How to celebrate your wedding anniversary? Ideas on how to celebrate your wedding anniversary. How to celebrate your first wedding anniversary

A wedding anniversary is an important event in life, an excellent reason to celebrate. There are many options for carrying it out. It could be a magnificent feast, a romantic evening for two, or walks under the moonlight. The main thing is to understand your desires and organize a holiday in accordance with them.

You can go the traditional route - organize a feast at home, invite relatives and friends to a dinner party, or celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant. If you don’t want additional hassle, you should give preference to a restaurant or cafe. All you have to do is have fun, accept gifts and congratulations. If organizing a holiday is not a problem for you, and you like to cook, you can arrange everything at home. Decorate the room in accordance with the theme, hire a professional photographer, think of interesting outfits.

You can celebrate your anniversary in an original and unusual way.

How to spend this day so that it is remembered for a long time?

1. Remarriage.

If you don’t want to spend this day in traditional ways, you can arrange a holiday in an unusual form. Organize a repeat ceremony exactly as on your wedding day - all the same guests, witnesses, costumes. Registry office workers, as a rule, go to the meeting and help arrange the wedding again. Shouts of “bitter”, congratulations, white doves, gifts will bring the newlyweds back to their real wedding day and allow them to relive that exciting happy day.

2. Let's repeat it again, but in a different way.

Perhaps during this time your attitude towards the wedding ceremony has changed somewhat. In this case, everything can be organized differently. Are you leaning towards a different dress, format and ceremony location? Anything is possible on your anniversary! You can repeat the ceremony again in a completely new format and even in a comic form.

3. In a playful way with children.

This option is great for couples with children. You can visit any entertainment center - bowling, water park, paintball, attractions and other establishments. When choosing a place, you need to focus on the age of the children and, of course, your preferences.

4. Romantic anniversary.

A good idea for people who have retained tender feelings for each other is a romantic evening. To celebrate an anniversary in this way, you don’t need a limousine, guests, outfits, or a luxurious table. An intimate evening with candles and music in a comfortable environment is the most romantic anniversary.

5. Watch a happy love story.

Make a movie about your love story and watch it with your friends on your anniversary. To create a film, you will have to order the services of a camera operator. Let him assemble your life into one story. Provide him with photos of you together, tell him about your story, go to places where you often spend time together.

You can watch a movie about love with friends, family or as a couple. It is very interesting to view such pictures after a few, ten or even twenty years.

6. First date.

If you want to celebrate your anniversary together, without friends and guests, you can repeat your first date again. Remember how your relationship began. This could be dinner in a cafe, restaurant, or a walk in the park.

You can organize everything in a slightly different format, but in this case one of the spouses will have to take the initiative into their own hands. He must come up with puzzles, and the other must solve them in order to find out the meeting place.

7. For adrenaline lovers.

Family always comes with certain risks. Nobody knows how events will develop further between two loving people. So how about celebrating this event in an extreme way? This could be paragliding, parachute jumping, kayaking and much more.

8. Dreams come true.

If you have common dreams, your wedding anniversary is the perfect occasion to make them come true. The format of the holiday depends on what exactly you dream about. Perhaps you have long wanted to buy some equipment, a car, visit interesting places, or simply join a gym or ride a roller coaster. Let your dream come true from this day on!

9. Rest and relaxation.

If you work a lot, perhaps on your anniversary you should just have a good rest together, without unnecessary worries and fuss. You can go to the bathhouse, sauna, or have relaxing joint treatments.

You can go on a hike together with an overnight stay, a campfire, and fishing. This is fresh air, romance, the pleasure of communicating with your soulmate. But it’s worth thinking through everything in advance and preparing insect repellents.

10. Travel on the nearest train.

If you are absent-minded and don’t know how to spend the holiday, go on a trip together by buying two tickets for the nearest train. This way you can find yourself in an unfamiliar place and find many adventures that you will remember for a long time.

There are many options for how to celebrate your anniversary. You can change the decor in your apartment or house for this day, go on a long journey, and time this event to coincide with the holiday. And, of course, it’s worth preparing a gift for your other half. It doesn’t have to be something expensive; it is advisable that the gift reflects feelings and attitude towards your loved one.

