Makeup paints for Halloween are simple. When is Halloween celebrated, what date? How to paint a face for Halloween: makeup, makeup at home. Makeup for Halloween "Lightning on the face"

Although Halloween came to us from across the ocean, this holiday managed to attract the attention of young people. On the eve of All Saints' Day in English-speaking countries, it is customary to dress up and do incredible makeup. Thanks to original ideas, this holiday has become popular in our country. Every year the popularity of Halloween is growing, along with this, the boundaries of fantasy regarding costumes are expanding.

Halloween Makeup Ideas

Vampires and witches are not only an invention of directors and authors of books, but also quite real characters. It is the images of this evil spirits that are most popular on October 31st. There is a belief that on this day all the dead return to our land, and all evil spirits come to light. Over time, the costumes of supernatural creatures have changed significantly, but the main idea has remained unchanged. The scarier, the better. The main thing is that your clothes are in harmony with the makeup for Halloween. With your own hands, you can do both the first and the second. Makeup plays a special role on this holiday.

The main makeup colors for Halloween are black, burgundy, orange, red, gray, green. However, this does not mean that you can only use this palette. If your idea requires other shades, feel free to use them.

complexion can be made absolutely any. To do this, you need two tools - powder and colored shadows. We crush the shadows with a brush for mascara and mix with powder, after which we apply the base on the face with a thick brush or a cotton pad

Below you will find a few more tutorials with step-by-step instructions for applying Halloween makeup yourself.

Doing your own makeup is very easy. Most often, girls use improvised means, that is, their cosmetics. You can also use watercolor paints, which can be purchased at any art salon. Of course, there are specialized Halloween makeup kits, but you don't have to buy them to create amazing DIY makeup.

The main themes of the image, as mentioned earlier, are vampires, the dead, witches. However, recently it has become fashionable to use images of cartoon characters, as well as antiheroes of popular films.

half face

in shades of green


half face skeleton

gossamer on the eyes


using rhinestones

drops of blood

batman woman

with lenses

using powder and watercolor paint

shadows, watercolor and fake piercing

cobweb on the face

in one eye


tribal coloring

evil mouth

with rhinestones

with sequins


with powder and paint

Halloween makeup step by step

Do-it-yourself Halloween makeup can be done using simple tools - powder, eye shadow, blush, watercolor paint, cosmetic pencils. Consider a few simple but memorable images.


nun - step 1 - applying the foundation of powder and white shadows

nun - step 2 - applying pink shadow on the eyelids and watercolor paint under the eyes

nun - step 3 - don't forget to wear black contact lenses

mysterious fairy - step 1 - draw eyebrows with liquid eyeliner

mysterious fairy - step 2 - draw the outline of the image

mysterious fairy - step 3 - using watercolor paint, apply spots on the surface of the skin, then glue the sparkles

scarring with watercolor paint and eye shadow

To create Halloween makeup, you can use both professional tools and the usual cosmetics and ordinary paints. Of course, real acting makeup will last much longer (guaranteed 12 hours) and will allow you to create brighter and more realistic special effects.

Special sets for creating images for Halloween are very convenient to use. In such sets you will find not only paints, but also related accessories: fangs, colored lenses, artificial blood, etc. Regardless of the resources available, remember that doing your own Halloween makeup is quite possible, and it is not necessary to seek help from professional makeup artists.

Necessary materials

To create your own Halloween makeup, you will need:

  • make-up, paints or decorative cosmetics of the main tones for the holiday (red, black, white);
  • makeup brushes of different density and size;
  • cotton pads, napkins and sponges;
  • makeup removers (to remove professional makeup, you should prudently stock up on petroleum jelly or baby cream).

Let's talk briefly about how to make zombie, skeleton and vampire makeup - the regulars of any Halloween party.

See also:


The hallmarks of this Halloween makeup are sunken eyes, wounds, and decomposing skin.

To achieve the effect of sunken eyes, use a black cosmetic pencil. Tightly paint over the upper and lower eyelids with it. It is better not to use mascara, as the eyes should “get lost” behind black circles. Under the eyes, you can draw bruises by casually applying burgundy shadows under the lower eyelid with your fingertips.

