Compliment to a stranger. Video: A verse for a loved one. How to compliment a girl in your own words

Good afternoon, dear men! How can you get a woman's attention? That's right - a nice compliment. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that girls love with their ears and the right words can lead her into wild delight and conquer. Today I want to talk about compliments to an unfamiliar girl, girlfriend or beloved wife. From this article you will learn how to say them correctly, what you should pay special attention to and how not to get into a mess.

The magical power of a compliment

Everyone likes to hear nice words addressed to them. A compliment, in fact, has great power. Thanks to a skillful approach, you can gain the favor of not only a woman, but also, say, a boss. You can learn more about this in Viktor Sheinov's book " An irresistible compliment. Fail-safe methods of influence».

Yes, a compliment can play a decisive role in any kind of relationship. But today we will talk more about the seduction and conquest of girls. After all, this tool is the most ancient and effective in seduction. And not just to say what amazing eyes she has, but to really notice what is important to her.

Women are more receptive to beautiful words addressed to them than men. And not only at the stage of dating and flirting. Even being in a relationship for several years, a woman blossoms as soon as she hears praises about herself. But often men make mistakes that lead to complete failure.

What are these mistakes? Flattery. Many people confuse a real compliment and flattery. False praise can ruin the whole thing and the girl will never want to communicate with you again. Believe me, women are very good, especially when he refers to her directly. It is better to say nothing at all than to resort to rude flattery.

The second mistake is that young people think that compliments can only be based on appearance. Yes, in some cases it is really worth paying attention to the external data of the girl. But often a good compliment contains praise for the inner qualities of a young lady.

Believe me, making a beautiful and proper compliment is not as difficult as it might seem. To do this, you just need to understand what types there are, be able to find the right moment, speak sincerely and from the heart.


What are the types of compliments?

The simplest and most common is direct. In this case, the young man directly and openly praises either the girl herself or some quality of her. “Katya, you are so beautiful today!”. It is always worth remembering here that you cannot use banal and hackneyed expressions, the words must be original.

An indirect compliment implies that eulogies do not refer to the girl herself directly, but to her hobbies, profession or her quality in isolation from the girl herself. For example: “Lena, you have such a cute cat. They say that animals are very similar to their owners.

Negative-positive. In some situations, this option may also work, when you first point out some kind of minus, and then reveal the positive moment in all its glory. For example: “Even though you oversalted the potatoes a little, I would prefer your company to any restaurant. I felt incredibly good with you today.”

Comparison. In this case, you are comparing the girl's society with something extremely important to you. If you really like to ride a bike, you can say this: "You know, even the most breathtaking bike ride can not be compared with our date today." It is important that the girl knows about your love for cycling. That's when a compliment like that would work for her.

Be wary of praise on social media. In correspondence, it is not always possible to correctly interpret the meaning of what was said. In correspondence, it is better to use direct praise. If she teases you a little and jokes in correspondence, then you can safely write back to her: “You are so bold and brave, I like it!”

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Depending on the situation

It is important to understand which young lady what compliment can be made. If this is a stranger, then straight lines are more suitable with her, which are more related to appearance, because you still do not know anything about her inner qualities.

When meeting, a compliment can both help you, and vice versa, ruin everything. It is important to understand what kind of girl is in front of you.

There are simple girls who will be happy with any sign of attention. And even a banal and stereotyped phrase will work with them. But I still urge you not to resort to such methods.

There are girls who quite often hear compliments addressed to them and it will not be so easy with them. You can’t take them banal: “Hi, you are so beautiful! Would you like to meet?" With them you need to act carefully and focus more on something of high quality.

And there are also such young ladies who bathe in male attention and receive a million compliments a day. With this, almost no option will work. Here you will have to use all your imagination and ingenuity to attract her attention.

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As for the girl or wife you already know, try to pay more attention to her inner qualities.

Notice what a good hostess she is, caring and affectionate, gentle and sweet. Be sure to focus on her work, friends, or hobbies. It is important for her to know that you care. But don't forget about looks. For example, when you are going somewhere, be sure to pay attention to her efforts. This is extremely important, because she prepared, spent a lot of time.


Here we come to the most interesting part. Let's figure out how to make a beautiful, correct and appropriate compliment.

