The main directions of social work with orphans. Social work with orphans and children left without parental care. The main directions of socio-pedagogical work on the formation of children's independence

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Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under guardianship (trusteeship), who had a fixed living quarters, retain the right to it for the entire period of stay in an educational institution or a social service institution. And also in institutions of all types of vocational education, regardless of the form of ownership, for the period of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, for the period of being in institutions that carry out punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty. And persons who do not have a fixed dwelling are provided by the executive authorities at the place of residence out of turn equivalent to the dwelling previously occupied by them (or their parents) with a living area not lower than the established norms.

The rules for granting in 2008-2010 subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for the remuneration of foster parents, are specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for granting subsidies from the federal budget in 2008-2010 to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for the remuneration of foster parents" dated December 29, 2007 N 944.

This resolution indicates that the maintenance of 1 child in a family of guardians (custodians) or a foster family should be at least 4,000 rubles per month, for the wages of foster parents - at least 2,500 rubles per month.

A very important area of ​​state work is the formation of a family policy aimed at strengthening the family as a social institution, promoting family values ​​in the media.

Educational authorities and social teachers of educational institutions carry out comprehensive work with parents and children in order to return children to their families. Persons are selected to perform the functions of guardians and trustees, adoptive parents, adoptive parents; children are monitored for their residence, left without parental care, in the families of citizens; assistance is provided to substitute parents in the upbringing, education and organization of summer holidays for children. The rights and interests of children are protected in court.

The main reasons for the increase in the number of orphans with living parents are the decline in the social prestige of the family, its material and housing difficulties, interethnic conflicts, an increase in extramarital births, and a high percentage of parents leading an asocial lifestyle. In this regard, the protection of the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care is of utmost importance in the Russian Federation.

Thus, the main legal documents affecting the problems of orphans and children left without parental care are:

1. Family Code of the Russian Federation;

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

4. Housing code;

5. Civil Code;

6. Convention on the Rights of the Child;

8. Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ;

9. Law of the Russian Federation of July 6, 1991 No. 1550-1 "On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", with subsequent amendments and additions;

10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On priority measures to improve the situation of orphans and children left without parental care" dated May 14, 2001 No. 374;

11. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for granting subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2008-2010 for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for the remuneration of foster parents” dated December 29, 2007 N 944.

In accordance with the requirements of international law, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or can no longer remain in such an environment is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state (article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). In the Russian Federation, the task of national importance is to create conditions for the full-fledged physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children left without parental care, preparing them for an independent life in modern society. To this end, a comprehensive implementation of measures is envisaged, both at the federal level and at the level of subjects of the federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society. According to experts, the most preferable form of placement of a child if it is impossible to return to a biological (blood) family is placement for adoption, under the care of relatives or in a foster family. Life in a family (custodial, foster or foster) allows the orphan child to make up for what he lacked, namely, to complete a full course of home socialization (experiencing and mastering various roles in the family), observing patterns of child-parent and marital relations, developing deficient feelings of compassion, parental warmth, etc., and most importantly, to get the necessary launch pad for later life, namely the set of statuses that will help, having received a decent education , get a good job and make a business career.

Chapter 2. The main directions of social work with children left without parental care.

2.1 Social adaptation as the main direction of social work with children left without parental care.

The main areas of social work with orphans and children left without parental care are social prevention, social rehabilitation and social adaptation. However, it is the latter in work with this category of children, due to the specifics of their psycho-emotional development and the characteristics of education in state care institutions, that is the fundamental technology. It is with its help that the solution of a whole range of problems that pupils and graduates of boarding schools face.

Due to the existence of various directions in the study of adaptation processes, there are many definitions that characterize various aspects of this phenomenon. However, many scientists agree that of all types of adaptation, social adaptation occupies a decisive place.

According to the dictionary-reference book on social work, edited by E.I. Single, social adaptation is the process of adapting an individual to the conditions of the social environment; type of interaction of an individual or a social group with the social environment. According to I.G. Zainyshev, social adaptation is not only a human condition, but also a process during which the social organism acquires balance and resistance to the influence and impact of the social environment. He believes that social adaptation acquires exceptional relevance in critical periods of human life.

V.A. Petrovsky insists that social adaptation to the environment in the form of a person fulfilling the norms, requirements and expectations of society guarantees the "fullness" of the subject as a member of society. In addition, considering the process of social adaptation, he has in mind the processes of "self-adaptation" of the individual: self-regulation, submission to higher interests, etc. Thus, the individual defends himself before the world in those of his manifestations that have already been and are in him and are gradually being revealed.

Experts note the main types of human social adaptation through adaptation to existing circumstances by growing into the environment or changing oneself (in this case, a person’s activity is directed towards a better and more complete adaptation to the environment at the expense of his own reserves and personal resources) and self-elimination, leaving the environment, if it is impossible to accept the values ​​of the environment as one’s own and failed to change and conquer the world around (in this case, a person may lose a sense of his own value or the value of what surrounds).

The process of social adaptation is traditionally considered at three levels:

1) society (macro environment) - adaptation of the individual and various strata of society to various changes in the socio-economic, political, ideological and cultural relations of society. Among them are the adaptation of new pupils of a boarding school to life outside the home, the adaptation of a graduate of a state care institution to independent life;

2) social group (microenvironment) - adaptation of a person or, conversely, a discrepancy between the interests of a person and a social group (institutions, organizations, educational groups, changed relations between the teacher of a residential institution and a pupil, etc.);

3) the individual himself - this is the desire of the individual to achieve harmony, a balanced internal position, the correspondence of self-esteem to the level of claims.

Scientists distinguish the following types of adaptation:

1) physiological - involves the construction of a new system of conditioned reflex connections, the breaking of the old and the formation of a new life stereotype, a set of response adaptive reactions of a mobilization and protective-adaptive nature to environmental conditions, as well as to a change in the physiological state;

2) pedagogical - this is an adaptation to the system of education, training and upbringing, which form a system of value orientations;

3) economic - the process of assimilation of new socio-economic norms and principles of economic relations of individuals, subjects;

4) managerial - the process of personal self-government, which is expressed in a demanding, self-critical attitude of a person to himself, to his thoughts and actions;

5) psychological - such a relationship between the environment and the individual, which leads to the optimal ratio of the goals and values ​​of the individual and the group; this type of adaptation involves the search activity of the individual, her awareness of her social status and social role behavior. The immediate social environment of a person can be various social groups - family, educational or production team, friends, etc. For many children in our country, a boarding school becomes such a social environment.

6) labor (professional) is the adaptation of an individual to a new type of professional activity, labor collective, working conditions, characteristics of a particular specialty, the acquisition of labor skills.

All these types of adaptation are interconnected and necessary for the complete social adaptation of a person.

In the content of social work with orphans and children left without parental care, social adaptation occupies a significant place. The task of the team of educators of such institutions is not only to help the child adapt to a new environment for him, but also to organize the life of the pupils so that when they leave the orphanage, they feel socially protected and psychologically ready for adult independent life. In the formation of a personality, the formation of a life position, a lot depends on the extent and how specifically a pupil of a boarding school prepares for integration in society. To socially adapt a pupil of a boarding school is to give him a concept of his social roles in society, i.e. help to learn a set of norms that determine how people should behave in a given social situation.

However, life shows that graduates of boarding schools often leave them unprepared for independent living and face a whole range of problems. This happens despite the fact that for the purpose of their social adaptation, specialized hostels, social hotels and centers for patronage and social support of former pupils of state care institutions are being created.

Residents and graduates of boarding schools face many difficulties throughout their lives. They are caused both by the psycho-emotional traumas they experienced, by early socio-pedagogical neglect, by the specifics of the education systems in boarding schools, and by other factors. For example, E.V. Sakvarelidze identifies such factors that influence the formation of the personality of the pupil and graduate of the boarding school and the process of their social adaptation:

Lack of permanent emotional attachments;

Lack and poor quality of communication with adults;

Inability to be alone with oneself due to overcrowding of institutions;

The monotony of life (i.e. the absence of emergency situations requiring a quick response and extraordinary actions);

Isolation from real life, its laws, requirements;

Low material and technical support of institutions;

Insufficient, poor-quality nutrition of pupils;

Incompetence of staff in boarding schools, rudeness, child abuse, antisocial behavior of educators (for example, theft, alcoholism, pedophilia).

All these factors underlie a number of difficulties with which

faced by both pupils and graduates of boarding schools.

An analysis of the data of domestic researchers, literary sources and documentary materials allows us to identify the following problems that are relevant for this social group:

Weak social ties due to insufficiently developed ability to communicate and build relationships with others;

Instability of family relations due to the lack of positive experience of family life in childhood;

Stereotypes of perception of pupils and graduates of boarding schools in society;

Difficulties in getting them the education they want;

Difficulties with professional identification and employment;

The problem with the provision of legally guaranteed housing;

Lack of skills to conduct independent household activities;

Low level of knowledge about their rights and benefits, inability to defend them in human rights organizations. Let's consider these problems in more detail.

Researchers dealing with the problems of social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools note that orphans and children left without parental care are a problem group not only in psychological terms. Under normal conditions, as a rule, the family gives the child the adaptive potential: social status, upbringing, health, etc. The initial "capital" of the inmates of boarding schools often becomes the lack of empathic communication in the family, cruel treatment, status reckoning to the social "bottom".

A child who is brought up in a family has several circles of communication: family, kindergarten (school), various clubs and sports sections, close and distant relatives, personal friends and friends of parents, neighbors, yard, etc. Residents of boarding schools have much fewer social circles, and all of them can be defined by one territory and the same persons.

Meanwhile, according to practitioners who study this problem, the institutions of out-of-school education and leisure are an important means of their social adaptation, their softer entry into society. S.Sh. Kiseleva emphasizes that in a residential institution it is especially important to help the child understand his inclinations and inclinations, which can subsequently develop to a professional level. The system of out-of-school additional education with its various activities in hobby groups and associations, according to I.I. Shevchenko, plays a unique role in the adaptation of children to modern living conditions, in the development of everyday norms of behavior, the formation of worthy relationships with others.

I.B. Nazarov. In 1999-2000 she conducted a study with the participation of graduates of boarding schools, experts (they are representatives of the education system, non-governmental organizations, various faiths) and pupils, boarding schools, shelters, orphanages. And I came to the conclusion that the existing system of working with children in public institutions depends on many factors of a socio-psychological, objective and subjective nature and does not always contribute to successful adaptation of the individual. Thus, her findings indicate that a child in a state institution does not have a feeling of a permanent home: some children had to change up to six settlements, including the place of birth and education after graduation, four or five children's institutions. Thus, home connections in orphans and children left without parental care are destroyed several times:

1) proper domestic ties and separation from relatives;

2) domestic connections, when the child begins to consider the children's institution as home, and the caregivers and children as relatives.

At the same time, M.V. Osorina. Perhaps it is the phenomenon of public property that subsequently causes the graduates of state care institutions to be unable not only to manage the funds allocated for its maintenance until the age of 23, but also to “keep” the housing provided in accordance with the law. One of the conditions for successful social adaptation of boarding school students is their preparedness for marriage and family life. According to the results of surveys conducted by the Research Institute of Childhood, a significant proportion of graduates of public care institutions are divorced. Among the reasons for this are the inability to establish family relationships, the lack of comfortable housing, material support, and the absence of a stereotype of maternal behavior. So, about 75% of graduates of boarding schools abandon their children. According to the statistics of the Moscow charitable center "Complicity in Fate", which helps former orphans to arrange their lives, earlier motherhood was the lot of half of orphans; 2/3 of the wards of this center are single mothers. Moreover, it turns out that they are in a hurry to give birth, not only because of their infantilism, but also in search of a way out of loneliness.

It should be noted that the failure of marital relations among graduates of boarding schools is not only a consequence of social maladjustment, violation of gender-role identification, lack of positive experience in family life, but also a problem of public opinion. It is extremely important how others perceive a person, therefore collective attitudes and stereotypes regarding graduates of boarding schools are of no small importance for their successful adaptation: if the social environment negatively perceives this group, then successful adaptation is unlikely to take place.

The specific organization of their school education also leaves its mark on the process of social adaptation of pupils of boarding schools. Due to mental and psychological characteristics, many of them study in correctional classes or are assigned to special schools for children with intellectual disabilities. However, even in ordinary schools, pupils of boarding schools often cause a negative attitude among teachers. True, there are examples when close cooperation is established between school teachers and educators in boarding schools, which contributes to solving the problems of deprivation of children, overcoming their learning lag, and raising the level of intellectual development and abilities.