Decaying skin will help to imitate cosmetic glue(or BF glue) - it must be applied to certain areas of the face and allowed to dry. Apply a mixture of yellow, green and purple powder on the glue base, and the skin tone you need to create the image is provided.

Draw the wounds as follows: paint the middle of the wound black and the edges burgundy.

A vampire

To create this Halloween make-up, first of all apply a foundation to your face, apply a very light foundation on it. The final layer should be white powder, preferably loose. On a deadly white face, you need to highlight the eyes brightly. On the upper eyelid, apply shadows of a light yellow shade. Above the yellow eyelids, draw a line with red shadows, cover the lower eyelids with the same red color. Circle the eye contour with even brighter red eyeliner.

Cover your lips with matte lipstick of any of the characteristic "vamp" colors: blood red, cherry or plum. With the help of a bright red gloss, imitate traces of fresh blood on the lips and around the mouth.

The image of a vampire will be completed by false fangs, contact lenses of a terrifying color and.

1920s vampire makeup


To create this Halloween makeup, you first need to whiten your skin. For this, ordinary white from the gouache set is well suited. They can be applied with a sponge, a voluminous brush or simply with your hands.

Using a black pencil, imitate holes in the skull - eye sockets, nostrils and mouth. Draw circles around the eyes with a black pencil, paint over the tip of the nose, draw a black line above the upper lip. Eyelids can be styled with black or dark gray eyeshadow for a shocking effect. For a softer make-up option, use shades of pastel beige or pink. Underline the eye contour with black or colored eyeliner.

In the make-up of the skeleton, it is important to emphasize the cheekbones. Highlight them with shadows - burgundy or pink.

In place of the lips you need to draw teeth. To do this, cover the entire surface of the lips with white paint and draw teeth with a black pencil against this background.

The final touch of the image of the skeleton can be an interesting ornament on the face - a Gothic symbol, a cobweb or any other fantasy of yours.

sugar skull

A beautiful variation on the theme of skeleton makeup - the makeup of the "sugar skull"(sugar skull or candy skull). This is a traditional Mexican makeup for the celebration of a holiday similar to Halloween - the Day of All the Dead.

This makeup is done in much the same way as the skeleton makeup. Peculiarity obligatory use of bright colors and “daisies” around the eye sockets in makeup. If desired, you can decorate your face with any sparkles or rhinestones, and your hair - flower wreath

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

If there is no desire to purchase face painting especially for the holiday, it is quite possible to get by with improvised means of decorative cosmetics.

The tone for the face should be as light as possible, painfully (or deadly) white. To do this, you can use the lightest shade of foundation or apply talc on your face.

Eye makeup for Halloween is not limited to shades or the number of arrows. In this case, do not be afraid that the eyes will be too brightly highlighted - this is how it should be. Arrows can be wide, drawn in several rows, with curls and cobwebs, with lightning. The traditional smokey ice will look relevant, only you need to make it deliberately casually, using the most unusual combinations of colors and rubbing more than usual.

Shadows choose the most saturated shades, with and without sparkles. In order for the makeup to turn out bright, the brush should be moistened with water before dipping into compact shadows. This cosmetic is also used to decorate the details drawn on the face. For example, with a contour pencil, you can draw a semblance of a Venetian mask, and paint its individual fragments with shimmering, shiny, iridescent shadows.

False thick eyelashes, rhinestones and sequins will perfectly complete the look.

Lip makeup is performed mainly in dark colors. A black pencil is used to guide the contour, and maroon or bright red lipstick is applied to the surface. You can use the "gradient" technique, which is described in detail in the article on our website. Only for the combination use gloomy shades of lipsticks or glosses.

An excellent option would be to apply foundation on the surface of the lips and draw a different contour, which is much larger or smaller than natural. You can even depict an "animal grin" or a sewn mouth.

Halloween Makeup Ideas

Halloween Makeup: Zombie

The image of the living dead is one of the most popular on this holiday. We offer several options for creating a suitable makeup. Consider Halloween makeup step by step.

Step 1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply a cream that will act as a makeup base.