To begin with, I suggest you remember one rule: the best compliment is a sincere compliment.

Pay attention in the girl to the detail that you really like. If you follow this rule, then you will definitely succeed.

So, let's move on to the examples. Try not to use the word "today". Some girls may imagine that other days were not so good. Example: “You look amazing today!” Instead, you can say, “Wow! Have you changed your hairstyle? It suits you very well!” Or: “Listen, this sweater looks so good with this skirt! Did you go to image courses?” In extreme cases, just say: “You are charming as always!” The phrase "as always" has much more power than "today."

Do not be afraid to talk about the sexuality of the young lady. Just try to avoid patterns and vulgarity. It only scares women away. On the Internet, you can practice by leaving comments under the photos. Find a beautiful and really sexy photo and write: “Vika, you are incredibly sexy in this photo!” Women love to feel desired.

In addition, young ladies highly appreciate compliments that relate to their energy and attractiveness. For example, she somehow especially looked at you. Ask why she looks like that. And after a while, say: “You looked at me like that again. I even forgot what I was talking about.

Do you have in your arsenal the standard compliments that you use when meeting a girl? Have you had a case when a girl responded inadequately to praise?

Practice every day and become a master of compliments.
Good luck to you!

Sweet, kind, gentle and the best girl in the world, I'm so glad that I have you. One can only dream of such a girl. When I met you, I realized that you are my soulmate. I'll do anything, my love, to make you happy. I idolize you, breathe and live you, my charm. Your smile gives me warmth, your kisses enchant me. You deserve only admiration, my princess. May God bless you in everything and good luck. May your cherished dream come true, and may my love always protect you.

I need you like oxygen, a sip of water, a healing dream. You are my drug, my happiness, irreplaceable love.

From the heart, in my own words, I will tell you that meeting with you turned my whole life upside down and only for the better!

Beloved and the only, the best girl in the world. You entered my life and made it a blooming paradise. My love for you is so strong that it can overcome all obstacles on the way, no matter how big they are. Only with you next to me I am insanely happy, only you alone I need in the world. Next to you I feel light and warm. I love you, my sun, and I will try to make you the happiest in the world. You have become the most important in the world, and I always look forward to meeting you, my beloved.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty in your own words

The warmest, most tender words I give you, my love. You deserve only admiration. You gave me wings of happiness. Your charming smile, your beauty just enchants me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I feel so good with you, comfortable and calm. Every day I look forward to meeting you again and again, every minute spent with you is a reward for me. I am without you, like the sun without warmth, like a nightingale without a song. You are my life. I will make you the happiest person in the whole world, my dear.

Your image makes flowers bloom, birds sing from it, and time seems to stop!

I am without you, like the sun without heat, I am without you, like a waterless ocean, like a fish without water. Without you, I'm just like without air. My love is so strong that it is ready to move mountains. I am completely lost in you, my love. You are the sweetest and most unique, I'm just fabulously lucky with you. Every minute with you seems like heaven to me. Your boundless smile, your angelic character and your gentle voice inspire me. You are my treasure, my greatest joy on earth. I love you madly.

Compliments to a girl in your own words are short

I saw the stars fall from the sky and the waves crash against the rocks, the sun rise in the morning and the full moon shine at night. But compared to you, it's all nothing. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever opened my eyes.

Beloved, priceless, stunning mine! I can talk, think and dream about you endlessly.

You are as mysterious and bewitching as a solar eclipse.

I am ready to build you a palace and try on a shoe, with the hope that you will believe in my fairy tale!

My sympathy is growing for you every day, always remain so - beautiful and mysterious!

Your breath is like a breath of the south wind, your hair is this veil, and your gaze is an endless distance!

Beautiful compliments to a girl in your own words

You are half of my heart, my destiny. I am so happy that I have you, my beautiful, tender and affectionate. Only with you I feel happy. I so want to live with you for many years, my joy, to love and be always loved. I offer the ocean to my love, in which you can swim at any time of the year. I will do my best to make all your dreams come true. I love you more and more every day. You are my most important person in the world. May joy always shine in your eyes.

