How to grow nails in a week? How to grow strong nails. What can I do to make my nails grow faster? Beautiful healthy nails

Probably every girl or woman at least once in her life dreamed of long and beautiful nails. At the same time, for many it is quite obvious that extension is an extremely harmful procedure for the health of nails. In addition, it is long and expensive, and even such beauty ceases to seem ideal after 10 days, and after two weeks it completely requires correction. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to quickly grow beautiful long nails in a week at home.


It's no secret that beautiful and healthy nails need calcium, vitamins and trace elements, as well as
other nutrients. Doing only external cosmetic procedures is impossible to get good and healthy nails. Even if they grow back quickly, they will remain brittle and fragile, and therefore, if you are thinking about how to do it at home in a week, adjust your diet.

So, most of all, nails need the following substances:

  1. Vitamin A;
  2. Vitamin C;
  3. Vitamin B:
  4. Vitamin E;
  5. Calcium;
  6. Zinc;
  7. Iron;

The first vitamin is the main building material of nails. Alcohol destroys it, therefore, for the period of growing nails, you will have to abandon it. You need to eat more eggs, cow's liver, carrots, butter and peaches. To enrich the body with vitamin C, use citrus fruits, currants. It will help make your nails less brittle and more resilient and, ultimately, is extremely important in how to quickly grow nails at home.

Vitamin B strengthens the plates and accelerates their growth. To get rich with it, you need to eat cereals, eggs and milk. In addition, milk and dairy products contain calcium, which also makes nails strong, thick and elastic, prevents delamination, chipping, cracking and breaking. Vitamin E increases blood circulation, and therefore plays a key role in how to lengthen nails at home.

Zinc is responsible for tissue growth, accelerates and stimulates cell regeneration. In order to replenish its reserves in the body, you need to eat bananas, drink goat's milk. Iron also prevents brittle nails. It is found a lot in buckwheat, apples, pomegranates, rosehip broth, red meat. Additionally, you can eat hematogen, which is sold in a pharmacy.

Recipes to accelerate nail growth

An effective way to grow long fingernails very quickly is presented in the video. It is necessary to carry out a variety of hand baths. The composition of the baths can be varied. A mixture of half a tablespoon of lemon juice with 5 to 7 drops of iodine works well. Keep your fingers in it for no more than 15 minutes.

Also, to accelerate growth, iodine can be applied to the plate before bedtime. After applying iodine, the nails acquire a yellow-orange hue, which completely disappears by morning. And if you dissolve 7 drops of iodine in a glass of water and add 2/3 tablespoon of salt there, you will get an effective bath to accelerate the growth of nails. Nails should be placed in the mixture daily for 10-15 minutes.

Sea salt plays a very important role in how to properly grow nails, as it effectively strengthens them. A tablespoon of this powder is usually dissolved in half a liter of water. The water is heated and placed in the composition of the hand for 20 minutes. Then the hands are wiped and a nourishing cream is massaged into them. The bath is done daily for 10-14 days.

You can also prepare a special useful decoction. John's wort, chamomile and burdock root are mixed in equal parts. Two tablespoons of the dry mixture are taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. After the solution has been infused, dip your hands into it for 20 minutes. This procedure should be carried out every three days.

If, after reading all of the above, you asked yourself the question “But I bite my nails, how can I grow them?”, Then here are some tips for you.

  • Go to the salon where the master will give you a manicure with gel or shellac. Biting such nails will be much more difficult;
  • Just keep polishing regularly. Perhaps you will just be sorry to gnaw on such beauty;
  • Pharmacies sell a variety of bitter varnishes that will remind you of what you are doing if you try to indulge in a bad habit;
  • You can get by with the grandmother's method - dip your fingers in dry mustard. After that, you will definitely not want to bite your nails;
  • As a last resort, make extensions. With it, you can go from 2 weeks to a month (depending on how much your nails grow in a week). This time should be enough for you to get rid of the bad habit. However, the build-up is harmful, and therefore, it is not worth repeating it anymore, although you may really like the result.

But even if you stop biting your nails, it is very important not to paint them all the time. Nails need access to oxygen, and manicure coating prevents it. Therefore, nails need to be given a break at least 1 - 2 days a week.

