How to wash suede clothes at home? Can fur be washed? Is it possible to wash fur

There are many woolen things in the closet of every family. It can be a warm sweater or a hat with mittens. Sooner or later, in the process of wearing, the question arises of how to wash woolen things. This is a very delicate and demanding material. He does not like sudden changes in temperature, prolonged soaking. If any actions are performed incorrectly, as a result we get a damaged thing. It can stretch or, conversely, sit down.

In any case, after such a deformation, it will no longer be possible to wear your favorite sweater. To avoid all the troubles that arise after washing wool, you should use a few simple recommendations from experienced housewives. They will tell you what to do so that things are not spoiled by manual or machine cleaning.

Features of wool fabric

Wool is a natural material. Everyone, perhaps, knows that he is quite capricious and demanding in care. Such things do not tolerate high temperatures, mechanical stress. If they are not visibly soiled, you should not wash wool clothes every week.

In some cases, it is simply enough to get it out of the closet and ventilate it. Air procedures are enough to refresh things without dirty stains. The less material in contact with water, the better.

But sooner or later there comes a time when this procedure can no longer be avoided. Then you need to learn how to wash woolen things properly. If you don’t know, things can be spoiled due to a strong contraction or, conversely, stretching of the fibers of the threads. Therefore, a careful approach when washing wool is a must.

Preparing for washing

Before proceeding with the washing itself, things should be properly prepared. The classic frequency of this event is once every six months. In this case, the clothes are inspected for stains. If they are, they must be properly processed.

To do this, use hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Such substances do not harm the material. When learning how to wash wool, you need to understand how the fabric reacts to different products.

Vinegar makes the material soft and pleasant to the touch. Before immersing woolen clothing in water, it must be turned inside out. The front part will be less subjected to mechanical stress.

Next, you should decide how to wash things. This can be done by hand or in a washing machine. Whichever method is chosen, a number of recommendations should be taken into account. For each approach, a number of features are distinguished in the washing process. They must be taken into account in order to maintain the former appearance of clothing.

Hand washing process

Hand wash for woollens is preferable to machine wash. Thus, it is possible to create the most gentle conditions. In this case, you need to learn how to wash woolen things by hand. First of all, it is necessary to create the correct temperature regime. Water should not be warmer than 35 ºС.

Throughout the process, this indicator is kept at the same level. Do not rinse with cold water. Due to the temperature difference, the fibers will shrink or stretch.

It is also not allowed to squeeze, twist or stretch woolen items during the spin cycle. The washing process consumes a lot of water. Better if it is filtered. Rinse must be done very carefully.

Machine wash

Some housewives still prefer to wash woolen clothes in a typewriter. This should be done thoughtfully. How to wash woolen clothes in a washing machine? There is a special technology. Otherwise, the result will be unsatisfactory.

Many manufacturers of such household appliances provide a special program for such things. If it is not there, there is always a mode for delicate washing. Also, fabrics such as silk or linen do not tolerate overload when washed. If the machine has a program for such fabrics, you can wash wool in this mode.

Prepared things are folded inside the equipment. Next, a special agent is poured. After selecting the desired program, you must turn off the spin. The machine will wash at a slow speed. This will preserve the structure of the threads.

When the process is completed, things are taken out of the drum and laid out on a terry towel. Gently fold it and allow excess moisture to absorb. Then things are unfolded and dried on a horizontal plane.


Considering how to wash woolen things by hand or in a typewriter, you need to pay attention to detergents and softeners. On sale there are special powders and liquids designed for this material. It is better to choose liquid detergents. They perform well at low temperatures. Washing with their participation takes place in a more gentle mode.

You can use soap shavings (only high-quality products) or foam for hand washing. or mohair can be treated with shampoo.

To soften the material, purchased air conditioners are used. You can add glycerin (0.5 tablespoons per 5 liters of water) or vinegar to the water.

Washing dark clothes

When learning how to wash woolen items, you should consider doing this process for both dark and light items. There are a number of features in both cases. Keep in mind that dark or bright things can shed. The fabric must be tested before washing.

From a thing take a small thread and soak it in hot water. Then they take it out and wrap it in a white cloth. If the thread stains the material, vinegar is added to the water in a proportion of 3 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of water. This will keep the color from "washing out".

