How is the stimulation of labor in the hospital. Preparations for stimulating labor in the maternity hospital. Natural stimulation of labor in the maternity hospital. Stimulation of labor at home: how to do it and whether it is necessary

Medical procedures

Who needs labor induction and why?

Doctors have been studying the technology of stimulating labor and its effect on the body of the mother and child for a century. Today, there are many ways and drugs that can speed up and facilitate the process of childbirth. But no matter what cutting-edge medicines they give you, no matter how you are assured that the stimulation procedure is absolutely safe - remember that any intervention in the birth process can both positively and negatively affect childbirth.

Since the female body is designed by nature in such a way that a child can be born practically without outside help, groundless interference in childbirth can only do harm. True, today complications even in primiparous mothers are recorded more often. This is due to poor ecology, the late age of the birth of the first child and, accordingly, a greater number of chronic diseases in women giving birth.

In addition, doctors, having believed too much in miraculous devices and medicines, are now increasingly relying on average birth rates than on their own experience. According to statistics, in every Russian maternity hospital, labor induction is used in 7% of cases of childbirth, but this is only according to official data. And what is actually happening, one can only guess, because in many maternity hospitals this procedure is put on stream.

Most women who are offered induction of labor simply do not know, and doctors do not consider it necessary to inform them, that the introduction of medications can either speed up or slow down, or completely stop the natural process of childbirth. And this leads to additional medical intervention, and increasingly to caesarean section.

After the operation is done, the doctors “calm down” the woman with the words that this was the only possible option, and that if not for her (the operation), the result could have been much sadder. The only thing they do not talk about is that the very stimulation of childbirth becomes the causative agent of surgical intervention.

Often women, not having full information about the pros and cons of stimulation, and with the tacit consent of doctors, very easily agree to "push" the birth process. They do not realize that the birth may go faster, but the pain will not decrease from this, but will only increase, and the child will have an increased risk of oxygen starvation, and, as a result, blood pressure may decrease (and this is already an indicator that the child is suffering in utero, and you need surgery).

Of course, doctors must be trusted, and there are times when stimulation is really necessary and justified. But do not forget that any actions that the obstetrician decides on must be agreed with you or your authorized representative. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, let your husband or one of the relatives whom you trust be present at the birth with you. And even if you are not able to make an adequate decision, they will be able to assess the situation more calmly.

And most importantly, you need to prepare yourself psychologically and physically for childbirth from the moment you found out about your pregnancy and decided to give birth. If you have no contraindications for health reasons, then walking in the fresh air, swimming, playing sports are the best helpers in preparing your body and internal organs for such an important moment in the life of any woman as childbirth.

Why is it necessary to induce labor?

In cases where childbirth does not begin naturally or does not progress, when there are medical indications for the birth of a child before the due date, doctors resort to induction of labor to open the cervix.

Stimulation of labor activity is necessary:

    in case of post-term pregnancy (more than 42 weeks);

    to reduce the risk of caesarean section in multiple pregnancies or large babies;

    to avoid birth complications in cases where there are medical indications for the health of the mother or fetus: kidney disease, thyroid disease, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, umbilical cord prolapse.

The main disadvantages of labor stimulation:

    the main disadvantage of stimulation is too strong an effect of drugs on the body of the mother and child. Hence the very painful contractions, the suffering of the fetus and, as a result, a caesarean section;

    when a dropper is used in childbirth, a woman is forced to be in the most uncomfortable and ineffective position for the birth of a child - lying on her back. This increases the pain of contractions and interferes with progress in childbirth;

    stimulation can cause the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus, and in some cases lead to disruption of the functioning of the child's cardiac system;

    stimulation of labor can cause too long, very intense and painful contractions that require the introduction of an additional portion of painkillers;

    the likelihood of uterine rupture along the scar, in the case of repeated vaginal delivery after caesarean section;

    fetal distress. It is believed that childbirth occurs after the child releases a special hormone into the mother's body, which starts the birth process. If the birth is stimulated artificially, then the child is not yet ready to be born;

    stimulation increases the risk of premature placental abruption, as well as the use of forceps or a vacuum extractor.

Types of artificial stimulation

The following methods are most often used to stimulate labor:

The introduction of analogues of natural hormones that trigger labor and enhance the contractile activity of the uterus

To prepare the uterus for disclosure, a drug such as oxytocin is used.

Oxytocin- refers to synthesized analogues of the hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Oxytocin is administered in the main form of intramuscular or subcutaneous injections. This drug has more minuses than pluses, and, in addition, there is a high probability of its overdose:

    oxytocin causes non-physiological contractions and increases labor pain (therefore, it should be used in combination with painkillers);

    the drug may increase the suffering of the fetus. Too long and intense contractions cause a decrease in the amount of oxygen supplied to the child. And babies born with the help of stimulation are less adaptable and more likely to have infantile jaundice;

    the dose of the drug should be selected individually due to the identified increased sensitivity to it in many patients;

    oxytocin should not be used if there is a scar on the uterus, placenta previa, an abnormal position of the fetus, or the inability to have a baby through the birth canal.

The use of prostaglandins

Studies show that it is much safer to use prostaglandins (prosten, enzaprost, dinoprostone, prostiv) to prepare the uterus for dilatation, causing milder contractions. Often the reason for the lack of progress in childbirth is the immaturity of the cervix. In order to “soften” it and cause contractions, doctors inject prostaglandins in the form of a special gel or suppositories deep into the vagina and cervical canal.

The advantages of using prostaglandin are that this drug does not penetrate the amniotic sac and does not restrict the movement of a woman during childbirth. At the same time, prostaglandins can slow down the transition to the active stage of labor. In some women in labor, the use of these drugs causes the development of headaches or vomiting.


Amniotomy- this is the opening of the fetal bladder with a special hook that is inserted into the vagina, the fetal bladder is captured and opened, which causes the outpouring of amniotic fluid. This operation should be performed by an experienced obstetrician and only if indicated.

To avoid possible complications, an amniotomy is usually performed after the baby's head has passed into the small pelvis, squeezing the fetal bladder and the vessels on its surface, which prevents the risk of bleeding and prolapse of the umbilical cord.

The main indications for amniotomy, according to gynecologists and obstetricians, are pregnancy overdose, and as a result, deterioration of the placenta, as well as the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Another important reason for using amniotomy can be preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia- this is a complication during pregnancy, the main symptom of which is the appearance of edema ("dropsy of pregnancy"), as well as, in more severe cases, high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Opening the fetal bladder during preeclampsia can help a woman in labor and prevent complications during childbirth.

