The oath of the bride in prose. Original wedding vows of the bride and groom. What is a wedding vow

Newlyweds vow

The host addresses the bride: Swear by the arrow of Cupid,
Like Shakespeare's Desdemona
Be a faithful wife to your husband.
Bride: I swear to be his soul.

Leading: You will go with him anywhere!
Bride: Like a Decembrist wife.

Host: Wash dishes, cook food,
And give birth to a baby
Swear to wash his clothes.
Bride: I swear to take my salary.

Leading: To go forever one way,
For you to help him.
Bride: I won’t climb on my husband’s neck,
To love him forever - I swear!

Leading: Bridegroom, since you called yourself a husband,
In family matters - do not be lazy!
Do you understand how the bride needs?
Let's swear too!

Leading: Like an angel, be kind and sweet,
You didn't love anyone like that, did you?
Groom: And I will never fall in love again,
I solemnly swear in front of everyone!

Host: And if something happens,
You are her protector, you are a stronghold!
Groom: I swear to always be a support
And never argue!

Leading: To be together - what happiness,
Understand everything and forgive everything.
Both in weather and in bad weather
Love equally.
Let the festive pattern
Your life will sparkle.
We are left in chorus
Only "Bitter!" tell you!

Bride's vow

Swear always, at any cost,
Be a faithful, devoted wife.

Fashion items swear to buy
And adorn yourself with pearls.

Swear to always be cheerful
Never lose heart!

Swear you get up early
And serve breakfast to my husband.

Husband swear to friends to let go,
For fishing, football, swear not to scold.

Swear to watch serials less often.
And with friends on the phone do not "hang".

Swear to prepare a delicious dinner,
Revealing a special culinary secret.

Manicure and hairstyle swear to do you
So that the spouse sees the standard of beauty.

Swear slowly, slowly.
Have a baby every year.

Swear mother-in-law you respect
Follow her advice.

Groom's oath
The host reads the text, and the bride says “I swear”, or “I don’t want”, “I won’t”.

Swear: from work - immediately home,
Avoid strangers' women.

Swear flowers daily to give,
Husband caring, affectionate to be.

Swear irons and sockets to repair,
You swear to carry heavy bags.

Swear pearls, give diamonds
And bring coffee to bed in the morning.

Swear in the morning to get up to small children -
Give a pacifier, and change a diaper.

Swear to go fishing only with your father-in-law,
Bring the heroic catch home together.

Swear to your wife not to be jealous,
And occasionally bathe in a champagne bath.

Swear never to smoke cigarettes
Swap vodka and beer for sweets.

Swear to give your entire salary to your wife,
And do not scold her for squandering.

Swear that it would be easier for you with your wife,
Always go to your mother-in-law for advice.

Host: And now, dear newlyweds, you need to seal the oath. And at a wedding, the best seal is what? Of course, kiss. Bitterly!

Groom's oath
Are you ready to speak the truth and only the truth? Then look your wife in the eyes and swear!
Do you swear to do all your wife's errands?
Do you swear to kiss your wife in the morning instead of breakfast, in the afternoon instead of dinner, and in the evening before going to bed as a sleeping pill?
Do you swear every day to give your wife not only promises, but also flowers, compliments, gifts?
Do you swear to do all the housework, even in your sleep?
And when you have a child, do you swear to be proud of a happy father and walk important, like a goose?

Swear to control yourself
When he can in three days
Spend all your wife's money!

Groom: I swear! I will not rage, I will leave stash!

Swear you get up early
To give her coffee in bed!

Groom: I swear to walk on tiptoe so as not to wake my wife!

Swear not to offend your wife,
Eat her borscht to the bottom!

Groom: I swear to always take my wife with me to cafes and restaurants!

Swear to love your wife, caress,
Gifts often buy!

Groom: I swear that I will always love my wife, and the best gift for her is Me!

