Who can be awarded the title of veteran of labor. Labor veteran: what documents are needed

Today, more and more elderly citizens want to have a "Veteran of Labor" certificate. How to get this document in the Moscow region, which government agencies regulate the procedure, what to do if the application is rejected? The answers to these questions are enough to understand the essence of the receiving process and either achieve the goal or give up unfounded claims.

Legislative framework

The title is guaranteed by the first part of Article 7. Since the end of September 2017, the government has developed an improved scheme for obtaining a labor veteran in the Moscow region in 2019 and adopted.

Who can now apply for a title in the Moscow Region

Officially, there are three groups of residents who are entitled to the title of "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow and its region:

  1. Residents with honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, a diploma or gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, a distinctive badge for exemplary work (at least fifteen years), work experience (twenty-five men, twenty women), length of service eligible for awarding pension payments.
  2. Citizens with distinctive departmental type badges at the end of June 2016; work experience similar to the above category.
  3. Residents who left to work as teenagers during the battles of the Second World War and earned seniority (men - 40, women - 35).

Registration process

In order to have the title of "Veteran of Labor" in 2019 in the Moscow Region, a pensioner needs to prepare the required documentation and go to a special state institution.

Where to go

How to get a labor veteran in the Moscow region? The process is running:

  • subdivision of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region;
  • MFC providing state and municipal services.

A citizen must apply to these structures at the place of his official residence.

What papers to prepare

You need to have the following documents for a labor veteran in the Moscow region with you:

  • handwritten statement;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • labor, an extract from an archival institution, another official organization, on the basis of which a pension is calculated by age or for seniority;
  • a paper proving the fact of awarding the resident with distinctions that allow issuing a labor veteran;
  • three standard document size photographs.

How is a veteran of labor in Moscow and the region registered by residents who started working during the Second World War? The process is similar to the first case, however, there are small nuances in the list of required documentation. The pensioner is obliged to provide the employee of the state structure:

  • handwritten;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • notarized papers proving the fact of starting work in adolescence between 06/22/1941 and 05/09/1945. This does not include work in settlements captured by enemies;
  • a work book or an extract from work confirming the length of service (at least 40 years for men and 35 for women);
  • Some photos.

The pensioner has the right to submit copies of documents, however, he must present the originals for data verification or certify all photocopies with a practicing notary.

Is it possible to get a labor veteran in the Moscow region without awards

It is known that the status of "Veteran of Labor in the Moscow Region" is given to a citizen who meets a number of requirements established by the government of the country. The main one is the presence of badges and awards (this list has recently been changed). But is it possible to get a labor veteran in the Moscow region without awards? Yes, you can. Situations are acceptable when the status and the privileges laid down by it are given on the basis of the total length of service (men - from forty years old, women - from thirty-five years old). This condition has not changed this year.

In addition, the status is due to residents:

  1. Those who started going to work while the Great Patriotic War was going on (41-45 years of the XX century). In addition, the pensioner must have another and to get the above minimum.
  2. Having departmental industrial insignia received for exemplary performance of official duties. In addition, the pensioner is required to provide records of his length of service necessary for the calculation and calculation of pension payments by age or length of service.

More detailed information about the title of "Veteran of Labor", how to get in the Moscow region, what experience is needed and about other features of the procedure, can be found in any organization that provides social protection to Russian citizens.

Assignment procedure

After the state body has accepted all the documents from the pensioner, they are sent to a meeting of a special commission and considered there for ten days. The commission must make its decision no later than the 16th day from the date of filing the application. A photocopy of the protocol of the commission meeting within five days gets to the territorial body of social protection, where the pensioner applied. During the next working week, social protection must notify the applicant in writing of the refusal to assign him the status of a labor veteran.

A resident who has received approval of his application receives a special uniform certificate, confirmed by the government of the country.

What to do in case of refusal

In the practice of assigning the status of "Veteran of Labor" there were cases when a pensioner was denied his application. In such a situation, the public authority is obliged to explain in detail the reasons for such a decision in writing. When a dispute arises between a pensioner and a state institution, the case is sent for consideration by a special commission.