Darling, I fall in love with you every time more and more. You fill my life with comfort and warmth. My love for you is like a cosmos, without end or end. You are just enchanting. Your eyes, your smile, your sweet kisses make my heart beat faster. You are like a fairy fairy, with an angelic character. You are worthy of admiration, my desired and unique. I love you and want to always be only with you, my sun. Only one I need you in this world, and I promise to make you the happiest.

You have long found, my love, the key to my heart. You are the most gentle, the kindest, the most beautiful, the best girl on the planet. You are perfection itself, everything in you is beautiful: both body and soul. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. You are for me like a ray of light that gives happiness and warmth. Only after meeting you, I realized what true love is, what happiness is. I know that I have been fabulously lucky in my life, believe me, you are the most beautiful of all. You are worthy of admiration, and the most beautiful compliments.

You are gentle, kind, sweet, I love you so much. I'm sure you and I will succeed, my baby. I love to look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laugh, and kiss your sweet lips. There is no girl in the world more beautiful than you, my love. Every moment is wonderful with you. I am so grateful to fate for such a royal gift. May you always be lucky in everything, my dear. You are just an angel in the flesh, you are my joy, my happiness. I simply idolize you, my desired girl.

My heart, soul, mind and will will always belong only to such a unique and wonderful girl like you.

Compliments to your girlfriend in your own words

Sweet, gentle, kind, you are wonderfully created by nature. Your beauty is simply mesmerizing. I am so happy that I met you and proud that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world. Only with you I just fly with happiness. Your angelic character, your smile, your sweet lips, just enchant me. You are perfection itself, and worthy of the highest praise, the best compliments. I found in you everything I was looking for: soul, charm, mystery. I live and breathe only for you, and I promise to make you the happiest, because only you deserve it.

Love decorates our life, makes it complete. How nice it is when next to you there is a loved one for whom you live. Better and kinder than my girlfriend, there is no one in the world. I'm just inspired with happiness, I'm all dissolved in you, my treasure. You completely changed my life for the better. Now all thoughts are only about you, my dear. I enjoy your presence every minute. I love you, and I promise to carry my feelings through my whole life. You are the most precious thing in my life.

Only you can invent a whole planet, decorate the sky with bright colors on it, add twinkling lights and kind little inhabitants. Your fantasy is limitless!

They say the first love is passing. But that's not the case at all. My feelings for you are very strong. And they get hotter every day. You are my treasure, the dearest little man in the whole world. You radiate goodness and warmth. I love your smile, your ringing laugh, I enjoy your beauty every minute. You are my ideal, my dream, my guardian angel. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale. I love, love, love you, my sunshine. You are the meaning of my whole life, you are just my only one.

There is no happier person in the world than me. I'm ready to shout it to the whole world. You are the light in the window for me, a ray of solar heat, you are joy and inspiration for me. Every minute spent with you gives me warmth and comfort. I call you a princess, because you are the most beautiful, you just have an angelic character. I found in you everything that I was looking for. When you are near, I just melt with happiness. And when we part, this is the most terrible test for me. Come back soon, I miss you.

My beloved, my glorious, I call you the mistress of my heart. I just adore you. I am without you, like the sun without heat, like a river without water. You are my dream, my ideal. When we are apart from you, I look forward to our meeting, I miss your smile, your beauty. I just madly adore you, my joy. Let my love be the most reliable amulet. Be always loved and desired. You are my soulmate, and I want to make you the happiest. All the best to you, good luck and the best mood.

Dating & Pickup

Beautiful and funny compliments to a girl

Obviously, you are already familiar with the truth, which is that girls love with their ears. And this means that every time you want to improve your relationship with a girl, or want to please her, you need to resort to special words and phrases called compliments.

Nowadays, men use the whole arsenal of compliments, ranging from funny and beautiful, ending with offensive and defiant ones, in order to get one or another reaction from a girl. And in this article, we will consider with you the most popular of them and teach you how to use them correctly in order to.

Why you need to compliment girls

Compliments must be said to girls in order to attract her attention and achieve the necessary emotional state.

For example, it is obvious that if a girl is in a good mood, then she will more readily continue the conversation with you, and not. And it is precisely in order to get such a good mood from her that you say her compliment. Plus, you tie her good mood to you, because it was you who gave it to her.

