How to make a flower from foamiran. Noble roses, lilies, orchids and simple wild flowers: do-it-yourself foamiran masterpieces that cannot be distinguished from real ones


If you want to make a truly valuable gift with your own hands , pay attention to such a versatile material for making elegant crafts as. This material is often used in the production of parts for children's educational games, dolls, rugs. But our craftswomen have long found use for this plastic suede - foam in their work, from which original handmade flowers. Peonies, roses , gladiolus, lilies, asters from foamiran literally come to life in the hands of craftswomen who have just created these decorative flowers with their own hands.

In previous materials, we have placed for you step-by-step master classes and video tutorials that simply and clearly outline the ways making homemade flowers (peonies, roses) from foamiran. In this article you will find tips, mk, video tutorials for beginners. If this is your first time getting acquainted with the properties of this amazing material, we advise you to start your creative journey by creating simple flower for decorating hairpins or elastic bands on hair.

3 helpful tips for beginners:

- which foam is better?

before you get to work and make your first flower yourself It is important to choose the right material. Foamiran is sold either in the form of sheets or in rolls and may have different names on the packaging - foam, fom, eva, plastic suede. But there is an option on the packaging of which foams is written - this is porous rubber for children's creativity and beautiful flower it is very difficult to make it.

There are Iranian and Chinese versions of foam. Experienced craftswomen use both options in their work with equal success. But we advise beginners to use Iranian foam in their work, from which it is easier to make petals of the desired shape.

- how to give the petal the desired shape?

This material is very flexible. It is enough to crush the foam with warm palms and you can fold, twist, bend it, changing its shape.

Many needlewomen use heat treatment with an iron when working with foamiran. You can heat the iron (at the minimum value) and stick blanks cut according to the template to the warm sole. After a few minutes, they will fall off, after which you can make any shape of the petal . If you do not like the shape, you can always change it by attaching the workpiece to the soleplate again and starting all over again.

- how to make a foamiran blank thinner?

To make our decorative flower elegant, with thin "airy" petals, it is advisable to use a thin sheet of foam in the work. But what if there is only thick material on a roll at hand? There is a way out!
First, we cut out the blank in the shape of a petal, and then we begin to diligently knead and rub it in the palms, releasing air from the bubbles of the material as much as possible. Then we apply the workpiece to the sole of the iron and, after heating, stretch it a little with our fingers.


There are many ways to make plastic suede crafts.

Consider the classic stages of creating a flower from this material:

Cut off several strips 3 cm wide from a sheet (or roll) of foamiran. Cut into 3 by 3 cm squares. Cut out a flower petal from each square according to the template (from cardboard). The number of petals depends on the type and size of the flower. . To make the color of the petals look realistic, you need to slightly tint them around the edges and at the base with pastel crayons or paint.

Now we need to give the blanks a realistic shape of the petals. To do this, we crumple each in warm palms, stretch it out, form bulges with our fingers (you can use special bulbs for florists and a heated iron sole for this).

When all the petals are formed, we begin to collect them into a flower bud . A common option is to make a loop at the end of a thin wire, apply a little glue from a glue gun and wrap a petal around the loop. After that, glue each subsequent petal in a circle at the same level in height

Now let's make the sepals to make the flower look more realistic. On a green foma sheet, according to the template, draw the outlines of the sepal with a toothpick and cut it out. With nail scissors, we make small notches along the edges of the workpiece.

We make flower leaves. According to the template, we cut out blanks of leaves from a sheet of green foam. Now we will apply a drawing and relief on each leaf using molds (forms, relief blanks and special castings). It remains to give the leaves of the flower a natural look, changing their shape by heat treatment.

How to quickly make a simple foamiran flower for hair elastic:

For work, we will prepare the following tools and materials: green and purple foam sheets, iron, nail scissors, glue gun.

