Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: step by step instructions with a photo. Pedicure in salon conditions

A woman should always remain beautiful, from her hair to her toes. In order for the legs to be beautiful and well-groomed, it is necessary to regularly do a classic pedicure. This is the most common treatment for nails and feet. In the process, existing corns are removed, the coarsened layer of the epithelium is removed, and the nails are put in order. To obtain a positive result, it is important to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and the technology of the procedure itself.

Increasingly, not only girls and women began to follow the beauty and health of the legs. In the salons, men's classic, hardware and preparative pedicures are widespread, especially during the holidays and the hot season.

Features of the procedure

The pedicure procedure has features that largely depend on the condition of the feet, skin structure, etc. Regular foot care at home extends the period between salon visits.

The frequency is also affected by the growth rate of the nails, since when the nail plate grows out, pressure from the shoes occurs, as a result of which ingrowth into the skin may occur. Complex and deformed nails can be partially or completely changed only in salon conditions using modern technologies by experienced specialists.

But do not abuse the constant effect on the skin and nail plate. Frequent grinding and polishing can lead to cuts, large detachments, increased skin sensitivity and other unpleasant problems.

Pros and cons of technology

The advantage of a well-executed pedicure is to put your feet in order, giving them a well-groomed appearance. This is achieved by removing existing defects, designing the nail plate with the most appropriate method (apparatus, edged, European) or a combination of pedicure types.

Competent manipulations transform even the most problematic legs. After the session, corns, calluses, and ingrown nails disappear.

In difficult cases, a medical pedicure is useful, since cosmetic only affects the aesthetic appearance of the foot. It is important to choose a professional master who follows all the rules of the procedure. Otherwise, a pedicure can lead to health problems.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • if the stages of processing the instrument are not followed, infection occurs (up to hepatitis and HIV);
  • increased trauma in the absence of experience;
  • trimmed pedicure activates the work of skin cells, which is why it grows quickly enough and becomes rough.

Stages of a pedicure

The main stages of a pedicure include the preparation of the necessary instrument, the treatment of the surface of the legs, the subsequent removal of skin defects, the treatment of the nail plate (if necessary with a decorative coating), moisturizing the skin with suitable cosmetics.

An additional condition is daily care, which allows you to prolong the result and keep the condition of the feet in a beautiful and neat form.

Carrying out the procedure in a beauty salon

Turning to the master will reduce the time of the procedure and get a better result. Some people wonder what is needed for a pedicure in the salon. Preliminary preparation is not required, it is enough to observe the minimum rules of hygiene, and an experienced specialist will perform all the manipulations on his own:

  1. Preparatory stage. A prerequisite before the procedure: the hands of the master are treated with an antiseptic, gloves are put on. The surface of the skin is then disinfected to prevent infection. If there is a coating on the nails, then it must be removed. For a simple varnish, a special liquid is used; for a gel, it is preferable to remove it with an apparatus.
  2. Steaming feet is required only in classical technology, the hardware method is performed on a dry surface. A bath with warm water softens the skin, after which the client's feet are processed with a grater. This makes it easy to remove keratinized areas and carefully cut off the rollers around the nail plate and cuticle with nippers.
  3. In the European technique, instead of steaming, professional pedicure products are used, under the influence of which a similar effect is achieved for treating corns and removing corns. To soften the cuticle, a remover is applied around the nail plate.
  4. Nail processing. With an apparatus or tweezers, they give the desired length and shape, finalize with a file and a grinder. If there are problematic nails, a special tool is used to correct defects. To prevent ingrowth into the skin, do not leave too sharp corners, but do not over-round them.
  5. Nail cover. After processing the surface of the foot and correcting the nails, the process of decorative coating is carried out. This stage is carried out in accordance with the technology. The first layer is applied with preparatory liquids (for degreasing and coupling the nail plate with varnish), then - the base layer (to protect the plate from exposure to dyes), after that - several layers of color coating (depending on density), if desired - decor / design , at the end - the finishing layer (to consolidate the result).
  6. Application of moisturizing and nourishing products. The procedure is considered complete if, after all the manipulations, cosmetics are applied to the skin with massage movements. Active ingredients allow you to maintain the effect after a session for a longer period. To care for the cuticle, it is recommended to rub oil (almond, coconut, olive, peach and others).

