When he calls me online tarot divination. Signs that he will return after he left. How to understand that a man will return? Will the beloved return - fortune telling

Warning. This article is addressed to women who are experiencing the departure of a man. He - left, she - remained. Therefore, in the article it sounds that He- did badly. This is not a manifestation of sexism. It happens that a woman leaves, causing pain to a man. Will the husband return to the family? The tips in this article apply in this situation as well.

At the consultation: “I wake up in the morning, go to work. I'm busy at work, I don't have time to think. But in the evening - it begins! I remember everything I did wrong. All your mistakes. That it was necessary to allow him both this and that, when he asked. I think, if I behave differently now, will he come back? Want to know. Suddenly he'll be back."

He may return. That family that was will not return. That, what was before will not return. This is 100% accurate.

Will the husband return to the family? Time to think.

The decision on the final separation is comprehended in the first 2-3 weeks. Did I write about this in an article? If, after this period, he still has not changed his mind, has not come with an apology that he got excited, then the decision is final. For you. Now I will explain why.

To be honest, men feel when they are expected. Even if a man left not just like that, but “somewhere”, then the decision to part was probably not easy for him. He's scared too. Understanding that there is an "alternate airfield" makes life very easy.

Therefore, it is in the interests of a man that you wait for him. The longer the better. And if all my life - so generally excellent. You can't blame him for this. In general, it is better not to think about it. Absolutely, in any respect, both positive and negative. Just know - You are free to decide whether to wait or not to wait.

Of course, you can close the door forever from the very moment of his departure. But so few succeed. Therefore, decide for yourself (and maybe with him) that there will be time to think. Two or three weeks. This is the time you are willing to wait. Then the bridges were burned.

How to understand if he wants to return?

You certainly know the expression " to get on one's nerves". Oh, how many descriptions of this process I heard!

  • Then he calls and says that everything is bad with him. And the ex-wife is already "flying" - he will return! Then he does not call for three days, and his ex-wife sees a photo on his page with another woman.
  • Or he doesn't come for things. Postpones all the time. Seems like by accident.
  • He can also mention in conversations all the time that it was because of the mistakes of the former that he left. Hint that, if it were not for her mistakes, she would not have destroyed the family. Yes, yes, he was forced to leave because of her mistakes.

All these cases leave the woman with the idea that the husband can return. If she changes, or if he forgives her, or if he has there nothing will work.

But this is deception. Rather, even self-deception. Therefore, there is no need to look for evidence that he is considering the option of returning.

The only confirmation that the husband is considering the option of family reunification can only be an open statement: "I need to understand myself. Please give me time!". This is honest. This is smart. It is a rarity.

Everything else is from the evil one. There is no sign that he wants everything back. Maybe he is rushing about because he is scared (see above). The more he rushes about, the more he gets on your nerves. Maybe not on purpose. But these throwing - not evidence that he wants to return.

How can I help my husband return to the family?

If your man has taken time out to make a final decision, then you can help him. Here are actions that will help you make a positive decision and help you understand whether the husband will return to the family. The points.

  1. Give him time to think alone. That is, do not call. Don't cross paths with him. Do not remind yourself through friends and relatives.
  2. Protect yourself from mistakes. An example of a mistake is "accidental" intimacy with another man as revenge.
  3. Keep criticism of him to yourself.

It turned out not very much, but the point is not in quantity, but in quality. By violating these principles, you are very effective in the direction of the complete destruction of relationships.

Is it possible to miss the chance?

Very scary to hear “I wanted to go back, but you yourself ruined everything!”

I have never seen such cases. Yes, sometimes the husbands come back. But it doesn't happen that you did something, because of which he could not return, although he wanted to.

Theoretically, this is, of course, possible. If he kneels in the door next to the suitcase and asks for forgiveness, and you silently slam the door. This is probably the only scenario where "I wanted to, but you ruined everything"

Point of no return.

When you are no longer with him, everything seems meaningless and terrible. Life turned upside down. There is nothing further. Because you are used to a different life. You are waiting for everything to come back. It will be like it was again.