However, the majority of boarding schools, as shown by numerous studies, with rare exceptions, provide their pupils with the opportunity to study only up to grade 9, trying to enroll them in vocational schools and citing such “arguments”: “For our genetically retarded people, elementary education is enough.” Of course, this is easier than working on expanding the potential of the child.

The problem of vocational guidance and post-school education is also acute for pupils and graduates of boarding schools. According to E.V. Sekvarelidze, every year 80-95% of children from state care institutions expect to be sent to vocational schools, to work, and only a few dream of continuing their education in grades 10-11, and even more so of receiving secondary specialized and higher education. Moreover, older residents of boarding schools do not see any sense in this, referring to the lack of material support for further education and the prospects for obtaining housing. Hence the orientation of pupils of state care institutions towards working professions.

At the same time, residents of boarding schools are often limited both in their freedom to choose an educational institution and in the possibility of enrolling in it, despite the existing benefits. In the entire Perm region, for example, only 3-5 graduates of boarding schools enter universities every year.

There are several reasons for this:

1) firstly, they are often prevented from entering universities by the insufficient level of education received;

2) secondly, today they do not want to admit children from orphanages not only to universities and technical schools, but also to vocational schools, since for educational institutions this turns into certain obligations (providing benefits, places in a hostel, social and pedagogical support, etc.);

3) thirdly, the problem is not only to enter educational institutions, but also to adapt and stay in them.

In some cases, restrictions on obtaining the desired specialty, and then work, are related to the housing problem. Graduates of boarding schools at the end of school, in the vast majority of cases, can choose only those educational institutions, and then only the place of work where they provide housing, where they will definitely provide registration. But today, many organizations do not have hostels. It is also difficult to take advantage of the quotas that are provided for graduates of boarding schools for employment.

As a rule, graduates of state care institutions are not competitive in the labor market, and the professions they have acquired are unclaimed. Those non-governmental organizations that are ready to help them are not numerous. At the same time, in some institutions they do not pay due attention to the development of labor skills among pupils. As a result, being only consumers of state guarantees, children go into independent life absolutely unprepared for work. Thus, of all the graduates who left Russian boarding schools in 2003, almost 30% studied and 40% worked. 35% of former orphans did not study or work.

The housing issue remains no less urgent for pupils and graduates of boarding schools. There are not isolated cases when failed parents sell apartments without the knowledge of their children who are being raised in state care institutions. As a result, the latter gain early experience in the fight for housing and registration, entering into conflicts with would-be parents, turning to the judiciary, commissions on housing issues. Some, not solving the problem with housing, become homeless. According to statistics, every year a fifth of the graduates of boarding schools fall into the number of persons without a fixed place of residence, every tenth, not finding his "place in the sun" commits suicide.

Despite the provisions of Art. 8 of the Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" (1996), the right of orphans and children left without parental care to provide them with housing, this issue is very difficult to solve.

Due to the lack of their own housing, some graduates of residential institutions who have not communicated with their parents for a long time have to return to them and live under the same roof. Sometimes it turns out that they come to the same thing that the state once protected them from: if parents continue to lead an asocial lifestyle, then they themselves often take the same path. Here we can talk about negative adaptation, as in cases where graduates of boarding schools prefer to become homeless, join a gang, but not return to their parents.

Negatively affects the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools and "information hunger". Often, children are not told not only about which educational institutions they can enroll in, but also they are not provided with elementary information about their legal rights provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The fact that, leaving the boarding school, they should be assigned a living space, that they should be given a graduation allowance and their personal money (pensions, alimony accumulated over the years in the institution), future graduates of boarding schools sometimes do not even suspect.

As already mentioned, few graduates of boarding schools receive a high level of education, a prestigious job. Given the socio-economic instability in the country, many of them went through the liquidation of enterprises and lost social guarantees. At the same time, many did not have and do not have important adaptation resources: material (housing, a profession in demand, savings) and psychological (adequate education, support for relatives). Those. their potential to improve or maintain their former status is lower than that of other citizens.

Thus, from the foregoing, it follows that in working with pupils and graduates of residential institutions, special attention should be paid to developing their adaptive skills that help them most painlessly integrate into society, which can be:

2.2 Labor adaptation of children left without parental care

Social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools can be carried out by various methods. One of the most promising technologies of social work in this direction is such a component as labor adaptation.

Labor (professional) is the adaptation of an individual to a new type of professional activity, a new social environment, working conditions and the characteristics of a particular specialty.

An analysis of the literature on the topic under study allows us to conclude that labor adaptation in a residential institution includes several elements:

Mastering the basics of any professional activity through classes in circles, creative associations (for example, in a circle of cutting and sewing, theater, dance groups, in a woodworking workshop, etc.);3

Teaching pupils the skills of household self-service (washing, ironing, cooking, repairing clothes, preparing food (canning), creating comfort in the room, etc.);

Attracting children to feasible labor activity (cleaning of premises, territory, work in the subsidiary farm, etc.);

Career guidance in order to identify the individual inclinations and abilities of the child for a particular professional activity, taking into account his intellectual and physical potential (various trainings and tests, conversations, meetings with representatives of different professions, excursions to enterprises, etc.);

And, finally, the actual assistance in the placement of a graduate in a professional educational institution or assistance in his employment with monitoring of his adaptation in the workplace.

Conducted by I.F. Dementieva in 2002, a survey of pupils and graduates of boarding schools showed that even in such a simple activity as cleaning an apartment, 12% of the latter experienced certain difficulties. As a rule, even girls do not know how to give their home a neat look, do not seek to make the bed in a timely manner, wash dirty dishes. The percentage of those who do not know how to cook is quite high among older pupils (44%) and among graduates (56%). Given by I.F. Dementieva's data indicate a low level of readiness of pupils and graduates of boarding schools for independent living.

Such a disappointing picture is partly due to the fact that in some boarding schools conditions are simply not created for children, for example, to be able to cook on their own: either there are no equipped kitchens, or there is not enough food, or the staff of the institutions simply do not consider such classes necessary.

No less problems arise with career guidance work, and then with the employment of graduates. Social workers and teachers, inspectors for the guardianship and protection of the rights of children of local self-government bodies are called upon to deal with these issues. But the latter, due to their workload (housing issues, courts, paperwork) and remoteness from children, can only take an occasional part in their lives. There is also a catastrophic shortage of personnel: in the Moscow region, for example, departments for guardianship are half staffed, and there is one specialist for 5 thousand or more children. In this situation, there is no need to talk about an individual approach and taking into account the personal interests of each child.

I must say that the history of charity for orphans and children left without parental care indicates that society has always cared not only for children to be fed, dressed and receive primary education. In many orphanages, they were given their first labor skills, teaching them professions, so that later they could start an independent life. So, in the XVII-XIX centuries. in charitable institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, pupils, as a rule, received skills in sewing and needlework, carpentry, turning, shoemaking, bookbinding, locksmithing and blacksmithing, basket craft, learned agriculture, weaving, etc.

A school for poor children and orphans of the evangelical confession determined its pupils after graduating as a nanny, and pupils - to factories, crafts and trading companies. The Nikolaev Orphan's Institute accepted noble girls who received the profession of a home teacher, studied fine needlework, etc. The Elizabethan charitable society in Moscow and the Moscow province, which accepted children from infancy, provided for "further care for such children, providing them with an initial education and preparing them for independent work."

It is no coincidence that so much time and attention was devoted to the labor training of pupils in special institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. As a means of education, work was unusually effective. For example, in the Rukovishnikov shelter, the average percentage of relapse in 1879-1888 was was 10%, in 1889-1904. - 9.2% (against the usual 80-90% after teenagers were kept in prison-type institutions).

During the years of Soviet power, the greatest teacher of the 20th century paid great attention to the labor preparation of his pupils. A.S. Makarenko. His experience of labor adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care, and the historical experience of labor communes organized in the 20-30s. 20th century very indicative. In "Lectures on the upbringing of children" he said: "Correct ... education cannot be imagined as education without labor ... In educational work, work should be one of the most basic elements."

The labor activity of the pupils was occupied by A.S. Makarenko institutions are a great place. He placed his pupils in the position of masters of life in the communes. This gave them a sense of responsibility, put them in the position of fighters for the organization and growth of the commune, gave rise to initiative and creativity. Success instilled in children confidence in their strengths and capabilities, aroused a new impulse of activity.

Directions of labor activity, which were offered by A.S. Makarenko to his pupils were very different. In 1921, when the commune was moved to them. A.M. Gorky in the Trepke estate, agricultural work began, a forge and a carpentry workshop began to work. With the advent of an agronomist in the commune, many of the guys really got carried away with working on the ground.

The Communards built a barn, a greenhouse, repaired houses, broke paths, flower beds. When the commune received a steam mill for rent, they began to serve the peasants of nearby farms. A detachment of pig breeders studied the advanced methods of zootechnics, mechanized all services on the farm. Such an organization of the business not only gave the children professional training, but turned them towards knowledge.

It should be said here that, by attracting children to work, A.S. Makarenko paid special attention to their inclinations. He gave them the right to choose for themselves those school subjects that corresponded to their innate abilities and in which they could succeed with an eye to professional purpose2. As a result, the success of his activities exceeded all expectations. The commune became a "signature supplier" of excellent workers to enterprises and applicants to universities. They came to production as ready-made organizers who had mastered the art of building human relations without conflicts in the commune.

Finds made in the course of work in the commune. A.M. Gorky, A.S. Makarenko at a higher level implemented in the commune. F.E.

Dzerzhinsky, opened in December 1927. Courses were created here to prepare for universities, as well as factory training courses to improve skills and technical knowledge. The labor adaptation of the Communards contributed to the self-government of the pupils. The creation of the FED plant for the production of cameras can be considered the pinnacle of the activity of the labor commune. Subsequently, rationalizers and inventors appeared among the pupils of the commune, and engineers from among the former communards who graduated from universities worked at the plant. Experience of A.S. Makarenko on the labor adaptation of orphans and children left without parental care is a vivid example for social workers.

It must be said that at the present time, in work with pupils of boarding schools, labor adaptation is considered as the basis and condition for their complete social adaptation and preparation for independent living. For example, the experience of specialists from the Employment Center of the Sverdlovsk Region deserves attention. Here, with the financial support of the employment service in 2001, labor teams from among the pupils of these institutions worked in orphanages and boarding schools. Teenagers carried out work on the repair of schools and the book fund of libraries, were engaged in growing vegetables in field-growing teams, landscaped the territory, put things in order in their premises.

The Laishevsky orphanage (Tatarstan), according to the definition of its director, has had an open-air labor school for about half a century. It is located in the countryside, at the disposal of its pupils - 28 hectares of land. They are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, herbs, work in the livestock farm, caring for animals and preparing food for them. In order to stimulate the work of the children, the district administration found an opportunity for financial incentives for the children. The money earned among the members of the brigades is distributed by the council of foremen without the participation of adults. Considering work as an important element of social adaptation of boarding school children, the director of the orphanage is convinced that it should be a joy for the child - "duty" will only give a negative result. Apparently, here it is possible to establish a labor process with a “+” sign, as evidenced by the subsequent professional well-being of graduates of the Laishevsky orphanage.

Thus, labor adaptation can become one of the promising areas in the technology of social work with children brought up in state care institutions. It contributes to their further life-determination, contributes to their complete social adaptation. How fruitful and successful the work on the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools will be today, directly relates to what kind of members society will get tomorrow - antisocial and dependent or capable of independent responsible life.

2.3 Individual support for graduates of orphanages

Preparing pupils for independent living and their successful adaptation is the main task of the orphanage. Long-term practice of working in boarding schools shows that when entering the “big world”, a graduate does not know how to apply different strategies of behavior with different people, in different situations. The current social relations have exacerbated the urgency of the problem, because the socio-cultural requirements for young people who start an independent life outside the walls of the orphanage have changed. Children brought up in boarding schools experience great difficulties when they find themselves face to face with an independent life. Most graduates of residential institutions cannot successfully adapt to life. After leaving the orphanage, the graduate is not able to solve many problems that he has to face daily without the support of an adult. Only knowledge, skills and abilities are no longer enough for full adaptation in society, a system of interaction is needed based on a creative, interactive approach focused on the personal self-determination of pupils. The graduates' fear of the future and the fear of the teaching staff to nullify the results of many years of work with each student led to the decision to create a system of work to support graduates, aimed at providing them with such competencies that would ensure successful integration in society. At the same time, all components of the adolescent's social competence are of fundamental importance: adequate self-esteem, consistent with the level of claims, self-control of behavior, responsibility, the formation of positive motivation for learning and the predominance of achievement motivation, skills for constructive interaction in various life situations.