Step 2. We apply white face painting or an appropriate tonal base that can be powdered.

Step 3. From the outer corners of the mouth to the cheekbones, draw lines with a dark pencil or shadows and carefully shade them to imitate thinness and a haggard look. Outline the eyes with a black pencil, protruding beyond the contour, and rub the contour around the eyes.

Step 4. Apply dark rich lipstick to the lips.

Another option for "extravagant" makeup allows you to create a more intimidating image. Irregularities on the face are obtained if crumpled scraps of a napkin are randomly glued onto the skin with ordinary eyelash glue - the zombie makeup will turn out to be spectacular. Light powder is applied on top in a thick layer.

The eyes are highlighted with dark gray shadows, a pencil and shade the contour. With a dark pencil, you can make arbitrary strokes on the face and grind them. Lips are also powdered.

Halloween Makeup: Pierced Head with Pins

1. You will need a rubber scalp mask to create a bald scalp effect by hiding the hair underneath.

2. Take the straws for cocktails and paint in a metallic color.

3. Apply white makeup to your face.

4. Draw a grid on the face with red paint.

5. Glue the sticks with super glue to the corners of the squares.

This Halloween makeup will be appropriate for both men and women.

Halloween Makeup: Vampire

The main focus is applying appropriate makeup to the eyes and lips.

Step 1. Eyebrows are summed up with a black pencil.

Step 2. The contour of the eyes is highlighted with rich black eyeliner, and the arrow should be as thick as possible.

Step 3. Red shadows are applied over the black stroke, it is advisable to moisten the brush in water so that the shade is saturated and bright.

Step 4. Outline the lips with a black pencil and apply red lipstick. The tone of the face remains perfectly even and as white as possible, blush is excluded.

A mandatory attribute of vampire makeup is false teeth, imitating vampire fangs. If there is no such element, you can draw fangs on the lower lip using a tonal base or face painting.

Halloween Makeup: Skeleton

One of the most unusual and scary types of makeup. What is important here is not so much the presence of special colors or makeup, but the knowledge of anatomical features and the presence of artistic talent.

White face painting is applied to the face, neck and chest. The eye sockets, nose are highlighted in black, teeth are drawn on the lips and cheeks, the cervical vertebrae, collarbones, and chest are depicted below. Here it is important to effectively shade the drawing, highlight the details so that a sense of reality appears.

Halloween makeup for girls and boys

Children choose more friendly looks that are effectively complemented by makeup and costumes. On their faces, you can depict makeup in the form of a pumpkin, draw the muzzle of an animal or a fairy-tale character.

Although some parents make Halloween makeup for children no less extravagant than adults. Children's Halloween makeup can amaze, scare and make you laugh.

Halloween Makeup: Doll

As a rule, we are talking about evil dolls from horror films, which means that scary images must be created.

You can slightly modify the “anime” makeup, about which there is an article on our website, adding pallor to the image, drawing an artificial sewn mouth or small cracks on the cheeks.

Halloween Makeup: Witches

Perhaps this is one of the most interesting images that you can experiment with, getting the most unusual and feminine results. Here you can refuse rough make-up, but on the contrary, use beautiful shades, transfer tattoos, sequins and rhinestones, draw amazing arrows of various shapes and sizes. The most impressive images will be obtained if you give the skin an unusual shade with the help of face painting.

Of course, a costume with a witch's cap, a magnificent wig and additional accessories play an important role. Looking at the presented photos of Halloween makeup, you can learn a lot of interesting ideas for creating a spectacular look.

Halloween makeup with lightning

Here you can limit yourself to drawing a lightning pattern in the eye area. Or create an incredibly spectacular composition that imitates lightning strikes against the backdrop of a dark night.

Halloween makeup with castle

A rather scary and intimidating image that involves applying makeup in a certain way, as well as using additional stickers with which you can easily depict a monster.

Halloween Angel Makeup

There are also options here. The image can be tragic, with heavily painted eyes and lips, with a tattoo on the face.