If this body cannot satisfy the citizen, he has the right to apply to the court. As statistics show, the judiciary more often makes a decision in favor of the plaintiff.

Rank privileges

Retirees strive to receive this title, since it provides for various. For example, you can not pay for the services of public clinics. Free dental prosthetics are available, only if inexpensive materials are used. If the labor veteran is still working, the management is obliged to provide him with an additional month of vacation (in addition to the annual paid one). These days are not paid, but are provided without fail.

  • travel free of charge on city, suburban and intercity transport;
  • do not pay for the use of suburban trains and electric trains;

Recently, the awarding of the honorary title of "Veteran of Labor" has faced some difficulties associated with contradictions and difficulties in the mechanism of the bureaucratic machine. In this regard, honored citizens have to spend a huge amount of time and effort on collecting various types of reference documents, and even in order to circumvent or facilitate these unpleasant procedures, it is necessary to understand in detail who is awarded this honorary title by law, and it is also necessary to have an idea about conditions for obtaining it.

This award can be safely attributed to the era of the not so long ago existing state, called the Soviet Union. Back in the distant times of the Great Patriotic War, the medal "Veteran of Labor" was awarded even to children who worked in production and strengthened the defense capability of their state with their labor. Another such medal was received by workers of the national economy, who had high labor indicators for a long time. Usually an honorary title was awarded upon reaching the age of a pensioner. In a certain procedure, the awarded person received, in order to confirm the right to wear the medal "Veteran of Labour", a certificate of the appropriate sample. At that time, such an award was considered a moral encouragement, and did not provide an opportunity for deserving people to enjoy state privileges and assistance.

Today, the rules for assigning civilians in our state of the status in question are set out in the Federal Law, adopted back in 1995. According to the new rules, the awarded persons automatically receive the right to receive certain assistance from the state and become owners of a whole list of state privileges.

State privileges for civilians with the title of "Veteran of Labor"

In Russia, civilians with the high title of "Veteran of Labor" enjoy a whole range of privileges set at the legislative level, and in addition to this they receive material compensation. These include:

  • 50% discount on housing costs. This privilege is carried out based on the established criterion in each region of square meters of housing per resident. But its execution is not affected by the form of ownership of the dwelling. This benefit applies to all relatives of the veteran living with him in the same living quarters, whom he provides financially.
  • 50% price reduction for which includes water, electricity and gas supply. If a veteran lives in a private home that does not have central heating, then he is entitled to a 50% discount on the purchased fuel needed to heat the home. Such a benefit is accrued according to the established norms.
  • 50 percent reduction in the cost of travel in suburban rail transport.
  • One-time, established at the regional level,
  • Free in the clinic, in which the veteran was served until reaching the age of the pensioner. In addition to this, he can receive emergency assistance from medical professionals through a special state program for free medical care. At the onset of a certain age, a veteran can repair dentures for free or order new ones.
  • The right to establish landline telephones without queuing.
  • Exemption from payment
  • Free travel in all types of public transport, except for taxis

Theoretically, the listed privileges are an ideal set of tools aimed at improving the lives of deserving people. When you read on paper, everything looks great. In practice, most benefits are provided on the basis of established norms at the regional level. Therefore, their provision to citizens with the status of "Veteran of Labor" largely depends on the decisions and actions of the local leadership.

The procedure for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor"

In our country, every third working person deserves the honorary title of "Veteran of Labour". They earn this status with their quality work for a long time, for which they are awarded cash prizes, badges and diplomas. Therefore, the title of "Veteran of Labor" is assigned to them quite legally. This implies the conclusion that this category of persons have every right to demand from state bodies to consider whether they are entitled to this status.