Therefore, the problem of personality development and the preparation of children for independent life, i.e. their integration into the surrounding society, which can be achieved by special measures associated with individual psychological, medical and pedagogical support.

The fate of orphanage graduates largely depends on the help and support they can count on after leaving the orphanage. You can object: “They are already adults. At their age, it’s time to be independent”; but we must not forget that the majority of graduates had a difficult fate, it is sometimes much more difficult for them to adapt in society, to become independent, to find their own "I" and the respect of others. That is why they so need participation and attention, the help of kind, caring and wise people.

On the threshold of an independent life, each person faces many problems, which the family helps him to solve, and the graduate of the orphanage finds himself alone with his difficulties. Thanks to the program "The Right of the Child to a Family" and the Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations.

Each graduate needs individual support of a specialist who assists him in resolving problem situations and contributes to the formation of his independence. As experience shows, many graduates doubt that their life will turn out well, do not believe in their success and classify themselves as helpless. Not many of them get settled in life: they get an education, a profession, find a job and start a family. And the rest, unfortunately, join the ranks of the unemployed, the unemployed, the offenders, people who are disillusioned with life.

"Accompaniment" - such assistance, which is based on the preservation of maximum freedom and responsibility of the subject of development for choosing a solution to an urgent problem. Maintenance is a complex process of interaction between the accompanied and the maintainer, the result of which is a decision and action leading to progress in the development of the accompanied. Which includes the following:

Psychological and pedagogical support of graduate students within the framework of a new pedagogical system for the formation of resilience in the process of sportized physical education and spiritual and moral development;

Definition and development of forms of social partnership for solving psychological, pedagogical and medical and social problems of orphanage graduates (targeted assistance);

Monitoring the socialization and living arrangements of graduates (timely provision of housing);

Improving the availability of quality services to support graduates of orphanages (development of a social support network);

Search for new resources to work with youth from among orphans (while providing new jobs);

Unification of all subjects of the educational process to provide professional assistance and support to students from the category of orphans (providing the opportunity to receive a prestigious professional education, a profession that is competitive in the labor market);

Promoting their socialization, professional self-determination and formation (primary employment).

Participation and support are important for every person, the main thing in life is not to give in to difficulties, no matter how hard it is and to believe that everything will work out. The life success of a graduate depends on the ability to solve problems and readiness to cope with difficulties. After all, each of us wants a successful, happy future: a good education, a decent job, a happy family. To do this, of course, you need to try hard, you need to make a lot of efforts to look like a person in the eyes of others.

The most difficult for graduates of orphanages is the first year of independent life. Beyond the threshold of the orphanage, a graduate is expected by almost unlimited, sudden and at the same time long-awaited freedom. Meanwhile, it is on how he disposes of his freedom, what interests he has, who surrounds him, what his future will directly depend on.

Thus, the main areas of social work with children left without parental care work effectively only until the children reach the age of majority, and after that they do not regulate any work on the integration of young people from orphanages into society. Often they are left alone in front of their new, sometimes insoluble problems for them.


The presence of various kinds of problems in children left without parental care confirms the need to create new approaches and organize the activities of guardianship and guardianship authorities, which allow the creation of authorized organizations whose main tasks will be the early detection of children's problems, the organization of social protection of children in their birth families, as well as social work, both with children and with their families, selection and training of families wishing to become foster parents, educators, guardians or adoptive parents.

However, in order to improve the situation of orphans and ensure their rights, it is necessary:

Continue work on family placement for orphans and children left without parental care, develop new forms of family placement for this category of children (within the framework of current legislation);

Continue work to improve the activities of guardianship and guardianship authorities;

Ensure the implementation of the current legislation on the protection and protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care (for housing, education, employment), by regulating inter-budgetary relations of power structures;

Attract funds from extrabudgetary sources to finance educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care;

Annually include in the budget of the Russian Federation expenditure items for the construction and purchase of housing for graduates of orphanages, for the payment of funds to guardians (trustees) of orphans and children left without parental care who are brought up in families.

The main legal documents affecting the problems of orphans and children left without parental care are:

Family Code of the Russian Federation;

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Marriage and Family Code;

Housing Code;

Civil Code;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Federal Law "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ;

Law of the Russian Federation of July 6, 1991 No. 1550-1 "On Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", with subsequent amendments and additions;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On priority measures to improve the situation of orphans and children left without parental care" dated May 14, 2001 No. No. 374;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2007 No. 172 “On the federal target program “Children of Russia” for 2007-2010”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for granting subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2008-2010 for the maintenance of children in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, as well as for the payment of foster parents” dated December 29, 2007 N 944.

In recent years, in Russia, in the context of the ongoing instability of socio-economic and political life, there has been a steady increase in the number of orphans and children left without parental care. According to statistics as of January 1, 2009, their total number is now about 700 thousand people. Moreover, only a small number of these children were left without care as a result of the death of their parents. The rest belong to the phenomenon of the so-called "social orphanhood", that is, they are orphans with living parents, and their number is growing catastrophically.

The main reasons for the increase in the number of orphans with living parents are the decline in the social prestige of the family, its material and housing difficulties, interethnic conflicts, an increase in extramarital births, and a high percentage of parents leading an asocial lifestyle. In this regard, the protection of the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care becomes extremely important in the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the requirements of international law, a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or can no longer remain in such an environment is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state (article 20 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child). In the Russian Federation, the task of national importance is to create conditions for the full-fledged physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of orphans and children left without parental care, preparing them for an independent life in modern society. To this end, a comprehensive implementation of measures is envisaged, both at the federal level and at the level of subjects of the federation, aimed at the formation and implementation of state policy in relation to children left without parental care, and ensuring their social security, vocational training, employment and full integration into society. According to experts, the most preferable form of placement of a child if it is impossible to return to a biological (blood) family is placement for adoption, under the care of relatives or in a foster family.

When working with pupils and graduates of boarding schools, special attention should be paid to the development of their adaptive skills that help to most painlessly integrate into society, which can be:

Labor adaptation of graduates of boarding schools;

Individual support programs for this category of the population.

Labor adaptation can become one of the promising areas in the technology of social work with children brought up in state care institutions. It contributes to their further life-determination, contributes to their complete social adaptation. How fruitful and successful the work on the social adaptation of pupils and graduates of boarding schools will be today, directly relates to what kind of members society will get tomorrow - antisocial and dependent or capable of independent responsible life.

Of course, a lot here depends on the desire, readiness and ability of the employees of boarding schools themselves to provide support and assistance to their pupils in solving emerging problems related to their social adaptation. This also applies to the time spent by children within the walls of a state institution, and the crisis period after leaving it - at the time of the formation of an independent life.

The main areas of social work with children left without parental care work effectively only until the children reach the age of majority, and after that they do not regulate any work on the integration of young people from the walls of orphanages into society. Often they are left alone in front of their new, sometimes insoluble problems for them.


1. Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation - M.: Legal Literature, 2003.

2. Alekseeva, L.S. Technologies of social work with children affected by domestic violence: scientific and methodological manual / L.S. Alekseev. -M.: State Research Institute of Family and Education, 2001. 208 p.

