Detachment of the ovum without bleeding. What is a detachment of the ovum in early pregnancy? Partial detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages

After conception, a woman needs to become more careful in relation to her body and carefully monitor herself. Since then, she has been responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn child. And this is due not only to the fact that from now on the well-being of the baby depends entirely on the actions of the mother, but also to the fact that pregnancy, and especially in the early stages, is quite fragile and is fraught with the development of various complications up to spontaneous miscarriages. The most deplorable adverse effect during pregnancy can be detachment of the fetal egg.

It would seem that a successful conception is a sign of a strong embryo and favorable conditions for the development of pregnancy. However, why do cases of rejection of the fetal egg often occur already in the first weeks of pregnancy? An unambiguous answer to this question cannot be given. Various reasons can become a catalyst for spontaneous miscarriage. Obstetrician-gynecologists distinguish the main ones:

  • a sharp hormonal failure;
  • previous abortions;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive and reproductive systems of the mother;
  • active inflammatory processes in the pelvic area;
  • the development of tumors in the body of various etiologies;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the development of female reproductive organs;
  • viral diseases, the onset of which coincided with the first weeks of embryo development;
  • gynecological infections;
  • hypertension and sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • the impact of negative factors on the body of a pregnant woman (chemistry, radiation, poisonous gases, etc.);
  • abuse of alcohol and cigarettes during pregnancy;
  • severe stress;
  • physical damage to the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
  • loads;
  • genetic abnormalities of any nature in the development of the mother's body.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the detachment of the fetal egg, but the main one, according to gynecologists, is the lack of progesterone, which is necessary for the normal development and functioning of the fetus in the first trimester. Timely observation and proper planning helps to cope with adverse factors that prevent the conception and development of the fetal egg.

Detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages: symptoms

  1. Under the detachment of the fetal egg is understood the premature and spontaneous rejection of the embryo from the surface of the uterine mucosa, which is clearly visible on the ultrasound photo. Such a process is abnormal and poses a threat to the life of the embryo, since the fetus cannot survive outside the uterus. The result of complete detachment of the fetal egg is a spontaneous abortion.
  2. However, everything does not happen in one second, so there is a stage of partial detachment of the fetal egg, which can still be influenced - to “save” the pregnancy.
  3. In the place of gradual rejection of the embryo, there is a tear of the capillaries that fix the embryo on the surface of the endometrium of the uterus. In this place, a blood hematoma occurs. At the next ultrasound examination, an experienced doctor will certainly notice the formation of an unusual, even a small spot on the mucous membrane of the uterus, near the placenta that is forming.
  4. Timely diagnosed partial detachment of the fetal egg can be the only trouble for the entire period of pregnancy.
  5. Often in the first weeks, a woman who is unaware of her pregnancy cannot recognize signs of chorion rejection. In this case, a change in well-being and vaginal discharge is more perplexing than to understand what is happening.
  6. Brownish, light or bright red discharge from the vagina during pregnancy is a hallmark of the onset of detachment.
  • clotted purple blood indicates that partial detachment began long before complete and this blood is from a hematoma;
  • bloody secretions of a liquid nature indicate the healing of a small gap, but this does not mean that this will not happen again;
  • profuse spotting is a sign of a developing miscarriage, which requires immediate hospitalization of the woman.
  1. Tangible signs of a threatened miscarriage may be spasms in the uterus and lumbar region. With detachment of the fetal egg, the uterus becomes firm from the tone, which can be felt by tactile method. Rejecting the embryo, the uterus is actively contracting. This leads to pulling, aching pains in the lower abdomen.

Detachment of the fetal egg: treatment

Symptoms of detachment of the fetal egg should never be ignored. Measures not taken in time will lead to a miscarriage or missed pregnancy. Therefore, in case of any doubt, you need to consult a doctor, and even with obvious signs of rejection of the ovum, call an ambulance. Modern medicine has a large practical and scientific base for the treatment of ovum detachment and the prevention of miscarriages at any stage of pregnancy.

  1. A high probability of miscarriage requires mandatory hospitalization. In this case, a woman is prescribed bed rest, to the extent that she cannot sit, it is necessary to completely exclude movements, especially sudden, sexual contacts and stressful situations.
  2. It is recommended to slightly raise the legs while lying down, for example, with a pillow. It will also be useful to continue to keep a schedule for measuring basal temperature - to keep your finger on the pulse. The slightest change, especially a decrease in basal temperature, should be reported to your doctor immediately.
  3. To reduce uterine tone, gynecologists prescribe drugs whose action is aimed at reducing spasms, for example, no-shpu or magne B6. To relieve stress and calmness, it can be a tincture of valerian or motherwort. If a partial detachment of the fetal egg is clearly visible on ultrasound, hemostatic medications may be prescribed.
  4. Almost mandatory is the treatment of progesterone deficiency with Utrozhestan or Duphaston, as well as the use of multivitamins, vitamin E and folic acid.
  5. In addition, nutrition is important in this case - the optimal diet to prevent the formation of gases and constipation.
  6. After the course of conservation, a woman can spend the rest of the pregnancy outside the hospital walls, but under the same close supervision of a doctor and vigilance on her part.

Preventing the detachment of the ovum and the rejection of the embryo, with sufficient information, is not so difficult in the context of modern advances in the field of medicine. The main thing in this case is the efficiency and precise control of your condition, regular visits to the doctor observing you and scheduled ultrasound examinations. Experienced obstetricians, thanks to analyzes, can diagnose the development of pathology in advance and prevent it at an early stage, so regular testing is necessary in such a delicate matter as the birth of a new life.

