Cat's eye stone properties. Mysterious cat's eye stone. Medicinal properties of cat's eye

The cat's eye or chrysoberyl loves people who are purposeful, persistent, stubbornly moving towards their goal. In nature, it is very rare, which directly affects its value.

Cat's eye is one of the most ancient minerals

People who know a lot about stones endow chrysoberyl with unique magical and healing qualities.

Cat's eye is one of the most ancient minerals, ever discovered by archaeologists. Until now, products from a cat's eye are found, the age of which is more than one thousand years.

The magical properties of the stone, its rarity and unusual appearance made it a kind of elite - at that time, only court seers and members of royal families could wear jewelry with a cat's eye. Clairvoyants used the stone in their rituals as magical attributes. It is not for nothing that it is called the cat's eye - it really looks like the eye of an animal, moreover, there is something truly mysterious, mystical, otherworldly and attractive in this rare mineral.

Today it is known that a real chrysoberyl cat's eye does not have to have a yellow or green tint, as was thought several millennia ago. Stones can be of different colors and degrees of transparency.

In doing so, the following must be taken into account:

  1. The similarity of the color of the overflows with the iris of the cat's eye is due to the presence of impurities in the composition of the stone.
  2. Chrysoberyl gets the name of the cat's eye only after cutting. Its shape in the language of jewelers is called cabochon.
  3. Artificial chrysoberyl is obtained in the same way as nature itself creates it - by combining barium titanium and fibrous borosilicate glass.

The places where the mineral was formed are sedimentary rocks, and this is precisely what makes it difficult to find it. To date, the stone is mined in South Africa, the Czech Republic, India and Russia.

The magical properties of cat stone, its rarity and unusual appearance made it a kind of elite

Varieties of stone by color

The cat's eye effect is the result of a professional cabochon cut. An elegant light strip running parallel to the axis is a sign of the correct processing of the mineral. The same luminous rim is formed as a result of the reflection of light from minerals with an acicular structure. The color palette of this variety of chrysoberyl is extremely wide - the stone can be black, purple, red, yellow, white, etc. A black mineral with a white glare is considered very beautiful.

  1. Yellow cat eye. The owner of the stone can force the interlocutors to listen to themselves, to reckon with his opinion, and also enjoys the trust of other people. This variety of chrysoberyl is well suited to law enforcement officers, priests and education workers.
  2. Green cat's eye. It has the unique ability to attract money into the pocket of its owner. It will be an excellent talisman for people whose activities are related to finances, the stone will give them self-confidence, the ability to achieve goals. Recommended for accountants, businessmen, bankers and other people who are not indifferent to money.
  3. Pink cat eye. Perfect for people of both sexes: it concentrates male and female energy. If a person is aggressive, then the mineral will give him calmness and prudence, too soft and docile will give decisiveness and firmness of character. Suitable for employees of the advertising business, the service sector and lawyers.
  4. White cat's eye. He is the patron saint of mothers and children. It will remove the excessive, unreasonable concern of the mother for the child. Learn not to look for problems where there are none. Amulets made of white stone will help to avoid the development of female diseases.
  5. blue cat eye contributes to the development of its owner's abilities for clairvoyance, observation and intuition. Protects from the evil eye and envious people. Recommended for romantics and dreamers.

The magical properties of the cat's eye stone (video)

The magical properties of the stone

The cat's eye mineral has strong magical properties; it is not for nothing that the descendants of ancient sorcerers and healers use it in rituals. In their opinion , the stone is distinguished by such magical qualities as:

  1. The ability to prevent trouble, ward off damage and the evil eye. Able to protect his master from the attacks of envious and ill-wishers.
  2. Strengthening the superpowers of magicians and psychics, opening the third eye chakra, increasing vitality.
  3. Disclosure and development of hidden talents, improvement of concentration, strengthening of connection with the subtle worlds.
  4. Attracting good luck in professional activities and in personal life.