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Orphanhood as a social phenomenon exists as long as human society, and is an integral element of civilization. At all times, wars, epidemics, natural disasters, and other causes led to the death of parents, as a result of which children became orphans. Apparently, with the emergence of a class society, the so-called social orphanhood also appears, when children are deprived of parental care due to their unwillingness or inability to fulfill their parental duties, as a result of which the parents abandon the child or are removed from his upbringing. In the Bible, other literary sources of antiquity, there are references to the refusal of parents from their children, about foundlings brought up in foreign families.
Since the middle of the XX century. social orphanhood began to acquire alarming proportions, and the growth of "refusalism" is observed in many countries of the world, including developed ones (France, Italy, etc.). In the Russian Federation, social orphans make up the absolute majority of children left without parental care (95%), and in 60% of cases they were born to mothers aged 16 to 19.
In recent years, “hidden” social orphanhood has been asserting itself more and more loudly in Russia. The decline in the standard of living, the increase in the number of dysfunctional families, the decline in morality has led to the fact that children are often “forced out” into the streets, resulting in an increase in homelessness that has not been seen since the post-war period. Due to the imperfection of the accounting system, the high dynamics of growth in the number of children losing parental care, it is hardly possible to name the exact number of orphans and children left without parental care in our country. The main causes of modern orphanhood are as follows: firstly, it is the voluntary abandonment of their child by parents, as a rule, shortly after his birth - in a legal or illegal form (foundling children, children “forgotten” in clinics or sold to other persons); secondly, deprivation of parental rights; and thirdly, the loss of a child by parents due to social upheavals or natural disasters that force the population to chaotic migration.
Providing assistance to children left without parental care for various reasons is the most important direction of the social policy of the state. The content of social work with this category of children is determined by the priorities of state policy.
The concept of "orphanhood". Orphanhood is a social concept that reflects the situation of orphans. An orphan is a child who is temporarily or permanently either deprived of his family environment, or cannot remain in such an environment, and is entitled to special protection and assistance provided by the state. To provide targeted assistance, the Federal Law “On Additional Guarantees for the Social Protection of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care” uses several concepts of orphans.
Orphans are persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent have died (direct orphans).
Children without parental care are persons under the age of 18 who are left without the care of a single or both parents. This category includes children who have no parents or are deprived of parental rights. This also includes the restriction of parental rights, the recognition of parents as missing, incapacitated (limitedly capable), being in medical institutions, declaring them dead, serving their sentences in institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty, being in places of detention suspected and accused of committing crimes. Children are considered orphans in connection with the parents' evasion from their upbringing or protection of their rights and interests, the refusal of parents to take their children from educational, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions, and in other cases, the child is recognized as left without parental care in the manner prescribed by law. The main category of orphans in terms of number is children whose parents are deprived of parental rights as a result of antisocial behavior (social orphanhood).
Persons from the number of orphans and children left without parental care - persons aged 18 to 23 years, who, when they were under the age of 18, both or only parent died, as well as those who were left without the care of a single or both parents.
Legal framework and mechanisms for its implementation. The regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation have been adopted in full compliance with the international documents signed and recognized by it. The main ones are: “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” (1948); “Declaration of the Rights of the Child” (1959); “Convention on the Rights of the Child” (1989). In particular, the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, adopted by UNESCO, aimed at ensuring the full development of his personality in all corners of the Earth, states: “A child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment or who, in his own interests, cannot remain in such an environment, has the right to special protection and assistance provided by the state. The participating States shall, in accordance with their national laws, provide for substitute care for such a child” (art. 20).
The fundamental documents in the system of the regulatory framework for social services for orphans are the Constitution of the Russian Federation (in Article 7 of the Russian Federation it is proclaimed a social state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Family Code of the Russian Federation. State support is provided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”, which defines the system of social services, the principles on which the provision of social services is based, the requirements for the volume and quality of social services, and the procedure for their provision.
The law directly regulating the provision of social assistance to orphans is the Federal Law “On Additional Guarantees for the Social Protection of Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care” (1996, as well as editions of 1998 and 2002), which defines the general principles, content and measures of state support for children. An important role in the provision of social assistance to orphans is played by the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation “On priority measures for the implementation of the World Declaration on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children in the 90s” (1992), “On the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the protection of their rights” (1993), “On measures to prevent vagrancy and begging” (1993).
For the purpose of practical implementation of these decrees, for example, the federal target program “Children of Russia” was approved (1992, with additions in 1996, 1998, 2002). Within the framework of this program, there is a targeted program “Orphans”, aimed at creating favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for independent life in the current socio-economic situation, developing various forms of placement for orphaned children, improving their medical care, developing the personnel and material base of orphanages, and improving the socio-economic provision of orphans brought up in them.
The mechanism for implementing the regulatory framework for providing assistance to orphans and children left without parental care includes resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, for example, “On Approval of a Model Regulation on an Educational Institution for Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care” (1995). This Model Regulation regulates the activities of state, municipal educational institutions. For non-state educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, this Model Regulation serves as an exemplary one. An important role in the implementation of social assistance to orphans is played by departmental acts (Ministries of Labor and Social Development, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.), as well as legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The main content of social work with orphans and children left without parental care is to protect their rights, control the conditions of their maintenance, social rehabilitation and adaptation, assistance in finding employment and providing housing. The implementation of these tasks is entrusted to the guardianship and guardianship authorities. They are responsible for identifying, recording and choosing the forms of placement of children left without parental care, as well as for monitoring the conditions of their maintenance, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the notification, to conduct an examination of the child's living conditions and ensure his protection and accommodation. Children left without parental care are subject to be transferred for upbringing to a family (for adoption / adoption, guardianship / guardianship or to a foster family), and in the absence of such an opportunity, to the appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. Legislation gives priority to family arrangements for children, as those that best meet the needs of the child and create optimal conditions for his socialization, upbringing and development.
The main subjects and forms of social assistance. Social assistance to orphans and children without parental care is carried out by an extensive system, which includes several levels: the state as the main subject of organization of assistance; state social services (federal and municipal) as territorial structures directly providing such assistance; mixed services - state and commercial structures, focused mainly on the provision of socio-psychological assistance; institutions created by public, charitable, religious and other organizations as charitable centers. The efforts of each of these subjects are aimed at the social adaptation of orphans, the correction of their behavior, which is associated with the formation of value orientations of orphans in a closed children's institution, the correction of their attitude towards parents who, in cases of social orphanhood, left them, the prevention and prevention of crime, legal education, etc. Let us name the most common forms of social assistance to orphans and children without parental care.
Transfer of orphans and children without parental care to specialized institutions. These include: educational institutions that contain (train and/or bring up) orphans and children left without parental care; social service institutions for the population (orphanages for disabled children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for helping children left without parental care, social shelters); healthcare institutions (children's homes) and other institutions created in accordance with the procedure established by law.
Children aged 0 to 3 years old are placed in children's homes. Upon reaching the age of 3, orphans are transferred to orphanages for pre-school children. school age, specialized boarding schools for children with physical and mental disabilities, closed boarding schools for delinquent children and adolescents. In Russia, every fifth orphanage is an institution for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.
For each child placed in an institution, the sending authorities (institutions) submit: the decision of the relevant state body or local self-government body on placement in an institution; referral to an institution issued by the founder or department in charge of the institution;
birth certificate (original), and in its absence - the conclusion of a medical examination, certifying the age of the child; medical documents on the state of health; education documents (for school-age children); an act of examining the living conditions of the child; information about the parents or persons replacing them (copies of the death certificate of the parents, a sentence or court decision, a certificate of illness or search for parents and other documents confirming the absence of parents or the impossibility of raising their children); certificate of presence and place of residence of brothers, sisters and other close relatives; an inventory of property left after the death of parents, information about the persons responsible for its safety; documents on fixing the living space occupied by a minor or his parents; a pension book of a child receiving a pension, a copy of the court decision on the recovery of alimony, securities (if they are received for a child by parents or a person replacing them); conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (for children with developmental disabilities).
Despite the fact that noticeable positive changes are taking place in this area (differentiation of orphanages, the emergence of social shelters and social rehabilitation centers for minors, assistance centers, etc.), the problem of shaping the personality of a child in a closed institution remains very acute and relevant. Research shows that deprivation of motherhood leads to a delay in the development of the child and can manifest itself with symptoms of mental and physical illness. The isolation of a child from its mother from 0 to 3 years usually leads to severe consequences for the intellect and personality functions that cannot be corrected. The constant change of the microsocial environment (orphanage - preschool orphanage - orphanage for children of school age) causes significant damage to the child's psyche, worsens his health. Children brought up in boarding schools, for the most part, lag behind their peers in psychophysical development. They begin to walk and talk later, get sick more often, study worse. Only 20% of pupils in orphanages can study according to the programs of mass schools. The domestic system of education in orphanages is based on the fact that children, as a rule, live and study in the same institution. This “chaining” to one place, the isolation of orphanages increases the dependence of children on the institution and does not contribute to the formation of independent living skills. Often, graduates of residential institutions do not have basic household skills:
prepare food, buy something, organize free time, etc. All this must be taken into account in social work with children brought up in orphanages. When organizing new orphanages, restructuring the educational process, attention should be paid to the following tasks: bringing the orphanage in line with the standards for a certain number of children and the possibility of dividing them into small groups; creation of a social and emotional environment close to the family; organization of small family-type groups, where educators and children live as if independent “families”, encouraging attention to the psycho-emotional needs of the child; limiting the transition of children from one orphanage to another by age; non-separation of brothers and sisters in different institutions; strengthening ties between children and their parents (in cases of social orphanhood); development in children of skills, household and social skills necessary in the future independent life. It is equally important to solve the issues of accommodation and employment of future graduates.
Adoption (adoption) of a child is a state act, in connection with which between adopted children and their offspring, as well as adoptive parents and their relatives, parents and children. Adopted children lose their personal non-property and property rights and obligations towards their parents (relatives). Adoption is carried out by the court at the request of persons (persons) wishing to adopt a child, with the obligatory participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Adoptive parents can be adult capable persons of both sexes, except for persons who do not have the right to adopt (deprived of parental rights, removed from the duties of a guardian for health reasons, etc.). The age difference between the adopter and the adopted child must be at least 16 years, however, for reasons recognized by the court as valid, it may be reduced. For the adoption of a child who has reached the age of 10, his consent is required, except in cases specifically provided for by law. Procedural issues of adoption are regulated in detail in the “Regulations on the procedure for the transfer of children”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 15, 1995 No. 917. The law guarantees the secrecy of the adoption of a child. Divulging the secret of an adoption is a criminal offence. Illegal adoption is also a criminal offense.
Practice shows that, as a rule, children under the age of 12 are adopted. Older children remain in residential institutions until graduation. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of adoptions by foreign citizens.
When starting work on adoption, the social worker must receive complete information on the following issues: is the child psychologically and socially ready for adoption; whether he is legally adopted; whether the natural parents (when necessary and when possible) and the child himself gave consent to the adoption knowingly and without pressure from anyone; if there is a question of international adoption, whether the receiving country has given permission for the entry of the child; whether there is an adoption monitoring system that allows you to support the child and the adoptive family.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoptive parents. In this regard, it is necessary: ​​to carefully study the psychological, social, physical and economic condition, as well as the cultural level of those wishing to adopt a child and their immediate environment;
one should definitely know whether the adoption plan meets their desires and whether their marital and marital status is conducive to such an undertaking; help adoptive parents focus more on the needs of the child than on their own. In addition, one should take into account the fact that the transfer of an orphaned child to a new family involves an adaptation period, the duration of which depends on: the individual characteristics of the child and his adopters (age, state of health, character traits); readiness of the child to changes in life, and parents to the characteristics of children (especially when childless citizens are adopted). An important role is played by family life, relationships, economic opportunities. And, finally, it is necessary to think over in advance the decision of the fate of the child in the event of a possible unsuccessful adoption.
Guardianship (guardianship) - a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as for the protection of their rights and interests; guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 years. Guardians are representatives of the wards and make all necessary transactions on their behalf and in their interests. Trustees give their consent to the conclusion of those transactions that citizens under guardianship are not entitled to make on their own. Obligations for guardianship (trusteeship) are performed free of charge. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (custodian) is paid monthly funds in the manner and amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Some experts believe that guardianship is more preferable in some cases. For example, in some cases of loss of parental care (illness, prolonged absence), a guardian can be appointed in parallel with them, come to the family, take the child to him. The guardian is obliged to bring up the child, to take care of his health. He has the right to demand in court the return of the child from any persons, including close relatives, if they hold him illegally. However, he does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with his relatives and friends. The law provides for the protection of children from possible abuses by guardians, in particular, it establishes a limitation of their powers and independence in the disposal of the property of the ward. Usually, close relatives of the ward become guardians. The state must exercise constant supervision over the living conditions of the ward, over the fulfillment by the guardian of his duties, and provide assistance to the guardians.
A foster family is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and guardianship authorities and foster parents on the transfer of a child (children) for upbringing (by spouses or individual citizens who wish to take children into upbringing in a family) for a period established by the agreement. According to the Regulations on the foster family, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, such a family should have no more than 8 children. Foster parents act as educators and receive payment for their work. Between them and adopted children there are no alimony, family and other legal relations similar to the relationship between parents and children that may arise in the event of adoption of adopted children. The state and local self-government bodies allocate funds for the maintenance of each adopted child and provide appropriate benefits established by law. The guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, contribute to the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children, and also have the right to monitor the fulfillment of the duties assigned to foster parents for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.
The transfer of a child to a foster family over the age of 10 requires his consent. It is forbidden, as in adoption, to separate siblings, unless the separation is permissible in the interests of the child. According to various estimates, from 5 to 10% of orphans are currently being brought up in foster families.
The main directions of providing social assistance to orphans and children left without parental care. Measures to provide guarantees of social protection for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, are based on state minimum social standards to determine the financial costs of their implementation.
Financial security. Expenses for the implementation of measures to ensure them are made at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the expense of state extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.
The procedure for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of monthly allowances to guardians for food, clothing, footwear, soft equipment per individual, for making cash payments for orphans and children left without parental care, upon employment and admission to educational institutions in accordance with the norms for providing children from orphanages, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 199 dated August 19, 1999 approved the Regulations on the procedure for paying money for food, the purchase of clothes, shoes, and soft equipment for children under guardianship (guardianship).
Additional guarantees of the right to education. Orphans and children left without parental care have the right to receive basic general or secondary (complete) education. Those who have received such an education are enrolled in courses to prepare for admission to institutions of secondary and higher professional education without charging them tuition fees; can receive a second primary vocational education free of charge.
Persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, studying in all types of state or municipal institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, as well as students who have lost both or a single parent during the period of study, are enrolled in full state support until they graduate from this educational institution.
Graduates of these educational institutions are provided by the relevant educational institution with seasonal clothing and footwear in accordance with the standards approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as a one-time cash allowance in the amount of at least 200 rubles. (as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ 07.08.2000). In addition to full state support, they are paid a stipend, the amount of which increases by at least 50% compared to the amount of the stipend established for students in this educational institution, and they are also paid 100% of the wages accrued during the period of industrial training and industrial practice.
In addition, they are paid an annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials in the amount of a three-month stipend. The said allowance is paid within 30 days from the beginning of the academic year at the expense of a deposit in the name of the graduate to the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation
When students from among orphans and children left without parental care are granted academic leave for medical reasons, they are retained for the entire period of full state support, they are paid a scholarship. The educational institution contributes to the organization of their treatment.
Additional guarantees for the right to health care. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, are provided with free medical care and surgical treatment in any state and municipal medical and preventive institution, including medical examination, rehabilitation, regular medical examinations at the expense of the relevant budget. They are provided with free vouchers to school and student sports and recreation camps (bases) for work and recreation, to sanatorium and resort institutions if there are medical indications, free travel to the place of rest, treatment and back at the expense of funds allocated for these purposes from the relevant budget, at the expense of extrabudgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.
The main duties of medical workers of the institution include: monitoring the state of health, physical and neuropsychic development of pupils, providing medical care; organizing and conducting twice a year in-depth medical examinations, preventive and therapeutic measures, assessing their effectiveness; medical control over the implementation of the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime; monitoring the quality of nutrition, compliance with the rational regime of educational and extracurricular activities of pupils, ensuring sanitary and hygienic requirements in the process of labor training; professional recommendations to pupils taking into account the state of their health; work with pupils on hygienic education, promotion of sanitary and educational knowledge.
Additional guarantees of rights to property and housing. Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children under guardianship (guardianship) who had fixed housing, retain the right to it for the entire period of stay in an educational institution or institution of social services for the population, as well as in institutions of all types of vocational education, regardless of ownership, for the period of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, for the period of stay in institutions that carry out punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty (as amended by Federal Law No. 17-F Z dated 08.02.98).
In the event that they did not have such fixed living quarters, after the end of their stay in an educational institution or a social service institution, as well as in institutions of all types of vocational education, or after the end of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or after returning from institutions executing a sentence of deprivation of liberty, they are provided by the executive authorities at the place of residence out of turn equivalent to the living space previously occupied by them (or their parents) with living space not lower than established social norms (as amended by Federal Law No. 17-FZ dated 08.02.98).
Registration of orphans and children left without parental care is carried out both at the place of residence (the place where they are assigned living space) and at the place of temporary residence (an institution for orphans and children left without parental care, hostel, guardian's (custodian's) family, foster family). Removal of orphans and children left without parental care from the registration at the place of residence or at the place of stay is carried out only with the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.
In the absence of the necessary housing stock, such persons may be provided with a targeted non-refundable loan for the purchase of residential premises with a living area not lower than the established social norms at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The requirement of the legislation on the need for prior permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities to make transactions in relation to privatized residential premises owned by orphans and children left without parental care also applies to residential premises in which minors are temporarily absent, but at the time of privatization they have equal rights to this residential premises with the owner or tenant.
In the event of the death of parents, as well as in other cases of loss of parental care, if only minors remain living in the residential premises, guardianship and guardianship authorities, heads of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, guardians (custodians), foster parents or other legal representatives of minors, within three months, draw up an agreement on the transfer of residential premises to the ownership of orphans and children left without parental care. Contracts for the transfer of residential premises to the ownership of minors under the age of 14 are drawn up at the request of their legal representatives with the prior permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities or, if necessary, at the initiative of such authorities. These contracts by minors who have reached the age of 14 are drawn up independently with the consent of their legal representatives and guardianship and guardianship authorities.
To provide living space for orphans and children left without parental care, special housing funds may be created at the expense of the relevant budgets and other sources not prohibited by law.
Additional guarantees of the right to work. When addressing orphans and children left without parental care, at the age of fourteen to eighteen years, the bodies of the state employment service of the population carry out career guidance and provide diagnostics of their professional suitability, taking into account the state of health, at the expense of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the work of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 10, 1998. Enterprises, institutions, organizations that create special jobs for them may be granted tax benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide professional training and professional activities for graduates of social service institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. Specialized jobs may be created in a social service institution.
Social and legal services. For the protection of their rights, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as their legal representatives, guardians (trustees), guardianship and guardianship authorities and the prosecutor have the right to apply in the prescribed manner to the appropriate courts of the Russian Federation. They are assisted in writing and execution of documents related to the protection of their rights and interests; legal education.
Officials of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies bear disciplinary, administrative, criminal or civil liability for non-compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Psychological help. Psychological support of the educational process in the institution, advisory and preventive work with pedagogical workers is carried out by psychologists. Psychological assistance includes: psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene; psychodiagnostics; psychological counseling; psychological intervention in crisis situations; conducting trainings on communicative communication; development of emotional self-regulation skills; psychological education, etc.
As already noted, orphanhood refers to social problems that, apparently, will always exist. Its volume can be reduced by reducing the share of social orphanhood. In this regard, several areas of the state's social policy can be distinguished: prevention of social orphanhood (elimination of such social diseases as antisocial, maladjusted behavior, alcohol consumption, drug addiction, etc.; effective family policy;
assistance to single mothers, sexual education, etc.) and the development of a system of social protection and education of children left without parental care.

