Name of the event for Rural Women's Day. International Day of Rural Women

International Rural Women's Day was first celebrated in 2008. The idea of ​​creating a holiday arose during a women's conference held in Beijing in 1995, but only 12 years later it was officially approved. The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to the difficult situation of rural workers and appreciate their significant contribution to the development of the food industry and industry.

More than a quarter of women worldwide live in rural areas. In their strong hands is the provision of food and plant materials to city residents. Thanks to the work of rural women, meat, milk, bread, butter and many other products appear on store shelves every day. Rural Women's Day impoverishes workers of all professions living in rural areas.

Rural Women's Day is about us!
And now I want to wish you:
So that luck always smiles,
So that our plans succeed,
So that the work burns in your hands,
Happiness shone in happy eyes,
For the farm to grow and be fruitful,
The fields always grew thicker,
Warm weather, happy days,
Personal happiness and many years to come!

Living in the countryside is sometimes difficult,
It is very difficult to work physically
Only dear and sweet village,
You will not change to the emerald city.

This is where I kissed you for the first time,
The guy who later called himself husband
The cherry orchard that enchanted you,
You still remember and need it.

Here children were born and grew up,
And your daughter is almost a bride...
And there is no land more beloved and dear,
And there is no more expensive or nicer place.

It is known that female power is the power of nature itself. Today we celebrate World Rural Women's Day, those who are close to the land, those who care for plants and animals. May your hardworking hands always remain gentle, and may the smile never leave your faces. Congratulations!

There are women in Russian villages,
So the classic also said,
Today we congratulate them all,
We wish you health and strength,
They don't know if they're tired,
After all, a lot rests on them,
Love and great happiness
Let them get it for two!

Happy Rural Women's Day!
Nature surrounds you everywhere,
Let everything be wonderful
And may your village prosper.

Let nothing upset you,
All the blessings of the world warm you.
And let the family be nearby,
Never leaving in life.

The hour has struck for rural women -
Everyone put on your shoes.
We will congratulate you
In the evening, at the club.

Dress nicer
And take off your galoshes
Show the city people -
You are no worse!

In the garden all season long,
And in the winter in the barn,
Barbos the dog is in love with you,
And your neighbor Vanya.

Well, what's not good?
Don't you deserve happiness?
And great soul
And he behaves decently!

Give my husband some tea,
Gives your neighbor a hangover
And milk the cow
Oh, and fidget...

There is no comparison for you
Home front worker
You will give everyone in the village a head start
Don't live sadly.

Happiness, affection, kindness
Let's tell you on the road,
To rural women today
We dedicate congratulations!

Today is your holiday
But you're all busy again -
Without you the economy will stop,
It will fly to smithereens!

The cow won't milk
They won't feed the piglet,
Carrots won't weed -
Everything will be overgrown with weeds!

Sit down for a little while,
Rest for a little while...
And accept help as a gift -
Such a congratulations!

I congratulate the rural women
Happy holiday, wonderful day,
I wish you patience and strength,
Let happiness rain down.

Let your eyes shine
Love, passion and warmth,
I wish you to be surrounded by loved ones
Care, joy, kindness.

Congratulations on Rural Women's Day,
And I want to wish you now
Health, happiness and good luck,
Lord, bless you every hour!

I wish you blue sky and sun -
Warm, but in moderation
To achieve your life
They were an example for us all!

Happy Rural Women's Day, please accept congratulations!
After all, you have to get up just before dawn,
You are always at work, in eternal troubles, on the move,
In your worries you meet the dawn.

Let the sun kiss your hands
And gives sparkles to your hair,
There is no kinder you in the world, no nicer and more beautiful!
A beautiful and worthy destiny for you!

Please accept congratulations today,
Beauties of villages.
Anyone will take off their hat to you -
You can't count your skills.

I wish you well and happiness,
Huge, fiery love,
Give the townspeople a head start
Let the fire boil in your blood.

Congratulations: 28 in verse, 6 in prose.

