Layout New Year's wall newspaper veteran organization. Do-it-yourself wall newspapers for the new year. New Year's posters. What to consider when creating a wall newspaper

On the eve of the most long-awaited and beloved holiday, everyone is trying to make not only the mood but also the atmosphere around them joyful and New Year's Eve. That is why they decorate housing, industrial and educational premises with various garlands, tinsel, New Year's greeting posters and wall newspapers.

Agree, the wall newspaper at all times personified a large New Year's greeting card, which is addressed to absolutely everyone.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 Do-it-yourself Dogs will be a great idea for decoration, especially if you choose an original and unusual design. At the same time, great talent in creating such a congratulatory poster is simply not required, because today all the necessary templates can be found on the Internet. What can be the conclusion? To make a festive newspaper and please all colleagues, classmates and relatives with it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Although, of course, efforts still have to be made.

Templates and design.

One of the unusual variants of the newspaper looks like a template consisting of 8 graphic files, which all together create and form one single picture with windows for congratulations and wishes. To complete such a New Year's wall newspaper, you should stock up on the following materials.

  1. A4 white paper.
  2. A printer.
  3. Coloring tools.
  4. Glue pencil.

Now we proceed directly to the creative and most interesting stage of work.

  • Firstly, download 8 graphic fragments to your computer or print them immediately on a black and white printer. By the way, everyone chooses the format and image that suits him the most.
  • Secondly, to assemble a whole picture from the components, that is, all the printed fragments, relying and focusing, of course, on the serial numbers of the images, which are a kind of hint.
  • Thirdly, glue the elements with a glue stick or tape, depending on what you have on hand. But remember, you need to fasten them only from the wrong side.
  • Fourth, duplicate the poster with whatman paper or thick paper. This procedure is optional.
  • Fifth, color the wall newspaper with colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. At the same time, it is recommended to use bright and mother-of-pearl colors and leave a kind of “clouds” for congratulatory inscriptions.
  • Sixth, complement and decorate the poster with New Year's tinsel, sparkles or broken toys.
  • Seventhly, in the created windows, enter congratulations on the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog.

The result is a very beautiful and unusual wall newspaper, which you can decorate absolutely any place, because it will create a festive mood and make you smile, and also remind you that the most fabulous and magical time will come very soon.

Idea number 2 - how to do it?

There is another rather interesting design option for the New Year's newspaper. For this idea and idea, you should stock up on the following tools.

  1. Whatman sheet, size A1.
  2. Drawing templates.
  3. Pieces of flat foam, the thickness of which should be up to 5 mm.
  4. Ceramic tile that will serve as a work surface.
  5. Black marker.
  6. Scissors and PVA glue.
  7. Double-sided tape.
  8. Stationery knife.
  9. Satin ribbon.
  10. Candy wrappers.

  • Step 1. On a drawing paper, using an ordinary simple pencil, mark out the places for the title, for textual information, for drawing and photographs. What is it for? It's simple, such actions will largely allow you to competently and effectively manage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet, providing for absolutely everything to the smallest detail.
  • Step 2. Posting information. In other words, let's get started. If you are 100% sure of your handwriting. Then congratulatory lines and all textual information can be written by hand using markers, otherwise, you can use printed text.
  • Step 3. Graphic design. In other words, we decorate and draw the planned format of the newspaper. Here is a completely creative fantasy, which directly depends on your idea. Perhaps you decide to depict the main symbol of the year, or Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Perhaps it will be a newspaper of their photographs, everyone chooses the option that suits him the most.
  • Step 4. Decor. If you think that the newspaper turned out to be too faded and not bright, but you want to add joy, then you can simply decorate it with New Year's tinsel, make artificial snow, that is, there are a lot of decor ideas.

The wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 is completely ready. Agree, such a hand-made New Year's card format will cheer up absolutely everyone. The main thing is to make a little effort and show your imagination and creative ingenuity.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, preparations begin in educational and preschool institutions: decorating classes and venues for events, rehearsals of matinees and festive performances. In addition, competitions are organized for the best drawing or wall newspaper. For talented children, this is a chance to show their abilities to a large audience. But what about those guys who want to take part, but have poor drawing skills? There is an exit! You need to download a ready-made wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 (with your own hands), the templates of which will help you create a real masterpiece without fine art skills. But first, you need to learn how to properly compose a wall newspaper and what materials will be needed.

What to consider when creating a wall newspaper

  1. Remember that the content and theme of the wall newspaper must be unique, as the kids remember the topics of past issues well.
  2. In addition to standard greetings, New Year's images, the newspaper should be informative. Include in it several materials about school and extracurricular activities, useful announcements, summing up the 2018 school year.
  3. Nobody canceled originality. Come up with something new and different. For example, the quest "Find a gift from Santa Claus" with clever, humorous tips.