Independent procedure

The inability to visit the salon is not a problem for home foot care. The sequence is practically no different from salon equipment. First you need to prepare the tool used and directly the skin of the feet. To do this, the legs are steamed in a bath or special exfoliating agents are applied.

Rough places after careful steaming are easily removed with a grater or pumice stone. The regrown cuticle is gently pushed back with an orange stick, if necessary, cut with nippers or nail scissors. It is important to follow the execution technology, since careless movement can cause injury and infection. The length and shape of the nail is corrected.

At the end of the session, it is necessary to wash off the remnants of cosmetics from the surface and apply a nourishing cream.

Actions for inflammation of the fingers

In some cases, inflammation of the finger occurs after a pedicure. Unpleasant symptoms appear the very next day. This is due to the fact that during the procedure an injury was received, although it may not be immediately noticeable. The skin of the thumb is more commonly affected.

So that the infection does not spread to other areas, do not wait for swelling and accumulation of pus. It is recommended to contact a specialist who will examine the finger and prescribe competent treatment. This is a course of antibiotics, dressings with antibacterial agents, the use of a therapeutic foot bath, taking vitamins to increase immunity.

At home, they effectively relieve inflammation and draw out purulent contents with a bandage with aloe, honey, potatoes, and celandine. Starting treatment from the first days will allow you to quickly deal with the problem without a subsequent appeal to the surgeon.

How often should you take care of your feet?

There is no single answer how often you can do a pedicure. The frequency of the procedure is influenced by multiple factors. This is the time of the year, and the way of life of a person, and preferred shoes, and features of the structure of the skin, and the state of health.

Daily care is also important, which prolongs a salon or home pedicure - how often you need to do it depends on the appearance of the legs. The rapid growth of the cuticle and roughening of the skin requires a more frequent procedure. But when using various cosmetic foot care products, a visit to a good pedicure master is required much less often.

To nourish and moisturize the keratinized skin, a drop of oil is applied and carefully rubbed with massage movements.

The choice of technique also affects the question of how often to do a pedicure. With the cutting technology, coarsened layers are cut off, as a result of which the cells begin to actively grow, which leads to a rapid coarsening of the areas. An alternative is the choice of preparation or hardware pedicure.

With proper care and normal condition of the feet, a visit to manicure and pedicure studios is carried out once every 3-4 weeks. In the presence of problematic nails and other features of the skin of the feet, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in 1-2 weeks. Quality pedicure is an integral part of the image.

Hardware pedicure- This is a mechanical procedure for the care of toenails, as well as the skin of the foot. The main feature and its difference from the fact that water and skin softeners are not used here - everything is done by the device.

The procedure includes a set of measures for the treatment of nails, cuticles and periungual ridges, as well as skin on the outside of the feet. During the procedure, the dry layer of keratinized skin is removed, corns, well-marked cracks on the legs are removed. A professional master will also help solve the problem or fungus and other little troubles on the feet.

I note that a hardware pedicure for home conditions (when performed by yourself) is not very suitable: it is unlikely that you can see all the problem areas well enough and perform their high-quality processing on your own, unless you are a professional master in this field.

In the salon, on the contrary, all conditions have been created: a special chair that raises the client to a height convenient for the master and supports the legs, a swivel lamp, a chair on wheels, etc. When performing a hardware manicure, the master must be dressed appropriately: gloves on his hands, an apron, a mask over his mouth and, of course, a mask with a transparent protective screen over his eyes.

Electric machine for hardware pedicure

To carry out a hardware pedicure, you will need to have several cutters and silicon carbide nozzles. To count on repeated and regular use, the machine must have a power of at least 40 watts and a rotation speed of cutters from 15 thousand revolutions per minute, as well as a reverse reverse function.

About cutters

Cutters for pedicure can be divided into three types depending on the place of use:

  1. For the treatment of nails and cuticles. The same cutters are suitable here as for the nails on the hands. You can read more about them.
  2. To treat the skin around the nails. Ceramic or diamond nozzles are suitable here. The abrasiveness of the cutter is selected depending on the condition of the skin.
  3. For the treatment of the skin of the foot. Coarse-abrasive diamond cutters, silicone grinders and silicon carbide bits (disposable sand caps) are suitable here.

