How to choose and raise German Shepherd puppies. How to tell a German Shepherd puppy from a mongrel

“It looks like it’s not good!” — the ring judge shakes his head when something similar in color to purebred dogs appears in the ring. Owners of mixed breeds and outright mongrels often have to be upset by refusing to participate in competitions, opening their eyes to obvious discrepancies between the breed characteristics of shepherd dogs and the appearance of some dogs brought into the ring. “But we bought a shepherd dog!” - the owners object.

This is where the main mistake lies: many non-experts do not know how to distinguish a shepherd puppy from a mongrel, they are caught by the “sincere” assurances of the seller, and buy a puppy of a similar color of a different breed or a completely mongrel baby mongrel as a purebred German.

Let's consider the main points on how not to get lost with the choice and be able to recognize deception.

Differences up to one month of age

If anyone who has ever encountered pedigree dogs of this group can already distinguish a shepherd from a mongrel at the age of 5-6 months, not everyone will be able to do it at the age of 3-4 weeks. What should you pay attention to at such a tender age?

Mom and Dad

Never buy a puppy without making sure that its parents correspond to the breed characteristics of the German Shepherd. The best evidence in this case is the correct documents for the parents and the children themselves.

To reassure yourself, you should call the club and find out if mom and dad are registered there.

Attention! The club may refuse permission to breed if one of the parents has hip dysplasia.

This is a hereditary disease (genetic predisposition), the symptoms of which may appear only at 6-12 months of age: lameness, increased fatigue, joint pain, unsteadiness of gait, X-shaped stance of the hind limbs.


The puppy has BUT the eyes are set slightly askew and have an almond-shaped slant and when the baby turns his head, trying to look at a new object for him, it is clearly visible pure white white of the eyeball. Because of this eye structure, the shepherd's gaze is often compared to a human's. Such eyes are found in the “German” and in the East European Shepherd puppy.

The rainbow arch is from dark yellow to deep brown. Up to 2 months it can be blue or light blue. The look is lively, expressive, curious and playful.

Mongrel puppies have round, slightly protruding eyes. When turning the head, the protein stands out weakly, the color is yellowish or with dark spots. The gaze may be lively and curious, but it cannot be compared with a human one.


Clearly standing ears at 1.5-2 months old in a puppy is what distinguishes a mongrel from a shepherd dog 100%! A German Shepherd's ears don't stand up at this age! Large and soft ears of the Shepherd.

Moreover, often the ears first stand up like a house, then they fall, then they stand up one by one, and so on until they are completely fixed on the top of the head.

From 3 months, puppies begin to experience permanent waves. At this time, babies’ ears are always “in decline.”


A shepherd dog with good breed characteristics should have exactly 28 milk teeth by the beginning of the shift. No more is needed, less is also necessary. Fusing of teeth or malocclusion is unacceptable.

These dogs have a scissor bite. That is the incisors of the upper jaw are directly above the incisors of the lower jaw, and the upper canines barely overlap the lower ones. The lower canines fit freely between the upper outer incisors and the upper canines without touching them - friction between the teeth is eliminated!

In isolated cases, in babies up to one and a half months old, a “baby underbite” may occur, when there is a small gap between the upper and lower incisors and it seems that the lower jaw is pushed back. This is not a tribal marriage! These are still small teeth. But by 3 months this should no longer be the case!


The head for a purebred dog is the calling card of belonging to a particular breed. The "Germans" the puppy's head should be proportional to the body, may seem a little heavier, but only a little. The forehead is convex, of medium width, but does not hang over the muzzle.

There is no ductal groove between the eyebrows. The muzzle is of equal width along its entire length, with good filling.

The nose is large, black, without a point. A slight humpback is acceptable. Lips – the color of the lobes. Spots on the inside of the lips are acceptable, but highly undesirable.

The occipital protuberance is easily palpable.


There is no impression that the neck is “swanlike”; there is no impression that it is short, as if the head grows straight from the shoulders.

Back, chest

The back is short and strong. When moving, the back does not break in the lower back, and there are no wobbling drifts. The chest is wide and at an early age does not fall below the elbows.

Viewed from the front The chest and front legs should form the correct letter "A", where the crossbar is the lower border of the chest, located at the level of the elbows.


Sufficiently long even at a tender age, and cannot be shorter than the hock joints of the hind legs. The turnip of the tail is an ideal continuation of the spinal column, does not rise above the main line when excited and does not form a dimple if the puppy has his tail tucked.

The shape is saber-shaped, a “donut” is never formed. By the shape of the tail it is easy to determine the pure breed of “Germans”.


BUT puppies can safely be called thick-footed. The “heels” and claws are dark in color, the paws themselves are of medium length, thick, parallel, the elbows are pressed to the chest, the rear “ropes” are not close and not turned away from each other. The toes are closed into a ball, leaving a mark shaped like half a nut.

There should be no dewclaws (vestigial) fingers or they must be removed. But such a “legacy” is extremely rare for NGOs.

It is interesting that these fingers, a wolf heritage, are a defect for German and East European shepherds, but for the Catalan shepherd they are a sign of a high breed. For the Central Asian profit, the finger is just an annoying drawback.

Coat and color

The usual one is saddlecloth, when the back and sides of the dog are as if hidden by a black blanket - saddlecloth. However, the “German” can be either jet black or zonal gray. There are black with red tan, sable, black with silver, red and black. The color will be fully established only by the age of one year, but for now the babies wear colors similar to those of an adult dog, but they are incorrect and blurry.