Another indicator for this operation, which is much less common, is the Rhesus conflict.

But we must not forget that this manipulation can be unsafe. In Russian maternity hospitals, sometimes they do not even warn about amniotomy. And the consequences of such an operation can be very sad. Contractions may never come, which will require the use of other medications - oxytocin, and in rare cases, can lead to infection of the fetus or prolapse of the umbilical cord.

Despite the fact that the stimulation of labor is used everywhere today, in some cases it is forbidden to do it.

Contraindications for artificial stimulation:

    health problems in the mother (endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, a suture on the uterus, etc.);

    incorrect position of the child;

    discrepancy between the size of the child's head and the size of the mother's pelvis;

    deterioration in the child's health (according to the indications of a heart monitor).

Along with medical methods of labor induction, there are natural ways that help speed up or start childbirth. The only thing to remember is that if you decide to use one of the methods of natural stimulation, first consult with your doctor. No matter how safe or pleasant this or that method seems to you, it is better to coordinate your actions with a specialist.

Natural methods of labor induction:


During a long walk, the baby presses on the cervix, which causes it to begin to open. This method only works if the cervix has already begun to flatten in anticipation of labor.

    sexual intercourse

Semen contains the natural hormones prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and promote uterine contractions.


Promotes muscle contractions of the uterus.

    Nipple massage

Increases the content of the hormone oxytocin in the blood. True, such a procedure requires more time than the use of artificial drugs. Massage should be done three times a day for ten to twenty minutes. Some doctors recommend performing this procedure only while in a hospital where it is possible to monitor the condition of the mother and child.

For example, a long walk and any active actions.


There are several points, the impact on which contributes to the natural stimulation of childbirth. These points are located between the index and thumb, in the upper part of the shoulder, in the sacrum, next to the ankle, on the outer part of the little finger at the base of the nail (information can be found in books on acupuncture) and, according to experts, are associated with the uterus. Their stimulation helps the woman relax, which relieves pain and starts the birth process.

Stimulation is the artificial induction of labor at various stages of pregnancy and the activation of labor activity already during childbirth. This procedure may be required if the duration of labor increases, which occurs if either the first stage of labor (cervical dilatation) or the second (expulsion of the fetus) is lengthened. Since not every "delay" in labor requires stimulation, doctors must analyze the situation, understand its causes and act accordingly.

When observing childbirth, the doctor pays attention to the following points:

  1. The presence of contractions, their frequency, duration and strength. Objectively, these signs are confirmed by palpation of the abdomen (uterus), according to the indications of a current dynamometer device, which allows you to accurately record the frequency and duration of contractions, as well as using a special intrauterine catheter to determine the pressure in the uterus against the background of contractions (the latter method is used very rarely).
  2. Opening of the cervix- this is the most accurate criterion for the normal course of childbirth. Opening is usually measured in centimeters. The minimum dilation is 0 cm when the cervix is ​​closed, the maximum is 10 cm when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. However, this indicator is not completely reliable, since even the same doctor can have different opening values, not to mention different doctors examining the same woman (the width of the doctor’s fingers serves as a guideline in determining the degree of opening in centimeters; 1 finger approximately corresponds to 2 cm, 3 fingers - 6 cm, etc.). It is believed that the normal rate of cervical dilatation in the active phase of labor is 1-1.5 cm/h. If the opening is slower, then the woman in labor may need some kind of stimulating effect. However, the actions of doctors are determined not only by the degree of disclosure, but also by the condition of the woman.
  3. Promotion of the presenting part of the fetus (usually the head). It is determined by palpation of the abdomen and / or vaginal examination.

With the normal size of the pelvis, the correct position of the fetus and the absence of factors that prevent the birth of a child through the natural birth canal, the protracted form of childbirth is facilitated by:

  • sedatives;
  • painkillers;
  • the position of the woman in labor on her back;
  • woman's fear of pain;
  • some diseases of pregnant women.

In addition, there are indications for artificial induction of labor:

  • post-term pregnancy, especially if there are signs of fetal disorders or pathological changes in the placenta,
  • in some situations - late toxicosis,
  • premature detachment of the placenta (direct threat to the life of the fetus),
  • premature discharge of amniotic fluid (since the likelihood of infection through the cervix increases), certain diseases (for example, severe diabetes mellitus), etc.

Your actions during pregnancy and childbirth

The desire to give birth safely should not remain a dream that is not supported by concrete actions. Moderate physical activity during pregnancy, physical exercises that train the abdominal muscles, perineum, breathing exercises, the ability to relax - all this one way or another will have a beneficial effect on the course of childbirth. Knowledge about the course of childbirth, the correct behavior in them will reduce the fear of childbirth, therefore, you will be able to influence the process of the birth of your child to a greater extent. The listed useful knowledge and skills are quite effective methods of stimulating labor.

If you have the opportunity to choose the conditions for childbirth and the possibility of choosing a maternity hospital, one of the selection criteria should be the ability to walk during childbirth (of course, if you have no contraindications to this). It has been proven that the supine position increases the duration of labor, since one of the factors for cervical dilatation, fetal pressure on the cervix, is not realized. In the USA, studies have been conducted that have shown that freedom of movement (the ability to walk, sit in different positions) can be no less effective than drug stimulation in childbirth!

If you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the room where the birth will take place, use it. Surprisingly, the factor of preliminary acquaintance with the maternity ward also has a beneficial effect on the process of childbirth (this was also revealed by the meticulous Americans in their studies).

During childbirth, you can use the old but scientifically proven method - nipple stimulation. At the same time, the body increases the production of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates labor activity, which largely determines the course of childbirth and their successful outcome. It is this circumstance that can explain the fact that breastfeeding immediately after birth accelerates the birth of a child's place and reduces the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage. If, according to doctors, your pregnancy is gradually becoming overdue, and there are no signs of approaching delivery, you can also resort to this method.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee the effect, but there will be no harm from this method (of course, if you do not overdo it, because during this period the nipples are easy to injure).

Increased physical activity can also trigger the onset of labor. But this "method of stimulation" is fraught with obvious danger to the life of the mother and child.