How to do a hardware pedicure: step by step instructions

Performing a hardware pedicure can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Surface preparation
  2. Finger and nail pedicure
  3. Foot pedicure

1 - Let's start

The preparatory stage includes an examination of the condition of the skin of the legs and nails by the master, the identification of problem areas and, possibly, the identification of contraindications for the procedure. Next, you need to treat the legs and interdigital spaces with an antiseptic and clean them before manicure, then wipe them dry with a disposable towel.

2 – Nail pedicure

  • It begins with the correction of the length and shape of the nail. Here you can use the usual hard file, if the free edge is long, or with a machine. In the second case, we select a cutter in the form of an inverted cone and a speed of about 10,000 - 12,000 rpm.
  • Next, you need to lift the cuticle from the nail and remove the pterygium. To do this, they pass with a machine with a conical cutter (or a drop, or a ball), first in one direction, then change the reverse and go in the other direction. It is convenient to change the bypass method after all five nails on one foot have been processed. This saves time and movement. To avoid cuts and a burning sensation in the client, the movements should not be performed in one place - the machine is constantly moving. Do not forget to periodically clean the nails with a brush.
  • You can also lift the cuticle if the master considers it more suitable for this particular cuticle. In this case, it will not be completely hardware, but already a combined pedicure. The result of this will not be worse.
  • After lifting, the cuticle is removed with the same cutter, after which it is necessary to perform skin resurfacing in this place in order to prevent the formation and avoid unaesthetic torn skin edges.
  • Remains of pterygium can be removed with a pusher or cone cutter. Here, with a spatula, all contaminants in the space under the free edge of the nail are removed.
  • Next, we work with the lateral sinuses and rollers. First of all, it is necessary to clean with the thinnest needle cutter in the sinuses of keratinization.
  • With a truncated cone cutter, side ridges are processed along the lines of the skin, including the front pad.
  • The final of this stage is the polishing of the nail plate with the help of silicone nozzles at a low speed - about 10-12 thousand revolutions. To get a perfectly smooth surface, you can start with a coarser polisher and gradually move on to softer ones.

You can more clearly understand the whole process by watching the video. Below you can find a video instruction from my partner, the Krasotkapro online store:

3 - Foot treatment

This completes the hardware pedicure.


You may have already noticed that it has a lot of advantages over similar foot procedures, namely:

  1. Hygienic and safe. All tools before use, some materials are disposable. This way of working with the skin virtually eliminates the cuts that often occur with a classic pedicure.
  2. Solves many leg and foot problems: corns, calluses, ingrown nail, cracks, thickening of the nail plate, hyperkeratosis.
  3. No contraindications for those who suffer from diabetes.

After the procedure, you can cover the nails with varnish or. But that's a completely different story :) In the photo below, my legs after a hardware pedicure in the salon, I already did the gel polish myself:

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Hardware processing technique has at least one advantage: efficiency, because hardware pedicure is performed using a milling machine (with cutter attachments), which is used to treat feet and toenails. Nozzles of different sizes allow the master to penetrate even into hard-to-reach areas of the foot. In addition, it is more convenient and safer to do the processing with the device than with scissors.

This is one of the types of care for toenails and feet. It is carried out using a special device - a milling cutter. Includes foot treatment, removal of calluses and corns, cuticle treatment, nail polishing, nail shaping and decoration (at the request of the client). In addition to the aesthetic effect of a cosmetic procedure, pedicure gives a therapeutic result.

Which pedicure is better: hardware or classic

A classic pedicure, unlike a hardware pedicure, is available in any salon - this is a basic technique that can be performed by any professional master. In addition, it is cheaper, but has a number of disadvantages (while there is only one drawback of the hardware type - the price):

  • feeling of too thin skin after treatment - the master cuts off the keratinized layers once, due to which in some places the cut may be too close to the “live” skin;
  • soreness - there is always a risk of touching the non-roughened skin of the feet with cutting tools;
  • the risk of infection - through micro-wounds invisible to the human eye, an infection from the outside world can enter the body or an existing one can spread (especially important for people with nail diseases);
  • a short-lived result - the damaged layer of the epidermis begins to regenerate, so that after about a week the corns re-form in the same places where they were cut off;
  • steaming the legs before classical treatment may be prohibited for health reasons (for example, with varicose veins).