At the initial stages, pregnancy is very susceptible to possible risks. It is in the first weeks that miscarriages most often occur, therefore, as soon as a woman finds out that she is expecting a baby, it is important for her to begin to constantly control her well-being. Very often, a detachment of the fetal egg is capable of provoking a spontaneous abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. Read on about the features of this pathology, as well as how to prevent its occurrence.

A fertilized egg is an egg that is fertilized by a sperm and attaches to the walls of the uterus. In another way, the fetal egg is the primary environment in which the embryo resides at the very beginning of its development.

Also, the fetal egg is the 1st structure, distinguished by ultrasound and helping to confirm the presence of pregnancy. It has the shape of an oval or circle, increases in size over time.

Around the fifth week, the presence of a yolk sac is clearly visible inside the fetal egg. Its appearance indicates the normal course of pregnancy and means that the embryo has enough of all the necessary substances. Based on the diameter of the fetal egg, it seems possible to establish the exact term of pregnancy, as well as its possible violations (the doctor evaluates the shape and, thanks to the information received, reveals the state of the uterine tone).

What happens when the ovum is detached

Under the medical term "detachment" they understand two types of conditions at once: critical (occurring in the middle and end of pregnancy) and directly detachment of the fetal egg (typical for the initial stages). The latter option can provoke various injuries, as well as toxicosis.

The establishment of such a diagnosis in the initial terms of pregnancy is a very alarming signal and may be a harbinger of miscarriage. Fortunately, this phenomenon occurs quite infrequently (only from 0.5 to 1.7 percent of all pregnancies).

Detachment of the fetal egg can be mild, moderate and severe. In the case of the middle stage, there are strong pain sensations in the lower abdomen, the uterus tenses up, and bloody discharge is characteristic.

In the severe stage of detachment (it is a critical condition), the presence of dizziness, nausea with vomiting, palpitations is characteristic, the patient may lose consciousness, the fetus does not have enough oxygen, the heart rhythm is disturbed, uterine asymmetry and hypertonicity are typical, bleeding (can be external and internal).

Important! If a pregnant woman has signs indicating a possible detachment of the fetal egg, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical help. In mild to moderate severity, you can still cope with this condition with the help of special medicines.

Now let's take a closer look at the detachment that occurs in the early stages. Let's start with some anatomical data. So, the uterus is a muscular organ, which is characterized by periodic contractions (mostly minor). When pregnancy occurs, the fetal egg, as already indicated above, is attached to the uterine cavity, where the process of its further development takes place.

At the same time, the formation of the placenta begins, which at the beginning of pregnancy is called the chorion. Chorion is a villous membrane of the embryo that covers the entire surface of the fetal egg. The embryo can be introduced into the uterine mucosa precisely because of the villi.

The chorion occupies a very important place in the process of fetal development, because it is through it that the embryo can receive the necessary nutrients, as well as oxygen. From the child to the mother, metabolic products leave along with carbon dioxide. Of course, it is very important that the placenta develops normally, because it is it that is able to replace the fetus with both the lungs, and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and the skin and kidneys at the same time. The formation of a full-fledged placenta occurs at the end of the 1st month of pregnancy.

At the same time, characteristic changes are observed in the uterus, there is an even greater growth of chorionic villi. As mentioned above, the uterus contracts periodically. But this applies only to her, the placenta does not have such a function, which is why, in the case of a strong contraction of the uterus in the initial stages of pregnancy, partial or even complete detachment of the fetal egg can occur. There are cases when this pathological process occurred due to poor blood supply or features of the immune reactions of the body of a pregnant woman.

The causes of this pathology

Because of what, a fetal egg, normally developing, can begin to be rejected? It is rather difficult to answer this question. A whole set of factors can lead to such a pathological condition, the following stand out among them:

  • the presence of hormonal disorders;
  • abortions performed by a woman earlier;
  • the presence of violations in the reproductive sphere;
  • the presence of various formations;
  • inflammatory phenomena occurring in the pelvic organs;
  • features of the anatomy of the gynecological organs of a woman;
  • infections and viruses that a pregnant woman has contracted;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the presence of arterial hypertension;
  • various negative environmental factors that a woman in a position has been exposed to;
  • the presence of unhealthy habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs);
  • physical overload;
  • significant emotional upheaval;
  • the presence of genetic pathologies;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • abnormal development of the embryo or placenta.

Despite such an extensive list of factors that can provoke detachment, the most important of them is progesterone deficiency. With her, the female body does not produce enough progesterone, and it is this hormone that is responsible for the normal process of bearing a baby.

Symptoms of this condition

It is rational to talk about detachment when the process of premature rejection of the fetal egg from the uterus has begun. This is a real threat to the life of the fetus. The embryo is not able to exist outside the uterine cavity, therefore, a complete detachment will invariably provoke its death and end in a miscarriage. In fact, detachment is the very first stage of spontaneous abortion.

Together with the detachment of the chorion, the vessels begin to rupture, due to which it has penetrated into the uterus, a hematoma forms in this area. This is exactly what will be the very first symptom of detachment, which is found on ultrasound diagnostics. In the case of a partial or not very pronounced detachment, a hematoma may be the only manifestation of this pathological condition.

But for the most part, women are able to independently identify pathology by deteriorating general well-being and the appearance of blood from the vagina.

Blood discharge is a typical symptom of the onset of detachment. The presence of brown gore confirms the fact that the formation of a hematoma occurred earlier, and the discharge is its contents that are brought out.