Wedding anniversary: ​​10 years together

Rules for celebrating a tin wedding

A tin wedding is usually celebrated on a grand scale. Be sure to include in the list of invitees the same people who were present at your wedding ten years ago - as well as the witnesses to the wedding. Typically, the tenth anniversary is celebrated in restaurants, cafes and banquet halls, freeing the woman from worries about preparing the holiday and cleaning up after it.

On the tenth wedding day, you need to follow a pink theme in everything: a dress for the celebration, flowers in your hair, a new tablecloth, pink sauces, pink fish, pink wine, and so on.

There are many ways to celebrate a tin wedding with a little creativity. According to ancient traditions, on this day spouses should exchange gifts that are expensive and important to both of them. Also, the husband must give his beloved 11 roses - ten red and one white. Red flowers will symbolize years spent in love, and a white rose will personify hope for a long and happy life together. At the end of the celebration, tradition instructs the spouses to spend the night on a bed that is strewn with rose petals given to them that day.

Ways to Celebrate a Tin Wedding Anniversary

If celebrating your first wedding still makes your teeth ache, don't have a big ceremony. You don’t necessarily have to gather all your relatives at the table and remember everyone who had the honor of being present at your wedding ten years ago. Come up with your own rituals and traditions, spend this day together, devoting it to joyful, romantic and pleasant events. This way you will lay a solid foundation in the perception of your children, who in the future will perceive such dates not as an obligation, but as something very personal and in some way sacred.

Original ways to celebrate

You can surprise your partner by booking a room in an expensive restaurant without his knowledge and inviting your closest relatives/friends there. Most likely, your other half will be pleasantly surprised, but still try to gently ask her what plans she has for that day. It will be awkward if your partner is preparing a similar surprise for you.

Ideally, you should agree among yourself in advance about the location of the anniversary and discuss the list of invited guests so that no one is left disappointed

What to give to friends for a tin wedding?

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Regardless of where you decide to hold your tin wedding day, remember: it must be festive. It is not necessary to set off fireworks and break glasses for good luck. Visit the theater, a concert of your favorite performer, wander the streets at night, remembering all the bright moments that life has given you. It is important that you devote this day to those things that bring pleasure to both of you.

An original way to spend a tin wedding day would be a short honeymoon. Take a vacation and spend your honeymoon in some quiet tourist paradise, away from work, city bustle and crying children. Rent a room in a cozy hotel, order dinner and good alcohol - this is an excellent alternative to monotonous toasts from drunk guests, gifts that have nowhere to put, as well as large expenses for food and drink.

Tin wedding

Gifts for a tin wedding

The choice of gifts for the tenth wedding anniversary is limited by nothing but your imagination. The only obligatory gift is a bouquet of roses, which will most likely be given by every guest of your celebration. Decorative vases, figurines, tapestries, paintings, bed linen, and home appliances are also considered traditional gifts for a tin wedding.

On this day, spouses can give each other beautiful tin rings - this custom was relevant in the old days and will probably remain so for a very long time. An excellent solution would be rings with a memorable engraving on their inside: write there the date of the tin wedding, a declaration of love or the name of a loved one.

In the future, you can develop this tradition by giving rings made of different metals for each anniversary, which will be suitable for steel, crystal, nickel, agate, sapphire, silver and gold weddings

If you are going to the tin anniversary of your friends or relatives, gift them a small sculpture made of pink marble or a decorative figurine made of pink gemstone or wood. No less impressive and original gifts will be elegant candlesticks, a miniature fountain, an expensive mantel clock or artificial trees with leaves made of various gems.

What to give for a tin wedding

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Few people know where the name of the wedding comes from - tin. It is known that the metal of this anniversary is very soft and can be melted at very low temperatures. That's why it is used to attach parts to each other. So in the life of a family, after spending ten years together, the spouses are getting used to each other and are firmly “soldered” to each other by marriage. Their relationship reaches maximum stability this year. Couples approach the ten-year mark as a mature, full-fledged family. And living with each other for these ten years, people truly become close. Most often, they even stop thinking about the very possibility of divorce.