Happy rural women's day picture

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Concert program script

LEADING: Our dear women! Have you noticed that today the sun shines in a special way, men smile at you in a special way, and on these festive spring days everyone wants to do only good, bright, good things for you?

LEADING: In these days of spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in your feminine (but far from easy!) work!

LEADING: What more could we wish for you, our beloved ones? After all, all wishes in no way reflect your kindness, fidelity, femininity...

LEADING: And therefore we want to wish you that you will always be there!.. Judge for yourself, what would happen if suddenly, one day, all the women disappeared?! You can imagine?!

LEADING: Uncut, unfed men in unironed trousers roam around the city... Hairdressers are closed, service companies are closed too, there is nothing to say about maternity hospitals...

LEADING: There are no favorite announcers on TV screens. The dance of "Little Swans" is performed by four hefty men in shorts and with hairy legs...

LEADING: The ensemble "Beryozka" was accordingly renamed "Oak".

LEADING: Many words and expressions have disappeared. For example: “husband”, “wife”, “mother-in-law” and... the favorite word of all men is “mother-in-law”.

LEADING: Oh girls!
Wanting to earn your recognition,
They pulled the braids to get attention.
LEADING: Oh girls! You are always so beautiful
That seeing you makes us feel alive.

LEADING: Oh women! If they weren't in the world,
Then where would children come from?
LEADING: And mother-in-law too! Without them, humor is no work. People wouldn't know what jokes are.
LEADING: Oh, grandmothers! Without your kindness, we would wither like flowers without water.

LEADING: Oh, the “weak” female sex!
Almighty and beautiful
It is dangerous for men in all ages.
You are nothing but torment and misfortune.
But how can men know happiness without you?
LEADING: Only by hugging a woman will you understand
That you yourself are made of blood and flesh.
The whole principle and reason -
You give us the right to be a man!

LEADING: And therefore, from March 8th we have a reason:
For a year to love you!
And live for you!

LEADING: Yes, friends, without women, there really is no life and there cannot be!.. And therefore, _____________________________________________ congratulates you, our beloved, dear, desired and most, most beautiful!

- music number

LEADING: You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up sealed scroll,
There is an abundance of thoughts and words in his lines,
Every moment in his pages is insane.
LEADING: You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it enters your mouth;
But the flame drinker suppresses the cry
And he praises madly in the midst of torture.
LEADING: You are a woman, and you are right.
From the ages she has been adorned with a crown of light, warmed by the rays of the spring sun,
You are in our abysses - the image of a deity!..
LEADING: Has it always been like this? Has a woman always been a deity for a man?

LEADING: In the Hungarian National Library there is a book entitled “Proof that females are not people.” The author of this work claims that almost all animal qualities are present in a woman and, according to her natural inclinations, she, therefore, stands closer to the animal world than the human world.
LEADING: In her arrogance she is a peacock,
LEADING: by grumpiness - a bear,
LEADING: by stinginess - a she-wolf,
LEADING: in resourcefulness - a fox,
LEADING: by envy - a dog,
LEADING: in anger - a snake,
LEADING: in terms of talkativeness - forty,
LEADING: in shape - a siren, luring men to their deaths.
LEADING: This is in foreign literature, but in Russian? "…woman. Wife. Cross. A collar around the neck. The rigmarole of the earth."
LEADING: But, fortunately, not everyone thought so.
LEADING: I won’t get tired of the wrong shadow theater
Seek perfection until the end of your days.
I affirm: your face is brighter than the sun
I affirm that your figure is slimmer than a cypress tree.
LEADING: Because of your eyes that melt ice
Because of your speeches that waste honey,
Because of your hair that entwined my soul,
I am your humble slave now and in the future.
LEADING: Oh woman, beauty of the earth,
Relatives along a straight line
The first one expelled from paradise,
You carry heaven within yourself...
1st presenter: And remember from Pushkin: “The less we love a woman, the more easily she likes us and the more surely we destroy her among seductive networks...”

LEADING: How everything has changed, Alexander Sergeevich! Now the fair sex themselves have succeeded in weaving “nets”. The main thing for a modern woman is to convince a man that her “nets” are not destructive, but healing. Everything else, she believes, will come by itself, and it’s true!