But it won't be the same as it used to be.

Yes, there are times when couples get back together. A month, a year, it doesn't matter. But any of these pairs will confirm that, having come together again, they began to live in a completely different way. New relationships, new rules.

That is, a person may be physically the same, but the family is different. At heart, people change because of the stress they have experienced.

Accept it as a fact. You definitely cannot return “that” man, that image of him, and “that” relationship.

Every time a thought pops into your head - “What if he comes back?”, remind yourself that HE, such as he was, will not return.

When discussing life after divorce with women, I come across descriptions of situations when a husband returns. Here is how it is described:

"Him there nothing succeeded. He asked for forgiveness and wanted to return. Of course, I didn't drive him away. Yes, I was very hurt and hurt, but still I love him! We started living together again. But I couldn't do it the way I used to. Like the same person. But now I know that he is lying. Can lie. Can hurt. I used to enjoy looking at his smile. And now that smile pisses me off! Because I know who he is! Basically, everything has changed.”

How not to ask yourself this again and again?

Even if we assume that the husband rashly decided to part, then in 3 weeks he managed to cool down, to think. And think three more times. Three weeks is the deadline.

If he has not yet come, then waiting for him further is just a mockery of himself. Make a decision - "I no longer look forward to his return!"

Now your best friend intelligence. Your protector, your support, your hope. Trust him. Mind said - I CAN'T WAIT TO RETURN!" Now, every time you catch yourself trying to dream about the return of your husband, get distracted. By force of will or by accident.

Do you know how to effectively help children not be afraid to do their homework? On the principle of "cut the elephant into slices." That is, you first need to spend a few minutes preparing the textbooks. Then - a break for other things. After some time, we open the textbooks on the desired page, put a notebook in front of the textbook. Distracted again. After some more time, they sat down and did one task. We don't take anything off the table. So, gradually, all the tasks will be done. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the child will not be afraid of the process.

Why did I give this example? In addition, it is necessary to distract from memories and thoughts about returning in the same way. Wherever you live - around the apartment, on the way to work - there should be little charms.

Let's say you lay out the elements of your hobby on the table. And in the kitchen - open the book in the place where the desired recipe is. And in the room - just a book that you read. And lay the route to work in such a way as to walk past beautiful shop windows. That is, you must constantly be distracted by something.

To be honest, I wouldn't recommend it for any other situation. Usually they ask for help to concentrate. But now you have the opposite goal.

Is it fair? While your man decides what he wants, you cannot drink, eat, breathe. This does not mean that he is cruel. He is ordinary. And here you are - you waste time and nerves. No matter what he decides, you are hurt here and now. Instead of predicting what decision he will make, think about yourself. How take away your pain. Do not expect gifts of fate, eh.

If you want to know if your loved one will return, fortune telling will be the surest way to find the answer to this difficult question.

In the article:

Will the beloved return - fortune telling

This fortune-telling will help you find out if your loved one will return to you if you quarreled or broke up for other reasons for a while. With it, you can find out not only whether your boyfriend or husband will return to you, but also the true reason for the quarrel, his feelings, interference between you, as well as circumstances that can help reconcile. It should be noted that fortune-telling works much more accurately than, for example, folk.

This fortune-telling for the return of a loved one can be performed both with ordinary playing cards, and in a deck there can be 36, and 52, and with. Shuffle your personal deck the way you normally would. After that, lay out the first card on the table or other convenient surface. Above it, but not on it, put the second, to the left of the second - the third, and to the right - the fourth. The fifth card is laid out above the third, the sixth - above the fourth, and the seventh - between them. At the very top of the layout at the end should be the eighth card.

Now you can begin to interpret the fortune-telling about whether your loved one will return to you.

