Extension of toenails with tips. Video: toenail extension procedure. The advantage of acrylic building

Toenail extension has long been a standard procedure that every woman, a client of a beauty salon, can receive. Often, such a service becomes not a banal whim, but an effective way of foot care, which saves beautiful women from the problems of an ingrown nail, ugly or yellow nail plates, and an imperfect pedicure shape.

For the summer season, nail extensions on the legs are an ideal pedicure option that will allow you to keep your nails well-groomed, bright for a long time, without losing color saturation and without violating the ideal shape of the nail plate.

The most popular materials for nail extension are acrylic and gel. Their use is due to relatively moderate prices, ease of processing, versatility and durability for the client. But there are some nuances that should be considered when choosing a base material.

  • Acrylic toenail extension allows you to create the required thickness of the nails, that is, if your natural nail is destroyed, cracked, deformed, then acrylic should be chosen to restore and correct its shape.
  • Gel toenail extension involves the process of covering the nails with a fairly thin layer of a substance, which is unlikely to hide the significant flaws in your nails. But on the other hand, such a coating rather provides protection for the plate itself, allowing oxygen to freely penetrate into the tissues without disturbing metabolic processes.

Toe nail extension technology

The implementation scheme of the procedure consists in the phased execution of successive actions by the wizard:

  1. The natural nail plate is thoroughly disinfected and treated with a degreasing solution.
  2. After preparing the nail bed, the material used for building up is applied to it - acrylic or gel.
  3. To shape the nails, the master fixes special tips on the toes, which give the required size, width, length and shape to the growing nail.
  4. When the material is applied to each nail, the solution is dried. At the same time, for gel nails, the instruction provides for the use of ultraviolet lamps.
  5. When the extended nail is completely dry, the master starts filing to give the pedicure a finished look.

The step-by-step implementation of the listed actions is not all that is meant by building toenails. An important detail of the whole process is the design of a pedicure, the application of drawings, ornaments, decorative elements.

The drawings that you can apply to the nails are limited only by your imagination and the skill of the master. It can be both cartoon characters and eclectic ornaments, "vanilla plots", New Year's drawings, etc. French pedicure on nails looks especially gentle and appropriate in any situation. It can either be performed directly on the extended nails with varnishes, or the nail itself can be built up in accordance with the desired design. To do this, the extension instructions include additional steps:

  1. After the first stage of drying, the tip of the nail is covered with a contrasting material - it can be either a classic version - white or beige, or other, brighter or more saturated colors. Then dry again;
  2. On top of the formed layers of the marigold, another one is applied - covering (transparent), which is dried again.

For those who cannot choose the design and method of decorating nails on their own, many beauty salons provide meaningful catalogs with the work of the master, among which, perhaps, you can choose something for yourself.

Pros and cons of extended nails

Among the undeniable advantages that are attributed to extended toenails, it is worth highlighting:

  • much greater strength of the nail plate. This becomes especially true for those whose nails are weak, brittle, prone to delamination and breakage;
  • gel toenail extension is a harmless procedure that does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the skin and the nail plate itself;
  • extended nails allow you to create a unique design with your own hands at home, change patterns, colors, and decorative design of nails without any harm to the natural nail plate. The accumulative materials are resistant to varnishes and liquids that remove them (not containing acetone), so daily manipulations with nails will not harm them;
  • Acrylic toenail extension allows you to solve such complex problems as an ingrown toenail, fractures, tears and its deformations. A dense layer of material makes the surface of the nail bed perfectly smooth, without any visual defects;
  • nail extension on the legs makes it much less likely to go to a beauty salon for pedicure or correction services, which is very convenient for those who go on vacation.

Among the disadvantages of this procedure are:

  • a long time, taking up the entire process of foot care. Sometimes such a procedure can take up to 4 hours, depending on the condition of the nails, its complexity, design, etc.;
  • much higher cost than a traditional pedicure. For those who want to save a little, we advise you to first do a pedicure at home on your own, and contact the salon directly for extension and design services;
  • in some cases, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the materials used can cause allergic reactions or rejection of the extended nail by the nail plate. As a result, from such a procedure, the client receives nothing but disappointment and annoyance for wasted money.

Video: toenail extension procedure

You will not surprise anyone, this procedure has long and firmly entered the lives of many women, but it turns out that they often build up nails not only on their hands but also on their feet. This is usually done in order to mask cosmetic defects, to give the nails a natural color and shine.

Such a procedure will help solve the problem of an ingrown nail, hide deformed or simply irregularly shaped nails. In addition, the polish lasts longer on extended nails, they will look more well-groomed and attractive without requiring frequent pedicure. And artificial turf will serve as additional protection against harmful influences and may even prevent fungus infection.

Types of toenail extensions

Nail extensions on the legs, as well as on the hands, can be done with gel, acrylic, or just a gel manicure.

  1. gel toenail extension usually used to get a more natural looking nail. The gel is applied in a thinner layer, which is more comfortable to wear, especially if you prefer closed shoes.
  2. Acrylic toenail extension finds application when it is necessary to mask the unnatural color of the nail, a ribbed surface, to grow the missing part of the nail plate. In addition, acrylic nails are noticeably stronger than gel nails.

It is understood that the design of toenails is more limited. Usually they make either a neat jacket or a painting only on the thumb, on the rest they simply repeat the elements of the picture. Sometimes an aquarium design is used.