- music number

LEADING: How much tenderness, how much trouble
In every house, behind every door!
Everywhere a woman is like a stronghold,
Like a challenge to anyone's disbelief!
LEADING: Cooks food, washes clothes,
Stores pickles for the winter,
And like shadows they pass by
All my golden insights!
LEADING: But dinner is smoking on the table,
And the child babbles carelessly,
Starting to walk on earth...
How clear all this is!
How eternal!

LEADING: Throughout the existence of life on earth, scientists have studied the issue of gender relations.

LEADING: Today we invited representatives of the scientific world to our festive concert so that they could share their observations with us.

- "scientists" come out

SCIENTIST: Nowadays, a woman has sharply gone ahead. Often she can even give a man a head start. As a result of the observations, it was revealed that:
- it is best to send a woman on a responsible business trip: even if she does not meet the “shortage”, then at least she will acquire the necessary thing;
SCIENTIST:- it is best for a woman to make a report at a meeting dedicated to Women’s Day on March 8: she will speak briefly, because she needs to get home as quickly as possible in order to present her husband with a holiday gift, which he then must present to her in a solemn atmosphere;
SCIENTIST:- it’s best for a woman to be in the clouds, so she looks more like an angel;
SCIENTIST:- It is best for a woman to write memoirs: she readily remembers what did not happen.
SCIENTIST: From the above it follows that, when surrendering to a woman, a man must win some positions from her. What is he capable of? Observations have shown that a man is not forbidden to:
SCIENTIST:- raise children: after all, a woman should still have time to raise her husband;
SCIENTIST:- cook dinner, if, however, his head is cooking, and not just his stomach;
SCIENTIST:- to beat out carpets: having gotten his hands on, over time, perhaps, he will beat out an inexpensive flying carpet for the home, for the family;
SCIENTIST:- engage in mountaineering: maybe this way he will learn to conquer women too;
SCIENTIST: And finally:
- to love a woman - he must ignite in her a reciprocal fire of love, inspiring her, the one and only, to do things that she is capable of only for the sake of him, a man.

- music number

LEADING: Let's talk about men. About these strange creatures that baffle you, ruin your plans and fool you. Let's get acquainted with the experience of scientific study of the male species.

SCIENTIST: First of all, let's define the subject of the study.
SCIENTIST: Boyology is a branch of biology dealing with male bipeds. Synonyms: boys, guys, men, these types, “he”.
SCIENTIST: Further: all people are animals, but not all animals are people.
Men are an interesting and explosive mixture of both.
SCIENTIST: People are mammals. There is an opinion that men occupy a lower level of development than people, but sometimes they are funnier than monkeys. However, some boyologists believe that men are generally an alien form, like aliens. SCIENTIST: Anatomy of a man... A man's heart seems as hard as stone: men try to remain cool and unperturbed at all costs, especially when it comes to women. But remember: their hearts are responsive to affection and understanding.

SCIENTIST: Vision does not play the most important role in a man’s life. Do you want him to stare at you tirelessly? You don't have to be a supermodel to do this. Men are attracted to women who are confident, friendly and welcoming, but appearance is not the main thing.
SCIENTIST: Now the main thing: the way to a man’s heart is through... his ears (not his - yours). One way to earn his favor is to listen to what he has to say. This means asking him questions that require not short answers, but rather large narrative questions, and listen, listen, listen.
SCIENTIST: Where are they found? Men often hunt (women and for fun) in packs: they believe that their safety lies in numbers. Men's natural habitat is the open air. Although sometimes men gather in closed and noisy rooms. But they are there for only one purpose: they can’t wait for women to notice them and begin to admire them.

SCIENTIST: This concludes the initial course of studying boyology. What's your next assignment? Go where the men are and where you can test theory with practice. Just move slowly and carefully, they can be scared away by a sudden movement.

- music number

LEADING: How to understand what representatives of the opposite sex want on March 8? You can eavesdrop on their conversations, look through a bunch of women's magazines and programs, or you can use a non-standard method.