Gallery: cat's eye (40 photos)

The question of who the stone suits according to the horoscope can be answered - everyone. The magical properties of the cat's eye will positively affect every person, but most of all he loves representatives of the signs of the elements of Water: Crayfish, Scorpions and Pisces.

He will be the first to help establish relationships with people around him and eliminate the pessimism characteristic of this zodiac sign.

Scorpio, due to his impulsive and ambitious behavior, has a unique ability to make enemies for himself, even among quiet and calm people. A blue stone amulet will help to avoid the consequences of the negative attitude of others.

It is believed that for Pisces, the cat's eye amulet is an ideal protector and helper. For Pisces women, he will help return passion to extinct relationships, dilute the routine of family life with vibrant colors.

Free Libra women with the help of a stone will be able to attract the attention of almost any man. In the case of an existing relationship, jewelry from this mineral will only enhance feelings.

Virgo men will always radiate self-confidence towards the opposite sex. Such a representative of the stronger sex will have all the positive masculine qualities in the eyes of a woman.

To those who doubt and depend on the opinions of others, Gemini, the mineral will give confidence in the correctness of their thoughts and actions. Now the Gemini themselves will be able to dictate the terms.

The energy of Aries often turns into banal aggression. But the cat's eye stone will make its owner more attentive, calm and balanced. It should be noted that the combination of such a variety of chrysoberyl as alexandrite and cat's eye will only enhance the positive impact on the cool temper of this sign.

A strong Leo is not particularly affected by the properties of the cat's eye stone. This is explained by the fact that no matter how powerful the mineral is, it will not be able to break through the powerful energy of the sign of the element of Fire. But if Leo still decides to choose this stone as an ornament, then the red cat's eye will suit him best.

The influence of a mineral on other signs depends entirely on the individual qualities and characteristics of a person.

Curious facts

Cat's eye beads can reduce nervousness and tension in their wearer. Also in magic, it is believed that it is with beads and rosaries from this stone that you can protect yourself from the evil eye.

If you put a stone in a prominent place in a house or apartment, it will help create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

They say that if you give a product from this mineral to your enemy, he will turn into a friend. It is not known how true this is.

For cardiovascular diseases, the ring should be worn on the index finger.

The green cat eye bracelet gives its wearer a truly cat-like ability to see in the dark.

Conservative and reserved people prefer to wear gray stones. Calm people like brown, dreamers like blue, and active people wear stones of bright colors.

The green cat eye bracelet gives its wearer a truly catlike ability to see in the dark.

How to distinguish a fake?

You can easily distinguish an artificial cat's eye from a natural one:

  1. When a natural mineral rotates, the light strip should remain in one place, i.e. the stone itself rotates relative to the line.
  2. Recently, ulexite has become a favorite material for manufacturing. The advantage of the mineral is its low price - it costs much less than quartz or chrysoberyl. The disadvantage is its low hardness, and therefore the stone is subject to mechanical damage.
  3. Another material for creating an artificial cat's eye is borosilicate glass. The brightness and variegation of the stone from this material should raise doubts about its naturalness. In addition, the strip itself in synthetic stones can be in the form of a crescent or a star - in natural stones, the strip is almost straight.

How to distinguish a cat's eye from a fake (video)

The mineral should be protected as much as possible from the effects of acids, falls, and mechanical damage.

Clean the mineral in warm soapy water using a soft flannel cloth. The use of aggressive detergents is not recommended.

To wash away negative energy from the stone, you need to hold it for several minutes under a stream of cold running water.

Store products from a cat's eye in tight cases or caskets.

It should be remembered that the cat's eye, whose properties are to help and protect people, without proper care will turn into an ordinary beautiful trinket.

Attention, only TODAY!

Tumbler made of natural stone cat's eye. The price is for 1 piece.