Benefits of hardware pedicure

It makes sense to choose hardware processing, even if its price is higher than traditional. Below are the main advantages of a hardware pedicure before a trimmed pedicure:

  • safety - the device cannot damage healthy skin, there is also no risk of fungal infections (because it does not require steaming the skin, like a traditional pedicure);
  • long-term - care is performed every 2 weeks (in advanced cases) or once a month (with regular visits and a stable result);
  • careful study of hard-to-reach areas - processed with small nozzles;
  • painlessness;
  • used, including for medical purposes, solves a number of medical problems, improves blood circulation, enriches cells with oxygen (after treatment, they begin to breathe better).

What you need for a pedicure

The tools that are used in the classic edged pedicure are not needed for hardware. Foot treatment during hardware pedicure is performed with the following tools:

  • apparatus - milling machine;
  • additional cutters (nozzles).

In addition, additional materials are used. Among them:

  • disinfectants;
  • a special gel or oil to soften the cuticle;
  • moisturizing nourishing creams and therapeutic ointments are used after the procedure.

The workplace in which the procedure takes place must be equipped with special equipment. It includes the following fixtures:

  • comfortable armchair;
  • footrest;
  • disposable slippers;
  • face mask (for the master);
  • rubber gloves (also for the master).


Nozzles for a milling machine are called milling cutters. Cutters are supplied as a set, but can be purchased separately (if the old ones have become unusable or if there is a need to supplement the basic set). Materials for special nozzles:

  • metal - for the correction and removal of artificial nails;
  • ceramics - for skin procedures;
  • silicone - for leveling and polishing natural nails (including before coating);
  • diamond spraying - for shaping artificial nails;
  • felt or suede - used to create grinding nozzles (for polishing nail plates).

The quality of the material is important so that the cutter does not heat up during rotation and does not damage the nails. Below is a list of which cutters are needed for hardware pedicure:

  • cuticle cutter - cylindrical;
  • to remove corns and calluses (notched burs are used for rods);
  • for processing the skin between the fingers;
  • for polishing the skin of the foot.


The main tool for this type of pedicure is a professional apparatus, a milling machine with nozzles or a milling cutter. In addition to additional milling cutters, the set includes brushes for cleaning tools, which can also be purchased separately. Milling cutters vary in size and capabilities (for professional or home use).

Pedicure technique

  • The hands of the master and the feet of the client are disinfected.
  • Feet, including toes, are covered with a special softening gel, after which they are left for 10 minutes to get a softening effect.
  • The nozzle for keratinized skin is worked out on the entire surface of the feet.
  • The cuticle is removed.
  • Calluses and corns are treated.
  • Treatment stage. If there are corns-rods, they are treated with boron and covered with a cream to destroy the corn root.
  • The desired shape is given to the nails.
  • A session of foot massage is carried out (at the request of the client and the competence of the master).
  • In addition, pedicure may include removal of gel polish, removal or correction of artificial nails, polishing of nail plates, preparation for coating and the coating itself (including design, strengthening with biogel, etc. at the request of the client). Further, the features of each of the hardware processing: medical procedure, professional pedicure and home.


    Beauty salons provide the opportunity for pedicure for medicinal purposes. You need to clarify the cost and the possibility of treating a specific problem directly in the salon, where they do a hardware medical pedicure. It can be a female, male or children's pedicure. In addition to the above steps, the procedure includes:

    • treatment of foot cracks and hyperkeratosis (hard stratum corneum);
    • antifungal treatment (treatment with special creams and ointments, removal of affected nail plates);
    • treatment of thickened and ingrown nails;
    • treatment of excessive sweating;
    • treatment for diabetic foot.


    It is performed in salons or at home (by craftsmen who work on a private basis). Regardless of the location of the workplace, it must be properly equipped (see the list above), and the technology itself must include all of the above steps. For professional milling, larger multi-function machines and more attachments are used, as any customer problem needs to be solved. Otherwise, the technology has no features other than those already mentioned above.