Long nails in a couple of days

Below is a completely extreme fastest way to grow nails. Thanks to him, the free edge will grow back in a couple of days. However, it is not very useful for nails, because after its application, growth will slow down. It is worth using this method in extreme situations.

It is necessary to apply the following mask to the plates. Combine in a container ½ teaspoon of nourishing hand cream with the same amount of ground red pepper and add 20 drops of boiled, slightly warmed water to the mixture. This mask can be slightly warmed up for a couple and smeared with it on your hands, left in this state for a third of an hour. During the application of the mask, a burning sensation will be felt, which may persist for some time after its removal.

For those who want to have long nails, this mask will help you grow them in a couple of days. You need to use it twice a day, morning and evening. After the procedure, redness will remain on the hands for some time, so it is not worth doing it before any important events. Avoid getting the mask in the eyes and mucous membranes.

In addition, a good help in how to grow nails at home and a variety of cosmetic preparations - growth stimulants. However, they can help grow nails in about a week. They consist of natural essential oils and vitamins. You need to apply them about 3-4 times a day.

For intensive nail growth, you can also use a special one. It must be massaged into the nails, thus strengthening them. They will become stronger, resistant to delamination and external aggressive influences, both chemical and mechanical. In addition, they will look much more aesthetically pleasing.

Finger massage also helps. It, like a pepper mask, stimulates blood circulation, thereby accelerating the growth of nails. When massaging, you should use a special cuticle oil (for example, almond oil) or any other vegetable oil.

In conclusion, we will give some tips. When you do grow your nails, they will need the most thorough care. It is better to go to the master, who will give them an impeccable shape, which you can then maintain on your own.

It is very important to protect your hands from frost, snow and wind. All these factors will not only worsen the condition of your skin, but also negatively affect the health of your nails. Always wear gloves in this kind of weather. And as soon as you grow long free edges, buy gloves 1 size larger, so that your nails do not break.

All household work, whether it is washing dishes or washing the floor, must be done with rubber gloves. Do not allow detergents to come into contact with your plates or hand skin. The same goes for aggressive acetone-based nail polish remover. It also needs to be abandoned.

And of course, use nourishing creams daily. They need to be applied not only to the skin of the hands, but also carefully massaged into the nails. Periodically make masks to strengthen nails or treat them in whole courses, for example, once every 2 to 3 months. Naturally, during such a course you can not use varnishes.

How to grow fingernails fast? - the problem of many modern women. Women's nails are one of the main expressions of our beauty. This is perhaps the part of the body that first catches the eye when meeting.

How to grow nails fast

Agree, it's nice to communicate with a person who has beautiful well-groomed nails. And vice versa. Therefore, every girl wants to have beautiful long nails. “There is nothing easier,” you say. Yes, you can go to any beauty salon and build beautiful nails by choosing the nail design you like (the length, shape and even color you need). But not everyone has enough time and money to visit beauty salons. Moreover, the correction of extended nails should be done every 3 weeks.

This is not for everyone. In addition, extensions are very harmful to your own nails. And if you decide to remove extended nails, then you will have to restore your nail plate for a long time. That is why many of us want to have strong long and well-groomed nails. So, what should be done for this?

Do you know how fast nails grow?

Nails grow an average of 3 mm per month.

  • Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
  • Nails grow faster during pregnancy.
  • If for some reason you have lost a nail, then it will grow back no earlier than in six months.
  • The nail of the middle finger grows the fastest, the nail of the little finger is the slowest.
  • On average, the growth of a human nail is between 0.5 and 1.2 mm per week. At the same time, fingernails grow faster than toenails.
  • With age, nails do not grow as fast, especially in the presence of any disease.
  • A baby's nail is approximately 0.05 mm thick and very soft. The thickness of a healthy adult nail is approximately 0.75 mm.
  • The nail plate consists of 100-150 horny plates lying on top of each other. You are probably aware of this, especially if you have had to deal with nail splitting.

Nail growth at home

Each girl herself chooses the shape of the nail by filing it. Some people like to wear round nails, some people like square ones, and some people like oval ones. Whatever shape you choose for the nail, it is important to remember one rule: it is better to file your nails, not to cut them. So they grow faster and look much healthier and more beautiful. If you are used to cutting the cuticle, then do it after softening it. To do this, it is enough to steam your hands in warm water.