LEADING: We need to come up with a gift for them! We've already tried everything... Everywhere they write the same thing.

LEADING: Let's imagine ourselves in their place. What would we dream about (the others look at him askance). No, well, let’s at least try (they close their eyes and imagine something).

LEADING: Well, who dreams of what?

LEADING: I dream of coming home from work, throwing my clothes around the apartment, pouring myself some tea and watching figure skating.

LEADING: I dream of growing old until I’m 25, and then as I please.

LEADING: I dream that heavy-duty tights will finally be invented, otherwise there will be as many as possible.

LEADING: Guys, maybe that's enough? And then I even start to like it.

LEADING: Let's continue. I want my husband to hear Dima Bilan’s songs in his head every time, until he buys me a new dress.

LEADING: And makeup appeared in the morning by an effort of thought, and not by an effort of will.

LEADING: I dream that men will notice their new hairstyle before the phrase: “Don’t you notice anything?”

LEADING: I dream that secrets from the lives of girlfriends will be updated about once a week. Automatically.

LEADING: I want to fit into those old jeans.

LEADING: Exactly! Pomade!

LEADING: I told you that meditation will help.

- music number

LEADING: The advice to think that the best gift is a book is a thing of the past. You and I know the correct answer. Fur coat? No, take it higher. Well? As dear Leonid Arkadyevich would say: aw-to-mo-bi-l!!! And so, now a new concept car will be presented to your attention... But I’m silent, I’m silent: word to the creators!

- "scientists" come out

SCIENTIST: Dear friends! Actually, we planned the presentation at the Geneva Motor Show, but for the sake of the holiday (International Women's Day), we will tell you some insider information.

SCIENTIST: And so, let Mikhail Prokhorov bite his elbows with his E-mobile, we present the first women's store J-MOBILE!

SCIENTIST: Main characteristics. The J-MOBILE, like the hostess, refuels with one glass of gasoline.

SCIENTIST: If desired, the J-MOBILE can be painted with henna or hydrogen peroxide, and the thresholds can also be increased.

SCIENTIST: An important point: the car is a chameleon. Automatically changes color to match your handbag and boots.

SCIENTIST: J-MOBILE - does not skid on the road, it just wags its bumper.

SCIENTIST: There is a disk with compliments in J-MOBILE. This was done on purpose to respond to the cry: “You fool, where are you going?” - you heard: “Good girl, you’re doing everything right.”

SCIENTIST: Every year, J-MOBILE needs not only pendant repairs, but also a new necklace and ring.

SCIENTIST: J-MOBILE has one drawback: it looks too good on traffic police photo radar images.

SCIENTIST: The J-MOBILE steering wheel is shaped like Brad Pitt’s torso, which makes you don’t want to let go of it.

SCIENTIST: A soft toy, a pink pillow and a velvet cloth are already included in the basic package.

SCIENTIST: There is not only a rearview mirror, but also a full-length one in the cabin.

SCIENTIST: To avoid creating a negative image of the owner, the car is equipped with an automatic parking function.

SCIENTIST: Well, that's probably all. Does anyone in the room have any questions?

SCIENTIST: We described everything so colorfully. Does our car have any disadvantages?

SCIENTIST: In our opinion, there is only one: the trunk of the J-MOBILE is made according to the principle of a handbag.


SCIENTIST: It has everything you need, you just won't find what you need.

SCIENTIST: Thank you! Wait for sales! Coming soon to AVON and ORIFLAME catalogs!

- music number

LEADING: Every woman has a mystery, and considering that I will give several billion on earth, can you imagine how many things are incomprehensible to us men?! And today, on International Women’s Day, we will try to make a little progress on this issue. After all, our guests are once again scientists from the Institute of Women's Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

- "scientists" come out

SCIENTIST: Good afternoon, colleagues. Yes, yes, colleagues, because all of us, men, throughout our lives we try to understand representatives of the opposite sex.

SCIENTIST: And for us it’s also work.

SCIENTIST: But don't feel sorry for us. Today we will present to your attention excerpts from our dissertation: “Women: Myths and Mysteries.”