  • First the card laid out on the table will show you the true reason for the breakup. It may differ from the one that your loved one expressed to you, but it is the meaning of this card that is the reason that you broke up.
  • Second the card reflects feelings for an ex-boyfriend. They may seem completely different to you, but this can be the effect of stress, especially if you dated or lived under the same roof for a long time.
  • Third- these are the feelings of a former loved one towards you at the moment.
  • Fourth reflects his plans for you and your relationship: having explained it, you will find out if the guy is going to put up or if he is determined to forget about everything that connected you.
  • Fifth the card opens obstacles and answers the question of why you cannot be together, what prevents you from reconciling again - these can be problems in you, or simply failures in life, or else.
  • sixth the card tells you how to correct the situation and return your husband or boyfriend by resuming the relationship.
  • seventh accurately answers the main question of fortune-telling - will the husband return. Sometimes she also suggests the reasons why the relationship became impossible, or the circumstances under which reconciliation is possible.
  • eighth the card will show the results, that is, your relationship in the distant future.

Simple fortune-telling for the return of a loved one

This fortune-telling to the question of whether the guy will return to you will not answer an exact “yes” or a sure “no”. However, it allows you to find out about how he feels at the moment, and what is happening in his life. Sometimes this information is more than enough to understand whether it is possible to continue your relationship. Besides, The layout is very simple and suitable even for beginners.

Shuffle the deck as usual and draw six cards from it. You can lay them out in any order, the main thing is not to confuse the order in which you took the cards from the deck, it is necessary to interpret in this way.

  • First the map will show what his mind is doing.
  • Second talks about the feelings of your ex-husband or boyfriend, but not necessarily about you and your relationship.
  • Third will show you its immediate future.
  • Fourth And fifth cards are his desires or plans, what he would like to achieve in the near future.
  • sixth the card shows the present, the events that are happening in the life of your beloved at the moment.

This fortune-telling about the return of a loved one will help you not only get information that is hidden from you without his help, but also find the right moment for reconciliation if you are going to take the first step, but do not know how to choose the time.

Fortune telling about whether a loved one will return "Nine Cards"

You can find out if your loved one will return with the help of this fortune-telling. When choosing spreads that aim to give you the answer to this question, you should choose one that intuitively appeals to you. Then it will be as true as possible. Some people prefer to repeat fortune-telling for the return of a loved one, making several different layouts. In addition, it is desirable to do this more often, because the thoughts of each person can change, and resentment passes with time.

If you like more complex varieties of fortune-telling, you can try this fortune-telling, with which you will not only find out if your loved one will return, but also get answers to many important questions even after a major quarrel.

The way you usually do it. If you are guessing for the first time, try to tune in correctly and concentrate on the question. For some, special meditations help in this, as well as creating a mystical atmosphere with the help of candles and incense. There is no witchcraft effect in it, it is an aid in creating the right mood, which is very important when receiving answers from cards.

So, put the first card on the table. Place the second one below it, and the third one between them. To the right of the third should be the fourth. The fifth card should be near the first, to the right of it, and the sixth - near the second. Lay out the seventh, eighth and ninth from left to right, starting from the fourth card. Now you can begin to interpret this layout.
  • First the card is a description of your relationship in the past.
  • Second- the reason for your breakup, it can be both in you and in your chosen one.
  • Third the card speaks of the lesson that you must learn from the situation that happened to you, which you are guessing at. Nothing happens without a reason, and the end of a relationship cannot be an exception.
  • Fourth the card will show your relationship in the present.
  • Fifth- this is what you need to change in yourself in order to restore relationships or not destroy them again if you make peace.
  • sixth- actions on your part that will lead to the restoration of relations.
  • seventh the card says if you can make peace with your boyfriend or husband.
  • eighth reflects your feelings and emotions in the event that your beloved returns to you.
  • ninth the card says that it does not always make sense to restore relationships. It shows the prospects for the distant future in the event of reconciliation, and they are far from always rosy. This is exactly what you will achieve if you get your husband or boyfriend back.

In general, with this knowledge, you can not only find out if you will return your love to yourself, but also understand what exactly you need to do for this and how right such a choice will be.

Parting with a loved one hurts the soul. It takes time to come to terms, to accept the thought of separation. But, if the feelings are alive, hope smolders in the heart of a woman, a willingness to give a person another chance.