How to do toenail extensions?

Before doing extensions, make sure that you are not allergic to the materials that you are going to use (first of all, if we are talking about acrylic). Extension is done only on healthy nails. It can not be carried out in the presence of cracks and other damage. In addition, you can not build up on the nails affected by the fungus, no matter how much you want to mask the defect. This can only aggravate the disease and deprive you of the opportunity to engage in treatment.

Nail extension on the legs is carried out in the same way as on the hands. The only thing is, before carrying it out, it is better to make a simple or hardware one. In addition, toenails are never made longer than a few millimeters.

Toenail extension step by step:

Since toenails grow much more slowly, the correction of the extension is carried out approximately once every one and a half months. And sometimes one procedure can be enough for the whole summer. If you are tired of extended nails, then you can simply not make adjustments, but file the nail as it grows. If necessary, they can simply be removed, using the same technology as on the hands.

The appearance of nails, both on the hands and on the feet, plays an important role in shaping the opinion about the image of a person. Uncomfortable shoes, heels, nylon tights and warm socks have a negative effect on the nail plate. Under their influence, toenails are deformed, grow into the skin, or rise above it, and irregularities appear on their surface.

Toenail extension aimed at improving their appearance, strengthening, restoring the natural shine and color. An exception is the case when it is required to remove an ingrown nail. For this purpose, it is lengthened with a gel or acrylic. As a result, your own nail changes its growth trajectory and gradually straightens.


  • You have nail fungus. In this case, a doctor's consultation is required.

  • There is an allergy to acrylic used during the procedure. If you notice redness around the nail or itching of the skin in this area, then it is better to remove the artificial nail.

You need to be careful with cardiovascular diseases, hormonal disorders in the body, and diabetes. It is worth refraining from building toenails during the course of treatment with antibiotics or chemotherapy.

Ways and methods of building toenails

Toenail extension performed in several types and differs in the material used.

Pros and cons of toenail extensions

Toenail extension has its own merits and demerits. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Improves the strength of the nail plate several times

  • The shape of the nail changes, its relief is leveled

  • Of the minuses: it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the toenails, periodically carry out their correction.

Correction when building toenails

Extended toenails need to be adjusted every 1.5 months - it depends on the growth rate of the nail plate. You can do it yourself: process the free end of the nail with a soft file.

All the time wearing artificial nails, they look neat, well-groomed and flawless.

Removal of extended toenails

The choice of method for removing extended toenails depends on the method used. Acrylic nails are removed within 20 minutes using a special composition. They can be filed and restored - this will not affect the condition of natural nails.

Gel nails are removed completely with scissors or a nail file.

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Well-groomed legs are a necessary part of the image of a stylish modern woman. New trends in the always popular nail fashion trends now say that the legs are perfect for their recovery and preservation from all sorts of infections. That is why, and for other reasons that we will consider, such a pedicure is becoming increasingly popular among the fair sex. This will be your great way to showcase neat and stylish decor on your feminine legs.

Procedure technique

Technically, the whole process is practically the same as the extension procedure. The only significant difference will be that before starting work with nails, the feet are subjected to a special hardware or classic (manual) pedicure. This is done so that your legs look really perfect.

Such a pedicure is very convenient - after all, your nail plates on your legs will grow much more slowly (a proven scientific fact) than on the handles, and you can correct your appearance only once every one and a half to two months.

Materials used in building

Gel is considered the preferred material as it can be applied in a thinner layer than acrylic. Another advantage of the gel coating is the absence of strong pressure on the nail, as well as the possibility of preventing the ingrown of the horny coating into the nail bed, accompanied by severe pain and discomfort. When growing back, this material does not create such distinct boundaries with the natural nail layer.
Acrylic materials are more durable. They are great for hiding multiple defects of the nail plate: ribbing, small chips. However, an acrylic-based nail can create some inconvenience when walking in closed-toed shoes. This is due to its greater hardness and less flexibility. In any case, the choice in favor of one or another method of building toenails should be made after you consult with a specialist. Many prefer the method that is most often practiced.

Toenail extension - decoration

Artistic design of gel or acrylic nails is perhaps the most interesting part of the foot manicure. It all depends on the taste of their owner and the skill and imagination of the master.
In the absence of imagination or time, you can limit yourself to applying a classic french jacket. And if desired, the master can show his professionalism and apply the so-called,. Techniques such as decorating with rhinestones, beads, foil or stickers are also in great demand and popularity. The longest in time, but the most amazing result will be artistic painting - a real art in the world of the manicure industry.
All these options, of course, can make your nails beautiful and attractive in any shoe, and in any season.

A fashionable trend is the use of the same or similar elements of the nail design on the fingers and toes.

It is best to carry out such procedures in a special salon, with an experienced master who has a correct understanding of the anatomical structure of the foot, is well versed in the structure and characteristics of the nails. A competent specialist will instantly reveal hidden problems and diseases of the nail cover, and, if necessary, before carrying out nail extension, will offer you to undergo a treatment course. It is very important to keep your legs healthy, as progressive diseases can affect your general condition. For example, an ailment called "ingrown toenail" brings pain, discomfort and the complete impossibility of wearing even the most comfortable shoes.

Be healthy and beautiful here and now - do not put off until later what you can do for your beloved today.