Decoration of arches with decorative stone. Arch decoration with decorative stone - basic rules and requirements

Arches in apartments and private houses rarely went out of fashion, most likely, many were stopped by the difficulty of work. Today, finishing materials have appeared that allow it to be produced without any problems, in particular, gypsum boards. Decorative stone is well suited for their cladding, which has many advantages.

Advantages of artificial stone

With its help, any room is immediately transformed, getting a solid and original look. In addition to beauty, artificial stone is a practical material.

Finishing the arch with a decorative stone is not always done on a perfectly flat surface, thereby removing one of the finishing stages.

Facing the arch is one of the ways to add zest to the interior of the room.

What else is interesting about the material:

  • unlike its natural counterpart, it has a much lower weight, and due to the correct shape, it is much easier to work with it, in addition, its price is lower;
  • the stone does not contain any harmful impurities, as it is created from quite ordinary materials;
  • the product does not rot, cannot be spoiled by fungi or mold, bacteria do not create their colonies on it;
  • it is not necessary to carry out any special measures for its care, it can be washed and cleaned with any non-abrasive detergents;
  • by adding various dyes to the main mixture, you can make exactly the color that is needed in a particular interior. The same applies to the shape of the stones, depending on the pouring forms, where you can make stones like tiles or bricks, antique or modern style.

Valued as a decorative stone, and for their reliability. Therefore, the decoration of arches with decorative stone at the front door or in the corridor, in places where walls can most often get dirty or damaged, has become so popular.

Getting ready for work

The main difficulty in facing the arch is not so much its smooth surface as the rounded inner part. Below will be the installation instructions and the subtleties of the process itself, which will help to make it with minimal effort on your own.

Prepare tools and materials:

  • pick;
  • pliers;
  • roller;
  • hacksaw;
  • decorative rock;
  • primer;
  • building level;
  • liquid nails or special glue;
  • cement-based mortar;
  • putty knife;
  • construction knife;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • seam solution.

Getting ready to install

Before you learn how to finish the arch with a decorative stone, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work so as not to stop the process at its stages:

  1. Choose an artificial stone based on the main surface on which it will be installed. For example, for a drywall arch, a very heavy product can deform or even damage it. Therefore, most often narrow plates are selected for them, since it is easier to fix them to the arcuate inner part.
  1. Prepare the surface of the archway. Be sure to carefully review it for various defects. Lay the stone only on a solid and clean surface.

If you decide to stick it on a layer of dust or debris, the product will fall off the wall very quickly. It will not be superfluous to treat the base with a deep penetration primer, which will significantly strengthen it.

Tip: make notches on a too smooth surface with a pick, which will improve the adhesion of the stone to the base. After that, the arch must be well primed.

  1. Prepare a cement mortar, the components of which are determined by the type of artificial material. It usually consists of lime, sand, Portland cement and glue. Their exact ratio depends on the stone, so at this stage it will not be superfluous to use the recommendation of a specialist.

Since the mass of the material is small, it can be easily glued to the treated surface using, for example, liquid nails or special glue.

We cover the arch from the outside

  1. First row. Docking walls to the arch should also be finished. Attach the first stone at their point of contact. Start the process from the bottom rows, gradually rising up. Use plastic crosses for uniform seams and use the building level to make the masonry even and neat.
  1. Second row. It also begins at the junction of the wall and the arch. However, the first stone here should be pushed beyond the junction of the wall to the thickness of the finishing tile. Due to this, the elements are overlapped at the outer corners, allowing them not to be sealed in the future, and the masonry will become more durable. Next, lay the stones in a checkerboard pattern. The amount of material depends on the length of the rows.

  1. Attach the finishing elements to the adjacent wall at their attachment points, when you get to the rounding of the arch, and cut them very carefully in an arc, keeping the radius. Take a pencil and mark the stone along the arched arch that protrudes from the arched interior of the arch, and cut that too.

Tip: to carefully cut the stone, you need to go through the markings with a construction knife several times, and then remove the excess with pliers.

To cut the stone, you can use an angle grinder ("grinder") or wire cutters. After that, sand all the irregularities with sandpaper. Adjust the remaining elements framing the arch in shape and size.

Facing the arch from the inside

- a complex and responsible stage. Approach it with special attention and accuracy.