In real life, many citizens who have been working for a long time and have high rewards for this simply do not know where to address them in such situations. The answer here is simple, of course, in the instance of social protection of citizens. But it is only necessary to visit such state institutions at the place of registration, and not at the address of actual residence. To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  1. A written appeal addressed to the head of the social protection authority, drawn up according to the model established by law.
  2. Copies of the 1st and 2nd pages or a duplicate of another document confirming the identity of the citizen. But if you follow the practice, then a written request without a civil passport is not accepted.
  3. One photo card, the size of which must correspond to the passport format.
  4. Copies of documents certifying the fact of promotion for high performance.
  5. A document proving the duration of the labor path, which is usually

Awarding procedure

For many, the title of Labor Veteran is honorary - pride and recognition

To receive a high award for labor merits, called “Veteran of Labour”, the above list of documents must be submitted to the social protection authority. After such an action, employees of the social instance form a personal file, which, after being fully completed, is submitted to the Ministry of the Region for consideration by a special commission. This body, after studying the documents, is obliged to make a decision on conferring the title of "Veteran of Labour". It is worth noting that the adopted verdict may also have a negative side, that is, it will be denied on the merits of the issue.

If the decision is positive, the commission's employees are obliged to gather within 3 days and draw up a protocol on the satisfaction of the applicant's appeal. This document is the basis for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labour". After signing the protocol, the applicant is obliged to appear at the social security agency, where a certificate of the established form is issued against signature. It is important to remember that all of the listed actions must be performed without any payment.

In the event of a negative decision taken by the commission, the applicant must be notified in writing. This document should set out the reasons for the denial and the appeal process. Representatives of the commission are obliged to perform such an action within five days.

Category of citizens who can be assigned the status of "Veteran of Labor"

The title in question for long-term and high-quality work is entitled to receive the following:

  1. Persons with awards since the Soviet Union in the form of orders, medals and certificates of honor.
  2. Citizens who have an honorary title that they received during the times of the USSR or Russia and have a work record sufficient for retirement.
  3. Persons with distinctive signs for successful work at a single enterprise.
  4. Citizens with the status of "Children of War" who worked during the Great Patriotic War. In addition to this, these persons must have worked: men - 40 years, and women - 35 years.

All benefits provided to Veterans of Labor should be provided not only in the form of compensation for utilities. This category of citizens has the legal right to recalculate

You can also learn how to get the title of labor veteran from the video:

Today, getting any benefits from the state is quite problematic. This is due to a long list of necessary papers and the unscrupulous performance of their duties by social workers. For these reasons, in 2017, there was an increase in the number of lawsuits filed with the court demanding to resolve a dispute over the status received for special labor achievements.

For the first time, citizens of the Russian Federation learned about the privileges for conscientious long-term work in the 90s. Until now, the rules and terms for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" have changed a large number of times. That is why many workers have no idea where to apply for the title of "Veteran of Labor" and how to get certain benefits after going on a well-deserved rest. Let's consider the algorithm of necessary actions.

Who is entitled to the status of "Veteran of Labor"

Many citizens who have an impressive work experience do not know whether they can be recognized as a labor veteran and where to turn to with this issue. This title is not available to every citizen of our country who has worked for the benefit of the state for many years. A candidate for an honorary title must meet some requirements:

  • - until July 2017 he was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labour", which is confirmed by the relevant document;
  • - was awarded a commendable diploma of the head of the Russian Federation, received orders, medals of the union socialist state, as well as departmental recognition of merit in one working field;
  • - before retirement, the insurance experience of a man is 25 years, women - 20 years;
  • - prior to registration of pension provision, the veteran's length of service (length of service) is at least 20 years;
  • - conducted labor activity during the Great Patriotic War, before reaching the age of majority, as a result, the total duration of labor activity of a man was at least 40 years, women - 35 years.

It is important to know that not all ways of supporting workers at the state level through incentives in the form of social guarantees and gratitude for long-term and excellent work are taken into account in this situation. Significant credentials are issued by the following authorities and services:

  • - the highest body of executive power;
  • - administration of the head of state;
  • - public administration body of a separate field of activity, ministry (on behalf of the chief manager);
  • - lower house of parliament
  • - constitutional judicial body, the Prosecutor General's Office (on behalf of the head).

Documents certifying state incentives and issued by the chairmanship of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR have lost their relevance. Awards without an appropriate certificate have no weight in this matter. When applying for a title, a former worker must be retired.

Merits for work are not counted to a person who is a citizen of another country.