    At home

    The technique of care is similar to professional care, but the device for home use is smaller so that the buyer can conveniently do a pedicure for himself. They have less power and speed, but they do the job. It is strongly not recommended to purchase a professional device without the ability to use it.

    For beginners, it is better to choose the lowest speeds to avoid injury. Before the procedure, go to the salon or view a photo or video of a pedicure performed by masters to see the technique clearly. Medical pedicures (such as ingrown toenail removal and antifungal foot treatments) are not included in home care and should not be done on your own.

    Price for hardware pedicure

    The cost of hardware processing of feet and nails varies. Approximate price difference (Moscow) in the table below:



    Ekaterina, 27

    I like the effect of a spa in a classic pedicure, the legs are steamed, rested - this does not happen after a hardware one, so I do the classic more often. Plus it's inexpensive. I was also on the hardware a couple of times and I understand why he is so popular - no matter how good the master is, like a machine, he will not be able to cut the cuticle.

    Marina, 30

    Insanely glad that progress concerns the beauty industry. Previously, everything was tormented, I tried to cut the cuticle myself - it never came out perfectly. Would go to the salon, but the price bites. I found out about a hardware pedicure and decided not to worry about where to do it, but just buy a device. It is convenient to use it, and in time it is faster than I would go anywhere)

    Somewhere since last year, I began to regularly go for pedicures. At first I did the usual one, and then the master, such a benevolent woman, offered a hardware version. I liked it very much, besides I found where to do a hardware pedicure at home inexpensively. The effect lasts many times longer than the cut, the heels do not hurt after the session, so everything is super.

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    It's getting harder to find a woman who doesn't know what a pedicure is. Pedicure is not only an aesthetic procedure, but also has an important hygienic value. Indeed, in the warm season and with frequent visits to public places, such as a sauna or a swimming pool, the feet are subject not only to physical exertion, but also to close contact with harmful bacteria and fungi. To maintain the health and beauty of the legs, it is recommended to do a pedicure every three or four weeks in the cold season and twice a month in the summer. The systematic repetition of procedures depends on individual characteristics.

    Pedicure can be carried out both independently at home, and contact an experienced specialist. Here it is worth considering that there are pros and cons in both cases, but we will talk about a salon pedicure, since the quality and effectiveness of its result is much higher than that of a home counterpart.

    Types of pedicures in traditional salons are not so diverse. Of course, various non-traditional methods have recently begun to appear using materials new to the domestic cosmetic market, but their essence, despite the original names, remains the same. Therefore, having omitted all wraps and soaks using products of traditional and not very foreign medicine, let's move on to the basics.

    How to do a pedicure in a salon

    In any beauty salon or nail design salon there is a master who knows how to make a classic pedicure, this method has existed for more than one century. Here, as well as in classic manicure, the execution technique involves the removal of the cuticle by cutting it. The technique for performing this type of pedicure is not difficult, but it requires the accuracy of the master, since there is a serious danger of damaging the capillaries located a little further than the cuticle.

    • Bath with herbal tea

    The session begins with soaking the feet in the bath. The bath is filled with a warm decoction of herbs with the addition of oil or, which happens more often, with a special softening solution with a disinfectant effect. One of the advantages of a salon pedicure is the presence of a hot tub, which, given the duration of the soaking procedure, helps to relax and relieve stress.

    • Foot care with cosmetics

    Twenty minutes of rest for the legs is enough, then either a wrap or treatment of the legs with cosmetics follows. Cosmetics are creams and lotions, they can be with moisturizing or nourishing properties. When the skin of the legs is finally ready for further work, the master carefully trims the nails and shapes them with a file.

    • Removal of cuticles and corns

    After soaking in the bath, the skin becomes soft and steamed, which allows you to remove the cuticle with the least injury and prevent the possibility of its coarsening. Further, the master, using a special foot file, removes possible corns, calluses and other rough skin areas. If a pedicure is performed more often than once every two weeks, then you can get by with cosmetic products for peeling the skin of the feet. Such products can be either factory-made or made directly in the salon before the procedure.