This is also called pink, so it is logical to assume that the color pink should be present in full on this anniversary. Pink color is a symbol of passion, love and devotion. On this day, men present roses to their significant other, saying that not a single delicate flower can compare with the lips of their beloved woman. In addition, you can decorate the bed in the bedroom with pink petals and add drops of rose oil to a warm bath to awaken sensuality with an intoxicating aroma.

No woman can resist this gift.

How can you celebrate such a wedding and what gift should you give?

The French have a saying that goes like this: “Memory has good taste.” It should be remembered not only when celebrating a tin wedding, but also at other special events. When buying a gift for your significant other, the main thing is to think about the emotions that your spouse will receive, and not count the amount of money spent on it. Gifts can be tin soldiers and a dancer made of the same metal with a pink tutu, beautiful bed linen or spoons made of tin.

Any gift is designed only to strengthen relationships and add warmth to your family union.

It is also necessary to take care in advance of the place where the celebration of such an anniversary will take place. You can take a tour of your wedding venues. Visit all the city attractions you were near ten years ago. To make your memories come true, you can relive your honeymoon dreams - a private date in a small restaurant, a night walk along dark and narrow streets. If the day of celebration falls on vacation, try to watch the sunrise with your loved one. By noting in this way, you will avoid such banal things as constantly listening to similar toasts, preparing treats all day for an event. It’s better to dedicate this day to yourself and your significant other. And to add the most romanticism, you can buy tin rings and engrave words that are meaningful to you on them.

A wedding is a touching and joyful event in a person’s life. As the years pass, the family celebrates not the wedding day, but the wedding anniversary. Each year has its own name and celebration traditions.

The first anniversary of the wedding feast is a chintz anniversary, and it is customary to give items made of chintz, such as a scarf or tablecloth. Five years from the date of marriage - a wooden wedding, 6 years - a cast iron anniversary.

Cast iron

The name “cast iron wedding” is not accidental: cast iron processing is similar to family relationships, which are framed by different emotions every year, making the family more united and inseparable. At the same time, six years is a period when spouses rethink their attitude towards each other. Fatigue has already accumulated, perhaps disappointment in the partner, and therefore relationships - even strong in appearance, like cast iron - are in fact very fragile, just like this metal, which is known for its ability to break easily and crack from the slightest blow.

Gifts for a cast iron wedding

Few people remember, but there is a whole tradition of how and what to give on such an anniversary. For example, it is inappropriate for friends to bring utensils into the house - the young housewife may be offended, and therefore they need to give symbolic gifts. In the old days, their choice was limited, and most often gifts were made by hand. Hand-chased household items were often presented as gifts; this was considered good manners. Gifts included vases, figurines, boxes and even accessories for a cast iron desk.

Of course, now the choice of gifts is represented by a number of different items. As a rule, people try to give things with a hint, because they are more a symbol than a household item.

Friends can give you a frying pan, playfully decorated: cast iron, fun, and useful around the house. If a married couple has a country house or dacha, you can give chic wrought-iron interior items or openwork designer grates for the fireplace. A cast photo frame of an unusual shape can also become a home decoration, and to make family life happy, you can present the newlyweds with a horseshoe made of cast iron, because it will be a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

An interesting gift would be rings made of cast iron for husband and wife; this will become a symbolic reminder of their wedding day and strong family ties.

Giving things for the household is the prerogative of parents. So they can present any household item for everyday use. And this will not be considered trivial, because such a gift has long been considered a symbol of strengthening family relationships. A woman should certainly give to a woman - “in order to strengthen the hearth and show mercy,” as they used to say.

Celebrating a wedding anniversary came to Slavic culture from medieval Germany. In most countries, only 3 anniversaries of marriage are solemnly celebrated: Silver, Gold and Diamond.

In Eastern Europe, the tradition of celebrating a marriage anniversary with a magnificent banquet and gifts is associated with numerology.