Softer images also look spectacular when the eyes are highlighted in the makeup, and black and gold shades are used in the technique, complemented by arrows that “scatter” in different directions.

cat makeup for halloween

In this case, it is necessary to depict on the face a kind of cat's muzzle. To do this is not so difficult. We already wrote about cat-eye makeup in one of our articles. There are many ways to draw cat eyes using arrows and shadows.

In addition, you need to draw a cat's nose, as shown in the picture, draw a mustache. Be sure to complement the costume with fake cat ears or make a hairstyle that imitates the ears of an animal.

Halloween Makeup for Blondes

If the shade of your hair is light, then it is not necessary to wear a wig or apply colored varnish. You can create an interesting image even for blondes, as shown in the photo.

Distinctive features of this type of makeup are an even pale complexion, well-defined eyes lined with black pencil, rich shadows, dark lip contour and dark lipstick.

Halloween Makeup: Voodoo Doll

We offer an interesting step-by-step version of Voodoo doll makeup.

Step 1. Apply white face painting to the skin of the face as shown in the figure. The upper eyelid is completely painted over with black paint.

Step 2. Continue drawing on the neck and chest, draw out the outline.

Step 3 Draw the wings of the nose, apply black paint to the lower eyelid.

Step 4. Above the natural line of the mouth, draw an artificial "wired" mouth.

And more interesting makeup options for a Voodoo doll for Halloween that will not leave you indifferent.

Halloween Makeup: Bloody Mary

To create an image, you need to whiten your face by applying face painting or a tonal foundation. The eyes are drawn with a dark pencil and a special paint is applied, imitating "bloody" streaks.

Halloween Makeup: Bat

Here the main emphasis is on the design of the area around the eyes. We offer options that will help create a beautiful and spectacular makeup.

Halloween Makeup: Leopard

This type of Halloween makeup is similar to that of a cat, only the nose can be drawn a little bigger, and "leopard" spots can also be drawn. The suit should also have a characteristic coloring that will allow you to get as close as possible to the created image.

Halloween Nurse Makeup

This type of make-up resembles the make-up of a zombie or a vampire, the main thing is to choose the appropriate costume.

Halloween Makeup: Monster High

You need to work a little to create a spectacular make-up and transform into the image of your favorite and popular characters.

Halloween Makeup: Evil Clown (Step by Step)

In this case, you can completely do with improvised cosmetics.

Step 1. Apply a tonal foundation to the skin of the face, gently gloss over the lips and eyebrows.

Step 2. Draw a wide mouth with teeth with a black contour pencil and paint over the space between the "teeth". "Lips" are painted over with red lipstick.

Step 3. In the eye area, draw arrows up and to the sides and carefully shade them. Arched eyebrows are drawn on the forehead.

Halloween Makeup: Bride

The image of the dead bride from the famous cartoon is one of the most popular at modern Halloween parties. Each girl can recreate it on her own.

To create a spectacular face tone with blue, it is best to use a professional face painting. However, you can do without it if you mix loose powder with blue shadows and apply evenly on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. Blue shadows are applied to the cheekbones, temples and along the hairline.

In the eye makeup, you can use anime makeup, then apply purple eye shadow around the eyes and draw eyelashes. The shadows are shaded so that a characteristic blue appears around the eyes. Eyebrows are drawn with a dark pencil, rounding the inner corner up.

"Corpse" spots are drawn by applying a sponge with greenish or gray shadows in random order to the cheeks, forehead and chin. The natural contour of the lips is painted over with foundation and a pink or white gloss is applied.

There is another way to design the eyes, which are drawn on closed eyelids.

Halloween Makeup: Werewolf

On the face you need to depict a semblance of an animal grin with fangs. Shades of gray, brown or black paint "wool" on the cheeks and around the eyes. The tip of the nose is painted black. This Halloween makeup option is perfect for guys, because they also want to impress and look both masculine and intimidating.

Halloween Makeup: Pumpkin

It is unlikely that you will be able to do without face painting, since you will have to use professional paints to create a rich orange tone. Black paint thickly outlines the eyes, mouth and strokes on the forehead. Not a bad idea for men's makeup for Halloween.

Halloween Makeup: Elf

In makeup, special attention is paid to the eyes, which need to be given an elongated shape. Cheekbones should be effectively emphasized. And don't forget the pointy ears to complete the look. You can wear a wig or decorate your hair with a wreath of dry leaves.