It is recommended to wash dark clothes without using soap. Instead, mustard powder is used. Dry means will need 1 glass. Mustard powder is stirred in a small amount of cold water. Then it is filtered through gauze and allowed to brew for 2 hours.

This tool is added to warm water and dark things are washed. Instead of conditioner, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia. This will soften the material.

Washing light clothes

Many housewives have a question about how to wash woolen things in white or light shade. After all, after cleaning, they may turn yellow. In this case, you need to add a special bleach. It is prepared from improvised means.

You can use a recipe with hydrogen peroxide. It's easy to prepare. For 1 liter of cold water add 1 tsp. peroxides. Yellowed clothes are immersed in the solution. It is soaked for several hours. Then things are washed as usual. Rinse them very carefully.

There is another way. For bleaching, 1 kg of crushed chalk is required. It is stirred in 3 liters of cold water. The woolen item is soaked in the solution for 20 minutes. Stir the water periodically. After the procedure, things are washed as usual.

How to dry things

There are a number of drying rules. We continue to consider how to wash woolen things so that the fibers do not sit down and stretch. This issue is receiving increased attention. Drying requires the water to glass itself.

Things are laid out on a flat horizontal surface. Under them put a terry towel. It is impossible for things to get hot air, direct sunlight. The room must be well ventilated.

Do they wash the fur and can it be done on their own without damaging the product? In some cases, yes, if you meet certain conditions. We offer two ways to wash at home.

It is best to wash fur by hand.

Is it possible to wash fur

Expensive products made of natural and artificial fur are dry-cleaned. Do not wash or soak them in the usual way, so as not to damage them. Washing in water deforms the product, and it shrinks. This applies to fur coats, short fur coats and vests. Collars, detachable cuffs or trim can be washed by hand or in the washing machine. Use caution and washing technique for such products.

How to wash fur

We offer two ways to properly wash such products.

Machine wash faux fur. Use the washing conditions indicated on the product label. If it is not there, then choose a delicate mode with a water temperature not higher than 40 degrees without spinning. It's better to do it by hand. The faux fur product does not stretch, so it is dried both in a vertical and in a horizontal position.

Wash natural fur only by hand according to the following scheme:

  • Pour liquid detergent into warm water and beat well. Use a specialized product or a mild hair shampoo. Add 1-2 ml of detergent to 1 liter of water. Shake to form a rich foam.
  • Soak the fur in soapy water. Do not wrinkle or press the product. Lightly rub the fur.
  • Comb it gently with a wide-toothed brush.
  • Dip the fur in a container of clean water, to which add vinegar. Rinse the product a couple of times. Use cool water for the final rinse. Cold water closes the scales of the hair, and the fur shines after drying.
  • Wring out the fur with your hands, but do not twist it.
  • Dry the fur on a horizontal surface so that it does not stretch. Lay out a towel first. Dry the fur indoors, away from heat sources.
  • Comb the fur with a hairbrush after it is completely dry.

Wash faux fur in the same way.

Fur care tips. How to properly clean at home a variety of its types. How to keep the shine and silkiness of the fur, protect it from moths and deformation. Features of cleaning, washing and storage.

Spring brings with it not only the bright warm sun and the singing of birds, but also new worries. For example, it is necessary to properly prepare and store fur products, which will definitely not be useful to you on the upcoming warm days. And, of course, it is very important to pre-clean them thoroughly and get rid of stains. Many people decide to just leave their favorite fur coat in the hands of professionals - dry cleaning. But this service is not cheap, and you don’t always want to trust your personal belongings to strangers. All the same, only their owner will handle fur products most carefully and carefully. In fact, it’s enough just to clean the fur and remove stains from it at home using special tools or folk recipes. More about them below.

First you need to find out if the fur needs cleaning. This will help the most ordinary hair dryer. It is enough to direct a stream of cool air to the villi to determine their degree of contamination. So, if the pile easily scatters, shines and looks attractive, then the fur is not contaminated and does not need additional cleaning procedures. If the air stream does not inflate the villi, the fur does not shine and does not scatter, this means that a large amount of dirt has settled on it during the winter and cleaning is simply necessary.

Cleaning natural white fur

To begin with, it is worth noting that products made of light fur are the most capricious and short-lived. They get dirty and yellow the fastest. And it is quite difficult to clean them well. When purchasing white fur products, you should immediately take into account its tenderness and susceptibility to various kinds of pollution, and therefore wear them very carefully. It is accuracy in this case that will protect the owner of the fur coat from most problems.