What materials will be needed

There are no standard guidelines in this regard. It all depends on the technique that you will use in the design. It should be noted that the design of a wall newspaper is not only drawings and photographs. You can use any elements of arts and crafts. For example, figurines in the style of origami, patchwork, quilling, appliqué, scrapbooking, etc. will look great. Eco-decor looks original - compositions of cones, fir branches, berries and leaves. It all depends on your imagination, so any materials can work - from colored paper to leather and fur.

We advise you to first decide what types of decor you will use, then prepare all the necessary materials. Do not forget that most of them can be found at home, these are the details of old clothes, magazine clippings, foil, pieces of fabric, broken toys, cotton wool and much more.

How to design a wall newspaper

In order for the newspaper to be flawless, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: to properly distribute content blocks. To do this, make a plan for future creation - decide what articles, drawings, photos and design elements you exactly plan to place.

Take a simple pencil and ruler. Divide the paper into even cells, leaving more space in the center for the main New Year's composition. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the space of the sheet. Don't forget to leave room at the top for the main heading and congratulations. Conditionally sign all the blocks with a pencil so as not to forget the sequence of the content.

Wall newspaper example:

  1. Text. As an option, create a document with text in Photoshop, using handwritten fonts, and print on a printer, adjusting the width to fit the wall newspaper column. Then glue on the paper. You can also add a beautiful Christmas frame. Keep in mind that your creation will be read by different people, so make the letters a little larger.
  2. Drawings. Pictures should reflect the theme of the articles and harmoniously fit into the overall composition. Mandatory characters of 2018 are a yellow earth dog and traditional Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman.
  3. Collage. An interesting element will be clippings from photographs of students, teachers and parents. Cut out the heads of people and glue them to the drawn figures in the form of human bodies. The collage can be arranged in the form of a round dance around the Christmas tree or playing snowballs, skating, sleighing, skiing, etc.

    Advice! If your skills in fine arts are “lame”, then we recommend that you download the coloring book of the desired topic, print it on a printer and outline the template using a carbon paper.

  4. Decor. Perhaps the most important detail in the design of the newspaper. Without a bright decoration, the product will look gloomy, boring and will not cause much interest. To do this, you can use the most incredible techniques of arts and crafts - from simple appliqué to paper twisting or beading.

Additional ideas

It is very important to make your creation not only informative and colorful, but also interactive. The guys will be happy to take part in the contest "The Best New Year's Greetings" if you place an envelope in one of the blocks of the newspaper and put a table with felt-tip pens and pieces of paper next to it. Anyone can write a wish and put it in a pocket. The author of the most original congratulation will receive a prize.

Of course, not everyone will like our version of a wall newspaper, as well as ideas, so your imagination and abilities will help you create a real masterpiece that will remain in your memory for many years.

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The symbol of 2018 is a dog

New Year characters

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Christmas tree and toys

All of us, young and old, are waiting for the New Year as a new milestone in our lives, as a symbol of good changes. But not only this good New Year. This holiday pleases us with the possibility of a new meeting with relatives and friends, of course, with its magical atmosphere. A common question: is it possible to draw New Year's posters with your own hands? Of course yes!

New Year: expectation of miracles and fulfillment of desires.

Preparing for the New Year, it is customary to take care of gifts and treats, outfits and hairstyles, and, of course, decorating the interior. It does not matter what it will be - your house or cottage, a country club or other specially rented premises - there will definitely be a Christmas tree with toys, tinsel and garlands, crackers and serpentine - in our time it is not difficult to buy all this. But you have the opportunity to bring an original note to the holiday atmosphere - a poster made by your own hands, in which you will invest not only your work, but also a piece of your soul.

Decorate the holiday with your own hands: what could be better?

What you need to make a poster

Do not limit yourself in the choice of tools and materials: the more there are, the more interesting the result will be.

Materials and techniques for making a poster can be very diverse.

But first of all, you may need:

  • Large sheet of drawing paper;
  • Paints and brushes;
  • Pencils and markers;
  • Scissors and glue.

You can also decorate the poster with an application of colored paper or photographs, fabric, thread or cotton wool, glue glitter or small decorations - whatever your imagination tells you.

What to draw on a poster

Don't forget: the main character of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Dog.

So, draw new year posters 2019. What to show on the poster? Of course, these can be traditional characters and signs of the New Year holiday:

  1. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  2. Snowman or just snow and snowflakes;
  3. Heroes of New Year's fairy tales, cartoons or films - both people and animals;
  4. Spruce or fir branches with toys;
  5. Various New Year's attributes: garlands, wreaths, candles, firecrackers, sparklers and much more.

In addition, you can put your family and friends on the poster; their portraits can be drawn, cut out from ordinary photographs, or combined images can be created.

Perhaps the main character of your poster will be a dog, because 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, the color scheme can be sustained in yellow tones, and this is fine, since yellow is a symbol of the Earth and sunlight.

