Better apologize to your mom. Sorry sms for mom. What to do if you quarreled with your mother

Mom, honey, forgive me
without thinking of offending you,
For the hundredth time I blame myself
And you didn't seem to mind.

Mom, dear, I beg you, I'm sorry
Not on purpose, you know me
Forget all unnecessary words
Sometimes you understand everything without words.

Mom, I swear to you
I will never offend you
Sometimes I get angry at the whole world
And I break down on you and on the dishes.

Mom, dear, I love you,
You are dearest of all in the world,
Very, very much, I beg you
Excuse all these squabbles.

Mom, I'm sorry, dear,
Before you is my fault.
It won't be anymore
I promise never.

I love you dear
Forgive me, forgive me.
For anxiety, anxiety
Excuse me, mom.

Mommy - my beautiful, beloved,
I want you to be always happy.
I beg your pardon, my dear
You are loved with all my heart, my dear.

Mom, forgive me, forgive me
You have traveled so many paths.
I love you ... Mommy, I'm sorry
I just can't live without you, forgive me.

Mom, I beg your pardon.
I don't want to hurt you,
I sometimes bring anxiety
But please don't be too sad!

I'll try to be more obedient
More you, mom, do not upset.
To smile, be cheerful,
All your sadness is gone!

I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of myself
And it's hard to say the words.
You know I love you
After all, you are my mother!

Please, please understand me
Forgive all my offenses.
You rolled away a stone from your soul,
And give me a smile!

You are my mother, dear, dear,
You once gave me my life.
Always forgave me, understood
Understand, and this time again I pray!

I bow before you on my knees,
I'll lay down on my favorite shoulder.
I will hear your heartbeat
I feel your warmth for me!

Excuse me, good, dear,
Sorry for the pain and sharp words!
I can't look at all your suffering
After all, I love you more than life!

Mommy, dear mommy,
Forgive me again, my dear!
I know how hard it is on my heart.
But for me, believe me now, it’s not easy either!

Forgive me for everything, do not hold evil!
And give me your smile again.
We will continue to be friends, let the years pass,
And no one can replace me, mommy, you!

You weren't to blame
It was all about me
I didn't want to fight
Now it's bad at heart.

Forgive me mommy
I'm not all evil
I love you dear
I'm sorry, please!

Mom, forgive your daughter,
I really do love you very much.
Sometimes I hurt you very much
I don't even notice it myself.

I can't watch how sad you are
I apologize in the first place.
Forgive me, my mother, I'm sorry
And don't bother your soul in vain.

I love you very very much,
And I want to apologize mom
For that insult, bad words,
For suffering because of me!

Excuse me, I'm not evil
I love you with all my heart
Please give me forgiveness
My mistakes, my dear, I'm sorry!

Forgive me all the insults, mom.
I'm sorry we fight sometimes.
What is rude and stubborn
Sometimes I act with you.

I don't have a better friend in the world,
You are the closest person to me
We will always understand each other,
So let's make peace forever!

Forgive me, mom, for a stupid quarrel,
Forgive me, dear, for my rudeness.
Let's forget the grievances and disputes.
You know how much I love you!

You were very, I know, insulting,
And I apologize to you.
You are very upset, I am very ashamed.
When you hurt, it hurts me doubly!

Forgive me, dear mother,
For everything, please forgive me
You are my best friend, the very best,
Let go of the resentment in your heart.

Don't get angry when I'm rude
And I forget to call
It always connects us
With you is the sacred thread of the heart.

Let nothing torment you
Mommy, don't be sad.
You know I love you very much
I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything.

My mother, dear,
I don't know what to tell you
For you to forgive me
Let go of all grudges.

Excuse me for being rude
For words, for my stupidity.
Ugly, I understand...
I'll fix it. I promise!

Mommy, beloved, dear!
How guilty I am!
You worked, not knowing rest,
So that I can grow up happily!

I am immensely grateful to you.
There is no one closer in the world.
I'm such a badass for you
Even though I've been around for many years.

I didn't do it on purpose, you know!
It's just, it's clear, it's still in the head!
I know you always forgive me
At least a tear runs down your cheek.

Forgive me, mother, for a stupid quarrel!
Let's forget the quarrels, insults and disputes.
All important things in the world are simple,
And the most important thing in life is only you!

When you cheer me up, then success awaits me.
As long as you are with me, I am richer than everyone else.
You are always ready to forgive and understand
And I can give everything for you.

Forgive me, do not be angry, do not be sad, dear.
All grievances will pass without a trace, I know.
I feel so bad when you're sad.
I expect you to understand and forgive me.