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1. Social work with orphans left without parental care

1.1 Education and socialization of orphans left without parental care in Russia

2. Social work with orphans in the conditions of an educational institution, on the example of the "Orphanage in the city of Voronezh"

2.1 The system of social protection of orphans left without parental care, on the example of the Orphanage of the city of Voronezh

2.2 Study of the characteristics of the socialization of orphans and children left without parental care in an educational institution

2.3 Program for social protection and rehabilitation of orphans and children left without parental care in an orphanage


List of used literature



Today, the most important task in the social policy of Russia is the social protection of citizens, and the improvement of the mechanisms for its regulation.

Currently, the social policy of Russia has undergone a number of significant changes. This is due to the implementation of socio-economic reforms in the country. The transition to a market economy has exacerbated the issues of the material situation of the majority of citizens, resulting in the emergence of not only purely economic, but also social, moral and moral problems that had practically never arisen before and posed a threat to the security of various groups of the population (pensioners, the disabled, large families, youth, women). socialization orphan rehabilitation

The relevance of the topic of my research lies in the fact that in modern Russia, children are a more vulnerable group than the rest of society, based on the prevailing socio-economic conditions, and orphans are especially not protected. An analysis of the situation of children in the Russian Federation indicates that there are problems in the actual implementation of their rights and legitimate interests. Childhood problems stem from the discrepancy between the real needs of the child for survival, development and maintenance, the nature and ways of satisfying them by society.

A feature of the current situation of children in Russia is social deprivation, the extreme expression of which is the continuously increasing number of orphans and children left without parental care. In this regard, the task is to improve the mechanisms that ensure the social protection of the rights and interests of a child left without parental care and their education in an educational institution.

The study of orphanhood as a social phenomenon was carried out both by scientists of our country and foreign specialists. The issues of social protection of orphans, the problems of their education, employment, housing and other social aspects of their life have been studied and are being studied in the framework of the sociology of the family by many scientists, such as: M.L. Arakelova, T.A. Gurko, I.F. Dementieva, A.N. Elizarov, G.G. Sillaste, G.I. Osadchaya, E.G. Smirnova, V.V. Forsova, D.S. Barashkova, E.M. Rybinsky, L.V. Kuznetsova, M.I. Nesmeyanov, S.Yu. Barsukova, S.V. Kochetkova, O.G. Isupov and others.

However, the problems of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care, which are of theoretical and practical importance, are not sufficiently covered in the scientific literature, the problem of social orphanhood is still one of the most urgent.

The analysis of Russian and foreign studies confirms that the issues of socialization of orphans in the conditions of an educational institution, preparing them for independent life and activity are insufficiently developed and require their own scientific understanding and comprehensive methodological study.

The focus of the study on filling these gaps determines the relevance of the topic not only due to their lack of scientific knowledge, but also due to the great importance of the issues under consideration, because the main goal of social protection of orphans and children left without parental care is to protect their rights and interests, ensure their guarantees, create preconditions for their socialization.

The aim of the study is the direction and features of social work with orphans in an educational institution.

Object of study: the system of social protection of orphans and children without parental care in an institution.

research: social with and remaining parental care.

Research objectives:

1. Consider the upbringing and orphans and de left without parents in the literature.

2. Learn the basic and content of working with and with children without parental care.

3. social system for orphans and those left without parents, at the "Children's City of Voronezh".

4. To study the socialization of orphans of children left in parental care.

5. Develop socially for orphans and those left without parents.

The theoretical and basis of the study is the work of domestic foreign scientists in the field of theory, practice of various social policies, protection, among orphans of children left in parental care. the basis of the study is the legislative framework, statistical materials.

the base of my research is the VO house of the city of Voronezh, located at the address: Voronezh, st. d. 57.

1. Joborphans,without parental care

1.1 UpbringingAndorphans left behindparental careRussia

For a long time in the history of humankind the child has no value. Children are an extension of their own property. did not have for society for parents, was considered as a consequence of sexual For example, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, quite widely distributed infanticide (infanticide), condemned by the public, unpunished. Only with Christianity, attitudes towards children gradually change.

In the Middle Ages, the status of children was determined not by age, but by a different class of social group. could not value himself outside the family. Children socialize only with the connection with the family. From society and Christianity ends to the family, from the spouses of their children, of course, entailed a change in the status of children, on the part, and the responsibility of parents by society for raising a child, on the other Vasilkova Yu.V. The work of a social teacher in shelters and boarding schools//Methodology and work experience of a social teacher.-.M.: Ed. center "Academy", 2011.-p.76-90..

this period of society can be a starting point for the problem of social Strengthening the role of socialization has led to children who have lost with children, who do not have their duties, they are generally moral and law.

In the context of historical Russian society, it was perceived not as a deprivation of either, but rather as outside the sphere of generality.

Orphanhood as a phenomenon exists as much as society, and an integral element of the most pressing problem is becoming a country undergoing social transformation, including for Russia. is inevitable military conflicts, reforms and revolutions.

in ours it has a long history and it is from the period of the feudal state. since then, decrees have dealt with the form of accommodation for those left without parents.

At present, the concepts of orphan and social (social orphanhood) are widely used in theoretical terms.

So the concepts are clear and meaningful:

Orphans are children under 18 who have both or a parent. Social - this is one that has parents, but for some reason they do not take care of the child and take care of it. In this, society and the state take care of.

orphanhood is a phenomenon caused in a society by those left without parents due to their parental recognition of their parents as missing, etc.

Hidden orphans are those who have the force of reasons and are engaged in education. leads to the fact that a large amount of data fall into the asocial group Gusev A. Education of social competence in orphanage pupils//Teacher.-2013.-№6.-p.12-15..

orphanhood is one of the key problems of modern society. The spread of social orphanhood in our country is a complex of special and societal processes that characterize Russia in the 20th century associated with 1917, wars (the First Civil War, the Great Terror of the 20-30s and also the perestroika of the late - early years. According to the data, the number was at the beginning of 1993, thousands of children, 90% of them are social Bocharova V.G. Pedagogy of social work. - M .: SvR-Lrgus, 2 016. - 208 p.

The phenomenon of orphanhood is associated with two factors: Cree families and instability in these factors. These factors range the causes of social orphans:

Social families;

And housing parents;

unhealthy between parents;

Weakness of moral principles;

Phenomena associated with the degradation of a person’s personality (drug addiction, evasion of duties of raising a child).

families in the forms that are distinguished:

Violation and family;

Growth of divorces and incomplete families;

The growth of unregistered marriages in 2010 - about women from 20 to 24 years old in "civil" in 2013 - 14%, in 2016 - 17.4%);

Asocial life series

Falling level (at the time of the poor in the country can be 33% of the population, the poor in 2016 amounted to 27.6%);

Psycho-emotional overload of the adult population, affecting children;

Child abuse in and boarding schools while declining for their fate.

the number of divorces one of the adversely affecting the fate of children. there are more children where one father. number of children out of wedlock 1990 - 2016 - Financial difficulties, the circle of intra-family in incomplete negatively affect children. They establish contacts with peers, more often, especially boys, there are symptoms. More than 30% of juvenile delinquents with mental disabilities grew up without a father. Vasiliev A.Yu. Protection of the rights of orphans in modern Russian society // Modern law. - 2016. - No. 9. - P.54-57..

An additional risk of development becomes parents in March 2017 according to 6 unemployed).

One of the main occurrences of orphanhood in severe parents of their Disabled, who are progressively inclined to "leave the disease" consciously from relatives, children, is to infect To which such si mainly relate to current or manageable diseases. total, various immunodeficiency states, lupus, sclerosis), other diseases, demyelinating diseases.

It is also necessary about social orphanhood. Children of parental care are prone to vagrancy, are at risk of being victims of violent crimes (objects of abuse and trafficking) or involved in activities, they are involved in and drugs. gynecological pathologies of neglected adolescent girls 12-14%. Violation was noted in neglected children, 15% of them have drug use of psychotropic substances. and street children are most susceptible to HIV infection Bocharova V.G. Pedagogy of social work. - M.: SvR-Lgus, 2016. - 208 p..

Orphanhood is a factor in the child's emotional surrounding social with adult peers, once in a favorable and deep secondary violation of personality development.

detached parents placed the child's general tone, processes of self-regulation dominated by mood. For the majority, self-doubt anxieties develop, regulation is deteriorating from an interest, cognitive interactions as a result, intellectual development.

The longer the child is separated from the parental family, the longer and greater the isolation is, the more deformation of all mental development.

Most graduates of the houses are capable of teaching the school program, as the general population of children with developmental delays exceeds 8-10%.

an orphan child has a complex of disorders of emotional development: emotional difficulties in communication, to the absence of an increase in passivity, loss of motives.

children in orphanages were studied in detail by M.I. V.S. A.M. E.O. Smirnova etc.

For children of age, both in studies of the dominant and dissatisfied favored attention from adults. The desire for cooperation and joint activities by adults is not enough to develop encouraging children to communicate, caused by the fact that the child himself is an adult, children are willing to appeal and adults.

noticeable differences in the development of communication between pupils of the children's home, in which they are manifested in a personal way in which the need for mutual understanding and empathy.

For a home, the presence of adults with different behaviors, like a family with adults for one program. Finally, for children, the emotional communication of an adult child is poorer. It should also be noted the regulated nature of the child with the family.