With apparent fluffiness, even in babies The coat is elastic with a well-developed dense undercoat.

A small white “swallow” on the puppy’s chest is allowed, but a dark spot inside the “swallow” is never allowed. And the smaller the “swallow”, the better for the dog’s color.


To accurately determine the choice of a German Shepherd puppy, ask him to weigh him in your presence and compare the result with the table:

It is clearly noticeable at what colossal speed the baby is moving. This doesn’t happen with mongrels!


A German Shepherd puppy is initially focused on service and obedience, which were brought up by his ancestors from generation to generation at the genetic level. The baby will happily try to fulfill any of your wishes, if it is in his power, without showing either aggression or fear.

The mongrel puppy will try to avoid close contact with strangers. Also at the genetic level.

Beware of mixed matings between “Germans” and “Easterners”. The puppy is indeed very similar to the BUT puppy, and it is difficult to distinguish them, but obtained as a result of mixed mating, it acquires the status of a mestizo, and not a purebred dog.

VEO and NO are different breeds!

Please tell me if you got a puppy, there are still doubts about the breed. The tail is wrapped in a donut. Is this normal for a one-month-old puppy, or will it gradually go away? What if they just deceived you and it’s not a shepherd?


Indeed, it is difficult to determine the purebred nature of a German Shepherd by the appearance of a puppy; often outbred dogs demonstrate traits inherent to the breed. The younger the dog, the more difficult it is to correctly determine the breed. The dog's appearance and the main characteristics of the breed are formed as they grow older. Here are the main features by which it is possible to determine the thoroughbred of an animal.

Common features

The message refers to the pet's tail. The tail of a purebred dog looks straight, saber-shaped and droops downwards. But judging by a single sign is wrong. The tail can change as it grows, you need to look at the totality of signs.

Purebred puppies often look awkward at first. By about two months, they begin to grow very quickly and gain weight, literally before our eyes. The body stretches out and gains the proportions necessary for a shepherd dog. Mutts don't grow that fast.

Main features: head

The head of a true German is moderately developed and proportional from an early age. The forehead is slightly convex and not wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle in the early stages of development is not too sharp, the muzzle is not as pointed as in adults. The nose is relatively large and black. In mongrels, unlike purebred shepherd dogs, the frontal sulcus is clearly developed. Five clearly visible moles are found near the corners of the animal's mouth - a distinctive feature of the breed.

The eyes of a natural German are often dark brown, without spots, and almond-shaped. In small puppies the color may be smoky blue. The eyes of mongrel dogs look bulging and round. Shepherds have a focused and inquisitive look.

A natural German has a scissor bite, the gaps between the teeth do not exceed 1-2 millimeters. There are no fused or double teeth in the mouth.

A small puppy's ears appear either floppy or erect. By the age of 2 months, the dog’s ears rise and become erect. Mongrel dogs' ears do not rise and remain lop-eared forever.

Main features: general appearance

  1. The German has a wide, powerful and developed chest. Mutts often have narrow or barrel-shaped chests. The body of a purebred dog is elongated, the back is straight, the neck is long and strong. The purebred young German has a short back and lower back; on the contrary, the shoulder girdle and hips look massive.
  2. The paws of a purebred German Shepherd puppy are long, with well-developed muscles and certainly straight. There are no dewclaws. When moving, the front and rear paws should be flat on the surface.
  3. It is problematic to determine the pedigree of a small dog by appearance and color. However, let us highlight a number of special features. Puppies have a black or black and tan coat color; clear light or white spots are not allowed. It is not uncommon for babies to have a light undercoat that goes away after the first molt.
  4. Natural German Shepherd puppies have coats that are slightly rough to the touch. The coat of mongrel dogs is in most cases much softer.
  5. German leather does not form folds or sag and is elastic.

According to most dog handlers, a simple way to determine the purebred of a shepherd is through training. Already from the age of two months, the purebred dog is perfectly trainable and easily remembers commands and readily carries them out. Mongrels are less easy to train.

Understand the purpose of purchasing a pet. If you want to participate in various exhibitions and competitions, you need a purebred puppy with a good pedigree. The seller always has documents available for noble young animals. If you got a dog for your soul, by and large, thoroughbred is not important. Even if it turns out that your pet does not have a breed, you should not throw the puppy out into the street. Surround your dog with love, care and attention - and the dog will repay you handsomely.


Please note that the gender you select puppy German shepherd dogs determines the character of the future pet. Thus, male dogs are more aggressive and stubborn, so the owner sometimes has to show them his power and superiority. Bitches are more pliable, and they get along better with people, especially with children.

Before making your final choice, inspect several German puppies. shepherd dogs from different litters. It is preferable to purchase puppy, growing in a country nursery in the fresh air.

Please note: body puppy German shepherd dogs should be elongated, the back should be straight, the neck should be strong and long. Thoroughbred paws puppy thick and strong. Under no circumstances should there be dewclaws on the paws.

Look at the little one's face shepherd dogs: It should not be pointed. In addition, the forehead of a thoroughbred puppy German shepherd dogs not wide. The transition from forehead to muzzle should not be pronounced.

Puppies under 3.5 months of age should not have erect tips. The presence of this sign indicates that the baby’s phosphorus-potassium metabolism is disturbed, and skeletal ossification is also observed.

Ideally a German puppy shepherd dogs should have a short loin and back, as well as wide hips and shoulder girdle. Pay attention to how close the paws are to puppy while driving. When moving correctly, carries the front and hind legs close to the ground.

Look at the eyes puppy: they should be the same, dark brown in color (at a monthly puppy bluish eyes). Do not take odd-eyed or light-eyed little ones.

Look into the puppy's mouth: it should only have a scissor bite. In this case, the gap between the cutters should not exceed 1-2 mm. Check for double or fused teeth.

German puppies shepherd dogs may be black (if the parents are black) or black and tan (if the parents are black). It is believed that the more saturated puppy the color is tan, the better. Although sometimes there may be light ones in the litter, they are not used for breeding.


Take only a healthy puppy!

Helpful advice

Before purchasing a puppy from a certain litter, ask when the bitch was last pregnant: if it was less than a year ago, then it is better not to take a puppy. It is believed that such a dog may have health problems.


  • Choosing a German Shepherd Puppy
  • How do I know if I have a shepherd?

A small puppy in the house always brings pleasant emotions and a bunch of different unsolvable problems. We need to figure out how to wash it, what to feed it, how to comb and cut it, and in what quantities to give medicines and vitamins. But how to weigh a puppy? Won't you put it on the scale?

You will need

  • puppy, bathroom scales


Very tiny dwarf breed puppies also need to be weighed in order to understand how well they are growing and developing and what they will achieve in the future. There are certain standards for the weight ratio of dwarf breeds at a young age and their group membership: mini or medium. To determine your weight, you can use regular electronic grocery scales, which are available in every pet store or veterinary center. These surfaces will not experience much discomfort when you place it on them. However, try not to make him fuss too much, as this will affect the readings of the device.

If the puppy simply does not fit on the food scale, you can determine its weight in a simple and reliable way - using ordinary floor scales. Simply step on the scale with your puppy in your arms and record the reading. After this, you need to weigh yourself without the dog and determine the difference - this will be the weight of your baby. The only drawback of this measurement method is its approximateness. After all, floor scales can accurately display only kilograms, but many of them have difficulties with grams. Although, of course, if you have modern electronic bathroom scales at home, this problem will not arise.

You can also try to pick up a very large puppy and weigh it on a floor scale, but not everyone is suitable for this procedure due to their physical capabilities and health status. If you are a fragile miniature, and the puppy is almost as tall as you, then, of course, you shouldn’t try to carry him on yourself. For such cases, you can use industrial scales. You can find this unit at a hardware store or construction market. The scales are a spacious platform for weighing bags, large boxes and building mixtures. They are often used to determine the weight of large animals. Try to negotiate with the owner of such weight and you will find out the weight of your puppy very reliably.


Under no circumstances should you administer medications by eye. Determining the dog's weight is a key point in calculating the required dose of the drug. Often a mistake of a few grams can cause the most serious consequences.

Helpful advice

Kennels and private dog breeders usually have scales. When purchasing a puppy, be sure to ask the owner to weigh the baby so that you can immediately know how much food, vitamins or medicine he needs. Of course, this information will not be relevant for very long. Don't forget that puppies grow very quickly.

It’s not without reason that German shepherds are often chosen to play the role of movie hero dogs. These beautiful, strong, intelligent dogs have been serving people for many decades. They are used both as service animals and for herding livestock, and are simply made as best friends. But under no circumstances should the education of German Shepherds be left to chance.


The German is an intelligent and efficient dog, so you won’t have any particular difficulties training it. But to make the process easy, study the features of this. From the breed itself it is clear that it was bred for grazing livestock. Therefore, the shepherd dog has a pursuit instinct - these dogs love to chase after, and sometimes even people. At the very beginning of the training process, you must let the dog understand that you are its commander, the “leader of the pack.” Under no circumstances should you let your dog feel like you’re in charge; don’t let him control the training process. If you don't have complete control over your dog, it simply won't obey commands.

A dog should only have one trainer. If you have taken on this role, then you must do everything with her - walk with her, feed her, play with her and study, do not transfer these responsibilities to anyone. In addition, the more time you spend with your dog, the more trusting the relationship will develop between you. If the dog trusts you, then he will obey. However, this does not mean that the dog should be prohibited from communicating with other family members. This is only acceptable if you are training a service dog. If you just decide to teach your pet basic commands, let others play with him.

Since the shepherd belongs to the herding dogs, it needs constant physical activity. Let her run quite long distances every day, let her play with others. If possible, organize classes in the pool - let it be. Without regular training, the dog will feel unwell.

Teach your dog basic commands such as “Sit”, “Down”, “Place”, “Foo”, “Near”. Remember that all these commands need to be taught to the animal while still a puppy. The dog generally needs to be taught the concept of place the moment you bring it home for the first time. Show her the place where she will sleep and say: “Place!” Take it there from time to time puppy and remind him that this is his place. Very soon he will get used to it. To train puppy commands “Sit” and “Lie down”, you will first have to sit down and lay down yourself puppy, while pronouncing the command. In order for the puppy to remember the “Nearby” command, give him the command from time to time and carefully pull the leash towards you. Always reward your dog for completing a task - your praise is especially important to Germans.

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Helpful advice

Never punish your dog physically, don't yell at it, don't offend it. Otherwise, you will not achieve any obedience, but aggression is easy.

The German Shepherd is a completely versatile breed. She is purchased as a security guard, but before you buy puppy This breed needs to be carefully considered. A healthy puppy should be cheerful, with shiny fur and thick paws. Education begins from the first day of birth puppy in the house. Upbringing puppy German shepherd dogs– this is instilling in the puppy the necessary skills that will help in later life and training of an adult dog.


First, get him used to the routine. Feeding puppy must take place at certain hours and in a strictly designated place.

At the initial stage of education, the study of all commands should take place in the form of a game. For each execution of commands, be sure to reward puppy a tasty treat, but don't indulge him. A treat is given only for performing a certain technique.

The very first command you should accustom him to is his nickname. Usually this command is taught during feeding. puppy, during affection and games. Then add the commands “To me” and “Place”. Remember that when training puppy, you can’t overdo it.

From 2 months of age, teach puppy to the "Fu" team. This command must be given in a stern voice and insistently. You must always achieve it.

From 3 months of age, teach puppy to the commands “Sit” and “Lie down”.

When starting to go for walks, teach puppy to the "Nearby" command. The best thing is when the puppy comes back from a walk and has had a good walk. Gradually accustom puppy to street noise, car and train traffic. Walk more on busy streets.

Don't let strangers pet you puppy. He should be indifferent to strangers. Don't allow teasing puppy and hurt him.

Helpful advice

The main role in successful training is played by the owner’s ability to find contact with his dog.


  • how to raise german shepherds

The Chinese Crested is a dog with an unusual appearance and an independent character. Such an animal needs delicate handling, properly selected food and good care. To raise a good dog, it is important to choose the right puppy. Take into account the characteristics of the breed - they are noticeable even at a very young age.

Breed standards

When choosing, pay attention to the exterior. This is especially important if you are interested in a dog for show or breeding. A good one has a proportional build, a straight back without arching and a fairly light head. The paws must be placed straight, and the hocks must not turn inward.

Make sure the bite is correct - Chinese Cresteds often have overbites. Be sure to talk to the breeder - a conscientious seller will definitely provide you with complete information about the parents. It is advisable to find out about past litters - usually the same parents are similar, especially in size. When planning your pet's exhibition career, choose larger puppies - they look more impressive in the ring. If you are planning for breeding, find out how her mother's pregnancies progressed and whether the puppies had enough milk.

Downy and hairless dogs: which one to choose?

A peculiarity of the breed is the presence in some litters of so-called “powder puffs” - with long, silky hair. These animals look very original and take part in breeding without any problems. However, hairless dogs are more common at shows, and it is they who usually get prizes. The issue of price is also important. The most expensive bitch is a hairless bitch, and the cheapest option is a downy bitch. But if you don’t dream of exhibitions and breeding, choose one that seems more attractive to you.

Assess the animal's skin and fur. Many puppies have mottled skin. They can remain bright or lighten - usually depending on genetic predisposition. By the time of sale (about 3 months old), the exact shade of the coat can be determined by the roots of the hairs. Spread the fur on the withers of the “powder puff” or on the crest of a hairless dog - most likely, in a few months its skin will acquire exactly the same appearance. The amount of wool is also important. Hairless puppies with a lush mane, a tuft and “socks” on their paws look very impressive. Such a dog will require trimming before the exhibition, but after tidying up the coat it will look charming.

The character of future pets

The Chinese Crested is a gentle, but at the same time active and curious dog. When choosing a puppy, give preference to the most sociable animal from the litter. It is important that he is not afraid of people, communicates willingly, and does not shy away. It is believed that large puppies are more balanced, while small ones, with round eyes and a short muzzle, are cowardly and prone to hysterics.

Consider gender differences as well. Chinese Crested females are more socialized, they are distinguished by their calm disposition and accuracy. Males can be aggressive. Taking into account the pet’s character is especially important for those who are planning a dog’s show career - an animal can be removed from the ring for aggression or cowardice, even if it has an impeccable appearance.

Video on the topic

The most universal among all breeds bred in the history of mankind is the German Shepherd. Police and armies around the world use German shepherds for patrol, watchdog and search work. These dogs serve as guides for the blind, and help peasants herd livestock. Moreover, the shepherd is both a reliable protector and a wonderful friend for the whole family.


Shepherds have a strong nervous system, keen sense of smell and hearing. The muscles are well developed, strong and dry bones. The typical gait is the trot. The weight of the animal ranges from 30 to 40 kg. The height at the withers is up to 66 cm, in females it is 55-60 cm.

The head should have a wide cranial vault and a wedge-shaped muzzle of the same length. The nose is always black. The eyes are medium-sized and almond-shaped, usually dark brown.

The lips are dry, stretched, and fit tightly to the teeth. The teeth are strong without deviations from the normal bite, 42 teeth in a complete set. The ears are medium in size, wide at the base, set high, erect.

The body is somewhat elongated. The chest is oval in shape, deep and not wide. Tight belly. The back is strong and straight, sloping down to the base of the tail.

The forelimbs should be straight, the hind limbs should have wide and strong hips. The paws are compact, with rounded, arched toes. Nails are black and short, the pads are good. The dewclaws of the hind toes should be removed by a veterinarian at 5-7 days of age.

German Shepherds come with short or long hair. In addition, long-haired dogs are distinguished; their hair is much longer and is parted towards the ridge. Typically the coat has a thick undercoat, is harsh and close-lying.

Colors vary, including black with red tan or gray markings. It can be solid black or gray, as well as gray with brown or light markings. Only when the guard hair appears can the future color of the dog be accurately determined.

The tail of Shepherds is of medium length and low set. In a calm state, the animal hangs down, slightly bending in the form of an arc. When the dog is moving or excited, the tail is slightly raised. An artificially shortened tail is unacceptable.

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This breed of dog has high physical and intellectual activity. Shepherds require close attention from their owners.

In puppies 4-6 months of age, the ears are in a hanging or semi-hanging position.

Helpful advice

The advantages of German Shepherds are their extraordinary intelligence and flexibility. With early and proper training, a shepherd dog can become an obedient and loyal friend for the whole family.

It is rare for a German Shepherd puppy to be confused with another breed. Nevertheless, you need to know the external signs that you should pay attention to when choosing first.


Muzzle and body

The nose is moist and shiny. It can feel warm or cold to the touch. During sleep, the puppy's nose is always dry and hot. But within 10 minutes after waking up, the nose becomes wet again. Take a closer look at the puppy's face: it should not be sharp. The puppy has only a scissor bite.

The back should be straight and not sagging, and the neck should be moderately long and strong. If the puppy looks like a fat little one, then there is a better chance that he will grow up healthy, big and strong. But if the puppy looks more like a miniature adult, then most likely it will grow small, which is unacceptable for this breed. The puppy's skin fits loosely: there are no folds on the body. All mucous areas of the puppy are pink.

Coat color

The puppy's color is very dark only on the back and head. Often it gives the impression of black and. A puppy's paws are usually light: brown, beige, red-brown. But for a healthy puppy, too light a color is not typical. Black and brown are traditional colors. However, the color can also be gray. He is not particularly popular. Gray shepherd dogs are bred only by true admirers. A Shepherd puppy may have small white or yellow markings on its chest. With weak coat pigment, the puppy has light claws, a red tip of the tail, very light eyes, and there is no mask on the face. The puppy's fur should be short. At the same time, the fur is necessarily shiny.

Eyes, limbs and ears

The puppy's eyes should be clean and free of purulent discharge. Carefully examine the puppy's forelimbs: they should be straight when viewed from any side and parallel to each other. The puppy's paws are round and well-knit; the pads on them should be hard. The claws must be strong and dark in color. The hindquarters are slightly set back, parallel to each other when viewed from behind. A healthy puppy's tail has no bumps or kinks. When you feel the base of your ears, there should be no unpleasant odor: this is a sign of otitis media. The eyes may be bluish, but then they turn brown. Until the age of 3.5 months, a German Shepherd puppy's ears should not have visibly erect tips. This is a sign of a violation of phosphorus-potassium metabolism.


It often happens that puppies in the same litter look identical in appearance. And although homogeneity is a good indicator, choosing in favor of one puppy is quite difficult. First of all, pay attention to the behavior of the kids. The puppy that is most active in eating and playing is the healthiest. Try calling the puppy, the one who comes running first is the leader of the litter.

For the first one and a half to two months of life, the mother takes care of the German Shepherd puppy, feeding it with her milk, cleaning it from dirt, dust and feces. The little puppy learns behavior from its mother and brothers. But as soon as he is removed from the litter, all the care falls on the owner. He should become not only a second “mother” for the baby, but also a friend and teacher. Caring for a German Shepherd puppy is not difficult if you know a few aspects of the breed.

Raise magazines from coffee tables higher - on a shelf, for example. Puppies are very inquisitive and playful. You won't even be able to react quickly if the puppy starts to gut your slippers or ladies' slippers. It would be a good idea to temporarily remove carpets from the floors. This is necessary because at first the puppy will relieve itself at home.

Place in the house

When you bring the puppy home, immediately determine its place. It should be located in a calm and quiet corner, away from heating devices and drafts. For the puppy's place, you can use a small thin rug or mattress. If your dog will be kept outside, you should take care of the enclosure in advance. It should be spacious, with a dry floor and a booth for sleeping and resting. Make the enclosure so that the sun does not shine there all day, otherwise it will be hard for the dog.

Never disturb the puppy if he has gone to his place on his own. This is only his territory, where he will feel protected and calm and can take a break from games. You can put some of your old clothes in the puppy’s new place so that the pet gets used to the owner’s smell. You can do the same with an item taken from a litter. The puppy may miss his brothers for several nights, but the familiar smell will calm him down.


The nutrition of a German puppy is perhaps the most important in his care. The health and growth of the puppy, its beauty, intelligence, intelligence and activity depend on it. A baby of this breed at two months should be fed at least 5 times a day, and then reduce the number of feedings monthly. At three months, feed 4 times, from 4 to 6 months - 3 times, and from seven months, switch to the “adult” mode - twice feeding. Food for a large breed puppy should be rich in protein, fiber and carbohydrates.

If you feed your dog natural food, then in no case should it be food from the owner’s table. Cook the food separately: add meat, vegetables, herbs, etc. to the cereals. Feed your puppy from aluminum or enamel dishes. It is advisable that the bowl be at the level of his head and “grow” with him. For this purpose, pet stores sell special stands for large dogs. The food in the bowl should not be cold, let it be warm or at room temperature. Don't forget to give your puppy water. Take vitamin courses several times a year. This is an important period for a puppy, when his young body requires a lot of calcium and mineral supplements. If you intend to feed your pet dry food, carefully choose the composition, taking into account the characteristics of this breed.

Appearance care

Taking care of your dog's appearance is also important when keeping a dog at home. There is no need to wash your German Shepherd puppy until he is three months old. After this age, the baby, and even an adult dog, can be washed no more than 2-3 times a year. In summer you can let him swim in the river if he so desires. Frequent washing spoils the appearance and structure of the coat, making it dull and harsh. The peculiarity of the German Shepherd breed is that, even though it is a dog, it needs to be brushed often. This needs to be done with a special brush, and it is advisable to teach it from a young age. When combing out old wool, also cut off any tangles that have formed.

It is known that the ears of German Shepherd puppies are not erect to begin with. They are thin, delicate and... Only after some time will the cartilage harden and the ears will stand up as they should. Therefore, it is not advisable to touch them; you need to stroke the puppy carefully, without touching the ears. You need to clean the inside of the ear once a week with a dry swab. There should be no smell from there, and nothing should leak. Otherwise, consult a doctor. Also, from a young age, a puppy should be taught to cut its nails so that later it will not be afraid of this procedure.


Walking with your German Shepherd puppy should begin after all vaccinations. Before going for walks at home, get him used to the collar. Just put it on him and distract him with a game. It is worth going for a walk after each feeding, thereby accustoming him to relieving himself on the street. Start walking for 5 minutes, adding time and exercise every day. Exercise is important for this breed on every walk. On the street, first wait until the puppy has done his business, and only then go run and play. This way he will understand why he is being taken out. Over time, accustom your puppy to a leash and muzzle. It is also worth thinking about his behavior during a walk, and if necessary, correct it with training.

Until 4 months of age, carry your puppy up stairs in your arms. Do not allow him to rise on his own, this can damage the ligaments and spine. If you get caught in the rain while out for a walk, dry your baby with a towel at home, but do not blow-dry.


The German Shepherd is a very smart and obedient animal. No other breed can compare with his intelligence and upbringing. But without the help of the owner, the baby will not understand what he can and cannot do. You can start training as soon as the puppy starts living with you. When calling the puppy to eat, let’s “Come to me.” Always call him by his nickname.

Remember: what you prohibit, you prohibit forever. For example, this applies to sleeping on the sofa or feeding pieces from the table. If the puppy misbehaves, punish immediately at the moment of the offense, otherwise he will not understand anything and will only be offended by the owner.

The Moscow Guard is a breed of dog that appeared relatively recently in Russia. It was bred in our country, therefore it is included in the list of national breeds. Such a dog is an excellent guard and at the same time never ceases to be a beautiful and affectionate dog.

Description of the breed

The main physical characteristics of the Moscow guard dog are active, with voluminous and well-developed muscles. The head is massive, which gives the breed a rough exterior. The cheekbones and occipital protuberance are well developed, the cranial part of the head is slightly longer than the muzzle.

Large lips are characteristic, and the dog has a scissor bite. There is a wide forehead and rather small eyes framed by pigmented eyelids. Small triangular ears are not located at the eye line, but slightly higher.

The Moscow Guard Dog has a harmoniously developed physique with clearly defined withers and a muscular neck. The breed is characterized by a straight back, a wide chest protruding forward, and a tucked belly. The dog's body is covered with thick and tough fur, which helps the dog to survive in the cold in winter without problems.

The Moscow Guard Dog always has a two-colored coat. The most common tone is red with brown, a combination of tones such as red with black, red and white is possible, but the dog’s chest is always white.

According to standards, the height of this breed must be at least 68 cm, but the dog can be slightly taller. The average weight is 45-65 kg.

Breed Features

The breed is characterized by a balanced character and lack of signs of aggression. It is not for nothing that Moscow guard dogs are often called an intelligent breed. Such a dog quickly gets used to its owners and becomes a devoted friend for life.

This breed is not afraid of cold and heat, so it feels great in nature. Also easy to train. But you should train your dog from an early age and training should be regular.

The main feature of the dog is its great love for vegetables. But it is important to ensure that the diet contains at least 2/4 meat and ¼ plant ingredients.

So, the main features of the Moscow guard breed include: a reserved and submissive character, the presence of pronounced guard instincts. These animals are friendly and independent, reliable, devoted to their owner and his family, and do not show unmotivated aggression.

This article describes the method of culling (selecting) puppies of any breed. A special and generally accepted method for selecting a mentally stable puppy has been developed. From the text you will learn how to choose a puppy suitable for raising and training. All information is especially aimed at selection of working dog breed puppies.

The German Shepherd very quickly becomes attached to the owner, knows how to anticipate his wishes, requires constant attention and friendly contact, and also has a cheerful disposition. All these character traits of dogs of this breed were taken into account when developing a special training system.

Therefore, when you choose a puppy, pay special attention to determining its character type.

After all, despite the typical characteristics fixed in the breed, each dog is an individual personality. You will have to live with your pet for many years, and if he does not have a very good character, which will manifest itself in bad habits and unpredictable behavior, then in the end you may be disappointed not only in your dog, but also in the breed as a whole.

German Shepherd puppies at the age of 1.5 months already have a formed character

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a puppy?

Just some statistics:

Even though German Shepherds are versatile and highly adaptable dogs, they do have a few negative personality traits. For example, independence, turning into disobedience, is demonstrated by 21% of representatives of this breed. 15% show relative stubbornness, and 10% show pronounced stubbornness.

A fairly small number of German Shepherd trainers manage to achieve ideal harmony in a human-dog pair, and, as a rule, this is the result of simple luck. However, there are tests for puppies that can increase the likelihood of establishing a harmonious relationship with your pet.

Test for the temperament type of working breed puppies

Below is one such test, which is considered the most successful for the main working breeds. This system was tested over several years on a large number of dogs. It makes it possible to determine with a sufficient degree of accuracy the character of the puppy and its suitability for a certain type of training.

Testing should be carried out no earlier than the puppy is 1.5 months old, but no later than 2 months.

To obtain the correct results, you need a quiet, empty room where the puppy has never been and where there is nothing that could distract his attention. You can’t cheer up the baby being tested with either caresses or conversations.

The first test is for social attraction. To do this, you need to lower the puppy to the floor, move away from it in the other direction, sit down and silently clap your hands.

Puppy's reaction to testing

a – he immediately runs up with his tail raised and starts jumping and tries to play with you, biting your hands;
b – runs up with his tail raised and starts scratching you with his paws;
c – runs up immediately, but with his tail lowered;
d – runs up after some doubts and hesitations with a confused and embarrassed look;
d – doesn’t run up at all.

Second test is carried out on the ability to follow a person. Stand next to the puppy for a while, then begin to move away from him with a calm step.

Puppy's reaction:

a – he immediately runs after you with his tail raised, has fun and tries to grab your legs;
b – immediately runs alongside, tail raised;
c – immediately runs after you, but timidly and with his tail lowered;
d – timidly follows you, the tail is lowered, and the puppy himself is confused;
d – does not follow you at all or goes in the other direction.

The third test reveals the puppy's degree of compliance with coercion, as well as its reaction to physical or psychological coercion. Turn the puppy over onto his back and hold him in this position for about 25-30 seconds.

Working breed puppy reaction

a – shows a sharp protest, attempts to wriggle out and free themselves immediately begin;
b – actively protests, trying to slip out from under the hand;
c – begins to protest, but quickly calms down;
d – does not protest, tries to play and lick hands;
d – gets scared and lies motionless.

Fourth test e shows the puppy's reaction to social dominance. Start petting the resting puppy's back.

Puppy behavior:

a – rejoices, actively begins to play, jump, lick hands;
b – starts jumping, hitting with its paws, licking its hands;
c – turns to you and licks your hands;
d – rolls over onto his back and licks his hands;
d – runs away and doesn’t want to come closer.

The fifth test reveals the reaction to complete dominance. Take the puppy under his tummy with both hands and hold him there for about 30-40 seconds.

Possible puppy reaction:

a – immediately begins to actively protest, growls, bites and tries to escape;
b – struggles vigorously, but does not bite;
c – after a short protest, he calms down and begins to lick his hands;
d – behaves calmly, licks hands;
d – scared and tense.

Analysis of test results

The character of the puppy and the prognosis of its behavior during upbringing are determined by the test results by counting the number of reactions shown (a, b, c, d, e) corresponding to a certain type.

The first type of puppy character is guard

If the puppy showed a reaction of more than two a's in combination with several b's, then he will try to dominate in almost all situations, and may also show aggression in response to unpleasant treatment from both his relatives and people. A dog with such a character is not recommended for families with small children; its proper upbringing requires an experienced trainer who can always remain calm and not use physical punishment. It is optimal to use such a dog for protective and security work.

The second type of puppy temperament is for a large family

A reaction of more than two b indicates that the puppy has a tendency towards calm leadership based on self-confidence. Such dogs lend themselves well to almost any type of training and perform very successfully in a variety of competitions. A German Shepherd with this type of character is quite obedient and suitable for families with elderly people and small children. She will be a good friend to be around comfortable in any environment.

The third type of puppy character is highly adapted

If the result is more than three v, then the dog can adapt to any conditions; it has a very high degree of adaptation. A German Shepherd with such a character is suitable for families of any composition. Its only drawback is that it may cause difficulties in developing protective and security skills.

The fourth type of puppy character BUT - educate with love

With a result of more than two g, especially in the presence of d, it can be argued that the puppy has a tendency to obey, but for a calm and confident existence in the family he will need constant contact with the owner and frequent encouragement. You need to raise such a dog with affection, showing love and sensitivity.
A German Shepherd with a similar character can show aggression and bite only in response to poor, cruel treatment.

The fifth type of German Shepherd puppy temperament is difficult to train.

In a case similar to the previous one, but with d for the fourth test, the puppy will need special training, since he may have difficulty getting used to living with people.
If a and b are also present in the results, then the dog may attack due to fear of punishment. When raising her, constant monitoring is necessary.

If c and d are present, the puppy’s character will be unbalanced, and the reaction to stressful situations will be confusion and panic. Such a dog can pose a danger to children. It will be quite difficult to train her.

The sixth type of temperament is only for experienced and patient breeders

More than two d in the test results indicate that it is better not to adopt a puppy, since it will be extremely difficult to raise him. A dog with such a character does not respond well to any measures of influence and can bite in stressful situations. Only a very experienced trainer can cope with it.

The seventh personality type of a German Shepherd puppy is unpredictable.

If the results contain both a and d, then the puppy’s character will become completely unpredictable with age. His behavior will be more or less stable only in a familiar and familiar environment. It is not advisable to adopt such a puppy.

Pronounced puppy character types:

In addition to the described character types of the German Shepherd, which can be classified as intermediate, the test can reveal pronounced types, when the reaction to almost all tests corresponds to the same letter:

a – a bright leader;
b – leader;
c – subordinate;
g – passive;
d - unpredictable type, almost impossible to educate.

To be completely sure of the result, testing must be repeated in a different environment and only then make a decision whether to take this particular puppy. It is advisable to test several puppies at the same time so that you have the opportunity to choose and avoid disappointment and loss of time.

Among the puppies of the same litter, there is sure to be one that will satisfy all the requirements.