If you believe the magic of numbers, the date of starting a family in years divisible by 4 should be celebrated on a large scale, inviting friends to the house.

It is up to the couple to decide whether to celebrate the date magnificently or at home. But there are traditions that will be interesting to get acquainted with

Numerologists recommend celebrating the anniversary of spouses entering into a legal relationship after 5, 11, 22 or 33 years of married life with more restraint. There is no need to invite guests into the house; it is better to celebrate in a close circle.

In general, how to celebrate a wedding anniversary is a matter for the “newlyweds,” who can create individual family traditions and adhere to them throughout their lives.

What types of weddings are there by year? In post-Soviet countries there are many names for wedding anniversaries, sometimes they overlap. The most common dates for the first 10 years of marriage lived together are:

  1. Calico.
  2. Cotton.
  3. Leather.
  4. Linen.
  5. Wooden.
  6. Cast iron.
  7. Woolen.
  8. Tin or Poppy.
  9. Earthenware.
  10. Tin.

The list does not end here, because there are various wedding anniversaries, and their names are symbolic and also have a secret meaning.

1 year of marriage - chintz wedding

After the first major anniversary, there are 11-year-old Steel Wedding, 12-year-old Nickel, 13-year-old Lace, 14-year-old Agate, 15-year-old Crystal. 16 years from the wedding day are usually not celebrated; after 17 years of marriage, the date is usually called Pink, 18 years - Turquoise, 19 - Garnet. The 20th anniversary for husband and wife is called the Porcelain Wedding. Having lived together for 21 years, the couple celebrates the Opal wedding, followed by Bronze (22 years of marriage), Beryl (23 years) and Satin (24 years of marriage).

Ruby wedding - the deadline that only a few will reach

The first big anniversary of starting a family is the 25th anniversary of marriage, the Silver Wedding. The following solemn dates of wedding anniversaries have the following names:

  • 26 - Jade;
  • 27 - Mahogany;
  • 28 — Orchid Day;
  • 29 - Velvet;
  • 30 - Pearl;
  • 31 - Solar;
  • 32 - Copper;
  • 33 - Stone or Strawberry wedding anniversary;
  • 34 - Amber;
  • 35 - Coral;
  • 36 – Bone china wedding;
  • 37 - Muslin;
  • 38 - Mercury;
  • 39 - Crepe;
  • 40 — .

Further anniversaries are not celebrated every year. It is believed that after the 42nd wedding anniversary, the Mother of Pearl date begins, and after 43, the Flannel date. For more information about organizing anniversaries, watch this video:

It is customary to celebrate the 44th anniversary of marriage - the Topaz anniversary - and the 45th anniversary - the Sapphire anniversary. After 46 years comes the wedding, which is called Lavender. After 47 years, they celebrate the Cashmere wedding, 48 - the Amethyst wedding, 49 - the Cedar wedding, and finally, having lived in family ties for 50 years, you can celebrate the Golden Jubilee.

Gifts for anniversaries in the first 10 years of marriage

Based on how wedding anniversaries are called, it is customary to give appropriate gifts to the “newlyweds”.

For example, in the 1st Calico year of marriage, parents and friends have the right to present a young married couple with various textile items.

It is symbolic if the latter are made of chintz, although this is not necessary. On the first anniversary, a set of bed linen, towels, and decorative items for the home would be an appropriate gift.

Things made of chintz will be worn

If you are going to keep track of all the dates and congratulate your significant other on their marriage anniversary, you will need a table that will mark all the wedding anniversaries. You can make it yourself by marking the main dates and decorating the product with beautiful designs.

Thus, having decided to celebrate the wedding anniversary year by year, a good husband will never forget that for the upcoming Sapphire or other “precious” wedding he should give his wife a piece of jewelry.

Such a list will help you remember the right gifts for friends and relatives and send timely congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your parents.

Tin utensils given as a gift for the 8th anniversary will please any housewife.