For pupils of school age, the motives of activity are clearly expressed directly related to their daily activities in the children's implementation of the regimen in the children's home at school, as in children of this group, the motives of activity are much richer and more diverse. This and the poverty of the sphere are connected by the living conditions in the nursery and their full communication with adults. Scientists study the specifics of the development of the needs and spheres of the personality of pupils at home.

Aging causes certain labor in a teenager's environment in his own "I".

Health problems are added to the behavioral, motivational characteristics of children's pupils. In fact, there are almost no healthy people in children's rooms; they often have chronic ones with disabilities. In addition, in children there is a lack of mental development. For pupils of the orphanage, phenomena such as drug addiction, disinhibition of drives, etc. are characteristic.

with these problems in the orphanage, many problems arise: personal obtaining personal (passports, birth certificates, death certificates of parents, etc.); material pensions, allowances, housing, some of the children have their own and residence permits), graduates, and further professional education.

Thus, the formation of orphans occurs in a state of deprivation, a loss of, of course, the desired conditions of the individual - In this deprivation negative on the individual is a factor of a biological social nature, which ultimately determines the social and human activities. detectable social, physiological, pedagogical adaptation of orphans is great.

problems of the social is possible with an integrated state and public organizations. two ways preventive and corrective with the help of this problem can be partially.

Of paramount national importance to the prevention of orphanhood in Russia is the support and status of a socially healthy giving society an able-bodied, well-mannered generation capable of development issues of the Russian Federation. will allow to eliminate from the most serious problems representing national security: non-congrowth of social production of asocial se prostitution, drug addiction and other anti-social ones. Prevention of orphanhood is a solution to problems.

Developing programs and reducing orphanhood, social groups build their complex, according to the levels of influence intervention on the primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary, preventive are aimed at the population; secondary to those seen as a risk to or narrow the validity of the problem in this case of treatment of child abandonment, away from the child); intended for part of the population, the gap is already and need a child in the family.

Thus, at the time it is possible to three groups facing education, the decision will significantly allow the situation of orphans of children left in parental care:

1. social and family support;

2. development of forms of arrangement and orphans and de left without parents;

3. development of a system for orphans of children left in parental care.

Another difficult path of social orphanhood is a correctional path. relies on experience, support for the gradual scale up to the regional systemic problem of orphanhood.

social method is based on two interventions.

The first change intervention aims to prevent impacts affecting the family; wide activities:

Eliminating poverty of all forms of deprivation, ensuring the living standards of the population and helping young families with many children are the basic conditions essential for social orphanhood;

Networks and gardens;

Leave for a child;

Catering schools;

Organization of children's free time vacations;

And the implementation of all levels of social, psi or financial all families, children.

The second level of social orphanhood is carried out by identifying work in related to high risk.

The Family RF establishes the protection of the rights of the interests of children in cases of deprivation of parental rights, their rights in childbirth, recognition as incapacitated, parental evasion of education, and in cases of parental responsibility and guardianship.

guardianship self-government bodies. organizing the activities of the local self-custody guardianship of children left without parents, indicated on the charters of formations in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and this Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

local authorities as guardianship and care are entrusted with a number of functions:

Children left in parental care;

Maintaining such children;

The choice of placement of children without care based on the circumstances of the loss of parents;

Implementation of education following the conditions of detention, upbringing Galaguzova Yu.N. Theory and practice of systematic professional training of social teachers. - M., 2011. - 373 p.

According to the law of the Federation "On Guarantees for the Protection of Orphans of Children Left in Parental Care" and guardianship is the norm for placing children for maintenance, education, and their rights of interest. Custody having established over children who have reached the age of years, guardianship of the mouth over these children from 14 to 18 years old.

Guardianship is a form of personal and minor rights of some other people).

This is the protection of personal property rights of non-commercial persons (children, parents, the mentally ill). guardianship also persons and on whom such supervision. who is entrusted is called a guardian, his obligation is guardianship.

guardianship, compared with guardianship, fall more category K includes parents whose:

Parental rights parental rights is a measure applied by a court decision to parents who are inappropriate and their duties, as a result they are all based on the fact with the child);

In parental rights - consisting in the fact that the child is selected by the parents to decide and lose to the upbringing of the child);


incapacitated capable);

Serving their sentences in correctional colonies;

Accused of committing crimes are in custody;

From raising children;

Pick up medical, social children where temporarily placed.

or is a form of child care without parental care.

the family is formed on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of the child to the upbringing of the family. An agreement on the transfer (of children) is concluded by the guardianship authority and parents (spouses of individual citizens, take the children into the family).

Unlike in the reception, only children can be transferred, a certain legal one, but also from whom the birth is not deprived of rights, and for health reasons they can perform duties. The family may also have such parents who are wanted, have a certain residence. The fact is that on which it is transferred to the family, it can be - from the month and the age of majority of the child Galaguzova Yu.N. Theory and practice of systematic professional training of social teachers. - M., 2011. - 373 p.

In from guardianship to adoption legislation is the remuneration of parents. The amounts of payment and provided by the receptionist are established by the regional legislator in the taken care of the children.

Remaining Care Parents and Assistance Educational Assistance for Remaining Parents or Remaining Care Parents.

The types of patronage are:

Education - the arrangement of children, without parents, to which the content of education is transferred to the family of the educator;

Foster care in the guest - the device of the remaining care when the child is transferred to the upbringing of the caregiver's family for a period of 30 days;

Foster care is a form of foster care to bring up educational assistance from orphans, children without parents, a period of adaptation to independent living.

The device of the child takes into account factors in his ethnicity, religion and mother tongue, ensuring the continuity of upbringing and education.

choosing a permanent form, it is usually necessary to arrange that more often by transferring the child, without the care of his relatives to other relatives (neighbors, friends of the parents, etc.). If there is no transfer of a child to them is contrary to the interests, the minor is placed in or otherwise As long as a guardian or legal representative is appointed, he must without for therefore during the period the execution of guardians and guardianship in relation to children by the bodies and guardianship themselves.

If it is impossible to return his native to his biological parents (or from them), the question of a permanent one. Two placements are possible: placement in the family for children or an institution. Preference for family upbringing, so that the child is close to the ordinary life of a person.

So, the various forms of children left in parental care:


foster family;

family house

Institution of children in need of state support.

These forms are in the family, but there are others that are included in the researched issues: the device, children's SOS, various forms of family adaptation postin institutions for orphans.

So, to the Family RF of upbringing, adoption, and adoption Priority form of adoption, as this child in blood or With a specific form, is taken into account (with and in the family from the age of the child's consent). all the child is not arranged in his or her childcare or institution.

In the case of social orphanhood, assistance is provided to temporary accommodation families who do not stay in

The new Russian form of orphans is the patronage of the family. This provides for the creation in Russia of an institution of educators, replacing for a certain time

1.2. contentbasicsocialWith


When considering social work for orphans and those left without parents, it is necessary to have regulatory and legal aspects of providing for this child.

The normative legal acts of the Federation are adopted in full compliance with the international documents signed and signed by it. The main ones are: "Declaration of Man and Citizen" (1948); "Declaration of the Child" (1959); on the rights of re (1989). with their laws provide care for such (v. 20).

documents to the orphans' service base system Constitution of the Federation Art. RF social policy aims to create a life of a free person), RF Family Code. support by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the basics of service in the Federation", defines the social principles, which the provision of services, to the volume and social order of provision.

Directly the issues of social assistance to orphans is the law of additional protection and remaining care (1996, also 1998 2002 which defines the general content of support measures de Important in the social support for orphans of the Russian Federation priority on the World Survival, and children of the 90th (1992), prevention and minors, them (1993), measures to prevent vagrancy and (1993).

In order to fulfill the above, there was, for example, the federal target "Children of Russia" with additions in 1998, 2002, 2014) and the target program of Russia 2016-2020.

within the framework of these programs, a separate program, there is a program aimed at favorable conditions for the preparation of children, parental care, independent life of modern socio-economic development of various devices for orphans, improvement of their service, development and material orphanage institutions, socio-economic support for the education of orphans in them.

implementation of the legal and regulatory assistance to orphans and those left without parents, includes the post and order of the Russian Federation, "On the approval of the regulation on the institution for and children without care (1995). This provision regulates state, municipal institutions. For educational for orphans children left with parental care, Model Provision functions of an exemplary role in social assistance are played by departmental (Ministries of Labor, Social Development, Education, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.), as well as legal entities of the Russian Federation.

social maintenance with orphans children left in parental care, in the protection of rights, control of the conditions for their social rehabilitation of adaptation, assistance in employment and housing. The implementation of the tasks is entrusted to the guardianship authorities. Responsibilities are assigned to identifying, taking into account the selection of forms of children left in parental care, as well as for the conditions of maintenance, upbringing and education. They are within three days from the date of receipt of the message to conduct living conditions and provide protection and

Children without care are subject to transfer of upbringing to (for adoption / adoption, guardianship / guardianship or foster family), in the absence of the possibility of institutions for or children without care. Legislation gives children to family forms, as meeting the needs and creating conditions for socialization, upbringing development.

Social assistance to children without parental care, which is branched into several

As a subject of assistance;

Social services and municipal) territorial structures providing such

Mixed - and structures, in the socio-psychological

Created by charities, religions and others as charities

The efforts of the above are aimed at the adaptation of orphans, their behavior, associated with the form of value orientations in the conditions of a children's institution, their relationship to parents who, in social cases, left them, and prevention of pre-legal education, etc. Consider the common forms of assistance to orphans children who find themselves in parental care.

Transfer of children without care to specialized educational institutions, which are kept and / or brought up) and children without care of institutions of the social population (nurseries for children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, centers for helping those left without parents, shelters); child health) other created in the prescribed manner.

Children aged 0-3 are placed at home. Upon reaching the age of years, nurseries are transferred to preschool specialized schools for the physically handicapped, boarding schools for the delinquent, and to each children's institution for backward and handicapped children.

For a child designated by an institution, sending op (institutions) shall submit:

The decision of the relevant authority or local government direction in

Referral by an institution issued by or by the agency in charge of the institution;

About the birth and in the absence - the conclusion of the medical examination, the age of the child;

Medical about health;

Documents about (for children of age);

The act of examining the life of the child;

Information about or persons replacing (copies of the death of the sentence or trial, certificate of illness or parents and documents confirming the absence of parents or their upbringing of children);

Information about and place of residence of sisters and close relatives;

Inventory of property, after death information about whether those responsible for preservation;

On fixing the area occupied imperfectly or its

Retirement child receiving a copy of the decision of the su on the recovery of securities by the receipt of their child by the parents of the person, their conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical (for children with developmental disabilities).

On the other hand, in this case, noticeable positive changes are taking place (differentiation of houses, the emergence of shelters and centers for assistance centers, etc.), the problem of the personality of a child in a closed environment remains very relevant. Research shows that maternal care to delay the child and manifest symptoms and physical problems. Isolation of the mother's child from 3 to 3 usually leads to severe consequences of intelligence and functions that are correctable.

The constant microsocial environment of the child - the orphanage orphanage of schoolchildren inflicts a significant psyche of the child, his health. those who are brought up in institutions, in the majority, lag behind their peers in development. They begin to talk, more often they study worse. 20% of pupils of institutions can according to the programs of schools.

organizing new homes, the restructuring process should focus on following the alignment of the nursery for certain children and separating them into small groups; social and environment close to family; organization of family groups where educators children would live independently; encouragement of attention to psycho-emotional needs; re-limitation of children from an orphanage; strengthening between children by their parents cases of social development in skills, everyday social skills, not in the future life. It is not important to decide on residence and future graduates.

Adoption of a child is an act of state, links between adopted offspring, also adoptive parents, their relatives, and children. children lose non-property and rights in relation to their parents. Adoption is carried out on the basis of an application (of a person) who wants a child, with the obligatory participation of authorities and guardianship. there may be capable persons of the sex, except for whom, they are not entitled to (deprived of parental, suspended from the guardian for health reasons, etc.). The age difference between and adopted is not 16 years old, for reasons valid by the court, it can be reduced

adoption of a person over the age of 10 requires consent, except specifically by law. The proce questions are detailed in on the transfer approved by the Government 15 1995 No. Child Secrets Act. secrecy is a crime. Adoption is also criminal.