The actions of doctors during childbirth

It should be said that the frequency of drug stimulation is growing from year to year. There are several reasons for this. The main ones are the state of health of women and the desire of doctors to minimize the risk to the fetus. If you would like medicines to be used during your birth only when absolutely necessary, discuss this with your doctor. In addition, different maternity hospitals have their own "favorite" methods of stimulation. You may find it useful to know which method of stimulation is preferred by obstetricians in the maternity hospital of your choice.

So, what methods of labor stimulation do doctors have in their arsenal? All of them can be formally divided into those that stimulate the contractility of the uterus, and those that affect the opening of the cervix. Sedatives stand somewhat apart. Fear of pain can slow down labor activity. Therefore, by muffling negative emotions, in some situations it is possible to restore the normal course of childbirth.

Methods affecting the contractile activity of the uterus

In this group, the most popular among obstetricians are amniotomy and synthetically obtained analogs of natural hormones, in particular oxytocin.

Amniotomy- opening of the fetal bladder. It is performed during a vaginal examination with a sterile plastic hook-like instrument. This procedure is painless, since the fetal bladder is devoid of pain receptors. The mechanism of action of amniotomy is not fully understood. It is assumed that the opening of the fetal bladder, firstly, contributes to the mechanical irritation of the birth canal by the fetal head, and secondly, indirectly stimulates the production of prostaglandins that enhance labor activity. Information about the effectiveness of amniotomy is contradictory. In general, the prevailing opinion is that amniotomy, even without combination with other methods of stimulation, reduces the duration of labor. But this method is not always effective. And if doctors come to the conclusion that this woman in labor needs stimulation, and the fetal bladder is still intact, an amniotomy will be performed first, and after it, if necessary, they resort to the help of labor-stimulating drugs.

If the amniotomy proceeds without complications, it does not affect the child's condition in any way. Amniotomy is considered a safe method, any complications are quite rare. Nevertheless, they exist.

An amniotomy can be thought of as cutting a well-inflated balloon. It becomes clear why in some cases, both amniotomy and spontaneous rupture of the bladder, the umbilical cord prolapses. This complication threatens the development of acute fetal oxygen deficiency due to compression of the umbilical cord between the fetal head and the birth canal. This situation requires urgent medical attention.

Blood vessels, including rather large ones, pass along the surface of the fetal bladder. Therefore, if a blind incision in the bladder damages such a vessel, bleeding is possible, in some cases life-threatening for the child.

In order to avoid complications, they try to carry out amniotomy, if possible, after the fetal head enters the small pelvis, squeezing the fetal bladder and the vessels passing along its surface. This prevents bleeding and prolapse of the umbilical cord.

If, despite the amniotomy, labor does not intensify, the likelihood of infection of the uterus and the fetus, which is now not protected by the fetal bladder and amniotic fluid, increases.

Oxytocin- synthesized analogue of the hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The action of oxytocin is based on its ability to stimulate contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus. It is used for artificial induction of labor, with weakness of labor throughout the entire period of labor, with postpartum hemorrhage, to stimulate lactation. In order to avoid severe complications, oxytocin is not used for anomalies in the position of the fetus and a clinically narrow pelvis, when the size of the pelvic ring is insufficient for independent childbirth.

Oxytocin is used in the form of tablets, but more often - in the form of a solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, and especially - intravenous administration. The last use of the drug is the most common. True, he has a significant drawback: a woman with a connected drip system (“dropper”) is very limited in her movements.

Different women respond differently to the same dose of oxytocin, so there is no standard scheme for using this drug. Doses are selected individually, therefore, when using oxytocin, there is always a danger of overdose with the appearance of side effects.

Oxytocin does not affect the readiness of the cervix to dilate. In addition, in most women, after oxytocin begins to act, labor pain intensifies, therefore, as a rule, it is used in combination with antispasmodics (drugs that relax the muscles of the uterus).

Oxytocin is not used if it is undesirable or impossible to have a child through the birth canal, the fetus is in the wrong position, hypersensitivity to the drug, placenta previa, uterine scars, etc.

The most common side effect of oxytocin is excessive contractile activity of the uterus, which can lead to impaired blood circulation in this organ, and, as a result, to a lack of oxygen in the fetus.

Methods affecting the cervix

In some women, the reason for the slow course of labor is the unpreparedness of the cervix for disclosure - in the language of doctors, its resistance, or immaturity. The most common method to help the uterus "ripen" is the use of prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are hormones that have a pronounced effect on reproductive function. In small quantities, they are found in almost all tissues of the body, but most of them in seminal fluid and amniotic fluid. Prostaglandins are able to stimulate smooth muscles, including the fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix. The drugs of this group, like oxytocin, are administered in different ways. However, routes of administration leading to systemic effects of these drugs (tablets, intravenous solutions) are not very common. This is because, stimulating the uterus with approximately the same effect as oxytocin, they lead to a greater number of side effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, excessive stimulation of uterine contractions, etc.) and, moreover, are more expensive. Therefore, prostaglandins are more often used not for stimulation during childbirth, but for artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages, artificial induction of labor during almost full-term or full-term pregnancy.

Currently, the method of introducing a viscous gel or suppositories containing prostaglandins into the vagina or cervical canal is widely used. With this method of administration, side effects are minimal, and the effect on cervical dilatation is significant. It is also important that with the local administration of this labor stimulator, the movements of the woman are not limited.

Of course, there are a lot of means that enhance labor activity. Many of them are very rarely used during childbirth, but are used as a means of combating postpartum bleeding, which occurs due to insufficient contraction of the uterus (its hypotension). Among them are herbal preparations (ergot, common barberry, nettle, shepherd's purse herb, spherophysin, etc.). Some funds have lost ground in recent years. This applies, for example, to artificially synthesized estrogen hormones, the effectiveness of which is inferior to oxytocin. There are methods that affect the course of childbirth, but require additional research, such as acupuncture.

Unfortunately, a method that, in all its parameters, would suit both obstetricians and their patients, does not yet exist, just as there are no two similar women in labor. Therefore, the choice of the method of labor stimulation remains with the doctor, who makes the decision, taking into account the conditions of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the individual characteristics of the woman.

Tatyana Zamyatnina
doctor of the highest category,
medical center "MEDSWIS"


no, well, it’s necessary - then I was shot with oxytocin, if I had contractions, but the neck didn’t open properly ?? good article, thanks!

Thanks for the great article. Everything is available written and now it became clear what and why.