Stages of work

cut a rectangle 8 cm wide from a Foma sheet and fold it in half horizontally. Glue with glue gun

from the side of the fold, at regular intervals, we cut the workpiece with scissors. The workpiece will take the form of a comb. We fold it several times and fix the shape with a glue gun.

now we make flower leaves by drawing a contour according to the template on a green foamiran sheet. We apply streaks (you can use a toothpick) and sculpt to the sole of the iron. After heat treatment, give the leaves the desired shape.

it remains to glue a circle (base) of foam to the inside of the hair elastic and glue the bud and leaves to the base on the outside of the accessory.


Master class 1:


Master class 2:


Master class 3:


Master class 4:


Master class 5:


Before studying the master class, you need to familiarize yourself with the material, its properties, and only after that create divinely beautiful flowers from Foamiran with your own hands. Owning this type of needlework, you can usefully pass the dull time by creating spectacular floral decor, funny toys or scrapbooking elements.

This material is called differently: Plastic suede, Fom Eva, Revelure, Fom, Foamiran, Foam. It is a soft synthetic modern material used in scrapbooking. Its main feature is plasticity, which tends to be slightly stretched within 10%. It is enough to accept the material, with subsequent memorization of the form necessary for the master. He remarkably reacts even to the warmth of human hands, which makes working with him easy and pleasant.

In our time, the use of Foamiran turned out to be a real find. Fans of creativity note a large palette of colors, the possibility of additional coloring of the material in the required color, shade, which opens up, both for masters and beginners, almost limitless possibilities for imagination and creativity.

The color saturation of Foamiran is ideal for creating a variety of accessories. Nude and pastel colors are used in the process of making dolls or works in the style of " Shebbi».

Material Tools

To work with this material, ordinary scissors are enough. However, you can additionally use special machines to create the necessary forms, curly composters, molds. You can change colors, give new shades with the help of pastels or acrylic paints.

To change the shape, it is not necessary to use heating devices such as an iron or curling iron, the warmth of the fingers is enough. Under the influence of heat, plastic suede perfectly bends, wrinkles, while remembering "new" forms with their subsequent preservation.

It must be remembered that excessive tension of Foamiran can lead to rupture of the workpiece.

A thousand words cannot replace even one photograph. Therefore, we propose to move from words to deeds and try to create a purple flower with your own hands. Our master class will help you with this. We will not start with the birth of a Peony, since it is difficult to perform, but a purple rose and a snowdrop are just within the power of everyone.

We invite you to get to know this type of creativity more closely by watching a video about what Foamiran is and how to work with it.

purple rose

To perform a certain range of work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Foamiran olive and purple flowers;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • fastening for hairpins, brooches or other jewelry.

So, the master class for making our flower will consist of four stages:

  • cutting out;
  • gluing;
  • bud fluffing;
  • sepals and calyx.

Each step will be described in detail by us with the provision of relevant photos.

Step One "Cut"

From a roll of purple foamiran, we cut out a long strip, the width of which should correspond to three centimeters. Then we cut it into separate shreds, preferably rectangular, from which flower petals will be cut.

When creating this composition, the shape of the petals can be arbitrary, but in our case it is oval with a small cut.

Now you need to twist the opposite edges of each cut petal with your fingers, and then slightly stretch the middle with your fingertips. Such petals will be required within 20 or 25 pieces.

Step two "gluing"

After giving each petal the necessary curved shape with wavy edges, you can begin to glue them together. For this purpose, we take a glue gun or glue of strong fixation. We apply it in a small amount to the “cut” part and gradually form a flower bud out of them. In its center, to facilitate the work, we place a ball rolled from foil. You can also use other convenient improvised material.

The petals are glued in a "chessboard" order next on top of the previous one, do not forget to press them tightly against each other. Using cold glue will significantly increase the process in time, and the use of a glue gun will speed up any part of the work.

Step Three "Blooming Bud"

The gluing of the petals occurs approximately at the same level in relation to each other. This method provides an opportunity to end up with a beautiful flower with smooth edges with a blossoming bud.