In other words, a compliment is a cunning and subtle tool that in the hands of a smart man becomes his main weapon in the fight against female logic, and in the hands of a straightforward man it becomes practically useless.

How to choose the right compliment

The choice of compliment should be based on the type of girl and the situation in which the compliment is pronounced. And if we consider the situations, we can happily notice that there are only two of them:

How to give compliments:

1) You compliment a girl you know well. It doesn't have to be your girlfriend.

In this case, there is only one golden rule that must be remembered and always used: "You need to tell the truth, but you need to speak it beautifully." Since girls quite easily recognize lies in their address, and if you are caught with her, then the girl will no longer respect your words.

You look at the girl and highlight her, which are unique to her. For example, she has beautiful legs and a great gait. At the same time, you do not even pay attention to its other common features. To tell a girl: “You are beautiful” or “You are chic” is to say nothing, this is ignored. But if you tell her:

  • Hi Kat. I noticed you from afar. A girl with such legs and such an elegant gait is hard to miss. You look great.

After this, the girl will blur in a smile, and her mood will rise. Since you noted her unique property (gait and legs), and pointed out their virtues (you saw her from afar).

2) You say a compliment to an unfamiliar or unfamiliar girl to get acquainted. Here it is necessary to consider the types of girls and their features:

The girl who was hungry for comments. This category includes girls who, due to the peculiarities of their behavior or appearance, do not often hear comments addressed to them. For example, this category includes tomboys And swots.

To win them over, you only need one thing: self-confidence. When you approach them and start introducing them with a compliment, they will not believe you from the very beginning and will start you. You will need to behave calmly and not succumb to provocations from their side: persistently, but calmly put pressure on them. And the result will be that they blur and happily continue the conversation with you.

Here it is necessary to use simple and understandable compliments without any hidden meaning, otherwise they will not understand you:

  • “Hi, I just couldn’t help but approach such a beautiful girl”
  • “You look great, can I ask you a question?”
  • “Why is such a charming girl bored alone?”
  • « I beg your pardon, such a charming girl will not refuse me an acquaintance?
  • “Hi, you look amazing. Among all the girls, you are the brightest."

Those. you understood the logic, simple, direct and accessible. So that the girl understands you and is glad that she was given a compliment, they approached her!

Modest (home) girl. This is the main type of girl that you will meet most often. Ordinary pretty girls who get some male attention but are not as popular as beauties. They hear compliments addressed to them and know that men want to achieve this.

These girls need to say exactly the same compliments as their familiar girls. Those. we rely on the strengths of the girl, and we speak the truth:

  • « You have such cute cheeks, I want you to please me with them every day.
  • “You smell good, you have good perfume, can you tell me their name?”.
  • “With glasses and this skirt, you look like a real business woman. Is the heart of such a confident and independent girl free?
  • “Among all these pompous chicks, you are the only one who looks cute and cozy. My name is Pavel".
  • “You have good taste, you look neat and elegant.”

Beauty and those who consider themselves as such. These are girls who are used to hearing compliments in their address, because they look desirable, and their behavior is very appetizing. They know that men like them, and men compete with each other for the right.

If you just walk up and give this girl a simple compliment, or a compliment that relies on her beauty, she will look at you with an appreciative look and put you in the “queue”. You won't get anywhere with that compliment.

Your compliments should bring this girl to the ground and show her that you didn't care about her popularity and beauty. However, they should be sarcastic, but not offensive.

  • “Great dress, my mom has the same one. True, she is 40 years old, and you seem to be no more than 20. Well, okay.
  • “You look good, there will be time to get to know each other, come over.”
  • "You look better than all the girls, better than all these.... So... One, two... better than all these 5 girls."

Compliments that shock the girl and make her nervous also work great:

  • "You look charming, I hope you're not drunk yet?"
  • “Hi, you look great. It was you at the institute two weeks ago who walked around in such ridiculous pants?
  • “You have a cool tan, did you rest somewhere or is it self-tanning?”