Bride's vow
Are you ready to speak the truth and only the truth? Then look your husband in the eyes and solemnly swear!
Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife?
Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband, not to let the wind blow on him?
Do you swear to keep your husband from being overweight?
Do you swear to allow your husband to occasionally appear from the bedroom in other rooms?
Do you swear to let your husband go without fear for a long walk ... with a stroller?

Our love shines bright!
Give me more expensive gifts,
And if sometimes I run into a stash ...
I won't take it, my dear... I swear

I will not get tired of waiting for you, dear husband,
But if you come back at night... tired...
I'll deal with you in the morning..
No one can hear us baby... I swear

I swear, dear, I will not be offended by this -
If you lie down after dinner with a newspaper,
I myself will fall on the sofa to you,
We will wash the dishes together ... I swear

Now look us all in the eyes and swear together!
Swear to remember and honor your parents not only when the material crisis comes!
Swear to increase the population of our city by at least two people!
Swear that the doors of your house will always be open for friends!
This oath must be sealed with the seal of joined lips!!!

The outdoor ceremony is becoming more and more popular in our country. Along with the registration, we also adopt European traditions that take place at the ceremony. As a rule, the newlyweds there do not just say “Yes”, thereby confirming their desire to marry, but pronounce the vows of the bride and groom. Speeches delivered by young people on this day can be of a very different nature - from a small poem to a long saying. Do not put off writing an oath until the last day: believe me, on the eve of the wedding there will be no time for this. The bride and groom can repeat the vows behind the field registrar, you can read a prepared speech in advance or trust your impromptu art. It must be said right away that the last option should be chosen only by very brave and confident couples, because on this day, the newlyweds, already overwhelmed with excitement, can simply be confused and not say a word. Therefore, usually the bride and groom write their vows in advance, in secret from each other, and read them out at the ceremony. Of course, it is better if you write in your own words, because only the bride and groom will be able to sincerely say what is in their hearts on this day, and what they are ready to swear to each other. How to write the vows of the bride and groom? What to say at the ceremony? Get inspired by your love story! Remember how you met, where you were together. Remind yourself of things you love to do together, quotes from movies and lines from books that you both love. Highlight the most important moments of the relationship that led you to the decision to bind fate together. However, if nothing comes to your mind at all, we offer several options for texts, you can use them in their entirety, or take your exclusive oath as the basis!

Oath of the bride and groom No. 1

I, (name), take you, (name), as a legal spouse, my friend, my partner and my love from this day. In the presence of God, all relatives and friends, I promise to be your faithful companion in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow, in good times and in bad, as long as our loving hearts beat. I promise to love you unconditionally, support you in your aspirations and undertakings, respect you, rejoice with you and grieve with you, take care of you as long as my strength allows. Are you willing to be my husband?

Oath of the bride and groom No. 2

When I first saw you, I realized that only with you I want to go hand in hand throughout my life. You make me better, kinder, more significant! I promise to be faithful and honest with you. To love and respect you, protect you from adversity and help in everything. I ask you to become my lawful wife and walk with me throughout my life. Let the relatives and friends gathered here become witnesses of my sincerity and love.

Oath of the bride and groom No. 3

I (your name) confirm my sincere love for you (name of a loved one), I ask you to share with me the great joy of the birth of our family. You are the most beautiful, gentle, intelligent girl I have ever known. I promise to always love and respect you. I ask you to become my legal (husband - wife), and go through life together!

Oath of the bride and groom No. 4

I, (your name), take you (name of a loved one) as a wife (husbands)
In my heart you will always be the only one, my true friend in life and true love.

Oath of the bride and groom No. 5

(Spouse's name), from the moment when I first saw you and found out what you are, I realized that only with you I want to live my whole life. Mind, beauty, the kindness of which nature has endowed you inspire and make me be better and brighter. I promise to love you always, all my life. I promise to respect you, to always be honest and faithful with you. Before the people gathered here, I solemnly swear this to you!