  1. Glue the decorative stone on the inside using the technology indicated above, but remember about overlapping.
  2. Trim the tile if it is longer than the width of the opening. Use a hand saw for this, if the base of the product is gypsum, if cement - with an angle grinder.
  3. After finishing the arch with artificial stone with your own hands, wait about 48 hours so that the material can be well connected to the surface of the arch. Fill the joints with artificial stone mortar and smooth them gently with a soft rubber spatula or brush without pressure on the stone.

Try not to get the solution on the front of the product, and remove the excess with a soft cloth or sponge. If you wish, you can paint the stone in the desired color, at the same time the seams will be decorated.


Facing an arched opening with artificial stone requires concentration and accuracy. All work can be done independently, using conventional tools and materials. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

There are many options for how to make the interior original and attractive. One solution is to create a beautiful arch from the doorway. But such a design by itself may not be enough. In some cases, you can not do without a spectacular finish. And for this, artificial stone is very often used.

About arches

The arch is an architectural element that plays the role of an opening in the interior. It is known that there are references to the first arches from the times of the Ancient East.

Given such a long history, it is not possible to know the reasons for the creation of arched structures. For a very long time, the building was built of stone and brick. It is already in our days that drywall, wood, plywood, as well as OSB, chipboard or fiberboard have been added to this list.

About decorative stone

This material is not just a great way to decorate the interior, it perfectly performs a protective function. Therefore, he was so fond of designers. Of course, if an artificial stone is used indoors, then its protective functions are reduced to resisting only accidental mechanical damage. And this material is used pointwise in the interior, the maximum that can be finished in one room is a wall. But most often the material is used as an addition to existing elements.

Benefits of a stone arch

This design option has almost no drawbacks. After all, the material does not rot, does not corrode and fungus. Decorative artificial stone consists of environmentally friendly components, therefore it is safe for health.

Why not use natural material? The fact is that, firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, not all structures can withstand the weight of natural stone. The same granite is three times heavier than its artificial counterpart.

There are a number of other advantages of this approach:

  • no special care is required - any detergent that does not contain abrasives will do;
  • you can use an artificial analogue of any natural stone - manufacturers began to make a very high-quality imitation;
  • decorating stone arches with your own hands does not require special skills, so the procedure is easy.

Materials for creating a structure

Creating a stone arch in an apartment requires the use of a specific list of materials that need to be prepared in advance:

  • the decorative stone itself;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • mortar or glue;
  • grout for seams.


Finishing the arch with decorative stone starts from the traditional stage of surface preparation. It is necessary to smooth out the bumps using sandpaper, and then putty them using a pre-primer.

Preparation of the adhesive solution

You can lay a decorative stone on a special glue, on a cement-sand mortar or on liquid nails.

The quality of adhesion of the finishing material to the base depends on the roughness of the back side of the tile and the quality of the adhesive mixture. If the solution needs to be prepared on its own, this should be done in small portions, since it sets quickly enough, losing its properties. You need to mix the powder and water in a convenient capacious container using a mixer (it can be a drill with a special nozzle). You need to mix until you get the consistency of thick sour cream.


Laying is done from the bottom up. You need to start from the corner of the opening-wall. The seam should be left approximately 4-5 mm. If corner stones are used, they must be glued from below. If flat ones are used, laying should be done with an overlap.

During the procedure, do not forget to check the horizontal laying. On an arc, elements can be trimmed to meet the required radius. This can be done with wire cutters or a grinder with a special nozzle.

The edges must be sanded with a file. When the finish is finished, you need to wait for the mortar or glue to dry. After that, you need to do the refinement of the seams. For these purposes, we use a grout of the appropriate color. To perform the procedure, it is better to use a construction syringe. Otherwise, you can use a rubber spatula. You can make the tool yourself. To do this, cut off a square piece of polyethylene, fold it in the form of a cone, fix it with tape. The tip of this element must be cut so that the resulting size corresponds to the size of the seams between the stones.

Next, one of these tools needs to press the grout into the seams in order to completely fill them. In this case, everything must be done carefully so that the material does not get on the front of the products. It remains to wait until the grout dries - the decorative stone arch is ready.

Seamless laying

In this case, the tiles are laid tightly to each other, so finishing the arch with artificial stone requires painstaking work. Glue or mortar is applied to the stone. If the laying is done from top to bottom, you can get a smooth border with clear lines.

Since the edges of the finishing material are well prepared, no pick-up time is required when laying, so the procedure is carried out quickly. At the end, the surface can be opened with an impregnation that will repel water and protect against the effects of chemicals.