We also add a little mystery and banter:

  • “You have a very interesting jacket. No, no, not beautiful, but interesting.”
  • “Baby, I love fancy cars and charming girls, will you come with me to the dining room?”
  • “Cool sweater, is it faded or was it intended to be?”
  • “Hi, you look amazing, are you okay? Okay, I'm fine too, bye."
  • “You look good, probably spun for 2 hours in front of the mirror? Or do you have a secret?

Those. you grab a girl and knock her out of her arrogance and arrogance, turning her into an ordinary girl, which she is. However, use it exclusively with pretentious girls, others may be offended by such compliments.

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It's no secret that women love with their ears. Women of any age love beautiful words addressed to them, because they inspire, raise self-esteem and make you feel like real queens. Just a few compliments can make a girl happy. But it is important to know what to say and to say it from the heart. On this page we have selected beautiful compliments to a girl about her beauty in our own words, in prose. Use the proposed compliment options to admire the beauty of your girlfriend and make her a queen.

You can send a beautiful compliment by audio message to the girl's phone, schedule the time and date of sending, your compliment will be delivered on time. It only takes a couple of minutes, but it will give your girlfriend a great mood!

Your skin is so white, your lips are so soft, your eyes are so bright, I can't take my eyes off you!

Where is your halo? You are an angel, nothing else! Ordinary women are not so beautiful!

Of all the girls, you are the best! That's what my soul thinks! Your beauty is worthy of a golden crown!

Incredible! Your beauty was given by God, you knew that you were his favorite

You have no flaws and even what you consider shortcomings are virtues in the eyes of other people!

Your beauty is like a sunbeam in a dark forest: as soon as it makes its way through the branches, everything around is transformed. So you bring light with you with one appearance!

Even if I were blind, I could still see your beauty, because it is in your soul, and you can see it not only with your eyes, but also with your heart.

Your eyes are bottomless sea distances, in which there is no bottom. Therefore, everyone who falls into them perishes forever, having no chance of salvation ...

I'm really lucky, because I was lucky to meet you! You are the most beautiful and sweetest in the world!

Your beauty captures me, but I am amazed at how wonderfully it combines with your amazing soul.

Magic is when our eyes meet and we feel the spark between our hearts. You are wonderful.

From your beauty, my head is spinning and thoughts revolve only around what eyes, lips, smile and hair you have. You cannot compare with anyone, because you are alone in the whole world!

Your beauty cannot be overlooked. This is something incredible, because it not only pleases my eyes, but also warms my heart.

Honey, I can't stand the cruelty and hypocrisy of other people. Only your beautiful smile and amazing, deep eyes help me to live.

The smell of your hair is more pleasant than the smell of a thousand roses. I dream of immersing myself in his aura and spending eternity hugging you.

You are worth millions of compliments, and I want to tell them to you all my life, how beautiful and amazing you are.

Your graceful and sensual features should be immortalized by the most talented sculptor. You are the perfect woman.

Your beauty is the embodiment of femininity, grace and attractiveness. Your parents are real jewelers who have produced the best of jewelry.

You are so beautiful that you can admire for hours. You have so much charm and sophistication that you just can’t believe that such girls exist in nature!

Being as beautiful as you is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Take advantage of your beauty and take care of it as a valuable gift from the gods from Olympus.

Perhaps nature was especially generous when she worked on your face. Otherwise, where does such unearthly beauty come from in our mortal world?

Your beauty shines like a thousand precious stones, it makes the heart stop and beat in a new quivering rhythm.

I can compare you with the mysterious Moon and the dazzling Sun, with a bright angel and the ocean that captivates the eye, but all these words will not be enough to describe your beauty!

I could talk about your beauty and charm for hours, but just looking at you takes my breath away and my voice disappears!

I know the secret of your beauty. Admit it honestly, because you are not a man, not a fairy, not a nymph, and not even an angel who escaped from Heaven. You are a goddess!

You are my beautiful flower, your skin is tender like rose petals.

You little witch, you bewitched me with your beauty.

Your eyelashes are like butterfly wings, every stroke and I fly away ...

Your eyes are like a drug - I want to look into them all my life.

No gold or precious stones can compare with the radiance of your divine beauty.

Mind and beauty are incompatible - but you are an exception to the rule.

Your beauty cannot be compared with anything, I am terminally ill with you.