Practice shows, as a rule, children under the age of 12. Older children remain in institutions until recently. There has been an increase in adoptions by foreign citizens.

to the social must complete on:

Does the child and socially adoptable;

Whether legal

Whether the parents do this and this is possible and the child is consciously without on the part;

If the question is international, then whether the country is adopted for the child;

There is a system for which you can support a family.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adopt In connection with carefully the psychological, social, physical, economic and cultural desires of the child of their environment; Definitely meets the plan of theirs and whether the marital family such help adoptive focus on the child, on their own.

In addition, it follows that the orphaned in the family, the adaptive duration depends on the individual child, his mustache (age, health, features); the child's life changes, parents' characteristics (especially when the childless are adopted. An important role is the family structure, economic opportunities. Finally, it is necessary to consider the child's decision in a possible unsuccessful adoption.

for the provision of social protection and children without care, as well as among children without care, are based on the state minimum social to determine the financial costs of their implementation.

And the remaining cares are for the main or (full) educated in the secondary higher education without charging them tuition fees; can free second vocational education.

Persons number of orphans, children left in parental care, in all state or institutions of primary and higher education, and students who have lost a period of study or the only one are enrolled in state support for their graduation from an educational institution.

Orphans, children left in parental care, as well as persons of the number of orphans children left in parental care, free medical and surgical treatment in any and municipal institution, including rehabilitation, regular examinations at the appropriate expense. sources.

In case of necessary housing, such persons are provided with a target loan for housing with an area not established by social ones at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Public employment authorities addressing orphans and those left without parents, at the age of fourteen and eighteen, provide career guidance diagnostics of professional suitability, taking into account the state. Enterprises, institutions that create special workers for special workers can be granted tax benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Federation.

The executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide professional and professional figures for graduates of institutions serving children, without parents. service establishment to be specialized places.

As there was orphanhood to the problems, apparently exist It can be reduced by the proportion of orphanage. in connection with this, highlight the areas of policy for the prevention of orphanhood of such diseases, antisocial, behavior, alcohol, etc.; family provision of single sex education, etc.) the development of a protection system and children remaining in parental care.

Psychological educational process institution, advisory preventive work by pedagogical workers, pedagogues-psychologists. Psychological includes psychoprophylaxis and psychodiagnostics; psychological psychological intervention in crisis situations; communication training; development of emotional self-regulation; education, etc.

Overcoming the deprivation of the negative influence of the house by pedagogical and also by the help of the receptionist can be effective, subject to the corresponding material, economical, psychological, moral problems. At the same time, individual socio-pedagogical work with orphan children is inseparable from the provision of social pedagogical, psychological work to the children themselves, the range of work methods is quite wide.

basic methods, a social worker, according to the scheme, in Fig.1.

Based on the content of the "social educator child (adolescent)" solution of the actual need to consider included in the pedagogical interaction. scientific pedagogy, different classification schemes. The closest to our goals is the scheme, 2) proposed by Shchurkova. It has the following groups through which:

Influence on children, views are formed (representations, carried out by operational information by members of the system;

Turns out on children, their figure is stimulated by motives in adolescent children;

Help with children's self-esteem.

If we take the ways of influencing the state and personality or community as the basis for the classification of work methods, then we can distinguish three main groups: organizational and administrative and

The group of methods combines those ways in which the social sphere influences both moral, family and interests and families and methods of influencing social and saving needs and are used in in-kind and monetary assistance; establishment of lump sums and compensations; and everyday moral encouragement of sanctions, etc.

organizational and administrative methods in a way focused on such motives of people as the need for social labor discipline, duty and responsibility. Their distinctive feature is a direct impact, since, first of all, on regulatory, legal acts.

The group of methods is characterized by the impact on the behavior through the mechanism of his well-being. Behavior, as it was above, is to a certain extent determined by phenomena: public group opinion, in the family, certain socio-pedagogical moods, tastes, hobbies, and so, the socio-psychological child, arising as a result of uncomfortable communication, acquire it relative and influence actions.

The group includes the following convictions (implemented by social and pedagogical practice in various and previously in the form of advice, reasoned positive examples of samples of the active life of the child), observation, diagnosis, suggestion, humanization of living conditions and attraction to and expansion for the manifestations of the child's abilities, customs, traditions, etc. Everything allows about the results of work, the level of tasks set by the specialist.

therapy (Greek) "care, treatment") systematic, measures to render a person to a group and in feelings, thoughts, relationships Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 304 p. Therapy has a number of support functions to and from families, including curative care in its co-medical care); development of his vigorous activity, the process of development "affecting the social child); interests (clarification of needs or vulnerable to society, organizations).

therapy, this can be considered the method of "social as a method associated with and professional as a tool of control, as communication. We refer to social therapy: correction, correction, prevention, provision of a social child; personality.

Another method is self-education. includes self-assessment; own introspection, past, individual "psychological barriers"; desired self-image. This is built using self-persuasion, both self and in the activity of communication The undoubted advantage of the use in everyday life of activity skills, as a result of work.

Another type of group therapy is psychodrama, which is used in the social and pedagogical work of children and when the child plays different roles, portrays himself as various stressful social characters and plays the role of antipodes. This gives him the opportunity to overcome his anxiety, to control himself in various situations, to the problem of the person's point of view.

The most active socio-pedagogical work by children and under the use of games is psychotherapy, aimed at teaching communication. groups use for situations that are difficult for them or

The most results in adolescents are observed in an individual approach, taking into account the individual, characteristics of children.

Consider activities in the home as a typical childcare facility, without parents. and the need for socio-pedagogical activities of the orphanage due to the children's spectrum of social, psychological, pedagogical and lack of proper experience.

Considering the socio-pedagogical, we define the purpose of the activity, the subjects are the objects of this

The goal is socialization. As this activity, a team of educators: a teacher, a social speech therapist, an educator, a music worker, a worker in physical education, an orphanage. on which socio-pedagogical activities, children's pupils, each individually, the entire team as a whole

The main activities of the social are to determine the status of the child in the institution, gender information about (date of birth, location of relatives' parents, living conditions, health status) registration of children in a boarding school.

the institution sent by parents whose parents or found missing children, the remaining parental deprivation or parental rights, are in prison, psychiatric hospital these children are abandoned by their parents. these tasks are of particular importance, the development of further related to the organization of socio-pedagogical protection directly depends on the information received.

In a number of social educators involved in the initiation and materials to or limit the parent's rights of parents of children. The social boarding school, being in the case of deprivation of parental, collects materials, declares a petition, the court of evidence participates in the study.

from the directions of the social teacher boarding school for children without care with developmental disabilities is a set of measures for the protection of material, civil rights

With the material rights of the boarding school, which include the right to receive parental support, survivor's pensions, social), the social one interacts with such institutions, the department of the social prosecutor's office, the heads of cities and the department of justice, the pension fund, judicial courts, savings banks.

as the main socialization of pupils of orphanages follows family socialization due to the lack of an example of family effective school and work, necessary for the pupil's attitude to life and preparation for and for social and social functions necessary for society.

conclusions1 chapter

Orphans are children under the age of two whose only parent has died. orphan - a child who is biological parents, they are for reasons not upbringing and take care of him. this care of children on the state society.

Social - a phenomenon, the presence of a society of the remaining care due to their rights, parents are missing and Hidden orphans are those who have children who, by force of reasons, are engaged in education. causes big data to fall into an asocial group.

The main forms of children left in parental care: guardianship; reception desk orphanage type; institution for children in need of state support. forms are enshrined in the family code, and which are also in the range of issues: patronage families boarding houses, forms of adaptation of institutions for orphans.

The paramount state in the orphanage of Russia is the priority and status of the social family, an able-bodied, well-mannered, competent society capable of deciding the development and prosperity of the Federation.

2. work withVeducationalFor example" Children'sthe city of Voronezh"

2.1 social protectionleft without careFor exampleChildren'shouse of the city of Voronezh

Features of social orphans and those left without parents in an educational institution, on the basis of the KU VO house of the city located in Voronezh, Ostrogozhskaya, 57.

placement of children in an orphanage - family, children of various kinds and a caregiver. the family lives in a separate three-room apartment with an entrance hall, two bedrooms, with a shower. the apartments are equipped with furniture, TV, games, toys, on the floors there is a laundry room with washing machines, and a dryer.

the system of the educational institution house of the city of Voronezh ", there is a children's primary, secondary high school, pupils from up to 18. On the first one there is a medical checkpoint including a reception room, an isolation ward, doctors, a procedural canteen. On the floor there are also school classes, the head teacher's office. The system for providing pupils is designed for the internal needs of the orphanage, the administration pursues goals in the field.

Life activity is so, the child is comfortable at home. Everyone is doing corrective work. maximum to life, education. aspect of the work is the creation of pedagogical and psychological in the pupils of the staff. home conditions, which the pupil is new in his own way and prospects in every chance of a positively tuned environment, can be socially useful activity. Psychologists consult children, study interpersonal relationships in families.

The teaching staff of the orphanage ensure the safety of pupils, protecting from dangerous life and healthy impact. To this extent, the zone of which the house is located, the lack of points and work on pre-teen drug addiction of substance abuse, aimed at enriching the spiritual and needs, creative abilities for organizing leisure.

orphanage can not compensate for the loss but partially this problem, effectively prepare for self-sufficiency in our family home community is possible. Orphanage principles:

Groups of families with family ties,

organization of life,

The transition of work and children to the level of cooperation,

Adaptation through self-service,

Shelter adaptation to the principle: a graduate is a member of his family.

Conditions have been created that are close to each child in the family, a game system, and a worker. An individual program for the child is also being developed.

The orphanage should achieve a sufficient level of interaction between executive bodies and public organizations that contribute to the orphanage

educators in the house on the method of ra. Educators in groups of one next for the shift Organization and with shifts in the same at the meeting get to know each other set for a week. during the work of the team, the senior recreates similar work to avoid changing the child brought up, to allow the psychological connection of this whole gives the educators a long-term relationship with the wards. perform a function in the group, take into account the system, you can be sure for what the pupils spend their lives.

In an orphanage, attention is paid to the problem of a graduate of an orphanage. Like the guys in life, it’s quite a baggage of social skills: it’s difficult on the spot, employment problems, sometimes with these similar problems at home, a whole organizational, legal, and adaptation measures of the Social orphanage. The main objectives for achieving the best result are the following:

For study discipline of graduates of educational institutions.

Assistance in solving social and legal issues.

Graduates opportunities in the home vacation time, holidays.

Graduates participate in sports competitions, programs.

Job graduates.

Graduates the opportunity of student camps, trains conducted by the base of the house.

Invitation of graduates to big birthday parties at home, graduation party).

Graduates have the opportunity to use the services of a health-improving polyclinic.

Thus, in the "Children's City of Voronezh" scientific and methodological prerequisites for providing social and pedagogical pupils have been created: individual teams have developed a number of programs and a regulatory framework adapted to the conditions.

education at home progressively in 20 years has its successes and problems.

In education, educator programs are implemented, in educational "The world is us, we are this and to the children"s (Table 1).

EducationalprogramsadditionalMOUhouse (20 16 -20 17 uch. year)

educational programs


Implementation timeline

(the theater of tomboys)

Artistic and aesthetic


Scientific and technical




"Jolly Patch"



Ballroom "Soaring figures"

Artistic and aesthetic


Artistic and aesthetic


Artistic and aesthetic

Checkers general education

Sports and technical


Tourist and local history

Museum Council


self management)



The peculiarity of the additional is manifested:

In the purposeful use of the child is free from lessons for the full value of their potential

In the choice of areas of the teacher, educational

Opportunities types of team,

In the creative educational process, based on educational programs;

In a special child and (collaboration, co-creation, approach to

To get trained.

Proceeding from the listed features of education, it is possible to function as an orphanage. they include:

1) - a child in educational programs, new knowledge;

educational - enrichment and the cultural layer of general institutions, the formation of a school cultural definition based on clear guidelines, unobtrusive children through familiarization with culture;

creative - the creation of a flexible individual for the implementation of individual creative interests of the individual;

compensatory - the development by the child of areas of activity, and complementary (basic) education, creating emotionally for the child the development of the content of education, providing certain guarantees of success in his areas of activity;

5) recreational - meaningful as a child's recuperation;

vocational guidance - resistant to socially significant activities, the definition of plans including orientation. this contributes only and various in the child, and choose an additional image where the specialists' ability to get further development;

integration - the creation of a single space of the orphanage;

the function of socialization - the development of social acquisition of social skills and qualities for life;

function - self-determination in and meaningful life, their success, self-development.