SCIENTIST: In particular, in it we destroy some of the stereotypes that exist in society about ladies. For example, women can spend hours in front of the mirror

SCIENTIST: It is a myth. Women can spend hours in front of any object that reflects their appearance.

SCIENTIST: Women live longer than men.

SCIENTIST: Let's first figure out why men live less. Or, the woman behind the wheel is like a monkey with a grenade.

SCIENTIST: Complete heresy. Even a comparative analysis was carried out - except for the danger to others, there was nothing in common.

SCIENTIST: Women wear makeup and dress only for men.

SCIENTIST: If this were true, then all women would wear a T-shirt with the inscription ARSHAVIN with a handbag in the shape of a beer keg. Or that a woman's love can be bought with gifts

SCIENTIST: This is actually not true...but don't stop.

SCIENTIST: If you ring a girl, you can track all her movements

SCIENTIST: This really is a four-carat ring that's worth calling back and telling you where you are.

SCIENTIST: Women dream of seeing Paris at a glance

SCIENTIST: This is a myth; women dream of going on a shopping tour in Paris even with their eyes closed. Women love to diet

SCIENTIST: This is not a myth, this is a manifestation of humanity. It’s just that before they sit on your neck, it’s humane for them to go on a diet.

SCIENTIST: Women are the weaker sex

SCIENTIST: If you have ever come into conflict with a conductor on a bus, then you yourself understand that this is a myth.

SCIENTIST: All women want to marry Brad Pitt

SCIENTIST: This is a myth because not only all women, but also some men want to marry Brad Pitt.

SCIENTIST: And finally, Women are tender and vulnerable creatures...

SCIENTIST: Until one of them comes wearing the same dress!

SCIENTIST: Well, this is probably the end of our report, although this topic is very broad.

SCIENTIST: No, not in the sense that women are fat. I mean, we love you very much! Happy holiday!

- music number

LEADING: A kiss is nothing and something
All. You rose and fell with him,
The kiss is endless
Polysemous, like a language.
Desired love's kiss -
It is similar to salt water:
The more you crave moisture,
The more violently you drink.
LEADING: As they say, nature takes its toll. And first love begins with a kiss. The best way to tell you about this is these anecdotes:
LEADING: Having learned that about 250 bacteria and several viruses are transmitted through a kiss, the girl immediately retorted. “But, on the other hand, you get rid of just as many.”

LEADING: The guy, having barely met the girl, suddenly asks:

What would you think of me if I blew you a kiss?
- What are you - a big lazy person!
LEADING:- No, no, Petya! - says the girl. - Not a single kiss before the wedding.
- Well, okay, just let me know when you get married.
LEADING: What did your wife say when she noticed you kissing your neighbor?
- Just imagine, nothing. And it was time for me to have those two front teeth removed a long time ago.
LEADING:- In my opinion, modern men are completely devoid of the old, knightly spirit.
- Do not speak! I know a man who for six months never kissed his wife, but beat a friend who decided to do so.
LEADING:- God, how times change! My mother still remembers perfectly the first time my father kissed her, and my sister has already forgotten the name of her first husband!
LEADING: Dear ladies! When a man says to his beloved “my treasure,” he does not suspect that there is some truth in these words. Studies have shown that the body of a modern woman contains 5-6 times more gold than a man. And although this is generally a meager content, it is still more than that of the stronger sex!
LEADING: Well, that’s all we wanted to tell you about a woman, about spring, about love.
LEADING: Love is my work and my thoughts,
I don't need peace if there is no love!

- music number

LEADING: Why, friends, do I love women?
Not for the exquisite things that sometimes replace us
And slimness of legs, and structure of thoughts.
Of course, dresses and jackets
Needed like a vase for a bouquet,
As for an apartment interior,
Like a champagne flute.
But it’s not the wine glass that gets you intoxicated!
Then why do I love them?