Now our master class can go further and tell you exactly how to create an equally beautiful green part of the plant with your own hands.

Step four "Sepals and calyx"

From a flap of Foamiran, but already olive in color, we cut out several long strips with a length of 7 to 8 cm and a width of not more than 1 cm with scissors. After that, we cut each of them into two even parts almost to the very end. Use your fingers to twist the elements to the state tight flagella, which, unwinding, will acquire the necessary “natural” shape for us.

While our flagella take on the required state, we cut out one, maybe two, circles from the same patch, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm. With their help, we will create a base for the flower. Subsequently, it is to these circles that the decorative mount for our creation will be glued.

Perhaps our master class seemed to you a little difficult or insufficient in explanation.

For a more detailed look at exactly how flowers of this kind are created from Foamiran with your own hands, use the corresponding video, from which you will learn a lot of useful information.

Everlasting Snowdrop

Many of us enjoy the spring time by gathering snowdrops. This plant is listed in the Red Book, so these actions turn out to be a misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine. Making this flower is much easier than Peony.

However, if such beautiful flowers cannot be collected in the forest because they are an endangered species, then let's create them artificially with our own hands from Foamiran. After passing the master class we offer, you can make a whole bunch of such flowers without breaking the law.

So, the manufacturing instructions say that in the process of creation we will need materials and tools such as:

  • white foam;
  • olive-colored plastic suede;
  • toothpick;
  • thermal gun;
  • for the stem - wire;
  • paints;
  • green teip tape;
  • scissors;
  • iron or curling iron.

Last time, our master class was built on a phased disclosure of the process of creating a flower. In this case, we will do the same.

Create petals

On a white flap of Foamiran, using a toothpick, draw the outlines of future petals: three inner (small) and three outer (larger). Now cut them out with scissors.

The inner part of the petals is tinted with green pastels. To do this, you need to draw hearts, and then paint over them all with chalk.

Next, you need to heat up the iron. Depending on the number of modes for the most gentle. If there are only four, then give preference to the second. Attach your petal to the heated sole. It will stick well, but as it warms up, it will begin to lag behind a little. During this step, the edges of the petal may melt a little. But your iron does not threaten anything bad.

After heating, it will acquire a convex shape and twist a little. Taking advantage of the moment when it is heated, give your fingers the desired shape even before the moment of cooling. Agility in this case will not hurt. After cooling, it will keep its shape perfectly. The same procedure should take place in relation to the large petals of the Snowdrop.

We create the middle

A stamen is glued to the end of the thick wire, which can be purchased at the store.

All three small leaves are glued to the finished structure, so that they are on top of each other.

We collect a flower

From above, on small petals we glue large petals at the same level with them. As a result, you will get a half-opened flower. To create a flower whose bud has opened, you need to bend the large petals back, and drop a small amount of hot glue on their base. After it dries, the petal will fix its position.

Stem and leaves

We tear off the required length of the tape tape and cut it with scissors into two ribbons of the desired width. We wrap them around the bottom of the wire of the flower and create a smooth transition to the bud itself. The winding takes place in a spiral.

To create snowdrop leaves, you will need
olive foamiran prepared in advance colors. The further master class will consist of cutting out one small and two large petals, the middle of each is tinted with green pastel.

Squeezing each leaf separately along the central vertical with your fingers, we give it the natural shape we need.

In order for the flower to look as realistic as possible, we bend it, and glue the first leaf at the fold, as shown in the photo.

At the bottom of the stem, first glue one leaf, and then the second, as shown in the photo.

This is where our master class ends, with the help of which you created a spring flower with your own hands - a Snowdrop.