You can clean white fur at home with hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in every pharmacy. 3% is best. Peroxide must be diluted with ordinary water in a ratio of 1/1, and then pour the resulting product into a spray bottle. As soon as the fur is ready for cleaning, it must be carefully sprayed with the resulting mixture, wait for it to dry, comb and shake.

White fur requires special care

You can also use shampoo for dogs or cats for this purpose, which is sold at any pet store. This tool will save white fur not only from dirt, but also from yellowness. To do this, the shampoo must be diluted in warm water, moisten a rag made of natural fabric in the resulting solution and process all the fur in the direction of its growth. After processing, you will need to gently wipe the product with a paper towel, then dry, comb and beat with your fingers.

You can also use semolina, wheat flour and potato starch to clean a white fur coat. Moreover, these products, as a rule, are always on hand for every housewife. In order for the product to be most effective, flour, cereals or starch must first be heated in a dry frying pan to approximately 70 degrees. The main thing is that the products do not burn, otherwise the fur can become very stained.

Cleaning natural fur in other colors

Fur of any other color with a long pile can be cleaned of dirt with ordinary table salt. This is a very convenient way to clean at home. To do this, sprinkle the fur with fine salt, and then walk over it with a brush. If the pollution is very serious, then it is better to use a solution of salt and ammonia. It is prepared very simply - salt and ammonia in proportions of 1/3 are mixed in warm water. Next, a brush is dipped into the resulting liquid, with which it is necessary to clean the contaminated fur.

Colored fur can be cleaned with table salt

Rye bran, preheated in a pan, will also help to clean the dark fur pile. They need to be scattered over the entire fur product in an even layer, rubbing lightly, and then leave it for a couple of hours. After the time has elapsed, the fur coat must be shaken to clean the fur with a brush.

You can also use preheated sand for this purpose. The fur coat will need to be laid out on a flat horizontal surface, sprinkled with sand on top and lightly rub it with your hands into the pile. Then the dirt must be shaken off and, if necessary, repeat the procedure until the sand is perfectly clean.

Faux fur cleaning

Faux fur needs cleaning just as much as real fur. Therefore, putting it in the closet until next winter, you should also take care of the cleanliness of such fur.

It can be easily cleaned using the most common soap. Add a bar of soap or liquid detergent to warm water, and lightly beat the solution until foam forms. After that, in the resulting product, it is necessary to moisten a sponge made of foam rubber and treat the contaminated areas of the pile with it. Once the fur is clean, the soap can be easily washed off with a clean, damp cloth. After that, the product must be thoroughly dried and combed with a comb with blunt teeth.

But acetone and acetic acid should never be used to clean faux fur from dirt.

How to remove stains from fur?

The biggest problem when cleaning natural fur products is stains. Getting rid of them is not so easy, but they can significantly spoil the look of a fur coat.

Stains from fur of any shades at home can be removed, for example, by mixing ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal proportions. Wipe the fur thoroughly with this mixture, then blot it with a clean towel and shake it out in the fresh air.

A stain on a fur product is not a problem

And gasoline and starch will help get rid of spots on light fur. To clean with such an unusual tool, you must mix potato or corn starch with refined gasoline. As a result, a mushy substance of a homogeneous consistency should be obtained, which is applied to the contaminated areas. Then this place must be gently rubbed with a sponge or brush, after which the odorous mixture is cleaned from the fur. So that the fur coat does not retain the unpleasant smell of gasoline, immediately after cleaning it should be hung out in fresh air.

To get rid of faux fur stains, you can mix potato starch with dishwashing liquid. Ready tool - apply to stains, wait for drying, and then brush them off with a brush.

You can also remove stains by wiping them with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline. Or use any means to remove stains from carpets and upholstery. In this case, cleaning must be carried out according to the instructions that come with the selected product.

Can real fur be washed?

Products made of natural fur are strictly forbidden to wash. Otherwise, they may fade and lose their attractiveness, and the pile will become brittle and tangled.

And, in addition, shrinkage of the fur product may even occur. At the same time, their size can change very significantly.

But faux fur can be washed in the machine, choosing a delicate mode. But this is only possible if the base for the pile has become a synthetic base, and not cotton.