Stone arch is inexpensive, but looks great

The design of the arch with a stone allows you to give this element of the interior more expressiveness and style. The room takes on a more refined and attractive look. This option looks especially good in the corridors and living rooms. In a word, the effect of such a finish is amazing, as you can see by looking at the photos of the options.

Arched openings have firmly entered the interior design of a home or office. Even in ancient times, the arch was associated either with a passage into the future, or with a triumphal procession. Decorative stone in the decoration of this architectural element gives the arch even more sophistication and chic.

Designers offer many ways to decorate arches. Among them, gypsum moldings, wood paneling and forged elements look especially elegant and elegant. Such combinations will perfectly fit into any style of the room and emphasize its individuality. But nothing can compare with the beauty and durability of stone. This is what ensured him superiority in the decoration of arched openings. But a natural stone very expensive today. And therefore, its artificial counterparts are increasingly being used to decorate arches.

Which is better: artificial or natural stone?

Of course, fans of everything natural will give preference to natural material. And even its cost will not be a reason to abandon the plan. Photos of arched openings trimmed with natural stone in magazines and on the Internet show how much beauty and grace they add to the interior. Very unusual in texture and surface are rocks such as sandstone and shell rock. And marble is valued for its unusually delicate color and intricate pattern.

The arches in the apartment, finished with granite, look unusually majestic and rich.

But do not deprive your attention of the decorative analogue. It has a lot of advantages compared to natural, the main of which is the cost. An artificial counterpart is much cheaper than a natural one. But at the same time, he can imitate absolutely any breed.

Decorative stone is made from environmentally friendly materials such as expanded clay and pumice. And in order to achieve the desired color, in the mixture add special pigment. After the material has been dried and fired, its strength is in no way inferior to its natural counterpart. And the weight of such a stone is several times less, which is also a significant plus.

Finishing Tools

It is worth noting that in order to complete the decoration of the arched opening with artificial stone, special skills are not required. Here are some tools you will need:

  • grinder or hand saw to cut the stone;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction knife;
  • chisel;
  • hammer.

decorative stone needed cut into small pieces so that there are no overlaps in the process of work.

Sequence of work

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such work. But you still have to get used to it.

The advantages of finishing the arch with decorative stone

Decorative stone in the decoration of the arch has a lot of advantages. It not only adds zest to the interior of the apartment, but also helps to give the entrance to the room a special style and monumentality. But this finish option also has a practical component. A doorway is a place through which both people and animals pass. Which means he gets very dirty. Decorative stone will help to avoid this. In addition to the fact that this material is perfectly cleaned, it also has a rather interesting texture, on which stains will not be noticeable.

The decorative finish of the arch has many variations that are perfect for any interior. Many photo ideas are proof of this. You can choose a material imitating brick or small pebbles, or you can choose a design for granite.

Decoration methods

Of course, you can lay out a decorative stone and the entire wall that is adjacent to the arch. But most often they only post side row around the arch.

With the help of various stone imitations, you can create a variety of variations of the entrance to the room. So, a granite arch will imitate the entrance to an ancient castle, and light green arches will become like an entrance to a sea grotto. What exactly you want to see in your home is up to you.

It is worth noting that using combination of photo wallpaper and masonry you can create a panorama from the ruined building and the city behind it. But not only this decor option can be applied. This is a matter of taste and your imagination.

And, most importantly, you should not overload the interior if the arch decoration in it is planned from stone. This will lead to the fact that the effect of pretentiousness is created. The whole design of such a room, if there is more than one stone element in it, will crush with its weight. But, if you have a fireplace in your house, it must be finished in the same style as the arch. Together they will create a harmonious ensemble, giving the house a special charm and warmth.

Decorative arches in the apartment

Interior arches are a very original way to decorate your interior. The arched opening always attracts, someone has an association with a triumphal arch, for someone it is the entrance to a grotto or a mysterious cave. Anyone who makes an arched opening in their apartment gets comfort and visual expansion of space. But it is very important to properly arrange such arches.

There are different ways to finish the arch: forging. But none of the methods mentioned will look as natural and unobtrusive as decorating the arch with decorative stone. Firstly, there are different types of stone for every taste, and with the help of each of them you can create a beautiful, unique interior. Secondly, the stone has a number of advantages, and the first of them is reliability and durability.