You are beautiful in everything, but most of all I like the eyes - they magically control my mind.

I need you like oxygen, a sip of water, a healing dream. You are my drug, my happiness, irreplaceable love.

Your charming smile, your beauty just enchants me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I feel so good with you, comfortable and calm. Every day I look forward to meeting you again and again ...

I saw the stars fall from the sky and the waves crash against the rocks, the sun rise in the morning and the full moon shine at night. But compared to you, it's all nothing. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever opened my eyes.

Your breath is like a breath of the south wind, your hair is this veil, and your gaze is an endless distance!

You are gentle, kind, sweet, I love you so much. I'm sure you and I will succeed, my baby. I love to look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your ringing laugh, and kiss your sweet lips. There is no girl in the world more beautiful than you!

Sweet, gentle, kind, you are wonderfully created by nature. Your beauty is simply mesmerizing. I am so happy that I met you and proud that I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world.

How nice it is when next to you there is a loved one for whom you live. Better and kinder than my girlfriend, there is no one in the world. I'm just inspired with happiness, I'm all dissolved in you, my treasure.

I love your smile, your ringing laugh, I enjoy your beauty every minute. You are my ideal, my dream, my guardian angel. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale.

You are the light in the window for me, a ray of solar heat, you are joy and inspiration for me. Every minute spent with you gives me warmth and comfort. I call you a princess, because you are the most beautiful, you just have an angelic character.

My beloved, my glorious, I call you the mistress of my heart. I just adore you. I am without you, like the sun without heat, like a river without water. You are my dream, my ideal.

To say that I liked you is nothing, to say that I love is too usual, I will say one thing - you fascinated me! I have never met you more beautiful, and probably never will!

You are interesting, beautiful, charming, original - just a highlight! You need to appreciate and protect!

Before your beauty, everything fades! You are like a fresh flower, created by nature at the moment when she was in a great mood! You are an example of an ideal woman, in which beauty and kindness are combined - the rarest cocktail.

You are fresh, positive and beautiful! Nothing compares to your beauty! When you look at me, I forget about everything in the world!

When you are around, I forget about all my problems! You seem to give strength and inspiration! About such a beauty as you, I did not even dream!

In the event of a solar eclipse, only you can illuminate the Earth with your beauty!

Incredible! How do you live with such beauty? You are probably the happiest woman in the world!

You can’t even imagine what pride it takes me when other men turn around in your wake!

Do you see the sun in the sky? Know that your smile shines much brighter!

The more I think about what the ideal girl should be, the more I remember you.

In the photo you are beautiful, but it conveys only external beauty. You are even more beautiful on the inside.

The first step to starting a relationship is communication. If you like a girl and you want to win her over, compliment her. You shouldn’t shower with compliments too often, because it feels affected. Find a middle ground and do not forget to please the girl with pleasant words. If you are not too eloquent, you can memorize compliments in poetry and prose. But it is better to learn how to speak them from the heart for a particular lady.

The main thing in the article

How nice to compliment a girl?

  1. according to external data. Ideal people do not exist. But something in the appearance of a certain girl hooked you, so highlight the part of the body you like and make a compliment. Example: “Your eyes are so bright! It’s so beautiful, and when you look at me, it’s like something lights up inside”, “How can you not notice such cute dimples on your cheeks when you smile.”

    Not all girls like it when breasts or buttocks are chosen as the object for a compliment. The guy in this case looks like a vulgar person who cannot consider the true essence of the girl.

  2. Comparative compliments. Something a girl should do better than others: cook, have excellent physical fitness, get along with animals. Compare her to someone who does worse, like yourself. Example: “You know how to put the house in order so quickly, I would like to learn from you”, “What a delicious dinner you cooked. No chef can compare."
  3. From the heart. Summarize the qualities for which you appreciate your lady. Example: “You are my support, I appreciate you for your support, for not letting me give up and forcing me to move on”, “Your sincerity helps me understand you better. Thank you for not arguing with me, but you can settle everything with a simple heart-to-heart talk.
  4. Personal space. This includes compliments about the hobbies, hobbies and work of the girl. Example: “You manage to work and play sports, and also knit! You are great with me, you know how to properly manage time”, “I kept wondering where you got such a great vocabulary and the ability to clearly express your thoughts. No wonder you've read so many books."
  5. Support change with compliments. It's just a new hairstyle, clothes. Example: “New hair color? It suits you, he emphasized your expressive eyes and soft skin color”, “This dress is beautiful. It's just right for your slim figure."