Will the loved one return? How to understand that a man, after parting, revised his life, made the right conclusions and is ready to renew the relationship?

Every situation is different. But, in any case, behave with dignity. Try to avoid five common ladies' mistakes that will only exacerbate the problem.

These methods are often used by inexperienced girls, but, contrary to expectations, they do not add attractiveness to the young lady in the eyes of her lover and, rather, have the opposite effect.

  1. You should not set up “random” meetings, bother with frequent phone calls, or bombard your ex with messages.
  2. Throw tantrums, reproach and try to humiliate, hurt a man, because he “wounded” your soul with his departure.
  3. Threaten, terrorize, promise to commit suicide or make his life hell. Demonstrative revenge is not the best way to heal heart wounds. Over time, emotions will subside, the pain will pass, and the unpleasant aftertaste from impulsive actions and harsh words will forever turn away the chosen one and cast a shadow on your reputation.
  4. Arrange surveillance of the life of a former partner. Eavesdrop on conversations, read correspondence, attracting children, colleagues, acquaintances or mutual friends to this exciting, but by no means useful activity.
  5. Exaggerate colors, wind yourself up. Again and again remember traumatic events, and all his sins, down to small punctures.

False hopes or the right tactics?

Psychologists say that the pain of a breakup lasts at least two months before a person gets used to the thought of loss. Just let him go and, perhaps, the man will return, comparing life "before" and "after" in favor of your union.

How to know if the chosen one will return? The easiest and most effective way is a frank conversation. Without excessive emotions, accusations and reproaches.

Don't lock yourself in. If a woman lives in the prison of heavy thoughts, hides in the walls of the past, constantly returns to where the separation happened, she degrades and ceases to be interesting to the opposite sex. Agree, "canned" pain is not the best remedy for loneliness.

Let the man sort out his own feelings. The chosen one needs time to realize what he has lost, to weigh all the pros and cons. If the relationship has not exhausted itself, the loved one, after a short pause, realizes his mistake and tries to return you.

The main thing for a woman is to survive the acute period of parting and not to do stupid things.

Switch attention to yourself, your favorite thing. Think about a wonderful future and not rush into the maelstrom of past grievances.

Return symptoms

Pay attention to his behavior. If a guy is interested in your life, asks acquaintances, writes messages, visits pages on social networks or is looking for a reason to meet and talk, then you are important to him.

Starting a new life, people, as a rule, do not show a burning interest in former passions. Moreover, they do not try to see each other more often, colliding face to face even in the most unexpected places. They do not call with requests to return a forgotten item if it does not have special value for the owner.

Be prepared for any scenario. Think carefully about how to behave in a given situation. Are you ready to rekindle your relationship? What should be taken into account in order not to repeat old mistakes on the new pages of your novel? What conclusions to draw?

If a loved one, after so many years spent together, is in no hurry to renew the family, then he simply failed to become your support and you need to move on, to real happiness. And it's much closer than you think.

It often happens that even when the relationship is over, it is hard to believe in it for a long time. After all, yesterday everything was fine, yesterday you were together and all your acquaintances and friends envied you, calling you an ideal couple. But then something happened, something happened, and everything suddenly collapsed. This is the first scenario for the development and collapse of relations. Another - everything went to a break for a long time, but neither He nor She wanted to admit it for a long time, pretending that everything was fine and that nothing special was happening. The third scenario is “a lovebird, like a black cat that crosses the road.” Fourth... Fifth... Sixth... How many can there be? Yes, as much as you like! Everyone has their own life story, their own love story and their own crushed hopes story.

However, you should not worry. You can always do this. Even if the relationship is in the past, there is always a chance to build something new, something happier, taking into account the mistakes of the past. No wonder they say: "Trees stand stronger on crooked roots." "Crooked Roots" is your experience that cannot be lost, forgotten or thrown away as unnecessary. It is up to you and only you to decide how to dispose of the experience gained - boldly move on and try to find happiness, or be sad, sprinkle ashes on your own head and live in memories of yesterday.