In this publication, "Dream House" offers to see how interior stone arches look in the interiors of apartments and houses, as well as how beautifully and in an original way they can be designed, so that the result is an interesting design object.

Methods for decorating arches with stone

Decorating interior arches with decorative stone is used quite often in modern interiors. This type of decoration allows you to embody many design ideas. For example:

  • with a granite stone in the form of a brick, the arch is stylized as the entrance to a castle or cave;
  • an arch framed with blue-green, light stones looks like an entrance to a grotto or an underwater world;
  • there is a completely unusual solution - stylized as a dragon's mouth, this option is suitable for a children's room, especially if he lives there.

Arch made of decorative stone photo

Interior arches made of stone photo

And this is not all possible options for finishing arches using decorative stone, but all these techniques often require additional decoration.

Illumination and flowers: additional decoration of stone arches

First of all, do not forget about such additional decoration methods as the use of light and plants. Vegetation is indispensable when the arch is stylized as an entrance to the underwater world. It will not be superfluous in other cases.

Mystery and solemnity are given to the arched opening by illumination. With soft light, the "green" arch will look like an aquarium. And certainly not without the use of light in the case of the "dragon head".

Finishing arches with artificial stone photo

How to decorate the arch with a decorative stone

Decorative stone arch: only advantages

It is worth once again dwelling on the advantages of decorative stone and emphasizing that it has practically no drawbacks. The artificial material of which it consists is not subject to corrosion and decay, will not suffer from fungal diseases. In a word, he is very reliable.

Lovers of natural need not worry, because the decorative stone consists of cement, pumice, expanded clay and other equally environmentally friendly fillers. Pumice is a volcanic glass formed when flowing lava cools rapidly. The gas released at the same time leaves large depressions inside, making pumice frost-resistant, giving it valuable properties of a heat insulator. Expanded clay is fired clay balls or slate. Perlite is again a material of volcanic origin.

A reasonable question may arise: why is real natural stone not used? The answer is simple: even if the customer has enough material resources to purchase natural stone, it is not a fact that it is suitable for an arched opening. Not every base (wall) can withstand the weight of such a cladding - natural stone is very heavy. For example, granite is 3 times heavier than decorative stone.

It is worth mentioning some more advantages of finishing the arch with a decorative stone:

  • Artificial stone is very easy to care for: a simple wash with any non-abrasive detergent is enough.
  • Manufacturers of decorative stone have mastered their production so well that it has become possible to create a stone that imitates any natural one. Moreover, similarity is achieved not only in color, but also in texture.
  • And the process of laying the stone is so simple that, if desired, it is quite possible to cope with the decoration of the arch on your own.

Decoration of arches with decorative stone photo

How to lay out an arch with a decorative stone

Stone arch in the apartment

Arch decoration with decorative stone photo

People who prefer decoration with decorative stone, as a rule, do not stop at just one arch for the simple reason that the result is stunning. To enhance the effect, you can use individual elements of the arch to decorate the interior of the room. The imagination of designers is limitless, because decorative stone is very convenient, and in skillful hands it becomes a multifunctional material for creating any interior. And if you really want originality, then decorating the arch with a decorative stone will certainly help solve this problem!

The design of the doorway in the living room or hallway in the form of a large arch has been popular in our country for more than a decade. This gives the interior individuality and a special charm. However, you should not leave the arch without additional cladding - modern finishing materials can emphasize the beauty of this design element. Today we will tell you how to decorate the arch with a decorative stone.

Finishing two arches at once in one room with a decorative stone in an identical way

Decorative stone for finishing works is a material that has practically no drawbacks. Artificial in itself, it consists of components such as cement, pumice, expanded clay and others that are environmentally friendly. Corrosion, putrefactive processes or fungus cannot occur on decorative stone. In addition, in comparison with natural stone, this material is cheaper and lighter in weight.

A variety of colors, textures and imitations of decorative stone in hardware stores

When decorating arches, artificial stone shows the following advantages:

  • Ease of care;

To clean the surface, you only need water and any non-abrasive detergent.

  • Many options for textures and colors;

The production of artificial stone is quite common, and today consumers can choose the appropriate option for any interior. An excellent imitation of natural analogues in color and texture allows you to create a cladding that is outwardly indistinguishable from natural stone finishes.

  • A fairly simple installation of the material;

The process of facing the surface with artificial stone is completely simple, so you can handle it yourself.