In the event that an ichor appears from the genital tract, the tear begins to “overgrow”, but this in no way means that you need to do nothing! On the contrary, it is important to consult a doctor who will monitor your condition.

Bright red discharge is a critical sign of an incipient miscarriage and requires an immediate emergency call and the woman's hospitalization. In addition, you should be wary if you notice the appearance of cramping or pulling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back (which are very similar in nature to menstruation), and also feel that the uterus has become hard: due to hypertonicity, it spasms and rejection begins fetus. This process can be felt as a petrification of the lower abdomen.

How is detachment treated?

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman must be hospitalized. The process of treatment of this condition takes place only in a hospital, under the close supervision of physicians. Of course, you have the right to refuse hospitalization and insist on treatment at home, but in this case, doctors will not give you a guarantee that such a condition will not recur and then it will end in a miscarriage.

The most important point that must be observed in case of detachment of the fetal egg is a state of absolute rest. Not just physical activity is forbidden, but even ordinary walking (even light walking contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and, as a result, the appearance of uterine hypertonicity, which will accelerate the process of detachment).

It is important to completely relax the muscles of the abdominal wall, and to achieve such a state is really only when lying down. If a woman begins to perform even minimal actions, the abdominal wall will tense up.

Often, doctors advise placing a special roller or pillow under the buttocks area. It promotes the outflow of blood from the pelvis. With increased intestinal peristalsis, there is a risk of re-exfoliation, so a woman should follow a special diet. It is important to abandon products that have a laxative effect, as well as fastening and gas-forming. Eliminate tea and coffee from your diet as well.

Of course, in such a situation, intimacy will have to be abandoned, while in the normal course of pregnancy, sex is allowed. It is important not only to eliminate physical risk factors, but also to monitor your psycho-emotional state. Eliminate any stressful situations and possible experiences.

A specialist can prescribe medications that help maintain pregnancy. Among them:

  • antispasmodics (using No-shpu, Papaverine, magne B6);
  • hemostatic drugs (for example, Etamzilat);
  • soothing (usually valerian);
  • hormonal agents (Dufaston, Utrozhestan);
  • vitamins (usually these are preparations with folic acid and vitamin E); other medicines.

Of course, only the doctor is involved in the choice of the necessary funds, as well as their dosage. Eliminate any attempts at self-treatment, because they can bring great harm, especially in this position.

The duration of treatment is set purely on an individual basis. In most cases, treatment lasts about 14 days. This indicator directly depends on how clearly the woman follows all the doctor's instructions. Therefore, if you wish to leave the hospital as soon as possible, strictly adhere to all appointments and prescriptions.

If a pregnant woman is faced with such a phenomenon as exfoliation at the initial stage of an “interesting situation”, in the future she will have to be constantly checked by a doctor to prevent a recurrence of the situation. Remember that routine checkups are not a whim, but a necessity. Gynecologists believe that if the process of placental formation has not completed, the risks of recurrence remain extremely high.

Possible risks

Do not forget that with a partial detachment of the fetal egg, there is a likely threat of miscarriage, and in the case of a complete one, a spontaneous abortion has already taken place. Since very often this pathological process does not make itself felt and is detected exclusively on ultrasound, you need to be systematically examined and monitor your health.

At the initial stage of detachment, even if there is minor bleeding, it is still possible to keep the pregnancy if you go to the hospital in time.

It is important, as soon as you notice the first manifestations of detachment, to take a horizontal position and in no case start drinking any medications on your own. The use of medications can only "lubricate" the clinical picture and significantly complicate the process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment of pathology.

Video - behavior with the threat of miscarriage

Preventive measures

The first thing a young couple planning a baby to start with is planning for conception. Before this, it is recommended to conduct a complete examination of the health status of both the future mother and father. This will help identify possible pathologies that may adversely affect the condition of the fetus in the future.

Particular attention is paid to inflammatory processes - before getting pregnant, it is important to make sure that you are completely healthy. If the results of the examination show the presence of any pathologies, be sure to undergo the necessary treatment. Of course, the doctor should prescribe it, not you yourself.

When the “preparatory” stage is left behind and you see two long-awaited stripes on the test, start carefully monitoring your health. Eliminate any bad habits, refuse to take medication, reduce physical activity. Stress is one of the main enemies of the fetus, it is highly undesirable for the expectant mother to experience strong emotional upheavals. The only exception is positive emotions, but they must also be dosed.

Healthy and full sleep, proper balanced nutrition, moderate walks in the fresh air, control of blood pressure, and avoidance of possible injuries are important.

If you follow all these rules, do not violate them and regularly see a doctor, you can save yourself from such an unpleasant phenomenon as detachment of the fetal egg. Any pathology is much easier to prevent than to treat, and this condition is by no means an exception to the rule.

The fetal egg is found on ultrasound in the form of a small bubble, usually at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, and its size is considered the main characteristic. Normal development can slow down due to various pathologies. The most common is detachment accompanied by hematoma and possibly deformity.

Embryo Detachment Signs of Threat
Don't neglect listening comfortably
severity to the doctor at the doctor

normal development

It is at least incorrect to talk about the fact that the size of the fetal egg does not correspond to the gestational age. This parameter is very individual for each woman, in addition, a lot depends on the timing of ovulation. After all, the obstetric period is considered from the date of the last menstruation. And ovulation can occur in a week - then the fetus will be larger, or in three weeks, right before the expected period, and the fetus will be much smaller than the average value.