Eye quartz. These are stones radially sprouted with needles of asbestos or crocodolite crystals. Their beauty is largely determined by the iridescence of these crystals. Cat's eye - sprouts with olive-green needles, hawk's eye - darker, blue-green, tiger's eye - needles of a rusty-red color.

For their characteristic brilliance, color and shimmering elongated strip of light, polished ulexites are often called "cat's eyes". It is believed that stones such as ulexite are able to attract the attention of other people to their owner, creating a kind of halo of attention around them. Ulexite is named after the German chemist G. L. Ulex. since ancient times, this stone has been endowed with mystical properties, perhaps due to its unusual growth: the cat's eye grows with needles. Because of this feature, it is sometimes called a relative of crystal. The color of cat's eye varieties ranges from white to green. For example, a white cat's eye contributes to the disclosure of creative abilities in a person, stimulates his desire for knowledge, this is the talisman of children and mothers. In a young mother wearing this stone, the cat's eye develops intuition, strengthens her spiritual connection with the child. A variety of this mineral with a purple hue is a talisman that guards love. Also, this stone contributes to the development of fantasy, acting abilities, and the realization of the creative potential of the owner. A green cat's eye develops psychic abilities in a person and gives him a powerful charge of positive energy. All varieties of this mineral protect their owner from damage and the evil eye.

