How to stretch jeans. Fabric and knit inserts - how to increase jeans in a belt

Jeans, like any clothing, have to be washed. But after such a procedure, one very unpleasant moment appears - they sit down. And as a result, it becomes hard to put them on, although there was no excess weight. They are almost impossible to put on, and if you manage to do this, then wearing them is absolutely uncomfortable. This raises a reasonable question: "How to stretch jeans?" And there is an answer to this question! Not even one.

How to stretch jeans while dressing

So you've washed your clothes and they're dry. And now the moment has come when it needs to be dressed. Since many people do not iron their jeans, but put them on immediately after drying, they fall into their hands shrunken, and it is simply impossible to pull them on. In this case, you need to try to still put them on, and then perform various movements with your feet. As a result, rough and shrunken fabric will become softer and slightly stretched.

How to stretch jeans with ironing

With the help of an iron, you can not only smooth out all the wrinkles, but also soften the fabric, which will allow it to stretch a little. If classic jeans are too tight for you after washing, then you should walk through them with an iron, wait a bit and put them on while still warm. It is warm, and not cold or hot, since you can simply burn yourself with a hot cloth, and a cold one stretches much worse.

How to stretch jeans with water spray

If the above methods do not help to achieve the desired effect, then there is one more, not very pleasant, but effective. In fact, this method is a modification of the usual stretching. To begin with, jeans need to be slightly moistened with water. You can do this with a sprayer. Next, you should put them on wet and perform booty movements, from which they will stretch in the right place.

Using an expander

On sale you can find devices whose main purpose is to stretch jeans. Not to everyone, of course, such a product may seem necessary, but it does an excellent job with the tasks and does not require any special efforts from a person. In this way, even jeans with an elastic band at the bottom can be stretched, the main condition is that they are of high quality and tight, otherwise they may tear. Clothes after washing should not be immediately hung out to dry, first you need to fasten them. Next, install the expander in the belt and fix it there. Then it is necessary to increase its length to the desired one, while the fabric in the waist area will begin to stretch. When the device is installed and configured, the jeans can be hung out to dry.

Try to buy jeans from high-quality material that is not subject to slight deformation;

You should buy clothes that are well-tailored, otherwise it may simply tear;

Use the adapted mode of the washing machine;

Do not put your jeans in the dryer as they will dry out. this will cause the fabric to shrink.

Probably, each of us in the wardrobe has a thing that we can not part with. Even if it has lost its original appearance, has become hopelessly small or large for you, it can take up space in the closet for years. Getting rid of this thing is usually hindered by pleasant memories, for example, about how stunning you looked in it.

Very often, such a fate awaits your favorite jeans. Finding jeans that will favorably emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws is a great success, which happens quite rarely.

If jeans, which until recently sat flawlessly, suddenly stopped fastening on you, you can try to increase them by a size or two using methods tested by many generations of fashionistas. How to stretch jeans at home, read our today's article.

Where are jeans most likely to shrink?

Jeans can become small for two reasons:

  • The first reason is shrinkage after washing.
  • The second reason is more sad - a sharp weight gain. If the numbers on the scale remain the same, but your favorite pants are very tight, most likely they have sat down after you washed them incorrectly.

Jeans sit in a variety of areas. Products made of low-quality material, with a high percentage of synthetic fibers, can “shrink” not in separate places, but completely, either in length or width. Higher-quality pants are seated only in sections. Most often - on the belt, which is why it can be difficult for us to fasten jeans after washing.

Another possible problem area is the legs. Tight-fitting jeans such as skinny or slim fit, which include stretch, are most susceptible to this. Therefore, when buying tight trousers, be prepared for the fact that after washing they may become a bit short for you.

Proven Ways

There are several affordable ways to stretch jeans at home. We have compiled for you a selection of the simplest and most effective methods.

Before using any of these, experiment on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric first, as the reaction of the material to such measures cannot be predicted.

Stretching while exercising

Denim is a cotton fabric that is not very stretchy. However, to make jeans fit better, manufacturers have long learned to add various synthetic fibers to denim, which can stretch and narrow under the influence of various factors.