Although, of course, over decades of observation, some average parameters have been derived that doctors are guided by. For example, you can roughly say what gestational age corresponds to an embryo with a diameter of 3 mm - this is about four to five weeks. But only taking into account the fact that the woman ovulated exactly in the middle of the cycle, the calculations of physicians are based on this. Otherwise, it may well be two or three weeks, or even almost six.

little germ

Usually, such a small bubble may not be visible on the device, and this is quite normal. It is also difficult to determine how long if the dimensions are only 4 mm. It could be six weeks, or seven, or three, four, five weeks. And this size is not always possible to see on the screen during the first examination. It is prescribed if a woman goes to the gynecologist with a delay in menstruation.

To determine pregnancy, the results of the hCG test are taken into account. They may order urine and blood tests. The diagnosis is clarified by repeated ultrasound after 6–14 days. There are no real reasons for excitement yet, subject to normal health and the absence of any other symptoms.

A fetal egg with a diameter of 6 mm, and this does not indicate what the actual gestational age is, can be seen on almost any equipment. In general, the diameter of the embryo can be very different in women in the same week.

It is generally accepted that the discrepancy can reach one and a half weeks, both in the direction of decrease and increase. That is, when determining the gestational age of a woman with a fetal egg of 5 mm, we can talk about an approximate period of three to six weeks.

With this in mind, this table can be used as a guide. It shows the diameter of the embryo and the average number of weeks, you can add or subtract one week and three days to it. The internal diameter is taken into account, since it is it that is very clearly visible on ultrasound. The doctor writes down the average, since the fetus is not strictly spherical. This indicator is called SVD - the average internal diameter.

For example, with a fetal egg of 7 mm, you can roughly find out how long a woman has. This SVD corresponds to the value of 5 weeks in the table. We subtract a week and three days, add a week and three days, we get that the period is from three and a half to six and a half weeks. Of course, such a calculation is still approximate.

What is a detachment?

After fertilization, the egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. All this time, it divides, first in two, then into four cells, and so on. This is the fertilized egg. By the time of implantation, its outer shell is transformed into a chorion with many villi-flagellums, with which the embryo penetrates the uterine wall.

Detachment of the fetal egg is the process when it separates from the already established chorion, which happens in the early stages of pregnancy. This is one of the most common diagnoses to treat a threat. Although we can say that in this way nature implements natural selection. After all, the causes of pathology are often associated with malformations, with diseases that make it impossible for the fetus to survive further.

But this situation can be observed several times. So just born life is fighting for its existence. Very often successfully, because many women do not even notice a mild degree of pathology and successfully give birth to a healthy baby. The fact that there was a detachment is revealed by ultrasound in the early stages or after childbirth, according to the scars that remain on the placenta.

What does it look like

The specific cause of the pathology is very difficult to determine. It can be called:

  • insufficient production of progesterone, which causes the uterus to tone;
  • neuropsychic shocks;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases;
  • tumors;
  • infections carried by a pregnant woman;
  • malformations of the embryo;
  • conflict of Rh factors in a pregnant woman and a fetus;
  • unsatisfactory environment (at home, ecology, at work);
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • abortions in the past.

At what gestational age this will manifest itself, whether the diameter of the fetal egg is important, for example, 10 mm, is unknown. But the expectant mother is quite capable of influencing the development of the embryo. Based on the list, most of the reasons depend on it. Good nutrition, medical supervision, timely treatment of diseases, proper lifestyle can largely prevent serious consequences.

You need to take care of your emotional state. This is perhaps the most common cause of all the problems of modern pregnant women. Especially often they worry about incomprehensible wording. For example, having learned that “fetal egg 8 mm” is noted in the ultrasound transcript, they begin to find out what the gestational age is and whether it develops correctly in them.

Signs of a threatened miscarriage are feeling unwell and abdominal pain

Finding some far-fetched inconsistencies, they rush to "consult" on the Internet, with their girlfriends. Without understanding the situation, they worry, earning themselves serious problems. You can't do that. Not to mention everyday situations or working moments, which should generally fade into the background.

But if there is a real threat, then you need to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors. Its signs are:

  • red spotting;
  • stomach ache.

Allocations appear due to the fact that detachment in the early stages leads to the appearance of a fetal hematoma. This is due to the rupture of blood vessels. There may be no separations. The red ones are the most dangerous, this indicates that the process is under development.

Blood discharge becomes a serious reason for going to the hospital. They are accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen. If the detachment was found on ultrasound, sent for treatment, after which brown discharge appeared, then this indicates its success. They are caused by the process of resorption of the hematoma, which can be confirmed by the doctor.

In addition to these symptoms, an uzist may indicate fetal deformity in early pregnancy. Usually it is caused by the tone of the uterus. When following the doctor's recommendations, you should not worry too much. But this symptom may indicate a missed pregnancy, the absence of an embryo, and other pathologies that require additional research.

Ways to treat pathology

Detachment treatment can be done at home or in a hospital. If its degree is mild or moderate, the doctor prescribes drugs that the woman should take at home. More severe cases require hospital treatment.

There is no dependence on the duration of pregnancy, the diameter of the fetus, which can be anything at the time of detection of the pathology, for example, 11 mm. But the threat of losing even such a small embryo can already be detected on ultrasound, which means that it is possible to save it. Of course, following the recommendations of the doctor.

It may be worth contacting a few more doctors, going to a paid clinic. If a pregnant woman does not trust her own doctor, it is worth seeing another. When the equipment is outdated, it is difficult to see the details. A woman who is not worried about anything may be healthy, and the diagnosis is made on the basis of distorted data.

Don't neglect your bad health

You can not do one thing - leave everything to chance. Even with a short gestation period, when the embryo is only 11 mm, there are very serious risks not only of losing the baby, but also of getting serious complications for your own body.