Rules for obtaining a labor veteran

To receive a high reward for the path of many years of work, it is important for a citizen of the Russian Federation to follow certain rules. You need to know where to submit papers for a labor veteran, find out the list of necessary documented carriers, and familiarize yourself with the important nuances of the procedure.

What documents are required

The applicant undertakes to submit the following paperwork:

  • - a written appeal of the established format;
  • - original and copy of the passport;
  • - pensioner's ID;
  • - the original and a copy of the work book;
  • - Certificates of honor, letters of gratitude, orders, signs, medals, as well as material carriers confirming that the awards belong to a particular candidate;
  • - insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • - 4 photographs in 3x4 cm format.

The authenticity of all copies is certified by a notary.

Local governments have the right to request additional information about the applicant for the award of honorary status in accordance with established regional requirements.

Where to apply for an honorary veteran of labor

Not all workers are correctly aware of where it is necessary to submit a list of papers confirming merit in labor. The necessary documentation must be submitted by the applicant to the department of the social security service at the place of registration. Each region has an individual sample of a written appeal. The application is drawn up in the name of the head of the social protection department, the text must contain a request for the assignment of the appropriate status, at the end the applicant indicates the date of application and put his signature. Employees of the service without fail check the provided copies with the originals.

Terms of consideration and response to the application

The Social Security Service starts a personal file, where the material carriers of information provided by the veteran are filed. Within a month, the commission should hold a meeting, involving employees of the relevant ministry in the process, discuss the veteran's appeal and make a decision on it. Employees of the state institution of social protection of the population draw up a written verdict, where information about the final reasoned decision is entered. The act is transferred to the hands or by mail to the applicant within five calendar days from the date of consideration of the case.

Having refused a citizen, employees of the social security service undertake to indicate the reason for the negative verdict.

If the decision is in favor of the elderly applicant, a specific date is set for the receipt of the legal order, on the basis of which the veteran will be able to claim the required state benefits.

Basic benefits provided to labor veterans

Federal benefits for honorary workers, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are exactly the same for all holders of this title.

The current privileges are:

  1. Use the services of municipal dental clinics for the treatment and prosthetics of teeth out of turn;
  2. Receive the opportunity to receive treatment in the medical institutions of the country, even if you change your place of residence or registration;
  3. Treatment in a sanatorium or receiving monetary compensation in the amount of the cost of rest in case of refusal;
  4. The right to a free set of measures in the healthcare system, carried out for the purpose of diagnosing and preventing various diseases;
  5. Visiting doctors and service in pharmacies out of turn;
  6. Extraordinary right to improve housing conditions;
  7. The possibility of obtaining a loan for the construction of a residential building for a period of 10 years;
  8. Installing a landline phone on demand;
  9. Exemption from land tax;
  10. Payment of 50% of the total cost of travel in suburban trains and water transport during the relevant season;
  11. Travel in public transport without payment;
  12. Receipt of monetary compensation for housing and communal services provided that there are no utility debts;
  13. Real estate owners are exempt from the property contribution;
  14. Pension payments, financial assistance, compensation for sanatorium treatment and other financial payments are not subject to personal income tax;
  15. The right to receive a free allotment of land for the construction of a house;
  16. In case of continuation of labor activity, unhindered use of annual paid leave (30 days) in any month of the year.

In addition to federal benefits, the Russian Federation has regional programs that may differ significantly in different regions of the country.

Summary and step by step instructions

Citizens awarded with certificates of honor, orders, medals, as well as insignia of our state and the former Soviet Union can receive the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" for long-term impeccable work. It is important to note that the insurance experience must be complete. In addition, citizens who worked during an armed clash between the parties participating in the Great Patriotic War, including minors, can apply for a title. The conditionality of this case is the experience of women 35 years or more, men - at least 40.

For registration, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • - appeal of the established format in writing;
  • - passport (copy and original);
  • - work book (copy and original);
  • - documents confirming the receipt of awards, medals, orders, badges or letters of thanks;
  • - SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account);

Also do not forget 2 photos (3X4).

A complete list of documents must be submitted to the department of the social security service at the place of registration. Next, you need to do the following steps:

  1. The application is drawn up in the name of the head of the department and contains a request for the award of an honorary title.
  2. The management commission, together with employees of the relevant ministry, discusses the veteran's appeal and makes a decision on it.
  3. An administrative document is drawn up, which highlights the final reasoned decision of the commission members.

The issuance of an executive act, on the basis of which an honorary worker can receive the required state benefits, is given no more than 30 days from the date of submission of documents for consideration.

Citizens who have worked for the benefit of the state for decades have the right to receive additional privileges from it. In particular, they are encouraged with additional cash payments and an expanded range of preferential services. We will tell you how to get the title of labor veteran and what obstacles you may encounter in the process of obtaining a certificate.

Legislative framework

The main regulatory document of federal significance that regulates the procedure for assigning veteran status is. It specifies the general conditions for conferring the title, while the very same procedure for registration since 2005 has been within the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. To do this, they adopt relevant regional regulations, which, however, should not contradict the main provisions of federal law. For example, in the capital this issue is regulated by the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 443P dated June 27, 2006

The Regulations on Labor Veterans in your region can be found on the website of the local administration. Also, this information must be provided in the territorial body of the social. protection, since it is he who assigns the status.

Who is given the title?

The main question that interests all contenders for the title is how many years do you need to work for this? The answer is given by Art. 7 of Law No. 5F-Z, which defines the criteria for awarding veteran status.

  1. A citizen must be awarded honorary state titles of the Russian Federation or the USSR or awarded medals, certificates or insignia for labor merits (loyal service).
  2. To obtain the status, you need an experience of 15 years in one sector of the economy, as well as a general insurance experience (for the military - length of service) of 25 years for the male and 20 years for the female part of the population.
  3. Persons who received state awards for labor merits before June 30, 2016 are subject to requirements only for insurance experience (length of service) without working out a certain number of years in one industry.
  4. Citizens who, being minors, began their career during the Second World War, in order to obtain a title, must have an insurance record of 35 and 40 years for women and men, respectively.

At the regional level, additional grounds may be introduced on which the title is awarded with a smaller amount of work experience. This can be large families, work in difficult and unhealthy conditions, employment in priority areas of the economy for the region, etc.

The length of service must be confirmed by the relevant entries in the work book and archival documents. When calculating it, not only the years of professional activity are taken into account, but also the following periods:

  • military service;
  • caring for a child up to 1.5 years (no more than 6 years for all children);
  • caring for the elderly over 80;
  • care for persons with disabilities (1 group or a disabled child);
  • residence of the wife of a serviceman in the places of his service, in which there is no possibility of employment (no more than 5 years);
  • the period of stay in places of deprivation of liberty with the subsequent recognition of the groundlessness of the accusation.

The awards must also have accompanying papers, which indicate that they were awarded to this particular citizen. Employees of the social protections do not have the right to take into account documented unconfirmed medals and insignia when registering the status of a labor veteran.

Another important point is that only Russian citizens can receive the title. Even if a foreigner has worked in Russia for many years and has awards for his labor activity, in the absence of Russian citizenship, he is not entitled to the status of a labor veteran.

What gives the title of "veteran of labor"?

According to Art. 22 of Law No. 5-FZ, the composition of benefits and privileges for labor veterans is determined by regional regulations. Nevertheless, in most subjects of the Russian Federation for this category of citizens there are uniform measures of social support, including:

  • monthly cash compensation;
  • benefits on utility bills;
  • free pass;
  • free medicines (according to the regional list);
  • compensation for telephone expenses;
  • free dentures;
  • preferential sanatorium-resort rest.

When moving from one subject to another, the composition of benefits may change, in particular, the amount of monetary compensation changes. But the need for re-registration does not arise, since it is enough to get the title once. When changing the address of registration, it is only necessary to check in on time at the local department of social services. protection so that its employees make a request for your case at the previous place of residence. Moreover, it is necessary to report a change in registration even within the same city.

Document Requirements

Obtaining a veteran title implies filing with the social authorities. protection of the application and supporting documents.

Each region develops its own application form. As a rule, it reflects the following data:

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • passport;
  • a document containing information about the place of residence of the applicant (in case of residence not at the registration in the passport);
  • photo 3x4 cm;
  • marriage certificate or other document proving the fact of a change of surname (name);
  • certificates of honor and papers confirming other state awards;
  • work book or references from the archive.

The applicant for the title of labor veteran has the right to apply to the state. authorities through their representative. Then, to the package of documents, you must add the passport of a third party and a power of attorney issued in his name. A simple written receipt will suffice, it is not necessary to contact a notary.

You can speed up the registration procedure by submitting documents through the multifunctional center - this will avoid large queues. But in this case, only a personal visit is necessary, since the rules of the MFC do not imply actions through proxies. In addition, you can apply for a labor veteran certificate without leaving your home, through the State Services portal.

The duration of consideration of the request by the management of social. protection is determined by the regional regulations for the provision of services. In Moscow, for example, a certificate is issued after 10 working days.

What types of awards are needed?

The main part of the controversial issues in obtaining veteran status concerns state awards. The following are the guaranteed grounds for awarding the title.

  1. Orders of the Russian Federation (“For Merit to the Fatherland”, “For Personal Courage”, St. George, Zhukov, Suvorov, etc.).
  2. Orders of the USSR (Lenin, Glory, Red Banner, October Revolution, Red Star, etc.).
  3. Medals and insignia of the Russian Federation (“For Courage”, “For Labor in Agriculture”, “For Irreproachable Service”, etc.).
  4. Medals of the USSR ("For labor valor", "For distinction in military service", "For labor distinction", etc.).
  5. Honorary titles of the Russian Federation (People's Artist, People's Teacher, Honored Agronomist, Honored Art Worker, etc.).
  6. The highest insignia of the USSR (Hero of the Soviet Union, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, etc.);
  7. Departmental honorary titles of the Russian Federation and the USSR (Honorary Miner, Honorary Metallurgist, Honorary Oilman, etc.).
  8. Other awards (Veteran of the gas industry, Excellent worker of the border troops, Honorary donor of the Russian Federation or the USSR, Drummer of the five-year plan, etc.).

In total, more than 70 orders, 100 medals, over 100 honorary titles and 450 departmental awards serve as grounds for awarding veteran status. Moreover, this list is regularly updated with new types of insignia of state distinctions, which in our time are awarded to honorary workers.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the medal "Veteran of Labor of the USSR". At the time of its presentation, it did not carry any material benefits, but only acted as a symbolic sign of honor and gratitude from the state. But now the medal has become a legal basis for the appointment of monetary compensation and a set of benefits.

Not all state awards make it possible to obtain veteran status. You will not be able to get it if you have:

  1. honorary titles, certificates and diplomas from enterprises, military units and public organizations;
  2. diplomas confirming the qualifications of an employee (including awarding an academic degree);
  3. cups and medals for victories in sports competitions.

Sometimes there are disputes that can only be resolved with the help of the court. Thus, there are cases when citizens were denied the assignment of veteran status in the presence of the award "Drummer of Communist Labor". But the court considered such a refusal unlawful, as a result of which certificates were still issued to them.

Thus, it is important not only to earn seniority and honorary awards from the state, but also to prove the right to the title of labor veteran. Most often, documents confirming the experience and insignia are sufficient for this. But if you have received a refusal that you consider unreasonable, it makes sense to apply to higher state bodies or courts.

The title "Veteran of Labor" was awarded to citizens of the USSR who had good labor indicators for many years (over 35 years of work experience for females and more than 40 years for males).

In addition to the medal, a person also received a personal certificate. At that time, the title did not provide for any benefits and privileges.

It was only a symbol of respect and reverence for people who honestly and worthily worked for the good of Soviet society.

How and where to get a certificate of a labor veteran and who is entitled to the title of "Veteran of Labor" in Russia is the topic of this article.

Let's figure out who is awarded the title of labor veteran. Already after the collapse of the USSR, members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved a law according to which labor veterans were entitled to benefits and privileges.

According to the provisions of this federal law, veterans of labor included:

  • Citizens who have previously been awarded this title.
  • People who worked in the rear during the Second World War. The length of service of these citizens in total should have been at least 35 years for females and at least 40 years for males.
  • Citizens with various orders and medals for outstanding achievements in work activities.