It is these elastic additives that are usually to blame for the fact that jeans have decreased in size.

The fabric can be stretched mechanically. It will be most effective to do this directly on yourself. Therefore, we pull on our jeans and proceed to exercise.

We work with our feet: we squat, we swing, we sit on a twine, we make a bicycle in the air, in general, we recall all the exercises on the legs from school physical education lessons.

At first, the shrunken fabric will hamper movement, but soon you will feel freer. Continue until you feel as comfortable in jeans as before.

Taking a bath with jeans

The fibers will stretch better and hold their shape longer if they are pre-wetted. Soaking jeans is also better on yourself.

For this procedure, you need to choose a day when the apartment is warm, and you are not worried about a cold or other inflammatory diseases, otherwise the consequences of such an experiment will be disastrous.

  1. So, we collect a full bath of water (the water temperature should be comfortable for the body, but not too warm).
  2. Then we pull on jeans and plunge into the bath. You need to sit there for 10-15 minutes so that the denim gets wet well.
  3. After leaving the bath, we proceed to physical exercises - we do everything in the same way as in the previous method.

Using an expander

In dry cleaners, clothing repair shops and sewing studios, a special device is used to stretch trousers in the waist area. In the original, it is called a waistband extender, but in the people it is simply called “extender”.

You can buy such a device in one of the companies that sell equipment for the above organizations.

Using the trouser extender is very easy, you can easily master this device:

  1. First, the fabric on the jeans belt should be slightly moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. Then fasten your pants on all fasteners, take the expander and insert it inside the belt.
  3. Start gradually stretching the device until the mark stops at the desired value (beginning the process, you need to take measurements from yourself in order to know how wide to stretch the jeans).
  4. Now, without removing the expander, leave the pants until the fabric is completely dry - this usually takes several hours.

We iron and steam

Another good way to stretch denim is to expose it to hot, humid air. The source of such air can be an iron or a clothes steamer. This method is especially useful if you need to stretch your jeans in one place, such as at the waist or at the bottom of the legs.

The shrunken area needs to be treated with steam for several minutes. Gradually, the fibers will begin to straighten, the former elasticity will return to them. While the pants are still soaked in warm steam, they need to be put on quickly - let them cool down already on you. Walk around in jeans for an hour and a half, so that the new form has time to fix.

We use a sewing machine

If none of the stretching methods described above helped, then the situation is more serious. The elasticity of the material can no longer be restored, therefore, it is necessary to resort to drastic measures.

To do this, you will have to remember the skills in handling sewing accessories obtained in needlework lessons. You don't have to be an experienced seamstress, but you do need to know how to operate a sewing machine a little.

Reduce seam allowances

This method will only work if the jeans are just a little too small for you. As a result, you will get an additional centimeter and a half width, but no more.

In addition to the sewing machine, you will need:

  • sewing ripper;
  • scissors;
  • crayon;
  • ruler;
  • needle with thread;
  • and a set of sewing pins.

First, the jeans need to be turned inside out, then with the help of a ripper, gently unravel the side seams in those places where the trousers have become narrow for you. You may have to rip the product along the entire length - it's okay, it just takes a little longer.

Now you need to mark the location of the new seams, sweep, and then sew on a sewing machine. Thus, jeans can be increased by half a size.

Inserting stripes - an easy increase in jeans by 2 sizes!

The most radical, but also the most effective way to increase jeans is to insert stripes into the side seams of the product.

At first glance, it may seem that the pants can only be spoiled this way, but if you do everything carefully and successfully select the material for the inserts, the result will be simply amazing.

The most important thing is to choose the right fabric for the stripes. It should not only go well with jeans in color, but also have the appropriate density.

You will need a little material, strips of fabric 50 cm wide are more than enough.

Then divide the resulting number by two and add 2 cm to the margin. Now you should cut out two planes of fabric of the desired length and width and sew them into the previously ripped side seams of the jeans.

    Do not wash jeans in hot water, as they shrink even faster.

    You can put on almost dry jeans and look a little like that, they will quickly stretch. It is not necessary to sit down in wet jeans, as the knees can be stretched.