Often, on different wedding dates they give:

  1. 2 years - cotton products. By the way, these can be children's things if a new addition is expected in a young family.
  2. 3 years – leather goods, such as jewelry and accessories.
  3. 4 years - linen tablecloths and other household items made of fabric.
  4. 5 years - wooden gifts or symbolic topiary - compositions in flower pots in the form of a tree, decorated with banknotes, hearts or other decorative elements.
  5. 6 years - cast iron dishes, such as pots, frying pans, ducklings.
  6. 7 years - the name of this date suggests that husband and wife should give each other woolen items. These can be hand-knitted scarves, sweaters and mittens.
  7. 8 years - this year relationships are renewed and sparkle like a new tin can. Therefore, on this anniversary, the “young” are given shiny dishes.
  8. 9 years - a year before the big date, the relationship between lovers can crack, just like the fragile material earthenware. That is why, when choosing a gift for a married couple, you should take into account the names of weddings by year. On the occasion of the 9th anniversary, it would be appropriate to present a tea set or figurine as a gift.
  9. 10 years - this anniversary chose tin as its metal, which, as is known, is flexible. This is symbolic, because a man and a woman, having been married for 10 years, have probably acquired this property. On the holiday, they are presented with candlesticks and glass holders, glasses and cutlery. For an example of congratulations, see this video:

Original ideas for gifts for the newlyweds

For those who strive for originality and find it difficult to decide on a wedding anniversary gift, they will help you choose a name by year. On the 17th anniversary,

Pink anniversary, it is better to stop at a floral surprise and present luxurious pink roses to the heroes of the occasion.

For 20 years of marriage, it would be appropriate to give a porcelain set, but for those who want to distinguish themselves and go beyond stereotypes, you can pay attention to dolls, figurines or other products made from fragile Chinese material. These can be vases with rare paintings, boxes and piggy banks, Venetian masks, clocks, decorative fountains, lamps and photo frames.

On the day of a pink wedding, a man must please his wife with a luxurious bouquet

If your wedding anniversary is taking place in a restaurant, you can ask guests to dress in the same color scheme and thus create a special party. For those who don’t know what to give on the occasion of a celebration, imagination will help. Again, start from the material of the date, according to the exoteric science of numerology. If a Pearl Wedding is coming up, think about what is made from pearls.

In addition to traditional jewelry, river, sea and cultured pearls of various shades are used to decorate figurines, boxes and items of clothing.

The future gives room for experimentation. Many things are made from this material that can make excellent anniversary gifts. You can choose paintings, icons, candlesticks and boxes from petrified resin.

Each anniversary name allows for improvisation and surprise. It would seem that on Orchid Day, 28 years after the wedding, it is enough to come to a banquet with flowers. But even here you can be creative and organize an organized photo session in a botanical garden among a variety of living plants, including orchids.

It is not necessary to give spouses items made of amber for the amber anniversary; you can organize an interesting trip for them with a visit to the amber exhibition

Coral is characterized by magical, healing properties, so on a wedding day 35 years after registration, bracelets can be a wonderful gift for the elderly heroes of the occasion.

They not only play the role of decorations, but also normalize blood pressure, improve the general well-being of older people, lower blood sugar, normalize protein metabolism, restore muscles and improve digestion.

For those whose parents have lived together for 35 years, it would be appropriate to present coral amulets with photographs of their children or grandchildren as a gift. They will simultaneously remind you of the care of your descendants and have a positive effect on the body, prolonging youth.

Forbidden gifts for an anniversary

Few people pay attention to this, but there are a number of taboos.

Giving even the most beautiful knives for a wedding anniversary is a bad omen

Gifts that should not be given on the occasion of anniversaries and that have a bad meaning:

  1. Handkerchief. It symbolizes tears and separation in longing for a loved one.
  2. Knives and scissors. These items are associated with edged weapons and accumulate negative, destructive energy.
  3. Watch. Such a gift may entail separation for a long time or forever.
  4. Books. Such gifts can lead to adultery.
  5. Dishes. Despite the fairly common presentation option made of porcelain, earthenware and various metals, sets cannot be given empty. You should put a sweet or a bill inside the teapot, teapot or butter dish.
  6. Medical drugs and devices. Naturally, even for “newlyweds” of advanced age, this will not be a pleasant surprise, rather the opposite. You can buy a tonometer for your grandmother for no reason, but not as a gift, because it will remind you of illnesses and spoil your mood. Nobody needs a 50th wedding like that. Anniversaries are meant to bring joy and open a second wind, to instill love for life and your soulmate.