  1. Miscarriage.
  2. Necrotization of the endometrium due to filling with blood, followed by removal of the uterus.
  3. Severe bleeding with corresponding consequences, up to lethal.

Timely treatment is an almost guaranteed opportunity to avoid them.

Whatever the size of the fetal egg, at least up to 12 mm, at least more, at whatever stage of pregnancy the woman is, wherever she is treated - at home or in the hospital, the first requirement of the doctor will be complete rest. You just need to lie down, preferably with a raised pelvis. It is only allowed to go to the toilet or eat, but some even manage to do this while lying down.

A diet is prescribed that promotes normal intestinal motility. Too active contractions can lead to uterine tone. You can't have sex. You need to monitor your emotional state.

Medicines that help preserve the fetal egg during detachment are prescribed by a doctor. Usually these are drugs with magnesium, as well as hemostatic if necessary, relaxing smooth muscles, sedatives. Hormonal drugs may be used. Of course, special vitamin complexes are required.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, every woman should take care of her health, since it is at this time that the threat of miscarriage most often occurs. If there are certain deviations in the female body, such as hormonal instability, decreased immunity, infections, or there is a need to take medications, a detachment of the fetal egg may occur.

Currently, medicine is able to save a pregnancy even at the stage of a threatened miscarriage. The main thing is to take the necessary measures in a timely manner to stop the process of detachment of the fetal egg. Otherwise, the death of the embryo and the loss of pregnancy cannot be avoided.

Detachment of the fetal egg is the primary stage of spontaneous miscarriage. In gynecologists, the term "retrochorial hematoma" is common. It means that the fetal egg has begun rejection from the chorion.

In the place where this happens, the smallest blood vessels are damaged and a wound surface is formed, blood collects behind the fetal membrane, and a hematoma appears. The larger the hematoma, the higher the risk of detachment of the fetal egg.

Why is this condition dangerous?

If the hematoma has reached 40% during the detachment of the fetal egg, this leads to a violation of the growth and development of the embryo, usually this condition ends in spontaneous abortion. Thus, the main danger of rejection lies in the risk of pregnancy loss. To prevent this from happening, it is important to diagnose a hematoma in a timely manner and make every effort to save the fetus.

Depending on the stage of retrochorial hematoma, the following conditions that threaten pregnancy are classified:

  • threatening miscarriage: detachment of the fetal egg is barely outlined;
  • a miscarriage that has begun: there are pains and bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • abortion is in progress: pain and blood discharge increase, the hematoma grows, most often the pregnancy cannot be saved;
  • incomplete abortion: particles of the fetal egg come out of the genital tract;
  • cervical pregnancy: development of the embryo in the cervix, surgical intervention is necessary;
  • septic abortion: the most serious of all the previous ones, complicated by the addition of an infection;
  • late abortion: occurs from the 2nd trimester;
  • failed abortion: the fetus stops developing, but is not rejected by the uterus.


For each woman, the reason for the detachment of the fetal egg will be individual, since there is no universal term that explains why the rejection of the embryo began. Predisposing factors that can affect this pathological process may be:

  • elevated;
  • insufficient production of progesterone;
  • anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • infections and viruses;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors in the pelvic organs;
  • serious stressors;
  • Rh-conflict of mother and child;
  • abortion and curettage in history;
  • addictions (smoking, alcoholism, etc.);
  • abuse of caffeine;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • difficult or harmful working conditions, etc.

You can continue this list for a long time, but most often to the question: “Why is there a threat of miscarriage?”, Doctors answer briefly and clearly: “The hypertonicity of the muscular muscles of the uterus is to blame for everything.” Therefore, experts insist that with the onset of pregnancy and throughout its entire duration, the expectant mother should try to remain calm, protect herself from unnecessary worries and, if necessary, take drugs that reduce the tone of the uterus.


With the onset of detachment, when the fetal egg begins to be torn away from the uterine wall, there is an immediate threat to his life. Outside the uterus, the embryo cannot continue its existence.

As the fetal egg is rejected, a hematoma appears, which every specialist will see on ultrasound, regardless of its stage. But usually an ultrasound examination is carried out later, after the woman has noticed the first symptoms of the threat of pregnancy loss. After all, the detachment of the fetal egg cannot pass unnoticed by her well-being.

The main symptom of a threatened abortion is spotting from the genital tract.

If they look like caked brown blood, then the hematoma has formed earlier and its contents are currently coming out. Most often, it is by these secretions that the fact of detachment of the fetal egg is judged.

If the discharge resembles an ichor, this may indicate the healing of the resulting tear, however, possible relapses of this condition cannot be ruled out. If spotting has acquired a rich scarlet color, they are considered a critical signal. This requires urgent hospitalization of a woman in a hospital.

Symptoms-harbingers of a threatening condition are pains of a pulling and cramping nature in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. They may be accompanied by a feeling of tension in the uterus associated with its increased tone.


If a woman is attentive to her health, then it will not be difficult for her to track the symptoms of alleged pathologies, especially the state of a threatened miscarriage. If you find any of the above signs of trouble, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

The specialist makes the final diagnosis after examining the patient on the gynecological chair and performing an ultrasound examination.


If, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor found a detachment of the fetal egg and a hematoma, he suggests that the woman go to the hospital. It is not recommended to argue with him about this, since this condition is an absolute indication for hospitalization. It is impossible and unsafe to treat a detachment of the fetal egg at home without the supervision of a doctor.