How often you can see beautiful artificial flowers that decorate various holidays and celebrations. Artificial jewelry is used for interior decoration, and they are also often used as costume jewelry. Creating flowers from foamiran is a whole direction in needlework. It is no coincidence that it has become so popular: this process is very exciting, and sometimes ready-made flowers cannot be distinguished from real ones. Foamiran is often compared to plastic rubber. In this article, we will look at what foamiran is and offer options for entertaining master classes.

Foamiran appeared on the market of materials for creativity and needlework a long time ago. Its name is consonant with the name of the manufacturer - "Foamlran", more often comes to Russia from Iran. The material gained popularity due to its unique properties: with light heating, foamiran can be given absolutely any shape. At the same time, it is environmentally friendly. Also, the material is rich in color palette. All these characteristics have made it so popular for creating flowers, decorations and toys. He rightfully earned the love of many needlewomen. Foamiran can be bought in stores for goods for creativity and needlework. A large assortment is offered by online stores at fairly attractive prices, in addition, they deliver goods to any region.

Master classes on making flowers from foamiran

Needlewomen who have ever created jewelry from foamiran know how easy and pleasant it is to work with it. The material is malleable, the products are bright and neat. In order for even novice craftswomen to be able to create charming flowers, we have made a selection of master classes. For clarity, step-by-step instructions and photos.

First you need to prepare the materials that will be needed in the manufacturing process:

  • sheets of foamiran green and white;
  • paints (it is desirable to take acrylic);
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • stamens (they can be purchased at the art supply store);
  • thermal gun;
  • wire (for the stem);
  • iron;
  • brown felt-tip pen and pencil;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process

  1. On cardboard, draw the outline of a lily petal, 6 cm long and cut it out.
  2. We apply this template to a white foamiran, circle and cut it out. To create a lily, we need 6 of these blanks.
  3. On both sides we tint the petals. Light pink or lilac color will look more natural.
  4. Next, heat the petals on the iron. While they are heated, use a toothpick to push through the veins. This will make our flower whiter textured and realistic.
  5. We also heat the edges of the petal to give them wavy curves.
  6. On each petal, draw the bottom and dots with a brown felt-tip pen, making it look like the petals of a living flower.
  7. Glue the prepared stamens to the wire.
  8. On a sheet of green foamiran, draw 3 oblong leaves for a lily and cut it out.
  9. Heating on the iron, we give the petals texture.
  10. We collect the flower: first glue 3 petals around the stamens, glue the remaining three next next, observing the chess sequence.
  11. The last step will be gluing green leaves.

Poppy made of plastic suede is very bright and beautiful. It is not difficult to create it even for novice craftswomen. For clarity, we offer you a master class on making red poppy.

What will be needed in the manufacturing process:

  • foamiran red and green;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • toothpick;
  • black threads;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • 20 cm wire;
  • bead with a diameter of 2 cm.

Steps to create a poppy

  1. On the cardboard we draw patterns of poppy petals and cut them out. You can make several templates of different shapes to make the poppy more realistic.
  2. From the green foamiran we cut out a circle with a diameter of 6 cm.
  3. We insert the wire into the bead and fix it by twisting it. This will be the stem of the flower.
  4. With the help of an iron, heat the circle and wrap the bead in it. The edges are fixed around the wire.
  5. We wrap the resulting ball with black threads, as shown in the photo.
  6. Next, cut out the red poppy petals according to the templates.
  7. To give the petals a wavy relief, fold them like an accordion and twist them, squeezing them with your fingers.
  8. Next, glue the red petals to the stem. It is enough to make two rows to make the flower lush.
  9. Cut out leaves from green foamiran. To make the leaves realistic, we make cuts along the entire edge and twist between the fingers.
  10. Cut the wire and glue the leaves.

Chamomile has long been considered a symbol of the family. Despite its simplicity, it is a very sunny and bright flower. It is no coincidence that so often they began to decorate weddings with daisies. To easily create a charming foamiran chamomile, we suggest using a step-by-step master class and a photo.