    I think they will stretch themselves, these are jeans. Just walk as usual, gradually the jeans will take your shape. The previous tip is good too. But next time, choose jeans that have at least a minimal percentage of elastin, then they will break in faster, and they will fit better.

    Take bottles of one and a half bottles, fill them with water and put jeans on them. Before this, it is better to wet the jeans - so they will stretch faster.

    Also, you can steam your wet jeans well with an iron, then they will also stretch a little.

    If jeans are tight in the shins, then this is of course not comfortable and harmful to health, because tight jeans pinch blood vessels, thereby disrupting blood circulation and lymphatic movement in the tissues of the body. One option is to sew on cute stripes (stripes from old jeans, narrow embroidery, and more). You can try, of course, to stretch. To do this, you need to wet the jeans in tight places and, when wet, pull them over plastic bottles. Fill bottles with hot water first. The volume of the bottle should be larger than the volume of your lower leg. To do this, you can take, for example, two-liter plastic bottles.

    If the jeans are new, then they can only be made softer, and if they are already a little old, then probably only really stripes can be made. My friend bought some very tight American jeans, as she says real ones. And in order to grind them to softness, he soaked them, and then squeezed them several times in the washing machine. I turned on a special spin mode, it lasts 10 minutes. Says softer steel.

    An interesting and painful question, concerning, mainly, many of the fair sex.

    To be honest, I wouldn't recommend stretching, just like wearing tight jeans in general, or even limiting them to once a week - no more. After all, lovers of tight trousers have a huge number of health problems! There are troubles associated with nerve endings (frequent tingling and burning in the legs and hips, irritation of the vaginal area leading to yeast infections, constant back pain, hypoxia - causing fainting, etc.).

    If all of the above does not stop you from wearing, namely, such denim trousers, please, here are a couple of tips for you on how to alleviate your suffering a little by stretching these clothes in your calves, or rather, the cotton fabric from which they are made.

    • put on warm, preferably thick woolen tights, and then by hook or by crook - a lie or jumping over jeans. Managed? And now, try to exercise a little, let's say, do your morning gymnastics complex 2-3 times. Usually after this procedure, you will achieve the expected result, but if not, then - a radical way;
    • if you didn’t miss labor lessons at school, use a blade or a sharply sharpened knife to open the side seams and re-sew the trousers, adding, if necessary, inserts from old denim. In extreme cases - take it to the studio.

    Now think, does beauty really require SUCH sacrifices?

    Try to wet them only and put your jeans on wet, even if it takes effort. Then you will need to do several squats and different tilts - both down and in different directions.

    If this doesn't work, try using a shoe stretching foam. Use the foam on dry jeans. Wet the calf area in the jeans with it and put it on, and spray an additional thick layer on top of the calf area.

    And there is also an option to wash and while they are wet stuff them in the calf area with something voluminous and let them dry in this way, they will definitely have to stretch.

Have you bought brand new jeans and you can't fit them in? Ready to throw this thing away or give it to someone? Not worth it. So that you can wear your new pants comfortably, let's figure out how to stretch jeans at home.

First you need to find out if in your case it is generally possible to stretch the jeans to the desired size. This is not difficult to do: the product is quite simple to try on. If you can pull your pants over your hips, but feel uncomfortable in your thighs or barely button them up, you can deal with the problem.

If it turned out that tight jeans do not fit on your hips, and you cannot put them on completely, let alone fasten them, stretching is out of the question. You will not achieve the desired result, but only spoil the purchased item. In this case, it is advisable to immediately return the product to the store or give it to one of your friends or relatives, for whom it will fit in size.

Method 1 - using an iron

Is it possible to stretch overly tight jeans so that they fit perfectly in just a few minutes? With the help of an iron, this is quite easy to do. You should act like this:

  • The household appliance should be switched on to the steaming mode.
  • Next, you will need to iron through all the problem areas of the product. Such an impact will soften the fabric and slightly increase it in volume.
  • Immediately after this, you will need to put on still warm jeans so that they take the shape of your body.


use this treatment option if you need to break in tight cotton jeans. It is better not to take risks with thin products - they can be deformed.