Of course, no one can force a woman to go to the hospital against her will. But when she refuses hospitalization, she takes responsibility for maintaining the pregnancy and her health.

In the hospital, you must comply with all doctor's orders and observe bed rest. It is desirable to raise the legs in a horizontal position slightly above the level of the body; for this, a small roller or pillow can be placed under them.

In the hospital, the woman will again have to pass the necessary tests, while the doctor will determine the exact cause of the detachment of the fetal egg and give an estimated prognosis regarding the preservation of the pregnancy. For example, with a lack of progesterone, the expectant mother will be prescribed hormone-containing drugs Duphaston or Utrozhestan.

Also, each patient will receive a mandatory complex in the form of general preparations necessary during pregnancy: Folic acid, Vitamin E and Papaverine suppositories. Usually, this list of medicines is supplemented by antispasmodics in the form of Magne B6, No-shpa, and in the later stages, a more serious drug, Ginipral, is added. In addition, expectant mothers may be recommended herbal remedies based on Motherwort and Valerian, multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, then it should be remembered that this is not yet a sentence. With timely and proper treatment, everything can end well and a healthy child will be born.

Most often, detachment of the ovum occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and, unfortunately, it leads to spontaneous abortion. Sometimes a woman does not even have time to understand that her pregnancy has stopped, because she still did not suspect about her onset, attributing this to a failure of the menstrual cycle. But such a complication of pregnancy can occur at any time during the gestation of the baby. At a later date, this is called placental abruption.

The diagnosis itself sounds ominous. But a woman must understand what is actually happening in her body, and what is the reason for such a pathology.

After fertilization of the egg in the fallopian tube, the zygote, as the newly formed cell is now called, begins its movement to the uterus, where its further development will continue. This happens in about a week. At this time, the uterus is preparing to meet the "new tenant". Its walls become loose, the tone decreases, blood supply increases.

Once in the uterus, the fetal egg is attached to its walls, as if growing into it with the help of thin villi-capillaries, through which nutrients and oxygen will be supplied to it. Sometimes a fertilized egg cannot attach itself to the wall of the uterus. Often this happens due to the high tone of the uterus, as well as due to previous abortions or operations on the uterus. Without nutrition and oxygen, the embryo dies and is rejected from the body. Spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

But even if the zygote has already attached to the walls of the uterus, detachment of the fetal egg may begin. It can be partial, and occurs most often due to nervous strain, stress, heavy lifting, infections, or abdominal bruises.

In later pregnancy, the detachment of the ovum is called placental abruption. The cause may be late toxicosis, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. With polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancy, intrauterine pressure increases. It can also lead to placental abruption.

Among the factors that can lead to detachment of the fetal egg, bad habits of a woman are also called - smoking and drinking alcohol. But this has not been reliably proven.

Signs of detachment of the ovum

The final diagnosis can only be made after an ultrasound examination. But if a woman has spotting from the vagina, pain, sharp or pulling, in the lower abdomen, general weakness and fatigue, then you should seek medical help. The woman should also be alerted by the fact that the child does not move for a long time, or his movements are weak. After an ultrasound, the doctor can say with certainty whether there is a threat to the life of the fetus, and whether it is possible to help a woman maintain a pregnancy. The placental abruption does not threaten the woman herself.

If the detachment of the fetal egg occurred by 1/3, then with the timely hospitalization of the expectant mother and the appropriate treatment, everything can return to normal.

Strict bed rest, elimination of any stress, both physical and emotional, is the key to success in the treatment of this pathology.

After a complete examination of the woman, complex treatment is prescribed. The most commonly used preparations containing progesterone. As a rule, after 10-15 days, the condition of the expectant mother stabilizes, and she safely carries the pregnancy to the end. But sometimes, especially in the later stages, you have to observe bed rest until the very birth.

If, after the examination, it turns out that placental abruption has occurred by half, then this is already a clear threat to the life of the fetus. The child does not receive sufficient nutrients and suffers greatly from asphyxia. In this case, premature birth is carried out by caesarean section.

The expectant mother should not be very worried and afraid that the detachment of the fetal egg will certainly occur. Precautions, of course, must be observed, but remember that such a pathology is rare, about one case in 120 pregnancies. And in almost 90% of cases everything goes well. Most importantly, avoid stress, strong fears, heavy lifting and abdominal bruises. Wise nature has taken good care of your baby to feel safe in his "water house".

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Detachment of the ovum during pregnancy

As soon as she learns about her pregnancy, a woman must immediately begin to treat herself and her own health more carefully, carefully and responsibly. Firstly, from this moment on, the life of the unborn baby depends entirely on the well-being of the mother's body. Secondly, pregnancy itself causes a temporary decrease in a woman's immunity. Thirdly, none of us is immune from the development of complications when carrying a child. Fourthly, most of them manifest themselves precisely in the early stages of pregnancy - in the first trimester, which has the highest number of spontaneous abortions during pregnancy.

One of the most dangerous complications during the period of bearing a child can be detachment of the fetal egg during pregnancy.

Detachment of the ovum: symptoms

Detachment is said to be when the fetal egg prematurely begins to be rejected from the uterus, which, naturally, poses a threat to his life. Outside the uterus, the fetus cannot exist, and therefore complete detachment ends with its death and miscarriage. In fact, detachment is the initial stage of spontaneous abortion.

As the chorion peels off, the vessels that attach it to the uterus rupture, and a bruise occurs in this place - a hematoma. During the passage of an ultrasound, a specialist will certainly notice a hematoma forming near the placenta even at a very early stage. If the detachment is partial and not very pronounced, then perhaps this will be the only sign of a violation during pregnancy, fortunately detected during a routine ultrasound examination.

