Jade whose stone is according to the sign of the zodiac. Jade is the sacred stone of new life. stone care

Hi all!

Today in our collection of precious and ornamental stones, there is another interesting mineral. This is jade. Translated from Greek, the name of this mineral means kidney stone ( nephros - kidney). The color of the stone can be very diverse, from almost white to black. There can be almost all shades of green: yellowish, grassy, ​​emerald, marsh. There are both blue and red stones. But they are rare and very valuable.

The color of jade depends on the content of iron and impurities of chromium and manganese.

The color palette can be either monochromatic or uneven (striped, spotty, “cloudy”). Moreover, stones with a monochromatic color are valued much higher than those with an uneven color.

This is interesting! It turns out that this is the strongest and most durable of all bath stones ...

Physical Properties

Photo of a stone on which you can see different colors

Jade is a hydroxysilicate of calcium, magnesium, iron. It belongs to the group of so-called amphiboles.

The name of the group was given because of the rather variable properties of the minerals that make up this group.

In addition to jade, such stones as tremolite, actinolite, crocidolite, etc. are known in this group.

In terms of transparency, most often it is opaque, but there are exceptions. Jade is quite viscous, well polished. At the same time, it appears oily sheen.

The hardness ranges from 2.90 to 3.02, and its density is 3.5 on the Mohs scale. Based on this, jade is as hard as glass, but it is quite softer than quartz.

Education and deposits

In geological terms, jade is formed where intrusive or igneous rocks are embedded in serpentelites. This means that it is formed by the action of magma on magnesium-rich sedimentary dolomites.

Deposits are known on almost all continents. In Russia, the largest deposits were Ulan-Khodinskoye, now it has already been worked out, Ospinskoye (these are the Eastern Sayans), Khamarkhudinskoye and Khokhurtovskoye (Dzhida group), Buromskoye and Golyubinskoye (Vitimskaya group). Jade deposits are also known in the Polar Urals (Nyrdvomenshor), in Kazakhstan, Tuva, etc.

In other countries, the most famous are deposits in China (Kuen Lun Range and Pamir), in the USA in the states of Montana and Alaska, in Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Poland. But the stone from deposits in New Zealand is of very high quality. It shines through well, has the best color.

From the history of stone

This stone began to be called jade only in 1863. Until that time, it was called Jade (from "jade" - jade). Now this name has been preserved for a similar and much rarer and more valuable jadeite. Also, the stone bears several more names, such as Chinese stone, Maori stone.

This is due to the fact that in China the stone is considered sacred. And among the Maori, he was a memorial family stone, on which the heads of families were immortalized.

Mayan warriors, for example, made figurines from jade, and then broke them so that the liberated spirit of the stone would help the owner of the house.

In general, jade has been known since the Paleolithic. In the beginning, people made weapons and tools out of it, which were strong enough, and only later, decorations. One of the grandiose stone structures is the jade sarcophagus of Tamerlane, located in the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand.

In China, the stone has taken a special place. He became there not only ornamental, from which a wide variety of ornaments were cut. They were endowed with a wide variety of both supernatural and healing properties.

For example, white jade, which was valued the most, was used to make special plates. Covered with fine carvings, they were hung either from a headdress or from a belt, and while walking they made a melodic ringing that scared away evil spirits.

Chinese characters carved in stone and their meaning

Blooming peach - longevity

Tangerine - love talisman

Deer - indicated a noble origin

Bat - blessing, good luck

Fish - wealth

Two phoenix - prosperity

Lotus - holiness

Bamboo - providence from above

Fan - generosity

Properties of jade on the human body

It is believed that the stone is driven by human impulses. It can protect its owner from otherworldly forces, give longevity and family well-being.

If the jewelry is inserted into the frame, then they will protect from the evil eye. And red jade will protect against various natural disasters. Since this stone is called a kidney stone, it is believed that it can cure various kidney diseases.

In general, he was considered a stone from all diseases. Therefore, it was often worn to cure all ailments. A powdered stone was used to prepare various medicines, and sometimes it was simply taken orally with water.

Pregnant women wore jade on their stomachs to facilitate childbirth. And in order to get rid of insomnia or nightmares, you need to wear beads and bracelets from this stone. To relieve pain from bruises, sprains, as well as rheumatism, apply stone plates to sore spots. Also, it will help cure various inflammations in the body. Massage parlors still use jade balls to massage the body and face.

Jade in astrology. Who suits the zodiac sign in the horoscope

According to astrologers, the stone is most suitable for Virgo and Libra. For them, the stone gives good luck in business. In addition, the bracelet worn by these signs on the right hand of the Virgo brings family happiness, and Libra can prolong life. In principle, it is considered that it is suitable for any sign. The main thing is to choose the right color.

It doesn't matter who you are according to the horoscope. The stone suits every sign of the zodiac...

This stone is the talisman of scientists, and it also personifies military courage. If you wear any jade figurine, you will be much more successful than others. If you wear a jade ring, then professional success and family well-being await you.

In China, jade is highly valued. It is considered the stone of Earth and Heaven, and the stone of Wisdom and Eternity. The heavenly throne of the Buddha is made of jade. He was considered a stone of intelligence and virtue, and Confucius wrote that jade is also a stone of humanity. Another Chinese writer and thinker, Hiu-Chin, compared the properties of a stone with the qualities of a person. For example, soft natural brilliance was compared with kindness, and strength - with courage. In addition, it gives moderation and justice, purity of thoughts.

But the greatest popularity of jade is still associated with various crafts and decorations.

Jade products and jewelry

All in the same China, from stone, most often they made various mythical animals: a dragon, a hydra, a unicorn, etc. The heyday of jade stone-cutting art in China fell on the 17th-18th centuries. From jade began to make not only jewelry, but also vases, goblets, bottles, chess. Jade balls became especially popular.

There was a period when jade was valued more than gold. For example, in sports competitions, the winner who won first place was awarded a jade scepter, second place was given a gold scepter, and ivory for third place. Jade plaques had the same circulation as coins.

In Russia, jade was little used, although it was a fairly common stone. There was a lapidary factory in Peterhof, where they made vases, bowls, various writing instruments, paper knives and brooches.

Nowadays, it is also used for jewelry and crafts. Wine glasses, vases, bracelets, rings, pendants and more can be found in stores.

1. Photo of jade jewelry
2. Photo - solid stone figurine

If we talk about the prices of a stone, then they are different, and are valued, as mentioned earlier, according to various parameters, ranging from the properties and color of the stone, to the complexity of the product.

Here is a small catalog of prices, from the online store:

In China, at fairs, there are such specimens that cost both 1 million rubles and 5 million rubles for a figurine. Here are the prices for this stone. We recommend watching the video from the first channel, the program - Discovery of China 17 series. The video is uploaded above. Take a look and you will not only love it, but you will be surprised how much this stone is valued.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake

All lovers of this stone may be helped by a few tips with which you can determine whether a natural stone is in your hands or its miserable fake.

- Firstly, natural jade is distinguished by high strength. If you have a natural stone, then you can neither cut it nor scratch it.

Secondly, high heat capacity. Natural jade retains heat for a long time even in cold water.

Thirdly, his musicality. If the jade plates are in contact with each other, then a melodic sound is heard, which fakes never have.

- Fourthly, jade has a high light transmittance, as a result of which a fibrous pattern appears inside it. If you look at the light through the stone, you can see this pattern.

That's all we have. I would like to ask you - tell me, have you seen and held a natural stone in your hands. And what color or craft was it? Share your opinion below… Or maybe you have jade jewelry or items at home? Your opinion matters. Thank you!

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nefrit-1.jpg" alt="jade stone" width="280" height="242">!} Jade stone belongs to the semi-precious and has a very high strength. Such properties of it have been known since antiquity, when this mineral was used to make tools. The interlacing of crystalline fibers not only contributed to its durability, but also made it a popular craft material. In addition, the properties of the mineral jade have found their application both in the healing and magical fields.

Facts from history

Surprisingly, our ancestors began to work with jade in the Neolithic era. This was found out by archaeologists who excavated ancient settlements and found unusual figurines, jewelry and amulets made from this material.

The properties of jade stone were highly valued in ancient China, where they made not only weights for weighing precious metals, but also used it as a means of payment. When various tests were held for the strength and endurance of warriors, the winner received an award from this gem. Members of the imperial family had jade pillows.