Method 2 - spraying

This technique will help you if your trousers are too narrow at the waist and are difficult to fasten on you. In this case, you should work with the product as follows:

  1. First you need to put on your jeans and be sure to fasten them with a button.
  2. Next, you need to draw warm water into the spray bottle and moisten the gum on the jeans and the thigh area well with this water.
  3. Now you should walk around in such a product for about an hour until it is completely dry. To stretch your pants faster, you can do some simple exercises in it, for example, squat. But you need to do these exercises very carefully so that the fabric does not tear.
  4. After this manipulation, you should take off your jeans and put a couple of water bottles in them all night so that they finally stretch. From the next day you can wear such products with comfort.

Video: how can you still get into your pants by spraying?

How to quickly achieve the same result at home? It is enough for you to moisten the jeans a little after each putting on and do simple stretching exercises in them. So you can spread them, spending a few minutes a day on it.

Method 3 - soaking

This option will suit you if you can fit into your cotton jeans. How to expand your pants in this way? You should act like this:

  1. First you need to put on your pants. They must be fastened with both a zipper and a button.
  2. Next, you need to take a full bath of warm water and add bath foam to this water. It will help soften the fabric. Please note: you need to take only those foams that do not have strong coloring components, otherwise you risk ruining the fabric.
  3. 15 minutes after the start of such a soak, the denim will gain elasticity. After that, you need to start gently stretching it along the inner seams and around the waist. This procedure will take you another 10 minutes.
  4. After that, you should cover the floor with oilcloth (so as not to stain it with blue stains from fading denim), get out of the bathroom and do some simple exercises in jeans: squat, lunge, jump a little.
  5. Next, you will just need to wait until your pants are dry. So they will take the necessary bends both on the sides and at the waist.


if you use this method of stretching jeans, in no case use a dryer or hair dryer to dry such products faster, even in calves. Under such influence, the fabric may shrink, and you will have to start all over again.

In order to fix the result after such stretching, it is recommended to wash the jeans several times by hand in cool water. This is necessary so that the product finally lays down on the figure.

Method 4 - expander

This method is suitable for those who want to increase the size of the trousers with minimal time. For this, you will need a special stretching tool, which you can buy at home improvement stores. In this case, you will need to act like this:

  1. To begin with, the product must be put on and be sure to fasten in the belt.
  2. Then the fabric will need to be well wetted.
  3. Next, you will need to insert an expander into the waist area, fix it well and gradually increase its length.
  4. After a few minutes, you will be able to remove the expander. After that, you will need to walk around in jeans for a while so that the stretch takes the desired shape.


do not use this method on how to increase the waistband of your trousers if you have a jeans model made of thick denim. You may not achieve the desired result, but you risk damaging the fabric of the product.

What to do if the jeans have sat down

If you suddenly find that the jeans have shrunk after washing, or the purchased model turned out to be too short, you should not worry. You can also stretch it without assistance. You need to act like this:

  • To begin with, the jeans will need to be wetted. The best way to do this is with a spray bottle.
  • Then you will need to take the leg along the inside seam and gently pull it first from the shin to the knee, and then from the knee to the thigh. You will need to do this trick with the second leg.
  • After that, you will need to try on the product. If the first time you did not manage to give it the desired size in length, this procedure will have to be repeated.


if you choose this particular way, how to break jeans, be very careful. Do not stretch items that have holes or very thin, worn areas of the fabric in this way - as you can tear them.