What inscriptions can be on the poster

New Year's poems and wishes: a wide scope for your creativity.

The poster must be labeled. They can be drawn, made from three-dimensional letters, cut out of paper, or simply written with colored pencils, markers or felt-tip pens. The theme is, of course, Christmas. Poems, wishes, congratulations - everything that comes to your mind. Of course, they can be found on the Internet, but it is better if they are original and come from your heart. Use a theme related to the dog, emphasizing its devotion, cheerful and friendly disposition.

A poster is not only a holiday decoration

Entertain your guests by asking them to take part in creating a poster.

If you want, you can offer guests an unusual entertainment: the collective creation of a New Year's poster. Make a preparation. For example, it can be a drawing that the guests themselves will paint over. Or leave a place on the sheet so that they can make their own drawings, inscriptions or wishes. Such a poster can remain a dear memory for a lifetime.

Involve children in the creation of the poster: the result will exceed expectations!

Of course, on the eve of the New Year there is always a lot of trouble, and there may simply not be enough time to make a poster. Call on the help of children, they will gladly take part or even do everything themselves, because most children are active and creative natures! Make the holiday unforgettable, and your guests will definitely appreciate it.

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Winter holidays are a time of carefree rest, pleasant surprises and real miracles. To get your colleagues, family and friends in the right mood, congratulate them with a holiday poster or wall newspaper. It can be used as or large for the whole team. Such a surprise will not leave anyone indifferent! Creating a "masterpiece" is not so difficult. Prepare whatman paper (A1 sheet), paints, brushes, felt-tip pens. To decorate the poster, use sparkles, decorative stones, quilling paper and whatever your imagination tells you.

The key to a beautiful New Year's poster is fantasy and a little work!

Of course, it is best to draw a wall newspaper with your own hands. But if you do not have artistic talent, it does not matter. Print the poster blanks on the printer and decorate them to your liking. The product can be arranged in the form of a collage. To do this, use photos of those whom you plan to congratulate. Hang the finished wall newspaper on the wall or door. The main thing is that the poster should be in a conspicuous place and be able to please everyone. You can involve colleagues or children in the creative process. It's more fun to create in a company!

New Year's coloring posters

A great option for those who want to make a congratulation in a short time. This is a good solution for pupils of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. By preparing this poster, the kids will show their creativity in one way or another. Most of the templates found on the Internet have eight parts. The size of each corresponds to an A4 sheet.

New Year's wall newspaper

For convenience, you can print each segment separately using a regular black and white printer. The main thing is to color the finished newspaper carefully and diligently. Decor in the form of sparkles, paper snowflakes and New Year's tinsel will also not be superfluous.

Posters for schools and kindergartens

On New Year's Eve, children and their parents are involved in decorating the classroom. The content and appearance of the poster must be thought out in advance. Pay special attention to the color scheme. It is better that these are winter tones: blue, blue, purple. For young children, you can create greeting posters with their favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. It is worth using the image of a cockerel -.

Practice drawing cartoon characters and decorate a wall newspaper with them

Make the title not too large, and arrange compositions and congratulations evenly. Volumetric applications will look spectacular. For example, you can make a Christmas tree out of crumpled paper. To do this, cut out several rectangles from paper, collect each of them on top with an elastic band and stick on top of each other in the form of a pyramid. Fluff the bottom. Decorate the Christmas tree with special balls. They can be made from silver cardboard, on which photographs of the pupils of your group or class are pasted.

Other options

Basically, thematic posters and newspapers draw or use appliqué in their design. But if you want to do something special, you can use other techniques!

Patterned will provide the poster with volume and expressiveness
  • Stick a Christmas tree made of New Year's tinsel on cardboard or thick paper, and make balls from round chocolates in golden wrappers. Secure them to the "branches" with tape. All children who love sweets will be able to taste the goodies and will be happy with such a "delicious" poster.
  • For older guys, you can build a capsule with predictions for the next year at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Hang them on long strings for easy cutting. Such a poster can be decorated with a garland that runs on batteries and flashes merrily with colorful lights.
  • The poster with a Christmas tree made of cut threads looks original. To make such a wall newspaper, prepare a sheet of thick paper for the base, woolen threads of different shades of green and brown, and glue. First, attach a long brown thread to the paper. It will be the trunk of the Christmas tree. Then draw twigs with glue and cover them with short green threads. Get a great fluffy spruce. It can be decorated with colored paper appliqué
  • You can build a wall newspaper in the form of a wall clock with a pendulum. The dial is drawn on paper, and figures of animals are glued around it - the signs of the Chinese horoscope. They are pre-made from colored cardboard. Cones and a pendulum are made separately and attached to the base.

The artistic design of a poster or wall newspaper is very important. But wishes and congratulations should also be beautiful and cheerful in order to evoke a good festive mood for everyone. So try to find sincere words that will please the readers of your newspaper!

Examples of New Year's posters