LEADING: Because the dress does not fade:
LEADING: In one I like the warmth,
LEADING: In the other - cheerful carelessness,
LEADING: The third thing that worries me is the glibness of phrases,
LEADING: Intoxicating in the fourth languor of the eyes,
LEADING: Moisture captivates the fifth sponge,
LEADING: In the sixth - crafty imposingness,
LEADING: In the seventh - manners are good,
LEADING: In the eighth - the movements of the soul,

LEADING: In the ninth I love a delicate taste
LEADING: And finally, in the tenth - a bust...
LEADING: Do you want to find everything in ONE?
Well, have a nice trip!
LEADING: But I'll just say one thing:
These attempts are useless!
We are not allowed to connect into one
And the clarity of the day, and the mystery of the abyss.

LEADING: In replacement of mediocre searches
(GOST is not acceptable for women!)
With all my heart sensitively - grateful
We invite you to a TOST.
LEADING: Men! Listen, men,
Let's forget the years and wrinkles
And the fact that we have long been “for”
And looking into women's eyes,
(Shy ones can lick their lips)
Let's lift - standing! - our cups

LEADING: For those who are different from each other,
Like, say, a rainbow and a blizzard,
LEADING: For the languid, restrained and passionate,
LEADING: Obedient, eccentric and domineering,
LEADING: Calm, quiet and passionate,
LEADING: In short - very non-standard,
LEADING: UNIQUE on all sides,
(For that reason, maybe even loved ones!),

LEADING: Piercing our entire essence,
Those who block our path,
LEADING: That shows the way
(Who knows: to hell or to God!),
LEADING: Blissful hour giving us -
TOGETHER: Here's to the infinitely LOVELY LADIES!!!


LEADING: She is a force of nature, this lady.
And this is a fact, not advertising.
Doesn't seem to say anything
But there was a man - and he is no more.

LEADING: You look after her and you won’t understand,
Either you moo or you sing.
What shape, what kind of body,
If you are sober, then you will become drunk,

LEADING: The female character is dynamite,
He is both insidious and alluring,
It's like chocolate in a wrapper,
Enduring it is pure hell.

LEADING: So what kind of creature is this?
Why in the world does he need his recognition?
This is not the place to judge this,
Her fate gives us life.

LEADING: But you should also understand -
She can take a life
Who will ever understand a woman?
He will immediately go crazy and die.

LEADING: That's why I'm still alive
That I don’t understand anything about it.
Madame "Good" and Lady "Evil"
Men live to spite everyone.

LEADING: But no matter what you say -
And we can’t live without these ladies.
We are all destined by nature
To be at one with this lady!

International Rural Women's Day is celebrated annually on October 15th. In 2019, the holiday takes place for the 12th time. It is celebrated by all women who live in rural areas.

Rural women are often the heads of the family. They keep track of winter supplies, look after domestic animals, raise children and teach them how to farm. A worldwide holiday is dedicated to such workers.

Holiday traditions

Mass celebrations are held in villages and villages. Seminars are held for women on the topic: “Improving the quality of life through official employment.” Patents are issued to provide medical care and obtain credit funds.

Every year, the International Women's Summit organizes the competition “Women's Creativity in Rural Life.” The award ceremony for the winners is held in the city of Geneva and falls on the official date of the holiday.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​the holiday originated in 1995 in Beijing at the IV International UN Conference. At the official level, the event was formalized by the UN General Assembly in resolution No. A/RES/62/136 of February 12, 2008, “Improving the situation of women in rural areas.”

About rural women

Rural women make up a quarter of the world's population. They contribute greatly to the country's economy through their daily hard work. Their work does not involve formal employment, so most of them cannot get a loan or decent medical care.

In Russia, historically, rural women, in the absence of men who died in the war, independently restored roads and houses that had been turned into pits and ashes. They themselves worked in the fields, harvested crops and raised children, setting out to restore their native land.

The Women's Union of Russia is actively solving difficulties that are associated with the life of rural workers and their development of various forms of entrepreneurship. Village residents are increasingly opening their own organizations, mini-workshops, shops, kindergartens and private schools, in the absence of government institutions in their villages. According to unofficial data for 2014, every second head of a rural enterprise was a woman.