How to increase the size of the product

The methods presented were good for cases where a person can put on and fasten an item that puts a little pressure on their waist or thighs. But what about those who want to stretch their pants a size smaller than required? This problem can also be solved. You can do it like this:

  1. First you need to take trousers, measure them with a centimeter and carefully fasten them with a zipper and a button and lay them out on oilcloth or clean paper for further processing. Be careful: if you do not fasten the button and zipper on your product, you can inadvertently tear it.
  2. Next, you should find a spray bottle, fill it with warm water and use this spray bottle to moisten the jeans well both inside and out.
  3. If you want to increase the length of your product, you should stand on the part of the trouser leg above the knee, take the edge of the trouser leg and easily pull it towards you, as shown in the photo.
  4. If you want to increase the jeans in the hips, you should stand on the pocket area and also gently pull the opposite part of the product towards you. Similarly, you need to act if you want to stretch the belt of the product, only in this case you will still need to unbutton the button, otherwise it may also come off.
  5. After this manipulation, tight jeans will need to be measured again with a centimeter to make sure that you managed to stretch them successfully.


in no case should you use this method to stretch jeans in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fastener or pockets. In these places, you can simply tear the product.

It is not enough to know how to quickly stretch jeans at home, it is also important to understand how to do it so as not to spoil the product. To do this, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • Do not put wet jeans on colored items: they can shed and stain them. On denim pants, bright spots can also remain after this.
  • You do not need to pull the product by the straps if you want to increase its width. The straps will simply come off with such an impact.
  • When stretching jeans, do not make sudden movements. This will tear the fabric.

You also need to remember that those jeans that you managed to stretch to the desired size cannot be washed in water with a temperature of more than 40 degrees in the future, otherwise they will shrink. It is also not recommended to use a washing machine for washing such products. If you have to do this, at least turn off the drying mode and choose programs with a minimum duration for such products. Otherwise, you will have to wonder how to expand the jeans after each subsequent wash.

Video: how to increase jeans?

01/23/2018 2,777 views

Often people are faced with a situation where their favorite thing does not fit. Sometimes they get upset and go on a diet. But most often the cause is improper washing of pants. Consider how to stretch jeans in the waist and in length at home? This is very important, because no one wants to part with their favorite thing.

If the pants are made of poor quality material, they can shrink completely. In the best cases, things sit on the belt, so fastening them becomes problematic. Stretch products are most susceptible to this. It should be borne in mind before buying a close-fitting thing that it can become shorter. Before using the method, it is worth trying it on an inconspicuous area.

Is it possible to stretch jeans several sizes?

All models are boiled before being put on the counter, so after washing they become small. Also, the pants may not fit in length. You should not buy an unsuitable thing or sitting back to back, in the hope that it will stretch. It's better to buy a size up. The proposed methods will make it possible to increase women's and men's jeans, but not by much.

How to prepare material?

Before stretching, you should carefully examine the pants. It is necessary to check that the fabric is intact, there are no even sewn tears, scuffs and dirt.

Usually a new thing is soaked for this purpose. You should prepare a basin, liquid soap, a simple shampoo or conditioner. You may need towels, carnations, an iron. Zippers should be buttoned up, cuts and button fasteners carefully sewn up.

How to stretch jeans with your own hands?

Denim is a stretchy fabric, so you can usually go up a size. It is resistant to damage, which minimizes the risk of spoiling the appearance of things.

There are quite a few methods - it can be the use of an iron and a spray gun, wetting, mechanical stretching. You can achieve expansion and lengthening of the trousers.

In the belt

Spraying is the fastest and easiest way. To use it you will need:

  • water;
  • spray;
  • large mirror.

It can only be used if the fly is fastened. When the pants are not worn even on the belt, more serious methods will be needed.

The step-by-step algorithm of actions required in order to expand the jeans in the belt:

  1. Put on trousers, spray the area with a spray gun, take it from both sides.
  2. Gently pull up, then sit down.

Repeat the steps until the trousers are buttoned up. It is better to use water of warm temperature, wetting it with the wrong side and the front part.

You can also take a bath without taking off your jeans. The method can hardly be called pleasant, but it is effective. The fact is that the correct fit and fastening is hindered by the fact that they are not completely stretched over the legs. To apply the method, you will need:

  • bath;
  • towel;
  • water at a comfortable temperature.

Action algorithm:

  • Lay out a towel next to the bathtub so that you can immediately move to the floor.
  • Pour water in such a volume that it completely sits down. The liquid should cover the legs up to the waist.
  • Wait until the jeans are wet.
  • Bend your knees, take the belt and pull the trousers. Moving around in the bathroom will help them fit well.