For everyone who broke up, but would like to restore a broken relationship, the fortune-telling “Will he come back to me”, consisting of ten cards, is dedicated. With the help of the Maria Lenormand deck, you will find out what are the further predictions regarding your reconciliation.

Before proceeding to divination, let's consider in more detail what each of the ten cards means. So,

  1. Map number 1. Answers the question: What exactly caused the breakup?
  2. Map number 2. Answers the question: How do you react to parting?
  3. Map number 3. Indicates what can be done to get the former partner back?
  4. Map number 4. Warns of what should not be done under any circumstances?
  5. Map number 5. Answers the question: What exactly does your partner think about your breakup (explains his point of view regarding the breakup of your relationship)?
  6. Map number 6. Reveals your partner's plans for his possible return to you.
  7. Map number 7. Indicates external causes that interfere with your reunion.
  8. Map number 8. Answers the question: Will your partner come back?
  9. Map number 9. Illuminates the future prospects of your relationship.
  10. Map number 10. Gives advice or recommendations regarding your future.

5 /5 (3 )

Depending on what the relationship was between a man and a woman, who initiated the breakup and for what reason, the process of breaking up is more or less painful for both parties. For example, one partner is confident that everything is going smoothly in the relationship, while the other suddenly announces a breakup. It turns out that one of them still has hope for a second chance, for the restoration of the union. And to make sure that this chance exists, you can arrange fortune telling - will a loved one return after parting.

Will a loved one return after a breakup?

Despite the significant differences between strong love and fleeting love, many people need a second one. She inspires, inspires a person, changing the colors around.

If mutual love has happened, a person finds both peace and awe at the same time - he does his daily affairs with joy, but with bated breath he expects a call, message or meeting with his beloved. It's wonderful when feelings grow stronger day by day. But the opposite also happens.

Time passes, colors fade, and love turns into a habit. As a result, this state of affairs is unbearable for one of the partners - he says goodbye to his soul mate and leaves.

The partner left with unrequited love loses the spark, but in every possible way tries to return the past. Some people resort to fortune-telling to find out from fate if they have a chance to return a loved one.

Common mistakes after a breakup

No matter how depressed the abandoned partner feels, he should remember that it is important to pull himself together, take care of himself, otherwise no one else will do it.

There are certain mistakes that an abandoned person makes after a breakup. He imposes, hunts down his beloved, pesters with rather pathetic messages, sometimes threatening. This will lead to nothing but the conviction of the departed person that he did the right thing.

You don’t need to frantically track the location of your loved one, don’t wait for him at the exit from work, near the entrance, don’t dare to follow him on his heels - it looks very manic.

Do not write dozens of messages, do not call every five minutes and do not try to put pressure on pity through friends or relatives - these are unworthy acts.

Also, do not try to make your ex jealous by throwing yourself into the arms of another person - this will not work.

First of all, you need to try to look at all such actions from the outside. Imagine yourself in the place of your beloved - yes, he left, but what will he be like to see such frivolous actions? He will simply decide for himself that he made the right choice, leaving this relationship behind.

80% of men repel obsession

Better to stay calm and reasonable. For our part, try to understand where the oversight occurred, but do not get to the bottom of the truth with annoying calls. You can talk to mutual friends, maybe they will tell you the reasons.

And remain a good friend for your partner - sometimes ask about his affairs and well-being, do not complain much about loneliness. Maybe he will realize that he has lost a great life partner.

Watch the video. Why did a loved one leave and is there a chance that he will return?

Is it worth hoping

People quickly get used to the good, because it happens that some romantic relationships flare up in a few days. But if a person suddenly loses these sensations, then he needs time to get used to living without tender messages in the morning, fervent conversations during the day and other romantic rituals.

On average, a habit is developed in three weeks. But this process requires discipline. For some people, living without something habitual (from daily smoking to a dozen SMS to a loved one) or starting something permanent (jogging in the morning or not poking around in a social network) takes longer, sometimes up to three months.