Bride's vow #6

And I would like to grow old with you!
Become ugly and completely gray-haired ...
After three children, get a little better,
Feed you homemade food.

Buy a carpet that you don't like so much
For quarrels, he will be the main reason.
But you know, I want to grow old with you!
And do not be afraid of wrinkles on the face.

I want to knit warm vests for you,
Which you won't wear.
And plant sunflowers under the windows,
Of course they will piss you off.

But I desperately want to grow old with you!
In trembling fingers bring Fenigidin!
And with gray hair to be beautiful for you!
And keep saying: I need you alone!

Now that's just, just tea is brewed,
I'll call you to share a meal.
And tell you that I want to grow old with you
But not now, but in thirty or forty years ...

Oathgroom №7

Wherever you are, whatever happens to you, wear this ring. Even if you lose the whole world, but keep the ring, the world will be born again for you, because this ring contains all my tenderness and love for you. Keep it and know that my life belongs to you from now on.

Oathgroom №8

I (your name), take you (name of a loved one) to become my (husband / wife), my life partner and my only love. I will cherish our union and love you more and more every day. I will trust you and respect you, rejoice with you and be sad, love you in sorrow and in joy, despite the difficulties that we will encounter along the way. I believe that together we will overcome all difficulties. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, starting from this day, as long as we both live.

Oathgroom №9

I love you. Today is a special day. At first you were just a pipe dream. And now with great happiness. Thank you for being you. I will take care of you, love, respect and protect you. I give you my life, my beloved.

Oath of the bride and groom No. 10

I promise to give you the best that I have and ask you no more than you can give me.
I promise to accept you the way you are.
I promise to respect you, your desires, interests. I understand that sometimes they are different from mine, but from now on they are no less important to me than my own.
I promise to be open to you, to share with you my fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to cultivate with you to be ready to face any change! And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and give you everything I have ... completely and always.

Oath of the bride and groom No. 11

All my thoughts are about you, my love, my life.
I can live only with you or not live at all ...
Love me and never break the heart that loves you..

Forever yours.
Forever mine.
Together forever …

Oath of the bride and groom No. 12

I love you so much... That I'm ready to do anything for you.
To give my life, my love, my heart and my soul to you and for you.
I am ready to give you all the time, efforts, thoughts, talents.
I am ready to protect you, take care of you, be with you, console you, listen to you, cry for you and with you.
I will not hide anything from you
I will be myself next to you……..
I am ready to share with you all my feelings, dreams, goals, hopes and anxieties.
All my life since...
I want to wish you the best, strive for your success and hope to achieve all your goals...
I promise to keep my promises to you and my devotion and loyalty to you...
I will cherish our friendship, respect your individuality, your values ​​and you, such (such), what (what) you are.
I am ready to fight for you, to yield to you, to sacrifice myself for you if necessary...
I will believe in our relationship through the worst of times, believe in our love, and never give up...I want to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when needed.
Never in my life to leave you and not to live without you ...
So much I love you!

Oath of the bride and groom No. 13

Thanks to you alone, I laugh and smile.
I am no longer afraid to dream and plan for happiness.
For you, I go forward with joy and hope.
I swear to take care of you and overcome any difficulties that life will send us. I swear eternal love and devotion.

Bride's vow #14

I love you very much.
I am glad that I waited for this day, because it is special.
This is the best day of my life.
Once you were only a dream, and I was waiting for our meeting.
And today you are my life and my reality.
I thank God that I have you
And I am grateful for every minute spent with you.
I swear that my love won't run out.
She will be your bright sun during the day and the mysterious moon at night.

Oath of the bride and groom No. 15

(Words from 1 Corinthians 13 verses 4 to 8)

Love endures for a long time, is merciful, love does not envy,
love does not exalt itself, does not pride itself, does not misbehave,
does not seek his own, is not irritated, does not think evil,
does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything,
endures everything.
Love never ends.

Publication date: 27.02.2018 11:27

Now more and more couples arrange a beautiful outdoor ceremony, during which the newlyweds say not just “Yes”, but the most tender and warm words to their soulmate - vows of love and fidelity. If you're having trouble writing a vow and you're having trouble getting inspired, check out our selection of wedding vows.

We have selected the most beautiful words that you can use in your wedding vow:



Win (win your problems and goals)


Create comfort

Create (Create a beautiful home together)

Dedicate (dedicate yourself to you, to all your desires, goals and dreams)

Protect (to protect you from anything that could steal even the smallest part of your happiness)

hug (hug you and your family)


Enjoy (Is there a sweeter compliment than "I enjoy you")


Be a partner (for projects and goals)


To provide (not just money, but to provide the security, comfort, and warmth you will ever need)

Support (This is the happiest marriage when you have each other's support in everything you do)

Give thanks (thank you every day for sharing your life with mine)

It is appropriate to mention the following in the oath:

  • about a reverent attitude towards the second half;
  • about the power of love;
  • about pleasant moments together;
  • about the readiness to be together “both in sorrow and in happiness”, to take action;
  • about devotion and fidelity;
  • about communication to keep the family hearth and take care of a loved one;
  • about their intentions to live a happy life together.

Bride's vow

Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I'm not afraid to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you, taking care of you and helping in all the difficulties that life has in store for us, I swear to be faithful and devoted to you until the end of my life.

I love you. You are my best friend. Today I am marrying you. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you and comfort you in your sadness.

I promise to love you in good times and bad, when life seems easy and when life seems hard, when our relationship is easy and when we have difficulties.

I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you. All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.

You are my best friend, the one I can always trust. You make me cry and laugh, you are honest and wise. You are my strength and you are kindness itself. No matter what, you always love me. You have always helped me get through the tough times and I can't imagine my life without you. Today, I want to promise myself and you, in front of our friends and families, to love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.

I always wanted to tell you that you are my happiness, my friend.

I promise to carry our friendship until death.

I vow to understand and inspire you

Laugh with you together and console.

I swear to love you always and never change.

I swear our relationship won't change

I swear that I will respect you and accept you the way you are.

All this I promise you today and forever, my friend and husband.

And finally, I discovered the meaning of true love. As long as I live I will love, respect and honor you. I will cultivate myself and improve our relationship.

I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings, just as I promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit. Today I make this promise to you.

I promise to give you the best that I have and ask you no more than you can give me.

I promise to accept you just the way you are.

I fell in love with your qualities, abilities, outlook on life, I will not try to remake you.

I promise to respect you as an individual with your own interests, desires and needs.

And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and give you everything I have ... completely and always.

I love you very, very much.

I am glad that I waited for this day, because it is special.

Once you were only a dream, and I was waiting for our meeting,

But today you are my life and my reality.

I thank God that I have you andI am grateful for every minute I spend with you.

I swear that my love will not run dry, will not thin.

She will be your bright sun during the day and the mysterious moon at night.

I promise to encourage and inspire you, laugh with you and comfort you in your sorrows.

I promise to love you in good times and bad, when life seems easy and when life seems hard, when our relationship is cloudless as the sky, and even if lead clouds appear on the horizon.

I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.

All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.

I promise to speak and listen, trust and appreciate, respect and cherish, support and make each other stronger throughout life's joys and sorrows.

Share hopes, thoughts and dreams.

I will cultivate and improve our relationship.

I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings, I promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit.

Today I make this promise to you.

Groom's oath

Knowing that in my heart you will always be my one and only, my faithful partner in life, and my true love, I promise to give you all the best. What I have and ask you no more than you can give me.

I promise to accept you for who you are, because that's how I fell in love with you.

I promise to respect you as an individual with your own interests, desires and needs.

And understand that sometimes they are different from my own, but they are no less important than my own.

I promise to be open to you, to share with you my inner fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.

I promise to grow with you to be ready to face any change as we both change in order to keep our relationship vibrant and exciting.

Just imagine: a violin is playing quietly, bewitching all guests with its song, trees and flower beds are blooming around, the scent of roses is in the air, a beautiful arch standing in the most picturesque corner of your city, and you, dressed in, intoxicated with passion, holding your hand beloved person and looking into his eyes, say: 'I swear to love you in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty, in sickness and in health, until death do us part'...

Examples of oaths

Option number 1

Even the smallest joys that you give me mean a lot to me.

I really like it when you take my hand when we cross the street, when you always hug me when you meet ...

Sometimes ordinary, at first glance, things, when you do not forget to grab something nice for me in the store, make my heart melt with tenderness and again remind me of how caring and attentive you are.

I do not always tell you about it right away, but I see everything and feel everything, I keep these little joys in my heart ...

I can only thank fate for the fact that we are together - now for sure FOREVER!

I love you.

Option number 2 Oath in verse

He: I found you in the city of dreams, my love

She: I understand for a long time everything without words, my beloved

He: You captured my soul, beautiful

She: You are like air, everywhere with me, my desired

He: I will love you forever, my soul

She: I can't live without you now, my destiny

He: I dissolve in your love

She: Save my tenderness forever

He: Be my wife, my friend

She: I'm yours until the end of my days!

Together: I swear to be with you forever. Let's be happy together - ALWAYS!

Option number 3 Oath-dialogue


Beloved, since you entered my life, my days have been filled with the light of happiness. And now this light has flared up so brightly that it is possible to warm the whole world in its rays. I will forever keep in my heart this golden moment when you became my wife.


Beloved, I bring you a gift of my love. I swear to be a faithful and gentle wife, to share with you the joys and cares, the hopes of dreams.


I swear like the apple of my eye to protect the light of our love. I swear to be a loving and gentle husband, an honest and reliable friend, take care of you, support you and share with you everything that fate sends us.


Everything I have in my life will be yours from now on. I will dedicate my whole life to you and carry my love to the end of my days.

Together: I love you.

Option number 4

I, (name), marry you, (name), by legal marriage, so that you become (a) my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day. In the presence of God, our families and friends, I pledge my solemn oath to you and promise to be your trusted partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, support you in all your endeavors, honor and respect you, laugh and cry with you, and cherish you for as long as we both live.

Option number 5

I (Name), with all my love, take you as my wife/husband. I will love you always in good and bad times, in joy and sorrow. I will try to be understanding and trust you completely. Together we can face all the difficulties of life and share dreams and goals with each other. I promise that I will be your equal partner in love, honest relationships, as long as we both live. From now on, you are my best friend, and I will love and respect you always!

Option number 6 Oath of the bride

I love you. You are my best friend.
Today I am marrying you.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you
And comfort you in your sadness.

I promise to love you in good times and bad
When life seems easy and when life seems hard
When our relationship will be easy and when we will have difficulties.
I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.
All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.

Romance of the wedding vow

Your quiet whisper is carried by a warm wind to every corner of the globe, thereby telling the whole world that you have forever connected your fate with another person and from today you will begin to build your bright future together with him ...

Wedding vows are one of the most beautiful moments of any wedding, the pronunciation of vows is rightfully considered the most sincere and romantic episode of your celebration, because the words spoken by the newlyweds at this moment come from the heart, the souls of the spouses are completely open to each other, nerves - naked to the limit, and love sounds in every word ...

Vows should be pronounced during the ransom of the bride or during an exit ceremony. If you are planning a regular painting, then wedding vows are pronounced either immediately upon the arrival of the newlyweds in a cafe / restaurant / hut / etc. or before the first wedding dance.

This beautiful rite has been borrowed from the wedding ritual for a very long time, but during the time of communism it will lose its sacred meaning and began to be used as one of the fun moments of the wedding celebration. Today, it is regaining its former popularity and, most importantly, its meaning - eternal love dinners are increasingly heard at a modern wedding.