Various factors lead to delayed nail growth. This may be a genetic factor, diseases, medication, or injury to the nail plate. If the nail plate is severely damaged, then this can lead to changes in the growth of the nail or even to the cessation of its growth.

How to grow nails fast at home

Nails perform a very important function in our body. They protect the sensitive fingertips of our hands. Therefore, they have to endure a lot of stress every day. Many manufacturers of dishwashing detergents convince us that their product takes good care of our hands. Don't believe it! Wash dishes with gloves.

Our nails need moisture. Especially in winter. Therefore, you should regularly rub oil (you can use ordinary vitamin A) or a special cream into your nails, and do not forget about the cuticle. Since if it cracks and dries out, it can hinder the growth of the nail. And besides, it looks very ugly.

File your nails regularly, giving them the same shape. Thus, you will be able to avoid touching and breaking the nail.

Use nail polish. If you do not like colored varnishes, use transparent varnishes, it is good if they are varnishes with a vitamin complex. By the way, there are now a great many of them. By varnishing your nails, you strengthen them and protect them from unwanted breakage. In addition, varnished nails look beautiful and healthy.

Moisten your hands every time you wash the dishes or take a bath (shower). After applying nail polish remover, wash your hands, dry them and moisten them a little. Nail polish remover can dry out your nails, so give your nails a little rest before applying nail polish. Your nails will thank you!

Don't bite your nails! Try to get rid of this useless habit, if you have one. Otherwise, you will never be able to boast of long well-groomed nails.

Acceleration of nail growth

Since nail growth is largely genetically determined, you most often cannot do anything to significantly accelerate nail growth. Of course, good nutrition and good hand care, such as regular manicure and nail massage with various vitamin oils, have a positive effect. These procedures also make your cuticles more beautiful and firm. In some cases, special nail care products (creams, varnishes, etc.) can help with growth.

Healthy nails. What should you eat?

Our nails are made up of keratins (a family of fibrillar proteins). Therefore, it is very important for strengthening nails to eat right.

Adding protein, calcium, to your diet is essential for building healthy nails. Fatty acids (fish oil, linseed oil, evening primrose oil) are indispensable for nail growth, as they moisturize the nail plate, increasing the elasticity of thin, brittle nails. As for protein, it can be found in various types of oily fish, cold-pressed vegetable oil, red meat, chicken breast, nuts and seeds.

How to speed up the growth of nails - use vitamins for nails

1. Dietary supplements can also be helpful, especially if you are a vegetarian. You need to take calcium supplements such as biotin (B-complex) and vitamins C and E. It is also important to know that excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to poor absorption of protein and other essential nutrients, even if they present in sufficient quantities in the diet.

2. Maintaining the water balance in the body is also a very important component of nail health. If you are dehydrated from the inside, then this will be reflected in the lack of shine in your hair and nails.

3. Vitamin B5 prevents brittle nails. Nails become brittle and thin with a lack of this vitamin. Good sources of Vitamin B5 are whole grains, brewer's yeast, organ meats, egg yolks, milk, nuts, and legumes.

4. Zinc deficiency can lead to white spots on the nails, similar to marks that result from pressure on the nails. Pumpkin seeds, beef, pork, lamb, dairy products and hard boiled eggs are good sources of zinc. Lack of iron in the diet can lead to flaky nails. In this case, you need to eat greens, prunes, seeds, red meat, broccoli and tofu cheese as sources of iron.

5. Phosphorus makes nails strong. Therefore, you need to eat the following foods: fish, poultry, eggs, nuts and whole grains. These products help our tissues and cells perform their building function.

6. Silica minerals are a trace mineral that helps our bodies use calcium properly and improves nail strength. Whole grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and millet are excellent sources of silicon. There is a lot of natural silica in horsetail, nettle and oats. You can make hand baths by brewing these herbs.

See brief how to grow nails fast video

Long nails and a beautiful manicure are an indispensable component of a complete female image. Everyday household chores, negative internal and external factors negatively affect the condition of the nail plates, which is expressed in their fragility and delamination. What if you need to grow your nails as quickly as possible? It turns out that the problem is solved at home in 3-5 days and without the use of artificial overlays.