How to understand whether it is worth trying to live without a loved one who has left? The answer is simple - an adequate conversation without resentment, quarrels and sarcasm. Both people need to understand the causes and consequences of what happened, but not to close in any way, not to humiliate either themselves or their partner.

If a couple is destined to be together, then both will understand this and decide to continue their journey together.

Signs of a return

Parting usually occurs according to two scenarios - good and bad. It is quite natural that in the second case, resentment can take hold of both partners, because of which they will not maintain communication, eventually weaning from each other completely.

But if the breakup happened on a good note, and the partner who left is regularly interested in your affairs, and you constantly hear from friends that he asks about you, then there is still hope. Maybe he feels guilty for his act, or maybe he really thought it over and realized that he had taken the wrong step.

Here, again, you need to think about everything from your side, keeping in mind the reason for the separation. Try to look into the future - do partners have it? Whether the former is sincerely interested in your affairs or is trying to understand how you are doing without him - such a precious one.

In general, if the relationship lasted more than two years, but did not come to anything except parting, do not regret the lost time, but judge sensibly - what binds you, except for habit? Should we expect a sequel?

If we proceed from the point of view of esotericism, then, of course, it is possible to return a partner with the help of fortune-telling, love spells. However, one important fact should be remembered - such a binding will act on a physical level, on a psychological one, but this is not love.

And when such a binding dries up for one reason or another, the partner will leave forever. Therefore, it is worth resorting to more effective methods regarding the resumption of romantic relationships.

As they say, if you intend to change the world, start with yourself, as well as with your attitude to the world. So in a failed relationship - first analyze yourself and your partner. Think about what you are related to? It may happen that a person cannot stand loneliness, or maybe pressure from others - "at your age it's time to start a family."

In addition, it is important to remember the stages of the formation of relationships, as well as the fact that at the very beginning of a relationship, each person tries to show his best side, how to advertise his individuality, skills, even if he does not use them daily.

At these moments, partners more or less consciously do not pay attention to some of the shortcomings of each other. They probably see them almost from the first minutes of communication, but suppress them, hoping that one day the beloved will get rid of these habits, or the partner will come to terms with them. And this is self-deception.

After parting, you should think about the future without a partner - imagine possible activities, trips, hobbies. If at the same time a person feels good, regardless of the presence of the former nearby, then this is a sign that you can not return to the relationship.

In this case, you don’t need to imagine other activities, you need to do them. Meet friends who, as often happens, had to be abandoned due to relationships. Visit places that the partner categorically did not want to visit. Taking up a hobby that was once hindered by relationships for a number of reasons.

If it happened that the partners changed their minds and decided to renew the relationship, then you need to remember that nothing should remain from past experience. Both must approach this process in a new way, otherwise the old problems that caused the misunderstanding and separation will arise again and lead to the same outcome. In fact, it will be a new relationship, new habits and romantic rituals, but with an old partner.

Watch the video. Divination for a beloved man.

Fortune telling - will the former return to me after breaking up

Having a relationship gives a feeling of completeness, a feeling that at any moment you can rely on a loved one, ask for help and not be afraid of being rejected. But if relationships dry up, especially when they end abruptly, the world around them changes.

In 7 out of 10 cases, fortune-telling helps to decide

An abandoned person is burdened by a feeling of detachment, loneliness and helplessness. Of course, everyone copes with this more or less effectively, someone lives by the principle "what does not kill - makes stronger." But it also happens that a person is really devastated and loses interest in all areas of life. He needs hope that not everything is lost, that former feelings can be returned. In this case, you can turn to fortune telling.

On tarot

Fortune telling on Tarot cards in the area of ​​​​the loss of loved ones, or rather, turning to the deck with the question of whether it is possible to return a partner, requires only three cards.

For fortune-telling, the whole deck is taken, the stack is placed on the table, then, concentrating on the question, it is mixed with hands right on the table. After that, three cards are taken out and placed face up.

It is worth remembering that the position of the card is important in Tarot cards - straight or inverted. Sometimes the interpretation of the same card can be radically different.