Halloween Devil Makeup

Brightly highlight the eyes with eyeliner or pencil. You can draw spectacular arrows, depict lightning or make a false tattoo. We apply bright saturated red lipstick on the lips, after circling them with a dark pencil. The main thing in the image is to pick up a bright wig, put on a suit with a tail and horns.

Halloween Devil Makeup

Red and black are taken as the basis, while red dominates, the image is complemented by horns attached or made from one's own hair. The image of the devil, unlike the devil, should terrify others.

Halloween Makeup: Cheshire Cat

Densely line your eyes and “draw” a wide smile on your face so that the famous character of Lewis Carroll is guessed in your character.

Halloween Makeup: Skull

The main direction is a white tone, black circles imitating empty eye sockets, a black tip of the nose, a traced jaw and cheekbones.

Gypsy Halloween Makeup

This image can be beautiful, funny and intimidating, it all depends on the image you choose.

animal halloween costume

Do not forget about your favorite pets, for Halloween you can also choose a costume for them that will be combined with your image.

Halloween Makeup: Photo

Halloween Makeup Pictures

Halloween eye makeup step by step photo

On the eve of Halloween, everyone is actively starting to prepare for the worst holiday of the year: they carefully think over the image, makeup and hairstyle, and also make them themed. But what if the holiday is already very close, and you are completely unprepared for it? Today we will show and tell you in detail how to do Halloween makeup even if you have only ten minutes left before the exit.

In fact, it's not difficult to make makeup that will be related to Halloween. It is enough to add one or two details, and you can safely rush to the party! Rather, let's look!

1. Halloween makeup with blood on the face

To create the image of a bloodsucker, it is enough to outline the eyes with purple-raspberry shadows, shade them well, creating the appearance that these are your real bruises, make up your lips with a dark nude shade and create the effect of blood flowing down your lips. To do this, you can mix red food coloring with chocolate sauce or plain water.

2. Makeup with smudges on the eyes

To create the appearance of leaky makeup, first make a trendy one, deliberately scaling it a little further than the line of the upper and lower eyelids. Draw a flicker with the shadows, and then mix black or dark gray eye shadow and eye drops, making them drip with a cotton swab.

3. Pop Art Halloween Makeup

The image of a girl from comics will not leave you unnoticed at any party! To repeat it, it is enough to arm yourself with a black and white eyeliner, as well as a red lip pencil. Draw bright graphic eyebrows in black (we allow for Halloween), then make - for example, double or triple - and use the same black pencil to repeat the lines with which she outlined her face after the girl. Circle the lips with a black outline, paint over with red lipstick, and draw a crescent moon on top of it with a white pencil, creating the appearance of cartoonish voluminous lips.

4. Makeup in the style of David Bowie

Want to do the makeover that was on the cover of one of the legendary musician's many albums? Easily! It is enough to have blue and red shadows or cosmetic pencils of these colors. By the way, then David Bowie was applied (facial contouring with blush), so if you did not dare to apply this trend to life, then it's time to do it on Halloween!

5. Makeup "porcelain doll with cracks"

To transform into a porcelain doll, apply face powder two or more shades lighter than your natural skin tone. After whitening your face, apply eye makeup using a pencil or eyeliner along the lash line. Then line your eyebrows and make red lips. In conclusion, take and draw cracks on the face.

6. Makeup "halves"

Makeup, where one half of the face is beautiful, and the other half is scary, will be very popular on Halloween. To perform it, you need to conditionally divide the face into two parts: make a beautiful make-up on one part, and make a skull on the second. To draw the skull, you can use a black pencil and black eye shadow.

7. Halloween Animal Makeup

We invite you to transform into a giraffe this Halloween! Make eye makeup in gold, brown and red tones, and paint your lips with nude lipstick. Then take a triangular makeup sponge (the most common one), cut polygons out of it, and then apply a darker, more orange foundation to the sponges and print them on the neck and lower part of the face. You can also set your makeup with translucent loose powder. In conclusion, do not forget to make the image look more realistic.