Later, important additions were made to the law.

Currently, the status is allowed to be awarded to:

  1. People who have received a Presidential Certificate of Appreciation or who have received special thanks from the President.
  2. Citizens with distinctions for fruitful work activities in various government structures. At the same time, the status is issued only if there is 15 or more years of experience in the field. It is also required to have a total work experience of at least 20 years for females and 25 years for males.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, after the final adoption of the additions, the authorities of all regions of the Russian Federation were instructed to amend local laws.

Documents for registration of the title "Veteran of Labor"

According to the provisions of the federal law, the registration of the status is carried out in the structures of social protection. There is also an application for registration. Together with a package of necessary papers, the application is registered in electronic format.

In the documentation package, citizens applying for the title must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the passport, without fail certified by a notary;
  • work book;
  • certificates of all received awards and distinctions;
  • pension book (if any);
  • SNILS;
  • 2 photo cards 4×4;
  • certificate of the appropriate form from the place of work or from the FIU.

All the necessary documents are submitted to social protection structures in the form of copies, but the originals are required for preliminary verification.

According to the provisions of the adopted legislation, a citizen has the right to register the title of "Veteran of Labor" before registering the status of a pensioner, if all the necessary documents are available. But it should be noted that he will receive the right to privileges and benefits only after the end of his work activity.

The order of awarding the title

After the appeal of a citizen, his documents are checked by a special commission working in the structure of social protection authorities.

The reconciliation of the submitted documents and the adoption of a decision according to the law relies no more than 30 days.

After the decision is made, within the next 5 working days, the citizen must be informed of the result.

If the outcome is successful, the citizen is issued a certificate, and he is entitled to all the benefits due to him by law.

After receiving the title, a citizen, having studied the list of privileges due to him, selects the necessary benefits and applies for their registration. The procedure for registration is the same as initially, upon obtaining the status.

You should be aware that there are no identical rules for awarding a title. The subjects of the federation independently develop regulations regarding this issue. For this reason, there are significant differences in the granting of status in the regions.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, the presence of various departmental awards may not be considered a sufficient basis for assigning a status.

In other regions, on the contrary, the list of grounds for extradition is significantly expanded: there such categories of citizens as inventors and donors can also receive the title.

There are subjects of the Russian Federation, where the presence of the required length of service is quite enough to obtain the status. In this case, you can not have awards. Despite these differences, the status registration procedure is the same in all regions.

Regulations on the veteran of labor of the Russian Federation

In most regions of the Russian Federation, their own regulations on labor veterans have been developed.

It provides all the necessary information on the procedure for assigning status and displays all the legal aspects of the issue for a particular subject of the Russian Federation.


It is awarded to citizens when the executive bodies of regional social protection structures confirm the legitimacy of receiving it. This document serves as the basis for applying for benefits and benefits.

The certificate must be protected from damage. In case of damage or loss of the document, you must immediately contact the authorities where it was issued and draw up a statement.


Citizens who were awarded a special medal during the Soviet era could not imagine that this symbolic commemorative sign would become the basis for receiving considerable privileges.

The medal "Veteran of Labour", awarded on the territory of the former USSR or the RSFSR with a personal certificate, serves as the basis for acquiring an identical status in the Russian Federation with all the benefits attached.

Veteran's Medal

Usually these medals were awarded to teenagers who worked in the rear during the Second World War. In addition, they noted the shock work of workers and collective farmers.

Commemorative badges were also given to workers of venerable age, leaving for a well-deserved rest, in order to morally evaluate their long-term honest work.

Measures of social support for labor veterans

In Russia, you can apply for the following benefits:

  • free treatment in state institutions;
  • free travel on any state means of transport throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 50% discount when making payment for the area of ​​the house;
  • 50% discount when making payment for all housing and communal services, in accordance with regional tariff plans and norms:
  • 50% discount when registering a subscription fee for television and radio;
  • gratuitous prosthetics of teeth or completely free repair of existing prostheses in any public medical institutions;
  • vacation days for a labor veteran who is still working are provided at any time convenient for him;
  • benefits when paying: taxes on any real estate, personal income tax; tax credit benefits.