In order for families not to leave their homes or move to big cities, villages must be properly provided for. It is necessary to modernize old agricultural complexes with modern technology, to renew schools, kindergartens and hospitals with young personnel. This requires proper wages and good living conditions.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to Rural Women's Day.

International Rural Women's Day is celebrated annually on October 15th. It was proposed at the 4th UN Women's Conference, held in 1995 in Beijing.

Goal: to attract public attention to the hard work of women in the countryside, the problems that exist in our time, and also to return to the image of a working woman, once glorified by N. A. Nekrasov.

Progress of the event.

There are women in Russian villages
With calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements,
With the gait, with the look of queens, -

Wouldn't a blind person notice them?
And the sighted man says about them:
“It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
If he looks, he’ll give me a ruble!”

These lines are dedicated to the Russian peasant woman, strength Good afternoon, dear friends! We welcome everyone present in this room. And today is a special reason to meet!

Today is a special holiday here,
We sing praises to women
To all of you, friends,
For peasant labor
We pay tribute to you!

The International Day of Rural Women, celebrated annually on October 15, reminds us how much society owes to rural women and how valuable their work is.Everyone is still asleep, dawn is so far away.
The sleepy city doesn't want to wake up.
And the women in the village no longer sleep,
They are not afraid of darkness and cold.

Let's say thank you to the women of the village!
For your hard and difficult work.
Everything is done, the family is fed
But there are so many unfinished things waiting for you.

2. You work without noticing yourself,
We are very grateful to you for this.
Without paying attention to difficulties,
Cold in winter or hot in summer.

October 15th, warm autumn day
Congratulations to all rural women!
And we will find you so many warm words.
We wish you happiness and love.

Since ancient times, the household has been in the hands of a woman - mother and wife. She was in charge of the keys to the entire house, and kept records of hay, straw and flour. All livestock and living creatures were under her supervision... The observance of holidays and fasts was also under her vigilant control. As the children grew up, they also learned to do something useful with her. Years pass, but women's shoulders continue to bear all this burden of worries and anxieties. In Russia, over 21 million women live and work in rural areas. And today we honor their work. Low bow to you, dear women!

A rural woman is destiny
I wish it to be easy
Strong women have always been famous
You always managed everything.

You get up early in the morning,
To harvest the land
Feed your extensive livestock
Keep it quiet so you don't wake up the children.

Thank you, dear ones, for your work.
Not everyone will understand your fate
Let happiness not pass you by
Be always healthy and young!

In general, Mother Russia has relied on her peasant women at all times. Among them are rural teachers, doctors, pensioners, and housewives. A rural woman in Russia is approximately every third head of a farm, more than 70% of the heads of rural settlements. Of course, there is no easy work in agriculture, but our women cope with this role brilliantly.

Cities are growing, multiplying countlessly,
But you can’t live without rural labor
Not a day for either factory workers or miners,
Neither deputies, nor big actors.

Glory to people who are in love with work,

Inspired, inspired,

People of conscience and honor,

Whose work is visible to everyone?

So let's get together today

Let's remember these names!

Let's remember yesterday,

Today we'll look around

Your success, your happiness -

It's all your doing.

Around the result of hard work,

And life goes on, and life is in full swing,

And how many works are not made by hands?

You still have to do.

Can you name everyone who is famous among us?

Who is busy with big and serious work.

To all those who achieved these glorious victories,

Our deepest bow and heartfelt greetings! (bowed)

No matter what aspect of village life you look at, you will find women everywhere. They work not only in the “female” sphere (everyday life, education and upbringing, services), but also in the main branches of production - crop production and livestock farming.

Women are increasingly mastering various forms of small business in rural areas.

Many of them opened bakeries, mini-workshops for sewing and repairing clothes and shoes, shops, and private kindergartens.

Women willingly work in women's councils and unions, participate in citizens' meetings, and help in solving many problems in various areas of life and everyday life in the village.

I know there are big cities

Where life is busy and whirling.

But wherever I am, I always give

I prefer the village to my native one.