We will need the following materials:

  • white, yellow and green foamiran;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • protractor;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue.
  • thin stick for the stem or wire.
  • iron or candle.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

  1. We cut out 4 circles of different diameters from white foamiran (for example, 9 cm, 8, 7, and 6 cm). To make the circles even, use a protractor.
  2. With scissors around the entire circumference, we make the shape of the petals, then cut them, leaving about 3 mm to the center.
  3. We heat the ends of the petals and give them a shape.
  4. From yellow foamiran, you need to cut a long strip (about 27 cm) 2 cm wide. This will be the blank of the middle.
  5. We make cuts along the entire length of the strip with scissors to make a fringe.
  6. Next, grease the strip with glue and twist.
  7. Attach the core to the wire.
  8. Next, we string blanks of petals on the stem, starting from the smallest circle, do not forget to lubricate with glue.
  9. For a substrate of green foamiran, cut out a circle, make cuts. It will be the final row in the creation of chamomile.

Rose is the queen of flowers. A flower beloved by many women can be made from foamiran, besides, it will not wither and will please the eye for a long time.

Before starting production, you need to prepare:

  • green and pink foamiran;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a piece of foil;
  • thick wire.

Manufacturing steps

  1. From foamiran we cut out two types of petals of the future rose, identical in shape. But different in size. You should get 5 petals of each size.
  2. We apply each petal to the iron and stretch the edges with your fingers.
  3. From a piece of foil we make a small ball, we attach it to the wire.
  4. Glue a small petal around the ball.
  5. So in a circle we glue petal after petal, forming a bud.
  6. We make leaves from green foamiran and glue them to the stem.

To create this flower you will need:

  • red foamiran;
  • scissors;
  • foil;
  • glue gun;
  • stem wire.

How is the manufacturing process carried out

  1. Cut out red petals of different sizes. To make the flower lush, it is better to make as many petals as possible.
  2. We twist a small ball of foil or other material and attach it to the wire.
  3. Next, we form a flower: starting with the smallest petals, we glue them one by one, overlapping. Before that, give them a wavy shape.

With the help of foamiran, you can create a variety of flowers. Hydrangea with a sunflower is also excellent. They are performed approximately according to the same principle, the difference is only in the color of the foamiran. We suggest you create a sunflower using our recommendations.

Let's prepare in advance:

  • foamiran (white or yellow, black, green);
  • thick paper;
  • paints (you can acrylic);
  • green floral tape.
  • toothpick or wire.

Let's start manufacturing

  1. We cut out petals from foamiran of four different sizes, 12 pieces of each.
  2. If you use white foamiran, then you need to paint over all the petals with yellow paint. To skip this step, you can immediately take yellow.
  3. We make green leaves: either from white foamiran, followed by painting, or immediately from green.
  4. We twist the black strip of foamiran, having previously cut the edge along the entire length, and glue it. The length of the strip is about 1 m, and the width is 2 cm. It turned out to be the core of a sunflower.
  5. We heat all the petals and then glue them around the middle. We complete the process by gluing green leaves.

You have familiarized yourself with master classes in the manufacture of various colors. Of course, from foamiran you can create absolutely any flower to your taste. All of them will certainly be beautiful and charming. Now, you can start creating hairpins or headbands. To do this, you need to attach a loop of porous foamiran to any flowers you create and glue it to a hairpin, brooch or headband. Such decorations are unique and one of a kind, because each flower is unique. Experiment and create exquisite handmade jewelry.

To create a topiary, you will need foamiran flowers. Collected in a bouquet, as well as flower pots. You can use various kinds of decor and accessories for decoration. Such a tree does not require care, it will always delight with its flowering. It will successfully fit into any interior, besides, the topiary can become an original gift for relatives and friends.

At the master class we will make large flowers from foamiran. A beautiful composition of such large flowers will decorate any floor vase, will decorate your interior.

Master class large flowers from foamiran: a rose on a stem

We make a rose in a floor vase.