When choosing a gift, remember the name of the wedding and think about what the “groom” and “bride” will be pleased to receive.

Don't forget about things they don't like or bring up bad memories.

It is better to avoid bouquets of roses if there is some sad story associated with them. Individual approach and attention are the best things you can give on your anniversary.

Separate gift prohibitions apply to used items and items. A wedding, even if the marriage took place 10 years ago, has the main goal of creating a new unit of society. And years later, you can’t give her old things with history. An exception may be antiques, which are given to connoisseurs of such curiosities. In other cases, a used one will be inappropriate and tactless. In addition, products that belong to other owners have a special energy, and not always positive. For more information about anniversary gifts, watch this video:

Depending on what kind of wedding is coming up for the spouses, they themselves usually prepare sweet little things and souvenirs for each other.

Pearls are a bad gift idea from your husband.

Touching congratulations and games for the “young”

Living in a world of technology and gadgets, we must not forget about heartfelt messages on the day of the wedding date via SMS.

Smartphone owners can send poems, songs and postcards, funny notes, sensual SMS or riddles to their loved ones.

By the way, quest games are in fashion today, and young couples can take advantage of this to congratulate their other half.

Quests with treasure hunts and unraveling secrets are becoming a good tradition for the original celebration

If you don't know how to celebrate your anniversary after 5, 10 or 15 years of marriage, take the risk of going on a treasure hunt. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary can be sent to your husband via SMS, which will also include a dynamic task for your husband.

The treasure, of course, will be the “bride” herself.

It is best to expand the geography of the game to your hometown. Here are the places for wedding quests:

  • where husband and wife first met;
  • where their first kiss happened;
  • where the “young” made their first joint purchase;
  • where the groom proposed marriage to the bride;
  • where the couple experienced an exciting adventure.

To these locations, scattered throughout the locality, you can add funny points that will receive signals via SMS from the leader of the quest game. This could be a friend, a close relative, or even a child of a married couple. Read more about interesting examples of quests in this video:

Here are examples of fun tasks, places from which the husband and wife will need to find:

  • the first garbage container that housed a young family's waste bags;
  • the step on which the “groom” stumbled while rushing to his 23rd date with his beloved;
  • the store where the “bride” bought socks for her future husband on their first joint Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • a restaurant where the “young” once overindulged in Georgian wine on their mother-in-law’s birthday.

If you don’t limit your imagination, you can come up with a million such tasks, ensuring a fun celebration.

Spouses who have come a long way in life will find it incredibly interesting to immerse themselves in thoughts of their youth and run around the city looking for clues.

The lovers will receive the first point on the route via SMS, and further instructions will be found in the above locations. At the end of the game, the spouses will meet by chance at their favorite restaurant, where a romantic dinner will be organized for them. Weddings can be fun, luxurious and modest.

A romantic dinner for two is a wonderful end to the quest

If the “newlyweds” go through life hand in hand with friends and relatives, then they should be invited to the restaurant too. A lively company will help you celebrate the banquet at the highest level and record the festivities on camera for posterity.

Important dates after the Golden Wedding

Stormy youth passes sooner or later. Married couples who lived to see the Golden Wedding should be given maximum attention on this holiday: young people should follow their example, they should learn wisdom and patience.

Based on how many years after the first 50 years the happy spouses lived as a family, several more important anniversaries are distinguished.

These wedding anniversary names include:

  • Emerald (55 years of marriage);
  • Diamond (60 years old);
  • Iron (65);
  • Gracious (70);
  • Crown (75);
  • Dubovaya (80);
  • Granite (90);
  • Platinum or Heavenly (100 years of marriage).