Mommy dear, I beg you to forgive me
Didn't want to hurt you
Just bad days
My dear, I'm sorry.

Forgive all the words you are my evil
And a surge of emotions that caused pain,
I beg you to hurt me, don't hold on to me,
I'm ashamed of everything that happened!

My dear, mom, I'm sorry
Didn't want to offend at all.
Everything came out of stupidity,
I didn't dare to behave like that.

I hope you forgive me
I sincerely try to apologize.
It hurts me when you're sad
I will try to change.

Mommy, forgive me, dear!
It all happened very stupidly.
I don't understand at all
What got into me

I swear I won't hurt you again
And I will atone for my guilt.
Well, when will I see a smile?
Excuse me, I love you so!

Forgive me, dear mother,
For the pain of inflicted insults.
Sometimes I don't understand
What is the devil in me...

Forgive me for being stubborn
And stupid. I was wrong.
Forgive me dear mother
After all, you have to think first.

Forgive me for insults, mistakes,
I will redeem myself.
Please give me a smile.
Mommy, I love you.

Forgive me, please, dear,
For all my actions and words!
My mother, I really know
That I was wrong today!

With all my heart I apologize now
Let's forget about everything!
I want our relationship again
Filled with love and warmth!

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It's great to have loved ones in your life. Knowing that there are friends and relatives who are not indifferent, who can always support in difficult times, a person has a sense of security and need. But, as often happens, we offend the dearest people more often than others. Where we can restrain ourselves in front of strangers, in the presence of relatives this does not always work out. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from loved ones correctly?

Squeezing out: "I'm sorry" is very difficult. If you do nothing and leave everything as it is, then the tension in the relationship will grow. Thinking that over time everything will work out by itself is wrong, because this is an indicator of immaturity. A person who admits his mistakes is easier to respect and trust him. But how to ask for forgiveness from your girlfriend, dad and mom, sister or best friend?

Why is it hard to apologize?

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of asking for forgiveness. Prepare a speech in verse or beg for it. All this is useless if there is no right attitude. The difficulty lies in the following:
  • Pride and selfishness can become a hindrance to reconciliation. It is pride that makes a person think: “Why me? He's wrong too." Everyone is waiting for the first step from the other, and resentment can turn into hatred. To break this vicious circle, you need to calm down and analyze what you did wrong and how you can correct the situation. This will help such a quality as humility. Is it out of fashion now? Yes, many people think so, but we are talking about relationships with loved ones. The opinion of the majority should not affect your decisions. It is not a shame to admit that you are wrong, relatives and friends will appreciate it.
  • Education also plays a significant role. If in childhood you didn’t hear the words “I’m sorry” from mom and dad, then it will be difficult for you too. Here, awareness of this fact and work on oneself are necessary. Try once to “step on” yourself and apologize, you will feel lightness in your soul and in relationships. Asking for forgiveness next time will be easy. Come up with an apology in verse, this will help smooth out the tension.
  • Correct infusion. How necessary it is. Often people think: "If I ask for forgiveness, then I will make it clear that I am guilty and show my weakness." This opinion is erroneous. Agree, at least two are involved in a quarrel. Do you want to say that you didn’t say too much or didn’t show disdain with your icy silence? You yourself know that there is also a share of your guilt.

What can be done

Before you apologize, it is important to consider some points. Otherwise, you can break firewood, having the best intentions. It's not worth it to sort things out when you're annoyed. Wait for both of you to cool down. And a few more tips:
  • When thinking about how to ask for forgiveness from a girl, in verse or prose, it is important to be sincere.
Notes of sarcasm are inappropriate, even if you are sure that you are right. An expression like: “Sorry, I didn’t think you didn’t understand jokes” can be taken as a mockery. If you are sincere, your look and your tone of voice will tell. Even if the resentment is unfounded, admit that you may have hurt feelings. A sincere apology removes the wall that is built by the offended person. Destroy this wall and, you will notice that the girl is no longer on the defensive, peace has been restored.
  • It is necessary to take into account different upbringing.
What seems like a funny joke to you may be an insult to someone else. No need to beg the feelings of another or somehow ridicule them. If it’s customary in your family to tease each other and no one is offended by this, this does not mean that this is the norm for others. Don't demand to be accommodated and understood for your jokes. Over time, this may be, but for now, apologize and no longer let loose mockery of others.
  • The emotional background also needs to be taken into account, it is different for each person.
Growing up in the same family, the characters cannot be the same. Someone is more emotional, and someone is not very much. You think that it is possible to take a sister's jacket without permission, but this can annoy her. The result is a scandal. You think that the sister wound up in vain. Listen to her words, not the way she said it. Try to figure out what she doesn't like. Understanding will help you come to the right decision. And if you need to ask for forgiveness from your sister, then do not hesitate to do so. Understand that she may feel differently than you.