8. Makeup for Halloween with bright and unusual lips

The last option that we will consider today is makeup, where the main focus is bright lips. To complete it, it is enough to make bright smokey ice and, if desired, add false eyelashes, and then do one of these terrible lip makeup options.

  • ,

    We have shown you the most interesting Halloween makeup ideas that anyone can perform, even if they lack both the time and the skills to apply makeup. Try it and be the center of attention this holiday!

    A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

    Greetings to all gathered today on the blog! We will discuss a non-trivial topic, but relevant in these autumn days - Halloween makeup. You can make it in a variety of ways, presenting a variety of images at the holiday.

    Not everyone celebrates this holiday, but a lot of people like to stand out from the crowd. And what if not competent makeup can contribute to this?) Although in this case it is more like makeup.

    I have already mentioned in passing one of the options for a scary make-up. It's time to continue the topic

    Do-it-yourself Halloween makeup photo for girls and girls

    Although makeup is a predominantly female occupation, but the masquerade erases all boundaries, so let's not forget about men either. However, first, we will still consider options for the weak half of humanity.


    Makeup here should be not so much bright as emphasizing puppet elements: all sorts of seams, buttons, plump lips, etc.

    The most important thing is to highlight the eyes. They must be large and naive. Eyebrows are also worth drawing.

    As you understand, it will be difficult for guys to apply this particular type. But if you don't put pressure on the painted lips, then everything will be ok. Although I doubt that guys will want to appear as a scary ken on Halloween.

    The simplest option seems to me to be such a step-by-step master class. You will need: a white base (you can use foundation), pva glue, paper napkins, eye shadows of bright colors, lipstick, dark eyeliner and eyebrows.

    1. Using PVA, carefully apply paper napkins as in the photo.
    2. Apply foundation (you can also powder)
    3. Next, we use shadows and a pencil. The most important thing is to outline as large an area as possible that imitates the line of the eyes (to enhance the effect, you can fill the area under the eyes with white shadows).
    4. Draw your eyebrows, make up your lips.

    If the idea of ​​a puppet image haunts you, and this step-by-step explanation seems too simple for you, then I advise you to watch the tutorial on doll makeup in video format:


    This look is classic, very pretty and not as intimidating as many traditional Halloween ideas. For him, you will need face painting or simple gouache. You can use the usual cosmetics like black eyeliner, shadows and mascara - this is quite enough.

    Most importantly, stock up on matching ears and a choker to complete your Halloween look. By the way, in this form, you can easily play a famous catwoman. Only the costume remains to be obtained.

    The second option is even easier.

    In order to make makeup the most interesting, I advise you to watch this master class:


    Everything is quite simple here, even napkins with glue are not needed. Prepare: black and red eye and lip pencils, white or very light makeup base, and red lipstick.

    To create the effect of color transition on the lips: apply red lipstick, and in the corners of the lips - black pencil and blend.

    By the way, with such a make-up, you can also make the image of a cat, mentioned earlier.

    sugar skull

    I already wrote about the male version of the skeleton in a previous article about Halloween costumes. And now it's time for the female version called "sugar skull". This unusual make-up came to us from a holiday related to Halloween - the Day of the Dead, celebrated in Mexico (by the way, it takes place on November 1-2, that is, almost on the eve of All Saints' Day).

    For him, it is better to use not only the usual make-up products, but also masquerade face paints (available at stationery stores). By the way, in the simplest variation, this makeup can be done as a child's one.

    A dead bride

    It is understood, of course, not a living bride, but a corpse-bride (as can be understood from the title). The highlight of the make-up is in the black lines near the eyes, imitating deep depressions and in the black spot on the lips, applied with a pencil.

    The principle of application resembles the previous options.

    Do you remember Emily from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride? Makeup with her is easy to recreate if you watch this master class from YouTube:

    Demon (devil)

    The shadows here go beyond the boundaries of the eyebrows. After applying them, draw fiery flashes with black and red eyeliner.

    Pay attention to an interesting way of coloring the Demon's cheekbones: holding a handkerchief, paint the line of the cheekbones with red shadows or blush.