100 Best Short Compliments to a Beautiful Girl You Like

  1. Well, it's a crime to be so luxurious.
  2. You cook even better than my mom.
  3. I love your sense of humor.
  4. You are stunning and charming!
  5. I lose touch with reality when I look at you.
  6. You deserve a thousand compliments.
  7. Irresistible as always!
  8. You are my love and my pride.
  9. You have so much tenderness, happiness and sensitivity!
  10. Adorable, I can't take my eyes off her!
  11. You, while walking towards me, did not bring a crowd of admirers behind you?
  12. You look brilliant!
  13. With such a Hollywood smile, only act in films.
  14. Today you outshine everyone.
  15. Your main trump card is independence.
  16. What a luxurious you are, you can immediately see - a real woman!
  17. You are my most precious gift in life!
  18. Charming, like a queen from a fairy tale.
  19. That sincere smile drives me crazy.
  20. Alluring, bewitching ... Not a sorceress, by any chance?
  21. Stylish and attractive lady, keep it up!
  22. Light as a cloud!
  23. Well-groomed and attractive!
  24. Sweet like a peach!
  25. Eyes are like magnets.
  26. Approaching you, I feel magnetism.
  27. You have great taste and sense of style!
  28. Polite and cultured.
  29. Stately, as if from the royal family.
  30. Angelic
  31. Radiant.
  32. Fascinating.
  33. Stunning.
  34. Extraordinary.
  35. Creative.
  36. Versatile.
  37. Unpredictable.
  38. Ardent.
  39. Mind-blowing.
  40. Harmonious.
  41. Perfect.
  42. Otpadnaya.
  43. Selfless.
  44. Touching.
  45. Marvelous.
  46. Bright.
  47. Amazing.
  48. Incendiary.
  49. Faithful.
  50. I love that you are a lady.
  51. You have such diverse interests!
  52. Your jokes are so original!
  53. I can do 1000 crazy things for you.
  54. You are so open, honest and simple.
  55. You can see the extraordinary in simple things.
  56. Intoxicating.
  57. Divine.
  58. Flirtatious.
  59. Desired.
  60. Unique.
  61. Flawless.
  62. Sparkling.
  63. Dreamy.
  64. Shy.
  65. Exciting.
  66. Incendiary.
  67. Playful.
  68. Beloved.
  69. Delightful.
  70. Fabulous.
  71. Diligent.
  72. Neat.
  73. Purposeful.
  74. Prominent.
  75. Unique.
  76. As from the picture.
  77. You know how to surprise.
  78. Immaculate.
  79. Knowledgeable and well-read.
  80. Comely.
  81. Soulful.
  82. Direct and open.
  83. You know how to stand out from the gray mass.
  84. I love your subtle manners and royal breeding.
  85. Unconstrained.
  86. Frank.
  87. A girl with a twist.
  88. You have an outstanding, bright appearance.
  89. Irresistible figure.
  90. You are positive and sparkling.
  91. You know how to listen and give good advice.
  92. Once seen, you cannot be forgotten.
  93. Sensual.
  94. Extreme.
  95. Generous.
  96. You are the one that I think about every minute.
  97. You are the most special and irreplaceable for me.
  98. Were you the first and only one in line for beauty?
  99. I love this playful live light in your eyes!
  100. Once you see you, you won't be able to sleep peacefully.

The best compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

  1. I envy myself that I grabbed such a beauty.
  2. You took the best from mom and dad and turned out incomparable!
  3. Everything that I dreamed about is in front of me!
  4. Your appearance is so beautiful that I would paint pictures of you if I were an artist.
  5. The look in your beautiful eyes made me forget what I wanted to say and do.
  6. Perfectionists would get real satisfaction if they contemplated your beauty.
  7. Unlike many girls, you look great without makeup. I love your natural beauty.
  8. When I look at such a beauty, my heart flips.
  9. Everything is fine with speech. It's just that when I see a cute girl, my tongue starts making strange sounds.
  10. I can't take my eyes off your figure. She's perfect!
  11. The more I think about what the ideal girl should be, the more I remember you.
  12. You are like a goddess descended from heaven to earth.
  13. Have you tried beauty pageants? I'm sure it would take the top spot.
  14. You are so luxurious that in my head ordinary lines add up to poems in your honor.
  15. Only your daughter can surpass you in beauty.

Pleasant compliments to a girl in your own words

  1. In the photo you are beautiful, but it conveys only external beauty. You are even more beautiful on the inside.
  2. It is already unforgettable for me that I spend time with a sweet and intelligent girl.
  3. I'm sorry I'm stuck, I hear everything you say. I just can't stop loving you.
  4. I have learned a lot from you. Endurance, patience and perseverance.
  5. When we chat, it's like time doesn't exist.
  6. Your fingers are very delicate. When you touch me, all the pain goes away.
  7. Do not change anything in yourself, because for me you are perfect.
  8. You understand me like no one else, as if you read my mind. It drives me crazy!
  9. I like that you know what you want to achieve in life. You are a purposeful girl who plans and achieves her goal.
  10. I love your ability to understand a man and keep the conversation going.
  11. I like everything about you inside and out. From a light walk to the ability to dress, from the ability to speak and express thoughts, to tactful and bold ideas.

The most beautiful compliments to a girl in verse

Sweet, unique
alluring, playful,
You are a fairy, I know for sure
I hope you will be mine.

Fire in the eyes, goodness in the soul,
Warm in your arms
charming, charming,
It's very interesting with you.

Your eyes and languid look
I am always attracted to you.

I'm not good at compliments
But I want to tell you
You are divinely beautiful
It seems like I'm in a dream.

You are not more beautiful in the world
It hasn't been a secret for a long time.
I think we are on our way
You won't find another one for sure.

Very gentle and beautiful compliments to your beloved girl to tears

  1. I never dreamed of such a girl. After all, compared with reality, dreams turned out to be insignificant.
  2. Do you know why I am the happiest person? I have you!
  3. Only with you can I be who I really am. Don't lie and don't pretend.
  4. I thought that there are only smart or only beautiful. You proved by your example that one person can combine both.
  5. We must thank your parents for the fact that they created a real miracle - you.
  6. When men turn around and follow you with their eyes, I'm not jealous. I'm proud to have you with me!
  7. When I saw you, I realized that natural beauty can be amazing and beautiful.
  8. Next to you, I managed to feel like a real man.
  9. Your gentle and slightly sly look made my heart rage and my hands tremble.
  10. I treat you too reverently, because you have awakened in me the desire to protect and protect.
  11. Although you are a fragile girl, you will quickly knock out with your eyes.
  12. There are few wise women who correctly set life priorities. But I found one.
  13. Fell in love at first sight. I feared that appearances were deceiving. You proved that I was afraid for nothing.
  14. I feel completely in your power. Well, let it be a pleasant slavery.

Unusual compliments to a girl for a photo

  1. When I look at your photo, goosebumps run through my body. How can you be so beautiful?
  2. You know, your photos are on all my gadgets. Because I can't stop admiring you.
  3. I can’t stop looking at your photo, but it’s much more interesting to communicate live and see you next to me.
  4. The range of emotions that you radiate in the photo energizes me for the day.
  5. Are you the beloved of God? He gave you unearthly beauty.
  6. Honey, you look a lot like your beautiful mother.
  7. Have you ever seen an angel look? I see in the photo.
  8. Can we take a photo together next time? I boast that I have a photo with a supermodel.
  9. I look at your photo and I have a dance of butterflies in my stomach, a rainbow in my head, happiness in my eyes. What are you doing to me?
  10. Great photo. You combine tenderness and passion, determination and inner balance.

When choosing a compliment, you should not openly flatter a person, this is inappropriate. It is also not necessary to lie for the sake of a compliment, because the girl knows her strengths and weaknesses very well, therefore she will consider you hypocritical. The most effective compliment is from a pure heart in your own words. This will show your sincerity, and you will be remembered by the girl for a long time.