But very often a woman who begins rejection of the chorion or fetal egg is able to notice the symptoms of detachment on her own by changes in her own well-being and in the color of vaginal discharge.

The most characteristic sign of the onset of detachment and the threat of termination of pregnancy is spotting during pregnancy. Traces of brown gore indicate that the hematoma formed earlier, and this is the contents coming out of it. It is this kind of discharge that is characteristic of detachment of the fetal egg. The appearance of ichor from the genital tract indicates the "healing" of the tear, but relapses are not excluded. A change in spotting towards red is considered as a critical sign of a developing miscarriage and requires immediate hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

Threat harbingers can be cramping or pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region (reminiscent of menstruation), as well as a feeling of hardness of the uterus: due to increased tone, it spasms, rejecting the fetus, which a woman can feel as a petrification in the lower abdomen.

Detachment of the fetal egg: causes

Why the fetal egg of a normally started and seemingly successfully developing pregnancy suddenly begins to be rejected is not easy to answer. This can be facilitated by a huge number of various factors and reasons, among which experts distinguish the following:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • past abortive cleansing;
  • diseases of the reproductive system of the mother;
  • the presence of tumors of different etiologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • physiological pathologies in the development of gynecological organs;
  • infectious and viral diseases during pregnancy;
  • sexual infections in a pregnant woman;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the impact of harmful external factors on the body of the expectant mother (chemicals, gases, etc.);
  • bad habits during pregnancy;
  • strong physical activity;

Detachment of the fetal egg

Early pregnancy is most at risk. Most miscarriages occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, newly-made expectant mothers should take care of themselves from the first days.

The cause of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy may be the detachment of the fetal egg. Rather, it is its first stage. The fetal egg begins to be rejected from the chorion, a wound is formed here due to damage to the vessels, blood accumulates behind the fetal membrane, forming a hematoma, which is why this phenomenon in obstetrics is also called a retrochorial hematoma. This blood formation can increase and further contribute to the detachment of the fetal egg. Ultimately, there is its complete rejection and death.

If no action is taken, it is almost certain that the pregnancy will be terminated. However, timely treatment in most cases can stop the process.

Causes of detachment of the fetal egg

Why the fetus begins to be rejected in each case is almost impossible to find out. But there can be a large number of reasons contributing to such a beginning miscarriage:

  • hormonal disorders (in particular, a lack of progesterone in a woman's body);
  • pathology of the structure and development of the uterus;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • transferred infectious and viral diseases;
  • fetal malformations;
  • performing artificial abortions in the past;
  • other adverse factors (domestic, environmental, industrial).

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum

Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict detachment, but this can happen with any of the pregnant women. Therefore, each of them must be extremely attentive to themselves and immediately respond if any suspicious signs appear. The probable rejection of the fetus will first of all be indicated by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back as during menstruation, accompanied by spotting. You should immediately go to the hospital if you find traces of blood on the linen (with detachment, they have a coffee or bloody color). Brown discharge indicates that the hematoma is already beginning to resolve, but a second tear is not ruled out, therefore, if you do not want to tempt fate, then it is better to seek medical help. Usually a detachment is diagnosed by ultrasound.

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By the way, there is an opinion that natural selection occurs at the initial stage of pregnancy. And if the fetus is complete and self-sufficient, then it will survive without outside help. In the process of his struggle for life, detachment can be repeated several times, but in the end, the fetal egg is securely fixed and begins to grow and develop safely.

In general, not all women prefer to go to the preservation of the detachment of the ovum in the early stages. However, doctors insist: the risks of abortion due to the onset of fetal rejection without treatment are incredibly high.

Treatment of detachment of the fetal egg

If suspicions of detachment of the fetal egg are confirmed, the woman will certainly be admitted to the hospital. Detachment is treated in a hospital and under the supervision of doctors, although you have the right to refuse hospitalization.

The most important thing when detachment has begun is the complete rest of the pregnant woman. You can not only do more or less hard work, but even walk. The abdominal wall should be in an absolutely relaxed state, and this is possible only in the prone position. When performing any actions, it is at least to the smallest degree, but still tenses, and when walking, vibration is still created and, in any case, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which also brings the uterus into tone and can only accelerate detachment. In addition, your doctor may recommend that you place a pillow or bolster under your buttocks to help drain blood from your pelvic area.

Too active intestinal motility now also poses a certain danger, which is why a woman is prescribed a sparing diet with the exclusion from the diet of foods that strengthen, weaken and cause gas formation, as well as coffee and tea.

There is no need to talk about sexual contacts: any sex with the threat of termination of pregnancy is strictly prohibited!

Equally important is the emotional peace of the expectant mother. It is necessary to exclude any stress and worries from a woman's life.

Unfortunately, medication is also not enough, but they help to keep the pregnancy, doctors say. These can be hemostatic drugs (Etamzilat), antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6), sedatives (mainly Valerian Extract), vitamins (mainly folic acid and vitamin E), hormonal drugs (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) and others. All appointments must be made by the attending physician.

The duration of treatment in each individual case will be different, but it will be at least two weeks. In many ways, it depends on the degree to which a woman complies with all medical prescriptions. So if you want the fastest improvement, then follow them strictly.

In the future, a pregnant woman who had a detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages should be under strict medical supervision until the very end of gestation. Do not neglect scheduled check-ups and examinations. Gynecologists say that the increased risk of recurrence persists until the placenta completes its formation.