Mystics call these stones "wood minerals". All of them have the properties of "amulets", that is, they protect, guard their owner. They keep health, life from the attempts of enemies. At the same time, the cat's eye protects most of all in love, the tiger's eye - in economic activity, the falcon's - in the fight against enemies.
In addition, the tiger's eye especially protects against unreasonable pangs of jealousy. Some say that these stones sharpen intuition and give rise to a premonition of trouble, others assure that rings decorated with “eyes” begin to “feel” on the hands when danger approaches, become heavier, interfere and thereby warn the owner about it. Modern connoisseurs of the mystical properties of stones believe that jewelry with a "cat's eye" ulexite can help to influence other people. Such a stone is able to "remember" the individual qualities of its owner, although such "information imprinting" does not occur immediately, but only after a long time. Allows the owner to communicate better and more significantly with others, gives a certain aura of attractiveness and at the same time elusiveness. It helps to subjugate others - as if by hidden methods, when submission comes not from strength, but from attentive and somewhat indifferent understanding.
A wonderful amulet against any kind of damage, evil eye and enemies. How a talisman helps its owner to get to the enemy and be unnoticed, but will not allow enemies and wild harmful animals. It protects property, develops in a person the ability to foresee events, gives sensitivity to the reaction to the slightest manifestations of aggression, fidelity, prudence and love. The cat's eye becomes a faithful servant of all who strive for high spiritual goals, while choosing honest paths. Possessing predictive abilities, in all ages it was considered a mysterious and magically powerful stone. It makes both the owner and those around him frank to the point of paradox, but gives the owner invincibility. The cat's eye is aggressive towards the enemies of its beloved owner and can cause them a lot of trouble, one has only to draw their attention to the stone. It is indispensable in the treatment of mental disorders, depression, excessive aggressiveness, phobias, fears, skin diseases. It perfectly helps the healing of wounds, bruises, fractures, with all colds and contributes to the acquisition of persistent protective reactions by the body. It relieves fatigue well, so at home you can keep vases, caskets, balls, and other items in plain sight. The stone has the ability to predict the state of health and life events: it becomes different to the touch. The cat's eye has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and spleen, promotes concentration, enhances regeneration and relieves pain. The owner gives great endurance and patience. Develops will. Cat's eye, the name of various gems, in which the movement of an iridescent light strip is noted when the stone is turned. This optical effect (iridescence) is best observed in polished, rounded coffee bean-shaped stones (cabochons). It is most pronounced in chrysoberyl. Minerals such as fibrous quartz, tourmaline, scapolite, fibrolite (fibrous sillimanite), and diopside can also have a cat's-eye effect. If the term "cat's eye" is used without indicating the mineral, then it refers to chrysoberyl. In chrysoberyl, this effect is due to the reflection of light from microscopic hollow channels or inclusions oriented parallel to one of the crystallographic axes; in other minerals, iridescence is due to the parallel-fine-fiber structure of the aggregates, reminiscent of the structure of asbestos. Greenish or honey-yellow colors (in chrysoberyl cat's eye) are most preferred.
Stones with the effect of a cat's eye.
Chrysoberyl cat's eye. The name "cat's eye" usually refers to the chrysoberyl cat's eye. This gemstone is named after the appearance of the "cat's eye" - the only sharp, vertical line on the cabochon when light reflects off its surface. Ancient Catholics were familiar with the chrysoberyl cat's eye already by the first century, in the East it was believed that pressing the cat's eye on the forehead between the eyes would provide a person with clarity of foresight. In Sri Lanka, the historical source of the chrysoberyl cat's eye, it was believed to provide protection from demons.
The effect, called "chatoyancy", comes from the word chat, which means "cat" in French. The effect is caused by numerous parallel needle-like inclusions inside the stone. The light reflected from these inclusions is focused on the curved surface of the cabochon. In quality material, a single sharp line of light should appear exactly in the middle of the cabochon when illuminated directly from above, but under sidelight the band will move off-center and appear more diffuse, the band will also appear fainter in more transparent stones.. becomes less visible as the number decreases needle inclusions. But even if a good clear “eye” band appears, but the stone is opaque, such a material is not considered high quality. The base of the cabochon is usually made convex to enhance the "eye" effect. But when buying "bare" stones, you should not choose a stone with a too convex base, since such a stone will be difficult to fix in the product.
The ideal color for a chrysoberyl cat's eye is "milk-and-honey"; but most stones are lemon yellow, greenish yellow, or dark brown. The main sources of chrysoberyl cat's eye are Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Brazil, and India. There are approximately fifty varieties of stones that can show the effect of a cat's eye, including emerald, tourmaline, quartz, apatite, and zircon. If the stone contains needle inclusions oriented in one direction and is cut into a cabochon, the effect of a cat's eye may appear. Such stones should be called by their type with the prefix "cat's eye".
Tourmaline cat's eye. This material is mined in fairly large quantities, but usually does not have high transparency and a clear effect of a cat's eye. Low quality material is opaque, but usually tends to show a great cat's eye effect due to the abundance of inclusions. In more transparent examples, the effect of the cat's eye becomes weaker due to the reduction in the number of inclusions. Common colors for cat-eye tourmalines are green, blue.
Emerald cat's eye. There are emeralds with a beautiful effect of a cat's eye among the stones from Brazil. Stones with good color and a clear eye effect are very expensive, and can reach top prices of $20,000 for a five carat stone. Cat's-eye emeralds from Colombia have also begun to hit the market.
Tiger's eye is a brown variety of quartz with a cat's eye effect. Hawk's eye or hawk's eye is a similar variety of blue-green quartz. Tiger's eye is mined in South Africa in huge quantities, and it is extremely inexpensive.

The mysterious halo already creates the name of the mineral. He, just like a cat, sensitively captures the mood of the owner, protects and heals him. And also selfish. But the cat's eye is not a stone.

The properties and characteristics of the mineral have been known as magical for more than one millennium. He was respected in ancient Egypt and in the Slavic expanses. Therefore, the possession of a stone was the privilege of priests or rulers. Until the beginning of the 20th century, ordinary people considered the mineral "devilish" and tried to stay away from it. Such a reputation and name are due to the similarity with cat's eyes - a cat, as you know, accompanies witches, sorcerers, is considered to be connected with the other world.

The cat's eye stone was not used for mundane purposes - only as a magical attribute. Its price was outrageous.

The 19th century was a turning point. An example was set by the British high society. Initially, a stone weighing 300 carats, that is, 60 grams, was presented to Queen Victoria (now it is kept in the treasury of the British Crown). Then Prince Arthur presented a ring with a stone to the bride. After that, the value of the gem was appreciated by the nobility - everyone wished to have the same.