To create a large foamiran rose, you will need:

  • white, green Iranian foamiran;
  • universal mold for leaves;
  • dry pastel lilac and wet wipes;
  • oil pastel olive, dark olive and sponge;
  • plastic or foam plastic egg;
  • foil;
  • wire 1.5 mm;
  • bamboo stick 1 m;
  • glue second.

Pattern and templates for making a large foamiran rose

According to this pattern, we cut out blanks for making roses.

We cut the blanks according to the pattern from white foamiran.

But since I didn’t have such an egg this time, we take this one. The diameter of the egg should be 8-9 cm.

Master class on making a large foamiran rose flower: step by step photos

We take a dry purple pastel and a damp napkin, and tint the foamiran flower petals on both sides.

We tint the petals for No. 2-3 along the edges on both sides 1 cm and tint the end of the petals.

Petals number 4 slightly pass along the edge, tinting the end of the petals.

Petals No. 5 we tint only the end of the petals.

Petals No. 1 are processed on an iron at a silk-wool temperature, folded in half, then folded diagonally and rubbed between the fingers. Then straighten and stretch a little, making a recess.

Petals No. 2-4 are processed on an iron at a silk-wool temperature, folded in half, then folded diagonally and rubbed between the fingers. Then straighten and stretch a little, making a recess, twist the edges.

Petals No. 5 are processed on an iron at a silk-wool temperature, folded like an accordion, rubbed between the fingers. Then straighten and stretch a little, making a recess, twist the edges of the petals a little.

To increase the size of the diameter of the egg, we process it with foil. Then we glue the base with the first petals, leaving the edges at the third petal not glued, slightly twisting.

Then we glue petals No. 2 in a circle, turning the last petal under the first. Glue overlap.

Glue petals No. 3 a little lower in a circle.

We also glue petals No. 4, apply glue with a bird on the tip of the petals.

Then we glue petals No. 5 in a checkerboard pattern, the first row of petals No. 5 - 5-6 petals, the second row is all the rest where you think the flower looks beautiful.

Leaves for a large rose: pattern, templates, photo production

According to this pattern, we cut out the leaves of the rose and the sepals.

From the green foamiran we cut out the sepals and leaves for the rose.

We take the leaves and process the silk-wool on the iron at a temperature and squeeze it well on the mold.

We take a dark green olive oil pastel and apply lightly over the entire leaf, then we take an olive and apply along the edges of the leaves and blend well. Then fold the leaves in half and stretch, giving liveliness to the leaves.

We take lithons 8-10 cm and glue them to the leaves from the wrong side.

We take one large and two smaller leaves and form a twig, fastening the leaves with teip tape.

Then we cover the branches of the leaves with acrylic glossy varnish.

We take a wire 20-25 cm and make a loop.

Glue the stem to the base of the rose with a hot gun, coat well with glue.

The sepals are also tinted with oily olive pastel, the middle of the sepal petals is tinted with dark green olive pastel, the edges are slightly lighter, blending well with a sponge. Then we make notches on all the petals. We fold the petals of the sepal into one and then diagonally and grind between the fingers and straighten.

We dress the sepal on the stem and glue it to the base of the rose.

We take a bamboo stick and insert a rose stem into it and process the teip with tape.

This is how the rose should look like.

Large flax flower from foamiran

Here is one for the interior composition, I propose to do at the master class.

To create a large foamiran flower, you will need:

  • blue, olive Iranian foamiran;
  • wire for stamens;
  • acrylic paint yellow, blue and brush;
  • phlox;
  • hot gun;
  • blue marker;
  • dry blue and yellow pastels and sponges;
  • bamboo stick 1 m;
  • glue second.

A separate pattern is not required to make a floor flax flower.

From blue foamiran we cut out five rectangles 14 * 21 cm.

Cut out the petals of the flax flower from the blue rectangles.

Marker draw veins on the petals of flax.