  • Get out of the water, sit on a towel. Move, stretch to the leg in turn. It is necessary to achieve that the pants begin to fasten.

  • If discomfort remains, you should sit down and do lunges. Exercises will help to ensure that the jeans stretch in different directions.
  • Do not remove them until they are slightly damp.

  • Remove, dry in a straightened form in a warm room. Do not put them on the battery - the size will become the same.

The method was used in Soviet times - it was difficult to get completely suitable jeans. Pour shower gel or foam into the bath. From this, a cotton thing stretches better, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

The iron is used when the trousers are fastened, but cause discomfort. The result will be insignificant.


  1. Turn on the steam mode, after pouring in water.
  2. Draw along the waist on both sides.

The fabric will stretch in width, after which you need to put on jeans and perform several exercises. If a steam generator is not available, a small piece of gauze or cotton should be used. Dip it in water, attach it to the desired place, iron it. Steam is produced from action.

How to lengthen jeans?

It is best to sew on a piece of fabric or leather fringe. If it is not possible, you should apply the method, which will require:

  • centimeter;
  • small nails;
  • warm temperature water.

The method is not easy, but if there is no desire to use needles and threads, it will do.


  • Measure the pants length when dry.
  • See how many centimeters you need to increase the thing.

  • Hold short jeans in water, wring out thoroughly.
  • Take small nails, carefully nail the belt to the surface.

  • Measure the desired centimeters from the belt, nail the legs in the heel area.
  • Wait for complete drying.

You can use cargo. To do this, put wet trousers on the floor, stand on the upper area with your foot, and pull the legs up.

You should not attempt to stretch with your own hands in the areas of holes, damage and cuts - this will harm the thing.

in the thighs

You can quickly and easily enlarge jeans in the waist and hips with a spray bottle. The algorithm for its use:

  1. Moisten the fabric in the place necessary for stretching with a spray.
  2. Fasten all buttons, insert the device inside.
  3. Slowly move until the mark reaches the desired value (it is important to take measurements to get an accurate result).
  4. Wait a few hours until the item is completely dry.

You can make a solution to increase the width:

  • room temperature water - 5 l;
  • ammonia - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • turpentine - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients, leave the pants for half an hour. The method is suitable for dense cotton fabric.

in calves

For this purpose, bathing in a bath with jeans is suitable. If you do not want to use the method, you can first soak the trousers, and then put them on and start charging. Pour a little conditioner into the liquid so that the thing becomes supple and soft.

Stretch fabric is much easier to increase, but they cannot be in a very hot temperature, as elasticity will be lost. You can also spray the sprayer specifically on the calf area or in the thighs.

If the jeans are small, you should do the following:

  1. Use before washing the powder specifically for a particular type of fabric.
  2. Exchange in store for a larger size.
  3. Walk around the house in new tight trousers. If they are of high quality, they will stretch and sit on the figure.
  4. Sit for a day on kefir or vegetables. Excess water and centimeters in the waist and legs will go away.
  5. Rip the thing at the seams, make inserts inside.
  6. Let the trousers be worn by a person who is slightly larger in size. The main thing is to tactfully present the request.

Video: how to stretch jeans in the waist and in length at home?

Additional questions

How to remove stretched knees on jeans?

Before sitting in a deep chair, you need to pull the thing up a little. By doing this, the problem can be avoided. It is also important to follow special rules when washing - the water should be cold, the trousers should be turned inside out, fully buttoned. Do not use intense pressure. If one stain appears, it is better to clean it with a brush than to put the entire product in the machine.

No need to put on a thing when wet or after steaming. The procedure should be done constantly, especially in problem areas.

If the deformation has occurred, you need to make a sutyuzhenie. The wet area of ​​the knees should be ironed until it dries and retracts. You can rip the thing along the step and side seams, stretch the deformed area, moisten and carry out the considered procedure.

In the event that this did not help, you need to contact the studio. Specialists will make small tucks and remove excess fabric. This method is applicable for classic looks, original skinny jeans can be ruined.