Everyone who celebrates such a date is worthy of respect, because not everyone is given a long life. It is not uncommon for such significant wedding anniversaries to be remembered and celebrated by widows or widowers alone. Are gifts appropriate on such occasions?

It’s difficult to answer, because everyone experiences age-related changes differently. Some people at 90 are still involved in sports and can give young people a head start, while others don’t feel well after 65.

If the couple is celebrating a big wedding anniversary, it would be appropriate to exchange jewelry that symbolizes a strong connection and love.

Such gifts are not given by strangers; lovers receive precious stones and jewelry only from each other.

Gifts from children

On the anniversary day of marriage registration for the “groom” and “bride”, a wonderful gift from children and grandchildren will be a video film made from photographs mounted on a computer. It will allow you to remember the brightest moments of life, acquaintances, the birth of children, travel, the birth of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as other situations.

The main thing is that they are imbued with positivity and give pleasant emotions, and do not make the no longer young heroes of the holiday worry and worry.

If the respectable spouses still lead an active lifestyle, they can be sent on a trip, for example, on a relaxing sea cruise.

A romantic trip is the best gift for elderly parents

The birthday of a new family is the most important event that should be remembered until the end of days. Someday the celebration will be held on a grand scale, and sometime it will be modest and without guests.

The anniversaries of all weddings according to the years lived under one roof cannot be ignored.

This event often makes you pacify aggression, forget about quarrels and turn your thoughts to good events, joint achievement of goals and overcoming obstacles. These are the things that, even after many years, help lovers stay close and continue their journey hand in hand.

A wedding anniversary is a truly significant holiday for any couple. Celebration options are almost limitless, but they are all united by a single goal - to spend time with your loved one and fill the day with wonderful, memorable emotions. In general, you can either celebrate this date differently every year, or start a tradition for the first time, which you can then continue and develop throughout your life together.

How to celebrate a date together with your husband?

Of course, the most obvious option is to celebrate your wedding anniversary with just the two of you and your significant other. At home, you can organize a romantic dinner, not forgetting to decorate the apartment with lit candles, photographs, flickering garlands and other festive interior details. If possible, it is better to go to a restaurant. Beautiful appearance, new furnishings, exquisite dinner, pleasant music - all this very refreshes the senses. You should end the evening with a walk around the falling asleep city and heart-to-heart conversations.

A celebration outside the usual walls in a travel format will be unusual, but truly memorable. The ideal solution would be to go for a weekend to a sanatorium, a modern health complex, a neighboring city or even abroad. The trip will definitely fill the young people with bright emotions, happy moments and even mark the beginning of a new tradition. Extreme spouses will definitely be delighted with the idea of ​​skydiving together, especially if neither of them has done this before. In addition, you can test yourself together in a rope park or go to the mountains, take a diving class or stand on a surfboard, go rafting or go hiking.

Any joint master class will delight the newlyweds; fortunately, today there are a huge number of variations of such leisure activities. A husband and wife will be able to go sculpt with clay, cook foreign delicacies, taste wines or paint with watercolors.

Another pleasant tradition can be a joint photo shoot. If, year after year, on the same day, the family goes to a professional photographer and takes high-quality photographs, then it will be possible to create an album that allows you to trace how the lovers have changed and remember what this or that year was memorable for. Instead of photos, however, you can choose a video and take advantage of the work of a videographer and film your own love story. We must not forget about gifts. They must be personal and meaningful, connected either with something romantic and allowing them to be used together, or in accordance with the interests of the other half. A touching idea would be to write letters of love or vows of fidelity to each other.

The idea of ​​replaying the wedding looks a little expensive, but amazing, especially if it initially didn’t go the way you wanted. This time, you can choose a different venue, change the menu, perhaps experiment creatively with outfits, and most importantly, invite not all your relatives and colleagues from work, but only your closest people. Some couples have several weddings in order to realize all the ideas that arise and not worry about missed opportunities. The idea of ​​recreating a first date looks romantic - going to where it all just began and remembering the past months. Good weather will also allow you to have a picnic outdoors.

Surprisingly, food in such conditions always tastes better, and the atmosphere is conducive to romance.