This is almost the first time I have read a coherent article on stimulation, listing the various methods of stimulation, their pros and cons. And then most of the articles on this subject are more of an "educational" nature - that if a doctor prescribes stimulation, then it means that it is necessary, but in fact there is zero information. Thanks for the clarification, I think a lot of people are interested!

How long does it take for a woman to give birth. after she was put on a drip to induce labor.

15.04.2007 11:56:57, Victoria

Comment on the article "Childbirth with stimulation"

Need advice on pacing. Second and subsequent births. Stimulation of labor without indications .... Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. yeah, that's kind of all about her for now...


I was given a pill in the hospital to soften the cervix. I don't remember the name. Now I am very sorry, because. one intervention leads to another. The softness of the neck directly depends on the readiness of the baby to be born. The neck is not ready, so he is not ready.
I gave birth at 43 weeks and 4 days. After that, I read on the website of the Nikitin family that they had read a lot of literature on this issue and it turned out that my term was not the limit. I feel like I would give birth one of these days. But since The term was, according to the doctors, unrealistic, I succumbed to their persuasion, which I greatly regret now. In my case, everything worked out, but they did pierce my bladder, and then they vied with each other that the waters had gone, there was a threat of infection for the child, and at the same time they did not forget to climb into me to check every half an hour, they climbed everything, in the other hand easily holding a non-sterile mobile phone. What they didn’t offer me to inject, not believing that I myself was giving birth, than they just didn’t intimidate me. At the end, they set a deadline - half an hour, if there is no full opening, then they will be taken to a caesarean section. All I needed was to be left alone. The doctors will come out for half an hour, there are contractions, they come - the contractions become less frequent. In the end, I kicked them out, and everything went on as usual. In their half an hour I kept within. But how many nerves, worries it cost me. Those. instead of focusing on childbirth, I fought to defend my position to give birth on my own for several hours. And all this happened in one of the best maternity hospitals in Vidnoe, where people from Moscow come to give birth, under the leadership of the "wonderful" doctor Myamisheva, with whom I so wanted to give birth before.
Now I have completely repulsed the desire to give birth in the presence of doctors.
All the doctors counted my cycle on paper and could not take it for granted that this happens, and 2 ultrasounds in the first and second trimester confirmed my terms. They did not believe that this happens, and at the time of discharge they gave me 2 papers in which it was written that I had an urgent birth at 41 weeks.
They also frightened me with the fact that the child was allegedly suffocating inside, that there would be a post-maturity, in the antenatal clinic, the doctor generally stated that after 38 weeks it was dangerous for the child to be upside down, in the maternity hospital they put a CTG sensor in such a way that the child began to shudder, and from this the result of the CTG turned out to be terrible, she ran away with bulging eyes and came running with this pill. They didn’t want to redo the CTG, they agreed only after I took the pill. It turned out that my CTG was normal, just before that the child did not like the position of the sensor on his body.
I do not call you to anything, it's up to you, I just described my experience. By the way, my child was born with a weight that was far from overweight (3600 was not even gained).
I wish you a calm, easy, independent birth!!! The main thing is to tune in correctly.

Candles "Buscopan". Helped me very well. 2 candles a day is enough (morning and night).

Stimulation of childbirth. I don't understand why a woman is allowed to go up to 42 weeks and then still has to induce labor.


what do you mean by stimulation - oxytocin? it gives uninterrupted contractions, which are not only difficult for the mother, but also for the child, as he experiences constant and excessive compression, for which he may not be ready. natural contractions are always softer and intermittent.
bubble burst? the cervix does not always open after it, the whole EX often ends. or opens but the tissues are not elastic enough, hence tears and/or episio. by the way, in cases of premature birth, episio is almost always done, although the babies are tiny, but the tissues are not ready yet.
it is better to prepare for childbirth and give birth when the time comes. You can always monitor the condition of the baby, umbilical cord and placenta on additional ultrasound.
I gave birth at almost 41 weeks, a large baby 4250g, without breaks and cuts. preparing for childbirth, breathing correctly, pushing correctly, helping her baby, and he helped me. I wish you easy natural childbirth :)

Now half of the children, if not more, with hypoxia without any walking and stimulation. Plus, not every woman will agree to stimulate, and for this you need to go to the maternity hospital in advance, and there are not always places there. Everything is individual

What is stimulation? Stimulation is the acceleration of labor by injecting an additional dose of the hormone oxytocin intravenously, which should be produced during childbirth ...

Stimulation of labor without indications .... Medical issues. Pregnancy and childbirth. Stimulation of childbirth without indications... Almost a horror story, but it's better to know than not to know!!!

Do not induce labor until at least 40 weeks. With its onset, you can use natural methods that will not harm, they will only tune the body to the process.

Dosed physical activity after 40 weeks - yoga, Nordic walking, breathing exercises and exercises on a gymnastic ball are very useful, but only with the permission of a doctor. You can just arrange a general cleaning or walk up and down the stairs.

If physical activity causes severe malaise, fatigue, swelling, increased pressure or other unpleasant symptoms, their intensity should be reduced or abandoned altogether in order to avoid more serious consequences.

Sex especially useful on the eve of childbirth for two reasons:

  • In the sperm of a man are prostaglandins, which have a positive effect on the cervix. It softens under their action, shortens, opens.

Breast nipple stimulation signals the brain to release oxytocin, the level of which rises rapidly in the blood. It is also helpful in preparing the body for childbirth. It is recommended to irritate both nipples alternately or together several times a day for 3-5 minutes.

The nerve plexuses of the intestine and uterus are interconnected. Irritation of some leads to the activation of others. This can be used to "wake up" the uterus. It is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:

  • pineapple fruits;
  • garlic cloves;
  • hot spices - pepper, etc .;
  • liquorice root;
  • vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets;
  • raspberries are suitable from berries;
  • cumin oil or tea.

There are active points, massage which will also be favorable for the onset of labor. It is recommended to carry out several times a day for 3-5 minutes. Here are the two most commonly used points:

Can be used at home apparatus for DENAS-therapy, affecting them on the abdomen, cervical-collar zone.

Homeopathic medicines will help based on Pulsatilla and Caulophyllum. However, they should be used only as prescribed by a homeopathic doctor or at least a gynecologist.