The cat's eye ring was the talisman of the Russian writer Ivan Bunin.

Physical Properties

Cat's eye is not a type of mineral, but the name of an optical effect that looks like a narrow luminous strip. Occurs as a result of processing different gems and shifts when the pebble rotates.

Description of the stone:

  • hardness on the Mohs scale - 8.5 out of 10 possible;
  • iridescence - gray or golden-green reflections, reminiscent of the iris of a cat's eye, created by impurities;
  • shape - the mineral is always treated with a cabochon;
  • copies of any color have a golden sheen.

By origin, it can be natural or artificial, obtained by combining fibers of borosilicate glass and barium titanium.


For the first time, the effect was obtained by processing the yellow-green chrysoberyl, which has become a classic embodiment of the variety. The role was also played by the similarity with the eye of a cat in color and glow. A signature glare is created by rutile blotches-needles.

The stone is golden-green, reddish, amber.

If the name of the stone is not specified in the variety, then it is about chrysoberyl. The following stones also have this effect:

  • quartz - usually green;
  • moonstone - white, blue, blue.

In the technique of the cat's eye, noble, are processed. The type of stone determines how much a particular instance of a cat's eye will cost.

magical properties

The magical potential of the cat's eye is described in ancient legends. He is appreciated by magicians and sorcerers. The ancient Hindus used it to see into the future or to understand the language of animals. There is evidence that the magic stone averted death from the owner. It was preserved by the nobles who left Russia after the revolution, which helped to survive the sorrows of emigration.

The cat's eye is a truly precious stone. Some of its varieties are so expensive that only kings could possess them in the recent past. And today, a cat's eye, which is a ruby, emerald, sapphire, beryl, costs an average of a thousand dollars per carat.

However, you can buy a cat's eye at a more affordable price: the real value of the stone lies not so much in the cost of the mineral, but in the effectiveness of the cat's eye itself.

For many centuries, it has been found out quite reliably: the owner of an ornament with a cat's eye stone acquires the character traits of a wild cat. The final effect of exposure depends on the color of the crystal.

A green oval stone with a “pupil” along the long axis (the classical orientation of the light pattern on the jewelry) informs the owner of the snow leopard’s caution and resourcefulness. A bright yellow cabochon with a distinct glare bestows the strength and majesty of a tiger. The cat's eye of brown shades produces a lion's calmness and even a certain laziness - under which (shallowly!) lies an assertive ferocity.

Find their admirers and gems, the color of which only remotely resembles the color of the eyes of predators. A blue or blue stone makes its owner secretive and swift in attack - such are forest cats, lynxes. The red cat's eye adds purposefulness and passion to the character.

Jewelry made of dark minerals with the effect of single-beam asterism (as the phenomenon of the cat's eye is called in science) makes the owner of the stone plastic and prudent like a black panther.

And although scientists of various specializations shrug their shoulders, arguing that the change in the character of the owner of the cat's eye is the result of self-hypnosis, it is important that the effect really IS, and that the stone really WORKS!

Cat's eye in nature

The most beautiful gemstone, which has a highly decorative effect of a cat's eye, has always been, otherwise called cyphoman. The tradition has been entrenched for centuries: when “cat's eye” sounds today without the name of a mineral, it is cyphoman that is meant.

Minerologists explain the appearance of the effect of single-beam asterism by the formation of microscopic inhomogeneities inside the stone. The thinnest crystals of rutile, sprouted through the thickness of the gem; gas-filled tubules invisible to the naked eye; the thinnest cracks penetrating the massif... The reasons for the occurrence of an optical phenomenon are varied. The manifestations of the effect are also different.

Minerals are most highly valued, the linear light reflection of which is bright and flashy. Stones with a darkish "pupil" are valued in smaller amounts.