How to choose a puppy video

In the video you can see how to test a puppy when choosing

Zykina O. V."German Shepherd"

You can learn how to choose a German Shepherd puppy and what points you need to pay attention to by reading this article. Choosing a good German breed puppy is quite a difficult task. This is due to the fact that in Lately The German shepherd breed has gained considerable popularity and, accordingly, demand. In this regard, some breeders sacrifice the quality of the breed in pursuit of the number of individuals.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to inspecting just the first puppy you like. If you still decide to choose a dog of this breed, then it is highly recommended to look at several options, since the first impression can be deceiving, and even champion puppies do not always look like their parents. It can be difficult to guess the future character and abilities of a puppy, because the fact that the parents were champions does not exclude the need to raise a future champion.

All German Shepherd puppies are cute and funny, but it is recommended that you look through several options to choose your pet.

At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that in order to win, the puppy also needs proper nutrition, and the owner needs knowledge of the characteristics and training skills. If a puppy is purchased to participate in various exhibitions, then you need to know that such a dog’s career may not last long, about 5-6 years.

Dog examination

How to choose a German Shepherd puppy? First of all, you should ask how many puppies were in the litter. This is important, since in order to be fully fed, puppies should be no more than 10 years old - otherwise they will not get enough of their mother’s breast milk and will not have good health and good endurance. A female breeding individual should give birth no more than once a year. If this happens more often, the dog’s body is severely depleted and the offspring are born weak. However, the thin and tired appearance of the bitch does not mean anything, since this is normal in her position. Shedding is also allowed; this is a common occurrence after childbirth.

Puppies should be equally similar to each other - approximately equal in size and height. It is necessary to keep in mind that males are born slightly larger in size than females. When making a choice, you need to take a closer look at the behavior of the puppies during play and pay attention to their motor activity.

Afterwards, you can choose a specific small pet. If the owner allows, it is better to pick up the puppy and carefully examine him. It doesn’t hurt to take an interest in the dog’s stool - if it is mostly liquid, then there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to choose a shepherd dog based on its external characteristics; you can use them to distinguish the breed. Typically they must meet the following parameters:

  • the coat should not be long;
  • there are no combs around the ears and in the neck area;
  • there should be no discharge in the corners of the eyes;
  • the ears should be clean and free of any odor - if it is present, it means that there is an inflammatory process of a purulent nature in them;
  • the puppy must be of average fatness;
  • mucous membranes should be clean and have a pink tint;
  • The eyes should be clear and the eyelids should be tight-fitting.

Puppies should not be emaciated or, on the contrary, round like balls - average fatness is welcome

What should a shepherd be like?

  • The puppy's skeleton should be strong and strong.
  • The forelimbs are usually straight; their bending or curvature may indicate a disease such as rickets. This also applies to the puppy's hind legs. Large joints on the legs indicate good and strong bones of the puppy. When he grows up, they will look proportional to the rest of his body.
  • Your puppy's feet may be plump, with thick pads and dark nails. In general, the size of the paws should be compact. The presence of extra toes on the hind legs is not allowed. Usually purebred puppies have lumpy, strong paws.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the condition of the puppy’s teeth. If you notice fused teeth, then you should not take such a puppy - this will interfere with his participation in exhibitions. The bite should be scissor-shaped with a gap of 1-2 millimeters.

  • The eye color of puppies has a blue tint, but this disappears 40 days after birth. You should not opt ​​for those representatives of this breed who have light-colored eyes, much less different eye colors.
  • The muzzle of a real shepherd is not sharp, and the forehead is not wide. There should be a pronounced gap between the forehead and muzzle.
  • The erect tips of the ears indicate their early ossification, which indicates an imbalance in the calcium content. They shouldn't be like this, especially before 3.5 months.

As for body features, the slope and length of the croup are important. The thigh size must correspond to a certain length. A good puppy has a developed wide shoulder girdle, a short back and lower back, but at the same time the hips are quite wide. The tail has its own characteristics - it should not have kinks. Now regarding the color. You can identify a German Shepherd puppy by its coat color; it should be black and tan. It’s better when there’s more of a fall, this only speaks in favor of the dog. Usually black individuals also have puppies with a similar color.

The ears of a purebred healthy puppy are lying down, the color is black with tan, the eyes are blue.

Crossbreeds and mongrels - how do they differ from the real breed?

How to identify a German Shepherd puppy without confusing it with any crossbreed or even a mongrel. Closer to two months, real German Shepherds change greatly in appearance. If earlier they looked clumsy, then from this age their appearance takes on a very harmonious outline. This is an important sign by which the breed is determined. Mutts don't usually grow that fast.

How to correctly identify a German Shepherd puppy can be determined by the following signs:

  1. A narrow, convex forehead. Mutts have a distinct furrow on their forehead.
  2. The nose is always black and large.
  3. Characteristic scissor bite.
  4. No dental defects.
  5. Purebred individuals may have burdock-shaped ears; as they grow, they will become normal. Mutts' ears remain floppy forever.
  6. A purebred dog is distinguished by a massive and developed chest. In mongrels, it resembles the shape of a barrel.
  7. Paw shape. Purebred shepherd dogs have thick, strong, large and even paws of an elongated shape.
  8. The purebred individual has a drooping tail, shaped like a saber blade. In mongrels it curls.
  9. Wool. In a purebred dog it is hard, but in an ordinary yard dog it is softer and silkier.

The shepherd's tail is straight, it resembles a saber blade and has no creases or bends.

Watching the following video will help you correctly identify a German Shepherd. In addition to external signs, you need to pay attention to the dog’s habits, which will also give away the breed. Thus, a purebred pet is easy to train, quickly remembering and willingly following the owner’s commands. Mongrels are difficult to cope with this process.