In general terms, the meanings of the cards have the following decoding:

  • Sword cards carry the designation of a struggle for a partner who has left, but in the end it should end in the victory of the fortuneteller;
  • Cards such as the Hanged Man and the Leaning Tower cut off any path to the return of a partner - this is a strict "no" in response to the question asked;
  • The major arcana in the form of "Magician" and "Moon" tell the fortuneteller that the separation did not happen just like that, but with mystical interference from the outside - from the evil eye to real damage. The most serious interpretation takes place if both cards are present among the three drawn - you should seek professional help and work on both partners;
  • In the event that among the cards there were such as “Peace”, “Priestess” in an inverted position or “Empress”, the fortuneteller will still have to be completely alone for some time;
  • All other cards carry a bit of hope, some of them even offer ways to return a loved one. In this case, if the fortuneteller is not strong in the interpretation of Tarot cards, you need to do the following - collect the dropped cards, without mixing, put on top of the deck. Place a photo of the chosen one on top, and in this form, hide everything in a bag. It's great if the bag turns out to be red velvet. You need to keep the deck with the photo under the pillow for some time, and soon the beloved will make itself felt, perhaps he will return on his own, or maybe you will have to fight a little for his location.

On playing cards

The most accessible will be divination for the return of a loved one with an appeal to playing cards. Such fortune-telling can answer the question of whether it is possible to return the departed, and also how long it will take.

In addition, you can see the reasons why the chosen one left the fortuneteller, thus analyzing past mistakes and outlining a plan to improve the situation.

For divination, you need a deck of playing cards. By the way, if these cards were not previously used for the game, in addition, the cards must belong to the fortuneteller. Thus, it is quite possible to purchase a brand new pack of playing cards.

So, the cards are thoroughly mixed, consciousness should be focused on the partner and on the question of his return.

  • The first card is placed on the table;
  • The second card is placed above the first;
  • The third is to the left of the second card;
  • The fourth is to the right of the second card;
  • The fifth card is stacked over the third;
  • The sixth card is over the fourth;
  • The seventh card is placed between the fifth and sixth cards;
  • The eighth card is placed at the very top of the layout.

Watch the video. How to return a beloved man?

After all the cards are laid out in their places, they are turned face up and treated according to the following pattern:

  • The first card explains the reason for the breakup. Remember, it may differ from what the departed partner said;
  • The second card is a reflection of the fortuneteller's feelings for the departed. Cards can tell about what the fortuneteller cannot admit to himself;
  • The third shows how the partner feels in relation to the fortuneteller, maybe this will become a clear answer to the question of whether it is worth fighting for love;
  • The fourth card reflects the partner’s thoughts about whether he wants to renew the relationship at all, how he will react to such an undertaking. That is, whether he wants to agree to a truce or is he very categorical in his decision, despite the fact that he connected the couple earlier;
  • The fifth card suggests answers that reveal the reasons for the impossibility of continuing the relationship, more precisely, what hinders their development, what destroys them. Here, the fortuneteller's problems may lurk, or maybe the cards will indicate outside interference;
  • If the fortuneteller is still filled with a desire to return his beloved, the sixth card may offer ways to a truce, but whether they work or not depends on the above interpretations;
  • The seventh card answers the question of whether it will be possible to return the departed. If not, then the map will show the reasons for such a categorical answer;
  • The last card sums up, describes the possible outcome of the relationship.

"Not really"

The next divination is also done using a deck of playing cards. It requires a serious approach on the part of the fortuneteller. Fortune-telling has exactly two conditions - ask a question only once and ask it in such a way as to get a clear answer "yes" or "no".

While the cards are being shuffled, one must keep in mind the formulated question, in this case - will the loved one return? When the cards are mixed, you need to draw one. From the top of the deck, from the bottom, from the middle - it doesn't matter.

The interpretation is simple:

  • Dropped hearts and spades say "Yes";
  • Clubs and diamonds - "No."