After washing is completed, the product must be laid out to dry on a flat surface. Shortly before the final drying of the pile, it should be combed gently to prevent the appearance of lumps. But still, if possible, it is better to refuse washing even faux fur in favor of cleaning.

How to make fur shiny?

Fur looks very beautiful when it is not only clean, but also shiny. To restore shine to fur products, you can treat the pile with lemon juice, a weak solution of acetic acid, or glycerin. It is better to apply any of these products to the product from a spray bottle, and then carefully wipe the fur with a paper towel.

Perfectly helps to make a fur coat shiny fish oil. To obtain a special remedy, you need to mix 100 grams of fish oil, 10 grams of laundry soap, 10 drops of ammonia, 1 liter of boiling water. While the water is hot, all the listed ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then cool the finished solution to room temperature, apply to a sponge and process the fur.

Shiny fur looks more beautiful

If the product has lost its luster only because it has become dusty, then a wet sheet will save it from dust. To do this, wrap the fur coat with a cloth, and then slightly beat it out.

In the event that the fur is dark, then it can be wiped with walnuts crushed to a powder state. To prevent the powder from scattering throughout the product, it must be wrapped in gauze folded several times. The result is a kind of tampon, with which you need to wipe the fur coat.

A special spray paint for suede perfectly helps to improve the look of fur products. It is especially convenient for her to tint the tips of a long pile. When spraying paint, the spray can should be kept at a distance of about 70 centimeters. After a certain area is painted, it must be combed immediately. This will remove excess paint and separate the stuck villi. In order for the color to lie well, the can must be moved slowly and evenly.

Some daredevils tint their fur coats with regular hair dye of a suitable color. But this method is very risky. You can never know for sure how the paint will behave on a particular product.

Fur storage rules

So, when the fur coat after a long winter is put in order and cleaned of all kinds of dirt, it's time to carefully pack it for the summer. It depends on how correctly this is done, how long the product will serve its owner and its appearance next winter.

It is best to dry your fur coat in the fresh air before packing it. The main thing is that it hangs in the shade, and not in the sun. As soon as the fur product dries well, it will need to be carefully knocked out.

As for the place to store a fur coat, it is best to choose a shelf in a closet for this, where direct sunlight does not fall, and where there are no batteries, pipes or any heating devices nearby. The room should have moderate humidity and low temperature. Fur needs to "breathe" and at the same time it cannot lie close to other items of clothing.

There is one secret how to protect white fur from yellowing during storage. To do this, you need to choose a blue case for the product. It has long been believed that it is blue fabric that allows light fur to retain its brightness for a long time. You can, for example, sew a cover made of blue material for your fur coat.

It is also important to ensure that the fur does not absorb any unpleasant odors. Therefore, next to the place where the fur coat is stored, it is not advisable to smoke, use essential oils and other products with a pungent odor.

Also, before you put fur items in the closet until next winter, you need to protect them from acquaintance with moths. Do not use naphthalene for this purpose. It is better to turn to more effective safe and pleasant-smelling products for help. For example, apply tobacco (leaves), citrus peels or geranium leaves. And, of course, in modern stores you can buy a variety of moth remedies.

By the way, sweet orange essential oil can also be used for the same purpose. By adding tampons soaked in this product instead of storing a fur coat, it will be possible not only to protect fur products from moths, but also to saturate them with a pleasant aroma.

Proper cleaning and storage of fur coats and other fur products will keep them in excellent condition until next winter. Thanks to such careful care, fur coats, hats, vests and other outfits will serve their owner faithfully for many years, decorate him and warm him in the most severe frosts.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 6 minutes


Doing household chores, every housewife is faced with the issue of cleaning and washing a winter coat. But in this matter, you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to properly clean a fur coat, and whether it can be washed at home. If visiting a dry cleaner is not possible, you need to enlist the wise advice of experienced housewives so as not to spoil an expensive thing during home cleaning.

Is it possible to wash a fur coat (fur coat) at home?

As you know, before summer storage, fur products, including a fur coat, or a fur coat, need to be cleaned. But without knowing this process, you can easily ruin your favorite thing, because fur and fur products require a special, delicate approach. It happens that for some reason it is not possible to clean or wash a fur coat in a dry cleaner - then the hostess herself must take up the matter, having carefully studied this issue first. You can also wash a fur coat (fur coat) at home, but with very expensive fur it is still better to contact special ateliers.