To grow strong nails, you need to comprehensively take care of the body, because most problems are caused by internal disorders. Therefore, you should start with a balanced diet, supporting a healthy diet with a proper lifestyle and quality care for the nail plates, which is achievable even at home.

Nail growth and nutrition

It is impossible to accelerate the growth of the plates if the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the plates are not supplied to the body. A special role is given to:

1. Vitamins E and A. Their source is pork and chicken liver, fish, eggs, cheese, fresh fruits, vegetables.

2. Vitamin B present in nuts, cereals, brewer's yeast, milk, legumes, green salad.

3. Calcium, which is rich in dairy products, fish, seafood, spinach, cabbage.

4. Yoda. In a small amount, the microelement is found in milk, champignons, pineapple, spinach. Seafood is the richest in iodine.

5. Zinc, the lack of which manifests itself in the form of white spots on the nails. To get healthy long nails, you need to diversify the menu with lamb, pumpkin seeds, and pork.

6. Magnesium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the implementation of the building function in the body. Sources of trace elements - chicken meat, fish, eggs, sweet peppers, bananas, blackberries.

7. Silicon, responsible for the strength of the nail plates. Cellulose-rich foods - oatmeal, bran, black bread - help accelerate growth.

8. Vitamin C, which helps prevent the development of a fungal infection. Sources of ascorbic acid - garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, greens.

9. Nicotinic acid, the lack of which is reflected in the form of dullness of the nail plates. Nicotine is present in rice, seeds, porcini mushrooms.

10. Sulfur, the lack of a sufficient amount of which leads to deformation and slowing down the growth of nails. The main sources of the necessary substance are onions, garlic, tomatoes, oatmeal and buckwheat.

As you can see, the list of products is quite simple. The main thing is that the daily menu is comprehensive and varied, and then long nails will not become an unattainable dream.

Proper nail care

  • Correcting the shape of the nail plates, it is better to use a nail file, and not scissors. With this approach, the nails will grow back quickly, while maintaining an attractive appearance.
  • To avoid damage to the structure of the nails, each washing of dishes or taking a shower should be accompanied by moisturizing the hands with a special cream.
  • In frosty and cold weather, gloves corresponding to the season become an obligatory attribute.
  • Special rubber gloves are required for washing and cleaning.
  • Using a regular nail polish remover at home, you should moisturize your nails with a suitable cosmetic product.

How to speed up nail growth naturally?

Getting long enough nails in a few days is a very real task. The proposed methods for accelerating growth can be implemented at home with a minimum of effort.

1. Use of iodine and lemon juice.

2. Sea salt.

Special salt baths help to get beautiful nails in a few days. It is allowed to do them every day, diluting a tablespoon of sea salt in two glasses of water. Hands are immersed in the solution for 15 minutes, after which the nails are dried and a moisturizer or olive oil is applied to them.

An alternative to sea salt is baking soda with iodine. At the end of the bath, it is advisable to massage the plates, after applying vitamin E or A to them. As a result, it will be possible not only to quickly grow nails, but also to eliminate the feeling of fatigue, activate blood circulation, and restore lightness to the hands.

3. Application of herbal infusions.

Accelerate the growth of nails, many herbs, infusions and decoctions, which are easy to prepare yourself. The following recipes help to get a visible positive result in a few days (maximum a week):

  • A glass of only boiled water is poured with a herbal collection of chamomile root, burdock and St. John's wort (all components are taken in a couple of tablespoons). Herbs should be infused for 20 minutes.
  • Plantain leaves help to get noticeably regrown nail plates in a week. 5 leaves are well crushed and added to 150 ml of heated milk. Then make hand baths.
  • Fresh or dried flowers of string and calendula are combined equally (2 tablespoons each) and poured with a glass of boiling water. Infusion time - 15 minutes.
  • To grow long nails, you can combine celandine and sea salt in a 2: 1 ratio. This mixture is poured into a glass of hot water and left for 15 minutes to infuse.

In order for the baths made according to the above recipes to give a quick result in the form of long nails, it is important to approach the procedure correctly. Beforehand, the hands are thoroughly washed and the remnants of varnish are removed from the plates. The duration of one treatment session is no more than 20 minutes, after which the nails are smeared with a special nourishing cream.