Healing properties of the cat's eye

The outstanding properties of the cat's eye are observed only in stones of natural origin. Skillfully executed imitations (compounds of non-ferrous metals and boric glass are used) are not able to affect either the health, or the state of mind, or the success of the user's life.

Nevertheless, the litho- and psychotherapeutic properties of the cat's eye depend little on the type of mineral. Much more important is the clarity of the optical effect. A clearly defined single-beam asterism of inexpensive quartz is no worse than a sapphire gem, helping its owner to mobilize.

However, one should not think that since the "eye" is a cat's, then the influence of the stone is expressed only by instilling traits of a predatory character in the owner. Experienced lithotherapists know: wearing a cat's eye around the neck, in the form of a pendant, treats diseases of the throat and bronchopulmonary system. Cabochon, inserted into the ring, helps to get rid of pain in the limb. The mental state is normalized when looking at the interior sample of the cat's eye.

Magic decoration

Cats are endlessly attractive. However, it is not attractiveness that forms the cat's eye talisman from its owner. A stone, regardless of shape, size and color, primarily protects a person. The cat's eye is a wonderful universal amulet!

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief among the military that the cat's eye makes the warrior invisible to the enemy. This is a delusion based on the inaccessibility of noble commanders (the richest of whom could afford the possession of a cat's eye) for the enemy. But this stone really adds strength, dexterity, evasiveness, victorious tactical thinking - modern warriors confirm!

According to the horoscope, the cat's eye is most suitable for Cancers. "Armed" with such a talisman, the zodiac Cancer ceases to "backward", becomes cautiously resolute, prudently optimistic. Helps the cat's eye and revealing the hidden talents of the sign.

The beneficial properties of the cat's eye have not been fully explored and exhausted. Gather a collection of multi-colored cat's eyes, and share information about the action of the stone with the readers of our site!

After processing, a luminous vertical strip remains in the center of the gem. She makes the stone look like a cat's eye. For this similarity, the gem got its name.

The stone looks amazing. All its attractiveness can be estimated even from the photo. The stone became popular at the end of the 19th century. This was due to the fact that Prince Arthur gave Louise of Prussia a ring with a cat's eye. After this event, all noble ladies wanted such jewelry for themselves. Since that moment, the extraction of the gem has been increased, and its cost has increased several times.

The demand for cat's eye has not decreased in our time. The properties and significance of the stone were studied by specialists from various fields - lithotherapy, astrology and others. It turned out that the cat's eye can be used both as a talisman and as a remedy.

The cat's eye mineral is ground into a cabochon shape. It is obtained from stones of different colors. Yellow-green is the most common and therefore the most popular gem. There are also dark brown, golden green, red, emerald and other stones. Regardless of the tone of the gem, all such stones have a golden sheen.

The effect of a cat's eye can be inherent not only in chrysoberyl. Other gems can also have it. There are quartz with the effect of a cat's eye. Usually these are gems of a green tone. They also have the same effect. They usually have a white and blue tone. There are also stones with blue flowers.

To date, jewelers have begun to process more and more gems in this way. Now in stores you can find, and. Any such gem is called a cat's eye.

The magical properties of the cat's eye

Since its inception, the cat's eye has been recognized as a stone with magical properties. Esotericists immediately recognized all his strength and the effect the gem has on a person and his fate.

The first thing magic experts discovered was that the stone can protect the spiritual and physical shell of a person from any negative impact. The gem scares away evil spirits, reflects damage, the evil eye, protects against theft, enemies, forcible deprivation of life and other troubles and misfortunes. The stone also protects people's relationships. It prevents the separation of lovers, maintains a friendly atmosphere in the family and helps lovers avoid adultery.

The cat's eye is an amulet that affects a person on a mental level. It increases self-esteem, improves mood and helps to get rid of gloomy thoughts and negative emotions.