First you need to decide on the object of washing. A fur coat is a fur coat, it can be lined or unlined, made of natural fur or artificial, short or long, sheepskin coat. The easiest way for a hostess at home, of course, is to cope with cleaning a fur coat made of faux fur. The instructions for each type of fur coat are slightly different - we will try to understand this below.

How to clean a fur coat yourself?

If the hostess still does not dare to wash her favorite fur coat, and the thing does not have a lot of dirt, then the fur coat can be cleaned at home without resorting to dry cleaning services.

  • White, light coat can be perfectly cleaned with refined gasoline. Before the procedure, it is necessary to shake the fur well in the air, then apply gasoline to the pile with a soft brush, stroking the growth of the fur. Places where there are stains on the fur coat can be wiped with a soft cloth according to the growth of the fur. Place the fur coat in a well-ventilated place so that the smell of gasoline quickly disappears.
  • Fur coat made of white, light fur, that has turned yellow over time can be cleaned with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. Dilute peroxide with water (for 1 cup of warm water - 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide). Soak a foam rubber or natural sponge in this liquid, clean the fur of the fur coat with it, stroking the growth of the fur, then dry the fur coat. To make the fur shine, you can add 5-6 drops of ammonia to the liquid.
  • It must be remembered that very short fur on a fur coat or sheepskin coat is necessary brush against the growth of fur. They also clean a fur coat made of sheared mink.
  • You can clean the fur of a fur coat with hair shampoo(neutral, without balm, without color), diluted with water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per one glass of water. Wash the fur with a foam rubber sponge according to the growth of hairs. After cleaning, the fur must be wiped with a soft cloth dipped in cold clean water. After the procedure, the fur coat must be dried.
  • A fur coat laid out on a wide table can be clean with regular starch. Starch should be generously sprinkled on the fur, trying to get it between the villi. Then carefully comb the fur on the fur coat with a soft brush, combing out the starch. In the same way, a fur coat can be cleaned with semolina, fine bran, cornmeal, ground oatmeal.
  • A fur coat with long fur (fox, arctic fox, silver fox, etc.) can be cleaned using roasted oatmeal. Fry the oatmeal in a hot skillet, stirring well so that they warm up evenly. Then the flakes, still warm, sprinkle over the fur coats. Comb the flakes out of the fur with a soft brush with natural bristles. Finally, the fur coat must be gently shaken out in the open air.
  • After cleaning and drying, for the shine of the fur coat, it can be wiped in the direction of growth soft cloth dipped in glycerin. After this procedure, the fur coat must be combed with a soft brush, and then dried again in the shade.

What mistakes should be avoided so as not to spoil the fur coat when washing and cleaning:

  • Washing and cleaning a fur coat should not be done with very hot water, as it can “sit down” a lot.
  • It is impossible to dry a fur coat in the open rays of the sun, near heating and heating appliances.
  • A fur coat should never be ironed, even from the side of the lining! When drying, the washed fur coat must be straightened on the shoulders, giving the original appearance. Wet mezdra perfectly takes the given shape, so the fur coat does not need ironing and steaming.
  • Drying a fur coat after washing, cleaning, and also when worn after rain and snow is necessary only on strong coat hangers, and not on ropes - it can be deformed.
  • If the fur coat is already quite old, its cleaning and washing should still be entrusted to dry cleaning, because the skin can suffer from water and detergents.

Marina: over time, the fur coat ceases to shine. You can restore the shine of your favorite fur coat if you wipe its fur once a month with a soft cloth, a sponge dipped in a solution of vinegar in water (alcohol, vinegar and water in equal amounts).

Ludmila: In order for the lining of the fur coat not to “suffocate” after washing and cleaning the fur coat, the fur coat must be dried in a well-ventilated place, turning it inside out several times a day, and then back - with the fur out. This will allow the lining to dry well.

Olga: To dry a fur coat after cleaning or washing, it can be dried on a special device that looks like a mop. On the crossbar of this "mop" it is necessary to wind dense and voluminous rollers of fabric - these will be "shoulders" so that the fur coat does not break on the shoulders. This crossbar should be attached to a rather long handle, which can be stuck into the ground, into a container of sand, into the neck of a wide canister filled with water.