4. Cuticle massage.

A special massage of the base of the plates also helps to grow nails. Due to increased blood circulation, delamination of nails decreases, their growth improves. The best conductors for massage are nourishing cream, vegetable oil.

An original and affordable option that allows you to grow plates of massage exposure is typing on a computer or playing the piano, during which the fingers become as active as possible.

5. Application of paraffin.

Paraffin therapy allows you to grow and strengthen a broken nail, while improving the condition of the skin of the hands. For the procedure, cosmetic paraffin or regular straightened wax is used, which should be applied only to the cuticle. You can compare paraffin therapy sessions with the massage described above, since as a result there is an increase in the flow of oxygen directly to the nails.

Another option is to apply the remedy to the entire nails. Ideally, it is desirable to conduct sessions using natural beeswax. It is preheated in a water bath to the desired consistency, after which the nails are lowered into the mass. After a couple of seconds, the hands are removed and the mask is allowed to cool. Then they put on gloves, leaving them all night or at least for a couple of hours. With daily treatments, results can be achieved within a week.

We grow nails in 2-3 days

Recommending how to grow nails at home, experts advise paying attention to an effective recipe, regarded as an ambulance. True, some efforts will have to be made to achieve the goal.

The unique way is as follows:

  • Half a teaspoon of ground red pepper is combined with the same amount of hand cream and 20 drops of water.
  • The resulting mixture is heated to a warm state.
  • Make 15-minute baths for hands.

During the procedure, you may experience a slight burning sensation, which is a completely normal reaction of the skin. If the sensations are tolerable, there is no need to interrupt the session.

Another option to quickly grow nails in a week is to use ready-made growth stimulants. You can find them in specialized departments of cosmetic stores or pharmacies. The main components of miracle remedies are trace elements, vitamins, essential oils. Frequency of use - a couple of times a day.

How to quickly grow nails - this question is of interest to every girl who wants to have graceful and stylish nails. Manicure is one of the main elements of the image, and long nails have been a key fashion trend for a long time.


Long Nail Health

It is foolish to ask girls why they grow long nails, because they look stylish, fashionable and elegant, so many beauties tend to add them to their image. However, not every girl can boast of such wealth. Of course, the fashion solutions industry is not far behind the main trends and has long offered a great option - the use of overlay plates. But, no matter how you use them, natural beauty cannot be achieved. Therefore, many girls decide to grow their natural nails of sufficient length.

It is worth noting that the modern rhythm of life puts many obstacles in the way of growing healthy long nails: while cooking, working at a computer, driving a car and other activities, they are exposed to the external environment and mechanical damage. In addition, the health of nail tissues is affected by malnutrition, exposure to stress, reduced immunity, and even disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of diseases and infections of the nails of the hands and feet in time. Under natural conditions, a complete renewal of healthy nail plates requires 1-2 months, and in advanced cases, you can not manage even for a year.

Growing nails requires a systematic and integrated approach to all these factors.

What accelerates growth

To be able to properly grow natural nails, one should understand the processes that accompany their growth and development.

  • On average, nails grow 1-2 mm per week. This is a natural pace, but it can be accelerated with the help of various means: nourishing creams and oils, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes, etc.
  • In the winter season, the growth rate of nails slows down. This is due, first of all, to a lack of vitamins (especially E and D). The general weakening of the immune system observed in the cold months also negatively affects this process.
  • The acceleration of nail growth is observed in most women during pregnancy. This is partly due to hormonal changes in the body, accelerating many regeneration processes. But a big role, according to experts, is played by the fact that expectant mothers begin to eat fully and variedly - all body systems, including skin, hair and nails, begin to receive enough vitamins and minerals to ensure health.


You can often hear that long healthy nails are the result of good heredity or a gift from nature. But there is only part of the truth in this statement. In fact, even girls with nails prone to brittleness can bring them to perfect or close to perfect condition. With proper care, your fingers will look great, regardless of any preconditions.