Then we do the tinting with a very wet dry pastel, in the middle we do a strong application of the pastel and blend it with a sponge over the entire petal.

We also apply tinting on the reverse side.

We tint the bottom of the petal on both sides with yellow dry pastel.

From olive foamiran we cut out rectangles 4 * 10 cm for the sepal petals.

Cut out the petals from the rectangles.

We tint the sepal petals with dark olive oil pastel and blend well.

A wire with a diameter of 0.6 * 0.5 mm is cut into 17 cm for stamens, 5 pieces.

We process the stamens with a white teip tape or a strip of foamiran.

With hot glue we form the top of the stamen and with a stick we make a notch from the top of the stamen and until the stamen with everything has cooled down, sprinkle the phlox with powder.

We paint the top of the stamen with blue acrylic paint (you can make the stamens yellow) and sprinkle the phlox with powder again.

We paint the stamen leg with acrylic paint, paint the strip with blue paint and paint the stamen leg according to the size of the yellow tint on the petal.

Then glue the stamen to the middle of the petal. We apply glue under yellow paint.

We collect the stamens all together, glue the petals a little to each other.

Then glue the sepals, glue the petals of the sepals slightly overlapping.

We take a bamboo stick and insert it between the stamens, coat with glue.

We process the stem with olive teip tape.

Here is such an interior flower in a floor vase we made at the master class.

Needlewomen like flowers from foamiran for their realism and incredible similarity with natural plants. With such as, for example, fuchsia, wild rose, peony, rose, cyclamen, gladioli, cineraria, freesia, sakura, alstroemeria. Such products are used in decorating interior items, in needlework, for bright decoration of holidays. You can also decorate clothes, shoes, jewelry, or baby booties, whatever.

Foamiran is not a natural fabric, which in its structure resembles suede or rubber. It is this feature that allows products to be as natural and beautiful as possible. Making flowers from this material with your own hands is not so difficult, this will require standard tools, a diagram, a little time, desire and a good mood. Fantasy will make the craft exquisite and unique. The most beautiful and believable are large-sized flowers, as they usually do not require long painstaking work.

To make a rose, you need to print a pattern and prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Foamiran white, pink, green;
  • Scissors;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Iron;
  • Pastel in crayons;
  • Hot glue.

In principle, the number of petals is not limited, but it is important to clearly focus on the appearance of the future flower so that it is as natural and aesthetic as possible. Petals in the product should have a different size. To start attaching to the green base, you must first small details and expand to the edge.

Beautiful petals are created as follows:

  • The first step is to draw or print the petal templates;
  • The template must be applied to the matter and circled with a toothpick;
  • Cut according to the pattern;
  • The iron must be heated, make it warm;
  • Attach the petal to the iron for a few minutes and give it a natural shape;
  • You can draw veins on the leaf, or you can use a special form of textures;
  • Volume and brightness will give a pastel, which you need to rub the petals.

After the petals are made, you can make a rosette and glue the flower. Life-size roses look beautiful and spectacular.

We make small flowers: patterns for foamiran

Small flowers made of foamiran are an interesting product for decoration, with which you can decorate your head, or use it to decorate jewelry. Making flowers will not take much time because you do not need to use an iron, and the size of the flowers is small.

To make small roses, you need to prepare:

  • Foamiran of different colors, which you like;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue gun.

A scheme for creating such mini roses is not needed, because all the flowers have the same size and are cut out together. If you want to use petals of a different size, then you need to work according to the pattern. The flower is made as follows.

The master class is carried out in stages:

  1. On the folded cut of foamiran, mark 3 cm and cut off a strip of 3 cm.
  2. Then you need to fold the cut tape in the form of an accordion several times with a size of 2.5 centimeters.
  3. Next, you need to cut the sides of the accordion to get uniform squares.
  4. From each small square you need to cut a drop.
  5. Attach the petals to the wire one by one in a circle using a glue gun.
  6. And the last step is to cut out a green star and glue it to the bottom of the flower.