Anna: A fur coat with very dense fur (yes, any fur coat, I think) can be cleaned with boric acid powder, which is sold in pharmacies. For a long zigey coat, 6-7 packs of powder will be required. The cleaning technology is still the same: sprinkle the powder on a fur coat laid out on a wide table, then comb out the boric acid with a natural brush. Boric acid gives shine to the fur, in addition, it perfectly cleans it, and serves as a remedy against moths and skin beetles.

Maria: In order to clean and untangle long fur on a fur coat, you can purchase a brush for combing dog hair - it works great!

Tatiana: in addition to semolina and starch, it is good to clean a fur coat with pure table salt. The technology is the same - pour into fur, then comb through with a soft brush.

Where to buy a new fur coat if you ruined the old one while cleaning the house - read.

Today, fur clothing is still enjoying the same success as many years ago. It is impossible to pass by chic fur products, which, like a mystical magnet, attract the admiring glances of others. Any person, at least once, who finds himself in the arms of such luxury, understands what is at stake. And for those who have not yet tried to dress in luxurious fur clothes, it is by no means difficult to imagine all the charm. It is enough to take a closer look at those passing by: how brightly a fur coat or even one collar on a jacket stands out among the crowd. But, fur clothes, like any other, can get dirty over time and lose their gloss and beautiful appearance. Do not forget that fur, unlike the fabric products we are used to, also requires special measures for cleaning and bringing it into proper shape, so as not to aggravate the situation even more.

Let's make a reservation right away that if you have fur clothes and for some reason it gets dirty or loses its beauty and gloss over time, then dry cleaning is the best option. Since in dry cleaning they use products that are safe for the product. But, on the other hand, no one will carry the whole jacket or fur coat to dry cleaning because of a speck on the collar, and dry cleaning services themselves are by no means so cheap. So in most cases, the thing can be cleaned at home, following the appropriate washing rules.

To begin with, you need to decide on the material of the product, what kind of fur is the clothes made of, natural or artificial? To do this, the product must be carefully considered: faux fur, as a rule, is a pile fixed on a fabric or leatherette base. Natural fur is distinguished by a base made of genuine leather.

With natural fur, you should be especially careful, since the leather base on which the villi are held naturally has a certain set of fats and special substances that protect the skin from loosening and destruction of the structure, and the fur from rash. As a result, it is strictly forbidden to wash natural fur in a washing machine, since under the influence of chemically active substances contained in washing powders, all fats will be removed from the skin, and it will simply deteriorate - it will lose elasticity and other mechanical properties, and at the same time beautiful appearance. To avoid such troubles, you need to know how to properly wash natural fur.

It is best to use a dry wash for this, without any water at all. You will need:

  • Take a pack of ordinary starch;
  • Sprinkle the place of contamination with powder, if this is the whole product, then you need to sprinkle the whole thing, if some local area, then only it.
  • After that, gently rub the fur, as with hand washing, but without water (the entire time of these manipulations should not exceed ten minutes);
  • Shake off the starch powder, and comb out the stuck residue with a natural bristle brush.

This method can be used to wash both dark and white fur. You can also use special aerosols, which are not difficult to prepare at home. Consider a few so-called grandmother's recipes that have been known to mankind for caring for natural fur for more than a dozen years:

  1. For the first solution, you will need ammonia, water (you can use tap water) and peroxide. All this is mixed in proportions: a glass of water, a teaspoon of peroxide, a couple of drops of alcohol. The entire solution is applied to the fur with a sprayer.
  2. Another solution is prepared from alcohol, water and salt, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:50:3 and applied to clothing. The product is as effective as gasoline for cleaning.
  3. A very old method is cleaning with a solution of alcohol, vinegar and water mixed in equal parts. Such a solution is applied with a regular sponge and removed with a cloth that perfectly absorbs moisture.

How to wash faux fur?

Now faux fur is as popular as real fur. The fact is that in developed countries there has long been a struggle for the rights and protection of our smaller brothers, who, as you know, constantly suffer for the sake of the fur industry. That is why eminent Western brands create very beautiful, and sometimes even chic artificial substitutes for natural fur, which not only look great, but may not even differ from the original.

In addition, it should immediately be noted that if there is a pattern on your faux fur product, then it is better to refuse standard washing with water immediately. For the rest, follow these rules:

  1. Although faux fur can be machine washed on a delicate cycle, hand washing is much more preferable. Since with it the fur will not go astray and the thing will not lose its external charm.
  2. For clothes, use a large container.
  3. All detergents for washing should provide only gentle or delicate care.
  4. Be sure to use warm water.
  5. Try not to rub the fur so that the surface does not stick together and fall off.