  • Protection for the corners of the arch.

An artificial stone covering the corner of the junction of the wall and the internal opening will perfectly withstand various mechanical damage.

Corners with artificial stone cladding are perfectly protected from mechanical damage

Stages of finishing the arch with artificial stone

If the question is relevant for you - how to finish the arch with a stone, and moreover, if you decide to do the installation yourself, the following recommendations will be useful.

Preparation for work

The preparatory stage of work consists of the choice of material, the acquisition of the necessary tools and the preparation of the surface of the arch.

  1. Choice of decorative stone;

It is worth choosing thin and narrow plates of artificial stone for finishing the arch

Usually the shape of the plates is chosen in the form of thin narrow rectangles, such proportions will look best on the opening. Often the surface of the walls (and arches) is leveled using drywall, which necessitates the installation of lightweight material, and thin plates are ideal here.

Another plus of this form of stone is that if you arrange the tiles vertically, this will visually increase the height of the arched opening. In addition, in rounded arches, such material is easier to attach.

Small plates of artificial stone are easier to use in the decoration of a semicircular arch

  1. Necessary tool for installation;

To finish the arch with a decorative stone, in addition to the material itself, you will need:

  • putty;
  • primer composition;
  • masonry mortar or liquid nails;
  • putty knife;
  • angle grinder;
  • plumb or level;
  • pencil;
  • sandpaper (or file).
  1. Arch surface preparation.

It is necessary that the surface of the arched opening be flat. If this is not the case, then wall defects should be leveled - cracks and grooves should be puttied, bumps should be sanded.

Careful preparation of the surface of the arch before finishing with artificial stone is necessary

In the case of a flat surface, notches are made on it with a small hatchet or similar tool. This will increase the adhesion of the applied materials.

Also, without fail, the entire area on which the stone will be applied must be cleaned of dirt and stains. Then the surface is primed, and you can proceed directly to the installation.

To comply with the correct technology for facing the arch with stone, a surface primer is required

Technology of facing the arch with stone

Depending on the chosen design, the sequence of mounting materials on the surface of the opening may be different. Usually, installation starts from the bottom up from the junction of the opening and the wall.

The first plate is attached to the surface, leveled or plumb and fixed. Then, adjacent plates in a row are fastened in the same way. When the first row is laid out, the installation of the second row begins. Usually, seams are left between the elements - about 4-5 millimeters. To keep them even, you can use special plastic dividers.

The beginning of the installation of artificial stone on the surface of the arch in the direction from the bottom up

It is worth considering that when installing a stone on the inner surface of the arch, the element must protrude outward by the size of its thickness. This will allow you to decorate the outer walls with overlapping material and avoid the need to mask the corners.

In order to accurately cut off the desired length of the plate, first it is applied to the wall, and on the inside, markings are made with a pencil directly along the arc of the arch - this will be the cutting line. The exact size of the tile is especially important when installing decorative stone on an arched archway.

The most important question that worries inexperienced craftsmen is how to properly cut a plate of artificial stone. There are two common ways - using pliers and a hand saw.

In the first case, on the cut line made with a pencil, you need to draw a construction knife several times with pressure. Then everything that is superfluous is simply bitten off with pliers, and the uneven edge of the plate is polished with a file or sandpaper.

After marking, the excess part of the artificial stone is bitten with pliers along the line

With a hand saw, as a rule, already mounted material is cut directly on the surface. This method has its own nuances. Firstly, it is only suitable for plates installed vertically or horizontally and glued to a mortar containing gypsum (in cases where the stone was mounted on cement, a circular saw is used for cutting). Secondly, some experience is required when working with a hand saw - if you spoil the material, then replacing one damaged element will be almost impossible.

The last step in the installation of decorative stone on the arch is the sealing of tile joints. About a day after the completion of the laying of the material, the gaps between the plates are filled with a special solution. To lay the grout in the seams, either a rubber spatula or a construction syringe (gun) is used. To make the seams look neat, they should be smoothed with a brush.

Filling the seams between the plates of artificial stone using a building syringe

Important! Despite the high strength, artificial stone can be damaged during the finishing work. Therefore, do not press too hard on the material or bend it.

If you cannot imagine the result of such a design of an arched opening, we offer you photos of arches, which were finished with decorative stone. We are sure that among them you will definitely find a suitable option for your house or apartment.