Indications for labor induction in the maternity hospital:

  • post-term pregnancy - after 41 weeks;
  • if there is no need for a caesarean section;
  • complications of pregnancy requiring delivery in the absence of the onset of labor, for example, with oligohydramnios, suspicion of some malformations in the fetus;
  • somatic diseases of a woman, in which an earlier delivery is necessary, for example, with cardiovascular pathologies.

Mom's assessment at admission to the maternity hospital according to the Bishop scale

Conditions for holding:

  • live fetus;
  • no significant bleeding from the genital tract, detachment;
  • the size of the fetus and pelvis of a woman correspond to the normal course of natural childbirth;
  • the readiness of the birth canal for the onset of contractions, especially the cervix - its length should be no more than 2 cm and the opening should be at least 1.5-2 cm.
  • After stimulation, the contractions are somewhat more painful, so additional pain relief is often required.
  • More than 1/3 of stimulations eventually end with a caesarean section. "
  • The frequency of complications such as weakness of contractions, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, injuries of the birth canal of a woman and a child is higher with stimulated labor than with natural ones. However, the use of drugs and some methods is carried out on an initially abnormal pregnancy.
  • All medicines go to the fetus. The baby is still experiencing a lot of stress in utero.

Labor induction methods:

  • Amniotomy. This is the method of stimulation as close as possible to the physiological process. It can be performed both before the start of contractions, and already during them. When performing amniotomy with a special tool, the membranes of the fetal bladder are opened. At this moment, the front waters pour out. By their number, color, smell, one can judge the prenatal state of the baby. This is a painless procedure that is performed on a gynecological chair.
  • Cook catheters(you can replace them with regular urinary ones if they are not available). The doctor inserts the catheter into the cervical canal to the internal os and fills its end part with saline. Outside, there remains a part of the catheter that hangs freely. For convenience, it is attached to the pregnant woman's thigh. Thus filled catheter puts pressure on the cervix, contributing to its structural changes. The catheter is installed for 12 hours, after which it is removed. Sometimes it can fall out on its own - this means that the cervix has opened to such an extent that it no longer holds it. Usually, after the catheter, additional methods of stimulation are required.
  • Laminaria- compressed algae. Laminaria are introduced into the cervical canal and left for 8-12 hours, after which they are removed. During this time, they gradually swell, as they are in a humid environment, exerting mechanical pressure on the cervix and leading to its opening.

The use of kelp to open the cervix

Preparations for stimulation in the hospital:

  • Prostaglandins. In addition to stimulating contractions, they contribute to the transformation of the cervix, therefore they are used when the birth canal is not yet quite ready for childbirth (for example, a long or dense cervix, a small opening). The effect is mild, the contractions are not so painful.
  • Oxytocin. It is used if the cervix is ​​already ready for contractions, since the drug only stimulates its contractions. It is administered intravenously by drip or by lineamat - a special device that regulates the rate of drug entry into the bloodstream.
  • Deaminooxytocin. It is usually used to stimulate contractions during attempts or as an addition to basic medicines. The drug is not used alone to induce labor, as it is difficult to dose and control contractions, it is less effective than other drugs.

If oxytocin, prostaglandin preparations are used, an amniotomy is performed, then three hours are given for the development of effective labor activity. After this time, if it is insufficient, other drugs may be connected, or some cardinal decision is made, for example, indications for a caesarean section are identified.

Read more in our article on labor induction in the hospital.

Read in this article

Methods of natural labor induction

As soon as the 37th week has come, you can not worry about the fact that childbirth may begin. But you should not try to stimulate childbirth, as there may still be almost five weeks ahead - d 42 inclusive.

After the 40th week has come, you can think about the methods of natural stimulation of labor. They definitely will not harm, but can help the body tune in to the birth process.

Dosed loads are useful throughout pregnancy. They will help control body weight and make the body more resilient. After 40 weeks, it is still possible and useful to do yoga, Nordic walking, breathing exercises and perform exercises on the gym ball. But this is all - with the permission of the doctor and if the pregnancy proceeds physiologically. Any deviations can articles a ban on this kind of classes.

If there is no desire to perform any special exercises, you can simply arrange a general cleaning at home or walk up and down the stairs, for example, if the pregnant woman is in the hospital.

Expert opinion

If physical activity causes severe malaise, fatigue, swelling, increased pressure or other unpleasant symptoms, you should reduce their intensity or stop altogether in order to avoid more serious consequences.

Sexual contact

Sex is allowed throughout the entire period of gestation if the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Intimate relationships on the eve of childbirth are especially useful for two reasons:

  • In the sperm of a man are prostaglandins, which have a positive effect on the cervix. Under their action, she “prepares for childbirth” - softens, shortens, opens. Such an effect is possible only with a certain hormonal background of a woman, so do not be afraid of sexual intercourse until a full-term pregnancy.
  • During arousal, a woman's body releases oxytocin. It contributes to the contraction of the uterus, which will be so prepared for real contractions.

Watch in this video about whether sex will help speed up the onset of labor:

Breast nipple stimulation

The areola areas on the mammary glands are very sensitive. When they are irritated, signals are sent to the brain about the release of oxytocin, the level of which quickly rises in the blood. It is also helpful in preparing the body for childbirth.

special diet

The nerve plexuses of the intestine and uterus are interconnected. Irritation of some leads to the activation of others. This can be used to "wake up" the uterus. It is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:

  • pineapple fruits;
  • garlic cloves;
  • hot spices - pepper, etc.;
  • liquorice root;
  • vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets;
  • raspberries are suitable from berries;
  • cumin oil or tea.

Acupuncture and similar methods

There are active points, the massage of which will also be favorable for the onset of labor. Here are the two most commonly used:

  • on the palmar surface of the hands between the thumb and forefinger;
  • outside the ankle at a distance of 5-7 cm from the "bone" up.

Also at home, you can use such a device for DENAS-therapy, acting on the abdomen, neck-collar zone.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

Plants can also help in inducing labor. The following are most commonly used:

  • nettle;
  • ergot;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • barberry.

Recipes can be for the preparation of infusions, tinctures, decoctions. Sometimes it is recommended to add castor oil to the prepared solutions or make microclysters with it. It irritates the intestinal wall, and this in turn leads to reflex stimulation of the uterus. However, it should be borne in mind that castor oil can provoke intestinal colic.

Other Methods

Homeopathic remedies are also used to stimulate contractions. For example, based on Pulsatilla and Caulophyllum. However, drugs should be used only as prescribed by a homeopathic doctor or at least a gynecologist.