A wedding vow is a song of the soul, the voice of the heart, a verbal frame of your feelings for another person. It can be a poem or a song, just a short love story or dialogue, a dance to music with appropriate lyrics, or even a little theatrical performance!

There are many options and they are all beautiful in their own way, and also appropriate for a wedding! We have already introduced you to some examples of oaths.

The only principle you should follow when making an oath is to listen to your heart, using the words it whispers to you!

In many countries of the world, there is an obligatory tradition at a family celebration - a wedding vow. In our country, this tradition is only gaining momentum and many young people do not yet know how to compose it correctly.

What is the wedding vow for?

Previously, the wedding oath was pronounced by a registry office employee, and the newlyweds only confirmed the spoken words, well, or denied. Today, the newly-made husband and wife themselves want to tell each other exactly what they feel and experience, ask their partner for what they want to see in family life and promise something.

Just imagine how romantic it is when the bride and groom are standing in beautiful dresses, their parents and guests are looking at them, and the young people swear eternal love and constant support. The wind will spread these words around the world and tell him that you have tied your fate forever.

The wedding vow is a touching moment in this event of love, the pronunciation of the vow is considered the most sincere and tender moment. Newlyweds utter words that come from the depths of their souls, they say such speeches that can rarely be heard in ordinary life.

When should the wedding vow be taken?

There are several moments for the pronunciation of this touching speech, and which one to choose is up to you. Initially, you can swear love and fidelity to each other during the ransom of the bride. The groom comes to the house of his beloved, goes through a lot of comic tests, answers tricky questions, and then the moment comes when he sees his future wife. Thoughts can get confused in the head, a state of confusion sets in, but you need to get together and say such welcome and touching words that every girl is looking forward to. The bride, in turn, after listening to the oath, must reciprocate and utter no less sparkling words of love.

The second suitable moment for the pronunciation of the wedding vow is an exit mural ceremony. Every day it becomes more and more popular to legitimize relations not in the registry office, but to independently choose the place of marriage registration.

Or else they say the wedding oath before the first dance of the newlyweds. At this moment, such words sound especially touching, and all because the first dance in itself is the highlight of the evening, everyone is waiting for it, both the guests and the newlyweds themselves.

How to write a wedding vow?

Many are afraid to pronounce an oath, it all starts with the fact that just the bride and groom do not know how to write it. The wedding vow is your inner voice, your thoughts and feelings. There are no specific rules for writing an oath as such. You just need to write and say what you really feel, listen to your heart and transfer it all to paper. The oath must be written initially, just sit down alone, concentrate, think about everything that happens, remember the wonderful moments spent together and write everything that comes to mind. In an oath, you can, and even need to write why you love this person, why it was decided to get married, promise eternal love and be there no matter what. It is especially difficult for men to write an oath, but it is the groom's oath that they are looking forward to. This is because men by nature are not verbose, basically they do not like to say beautiful and touching words, but here you have to really try.

There are a large number of options for writing a wedding speech, some examples will be given in this article, but it is worth remembering that these are just other people's words. And you should only say what your heart tells you!

Groom's oath

“My beloved, I am glad that our paths converged, we met, and now the moment has come when the relationship is officially registered. I promise to love you both in joy and in sorrow, to constantly support, care for and protect. For such a beautiful woman, I will do everything in my power and even more. I promise to make you happy every day, and if there are tears on your face, then only from joy.

Bride's vow

“My beloved, today is our day with you, and I want to thank you! Thank you for everything, for your care, love, experiences and support. I am grateful to fate that she sent you to me, and in turn I promise to be the best wife in the world. Our family path is just beginning, and everything depends only on us and our behavior. I promise to be a good housewife, keeper of the hearth, I will work on our relationship every day so that they become better and better. I will be with you in sorrow and joy, I will be honest, listen to your opinion, fulfill your desires, accept any of your decisions.