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person. So I, not at all from evil, offended you, and now I just can’t find a place for myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't be angry with me anymore. This fight was a big lesson for me.

With you next to me I breathe
I'm on fire with you,
I live next to you
And without you I'm dying
Forgive me, I beg!

My hedgehog is prickly, stop snorting.
Even if it hurts, I want to hug you.

Beloved, life is mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But, the only person who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything. I'm not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything I don't do is just because I'm afraid of losing you!

The fear of losing you turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I have done. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness! Forgive me dear.

Learning to build relationships

Understanding the above principles will help in relationships with your best friend. It all depends on what meaning you put into this concept. If the word "friendship" is a superficial concept with selfish motives, then you should not worry that you offended someone. Your friendship will come to an end anyway. And if friendship is based on affection, loyalty, mutual assistance, then such relationships need to be protected.

It is clear that ideal people do not exist. From time to time mutual grievances and claims will be. You should not put an end to your relationship. You can "darn" friendship. Most often, they offend people not on purpose: she said without thinking; rude, being in a bad mood; as a friend, she intervened in something that was not her own business.

After you understand why your friend was offended, start a conversation in order to solve the problem and save the friendship. Explain that you didn't upset her out of malice. It won't look like you're making excuses, you're just clarifying your motives and motivations. You can apologize for hurt feelings. If a girlfriend is a romantic and emotional nature, try to present her with a request for forgiveness in verse.

I was fabulously lucky in my life that fate gave me you. You are my angel, my favorite girl in the world. I apologize for offending you, my sunshine. Please forgive me. Distrust towards you was a great lesson for me. Let's make up, my kitten.

I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world, just forgive me and trust me, my dear. My love will become a talisman for you, my only and desired.

Every day without you is just an unbearable ordeal. I think about you every minute, my joy. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not from evil. I love you more than life. Don't be offended by me anymore.

Let's keep our love, because we are so good to be together. Darling, I breathe you. I need you like air.

But it's hot.
It happens to everyone.
Please forgive me, please
So love only once!

You're sorry for the extra words and for my foolish deeds. Believe that my repentance has no limit! I want to look into your eyes again... Please forgive me!

The same principles apply if a quarrel has occurred between two friends. If a friend or girlfriend did not accept your apology, then it will be easier for you because you did your best on your part.

Parents, people who will always forgive. They forgive for thoughtlessly spoken words, for not having time to call them. Stop in your circle of life. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest who you have. It may not work out with a girl, friendship can become obsolete, and your parents are always with you.

Make a habit of calling them every day to see how things are going. Ask forgiveness for your indifference to them. But what if you have not yet reached the age when you can fully make decisions and take care of yourself financially?

First of all, you need to realize that you, too, are wrong. If you see only the shortcomings of your parents, but do not notice your own, then it is extremely difficult to ask for forgiveness. Plus, parents aren't perfect. They want the best for you, but they don't always know how to do it right. One thing is for sure, they genuinely care about you.

But, unfortunately, people tend to offend their loved ones with words and deeds done or said in a hurry, and after a few hours we are considering how to correct the situation and ask for forgiveness.

How to ask your mom for forgiveness

The easiest option is to say the words of apology while looking into your mother's eyes. After all, every mother, having heard how her beloved child repents, is ready to forgive him everything in the world.

You can also ask for forgiveness by writing an apology letter. Very often, having offended a person, we experience a sense of shame that does not allow us to stand before him and express our regret. In this case, you can do this by writing a letter to your mother, in which you should not only apologize, but also tell how much you love her. You can also talk about the reasons that pushed you to the act that you now regret.

Another option is to prepare a gift for mom. The child, like no one else, knows the preferences of his own mother. So, buy your mom's favorite cake, order a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers, buy some gift. After that, invite her to a cup of tea, where you express the words of apology, and make your mother happy by presenting a gift made from the bottom of your heart.

How to apologize to your mom if she doesn't want to talk

The resentment is so great that it temporarily discourages the desire to communicate even with one's own child. If you find yourself in a situation where your mother ignores you, then you still need to say the words of apology. Sooner or later, resentment will fade into the background, and your words of repentance will be heard, and as soon as your mother cools down, she will be the first to enter into a dialogue.