Indications for labor induction in the maternity hospital

After 40 weeks, and in some cases even earlier, women are scheduled to go to the maternity hospital for hospitalization, where doctors make a plan for future births and determine their time, if they have not come before that moment. The main indications for labor induction are as follows:

  • post-term pregnancy - after 41 weeks;
  • preeclampsia, if there is no need for a caesarean section;
  • pregnancy complications requiring delivery in the absence of labor, for example, often stimulation is used for polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios, suspicion of some fetal malformations;
  • somatic diseases of a woman, in which an earlier delivery is necessary, for example, with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular pathologies.

Conditions for holding

Any method of labor induction is used if there are conditions on the part of the obstetric situation for carrying out. They are the following:

  • live fetus;
  • stable controlled condition of a woman;
  • no significant bleeding from the genital tract,;
  • the size of the fetus and pelvis of a woman correspond to the normal course of natural childbirth;
  • the readiness of the birth canal for the onset of contractions, especially the cervix - its length should be no more than 2 cm and the opening should be at least 1.5-2 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages

Almost all women are quite categorical about any kind of stimulation of contractions, as they consider it a non-physiological process. Indeed, each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of labor induction include:

  • there is an opportunity to reduce the duration of childbirth;
  • in case of weak contractions, they become stronger, which prevents possible suffering of the fetus, and the risk of complications for a woman becomes less;
  • this way, in many cases, a caesarean section can be avoided.

The disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • After stimulation, the contractions are somewhat more painful, so additional pain relief is often required. This is due to the fact that during natural childbirth without the use of any drugs, muscle fibers do not contract all at once, but alternately. When stimulated - immediately more than 50% of the myometrium, which sometimes provokes even unbearable pain.
  • More than 1/3 of stimulations eventually end with a caesarean section. "Imposed fights" are not always productive. After a long ordeal with contractions, a woman can be operated on for a variety of indications, ranging from stimulation failure to bleeding, acute hypoxia, and the like.
  • The frequency of complications such as weakness of contractions, placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, trauma to the birth canal of a woman and a child is higher with stimulated labor than with natural ones. However, it should be noted that the use of drugs and some methods is carried out on an initially abnormal pregnancy - after all, labor is stimulated if there are some indications for this.
  • All drugs used to enhance uterine contractions go to the fetus. The baby is still experiencing a lot of stress in utero.

According to scientific data, drug-induced labor several times often have the following consequences:

  • placental abruption during childbirth;
  • fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • serious trauma to the birth canal;
  • often end with a caesarean section.

Considering that any stimulation of labor has not only advantages, but also significant disadvantages, in each case, one should approach the determination of indications differently.

Watch in this video about what the stimulation of labor leads to:

Labor induction methods and how it all happens

There are many stimulation options. In each case, it is necessary to choose the most optimal, "soft" - this is the doctor's task.


This is the method of stimulation as close as possible to the physiological process. It can be performed both before the start of contractions, and already during them. The role of the amniotic sac is important up to about 6-7 cm of cervical dilatation, it works "like a wedge", exerting gentle pressure on the cervix, as a result of which it opens.

When performing amniotomy with a special tool, the membranes of the fetal bladder are opened. At this moment, the front waters pour out. By their number, color, smell, one can judge the prenatal state of the baby. Amniotomy is a painless procedure that is performed on a gynecological chair.

What catheter is used

The essence of this effect is as follows:

  • The doctor inserts the catheter into the cervical canal to the internal os and fills its end part, which expands in the form of a balloon, with saline.
  • Outside, there remains a part of the catheter that hangs freely. For convenience, it is attached to the pregnant woman's thigh.
  • Thus filled catheter puts pressure on the cervix, contributing to its structural changes.

The catheter is installed for 12 hours, after which it is removed. Sometimes it can fall out on its own - this means that the cervix has opened to such an extent that it no longer holds it.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Before installing the catheter, two hours later, and immediately after its removal, it is necessary to record CTG - the fetal heartbeat, in order to prevent possible complications.

After the catheter is removed, the issue of further stimulation is decided. Rarely, women start contractions on their own, usually requires the use of additional methods. For example, with a good result and the opening of the cervix, an amniotomy is performed. Prostaglandins, oxytocin, and other stimulants may be prescribed.


They are compressed algae. They act like a catheter. Laminaria are introduced into the cervical canal and left for 8-12 hours, after which they are removed. During this time, they gradually swell, as they are in a humid environment, exerting mechanical pressure on the cervix and leading to its opening.

A drug

This is a hormonal drug, available in the form of tablets for oral administration and laying in the vagina or rectum, a gel for vaginal or cervical use, as well as a solution for intravenous infusion.

Prostaglandins, in addition to stimulating contractions, contribute to the transformation of the cervix, therefore they are used when the birth canal is not quite ready for childbirth (for example, a long or dense cervix, a small opening).

The effect of prostaglandins is milder, contractions are not as painful.

How long will it take effect

In each case of labor induction there are criteria by which one can judge whether the method works or not.

If oxytocin and prostaglandin preparations are used, an amniotomy is performed, then three hours are given for the development of effective labor activity. After this time, an examination is carried out, the effectiveness of stimulation is evaluated. If it is insufficient, other drugs may be connected, or some cardinal decision is made, for example, indications for a caesarean section are identified.

The effectiveness of the installation of a cervical catheter and kelp is assessed by structural changes in the cervix. If she is already ready for real childbirth, further stimulation is carried out, but already with drugs.

Useful video

Watch in this video about the stimulation of labor in the hospital:

Labor induction is a deliberate attempt to induce labor by artificial means.

Is it worth interfering with nature?

The process of induction of labor has been studied by doctors for more than a century. At the moment, a large number of medications have been developed that can accelerate and facilitate the process of labor. But it is worth remembering that interference with the natural process of childbearing, even through the use of the most modern drugs, with all exhortations about their safety, can have both positive and negative effects.

Nature has already thought of everything for us, and women are designed in such a way that the process of childbirth takes place absolutely independently, without any outside interference, which, by and large, can harm. But in the modern world, complications even in nulliparous women are very common, and the reason for this is the polluted environment, stress, the late age of the nulliparous, and, as a result, a large number of diseases.

Our doctors now increasingly rely on medications and equipment. Statistics cite data that stimulation of labor in the maternity hospital occurs in about 10% of cases. And this is only according to official data. What happens in reality is unknown, since doctors generally may not report their actions, unfortunately.