The amulet does not forget about love, since this is one of the strongest and brightest feelings. Without it, almost every person feels unhappy and useless. The cat's eye cannot allow this, so it helps to find true love. He, as it were, signals to a person that his soulmate is in front of him, sending the same feeling to his chosen one or chosen one. As a result, people realize that they have found their destiny. The stone can be worn by those who have already created their own family. It will be useful for them too. The cat's eye will help revive long-extinct feelings and remind spouses of how they once loved each other.

Another characteristic of the stone is that it becomes heavier when a person is threatened with misfortune. If he cannot take him away, then the gem will definitely notify him of his approach. Some people even managed to avoid trouble thanks to this. For example, if the stone became very heavy before boarding the plane, it makes sense to reschedule the flight or cancel it altogether.

The cat's eye stone has such magical properties that contribute to the awakening of intuition. It helps a person to notice all the signs that fate sends him, recognize deception and see the true essence of other people.

The gem stimulates mental activity, develops hidden potentials and oratory. It helps a person make the right connections and strengthens existing business and friendships.

The stone that people called the cat's eyes should not be worn by those whose thoughts and actions are connected with evil. The gem will not help them and will bring misfortune and failure on them.

Medicinal properties of cat's eye

Until now, lithotherapy experts are sure that the cat's eye has healing properties. First of all, its influence extends to the organs of vision. It treats eye diseases and helps to restore vision. The gem can relieve fatigue. With strong stress from working with a computer, you need to attach a stone to your eyes. After a few minutes, fatigue disappears.

Cat's eye normalizes blood pressure. A gem of yellow and orange tones will help hypertensive patients, and blue or green tones for hypotensive patients.

Treatment with stones is carried out for diseases of the respiratory tract. Asthma, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis - this is not the whole list of similar diseases in which the cat's eye helps. To get rid of them, the stone must be worn around the neck in the form of beads or a pendant.

The gastrointestinal tract is available to the cat's eye. It not only improves his work, but also relieves disorders and diseases.

Any mental disorders can be overcome with the help of this stone. It also accelerates the process of bone fusion after a fracture, the healing of wounds, bruises and other tissue damage.

Who suits the Cat's eye according to the zodiac sign

Astrologers advise choosing talisman stones according to the sign of the zodiac. There are such gems that are incompatible with a person at an energy level. If you wear them, then because of them you can experience internal discomfort. Therefore, one should not ignore the recommendations of astrologers on the choice of amulets gems.

Compatibility of the cat's eye with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

Astrologers say that the cat's eye is ideally compatible with Cancers and Scorpios. He will help them in matters of the heart, in business, and strengthen their health. With such a gem, these zodiac signs don't have to worry that someone will harm them.

Other signs of the zodiac can also use the cat's eye for protection, attraction of love and good luck.

Wearing it is contraindicated only for Aquarius. The stone will take all the strength from this zodiac sign. Because of this, the well-being of a person, as well as his mental state, will worsen.
  1. Small children need to wear a pendant with a cat's eye. It will help them avoid suffocation and throat diseases.
  2. To save the family, you need to put the gem in the house in a prominent place.
  3. To end hostility, you need to give a cat's eye to your ill-wisher. After that, the relationship will improve.
  4. Peace of mind will help to find a rosary from a cat's eye.
  5. Wearing a stone in a ring on the index finger will have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
  6. A gem of green tones worn in a bracelet will help improve eyesight.
  7. To preserve the health of loved ones and avert premature death from them, it is recommended to give them beads or a rosary made of this stone.
  8. Wearing a gem is recommended for women during pregnancy and childbirth. It will protect the mother and child, facilitate the process of flow and childbirth and help the baby to be born healthy.
  9. To protect against damage and the evil eye, you can wear any jewelry with a cat's eye.

The cat's eye is a rare stone, so many fakes can be found in the markets and shops. They have neither magical nor healing properties. You can distinguish real stones from fakes by their characteristic glow in the dark. If it doesn't, then it's fake. You can buy it, but you just don’t need to rely on the magic of this stone.