And our village is small, discreet

I can’t forget where I can’t go...

The years are flying by. Like drops of wax from a candle,

All this is life, my story...


There is such a folk wisdom: “Where you were born, you came in handy”....Among trials and labors, a person always found a small homeland that he needed. And which needs him himself... with his talent, his deeds, actions, thoughts.

How often in life do we say the phrase “My home is my village.” These words conceal love for your small homeland, where you were born and raised, where you began your career...

Girls, girls, women,
When you, living in the countryside,
You bring great benefits
To the whole country, to all the people and to me,
On your Rural Women's Day, festive
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart
Preservation of a pure heart,
Which your mother gave you.
Love and be loved,
Beautiful, always beautiful
And in front of you are men
They will kneel then.

SongNatalya Novikova - Russian woman.

Everything is changing in this world, but rural labor is still necessary for everyone. Every person in our country enjoys the fruits of the labor of villagers, whether he is a resident of a huge metropolis or a small provincial town. And we must always remember how and where all the riches that we see on our table every day are obtained. Let me once again express my heartfelt gratitude for your daily work, enthusiasm, and inexhaustible love for your native land.

I love you at any time of the year

My native Russian village.

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you my soul is always light.

The familiar birch tree nods to me,

And I answered her “Hello!” I say

How good I feel, how simple it is in Russian

Live in my bright, gentle land.

A woman is a wife, a woman-mother, a keeper of the family hearth and a great worker. Whatever business you take on, everything works out in your hands. And where do you find strength? We would like to sincerely wish you, dear women, strength. To overcome any obstacles, cope with all difficulties, survive any adversity and... remain a woman. Fragile, tender. Just a woman. But with a capital letter. Happy holiday!

Dance “Power of a Woman” Andrey Kovalev

Living in rural areas, one cannot help but note a wonderful day on the calendar - October 15 - World Rural Women's Day. Karsun librarians did not stand aside. On this day, many interesting festive events took place in the area's libraries.

"And Russian women's names" dedication evening rural woman was prepared and conducted by workers Central Library named after. N.M. Yazykova. The guests of the meeting were library readers of all age categories. What kind of reorganizations have not affected the village, and therefore women, throughout the history of Russia. And our Karsun region can rightfully be proud of a whole galaxy of such wonderful working women. The story was about them. During the evening, songs and poems about women were heard, and information about the meaning of the most popular Russian female names aroused considerable interest. Bright, beautiful slides of the electronic presentation added a festive mood to this meeting.

In the same day Language Model Library together with the research staff of the Yazykov Estate museum, we held a very interesting event dedicated to this day.

The librarians told the children about the history of the holiday and that the pride of the Ulyanovsk region and Karsun district is the Yazykov Estate museum. We owe this unique collection of the history of our native land to Nadezhda Mikhailovna Demidova. Her name was somehow lost among many brilliant representatives of Simbirsk local historians. But it was Demidova N.M. played a leading role in the cultural development of the rural area and was the initiator of the creation of the museum, and what she did was so great! The museum's research staff introduced the children in detail to her biography: where she studied, what family she grew up in, and much more.

The event used electronic slides with images of N.M. Demidova, her photographs, as well as an exhibition of photographs of the estate.

On this day, nature gave a gift to the female half of the village - it was sunny and clear. And morning for many women Ust-Urenya It also turned out to be a surprise. The simple fact is that, together with my reading assistants (sixth graders), we managed to spend promotion - congratulations on Rural Women's Day. An autumn flower as a gift, and with it a postcard with a brief history of the holiday and a congratulation. The same congratulation poster greeted the female half of the village in the library, in the administration, and on the doors of shops. Our grandmothers and mothers read and smiled.

And also in rural branches there were : "Ah, what a woman » theme evening. There were 9 people present - milkmaids (Krasnopolkovsky branch)

“The history of the village is in their names” exhibition-portrait. Pensioners, young women – 12 people.(Belozersky branch)

“There are women in our villages” meeting over a cup of tea with library readers. Pensioners – 10 people. and etc.

Karsun Library