Also, as an option, you can try to spread notes around the apartment with words of apology and compliments in her direction.

Do not forget that we live in the age of high technology, and you can ask for forgiveness from your mother by sending an SMS or an email.
In order to soften your mother's mood, do the most difficult and unloved work for her - clean the apartment, cook dinner, take out the trash, wash the dishes. Seeing how hard you try, the mother's heart is sure to soften.

You can ask for forgiveness by wrapping your closest person in a strong hug. Believe me, the smile on the face of the mother will not take long.

How nice to ask for forgiveness

Write poetry. It is not necessary to invent high-flown phrases, you do not need to be Tsvetaeva to write a quatrain that will convey your sparkling feelings.

Organize a flash mob. Of course, for this you need to involve your friends. But rest assured, mom will appreciate your efforts and creativity.

Write your apology on the pavement in front of mom's windows. It is desirable that the inscription be large, bright and beautiful. After seeing how much effort her child put in, no mother can continue to be offended by him.

Make a video in which you tell how you regret your act and the words you said. Also, it will not be superfluous if you tell how much you love your mother, and do not forget about the accompanying beautiful music.

And remember, don't hesitate to apologize. Even if mom continues to communicate with you, as if nothing had happened. After all, it is possible that a feeling of resentment gnaws inside her. In addition, such a situation will cause you to feel understatement, which will prevent you from sincerely communicating with each other. The best option is to ask for forgiveness the day after the fight. This period is enough to cool down and collect your thoughts, and at the same time, the words of forgiveness will be needed more than ever.

The life of any normal person is not complete without conflicts and quarrels. In some cases, we prefer to leave everything as it is and break off the relationship. But what if the skirmish happened with the dearest and closest person - mom?

Unfortunately, maternal love and understanding are not unlimited. Sometimes the behavior of the child so bakes and hurts the loving heart that the mother becomes hardened and does not even want to talk. Next, a few tips will be given on how to apologize to your mother so that she not only forgets about the offense, but also begins to trust again.

How to ask your mother for forgiveness?

The best way to apologize is to open your heart to your mother and repent. Every mother, even very offended and angry, deep down loves her child. The unwillingness to forgive in most cases is caused by the desire to teach a lesson, to make one realize one's mistake and reconsider one's behavior.

For mom to forgive, you need to not only apologize, but also explain what made you commit a misconduct. Let these be not entirely pure thoughts and intentions, the main thing for the mother is that you were able to recognize them. Learn this lesson and try not to repeat the mistake again. Ask the mother for advice on how she thinks to prevent such situations and conflicts. This will help you bond and rebuild trust.

How to make peace depending on the nature of the conflict

Quarrels are different, as are the characters of mothers. If the standard advice does not fit or does not work, then you need to look for an individual approach. Let's analyze the most common conflicts between mothers and children:

It is important to understand that mom is the same person, with her own shortcomings and cockroaches in her head. You don't have to ask too much of her. Try to accept her as she is, albeit quick-tempered, albeit strict, a little unfair. There are no perfect people. Find compromises - this is the key to a good relationship.

How to ask for forgiveness beautifully

Finding words, coming up and pleading guilty to a person who is dear is always difficult. Often, all we can do is mutter a soft “sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.” Of course, if the misconduct is not serious, this may well be enough. But if you managed to mess up in a big way, be prepared to overcome yourself and apologize beautifully. What does this mean:

Is it possible not to quarrel with your mother, but to live in peace and harmony? Yes, when the children grew up, they parted and meet with their mother quite rarely. When living together, at least minor skirmishes are the norm. But if both are able to seek compromises, reckon with the feelings of a loved one, the relationship will be warm and trusting, and quarrels will not develop into serious conflicts.

A written apology or a heartfelt conversation

A face-to-face explanation is always preferable to the longest letter or the most beautiful SMS. If you find it difficult to express your thoughts orally, offer a short apology and let the letter be read in front of you. Hug your mother, offer to make tea, give flowers or a gift. Together, these actions will help to overshadow even the worst deed.

Mom is the only person who accepts and loves you the way you are. However, this understanding comes with age. For a long time, life experience prevents children and adults from understanding each other. Perhaps now the mother's attitude seems incomprehensible, wrong, and even angry. But in fact, behind all the accusations and abuse, there is a desire to do what is best for you. Try to see this, and the relationship will move to a new level.

No matter how many mistakes you make, mom will always forgive and love you. Treasure this and try not to offend her as much as possible. And if you screwed up, be honest. Rest assured, you will not be executed.

Lyudmila, Kaliningrad