However, for this it is not enough just to cut and clean the nails in a timely manner. Comprehensive care for the nail plates includes several basic rules:

  • First of all, treat your nails with all due responsibility. Before each procedure of staining and creating nail art, it is imperative to carry out a trimming manicure, which includes the separation of the cuticle and shaping the plates. Respect for nails requires not only cutting or filing them correctly, but also getting rid of the habit of biting them or the skin around. It is simply unacceptable for a lady to bite her nails - it is ugly, unhygienic, increases the risk of intestinal infections and spoils the structure and shape of the nail plate.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to properly protect the plates from the external environment. The fact is that the porous structure of the nails allows them, like the skin, to absorb substances that are on the surface. For this reason, it is important to use gloves when washing dishes, using chemicals, applying a base protective base under colored varnishes and hiding your hands in gloves in cold weather. During the time when the nails are free from decor, you should “feed” them with oils, creams, special cosmetics.
  • The third, but no less important point is compliance with hygiene requirements and recommendations. Using your personal set of manicure tools is a must. Remember the need for their anti-infective treatment, not only after, but also before use.

Vitamins for nail growth

As already mentioned, the presence of essential vitamins plays an important role in the formation of healthy and beautiful nails. You can make up for their deficiency simply and quickly by adding the appropriate foods to the diet:

  • Dairy products, fish oil, and liver are high in vitamin A. You can also find it in fresh vegetables (especially carrots, paprika, and green onions).
  • Cereals, bran products, milk porridge and eggs are a source of vitamin B, which affects the process of keratization (keratinization) of the plates;
  • Vitamin C rejuvenates tissue cells, prevents yellowing of the nail plates. Contained in lemon, wild berries, wild rose, sea buckthorn.
  • Vitamin E is something without which nail growth is simply impossible. It affects keratization, plate density, natural shine. It is found in large quantities in various oils, grains and cereals.
  • Many people know about the importance of calcium for the growth and strengthening of hair and nails. Its available and rich source is fermented milk products in all their variants.
  • Iron deficiency leads to various problems in the body. Brittle toenails or fingernails can often be a signal of its deficiency. The deficiency is replenished by eating meat, apples, buckwheat porridge.

As a rule, dermatologists include in the list of therapeutic measures for the restoration of nails the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, which make it possible to compensate for the lack of one or more components without the need for accurate diagnosis.

What stops nails from growing

Quite often it happens that a girl observes nail hygiene and carefully manicures, but her nails still do not want to grow in length, crumble, exfoliate or break. This is due to the fact that the plates still experience a large load under the influence of active substances and coatings. To avoid this, follow these guidelines:

  • Let your nails rest. After prolonged wearing of varnish or repeated repainting, it is imperative to clean the plates and allow them to recover with the help of strengthening procedures. It is also necessary to cut the nails short from time to time - this is important for their health.
  • Use oily and nourishing hand creams.
  • Choose a nail polish remover without acetone in the store - it gradually destroys the nail tissue from the inside.
  • Giving the edges of the plates a rounded shape allows you to set the exact direction of growth. For filing, it is better to use a soft, fine-grained file. Movements are performed only in one direction at an angle to the inside of the nail.

How to grow nails in a week

It often happens that we learn about an important event or the need to go out 1-2 weeks before the date itself. Before many women, in this case, the question arises of how to grow long nails in a week. The task only seems impossible, in fact there is an affordable solution. For this you need:

  1. About a day before the start of the procedure, remove the old coating and let the nails rest. In the evening, before going to bed, apply iodine to the surface of the plates. Do not worry about yellowness - it comes off after a few hours of sleep. It is worth saying that it is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly, every time you remove varnish, but no more than 2 times a week.
  2. Rub liquid vitamins into fingertips daily. The Aevit complex is well recommended for these purposes.
  3. baths. A good remedy for nail growth can be prepared by mixing 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle and burdock. The collection is poured with 2 cups of hot water and infused for about half an hour. During this time, the broth will just cool down, after which fingers should be lowered into it for 15-20 minutes and kept until completely cooled. To improve the effect, it is also advised to add a couple of drops of iodine to the water. The procedure is carried out daily.
  4. For those who do not trust folk remedies, and do not have time to wait, there is a good cosmetic product - "Smart Enamel". Applying it is very simple - you need to cover your nails with one layer of this varnish every day. A minute before this, it is recommended to carry out a simple hygienic manicure. Within a week, the nails will noticeably grow and get stronger.
  5. And don't forget circulation. Massage of the fingertips, joints, rubbing the palms together significantly accelerate the development of the nail plates, if you give it 3-4 minutes several times a day.