The cited features that the image of children should be an integral part of the educational system. not rivalry competition, but cooperation should be the relationship between teachers and additional education.

analysis of the daily life of groups-families and teachers of additional education showing a weak educator and psychologist, speech therapist, teacher of additional insufficient interaction with social institutions.


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The most vulnerable category of the population are children who have the status of orphans. This also includes babies who do not have parental care. The state is doing everything possible to support them as much as possible. For this, social work is carried out with children left without parental care. Features of its implementation are established by a number of regulatory legislative acts.

Children left without parental care

Unfortunately, very often one has to deal with situations when, even with a living mother and father, children find themselves in a situation that is equivalent to orphanhood. In this case, social work with children left without parental care is carried out if the parents:

  • are being treated in public or private medical institutions;
  • have limited parental rights, or are deprived of them completely;
  • are located on the territory of correctional institutions;
  • have the status of missing persons;
  • were declared dead, and their bodies were never found;
  • did not take their children from special institutions.

In any of the situations described above, the state begins to work actively. It provides full social services for orphans and children left without parental care. This norm is established by Federal Law N 159, which officially entered into force on December 21, 1996.

Orphanhood and social orphanhood

Our country faced the problem of orphanhood at all historical stages of development. It must be understood that orphanhood and social orphanhood are not the same concept.

Orphanhood is the status of a minor in which his parents were killed, died of natural causes, or suffered from a serious illness, which led to their death. Orphanhood is treated with maximum attention, because people with this status, as a rule, are completely deprived of the possibility of a full-fledged existence and development.

Social orphanhood differs from the usual one in that the child's parents are alive, but for certain reasons they cannot see him. For example, they are behind bars, disappeared without a trace, or deliberately abandoned him.

Causes of social orphanhood

The main task of the state is the comprehensive social support for orphans. In practice, social orphanhood is caused by a number of reasons. The most common is the deprivation of parental rights by the decision of the court as a result of constant bullying, drinking, comprehensive restriction of human rights, and so on.

Social orphanhood is often provoked by difficult financial conditions in the family, lack of work, and the inability to fully feed it. A very serious problem is the mother's refusal of her own child. This decision is influenced by both social and medical factors. If in the first case, the mother does not want to be such (she is young, cannot feed the baby on her own, feels a sense of shame), in the second case, the refusal is made due to the presence of congenital physiological deficiencies (Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, other serious illnesses).

Problems of adaptation of children left without care of relatives

Comprehensive social assistance to orphans will be required at any time. And it's not just at a young age, which provokes the inability to provide for oneself on one's own. The main reason lies in psychology. At a certain stage of life, children may feel unwanted in this world. The problem is especially acute during the transitional age.

Children need to be adapted in such a way that they are motivated to work both for their own benefit and for the benefit of people close to him, the state as a whole. Full adaptation of orphans includes training, education, material and other support for full development.

The purpose and objectives of social work with children

All boarding schools for orphans are required to carry out social work with children. The complex of measures is aimed at achieving the following tasks:

  • development of children as creative individuals;
  • the formation of basic skills that can be used in the future;
  • development of skills of self-discipline, confidence, motivation to achieve certain goals;
  • the formation of independence skills, solving complex problems without outside help.

Social support measures

Comprehensive social support for orphans is provided for by Russian legislation. This includes a number of privileges, the features of which will be discussed below.


The right to housing is guaranteed by local authorities. The costs of the project implementation are borne by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law, deregistration of a child is impossible without the appropriate permission of the guardianship authorities.

If an orphan has fixed housing of any form of ownership, the preservation of rights is possible at the time of stay in any educational institutions, on the territory of the Armed Forces or places of deprivation of liberty. In the absence of fixed housing, after completion of training, service or serving a sentence, the municipality is obliged to issue housing in the order out of turn.

State social scholarship

For students who study under the program of secondary vocational education, the state provides a scholarship in the amount of 809 rubles. For those who wish to receive higher education at the magistracy, to become a bachelor, the scholarship is 2227 rubles.

State social scholarship is paid once a month for the period of study. It can be suspended if there are debts as a result of passing the session. Renewal occurs from the moment when they are all eliminated.

Benefits and payments

The system of state institutions, which includes boarding school orphanages, provides for a number of additional benefits:

  • higher education at public expense;
  • receiving the 2nd secondary education free of charge;
  • enrollment in full state security until graduation;
  • free accommodation and meals for the period of stay in educational institutions;
  • once the orphans are provided with soft equipment, shoes, clothes. Cash benefits are credited to their accounts;
  • free public transport (excluding taxis).

Other warranties

To improve the quality of life and the upbringing of children, the state provides a number of additional guarantees. For example, the right to work and receive free legal assistance if necessary.

The profile legislation of the Moscow Region establishes the following - if the family decides to adopt a baby, this will provide for the payment of a cash benefit, the amount of which is 30 thousand rubles. It is paid out once. In parallel, a monthly cash allowance in the amount of ten thousand rubles is available.

Legislative regulation

The protection of orphans and their comprehensive support is ensured through the following standards:

  • Federal Law No. 159 of December 21, 1996;
  • Federal Law No. 317-FZ of November 25, 2013;
  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ;
  • other regulatory legal acts of the local and state level.

The protection of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care is entrusted to the guardianship and guardianship bodies, which are local self-government bodies. Their activities are regulated by the following documents:

· UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

· Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 34, 35, 39);

· Family Code of the Russian Federation (art. 121 - 125, etc.);

· Housing Code of the RSFSR (Art. 53, 60, 62);

· the federal law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1996 “Principles, content and measures of state support for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23”;

other legal acts.

Within the framework of the presidential program "Children of Russia" there is a targeted program "Orphans", aimed at creating favorable conditions for preparing children who have lost parental care for an independent life in the modern socio-economic environment. It reflects the various forms of placement of orphaned children, the improvement of their medical care, the development of the personnel and material base of orphanages, and the improvement of the socio-economic provision of orphans brought up in them.

The guardianship and guardianship authorities are responsible for identifying, recording and choosing forms of placement for children left without parental care, as well as for monitoring the conditions of their maintenance, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the notification, to conduct an examination of the child's living conditions and ensure his protection and accommodation.

Children left without parental care are subject to be transferred to a family for upbringing, and in the absence of such an opportunity, to appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. Legislation, therefore, gives priority to family forms of placement of children as the most appropriate for the needs of the child and creating optimal conditions for his upbringing and development.

Adoption (adoption) of a child

Adoption (adoption) of a child - This is a state act, in connection with which between adopted children and their offspring, as well as adoptive parents and their relatives, the same rights and obligations arise that exist between parents and children under the law. Adopted children lose their personal non-property and property rights and obligations towards their parents (relatives).

Adoption is carried out by the court at the request of persons wishing to adopt a child, with the obligatory participation of guardianship and guardianship authorities. Adoptive parents may be adults capable of both sexes, except for persons who, according to Art. 127 of the RF IC, do not have the right to adopt (deprived of parental rights, removed from the duties of a guardian for health reasons, etc.). The age difference between the adopter and the adopted child must be at least 16 years, however, for reasons recognized by the court as valid, it may be reduced.

For the adoption of a child who has reached the age of 10, his consent is required, except in cases specifically provided for by law. Procedural issues of adoption are regulated in detail in the "Regulations on the procedure for the transfer of children", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on September 15, 1995. The law guarantees the secrecy of the adoption of a child. Divulging the secret of adoption is a criminal offence. Illegal adoption is also a criminal offense.

Practice shows that, as a rule, children under the age of 12 are adopted. Older children remain in institutions until graduation. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of adoptions by foreign citizens.

When starting work on adoption, the social worker should receive full information on the following issues:

Is the child psychologically and socially ready for adoption?

Whether he is legally adopted;

whether the consent of the natural parents (when necessary) and the child for adoption is given consciously and without pressure from anyone;

· in the case of international adoption, whether the receiving country has given permission for the child to enter;

• whether there is an adoption monitoring system that allows you to support the child and the adoptive family.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of adoptive parents:

· carefully study the psychological, social, physical and economic condition, as well as the cultural level of those wishing to adopt a child and their immediate environment;

· you should definitely know whether the adoption plan meets their desires and whether their marital and marital status is conducive to such an undertaking;

Helping adoptive parents focus more on the needs of the child than on their own.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that the transfer of an orphaned child to a new family involves an adaptation period, the duration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the child and his adopters (age, health status, character traits); from the readiness of the child to changes in life, and parents - to the characteristics of children. And, finally, it is necessary to think over in advance the decision of the fate of the child in the event of a possible unsuccessful adoption.

Guardianship (guardianship)

Guardianship (guardianship) - a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, for the purpose of their maintenance, upbringing and education, as well as for the protection of their rights and interests.

Guardianship is established over children under the age of 14; guardianship - over children aged 14 to 18 years. Guardians are representatives of the wards and make all necessary transactions on their behalf and in their interests. Trustees give their consent to the conclusion of those transactions that citizens under guardianship are not entitled to make on their own.

Obligations for guardianship (trusteeship) are performed free of charge. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (custodian) is paid monthly funds in the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The guardian is obliged to bring up the child, to take care of his health. He has the right to demand in court the return of the child from any persons, including close relatives, if they hold him illegally. However, he does not have the right to prevent the child from communicating with his relatives and friends.

The law provides for the protection of children from possible abuse by guardians, in particular, it establishes a limitation of their powers and independence in the disposal of the property of the ward. The state must exercise constant supervision over the living conditions of the ward, over the fulfillment by the guardian of his duties, and provide assistance to the guardians.

foster family

foster family - this is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care, on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and guardianship authorities and foster parents on the transfer of a child for upbringing to spouses or individual citizens who wish to take children into upbringing in a family for a period established by the agreement. According to the Regulations on the foster family, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, such a family should have no more than 8 children. Foster parents act as educators and receive payment for their work. Between them and adopted children there are no alimony, inheritance and other legal relations similar to the relationship between parents and children.

The state and local self-government bodies allocate funds for the maintenance of each adopted child and provide appropriate benefits established by law. The guardianship and guardianship authorities are obliged to provide the foster family with the necessary assistance, contribute to the creation of normal conditions for the life and upbringing of children, and also have the right to monitor the fulfillment of the duties assigned to foster parents for the maintenance, upbringing and education of children.

The transfer of a child to a foster family over the age of 10 requires his consent. It is prohibited, as in adoption, to separate siblings, unless the separation is permissible in the interests of the child.

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care

Institutions for orphans and children left without parental care include:

· educational institutions in which orphans and children left without parental care are kept;

· Institutions of social services for the population (orphanages for disabled children with mental retardation and physical disabilities, social rehabilitation centers for children left without parental care, social shelters);

· healthcare institutions (children's homes) and other institutions created in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Children under the age of 3 are placed in the children's home. Upon reaching the age of 3, orphans are transferred to orphanages for children of preschool and school age, specialized boarding schools for children with physical and mental disabilities, closed boarding schools for children and adolescents. In Russia, every fifth orphanage is an institution for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.

Despite the fact that noticeable positive changes are taking place in this area, the problem of shaping the personality of a child in a boarding school remains very acute and relevant. Deprivation of maternal care leads to a delay in the development of the child and may be manifested by symptoms of mental and physical illness. The constant change of the microsocial environment (orphanage - preschool orphanage - orphanage for children of school age) causes significant damage to the child's psyche, worsens his health. Children brought up in boarding schools, for the most part, lag behind their peers in psychophysical development.

The domestic system of education in orphanages is based on the fact that children live and study in the same place. This isolation of orphanages increases the dependence of children on the institution and does not contribute to the formation of independent living skills. Quite often, graduates of boarding schools do not have basic everyday skills: cook food, buy something, organize their free time, etc. Therefore, to improve the work of orphanages, it is necessary:

bring them into line with the standards for a certain number of children;

create a social and emotional environment close to the family;

organize small family-type groups where educators and children live, as it were, independent “families”;

Show attention to the psycho-emotional needs of the child;

limit the transition of children from one orphanage to another by age;

not to separate brothers and sisters in different institutions;

Strengthen ties between children and their parents;

To develop in children the skills of household and social skills necessary in the future independent life.

It is equally important to solve the issues of accommodation and employment of future graduates.

Orphanhood is a permanent social problem. Therefore, the social policy of the state should be carried out in two directions: the prevention of social orphanhood (effective family policy, assistance to single mothers, sexual education, etc.) and the development of a system of social protection and education of children left without parental care.