An ancient musical instrument has also come down to us - a lithophone, which was made from this stone. The philosopher Confucius loved to play music on it, describing what a powerful energy the mineral jade has.

What is jade, the Indians who inhabited the American continent also knew and valued it much more than gold. Jewelry from it showed the level of power of the owner. Sincere surprise among the local population was caused by the fact that the Europeans who arrived on ships do not pay any attention to this mineral.

The jade amulet was an integral part of the Maori culture that inhabited New Zealand. "Hei-tiki" outwardly resembled a little man and was inherited. If the family was interrupted, then the amulet was buried in the ground along with the last representative. And the Turks believed that jade rings, belts, weapon handles, decorated with this stone, would bring good luck in military affairs.

Jade stone was brought to the Russian Empire from China, and this continued until the second half of the 19th century, when it turned out that the Eastern Sayans were rich in these deposits. They processed it at a factory in Peterhof, from where incredibly beautiful products were sent to exhibitions and to their new owners.

Description and properties of the stone

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/karta-.png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> Mineral deposits have been found all over the globe. And if at first it was mined only in one Chinese province, then later workings were opened in Burma. Now this ornamental material has been found in Europe (Italy, Germany, Switzerland), and in Central Asia, and in India, and in Russia in the South Urals.

Scientists associate the origin of jade with the process of intrusion of igneous rocks into serpentinites. Sometimes the rock was formed when magma influenced sedimentary dolomites. The composition of this stone includes aluminum, calcium, sodium. And the color of jade depends on the amount of chromium and iron.

Native jade, in terms of strength, approaches such material as steel. Its density is greater than that of glass, but does not reach the indicators of quartz. As for such a characteristic as transparency, then nuggets most often do not differ in it. Only thin plates can transmit light. Finding a transparent stone is a great success. Such a sample will be very expensive.

Another sign that distinguishes jade is viscosity. This indicator is also at a very high level and determines the strength of the stone, which is not so easy to split into pieces. And if polishing is performed, the mineral will acquire a greasy sheen.

Varieties of stone

When we imagine what a stone looks like, a green mineral immediately appears before our eyes. However, the types of jade are very diverse. Even the green spectrum can have different shades: from bright saturated to light and pale. Other color options are as follows:

  1. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/nefrit-2.jpg" alt="Emerald green jade imperial" width="150" height="126">!}
    The emerald green gem, or "imperial", is very rare and very valuable.
  2. .jpg" alt="white jade" width="200" height="103">!}
    Absolutely white jade is not found in nature. But you can find beautiful stones that have yellow, gray, purple, green shades on a white background.
  3. .jpg" alt="Blue Jade Dianit" width="200" height="85">!}
    Blue jade has an interesting name "Dianite".
  4. .jpg" alt="black jade" width="150" height="122">!}
    The black stone looks mysterious and unusual.
  5. .jpg" alt="yellow jade" width="150" height="104">!}
    There are also varieties of jade that are yellow and even brown.
  6. .jpg" alt="red jade" width="150" height="111">!}
    The rarest is red jade.

The classification of stones is based on the intensity and uniformity of color. The uniform texture gives the nugget high translucency. And if at the same time the color turns out to be bright, then such jade has a jewelry potential of a very high order. Gems, which have a spotted or spotted-infused texture, contain various elements in their composition, the uneven distribution of which creates intricate patterns on the surface.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="80"> Native jade of any color can be distinguished from a fake if you know some features. If the original jade products are lightly hit against each other, the sound will be melodic with resonance. If you look at the stone in the light, you will notice a beautiful pattern. In addition, with a fake, you will never notice clear color transition boundaries.

The healing power of the stone

Modern lipotherapists only confirm the healing properties of jade, which have been known to people since ancient times. The stone, which got its name because of its similarity to the human kidney (from the Greek - νεφρό), was widely used as a medicinal component of many drugs that helped not only with diseases of the urogenital area, but also with other ailments.

The mineral was worn as a protective amulet that protected its owner from disease. Pebbles were used as a heating pad, as they tend to retain heat, and they used them to make a wellness massage.

Jpg" alt=" jade ring" width="200" height="181">!}
For women who are carrying a child, jade jewelry can help relieve poor health and significantly relieve pain at the time of childbirth. If you feel anxiety and cannot fall asleep in any way, then beads or a bracelet made of this gem will have a calming effect, relieving you of insomnia and stress.

The property of jade stone is manifested if thin plates of it are applied directly to sore spots. So you can get rid of rheumatic pains, relieve discomfort from sprains and sprains, relieve inflammation and soothe sore throat. If you regularly do a light facial massage using stone plates or balls, you will notice how the skin returns to a healthy color, and wrinkles become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

The color of jade also affects the beneficial effect. Green crystals do an excellent job with heart problems and normalize blood pressure. Red Jade is an effective aid in the treatment of burns. A stone with a dark or black color will be able to have the necessary effect to eliminate men's health disorders. A rare blue jade has been used since ancient times to preserve youth.

magical properties

The magical properties of jade are truly amazing. In various cultures, this stone was endowed with incredible power. He had the greatest value among the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. The Chinese believed that it was a divine gem that could even resurrect a person. That is why archaeologists find a lot of jade details in sarcophagi and tombs.

In many countries, it was believed that he could bring harmony to a person's life, clearing thoughts of any negative influence. With its help, priests and mystics came into contact with the other world and performed various rituals.

Interestingly, the magical properties of jade stone depend on its color:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/belui.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="52">

The action of jade is also aimed at bringing harmony to sexual life. The polishing of the stone made it possible for light to play on its surface, which in ancient times symbolized intimate relationships. The stone combines male strength and the beauty of the female body. The stone feels the state of its owner. And the reason why the amulet changes color may be wrong behavior or wrong thoughts. Set with silver, it will only enhance its properties.

Png" alt="" width="50" height="50"> However, due to its strong energy, jade has contraindications. It is better not to give it to children, and adults are not recommended to wear it all the time.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/vesu-.jpg" alt="Libra" width="50" height="50"> Если говорить о том, кому подходит нефрит больше всего, то наиболее эффективен он для Весов. Люди, родившиеся под этим знаком, смогут развить свою силу воли и обрести финансовое благополучие.!}

Jpg" alt="Pisces" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38">.jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="50" height="50"> Для Рыбы, Рака и Водолея минерал привнесет в жизнь больше позитивных моментов, поможет сделать существование наиболее гармоничным.!}

Jpg" alt="Capricorn" width="50" height="50"> Нефрит, описание свойств которого изучали многие астрологи, умерит импульсивность Козерогов и поможет им принимать правильные решения.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> Virgos, having made such a gem their amulet, will be able to improve their personal lives.

Jpg" alt="Gemini" width="50" height="48">.jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Близнецы смогут разобраться в своих эмоциях, а Овны приобретут гибкость в отношениях с окружающими.!}

Jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50"> А вот Стрельцам и Тельцам лучше избегать воздействия этого минерала и выбрать себе какой-нибудь другой талисман.!}

If you yourself feel that you are ready to change your life, the stone will be able to help you in all your endeavors. It will become a reliable protection for you and provide support, help you avoid difficult situations and protect you from troubles.

Jade is a semi-precious stone. Its main difference is rather high strength. It was this property of it that determined the fact that in ancient times the mineral was used for the manufacture of tools. Jade is credited with the most diverse healing and magical properties. Often due to the fact that the origin of the stone was associated with the activities of the gods.

> In many ancient cultures - among the Indians of Central America, in Greece and Egypt, this mineral was highly valued. Although, of course, he had the greatest popularity among the inhabitants of Ancient China.

The crystalline fibers, intertwined in an intricate pattern, have made jade a popular ornamental stone. In addition, many highlight other beneficial properties of this mineral, which will be discussed in detail in the article.

Jade is a hydroxysilicate of calcium, magnesium, iron, which has a variety of colors. Jade is a sacred stone of ancient China. The properties of this stone are unique and encourage a person to change his essence, behavior. Jade is the engine of our behavior. It will darken in the hand of a man who persists in his delusions.

The name "nephrite" comes from the Greek words nephros - kidney and lapis - stone. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: kidney stone, maorn stone, toir stone, jade, Canadian jade, punamu.

  • Jade is credited with the ability to protect the owner from otherworldly forces, to ensure longevity and family well-being.
  • It is recommended to wear jade beads.
  • Jade jewelry in a silver frame will protect from the evil eye.
  • Red jade protects its owner from natural disasters, lightning, earthquakes and fires.
  • In the old days, it was believed that this stone could cure kidney colic.

The mineral has been widely known and has been actively used in processed form since the Bronze Age. At that time, it was considered the most durable stone, from which they preferred to make weapons, tools, amulets and talismans, figurines of the gods. Items are known, the creation of which dates back to the Neolithic period.

The priests of Ancient Egypt personified this mineral with magic, power in the earthly and underground world. The Egyptian "Book of the Dead" lists the properties of the stone for the mummification of the dead. Only priests and noble people could wear this crystal as jewelry.

In the Muslim East, it was the stone of the winner, but it was used for inlaying weapons, in particular, reliable handles for daggers were made from it, knives and shields were decorated with it. A little later, it began to be used as a decoration for clothes. Many museums exhibit buckles, buttons, belts made from this mineral in the Middle Ages.

In New Zealand, the warlike Maori people respected the bright green jade, which they called "poun". Protective amulets created from it were inherited.

Intense green jade, according to the descriptions left, was highly valued on the other side of the ocean, in Mexico. Pieces of yellow jade, which are a symbol of life and heart, were put into the mouths of the dead for their subsequent resurrection.

In China, there is a statue of Buddha, reaching a height of 6 m, which is made of precious white jade. In Samarkand there is a tombstone that covers the tomb of Tamerlane. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is made of dark green jade, this product is considered the largest in the world, and even from such a stone of a rare color.

Volun dimensions

According to scientists, the size of the boulder, which served as the basis for the tombstone, was 1.2 m long and up to 0.8 m wide. The thickness of the stone reached half a meter. Initially, there were suggestions that this stone was specially brought from China, but by the end of the 19th century, scientists actually proved that it was brought from the Eastern Pamirs.

The Russian travelers who compiled its description at that time made interesting finds in the Pil tract, where, along with other finds, they discovered ancient mines for the extraction of this mineral. Another ruler of Mongolia - Genghis Khan - treated the mineral with reverence and respect, and his personal seal was made of this crystal and looked like a lying tiger.

Jade products in the form of symbols of power have been very popular for centuries.

  1. So, in 1895, the Chinese embassy presented Tsar Nicholas II with a field marshal's baton, completely made of jade with inlay and gold inlays.
  2. The Queen of England had a jade scepter of unsurpassed work, which was sent to her as a gift from the Chinese emperor.

And now in Thailand, China, Malaysia, mostly yellow jade is used as amulets for children.


Jade - a stone of fate from the Middle Kingdom

The mineral jade is a durable jewelry and ornamental material from the most delicate gray-white to emerald colors. Differs in uniformity of structure, translucency. Sounds melodious in the plates.

This is a mono-mineral, that is, consisting of one mineral, a stone with fibers-crystals, which, intertwined, give it unique properties. The degree of color saturation determines the amount of iron oxide impurities.

Despite its soft outline, it is twice as strong as steel and five times as strong as granite. Due to its high viscosity, it can only be processed with a special tool.

The hardness of jade is like that of glass, and more than that of quartz. It is transparent only in thin plates. Matte raw stone after polishing acquires a silky sheen. It has a high heat capacity, so it is always warm, unlike other minerals.

National stone of China

But the real excitement around him has always been observed in the Middle Kingdom. We can say that this is a real Chinese stone. Here he is deified, and useful properties are equated with the best qualities of a person's character: courage, patience, compassion.

The alchemists of the empire were sure that jade must be included in the composition of the elixir that gives eternal life. And for everyone else, it strengthens the mind and spirit, helps to get along with the world and oneself, saves from fuss, evil intentions.

Gold was weighed exclusively with jade weights. Chinese jade was used as money, material for seals, certifying documents, it was awarded to the winner of the competition.

His most famous admirer is the father of the Celestial Empire, Confucius. Jade has always represented power or closeness to it. Pillows from it were the privilege of the imperial family, and decorations could only be worn by residents of the Forbidden City.

The strength of jade was the reason for the belief that the border between the underground kingdom of the shaitans and the Iblis was outlined by this stone. It is no coincidence that the tombstone of the great medieval conqueror Timur, whose cruel orders were sometimes refused to carry out even by his guards, is made of dark green, almost black jade.

  • In the middle of the 18th century, the Iranian Shah Nadir decided to send the gravestone of the great commander to Persia.
  • As soon as the jade slab with a brief biography of Tamerlane crossed the border, a devastating earthquake broke out in Iran.
  • The stone, however, was brought to the capital.
  • But only Nadir Shah returned from a long campaign, the earthquake repeated, and the ruler himself fell ill.

The black jade slab was immediately returned to its place, where it lay quietly until the summer of 1941. A group of Soviet scientists, ignoring the protests of local elders, opened the grave of Iron Lame. The war that began on the same day became the bloodiest in the history of Russia ...

Jade stone is not only green, although it is the green mineral of the most uniform color that is valued above all else. Various deposits endow mankind with jades of whitish tone, gray with veins and colored spots, heterogeneous black, yellowish-brown and even blurry blue.

Translucency is an important optical property of jade. Due to the scattering of light inside the stone, the illusion of a hazy glow of the mineral is created. The most expressive reaction to light is in light green and blue jade.

  • Class - silicates.
  • The chemical formula is NaAl(Si2O6).
  • Color - green, white, gray, black, yellow-brown, rarely blue.
  • Transparency - opaque to translucent.
  • Glitter is absent.
  • Cleavage - absent.
  • The syngony is monoclinic.
  • Habitus - fibrous array.
  • Hardness - 5.5-6.5 on the Mohs scale.

  • Density - 2.8-3.3 g per cm3.
  • Refractive index - 1.60 - 1.65.
  • Fracture - splintery.
  • Pleochroism is not.

The resistance of jade to mechanical stress has long been legendary. The fibrous structure of the stone makes it less susceptible to impacts. Thick and dense weaves of amphiboles give the rock elasticity.

Some varieties of jade plastically deform under the action of a locally applied force. Of course, it is impossible to forge a sword from jade - but weapons made from jade often appear in Chinese legends.

Features of education

Most of the studied deposits of jade are located in places where intrusive (igneous) rocks are intruded into serpentilites. Known rare deposits where jade was formed as a result of the impact of magma on magnesium-rich sedimentary dolomites.

Nephrite belongs to the cryptocrystalline rocks. It belongs to the family of so-called amphiboles, a group of minerals of the subclass of chain silicates.

According to its chemical composition, jade is a compound of silicon oxide (silica) with impurities of iron, magnesium, vanadium and chromium.

Chemical formula of jade: Ca2 (Mg, Fe) 5 22.

The main composition of jade includes:

  • silicon oxide (SiO2) - 55–57%;
  • calcium oxide (CaO) - from 11.8 to 16%;
  • magnesium oxide (MgO) - from 18.8 to 25.7%.

As impurities, jade may include:

  • iron oxide (FeO) - from 0.1 to 8%;
  • aluminum oxide (AI2O3) - from 0.1 to 5%;
  • hydrogen oxide (H2O) - up to 4%;
  • sodium oxide (Na2O) - up to 2%;
  • manganese oxide (MnO) - up to 0.25%;
  • potassium oxide (K2O) - up to 2%.

The content of impurities determines the color of jade - it can be almost white, but more often green in various shades: yellowish, grassy, ​​emerald, marsh. Black jade is less common, and occasionally there are specimens of blue and red, but they are very rare. Often the color of the stone is heterogeneous, but jade with a single color is more valued.

Jade usually forms a dense, opaque or translucent slate or massive rock of entangled fibrous microstructure with a silky, vitreous luster.

A remarkable feature of this breed is its exceptional toughness, and strength is commensurate only with steel. The unique ability of thin jade plates to produce a gentle melodic sound when touched is also interesting.

The hardness of jade on the Mohs scale is 5.5-6.5, and the density is 2.8-3.4 g/cm3.

Homogeneous nephrites are a group of minerals that are characterized by a uniform color and high translucency.

By color, uniform nephrites are:

  • White - jades of snow-white color with a light bluish, greenish, grayish or yellowish tint.
  • Green - jade, painted in bright green tones. They belong to high-grade jewelry and ornamental materials.
  • Grayish-green - jade of a special smoky shade and a muted green tone.
  • Gray - jade with uneven alternation of dark gray and light gray areas. They are quite rare.

There are also heterogeneous nephrites in nature:

  • Spotted jade - jade with a spotted texture, due to the uneven patchy distribution of the minerals that make up their composition. There are the following varieties:
  • Tobacco jade is a mottled-colored variety of jade with a grayish-greenish-brown color.
  • Spotted grayish green jade is a spotted-colored variety of jade with a characteristic spotted and wavy-striped texture of a soft, uneven grayish-green color with a slight bluish tint.

  • Dark green spotted jade is a dense spotty-colored, non-translucent or partially translucent rock with a landscape pattern.
  • Jade spotted bluish-green is a rock of dark bluish-green color that is not translucent or slightly translucent in the plates.
  • Small-spotted jade is a massive, unevenly colored, slightly translucent rock with dark, light gray, white, dark green and bright green spots.
  • Spotted-disseminated nephrites - nephrites with abundant inclusions of chlorite and ore mineral and frequent transitions from serpentinite to jade.


It differs from other varieties of this stone in its unusual magical abilities. It is valued mainly for its high strength and attractive appearance. Such a stone is able to warm not only the soul, but also the body. White jade perfectly cleanses thoughts of any negativity, and also significantly strengthens faith and spirit. Thanks to such abilities, he is respected in many world religions.

It strengthens faith in one's own strength and gives its owner peace and tranquility. It is especially good for logical thinking and mental abilities, and also provides significant assistance in various disputes.


It has special mystical abilities that can help any person to believe in a miracle. Its unusual lines, created by nature, will not leave anyone indifferent, they seem to draw in and fascinate.

If you look at a stone for a long time, calmness, harmony and clear thoughts come to a person.

The stone can help any person to find their own self and pull out all the deeply hidden talents. When wearing jade on the body for a long time as an ornament or a talisman, one can understand one's purpose in life and imperceptibly begin to follow it.


It is very often used in jewelry, such products look mysterious and unusual. It seems to some that a whole eternity and the whole depth of the universe are hidden in such a stone. Many incredibly beautiful and luxurious jewelry and items for interior decoration are created from black jade.

The stone gives its owner harmony, wisdom and a philosophical approach. It is used by many people who need such qualities.

The origin and many properties make jade related to jadeite. Nowadays, the most expensive and valuable is considered blue jade, similar to the precious blue jadeite. The blue jade from the Trans-Baikal deposits is especially beautiful. In gemology, blue jade is called dianite, although mineralogical science interprets this term differently.

  1. Some varieties of white jade in purity of color and silky texture can compete with lotus petals. According to unverified reports, one of the three imperial regalia of Japan is a lotus-colored jade necklace.
  2. True, it is widely believed that the sacred pendants were lost in the battle of 1185 and replaced with jasper copies, but it is impossible to verify the statement.
  3. Mortals are unworthy to see the symbols of imperial power.

Young ivory jade is an extremely popular material among carvers. The smallest and finest details of artistic carving are not lost sight of if the jade looks like butter! That is why most of the jade figurines found in museum displays are so similar to ivory.

Where is it mined

The Chinese province of Xinjiang was previously considered a traditional mineral deposit, however, in the 18th century, stone began to be actively mined in Burma. Soon deposits of jade began to be found all over the world. Jades are mined in the Eastern Sayan, namely in the Ulakhondinskoye, Ospinskoye and Bortolskoye deposits.

For a long time, Burma was considered the only deposit. Nowadays, in addition to China and Burma, nephrites are mined in Germany, Italy, Central Asia, India and Switzerland, as well as on the islands of Polynesia and in the Pamirs.

There are also mineral deposits on the territory of Russia, and they are located in the South Urals. But basically, only jade, which has a greenish-gray color, is mined there.

As for the cost of this mineral, it is very difficult to name the exact price, since it has a different color and structure. The frame in which the stone is inserted also plays an important role in this case.


The cost of this mineral depends on many different criteria, including the specific variety, deposit, quality, color, size, weight.

Below are approximate prices for some of the most popular jewelry:

  1. Inexpensive rings or earrings inlaid with jade can be purchased at a price of 500 rubles.
  2. The price of bracelets and brooches averages from 500 to 2500 rubles, depending on which stones were used as an addition to them.
  3. Jade beads usually cost from 1000 rubles.
  4. The cost of the necklace depends on the size and set of stones, the initial price is about 3000 rubles.

The European jewelry tradition refers to jade as a completely ordinary material. Jade inserts in rings, brooches and earrings are rarely set in gold. Often, whole rings, bracelets, key rings, and figures of interior decorations are carved from jade.

The usual price of jade in jewelry stores in Europe ranges from two to thirty dollars. Highly artistic works and cabochons of rare quality are valued higher.

In the East, jade is valued the higher, the closer its color is to emerald green. The most expensive of the mass varieties can be recognized as jade of the “imperial” class: in addition to the juicy green color, the stone is also distinguished by high translucency.

The complete absence of dotted or dashed black inclusions makes green jade the standard of oriental quality. Such stones, being cut into cabochons, are sold at a price of several tens of dollars apiece.

Jade is cheap, and therefore it is more expensive to fake it. This is the opinion of the artisans of rich countries, but in the east there is a different opinion. Here, jade is counterfeited with glass clouded with various pigments and fiber additives.

Glasses, cut cabochon and inserted into frames, are indistinguishable from natural jade at first glance. But it is worth taking a closer look at the surface of the insert, and the truth is revealed even to an uninformed buyer.

Glass is easily polished to a mirror finish, which is never the case with jade. Being polished to the maximum degree, jade remains slightly matte, and through a magnifying glass you can see the smallest defects in the surface of the stone.

  • Very often in India, China and neighboring countries, under the guise of jade, they sell a variety of rocks, tinted according to the worldview of the seller.
  • Fraudsters usually do not even bother with the structural similarity to natural jade.
  • The main argument of quality is the width of the smile and the depth of the bows of the trader.
  • If you are not afraid to pass for a connoisseur, try to scratch the back side of the proposed stone with a knife blade or a needle point.
  • You will not bring harm to jade: there will be no trace left. And they will try to snatch the pressed dung out of your hands even before the sample ...


How to distinguish an original from a fake

Given the popularity and demand for this mineral, each person runs the risk of encountering a fake when making a purchase of jewelry or other products.

To minimize this risk, you need to know the following features by which it can be distinguished from the original:

  1. When hitting a pure jade or a small metal object, a natural stone makes a ringing sound, in the case of a fake, the sound will be deaf.
  2. Natural stone is virtually impossible to damage, so you can try to leave a small scratch on its surface. If this was done, then the mineral is fake.
  3. The brilliance of the stone is another distinguishing feature, but for the most part only professionals can recognize it. Natural stones have a characteristic oily sheen, and most fakes have a matte or velvety surface.

Jade is an unpretentious semi-precious stone that does not require special care. It is enough to follow the following rules:

  1. Periodically, it is recommended to carry out preventive cleaning, for this, the stone or jewelry is placed in a soapy solution, after which it is processed with a brush with soft bristles.
  2. In the presence of minor contamination or plaque, you can limit yourself to polishing the mineral with a soft piece of cloth.
  3. To decorate jewelry made from this stone, it is best to use reliable individual boxes or boxes.


For many millennia, the stone has been used by mankind as a material for creating various religious, household and jewelry decorations. In ancient China, the tombs of kings and palaces were trimmed with stone, as well as exquisite jewelry for women who lived in the royal court. Masters from the Celestial Empire made miraculous talismans and symbols of power from jade.


Application of the mineral

There is no more viscous and tear-resistant ornamental stone in nature than jade. This property is related to its fibrous structure. This feature was used by the masters of antiquity, making rings, bracelets and even various tools from jade. Later, it became one of the favorite stones of the peoples of Southeast Asia. Jade is widely used for the manufacture of household items and religious worship.

Figurines have long been highly valued, which were deified, served as an object of worship, fetishes. Jade tiles in the East with the corresponding inscriptions served as an indication of the nobility of their owner.

Among the burials of the Far East, archaeologists find sarcophagi girded with jade plates (their number sometimes reaches several thousand). Mummies were decorated with such plates, interconnected by gold wire - according to popular beliefs, this provided the spirit of the deceased with eternity. Jade was used to make lamps for incense oils, figurative compositions, bas-reliefs, and vessels.

For several millennia BC, jade has taken a strong place in the culture of China. Already in the second millennium BC, the Chinese reached a high level of its processing. Insignia of nobles, magnificent carvings (vases, table sculptures), household and religious items, and various decorations were carved from jade. Jade was endowed with all sorts of supernatural properties, not only healing, but also cult.

Especially valuable

White jade was especially valued. Plates from it, covered with fine carvings, were hung from a headdress or belt; while walking, they made a melodic ringing, scaring away evil spirits, according to legend. Chinese stone-cutting art is characterized by images of various mythological animals (dragon, hydra, unicorn, etc.). The art of stone carving in China reached its peak in the 17th-18th centuries.

At that time, bowls, vases, goblets, incense bottles, chess, various table decorations, and animal figurines were carved from jade.

Openwork products made of jade, in particular balls, are traditional for China.

  1. Jade was valued very highly in China, once even higher than gold.
  2. For example, scepters were awarded to the winners of competitions: the first place winner was made of jade, the second place winner was made of gold, and the third one was made of ivory.
  3. Jade was used to make plaques equivalent to certain coins that were legally circulated in the domestic market.

Jade was called the stone of heaven and earth, wisdom and eternity. More than two thousand years ago, the great Chinese thinker Confucius noted the value of jade as a symbol of virtue. The writer Hiu-Chin compared the properties of jade with the spiritual qualities of a person: soft natural brilliance - with kindness, strength - with courage, etc.

Use in Russia

In European countries, in particular in Russia, jade was used relatively little, and products made from it generally differ in simpler (compared to Chinese) forms, even products from the famous Faberge firm.

At the Peterhof Lapidary Factory from the middle of the 19th century. they made decorative vases, bowls, writing instruments, paper knives, brooches, etc. Many pieces of jade from that time are kept in the Hermitage.

Nowadays, jade is used in the stone-cutting and jewelry industries. It is used to make sets of standard replicated products (glasses, vases, bracelets, rings, pendants). In this case, huge losses of stone occur, obviously due to the mechanized production process.


Jade is one of the few stones that are actively used in magical and religious rites. Healers identified five key abilities of the mineral, for which it is valued. It is this stone that is considered to be a symbol of Heaven, Earth, Eternity and Wisdom.

Also, there are many other legends that are associated with jade. For example, knives for human sacrifices were made from it. In addition, most tend to believe that the throne of the Buddha is made of jade. Confucius was of the opinion that the gem helps to show humanity, prudence and reveal the abilities of the mind to the fullest.

  • Also, jade and its properties were interpreted in their own way. So, his hardness was compared with courage, magnificent brilliance with kindness, and durability with inexhaustible reserves of patience.
  • Until now, people who are engaged in the study of jade, and its magical properties, firmly believe that the elixir of immortality contains such a component as green mineral powder.
  • In the East, at one time they even worshiped the stone, considering it holy and immaculate.
  • The mineral is able to save the owner from malicious intent about the rest and instill in him love and respect for the people around him.
  • They believe that jade has sufficient energy to help a person start life from scratch and forget about all the sins committed.

Most of the peoples of the world used jade for their magical rituals, thereby contacting spirits from the other world.


Sometimes there are even healers who attribute more global properties to jade. So, they claim that the mineral is able to stop a hurricane, earthquakes and floods. In addition, the energy of the gem is so strong and influential that it will overcome the plague epidemic.

Jade will protect the owner from the evil eye and bad company, protecting the person from enemies. As well as possible, relations in the family circle will develop.

For those who have some pathologies and warnings for independent childbirth, it can be recommended to start wearing jade from the moment the fetus is conceived until the very birth. Only in this case, the energy and strength of the mineral will help to give birth to a healthy baby without any problems.


5 "human" qualities of a stone

In China, jade is believed to have five human qualities:

  1. Kindness - jade radiates warmth.
  2. Pure heart - jade sparkles with pure brilliance.
  3. The joy of life - jade makes a ringing sound when struck.
  4. Strength - jade is strong, it is almost impossible to split it.
  5. Justice - jade has sharp edges that do not hurt.


According to most astrologers, this mineral is best suited to the following two zodiac signs:

  • Virgin. This zodiac sign is related to jade, so people born under it will feel the power of this mineral to the fullest. Wearing various amulets and amulets with it will allow you to find a happy and prosperous future.
  • Scales. This is another sign of the zodiac that jade is very suitable for. The stone will contribute not only to making the right decisions, but also to a significant extension of the life path.
  • Aquarius, Gemini, Taurus. All these signs, to one degree or another, will also feel the positive effects of the mineral.

At the same time, it is recommended to refrain from wearing various jewelry and amulets with jade for people who were born under the following signs:

  1. Cancer. People of this sign usually become very discouraged when wearing jewelry with this stone.
  2. Scorpion. The mineral has an overwhelming effect on the representatives of this sign, they usually cannot cope with its power.
  3. Fish. Representatives of this sign also do not experience any positive impact on themselves.

Medicinal properties

Jade has long been considered a cure for any disease, regardless of the nature and severity of the disease. In order to avoid all sorts of diseases, it is necessary to constantly wear jewelry with a stone. This will help not only to recover, but will also be excellent prevention.

Many healers washed jade into powder and recommended that all patients take a teaspoon with water. Thus, considering the effect of the mineral on the body not only curative, but also preventive from all diseases.

Also, it is believed that it is jade that is an excellent remedy for diseases of the barrels and bladder. Among other things, the mineral has a positive effect on the digestive system and intestinal tract.

Women who are in position are advised to wear stone jewelry as close to their stomach as possible, as this will not only facilitate the pregnancy period, but also help with childbirth. Jade is able to save a person from insomnia, nightmares and feelings of anxiety.

Most healers use stone balls for massage sessions for the whole body and face. This will improve the condition of the skin and relieve rashes. In addition, the skin will become silky and tightened, fine wrinkles will go away.

  • Special jade plates are applied to bruises and wounds for the fastest healing.
  • The mineral has a beneficial effect on the suspension of inflammatory processes throughout the body.
  • Jade pendants are able to open the heart chakra and solar plexus, thereby providing a healing effect on sore spots.

It is important that the gem for a long time is able to retain heat. Therefore, it can be heated and used as a warming agent for diseases of the kidneys or back. Interestingly, if a stone is placed in a bowl of cold water, it does not lose its temperature immediately, but remains warm for some time.

Talismans and amulets

Jade as a talisman protects its owner from all sorts of failures and from any misfortune. Amulets in which white jade is present will bring happiness and change in life, they should be worn by single people who are still looking for their happiness in love and marriage.

An excellent children's amulet is a small lock carved from jade. Many years ago, such decorations were hung on a chain that was worn on a child. People sincerely believed that from now on the child is firmly connected with life, and evil spirits cannot get close to him.

Rings or rings, where there is white jade, are considered excellent talismans that can help their owners in professional affairs and protect family happiness. In general, the mineral is able to improve the beneficial effect of any amulets or talismans.

And it is also believed that jade symbolizes military courage and intelligence. People with small jade items on themselves are more likely than others to achieve their goals. Such a charm is good for a warrior. The stone will not only give him courage, but also protect him from injury and injury.

Red stone

Amulets with blood-red jades will protect the house from natural disaster.

Given the large number of magical and other properties of jade, various amulets and talismans have been made from this mineral since ancient times. Some of their examples are given below:

  • Various figurines, for the manufacture of which jade was used, in many countries it was customary to use them as home decorations. It was believed that they contribute to the accelerated implementation of plans and the achievement of goals, but the stone helps only those people whose thoughts are bright and noble.
  • Hanging jewelry with any kind of jade is a way to provide reliable protection for its owner from the evil eye, damage and witchcraft.

  • The use of jade of red or pink color in any form provides protection from fires.
  • Beads or bracelets can be worn at night, which will help get rid of nightmares.
  • Jade plates were used to decorate belts, which protected their wearer from any evil forces.
  • White jade plates were often used to decorate clothes or headdresses, and were also simply hung at home. It was believed that their ringing could scare away evil spirits and evil spirits.

Since ancient times, people sacredly believed in the healing of any disease with the help of jade. And now many people use it to combat various ailments.

How can jade be used:

  1. a slightly heated mineral is applied to a sore spot in cases of bruises or rheumatism.
  2. use the massage roller, balls and jade rods to massage the body and to massage the skin on the face. This will help improve blood circulation, regulate tissue regeneration, the skin will not be flabby, you will get rid of fatigue.
  3. find a useful use for green jade beads, because wearing them stabilizes the heart rate, improves sleep, and leads to the normalization of the state of the nervous system. And small jade balls can be used during specific exercises that develop the hand after an injury and even a stroke.


  • In ancient China, special "passports" were made from jade plates for the emperor's envoys.
  • In Russia in the 19th century, 1 kilogram of emerald green jade was valued at 1,000 gold rubles.

  • The largest piece of dark green jade is located in Samarkand, in the Gur-Emir mosque. This is the tombstone of Tamerlane's tomb.
  • The sarcophagus of Tsar Alexander III was also carved from a piece of Siberian jade.
  • In esoteric practices, jade is recognized as an indicator of spiritual growth, and its darkening is considered a harbinger of misfortune. Changes in the appearance of the stone indicate that it is time for a person to correct his sins in order to avoid misfortune.


A story about the legendary stones that left a bright mark on history cannot do without a story about jade.

Why is jade famous? What is special about this stone?

Luxurious, royal, mystical jade is often mentioned during tourist excursions in different countries of the world. This stone became famous a thousand years ago! In ancient times, jade was highly valued in almost all corners of the Earth.

But jade was especially glorified by the ancient Chinese. This is surprising, but not a single people, not a single stone in the world treated the Chinese in the way that the Chinese treated jade! This is an unprecedented case in the history of our civilization - the Chinese literally idolized jade! The whole life of China was “permeated” with jade and consecrated by the energy of this mineral, which still has a sacred meaning for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. The more you learn about the fanatical veneration of the Chinese jade, the more this phenomenon is amazing! China has been gripped by a real jade mania for several millennia.

Chinese jade mania

The ancient Chinese valued jade more than gold. It was this mineral that was considered the national stone of China. Jade for the Chinese was the stone of Heaven, Earth, Wisdom, Eternity, Immortality and all the most important and sacred. Jade was used to decorate palaces and imperial tombs. Representatives of the imperial family wore delightful jewelry with this stone, while ordinary Chinese women were strictly forbidden to wear this royal stone for a long time. It is curious that many women in China have the character "jade" in their name.

Jade has a very pleasant green tint. Sometimes there are light green jade stones, sometimes with shades of gray. Blue and red jade are the least common. In China and Tibet, white jade has always been highly valued, which, in turn, can be of several types. Of these, opaque lotus-colored jade is most valued. There is also a transparent gray-white jade and ivory jade. In any case, the color palette of jade looks very delicate, noble and even aristocratic. The soft and calm tone of the jade stone suits all color types of appearance - this is the distinctive quality of all royal stones. Whatever woman tries on jade - everyone will have to face!

The Chinese epic lives and breathes jade. Beautiful Chinese legends say that the Buddha sat on a jade throne. And the famous Tree of Immortality grew on the shores of a beautiful jade lake. The legendary history of China keeps a huge number of traditions and rituals associated specifically with jade.

Jade is a symbol of power

Jade in China was considered a stone of immortality, so Chinese craftsmen carved jade symbols of power for their rulers.

Jade insignia were made both for the emperor himself and for high-ranking courtiers. Interestingly, when communicating with foreigners, members of the high Chinese "government" were required to wear special jade discs, in the middle of which there was a hole. Ritual decoration ensured the success of negotiations and the observance of the interests of the Chinese empire. Moreover, each rank had its own engraving: the princes of the 4th rank had grain engraved on the jade disk, the princes of the 5th rank had an engraving in the form of a reed mat. Such artistic traditions in China existed as early as the 11th century BC! And in the 6th century, the Chinese emperor wore a headdress, which was decorated with large jade plates.

Another interesting tradition with the use of jade is that when very important sacred rituals were performed, the Chinese emperor and his main assistants held jade plates near their lips so as not to defile His Heavenly Majesty with their breath. The imperial jade plate was called "ting" and had a rectangular shape, which personified "the directness of his rule of the country." But the jade plates of his main assistants were pointed or rounded, which meant submission to the Emperor.
In the imperial palace, everyone covered their mouths with jade plates when they addressed His Majesty. Chinese court ladies also wore jade, but these were various types of fasteners and pins that indicated their position and court rank.

The Chinese rulers themselves idolized jade and presented it as a gift as a sign of respect to the rulers of other states. So, for example, in 1895, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II received a jade field marshal's baton, decorated with a gold frame, as a gift from the Chinese emperor. By the way, in Russia, jade was also mined and highly revered. But with Chinese nephritomania, of course, this cannot be compared. The Chinese called Siberian jade "spinach jade" because black inclusions of graphite were present in the rock. The sarcophagus of the Russian Emperor Alexander III was carved from Siberian jade. And the sarcophagus of Tamerlane was made of jade of a rich dark green hue.

All religious temple complexes in China are overflowing with jade sculptures. In the famous Temple of the Jade Buddha, 2 huge Buddha sculptures made from solid pieces of white jade are still carefully kept.

The envoys of the Chinese emperor always carried paired jade plates with them - this was direct evidence that the messengers brought news from the Emperor himself.

All representatives of the Chinese nobility ate only with jade sticks, only from jade dishes. The Chinese even wrote letters on jade plates, with jade pens. And if they wrote on silk (there was also such a type of writing), then the scroll was wound exclusively on polished jade rods.

Until the invention of porcelain, almost all dishes, including cups, were made from jade in China! The Chinese drank rice vodka from jade cups, other drinks - from jade goblets, sweets were served on the table on elegant jade saucers. Stunning incense burners, snuff boxes and even perfume bottles were carved from jade.

Of course, all the temples of the Middle Kingdom were overflowing with jade items. Large light blue jade discs were used in worship. During droughts, the Chinese performed special rites of prayer using large round jade platters engraved with dragons.

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When a representative of a noble family was given in marriage, all her decoration from head to toe was strewn with jade. In wedding ceremonies, it was customary to use jade of the lightest shades.

Another proof of the value of jade in China is that jade plaques were made from it, which were used along with coins!

Even the winners of sports competitions were awarded with a jade scepter. Those who won 2nd place received a golden scepter as a reward. Those who took 3rd place were awarded an ivory scepter.

5 "human" qualities of jade:

In China, jade is believed to have five human qualities:

Kindness - jade radiates warmth.
Pure heart - jade sparkles with pure brilliance.
The joy of life - jade makes a ringing sound when struck.
Strength - jade is strong, it is almost impossible to split it.
Justice - jade has sharp edges that do not hurt.

And here is how the legendary ancient Chinese thinker Confucius spoke about jade: “... Jade is like the power of knowledge, because it is smooth and shiny. It is like justice, for it has sharp edges, but they do not cut. It is like obedience, for it strives down to the earth. It is like music, for it emits pure, clear sounds. He is like truthfulness, for he does not hide the flaws that only enhance his beauty. He is like the earth, and his fortitude is born of mountains and water.

It should be noted that, despite the rapid development of world civilization, Chinese traditions are still very strong. The Chinese to this day highly honor jade and use it in their lives. Even their first lunar rover, which was launched quite recently, the Chinese called nothing more than a “jade hare”! And all because the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, just like many thousands of years ago, believe that jade always triumphs over the dark forces and always wins. For them, it is not just a stone, but a stone of spirits, a clot of love and divine energy. The mineral gives its owner sweet dreams and protects against all diseases.

The Chinese drank only from jade vessels, because even in the strongest heat the water in it remained fresh. And today, in the homes of the Chinese, you can find many ancient jade items that are inherited by them. But in much smaller quantities than before.

Jade in ancient China was valued not only for its magnificent aesthetic qualities, but also for its numerous magical properties. For many centuries, the Chinese have been convinced that jade "corrects all that is wrong." That is, this stone is able to help its owner literally in everything! But jade does not help everyone, but only respectable and disinterested people, since jade is a spiritualized stone. That's what the Chinese think.

Jade protects a decent person from dark forces, prolongs his life and normalizes family relations. Modern Chinese women wear jade beads without fail in order to preserve family well-being - Chinese women wear jade as often as Russian women wear gold!

Famous Tibetan sages used balls of pure white jade in their meditation practices - a rather rare type of this mineral. A very soft sheen, a deep even tone of white jade pacifies the human soul, inspires peace and harmony, helping to get rid of destructive resentment, anger and other negative emotions. By the way, that is why jade in ancient times was called the "stone of tranquility." The Chinese could not do without a jade rosary in complex negotiations and under any serious circumstances. They always took jade with them, because this stone pacifies a person and inspires complete self-confidence.

For many millennia, the Chinese have carved religious objects, expensive dishes and, of course, jewelry from jade. A rare work of Chinese art does without jade. And in ancient times, jade in China was present in almost every work of art! In artistic carving, five-color jade was most valued. For carved objects from five-color jade they gave a fortune! No money was spared for the purchase of jade.

Jade and music

The Chinese, in love with jade, even used this stone as a musical instrument! They carved oblong jade plates of different thicknesses, which made pleasant sounds of different tones. Usually a set of records was no more than 24 pieces. The jade instrument itself is somewhat reminiscent of a modern metallophone. "Stone chime" from jade sounds very pleasant to the ear. In ancient China, a jade instrument was used in the imperial palace when performing the most important ceremonies. Imperial singing jade plastics had bizarre carved shapes. The jade instrument was played in China for many thousands of years - even before our era. The Chinese chronicles describe that Confucius was very fond of playing on jade plates, and did this every time he despaired of realizing that he was unable to change anything in real life. In the melodic sounds of jade, Confucius found solace. At that moment, not only peace came to him, but also wise thoughts. Once, a peasant heard the miraculous playing of Confucius on the jade, who exclaimed: “The heart of the one who beats the musical stone like that is really overflowing!”

You can talk about how the Chinese used jade for an incredibly long time.
In addition to China, jade was highly valued in many countries of the world - in Mexico, New Zealand, India, Turkestan, etc. The famous traveler Miklukho-Maclay said that the Papuans of New Guinea made tools from jade - hammers, axes, etc.

origin of name
The origin of the name of the mineral is interesting. The word "nephrite" comes from the Greek words "nephros" meaning "kidney" and "lapis" meaning "stone". Jade has long been called the "kidney stone" for its healing properties and ability to treat kidney diseases.

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Place of Birth
Jade is mined in China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Germany, Finland, USA, Canada, New Zealand and many other countries of the world.

magical properties
Ancient Chinese alchemists claimed that jade is as perfect as gold! This is a symbol of absolute purity, with colossal magical properties. For example, white jade is able to calm and pacify violent passions, instill peace and tranquility in the soul.

The ancient Mongols spoke very colorfully about the magical properties of jade: “If you are uncontrollably carried somewhere, if resentment and anger crept into your heart, do not let these passions flare up. Take the white and slippery tsagaan khash (jade) in your palms, squeeze it tighter, and it will calm you down.”

The main Eastern commandment says about the magical calming properties of jade: "Do not worry and do not rush: there are many days in a year." Old arats claim that white jade also has supernatural magical properties. Thin jade plates are capable of producing a clean and lingering ringing. In China and Mongolia, white plates were cut out of jade, hung from a headdress or a belt. Jade plates rang melodiously while walking and drove away evil spirits!

Europeans also highly valued this mineral and used it not only for making jewelry, but also believed that talismans with jade inspire honesty, decency, courage and other positive qualities in their owner.

Jade is one of the best "correctors of life circumstances." The mineral has a beneficial effect on the life of its owner, promotes positive changes, protects his peace, and saves him from nightmares. It is a mineral of longevity and a successful marriage. Jade can tell its owner the right behavior: darken when the owner makes a mistake. Since ancient times, jade has been framed in silver to protect itself from the evil eye.

One of the important magical properties of jade is libido stimulation. Sexuality in China is directly related to jade. The Chinese expression "jade rod" is known all over the world, which means the reproductive organ. "Jade game" - the play of light on the mirror polished surface of the stone, in China means sexual relations. In China, jade was considered a symbol of the Sun and a symbol of yang energy. The soft, serene and calm color of jade has been compared to the beauty of the female body. Therefore, Chinese women often wear jade to always remain young, healthy and beautiful.

The hardness and physical properties of jade were legendary around the world. The viscosity of jade is unique - there are no such compounds in nature anymore! An experiment was carried out at one of the Siberian factories - they brought down a giant steam hammer on a jade block. As a result, only the anvil crumbled! Such a phenomenal density is explained by the fact that the structure of jade consists of ultra-thin, intricately intertwined fibers.

The legendary Chinese “book of poetry” describes that the soft shiny surface of jade is the virtue of a person, the strength of jade is the mind of a person, and the corners of jade that never dull is justice. The purity and melodiousness of the sound that jade plates emit is the music of God.

Jade amulets were worn to prolong one's life. Moreover, the Chinese used jade in funeral ceremonies and buried the dead in jade jewelry so that their body would not decompose after death. Given the number of Chinese, it is difficult to even imagine how many tons of jade are buried today in China!

Jewelry with jade is recommended for Virgo and Libra. For representatives of these zodiac signs, the stone will become an indispensable talisman and will protect and help them in every possible way. Jade gives these people self-confidence, and will help them move up the career ladder, while wearing jade is best for them in the form of a bracelet on their right hand. Jade will also help other representatives of the Zodiac signs if you follow some wearing rules: for example, astrologers recommend yellow jade to Water signs, red jade suits Fire signs, green jade is better to wear Earth signs, and white jade will be a good choice for Air signs.

Medicinal properties
To the touch, jade always seems warm and very pleasant. I want to touch the stone, take it in my hands as often as possible - and this is no coincidence. Incredibly strong energy and powerful healing properties of the stone immediately make themselves felt.

Jade has been used since ancient times to treat various kidney diseases. Regular use of jade helps to treat the genitourinary system, excretory ducts, promotes the removal of stones from various organs, and relieves renal colic. Also, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the liver. Earrings with jade contribute to the healing of eye diseases and relieve toothache. Any jewelry with a stone will come in handy for those whose feet are constantly cold. Jade saves from insomnia, nightmares, calms the psyche, has a rejuvenating effect and slows down the aging process in the body. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and all internal organs.

Different types of jade have a peculiar spectrum of therapeutic action. White jade not only eliminates renal colic, prevents stomach diseases, but also relieves pain in the liver, exacerbates hearing and vision. Jewelry with red jade helps to normalize the heartbeat. Blue jade stones have a beneficial effect on the psyche, eliminate sleep disorders. In general, all types of jade perfectly cope with nervous disorders - in ancient China, with the help of this mineral, they calmed the violent, took people out of deep depressions.

As in the old days, today in China all kinds of sacred objects are made from jade, which are also used in healing procedures, for example, jade bells. They are hung at home and at the workplace to prevent possible diseases. Just like thousands of years ago, small jade talismans are hung around the neck of children to protect them from diseases that warn kids at every turn.

Jade is simply invaluable as an assistant for the treatment of the body. Helps normalize the work of the circulatory system, the functioning of the spleen. Promotes the removal of gases and effectively relieves bloating. In Chinese medicine, jade plates are very often used for therapeutic warming compresses, with the help of which they heal very complex stomach diseases - ulcers and even cancer. Warm jade plates effectively relieve pain, accelerate the treatment of inflammatory processes.

In general, all jade jewelry accelerates cell regeneration, rejuvenates the body and prolongs life.

Today, jewelry with a mineral is still popular all over the world. The stone is very beautiful, very durable and has a positive effect on its owner. The global stone-cutting industry produces jade vases, caskets, all kinds of coasters, and, of course, jade rings, rings, bracelets, jade beads and various jewelry inserts. Jade is used to create mosaic panels, as an interior decoration, etc. Due to the deep and even tone of the jade color, it becomes possible to acquire mirror polishing, absolutely all jade products look amazing!

In Russia, jade is currently being mined in the Eastern Sayan, in Transbaikalia and in the Polar Urals.

Jade refers to semi-precious stones of predominantly green color. Interestingly, in literal translation from Greek, the word means "kidney". It used to be called that: a kidney stone. This makes sense: the mineral can really relieve pain if it is applied to the stomach or kidneys. Although its healing properties, of course, are not limited to this.

You can evaluate the healing abilities of jade if you know its basic physical properties and chemical composition. It is these characteristics that explain the useful qualities of the gem and its significance for people.

Physical properties and chemical composition

  • composition (see diagram) - silicon oxide SiO (55%), magnesium oxide MgO (20%) calcium oxide CaO (15%) and a mixture of other oxides (10%);
  • hardness - 6 on the Mohs scale *;
  • the nature of the surface - mostly glassy, ​​oily, less often - matte;
  • transparency - mostly opaque, sometimes a little translucent;
  • strength - high - in domestic conditions, a break is impossible;
  • density - about 3.0-3.5 g / cm 3 (3-3.5 times heavier than water).

* The hardness of minerals is most often determined on a scale developed by the German researcher Friedrich Moos. A maximum of 10 points are applied, which corresponds to the hardness of the diamond. And the minimum value (1 point) corresponds to talc, which can be easily scratched with a fingernail.

Types and colors

There are several criteria by which jade is classified. The most obvious is the appearance, that is, the color of the stone. Mainly green color(from light apple to grassy, ​​olive shades). There are also instances of these colors:

  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • black;
  • grey.

But the rarest specimens are blue, pink and red. Due to their originality, they can look very interesting - of course, subject to the right combination of clothes and accessories.

According to the texture, color saturation and surface features, 3 groups can be distinguished:

  1. With a uniform color.
  2. With spots (spotted).
  3. With spots and interspersed (spotted-disseminated).

Interestingly, some countries have their own stone classification systems. For example, in China, there are 4 varieties of jade:

  1. Hotap - with milky white shades.
  2. Xuyan - traditional greenish shades.
  3. Lantian - painted in yellow tones.
  4. Nanyang - has both green and yellow color.

Of course, the specific choice is a matter of taste. At the same time, you should not think that specks and inclusions make the gem “fake” or second-rate. All inclusions are impurities of oxides, which are normally always contained in its composition.

TOP 5 useful and medicinal properties for the human body

Lithotherapy is a whole area of ​​folk healing. The main idea of ​​the teaching is that each stone affects the body in its own way, since its healing properties are largely unique. For example, jade has a beneficial effect on such processes and organs:

  1. First of all, it acts as an excellent sedative. To see this in practice, just hold any decoration from it in your hands. You will immediately feel that it is pleasant to the touch and also quite warm. Thanks to this property, the gem acts as a kind of compress, which is always at hand. You can simply apply it to the place that hurts. After a few minutes, the discomfort will noticeably subside.
  2. Helps to stabilize the heart rate. Even outwardly, he sets up a calm, even pace of life. Thanks to this mild sedative effect, blood pressure normalizes and the general condition of the body improves.
  3. Strengthens the liver and stomach.
  4. Promotes hair restoration, prevents them from drying out.

Currently, jade pillows, which came to us from China, are often used. This is a real elixir of youth, because interacting with the human head, such a pillow activates blood flow to the brain. And thanks to this, even severe fatigue, anxiety quickly pass. Such statements are not unfounded: in one of the medical centers in China, they conducted relevant studies and found an improvement in the condition of patients in 98 cases out of 100.

Gallery: jade stone (47 photos)

jade in magic

Since ancient times, our ancestors endowed each stone with its unique "magic" properties. Some gems served as reliable amulets against the evil eye, others gave good luck in battles, and still others promised commercial success to merchants. Of course, each mineral has its own energy. But here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the owner of the talisman: what emotional wave he tunes in, that's how things will go.

The magical properties of jade are believed in China. It is used in various rituals and during some religious holidays. It is believed that the stone is jade:

  • instills love and respect for everyone around;
  • serves as an elixir of eternal youth;
  • helps to fine-tune your inner world and get answers to long-troubling questions;
  • allows you to repent and let go of the burden of resentment and misunderstanding.

If you think about it, there are no contradictions and oddities in these words. And it’s better not to even think about it, but just peer into the stone. Soft green color, muted surface, interesting texture - all this is psychologically calm and peaceful. The owner of this mineral has an excellent opportunity to mentally stop at any moment, exhale and tune in to a positive wave.

Thus, the very understanding of the magic of jade becomes quite accessible, if we remember the peculiarities of color perception of each of us. Green color relaxes the nervous system. And when a person needs a little relaxation, he intuitively tries to look at flower plants or trees outside the window - wise nature always knows how to do the right thing.

Deposits of semi-precious stone

The mineral is mined all over the world - on all continents. In our country, the deposits are located in the Polar Urals, in the Eastern Sayan and Tuva.

And the most famous regions in the world are:

  • Kazakhstan;
  • Eastern China;
  • New Zealand;
  • Alaska;
  • Poland;
  • British Columbia.

More recently, in 2016, a huge jade rock was found in the distant South Asian country of Myanmar. It weighs over 170 tons and costs approximately $140 million.

How to distinguish real jade from a fake (video)

Legends and beliefs

The world of stones has long developed its own folklore. Of course, a description of beautiful products is hardly possible without mentioning no less beautiful legends.

In the case of jade, the following beliefs are most famous:

  1. In China, it is still considered sacred to this day. It is believed that he personifies the best virtues. But if a person with bad thoughts acquires a jewel, over time the gem will darken.
  2. But the stone protects a good owner from the evil eye and negative thoughts of envious people. You can wear a ring, beads or a jade bracelet - any jewelry will do a good job.
  3. As for the ring, it is believed that it is suitable for those who wish to strengthen their family relationships.
  4. A figurine made of stone will be especially useful for people who have big plans for life. It literally helps you to be in the right place at the right time.

Who suits jade according to the horoscope

Picking up a stone is much more difficult than even a wedding dress. In fact, you need to take into account not only your taste preferences, but also the compatibility of the mineral with the zodiac sign. It is no secret that the same mineral interacts well with the elements of one sign, but is poorly suited to another. Therefore, the horoscope is of great importance.

  1. From the point of view of astrology, the stone is associated with the elements of the earth and the influence of Venus. He patronizes the signs of the zodiac, which are directly related to these symbols. The gem can bring the greatest luck to Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (after all, they belong to the earth element). He will help them find a point of balance and gain confidence in tomorrow. As for the Venusian representatives, the gem has a particularly favorable effect on the life of Libra. These delicate, educated people with a developed sense of beauty can count on the patronage of jade, his help in making difficult decisions.
  2. The stone also has a good effect on fire signs - Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. These people are distinguished by an energetic, active character. They prefer to take risks rather than constantly acting according to a plan. In this regard, the mineral will help to cope with internal impulses and protect against ill-conceived decisions.
  3. For air signs (Aquarius and Gemini), the stone will help to cope with inconstancy, internal conflicts. In the case of Aquarius, the gem will help you get to know the dearest person and make sure that love exists. And the talisman will give Gemini the long-awaited emotional stability.

It is useful to know not only about who the jade stone is suitable for, but also about some “contraindications” for different zodiac signs. There are no strict restrictions. However, astrologers advise caution in acquiring this gem for all representatives of the water element - Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers.

In jewelry

Various types of jewelry are made from jade. Often the stone is combined with other precious and semi-precious stones. Green stones are in perfect harmony with red garnets, which is often used to create bracelets and earrings.

And they also create from a gem:

  • necklaces;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets and rings (jade can be used both for making the entire frame and for decorating individual elements of jewelry).

Of course, figurines, decorative figurines, disks, jade eggs and other products are also made.

Jade bracelet (video)

The use of the mineral in other industries

Jade is not only a beautiful decoration and personal soothing, but also an interesting material for various objects. On the basis of this mineral, dishes are made - plates, glasses. Jewelry is made from it, including some Faberge pieces.

Of course, not only the most common green mineral is used. Decorations from other varieties also look beautiful - for example, a frog figurine made of black jade is widely known.

How to distinguish jade from jadeite

Interestingly, until the middle of the 19th century, jewelers and fashionistas considered jade and jade to be the same stone. In those days it was called jade. By the way, both of these gems are still called jade.

But still they differ from each other in such ways:

  1. The structure of jade is fibrous, it has a uniform surface to the touch, which never shines.
  2. The structure of jadeite is granular. The mineral has an uneven (rough) glossy surface.