How to grow a broken nail fast

Do not fall under a hot hand if a girl breaks her nail - this, albeit an exaggerated, but vital truth. Indeed, the breakdown of one of the plates can ruin any even the most unique manicure. In such a situation, there is a need to quickly restore its former shape and beauty. For this:

  1. Remove polish from all other nails. Saturated colors will only emphasize the difference, but you still have to shorten it, so it’s better to repeat the manicure.
  2. Adjust the size of the nails to the length of the broken one. Use a file to shape the plates.
  3. After that, carry out daily care, which includes the strengthening and restorative procedures indicated in this article. Accompany the course with rubbing castor or linseed oil. With careful care, your fingers will return to their previous state in a week.

For a thorough step-by-step study of this procedure, you can familiarize yourself with numerous videos and photo tutorials that demonstrate how to properly carry out such a manicure.

  • A good effect to accelerate the growth of nails gives a light massage of the fingers. Everything is very simple here - you stimulate the tissues of the skin and muscles, which increases blood circulation. And this, in turn, contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes. Daily conduct of such a simple session has a good effect on the growth and health of nails.
  • The process of keratization is well stimulated with the help of paraffin therapy. To do this, it is necessary to apply melted candle wax or specially purchased cosmetic paraffin to the surface of the plates and the cuticle. This procedure has a similar effect to massage - blood circulation increases, cells are saturated with oxygen.
  • Baths for nails are a kind of remedy for all ills: they are used to restore, strengthen and treat nails. The fact is that water, along with fats, is one of the main compounds necessary for keratinization and growth of the nail plates. No wonder people believe that nails grow in water. This is true: to improve their condition, it is enough to immerse your fingers in warm water for 10-15 minutes daily. It will be even more useful to add sea salt, herbal decoctions and essential oils there. After conducting such a SPA for your fingers, be sure to treat them with a nourishing cream.
  • A very effective and somewhat exotic way is to use liquid vitamin mixtures. Vitamin E remains the most popular among them (for growing nails). The method of application is extremely simple - the product must be smeared into the surface. If you could not find the drug in the nearest pharmacy, you can use standard medical iodine applied in a thin layer for such purposes. You should not be afraid of yellowness - if you paint your nails with iodine before going to bed, then by morning everything will come down by itself.
  • A homemade nail mask will help in strengthening and accelerating growth. To do this, mix 1 tsp. baby and red pepper cream with 40-50 drops of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath, and applied to the fingers.

Folk recipes

The experience gained by folk healers and beauties will tell you better than anyone else how to strengthen nails, stimulate their development and preserve their natural shine.

  • Blackcurrant based product. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. flour, blackcurrant and half a spoonful of heavy cream. Crush thoroughly. Put the resulting porridge on the nails, and put on gloves on top (preferably made of cotton fabric). Leave for two hours and then remove with a cotton pad.
  • Balm of chamomile and linden flowers. Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile and lime blossom. Heat 100 ml of olive oil (if not, vegetable oil will do), add chopped flowers there, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for 10-20 minutes. Allow the resulting mixture to cool to 30-40˚ C and apply on the nails. Put on fabric gloves on top. After 15 minutes, remove the product with cotton wool.
  • A mixture of nettle leaves and dandelion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. both herbs, plus the same amount of cottage cheese and half a glass of water. Heat water, pour the collection and insist for two hours. Then squeeze the boiled herbs and mix thoroughly with cottage cheese. Apply the resulting consistency for 20-30 minutes.

Cosmetical tools

For those who do not want to spend time preparing products and mixtures, or simply find it ineffective, there is a large selection of cosmetic preparations that can be bought at a nearby store:

  • Nail Grooth Booster from the famous Swedish brand Oriflame. According to the manufacturer, external improvement can be achieved in two days, and after the lapse you will see that your nails have grown noticeably. The tool evens out the water-alkaline balance, and, thanks to the presence of vitamins C and E, prevents delamination and peeling of the layers of the nail. It is applied to the cleaned surface of the nail and cuticle.
  • The French cosmetic brand Aurelia has in its assortment a wide range of therapeutic manicure products and, in particular, a drug to accelerate their growth. The main components of these preparations are minerals and compounds necessary to improve the keratization process, strengthen the bed and plates.
  • The Light Concept Nails brand offers Nail Builder, a professional natural product designed to heal and restore nails. This varnish is applied once a day, and after achieving a noticeable result, 1-2 times a week.
  • The well-known European brand Sophin offers the product "Nail Hardener", which is based on keratin. It stimulates the processes of keratinization of tissues in the nail bed and thus significantly accelerates growth.

No matter how spectacular false nails are, your own are better, especially if they are healthy and beautiful. Because in addition to aesthetic pleasure, they talk about your attitude towards yourself, about your health. With long manicured nails, the hands look more feminine. But how to improve the condition of nails in a short time?

First of all, you need to approach this comprehensively. But in order not to live for a whole month or two in the salon, you should also use some homemade or folk recipes that will allow you to heal, strengthen and grow your nails.

Growing nails is easy!

Probably, we all sin by not devoting enough time to taking care of ourselves at work. Of course, at least once or twice a month, even the busiest woman runs into a beauty salon. Hairstyle fix, manicure. And, to be honest, such an approach - to bring out the external gloss, without thinking about the state of one's own health, is very popular. Well, there is no time, no time for us to eat right, follow the regime, and sometimes there is not enough time or energy for the gym. But the paradox is that the forces to take care of ourselves are when we start doing something from the planned. And you have to start small. As well as caring for your nails - from something simple, like a bath with salt. But by all means according to the plan: every day or once a week. And then pick up the pace.

What do we know about nails?

Well, firstly, the fact that the nails are composed of a keratinized layer of keratin - in fact, from a dead protein. This is the substance that our hair is made of. Nails are formed in the so-called matrix. The growth of nails depends on her condition. Nails also have their own root, but it is located in the nail fold. And it is located directly above the matrix. Secondly, nails grow an average of 3-6 mm or 1/8-1/4 inch per month. It is said that nails do not actually breathe, are not nourished, and do not evaporate moisture. But there are blood vessels in the nail bed and those substances that we plan to convey to the nails, in principle, are intended for it.

How to quickly grow nails if all those vitamins and mineral complexes that we select for them do not work on them? Take vitamins inside. It is no coincidence that healthy nails are an indicator of overall health. First of all, we need calcium, zinc and iron. And vitamin D is very important. Since it is actively produced in the sun, it is noted that nails grow a little faster in summer.

There are a few rules, once learned, you will gain a good habit. Well, for example, you can’t thoughtlessly file your nails and bite your cuticles with forceps until they bleed. This will help to avoid injury to the nails and infection.

Since the structure of the nails is porous, it is necessary, if possible, to protect the nails from household chemicals and aggressive varnishes. It is better to use special varnishes under the varnish, which will create a barrier between the surface of the nails and the aggressive environment. But a massage with essential oils will allow them to feed and heal a little. from the same fungus.

And another helpful tip: use only an individual manicure set and wipe it with alcohol after each use.
Nails, or rather nail plates, also need massage to improve blood circulation under the nail plates. And it is better to do such a massage several times a week, and even every day.

In addition to massage, paraffin baths help improve blood circulation. Wax or special cosmetic paraffin is melted in a water bath and fingertips are dipped into it. When it cools down, it is easy to remove. Or go the other way: mix red ground pepper on the tip of a knife and baby cream, you can melt the mixture a little in a water bath with a drop of water and then apply it warm on the nail plates. By the way, after such procedures, the nails are easier to absorb all kinds of masks for them and creams for nail care.

It turns out that in addition to the vitamins that we ingest, some - for example, vitamin E - can be rubbed directly into the nail plate. This stimulates nail growth.

And one more observation: if the hair and nails seem brittle and dry, the body does not have enough fatty acids. Therefore, you can slightly adjust your menu. This will not lead to excess weight, since we gain weight not from an excess of fats, but from an excess of sugars and carbohydrates.

Protect and take care of your nails, and they will delight you with beauty.