The population in our country does not try hard to delve into medicine, and many women who are offered to resort to stimulation do not even know that such a procedure exists, and even more so they are not aware that medications can not only speed up, but also slow down the process of childbirth. As a result, there is an additional intervention, and often you have to end up with a delivery by caesarean section, after which the accomplished mother is reassured that there was no other way out. Naturally, doctors do not mention at the same time that the stimulation was the cause of what happened.

Since women are not aware of the stimulation procedure, they easily agree to speed up the process, without even realizing that this can lead to increased pain, while the risk of developing hypoxia in the child greatly increases, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in blood pressure and fetal suffering.

No one disputes the fact that doctors must be trusted. Of course, there are times when it is simply necessary to push the process of labor activity. But remember that absolutely all actions performed by doctors must be agreed with the patient.

When to Induce Labor

Physicians can give completely different arguments that stimulation is not only necessary, but will be useful. The expectant mother must decide for herself which reasons and motives will be significant. Sometimes the stimulation of labor is indeed justified, but in the case when the arguments sound unconvincing, the word of the patient should be decisive. That is why both future mothers and future fathers should know in what situations stimulation is really justified.

Diseases of the expectant mother

The recurrence of various chronic diseases that are not directly related to pregnancy can be a significant reason for the artificial induction of labor. Tumors, diseases of the immune system, kidney, liver and other cases may require immediate intervention and urgent treatment. However, in most cases, treatment should not be started until the baby is born. The most severe here may be preeclampsia - a serious illness that can be caused by the pregnancy itself. It is very dangerous for the child and the expectant mother. Here, all doctors agree in one opinion: to save two lives at once, the only cure is to stimulate labor.

Rupture of the birth sac

Often there are cases when the membrane containing water and the fetus is torn even before the onset of labor pains. Don't be scared right away. This means that the birth will begin soon and the baby will be born in the next day or two. However, in about 5% of women who have a rupture of the birth sac, labor does not begin. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the child in the womb remains without water, as a result, hypoxia occurs and the fetus suffers. In addition, the risk of infection increases.

Too large or small fruit

In these cases, labor with stimulation is not always justified.

When the child is somewhat larger than it should be according to medical standards, the expectant mother is offered to artificially stimulate labor, arguing that he can continue to grow and will not be able to go through the birth canal, in which case a caesarean section will be required. But in fact, the size of the child does not yet mean that he is not able to go through the birth canal. Here it is very important to take into account the presentation of the fetus, the physique of the woman and the intensity of the contractions.

In the case when the child is smaller than the established norms, doctors are also concerned and offer stimulation, arguing that the child does not have enough nutrition for growth.

Non-occurrence of labor after 42 weeks of gestation

It is believed that when the 41st week of pregnancy ends, the stimulation of labor is fully justified, although more often the onset of labor in late pregnancy is the norm, and the child feels quite normal and receives sufficient nutrition, regardless of whether the woman herself begins to give birth or the process is stimulated with medication.

Studies conducted on this subject have revealed some difference regarding the results for the expectant mother and fetus. Stimulation at the date of onset of labor determined by ultrasound does not carry any benefits, while stimulation after 41-42 weeks of pregnancy gives more percent in terms of child survival. In view of the fact that the results are positive in both cases, the future mother should make the decision in the first place.

Disadvantages of labor induction

1. The most basic disadvantage is the strong and often negative effect of medications on the body of the child and mother. The consequences of this are an increase in pain during contractions, intrauterine suffering of the fetus and, as a result, additional intervention and a caesarean section.

2. Use of solutions for droppers. In such cases, the woman giving birth is in the supine position, which is very uncomfortable and absolutely ineffective for childbirth. This can lead to increased pain during contractions and interfere with the progression of labor.

3. Stimulation can lead to hypoxia and disruption of the fetal cardiovascular system.

4. Stimulation may cause an increase in pain and frequency of contractions, which may require additional administration of pain medication.

5. The risks of rupture of the suture on the uterus increase if previous births were carried out by caesarean section.

6. Unpreparedness of the child to be born - fetal distress. The mechanism of natural, natural, childbirth is triggered by a special hormone that the child secretes. In the case of an artificial birth induction, this does not happen, which means that the child is not yet ready for birth.

8. The risk of additional intervention in childbirth increases (the use of special tools - a vacuum extractor or forceps).

Types of labor induction

1. Oxytocin.

A drug that is an artificially synthesized analogue of a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and starts the process of childbirth. Most often, the drug is administered intravenously.

It can provoke non-physiological contractions and increase labor pain. It can also lead to intrauterine suffering of the child, due to the fact that prolonged and too intense contractions can cause hypoxia. The dosage of the drug should be calculated strictly individually, since the reaction of a pregnant woman is unpredictable. Oxytocin is strictly forbidden to use in cases where there is a suture on the uterus after a caesarean section or the child is in the wrong presentation, and also if it is not possible to give birth to a child through the natural birth canal.

2. Prostaglandins.

Perhaps the safest method of stimulation in the case of the use of medications. It causes softer contractions and is safer in preparing the cervical canal for childbirth. The use of prostaglandins does not interfere with the pregnant woman's movement, and these drugs cannot pass to the fetus. There are the following forms:

Preparations injected into the vagina and cervical canal (various gels and vaginal tablets).

Contraindications to artificial stimulation

Even if labor is stimulated according to strict indications, there are risks of complications. Here, first of all, it should be borne in mind that there are a number of contraindications to this procedure:

Incorrect presentation of the fetus;

The discrepancy between the size of the pelvis giving birth to the size of the child;

The impossibility of having a child through the natural birth canal;

Detachment of the placenta;

Violations in the cardiovascular system of the fetus;


Labor induction at home

1. Laminaria.

Gently inserted into the cervix, inside they swell and the cervical canal is stretched. This method has been successfully practiced for over a hundred years.

2. Castor oil.

Castor oil is often used to induce labor. Due to its relaxing properties, this oil can cause softening and dilation of the cervix. Taken orally, one tablespoon.

Natural induction of labor

The most preferred method of inducing labor. Of course, these methods can not always help, but they certainly will not harm the expectant mother and child. In addition, it is the stimulation of childbirth at home, which is an indisputable plus.