Gypsy fortune-telling on the theme of the return of a partner is a layout of ten cards. Fortune telling is not aimed at the fortuneteller himself, but at the partner who has left the relationship. Thus, the alignment will describe the partner, allow the fortuneteller to understand for himself whether it is worth returning the relationship, whether they have a future.

So, for fortune-telling from the deck, you need to choose the one that will become the personification of the partner - it will be the center in the alignment process.

Then comes the “fortune” - they are taken out at random from the deck and placed at the bottom of the alignment. This card will be the personification of the unrest of the object of divination, his thoughts.

A layout is made between them - three rows of three cards, where the top row will show the past of the fortune-telling object, the middle row is responsible for its present, the bottom one will suggest the future.

To interpret the cards that have fallen out, you will need a special interpreter, in which there is a decoding of the meanings of the symbols and their combinations.

Well, as an example, one can cite such cards as aces, nines and sevens - they are interpreted depending on the position of the central icon on the map. That is, if the tip of the suit is directed upwards, it means dynamics, growth. Down - a quick outcome, the end result.

Personal relationships are interpreted according to the suit of hearts. They will tell about the presence of happy news in a relationship.

Diamonds reflect success, luck. Clubs represent the working atmosphere, as well as some litigation. Peaks predict possible misunderstanding, conflict.

Thus, having dealt with the alignment, the fortuneteller will be able to understand what is happening in the life of his partner. Maybe he will discover the true reason for the breakup, and also decide whether he should intervene in changing the overall picture of the relationship.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Online divination. Will he come back to me?

By name

For divination by name, an inexperienced person will most likely need outside help. It is desirable, of course, to have a predisposition, abilities in the field of esotericism.

Divinations are not dangerous, they only provide information, but in no way harm.

For this fortune-telling, you need to write your full last name, first name and patronymic. If paired letters come across, they can be written under the existing letters in the line with the full name.

The same is done with the data of the divination object.

Next comes the careful work with numerology. So, under each column (taking into account single and repeating letters) a special encoding number is written. If the letter is one, its code will be "0" (zero). Two or more letters - code "1".

The resulting codes are added. If a two-digit number is obtained (for example, 12), its digits are added together (1 + 2 = 3). If this number turned out to be two-digit, its components are summed up until a one-digit number is obtained.

Finally, we get an interpretation according to the following results:

  • The unit says that the departed will return himself;
  • A deuce means that everything is in the hands of a fortuneteller, and if he does not do anything, then the relationship will end;
  • Troika strictly cuts off all hopes of resuming relations;
  • The Four assumes that relations will be renewed and, moreover, strengthened, there will be marriage, common shelter, children;
  • Five requires decisive action against the beloved;
  • The Six insists that the initiative must come from the departed partner;
  • Seven insists that the return of a partner is very unlikely;
  • Eight warns that the departed is not worth the time and effort of the fortuneteller;
  • Nine talks about obstacles and interference from outside.

Thus, the answers have been received, and what to do remains the decision of the fortuneteller.

On the ring

Fortune telling with the help of a ring is one of the simplest and most unambiguous. To find out if the partner has left forever or he still has feelings, an engagement ring will help, because it is a symbol of eternal love.

Thus, a distinction can be made - if one of the spouses left the family, then fortune-telling occurs with the help of a ring, but if the lovers were a nascent couple, then another ring will do.

So, the elements of fortune-telling are the following - a woolen thread, a ring and a photograph of the object of fortune-telling. It is desirable that the photo is as recent as possible. The color of the wool thread does not matter.

The ring is hung on a thread, outwardly a small pendulum is obtained. The pendulum is held in the hands above the photograph. You do not need to do any manipulations, you do not need to download the thread.

The fortuneteller drives away other thoughts, focusing on the exciting question - will the partner return.

After a while, the homemade pendulum will begin to move on its own, according to which the answer is determined:

  • If the ring swings from side to side - the answer is negative - the chosen one will not return, the relationship is over;
  • If the ring makes a circular motion - there is hope, the chosen one can be returned.