Other interesting solutions include horseback riding or a spontaneous trip on the nearest train. All you have to do is come to the station, buy tickets and go explore the city you happen to find. It is worth adding that A wedding anniversary is the time when you need to make your dreams come true, even the strangest ones. For example, if the start of the desired renovation has been delayed for a long time, then on this day it’s time to tear off the old wallpaper and go to Ikea to explore. You can buy a car or go to a driving school, get a pet or visit an unusual place.

The main thing is that both husband and wife enjoy themselves. If the year has been difficult and severe fatigue has accumulated, then perhaps it is much more appropriate to order a few rounds of pizza, crawl into bed and binge-watch the new season of your favorite TV series.

In Russia there are many traditions and customs dedicated to different anniversaries, so it is quite possible to study the experience of ancestors and implement various rituals. For example, the first year of marriage ends with a chintz wedding. It is better to celebrate such a holiday somewhere in nature, in a country house or in a rented house. All nearby trees are decorated with chintz fabrics, scarves or lace, as well as traditional helium balloons. Instead of a tablecloth, a chintz piece of fabric decorated with beads, buttons and bows is also suitable.

According to tradition, the housewife embroiders either clothes for herself and her husband or a tablecloth for this holiday. Of course, in modern conditions you can limit yourself to a handkerchief, which you can then give to your spouse. He, in turn, should do the same, although it would probably be easier to buy a scarf in a store. It is recommended to make delicious tea as the main drink for a chintz wedding, which is served directly in the samovar.

Party ideas with friends

If a young couple celebrates a holiday with close friends, then it is better to organize it in the format of a theme party. It is necessary to set a topic that is interesting to both husband and wife, prepare costumes, a suitable menu and entertainment. For example, the anniversary is often celebrated in the style of "The Great Gatsby" with a game of poker, photo sessions and flowing champagne. Or you can try to recreate your favorite movie - assign roles, dress up as characters and act out scenes. A non-standard approach would be to rent a tram or trolleybus and celebrate directly on the transport.

A classic celebration is a trip to nature in a cheerful company. Although this idea is quite banal, barbecue, fresh air and a blazing fire are always a hit. In the case where the husband loves football and the wife shares his hobby, it would be cool to invite friends to watch an important match together with football snacks. By the way, a themed photo shoot will also be in theme. Recently, quests have become popular, allowing the company to unite even more and have a memorable time.

If you plan to celebrate the holiday at home, then you cannot forget about the correct design - this is exactly the moment when it would be appropriate to hang up all your personal photographs - for example, to create a kind of wall newspaper or a personal time line.

During the party, you should sing karaoke, play board games or more active games, and also have some simple snacks and a birthday cake. It would be nice to end the evening with bright fireworks or the launch of sky lanterns.

Options for celebrating with children

If a young couple has children, then the best decision would be to go somewhere where it will be fun for both big and small. More often, preference is given to bowling, paintball, a trampoline center, an amusement park, a park with slot machines, a climbing wall, karting and other similar establishments. Don’t forget about such entertainment as applying face painting, blowing soap bubbles, or visiting science centers with fascinating chemistry shows.

You can end a busy day in a cafe for an ice cream tasting, in a toy store or in a cinema for a family movie. In fact, many adults dream of being transported back to childhood and feeling like children again, and a family holiday will be the ideal occasion for this. If you end up buying a large Lego set, a controllable car, a board game or a multi-piece puzzle, then everyone will be happy. When planning your day, you should remember that despite the presence of children, this is still a holiday for adults, so their preferences should be a priority.

What to cook for the table?

When planning your holiday meal, there are two important things to keep in mind. First, on this day you can forget about diets and familiar simple dishes. It is today that you are allowed to pamper yourself with your favorite, albeit not the healthiest, dishes and expensive delicacies. Therefore, the choice should be made depending on the preferences of the young.

The second thing is that it’s still a holiday, so the wife should not spend a third of it in the kitchen even if guests are invited. This suggests that you should either choose dishes to order, or go to a restaurant, or give preference to something simple and definitely cook with your husband.