smudges;
  • if a coat or jacket is soiled, then you need to tear off the lining in order to process the directly contaminated fabric;
  • a piece of clothing should be placed over a piece of plastic or a plank wrapped several times with a white cotton cloth or paper towels;
  • it is recommended to moisten the fabric surrounding the stain with water and sprinkle with starch or talc to prevent “spreading”.

Fresh resin stains

If the stain is fresh and has not yet had time to dry and harden, then it will be easier to wipe it off. Gentle methods will help.

A fresh trace of resin on clothes can be removed with dish gel and oil:

  • rub the soiled area with vegetable oil, this will soften the resin contamination;
  • after fifteen to twenty minutes, apply a thick dishwashing gel to the area to be treated;
  • Wash off with warm water after half an hour.

Another cleaning method:

  • rub the stain with oil, you can use vegetable or creamy. Fatty substances will help dissolve tar pollution;
  • then pour alcohol on the stained place, and after fifteen minutes wash the stain with laundry soap. This method is especially recommended for leather items.

old tar stains

If it was not possible to immediately remove the pollution, then simple cleaning methods are unlikely to help. More aggressive substances will be required - gasoline, turpentine, acetone. Procedure:

  • moisten a cotton swab in an organic solvent;
  • put it on the soiled place;
  • half an hour later, with another swab dipped in solvent, begin to scrub the stain;
  • Next things need to be washed.

Using the method described above, you can clean the jeans from the resin, if the stained item is made of delicate fabric, then you should choose a more gentle stain removal method. Procedure:

  • grate laundry or baby soap;
  • combine and grind chips with an equal volume of refined gasoline;
  • apply the mixture thickly on the stain;
  • after one hour, rinse and wash.

Another cleaning method:

  • mix half a teaspoon of turpentine and ammonia;
  • add starch to the resulting solution so that a thick “paste” is obtained;
  • apply the mixture to the stain;
  • after an hour, shake off the starch and wash the thing.

bitumen stains

Bitumen or tar is used in road construction and roofing. From leather items, stains are easily cleaned with vegetable oil, and it is more difficult to clean denim trousers or other clothes from such contamination.

Natural dense fabrics are cleaned of bitumen with gasoline, acetone or white spirit. The liquid is poured onto the stain, and after a few minutes, when the resinous substances soften, it will be possible to wipe off the dirt with a cotton swab.

But things made of synthetics are more difficult to save. A good result cannot be guaranteed, since substances that dissolve bitumen can also dissolve fabric fibers.

You can try to remove the stain with the same substances that are used for natural fabrics. But you should be prepared for the fact that you can spoil the product, an indelible light spot or hole will appear on the fabric.

Epoxy stains

Epoxy resin is used to bond various materials. The appearance of stains from epoxy is an unpleasant case, but clothes, most likely, can be saved. First of all, you need to mechanically remove the hardened resin layer with a spatula or spoon.

Residual resin is removed using acetone-based solvents or alcohol. The liquid is poured onto a contaminated place, kept for fifteen minutes. Then, with a swab dipped in the same solvent, you need to try to wash the stain.

We remove stains and smell after cleaning

After using benzine and thinner, tar stains disappear, but streaks may remain on the fabric. In addition, the item may have a strong odor. Normal washing in the machine will most likely not help to remove the effects of stain control. First, you should process the item in one of the ways suggested below.


You will need not ready-made seasoning, but mustard powder.

  • dilute mustard powder with boiling water to a paste consistency;
  • when the mass has cooled, apply it to the places of pollution;
  • after fifteen minutes, soak the item in a solution of washing powder without washing off the mustard;
  • after an hour of soaking, wash clothes.

Soda with salt

To clean clothes, use finely ground salt and washing (soda ash).

  • mix equal volumes of fine salt and soda;
  • moisten the stains with water and sprinkle them with the prepared mixture, lightly rubbing it into the fabric;
  • after half an hour, soak the thing in a solution of washing powder, after an hour - wash it.


This method is only suitable for light things. With a cotton swab, abundantly dipped in a peroxide solution, we erase stains from the fabric. Then we soak the clothes in a solution of soda ash. Then put in the washing machine, the stains should be washed off.

We remove the smell

If a slight smell of gasoline is still felt, then the following treatment is recommended:

  • wash the item in the machine by adding a fragranced conditioner not only to a special compartment, but also to the powder compartment;
  • repeat the rinse program using the conditioner;
  • air dry the item.

Resin stains from fabric are not easy to remove, but do not despair. Use our tips, and you can return the soiled clothes to a presentable look.