For hand washing, fill the selected container with water and dilute a little detergent in it. The thing just needs to be soaked for a certain period of time. This gap should be chosen based on the degree of contamination and the material. During washing, we do not rub the product, but only run our hand first against the wool, and then in the direction of the pile.
Before washing the fur at home, it should be cleaned of dust in a simpler way - knock it out from the inside out. In order not to harm the whole thing, it is better to test any cleaning agent first on an inconspicuous area. To do this, just apply a little detergent and wait a couple of minutes. After that, you need to try with your hands - whether the fur is somehow deformed in that place. If the structure does not change in any way under the influence of a detergent, you can safely wash it.

If washing in the machine cannot be avoided, then in order to preserve the appearance and properties of the product, several rules should be observed:

  • Before washing faux fur in the washing machine, it is better to roll the thing with the fur inside and wrap it in a fabric bag or at least an old pillowcase;
  • Detergents for washing wool and silk do an excellent job with this task, and when rinsing, you need to use antistatic additives;
  • Wash only in delicate mode without spinning.

Remember one important rule: the fur perfectly absorbs moisture, so if a dry coat fits into the washer drum, this does not mean that the drum will withstand its weight when wet.

Drying the fur product after washing

After the fur product has been washed, it must be thoroughly dried, since the moisture remaining between the villi can become a source of an unpleasant odor and a complete failure of the garment. But drying should be moderate and natural. In no case should a fur product be allowed to dry on a radiator or fireplace. The best option is always natural drying at room temperature. If the dimensions and material allow, then you can get wet with a towel, but do not twist. It is also strictly forbidden to use an iron or a hair dryer as accelerators or drying, with these devices you can irrevocably spoil your favorite thing.

Features of washing a jacket with fur

Very often on clothes, fur acts as a coating or material of its individual elements.- hood, cuffs or collar. This combination is especially common in down jackets.

All jackets and down jackets with such collars should be conditionally divided into several varieties: made of genuine leather or artificial, removable or sewn.

Of course, it is simply impossible to wash the fur element together with the entire down jacket in the washer. After the mode for the down jacket, nothing will remain of the fur, and the down jacket itself may lose its appearance from washing. Therefore, initially disconnect the fur from the down jacket: if the collar is removable, just unfasten it, if not, you need to either carefully unpick it or try to clean it without wetting the jacket.

Before washing the collar fur, carefully look at the material from which it is made. Depending on what material it is made of, the washing method will also depend. We clean natural fur without soaking in water, as described above.

Artificial can be washed in soapy water, after soaking it for half an hour. At the same time, do not forget that in no case should it be rubbed. But you need to rinse very carefully.

How to wash a hat with fur?

A fur hat, like other items of clothing with fur, can also lose its appearance. To put it in order, it is absolutely not necessary to grab the laundry and other radical methods. It is possible that pollution can be dealt with in a more gentle way. To do this, you will need to wipe the fur with vinegar in the direction of the pile. This procedure gives the product a pleasant shine and charm, but you should not abuse it either. Too frequent treatments with vinegar can end badly, the fur will become rough and tough.

If washing is inevitable, then you need to wash the fur hat separately. The fur is torn off from the lining, while you must first outline how the lining was attached to the hat. If washing did not give the desired effect, then the lining can be replaced with a new one by cutting it out according to the existing pattern. Fur, depending on whether it is natural or not, is cleaned by any of the above methods.

What is the best way to wash fur?

Whether it will be correct to wash the fur, or whether it is better to use the services of a specialized organization, depends only on the specific situation. It is absolutely clear that it makes no sense to spend money on dry cleaning if the old appearance is able to return the most ordinary vinegar, which is in the kitchen, in almost every home. But, the situation is completely different when it comes to an expensive fur coat that can simply go to the trash because of your wrong actions. The same can be said with confidence about all the greasy stains left on the fur. Since on your own you are unlikely to be able to effectively remove fat from a fleecy surface. Always remember that the best guarantee of the long life of your favorite thing will be constant care, not constant cleaning. Therefore, you should try to refrain from getting into the rain and not to wet fur products in bad weather.