1. Active walking.

During active movement, the baby will put pressure on the cervix, which can cause it to open. But it should be borne in mind that this method can only help if the cervix is ​​already smoothed before childbirth.

Semen contains prostaglandins, which help soften the cervix. And orgasm will promote uterine contractions.

3. Stimulation of the nipples through massage.

It will increase the level of oxytocin in the blood.

4. Acupuncture.

It is necessary to stimulate certain points: between the fingers - thumb and forefinger, in the sacrum, at the base of the nail plate of the little finger, next to the ankle. According to experts involved in acupuncture, these points are directly related to the female organs.

Labor induction- this is an artificial induction of labor at any stage of pregnancy or its activation directly during childbirth to enhance contractions and attempts.

Of course, the best option is natural childbirth, when nature itself decides the moment of birth of the child. However, there are situations when it is impossible to do without medical care and it is necessary to stimulate labor activity.

Indications for artificial induction of labor

Induction of labor is carried out according to the following indications:

  • . It is carried out after 41 weeks or earlier if there are indirect signs of overwearing;
  • Multiple pregnancy if it persists for more than 38 weeks;
  • Premature rupture of amniotic fluid in the absence of development of labor activity;
  • Acute or chronic maternal illness preventing further preservation of pregnancy;
  • Fetal conditions, threatening his health and life with further prolongation of pregnancy;
  • Severe weakness of labor activity in the first and second stage of childbirth;
  • Immature cervix at full-term pregnancy;
  • Absence or delay in the first stage of labor.

Methods of artificial stimulation

To date, there are various methods for inducing labor in the maternity hospital:

  • Amniotomy;
  • exfoliation of the membranes;
  • Use of prostaglandins;
  • Mifepristone use;
  • The introduction of oxytocin;
  • Insertion of a Foley catheter into the cervix;
  • Insertion of laminaria into the cervix.


Amniotomy is an artificial opening of the amniotic sac. The doctor, under the control of the fingers, inserts a special hook into the vagina and cervix, captures the fetal bladder and opens it.

As a result of the discharge of amniotic fluid, the pressure in the uterus drops sharply, the baby's head begins to put more pressure on the pelvic bones, and labor is stimulated.

information The procedure is absolutely painless for a woman and does not pose a danger to the baby, because. The risk of developing any complications is minimal if the manipulation is carried out correctly.

Peeling of the membranes

The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. The doctor carefully exfoliates the amniotic membranes from the lower sections of the uterus in the area of ​​​​the internal pharynx. Manipulation is not always effective on the first try, sometimes you have to repeat it several times to activate labor.

The procedure is safe for the child, but can cause discomfort and pain to the expectant mother.


Prostaglandins are widely used for cervical ripening and stimulation. At the moment, there are various dosage forms of the drug:

  • Vaginal forms(gel, vaginal tablets, uterine ring);
  • Tablets for oral use;
  • Solution for infusion(intravenous drip).

The use of dosage forms of prostaglandin

Method of administration Dosage form Multiplicity of introduction
Any form of the drug is used when the cervix is ​​dilated no more than 4 cm.
VaginalLabor induction gelIntroduced into the posterior vaginal fornix If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 6 hours
Vaginal tablets
PessaryIntroduced into the posterior fornix of the vagina (in most cases once)
Oralbirth control pillsTablets are taken orally with an initial dosage of 0.5 mg of the drug every hour. If necessary, the dosage can be increased.
IntravenousSterile solutionThe initial dose is 0.25 mcg / min. The subsequent dosage can be increased under constant monitoring to eliminate side effects.

The most widely used prostaglandins for vaginal administration, because. while the risk of side effects is minimal. Tablets and solutions are used much less frequently.


Mifepristone to stimulate labor is used according to the following scheme: 200 mg once a day, after 24 hours, the drug can be repeated.

This drug is a synthetic drug that inhibits the action of progesterone and thereby stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus.

Mifepristone has a number of side effects, so it should only be taken under medical supervision.


The most common way to administer oxytocin is intravenous, in which the drug enters the bloodstream directly.

Women may respond differently to oxytocin stimulation, so there are no standard dosages. The drug should be administered very slowly with constant control over the onset of contractions to avoid hyperstimulation of the uterus and gradually adjust its dosage.

Foley catheter

The catheter is used to ripen the cervix at term. The balloon is inserted into the cervical canal and filled with saline to mechanically stretch the cervix and open it. The catheter is left in the canal for 12 hours or until it spontaneously falls out.

The procedure may be painful for the woman herself, but will not harm the child.


Laminaria are dried stems that have been used for over a century to ripen the cervix.

The stems are inserted into the cervical canal, tightly packed, where, under the influence of mucus, they swell and stretch the cervix.

Natural induction of labor

Natural stimulation of childbirth, of course, is more preferable: it may not always cause labor, but at the same time, you can be sure that it will not bring harm to a woman and a child.

Natural stimulation methods:

  • Long walks in the fresh air;
  • Walking up the stairs;
  • having sex. Sperm must necessarily enter the genital tract of a woman, because. it contains prostaglandins that increase the contractile activity of the uterus;
  • Nipple stimulation;
  • Acupressure foot massage;
  • Taking a warm bath or shower.

Labor induction at home

important It should be noted right away that self-stimulation of labor at home not only can not always bring the desired effect, but also lead to a number of complications. Acceptance of any drugs, the use of various folk methods should occur only after consultation with your doctor.

Home stimulation of childbirth can be carried out both using the natural methods described above, and using folk remedies.

Folk remedies for stimulating labor:

  • Vegetable oils. For example, castor oil has long been used to stimulate childbirth. The oil should be used on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, or generously season salads and other foods with it;
  • Raspberry leaf infusion. Take 2-3 times a day not earlier than from 37 weeks, because. can cause premature birth;
  • Red currant juice(taken on an empty stomach in the morning);
  • Sea salt cleansing enema(active intestinal peristalsis will increase the activity of the uterus).

Possible Complications

Of course, artificial stimulation of labor should be carried out only according to strict indications, because, despite rare complications, there is still a risk.

Moreover, it should be taken into account that there contraindications for stimulating labor, both in the hospital and at home:

  • Incorrect position and presentation of the fetus;
  • The large size of the child, combined with a narrow pelvis in the mother;
  • Maternal diseases that prevent the natural birth of a child;
  • Violations of the fetal heartbeat;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Prolapse of the umbilical cord or small parts of the fetus into the vagina.