Especially for — Elena Kichak

Detachment of the fetal egg

Symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment of detachment of the fetal egg

Detachment of the fetal egg is a fairly common pathology that occurs mainly at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. As a result of detachment from the chorion of the fetal egg, a hematoma is formed - a cavity with accumulation of blood. It is the hematoma that is diagnosed with the help of ultrasound, and on the basis of it a diagnosis of "threatened abortion" is made.

Symptoms of detachment of the ovum are always present in the case of a large detachment. These are bloody discharge from the genital tract and spasmodic pain. If the hematoma is very small, a few millimeters, it can only be diagnosed using ultrasound and is an accidental finding, while the woman considers herself absolutely healthy.

Many expectant mothers are interested in what causes the detachment of the fetal egg to occur in order to try to prevent the development of this pathology. However, there is no one specific reason. There are a lot of them. This is an increase in blood pressure, and, possibly, a lack of progesterone, and features of the chorion vessels, etc. Therefore, it is better not to study what a detachment of the fetal egg is without the need, but to register for pregnancy in a timely manner and undergo all recommended examinations on time, plus to this, observe the correct mode of work and rest, eat right.

The consequences of detachment of the fetal egg for the mother and fetus depend on its size. As a rule, with a detachment of more than 40 percent (compared to a fetal egg), a miscarriage occurs. With a slight detachment with a tendency to reduce the hematoma, there are no threats to the development of the fetus. This diagnosis may sound like this - partial detachment of the fetal egg with the formation of a hematoma. With such a diagnosis, a woman is placed in a hospital and the size of the hematoma is monitored by ultrasound. They must decrease. Brown discharge in the process of recovery is considered a positive diagnostic criterion - this is the “old” blood coming out, the hematoma is emptied. If, on the contrary, the hematoma becomes larger, the partial detachment of the fetal egg can become complete, and a miscarriage will occur.

As for the treatment, it is, for the most part, symptomatic. If there is uterine tone, it is removed with the help of tocolytic drugs. With abundant bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed. It also makes sense to prescribe progesterone preparations, preferably Utrozhestan, in order to prevent a possible lack of progesterone and save the fetal egg with the embryo.

From the expectant mother herself, bed rest and cessation of sexual activity for at least a few weeks are required. Only such a detachment of the fetal egg in the early stages of pregnancy requires treatment, according to modern doctors. The main thing is to do everything so that nothing prevents the hematoma from emptying and reducing its size.

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  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • Physiological disorders in the development of gynecological organs;
  • Infectious viral disease of the expectant mother during pregnancy;
  • sexual infection;
  • The impact of negative external factors on the body of a pregnant woman (gases, chemicals, etc.);
  • Too much physical activity;
  • Nervous shocks.

The main reason, according to the vast majority of experts in this field, is progesterone deficiency.

This violation prevents the further successful bearing of the child, since the body does not produce or produces less than necessary, the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. It is the latter that is responsible for the maintenance and development of pregnancy.

If a woman does not notice threatening signs or ignores them, no measures are taken, then in most cases the fetal egg will be completely rejected by the uterus. In this case, the pregnancy will either freeze, or a miscarriage will occur.

That is why the expectant mother should consult a doctor at the first disturbing symptoms, and if bleeding has already begun, then call an emergency and go to the nearest medical facility.

It should also be noted that with timely assistance to the hospital, there should no longer be any cause for alarm, because gynecologists and obstetricians currently have vast experience in the treatment of such pathological conditions. When applying, if it, of course, happened on time, the detachment that has begun can be eliminated as soon as possible.

In the case when there is a high probability that the partial detachment of the fetal egg will progress, the woman is placed in a hospital. In both the first and second cases, she needs absolute rest, which is not only in bed rest. You can not sit and walk, make sudden movements, sexual contacts are completely excluded, as well as stressful situations.

It is also helpful to lie down with your feet slightly above body level. In the first trimester, it is recommended to regularly measure the basal temperature, such a measure will allow you to monitor the course of pregnancy, for example, if the thermometer readings decrease, you should consult a doctor, as this is a bad sign.

To eliminate the tone of the uterus, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed, usually Papaverine, No-shpa or Magne B6. Relaxing and soothing therapy is also shown, which consists in taking valerian or motherwort.

If necessary, hemostatic medications (pr. Dicinon) and progesterone therapy (Dufaston, Utrozhestan) are prescribed. During the period of bearing a child, especially in the initial stages, it is recommended to take vitamins.

Often they are prescribed at the planning stage, but if a woman has not taken them, the gynecologist recommends folic acid, tocopherol (vitamin E) and multivitamins.

Vitamin therapy is standard during pregnancy, but the drugs may vary depending on the condition of the woman and the course of the process. Also, when detaching, it is recommended to adhere to a sparing diet, which refers to measures to prevent gas formation and stool retention.

After the threatening condition is eliminated, and the woman is discharged from the hospital home, it is necessary to monitor her pregnancy more carefully. Increased attention is provided, at least until the 16th week, however, both the woman herself and the doctors need to be on their guard until the birth itself.

It is quite possible to stop a dangerous violation and prevent a miscarriage. The main thing is that the first threatening symptoms are noticed in time. A woman should be extremely attentive, especially to the nature of the discharge, and must also adhere to the recommendations of doctors, because if you delay, the chance of maintaining a pregnancy decreases every minute.

It is necessary to regularly attend a antenatal clinic, take the required tests and undergo other studies, because this can be insurance against the development of various complications. Doctors can detect a disease or disorder at an early stage, and accordingly, take measures to eliminate it, which will save the expectant mother from problems during pregnancy.