    Lips are painted in a witch-like way. It turns out a bright fiery devilish makeup, which is quite easy to repeat on your own.

    Even cooler (and even a little simpler, except for the horns) was made a festive make-up here:


    The main emphasis in zombie makeup, in my opinion, is the characteristic spots and scars. You can make them like this: apply pva glue, as in the photo. Gently apply toilet paper on top. Paint it over with red paint and powder it. Then take a red lip gloss and highlight the hollows.

    Guys can use this method too.

    And to find out how to paint a face for such a body makeup, I advise you to look at this MK:


    A popular look that is easy to reproduce at home. For him, the most important thing is the entourage, which is achieved through competent makeup and various simple attributes. A medical mask and gown is enough to make you become a real scary nurse.

    Focus on the lips and eyes for a complete look. Unusual lenses will also help in achieving the result.

    You can see a step-by-step video of transforming into a nurse below:

    Mickey Mouse (Minnie Mouse)

    For Mickey's girlfriend, you will need to do a bright evening make-up with the addition of a black nose and use the heroine's traditional round ears. Don't forget to stock up on chic false eyelashes to complete your Minnie look.

    If you want your face to look more like a cartoon character, then try experimenting with the arrows and pay special attention to the makeup of the lips.

    And a completely different vision of Minnie awaits you in the video below. Perhaps this is the closest bow to the original.

    Web (Spider Queen)

    You can create this look with black eyeliner and dark shadows. With dots, mark the places through which the web lines will have to pass. From the upper eyelid, draw several cobweb lines (one to each point) at the same distance from each other. Don't forget the cross lines to complete the pattern.

    You can complement the character with a pale lip gloss.

    The web can be made in a slightly different way, without using the eyelid itself.

    Queen of Spades

    For the first version of such a Halloween makeup, it will be enough to apply white makeup and the attributes of a card ruler. Maybe you want to make a lady of hearts? Decide on the suit and boldly apply the pattern, seasoning it with sparkles or rhinestones. Underline the color of the eyes with the color of the lips.

    An interesting vision of the bloody Queen of Spades is presented in this video with a detailed master class on creation.

    Harley Quinn

    The popularity of this character was served by the incredibly hyped film "Suicide Squad" with accompanying comics. At one time, there were even memes about Harley and Halloween on the Internet: they say that all the girls will now transform into her for this holiday. Like it or not, you be the judge, and the makeup of this young lady with a detailed description, see below.

    Make-up paints will be used, in the absence of them, you can use simple gouache.

    It is not surprising that Harley Quinn has made far more than one video with the creation of makeup.

    Halloween makeup video at home

    In the video tutorials you will see some more interesting ideas on how to make a very scary makeup: an eye on the lips, a vampire and some other characters. Again, ordinary cosmetics are used for them.

    Eye on lips

    This is more of an element of make-up - but what! With him, the rest of the appearance is not important.

    A vampire

    I saved the classics of the genre for last. The vampire is very similar to the witch in the manner of execution. Can be used for a childish or feminine look.


    The adorable little mermaid may not be the most familiar character for Halloween, but it is very suitable. It can be made very creepy if you wish, but I suggest paying attention to a cute interpretation of such a Halloween idea.

    Ideas for the scariest men's makeup

    So that guys don’t worry, here are a few rules for masculine makeup that will definitely look like makeup, and not like girlish evening makeup:

    • Never use mascara (only for streaks and patterns on the face)
    • If makeup involves making up lips, then draw fangs, evil grins, etc.
    • Leave the glitter for the girls. Only matte colors for you.

    And here are specific ideas that you can bring to life yourself.


    Great and terrible! A well-known hero of comics and films, which is hard not to recognize. For boys, the idea is just perfect. You will need makeup or gouache and some hair gel to make the Joker really scary.

    Evil clown

    Although the girl shows the master class, such a cool Halloween makeup is more suitable for guys because of its scariness.

    Billy from Saw

    Such a cool image for Halloween could not be more appropriate. Although very often about it for some reason they forget. Try it, your friends will be horrified)

    This article comes to an end. There is still a lot of time before the holiday, but who knows when a masquerade will happen in your life?)

    See you soon! Come again!

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva