Anti-slip sole treatment. Slippery soles of winter shoes: what to do

The problem of slippery shoes is familiar to many. With the onset of winter, ordinary walks become a difficult task, because it is quite difficult to stay on the ice surface. Falls often end in injury. Such situations are highly undesirable and it is better to prepare for ice in advance if your boots slip in winter. What to do in this situation? There are several options for solving the problem.

What to do if the sole slips on winter shoes - proven methods

Shoes with a smooth or too hard sole surface are prone to slipping. In the first case, the cause of the problem is water that gets between the boots and the road surface. When using shoes with a hard sole, the rubber hardens at low temperatures.

Consider the most effective ways to make shoes less slippery:

1. Use of ice access. These are special pads with metal spikes. They are attached to the sole and prevent slipping due to the corrugated surface. You can buy such devices in shoe or even hardware stores. They are quite practical, but not very attractive in an aesthetic sense. Therefore, this option is not suitable for everyone.

Led access will certainly prevent slipping, but can ruin the look of shoes

2. Potatoes will help reduce slip. You will need a small piece, which you need to rub the soles. The starch contained in the vegetable will make the shoes more stable. But this tool cannot be called reliable. The anti-slip effect of starch lasts only 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Very unreliable, but affordable method

3. A medical plaster will also help make shoes less slippery. It must be glued to the sole crosswise. But this method also does not have a lasting effect. The patch quickly becomes unusable, and it will have to be changed several times during the week. Also, it can peel off while walking.

Another way is to stick a patch on the sole

4. If you have an old, unnecessary felt boot, cut a piece of felt from the shaft and attach it to the soles. This can be done with nails or glue. Do not fasten the felt in one piece. Divide it into parts and glue one on the toe, the second fragment on the heel.
5. Sandpaper also has anti-slip properties. But in order for it to stick firmly to the soles, you need to choose a fabric-based material. For those who do not want to attach sandpaper to their boots, there is an alternative way to use it. With this material, you can simply rub the soles. But this method will not give a long-term result.
6. A fairly effective method is to use Moment glue. Apply it to the soles, then, without waiting for drying, sprinkle the boots with sand. You can't put them on right away. Glue should dry within a day.
7. In stores specializing in the sale of shoes, you can find rubber pads. These are pretty handy and easy to use. They need to be put on before leaving the house, and removed after the walk. The use of overlays is the best option if you are afraid of damaging the appearance of the shoes. You can also contact the workshop, where they will put relief polyurethane protection on the soles.

Special pads for anti-slip shoes

8. For shoes with thick soles, a method that involves the use of screws is suitable. When choosing these elements, pay attention to their size. The length of the screws should slightly exceed the thickness of the sole. Screw them into the shoes, and remove the protruding ends. In these boots you will feel confident on the ice surface. But they have some disadvantage. In the process of walking, shoes with screws make a loud sound. Also, it should not move on a surface that is easily damaged (wood, linoleum, tiles, etc.) in order to maintain the integrity of the coating.
9. Instead of screws, staples can be used. Stuff them randomly onto the surface of the sole with a furniture stapler.

Important! Screws can damage boots, so evaluate this method correctly.

What methods are suitable for children?

This should be based on safety and practicality considerations. Means for children's shoes should retain their functionality during the active games of the child. Relief protection, the use of overlays, felt or sandpaper can be advised. Do not use band-aids or potatoes. Children are very mobile, and these options are not reliable. Screws are also not recommended.

It is better to choose shoes for children with a embossed sole, if it slips anyway, you can use overlays

  1. Give preference to shoes whose sole has a deep uniform pattern. It is desirable that it be directed in different directions, this will provide better traction.
  2. Try on boots and walk around the store. Ensure good adhesion to the floor.
  3. Check how soft the soles are. The higher this figure, the more stable the boots.

Important! Avoid buying shoes with smooth soles.

Protecting yourself from falling on an icy road is easy. To do this, there are many ways that you can use yourself at home. If you prefer professional methods, take your shoes to a repair shop, where the master will make special protection.

“I slipped, fell, woke up - gypsum,” is a well-known phrase from the Soviet comedy. The relevance of this formulation with the advent of winter grows, and the sarcasm decreases. What can be done with shoes so that they do not slip and “drop” their owners, the correspondent found out.

“First of all, always buy shoes with a high tread pattern. The bulges and porosity on the outsole will allow you to be more stable in icy conditions. It is also desirable that the sole is rubberized. All this will help you to a certain extent increase the level of grip of the sole covering with icy footpaths, ”said Yekaterina, a sales consultant in the sales department of men's shoes of the Moscow Central Department Store, to the correspondent.

In addition to banal advice when choosing winter shoes, as it turned out, there are many innovative solutions "from the people." We will not dwell on barbaric methods like “drive in small nails from the inside so that they stick out from the outside” or “put on coarse-knit socks, several sizes larger, over winter boots”, “only crawl”, but consider more loyal and acceptable ones, without external deformities and direct health hazards.

1. Glue and sand

Degrease the soles of your boots or winter boots, draw a mesh on the sole with Moment glue and, until it is dry, put the shoes on the sand, then press a little and leave to dry. As a result, you will receive a pair of winter shoes with a homemade anti-slip tread, which will need to be updated as needed (about once every three weeks).

Total: Moment glue (Br 35-50 thousand), sand.

2. Glue and sandpaper

This method is similar to the first. On clean and dry soles in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toe and heel, glue pieces of sandpaper with the same Moment glue. You can also rub the soles themselves with sandpaper beforehand. Service life - two weeks.

Total: glue "Moment" - Br 35-50 thousand, a sheet of sandpaper - Br 5 thousand.

3. Plaster

Buy the most common cloth-based patch at the pharmacy. Try to choose a skein wider and preferably not white, there are plenty of these now. Tape the soles of your shoes in a criss-cross pattern. For an aesthetic effect, you can use a black alcohol marker. The "adaptive" method is not the most durable, but it is easy to perform, the anti-slip effect lasts for a week.

Total: plaster - Br3-15 thousand, marker - Br10 thousand.

4. Old stocking

Set fire to the old nylon stocking. When it begins to "melt", drop it on the sole prepared for improvement. As a result, you will get small bumps, such as spikes, and do not spoil the sole of the shoe. The effect is up to 3 weeks.

Total: Br 0.

5. Graters

A “new” outsole tread pattern can be created with regular floats. But when using this method, be careful with thin soles - you can overdo it and ruin your winter shoes altogether. However, participants in numerous forums accept this method with a bang. Durability is about a month, then you will have to repeat anti-slip measures.

Total: Br 0.

If you do not trust homemade recipes, you can contact shoe shops. “Now in almost all shoe repairs they do special prevention of shoes against slipping. It may be different. We have three types in our workshop. For Br 36,000, for example, you will be supplied with glued rubber prophylaxis of domestic production for both winter boots. There is another one, for Br 60 thousand. It will already be thicker, the tread pattern is better. The most effective and most expensive one costs Br 80,000 for both boots: we apply a special tread pattern to your sole from imported materials, glue it on, due to which it turns out to be high and reliable. Despite many orders now, we generally accept shoes always returned the next day. For those who are especially in a hurry, we can do all the work, as they say, “from the foot”, in the presence of the customer. But, if time permits, it’s better to leave the shoes in the workshop so that they have time to dry and the preventive effect is fixed, then you can safely walk all winter, ”Galina Vasilievna Kozlova, the receiving operator of the capital’s shoe repair shop, told the correspondent.

In a variety of online stores, as well as in the “Everything for hunting and fishing” department of one of the Minsk hypermarkets, the correspondent found special slips for shoes against slipping, or, as it was said in some places, “Ledostupy”.

They are sold in different variations and sizes: mostly a “unisex” model for shoes without heels, but there are also boots with heels, least of all for children. Variations on the theme of the material of manufacture are also presented: rubber, fabric elastic bands with metal elements, and even chains. Prices are very different: from Br 27 thousand, Br 53.5 thousand, Br 190.3 thousand to $100.

And how do you save yourself from sleet in winter? Share your experience in the comments.

Natalia Nazarenko

The ideal recipe for injury is to add slippery sneakers or other shoes to winter ice (depending on preference). Nothing can be done with the ice crust: a sprinkle of sand and salt reduces slip, but dangerous areas always remain.

The controllable component remains the choice of the right non-slip boots on the ice. The problem, as a rule, lies in the sole, which is characterized by excessive smoothness or rigidity. In the first case, getting a water wedge between the shoe and the road surface deprives you of the desired grip. In the second stone hardened rubber loses tenacious properties.

There are two solutions: buy sneakers (or other shoes) that are non-slip on ice, or find out what can be done so that shoes you have already bought do not slip in winter.

How to choose the right winter boots

If the fight against icy conditions is only a bleak prospect for the coming cold weather for you, then pay special attention to choosing the right shoes to reduce the risk of unexpected somersaults. Here is a list of properties that a future winter couple should have:

1. The country of origin has an understanding of ice and snow problems (Scandinavian countries, domestic manufacturer). You should not trust options on stilettos with an unstable heel.

2. The sole has a deep uniform tread pattern directed in different directions. High-quality relief and frost-resistant rubber without hardening down to -50 ° C form an excellent tandem.

3. Rubber outsole is easy to bend. The softness of the material provides improved contact with asphalt.

If the price does not suit you, more budgetary flat rubber boots are highly recommended to be secured with removable soles based on quality rubber with steel studs. Products are sold in shoe stores. The inelegant look is fully redeemed by minimizing the risk of falling.

What can be done to prevent shoes from slipping on ice

There is already a pair for the winter and does not inspire confidence? Then you need to upgrade. There are more budget options for self-improvement or professional tools. The efficiency is high in both cases, the only question is how much effort and money you are willing to spend so that the shoes do not slip in winter.

home methods

The positive side of folk methods is the low cost. The negative is the irreversibility of some changes that affect the appearance of the shoe, and the risk of irrevocably destroying the pair. In addition, you will inevitably have to spend a certain amount of time to achieve a result.

Adhesive plaster

A tissue-based patch is a good way out when prompt action is required.

What to do if slippery sneakers interfere with normal walking? We quickly glue the tape crosswise and get an instant effect.

Cons: quickly falls behind, requires daily replacement (sometimes right on the street), noticeable when walking.


If winter sneakers slip on ice, a piece of felt glued to the toe and heel of the sole can be a simple solution. The method is quite easy to implement and almost does not spoil the aesthetic component of the pair.

Cons: the material must be found (can be cut off from old felt boots or felt insoles), a piece lasts about 10 days (then the procedure will have to be repeated).


Sneakers slip in winter, and you need to walk a lot. What to do to achieve a long-term effect? There is a radical effective option, but it will be impossible to return the shoes to their original appearance.

The sole is thoroughly cleaned, wiped with acetone, dried. Moisture-resistant glue is taken (“Moment”, epoxy) and applied with a neat snake. Then the sole is sprinkled with coarse sand or corundum from a grindstone. The boots are dried for a day, after the treated surface is rubbed with a “sandpaper” to a state of roughness. The procedure is enough for a month.

Cons: branded winter shoes with a clear improvement in grip will be irretrievably damaged.

A similar option (but without glue) involves heating coarse sand in the oven at maximum temperature for an hour, after which the grains themselves will stick to the pair placed on the prepared layer.


What to do so that the boots do not slip on the ice and do not lose their presentation? Coarse-grained sandpaper can be considered a compromise modernization. The easiest way to apply the material is to rub it on the sole (more desperate slip fighters use a grater). The rubber will get rough, but if you don't have enough thickness, you run the risk of completely wearing out the sole. The procedure is recommended to be repeated from time to time.

The second method involves purchasing sticky emery strips from the hardware store. The material is attached to the sole and remains stable for three days, after which it flies off.

The last option to fix the situation when sneakers slide in the snow is to fix the strips with glue (the procedure can be done in a shoe shop): the sole is cleaned with sandpaper, treated with alcohol and supplemented with material held on by shoe glue. This method is the most invisible to others and the least changes the appearance of the couple.

Cons: Sandpaper wears off or falls off, so the improvement needs to be systematically updated.

Some radical owners of slippery shoes screw screws into a thick sole (boots knock and scratch the floor), independently apply a tread pattern with a hot nail, or drip melted nylon (a set fire to stocking) onto rubber to form tubercles. All methods require the utmost care and compliance with security measures.

Professional approach

If the above options on what to do so that winter shoes do not slip seem unreasonably risky, then solutions from specialists will suit you. You will have to pay more, but the success rate will be higher.

Shoe repair shop offers the following services:

  • installation of soft polyurethane heels (the most aesthetic and ideal option in all respects),
  • screwing in metal heels (excellent grip is accompanied by an unpleasant clatter).

In shoe stores You can also find several functional products that can be easily removed and put on if necessary:

  • ice drifts (the studded sole in various versions is adapted for male and female models and is attached quite imperceptibly, however, scratching the floor and loud knocking remain side effects),
  • rubber pads (the surface is supplemented with screws and does not cause much noise, but it does not suit all models in style and looks specifically on female versions of products).

What must be done so that sneakers and other winter shoes do not slip in the snow? Wash your pair regularly with a stiff brush and baking soda to remove any stubborn bits of dirt that cause slippage.

Snowy, moderately frosty winter is a joyful time of the year for kids and adults. But at the same time, this is the time for a significant increase in the number of injuries received when falling on slippery ice, especially during the period of black ice. What to do if boots slip in winter, how to protect yourself from fractures and bruises?

When choosing shoes, it is advisable to immediately find out how the manufacturer provides for safety measures when wearing it on ice, how much the sole will slip. High-quality branded models of winter shoes are produced with grooved soles made of two materials: an inner layer of durable polyurethane and a non-slip rubber outer layer. And for sliding shoes, there are several proven methods, each of which guarantees more or less long-term protection against slipping.

How to make slip boots stable

If there is terrible ice on the street, but you need to get to work, school or garden, the main thing is to ensure your stability. You can use a radical method that will give one hundred percent protection against slipping. You need to equip your shoes with special overlays for winter boots, the so-called ice access. They are worn on the sole and, due to small metal spikes, provide reliable grip on the surface, pressing into the ice.

You can also use anti-slippers - special rubber collars that are worn on the soles of winter shoes and allow you to run in the snow without fear of slipping and falling.

Metal and rubber pads must be removed when entering the room. They spoil the aesthetic appearance of the shoes a little, so you won’t be able to look like a stylish beauty in such equipment.

If you want to look your best and at the same time walk confidently on ice and snow, it is recommended to use other methods. A rubber sole pad will help reduce slipping - prevention. It can be made in every shoe shop in a short time. Simultaneously with the prevention, special rubber heels can be made. Of course, polyurethane heels are more durable, but in the cold they harden and become very slippery. The shoemaker must definitely state the goal of setting prevention and heels - reducing the effect of slipping in winter.

If there are metal heels on the heels, you can reduce their slip by sticking pieces of felt with special glue that will prevent the heels from moving on ice.

So that the boots do not slip: improvised means

If ice is announced unexpectedly, there is no time to choose and buy special devices or take shoes for repair, you can use the tools that you have at home:

  • The most gentle way for shoes is adhesive plaster glued with two stripes crosswise on the sole. The fabric in rolls is best suited for these purposes. So that it does not catch the eye when walking, the stripes can be painted in the color of the sole, with an ordinary black or brown felt-tip pen. These stickers will last for a relatively short time, but will provide stability on the way to a stop or car.
  • A longer anti-slip effect will help ensure normal sandpaper and glue. On a previously degreased surface in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toe and heel, you need to glue small pieces of sandpaper. Of course, the appearance of the shoe will be a little spoiled, but stability on ice will be ensured.
  • If there is no sandpaper at hand, you can apply on the sole glue zigzag movements and sprinkle it sand or coarse salt to create a rough surface. Such a pattern will last a couple of weeks and protect against slipping on ice, but walking in such shoes indoors will be a little uncomfortable.
  • You can imitate ice access by using old dimensionless tights or stockings. You need to melt them on fire and drip onto the sole, thus creating small bumps that will act as spikes and increase traction on slippery surfaces.
  • If the shoes are no longer new and you don’t feel sorry for them, you can work directly on the sole by rubbing it with sandpaper. This procedure must be updated after 7-10 days as the roughness is rubbed.
  • If there is terrible ice on the street and all the asphalt is just like glass, but there is an urgent need to get out and reach a certain place, you can apply a radical method - put on old dimensionless tights, knee-highs, stockings on your shoes. The look in such improved boots or boots will be unaesthetic, but the stability will outweigh all the shortcomings.
  • You can also try rubbing raw potatoes on your boots to keep them from slipping. The starch contained in the vegetable will create a protective film, and the shoes will not let their owner down on ice or trampled snow for some time.

Try different methods and choose the best one for you.

Winter is a great time of the year when you can walk on the first snow in the frosty clean air, play snowballs or go to the skating rink. But this season is the most traumatic due to slippery sidewalks. Therefore, with the onset of winter snowfalls, the question of choosing comfortable and safe shoes becomes acute.

It often happens that beautiful and fashionable winter boots do not even stand the first test of snow. This problem is especially relevant during ice. In order for winter shoes not to slip, its sole should be soft and have a deep tread.

Selection of winter shoes

When buying winter shoes, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to a very important part of it - the sole. If it is smooth, it will not give sufficient grip on a slippery surface in icy conditions, so it is completely unsuitable for frosty weather. The choice of shoes for a child requires special attention. The deeper the tread, the more slip resistant it is.

Of great importance is the material used to make the sole. If low-quality raw materials are used in production, then in the cold it will become hard and very slippery. So that the shoes do not slip on the ice, it is necessary to choose a rubber sole. Today there is a special frost-resistant rubber that can withstand fairly low temperatures. In expensive models, even special protection is provided in the form of built-in metal spikes or special inserts.

Folk recipes

Continuing to skate in boots, like on skates, many are trying to do something else, and so that the shoes do not slip, they use folk remedies. There are many recipes that have stood the test of time. They are easy to do and will not spoil the appearance of the boots.

  • After degreasing the sole with alcohol or solvent, apply a mesh of good shoe glue on it and let it dry, and then cover it with another layer. After that, you should put the boot on the river sand and press it hard. Such a homemade protector will provide safe walking for about a month, then you can use the tool again. This method is more suitable for worn shoes, which you do not mind spoiling. It is not applicable for elegant model shoes. In addition, treated shoes are uncomfortable to wear indoors, as they scratch the surface of a lacquered or tiled floor.
  • Having cleaned well and, you must first rub its sole with sandpaper, and then spread it with glue and attach the cut pieces of the same paper. Particular attention should be paid to the heels and toes of the boots. Pieces of felt can be glued to them - it saves well from slipping. You need to renew this tool every few days, as the glue wears off quickly.
  • To prevent shoes from slipping in winter, you can use an old nylon stocking. If you set it on fire above the sole, it will begin to melt and drip onto it. Pieces of frozen nylon form an artificial protector, which, if regularly updated, will prevent slipping and injury.
  • For shoes with thin soles, silicone glue is suitable. The surface previously rubbed with sandpaper or an iron brush is treated with such a spray. After it is absorbed, the manipulations should be repeated. Then the shoes are dried for two days.
  • You can also try applying a water-repellent shoe polish to the surface of the sole. Reducing the degree of its humidity will also reduce slip. Some cover the surface with hairspray, but it wears off quickly.
  • An adhesive plaster can also become an anti-slip agent, but you should choose one that is made on a fabric basis and preferably of a dark color so as not to spoil the appearance of the shoe. In extreme cases, the white patch can be covered with a black felt-tip pen. Having cut the material into strips, you should glue it to the sole along and across. This method is simple and affordable, but short-lived, there is only enough money for two days. But if you carry a patch with you, you can quickly replace the peeled off piece.
  • Some stick on double-sided tape or linen strips that were used for ski bindings. They are very comfortable and last a long time. And if you find a surgical patch, it will last a very long time.
  • There is an easier way - before each exit to the street, rub the soles of the boots with raw potatoes or a solution of starch in water. However, this procedure, although simple, requires daily repetition.
  • If children's shoes slip, you can glue the sole with pieces of flannel fabric. The disadvantage of this method is that these overlays will be visible when walking.
  • Children's creativity kits contain bright colors that tend to expand when exposed to temperature, forming a three-dimensional pattern. After drying, they leave a loose pattern on the surface. So that children's shoes do not slip, you can apply a small layer of such paint on the soles of the shoes and leave it for a day to dry. The effect is temporary, but longer than the effect of the patch.

More radical methods

  • Grating will create a roughness even on a smooth sliding surface, which will ensure safe movement on icy sidewalks for several weeks. You just need to be careful not to ruin the thin sole. The pattern can be applied with any sharp object - a knife or a well-heated nail.

  • To prevent shoes from slipping in ice, you can use a more radical method, but it is only suitable for boots with thick soles. Small screws are screwed into it, and their ends that are too long are cut off. This method will reliably prevent slipping when walking, but will cause inconvenience with the sound of screws. In addition, in such boots you can not walk on the parquet, so as not to scratch the wooden surface.
  • There is an easy way to turn shoes with thick polyurethane soles, which in the cold begin to slip like skis, into comfortable winter boots with deep tread. To do this, it is necessary to drill small holes on its surface with a hot soldering iron, which will create a pattern of tubercles. Boots will turn into excellent spikes that are not afraid of even ice. When working, be sure to be careful.

professional methods

For those who do not recognize folk recipes and are not going to follow them, there are professional accessories for winter shoes. Workshops can offer a rubber anti-slip sticker that is cut to the exact size of the surface and firmly adhered to it. Depending on the price, you can choose a thicker overlay with a deep tread pattern. Just do not rush the master and pick up the boots ahead of time. For the decal to last through the winter months, it needs to stick well.

In order to prevent shoes from slipping, many people search the Internet for special ice access pads that are selected according to their size. Basically, they are suitable only for boots with a flat sole, to which they are easily glued. There is a huge selection of led access from different materials and for different models, including elegant women's ankle boots with heels. These pads have a studded surface that prevents slipping. They are put on boots or boots before going outside, and removed indoors.

Numerous tips talk about what to do, and so that the shoes do not slip, they recommend resorting to various manipulations. These solutions often require constant attention to the boots, regular updating of the product and are not always 100% reliable. But they are a good temporary remedy before buying the right winter boots.