A little effort and the flowers are ready.

Patterns for flowers from foamiran do-it-yourself

As flowers are different and beautiful in their natural environment, they are so diverse in the creation of foamiran. A huge number of sketches have been created that allow you to create not only roses, but also peonies, snowdrops, gerberas and much more.

An orchid created precisely from foamiran turns out to be incredibly lively, graceful and cute.

An orchid does not require a large number of petals, but it must be made as natural as possible by decorating with acrylic paints. The layout of the petals is not complicated. It's easy to cut to any size.

To create a natural flower and complete a real masterpiece will help:

  • Zeal;
  • industriousness;
  • Wish.

The veins on the petals can be made using a special stamp, or you can use a toothpick. It is easy to make a lily out of foamiran, because it is not a voluminous flower. To do this, you will need to use a petal pattern that follows the curves of a real plant.

It is possible to buy the middle of the lily ready-made together with the material itself.

Applying to a warm iron will help to give naturalness. The material is elastic, can take any shape that will be given to it. You will need to create a few veins with a toothpick and make colored blotches using acrylic paints.

Wildflowers from foamiran: how to print stencils

Wildflowers are adored by many women. They become a chic decoration if they are made of high quality foamiran. Such creative masterpieces can be easily placed on decorative headbands and hairpins, on hats and brooches. You can also create frames and decorate interior items. If we talk about the abundance of names, then it will take a lot of time. There are so many of them that the eyes "run up".

When creating flowers from foamiran, you need to clearly follow the patterns so that the product turns out to be as natural as possible, as if it had just been plucked from a field or garden bed.

Wildflowers are not large in size and therefore their creation is a painstaking, rather long work.

It requires clear detail, complementary colors:

  • stamens;
  • Leaves;
  • buds;
  • stems.

Most often create such a beautiful flower as pansies. It must be done according to the pattern, since there are many details and they are complex. Among other no less spectacular wildflowers, one can single out a blue delicate cornflower, which will dilute any bouquet, act as a contrasting spot. The blue flower, which has neat leaves, is ideally combined with chamomile, sunflower or, for example, dandelions. The main thing to remember is that flowers from the field always chicly harmonize with the greenery of grass, leaves, so do not forget to dilute the bouquet with leaves, blades of grass, stems and spikelets.

Simple patterns of petals for flowers from foamiran: fanelopsis, peony, chamomile

Phalaenopsis is the most beautiful type of orchid. Incredibly elegant and spectacular flowers can be made from foamiran. It is not difficult to make it, since the flower, in fact, consists of only 3 petals, each of which must be heated on an iron to give it a natural look. You should also darken the edges a little with pastels.

Contrasting framing and small dotted specks are done with acrylic paint.

These techniques will help make the flower more original and natural. If you accurately repeat the color of phalaenopsis, then it cannot be distinguished from natural.

Peony from foamiran turns out to be incredibly chic due to the fact that a sufficient number of petals are created and the flower is obtained:

  • Lush;
  • Gentle;
  • As if alive.

To make the petals aesthetic and close to the original, pastel will help, which must be applied to the edge of each petal and creating a cut edge with scissors, as in nature. Foamiran is so flexible that as the craftswoman stretches it, crushes it, twists it, it takes the desired shape. If you make such complex flowers early, you can start with a simple chamomile.

The only condition is the use of a printed template. Thanks to this, the flowers will turn out to be the same size.

Chamomile is made from white foamiran, and the core can be made from half a yellow bead. Daisies are excellent flowers for decorating, trimming and making hair ornaments. Not only flowers can be made from the material, but also a huge number of all kinds of things, for example, dolls. So, it will be a great gift for both adults and children. The angel is difficult to perform, so before doing it, it is better to practice on simpler colors.

Unique flowers from foamiran: patterns (video)

With practice, you can learn and become a real master. A little time, patience, effort and desire and everything will definitely work out.