    After performing all the above manipulations, the master proceeds to the decorative component of the procedure. This part includes the coating of the nail plate with varnish or other possible design.

    Recently, more and more salons offer mehendi - this is an Indian ritual of painting henna on the body. This painting lasts up to three weeks and is absolutely safe for health.

    Pros and cons of a classic pedicure

    A big plus is that such a pedicure requires less repetition, due to the fact that most of the cuticle is removed. Also, a salon pedicure allows you to relax during the procedure, while doing it yourself at home requires constant concentration.

    During stress, blood pressure is most active, and the circumcision procedure requires calmness for at least ten minutes before and after. As for the minuses, the same removal of the cuticle can become a weighty argument. The fact is that the capillaries of many people are very close to the surface of the skin, in which case a trimmed pedicure is contraindicated, however, like this type of manicure.

    European pedicure

    There is the most sparing analogue of the classic pedicure, this method is no less popular. The execution procedure is the same, only the cuticle is not removed, but gently shifted to the base of the nail. This type of pedicure, initially, gained wide popularity in France, for this reason it was called European.

    Hardware pedicure

    A fairly new, but noteworthy type of salon pedicure is hardware. The advantage of this procedure is that the skin of the legs is not subjected to steaming, which means that the risk of skin damage by a fungus is less. Also, the removal of the cuticle is performed according to the European method. We can say that this type of pedicure is the safest. All manipulations are performed using a device using various nozzles, the skin of the legs is pre-treated with a disinfectant solution.

    Materials and tools for pedicure in the salon

    Salon pedicure materials and tools differ only in quality from amateur sets often used at home. The required fixtures include:

    • nail scissors,
    • nail clippers,
    • curette,
    • cuticle scissors,
    • small deburring pliers
    • scalpel,
    • scapula,
    • nail files and foot files.

    In addition, a hardware salon manicure requires a special apparatus with the necessary nozzles. Do not forget about the means for treating the skin of the legs and the surface of the nails. It should be included here as a basic set - a liquid for removing a decorative coating from a nail, disinfectant sprays, creams and skin lotions. As well as special products for the bath, such as oils, salt and other preparations.

    In conclusion, it is worth recalling that all tools must be thoroughly disinfected after each use. If there is no confidence in the cleanliness of the tools and the workplace, then do not be shy, it is better to ask the master to process it again. After all, a classic salon pedicure involves working with cutting tools that can injure if you are not careful enough.

    Lesson number 4: How to give clients a pedicure with graters

    Recently, most masters have adopted the trend of hardware pedicure, what is the reason for this? — hardware pedicure saves time. At the start, you must learn the classical pedicure technique using graters, time is a relative concept, the classical technique is in no way inferior to the hardware one, including in time. In this lesson, learn how to quickly do a classic hygienic pedicure.

    Your professional tasks as a pedicure master:

    • remove outdated rough skin in the aisles of the norm.
    • work with problem areas (corns and cracks), not only remove them, but also carry out manipulations so that they do not appear again.
    • carry out hygiene of the skin on the fingers, remove the cuticle and shape the free edge. Special work with corners.
    • remove the residue after polishing the feet and moisturize the skin. It is very important to prevent dry feet after cleaning.

    We will get acquainted with all the smallest details and rules, and most importantly, we will learn 4 home online lessons in the material

    Foot skin types and their features - you must determine them:

    There is no need to be afraid of working with the feet, it is absolutely not scary and not long if you go the way that suits the skin of your client or client. You will not have problems if, at the first glance at the legs of a client, you have a model of work in your head. The key to the result is to correctly determine the scale of the work, that is, to understand how rough and trampled the skin is. You must do this to choose the right grater, if the grater is chosen correctly, you will cope with rough skin without problems.

    normal foot skin type- the skin is usually light, it can tread a little on problem areas (on the pad below the fingers on the side and on the heels), usually such skin is not prone to dryness, but in the summer, when dust gets into open shoes, the heels can become a little dry. It is easy to work with this type of skin, since the degree of roughness is minimal, if the care is correct and regular, there may not be roughness at all and it will be enough for you to simply polish the skin. The period between pedicures is 3 weeks.

    Medium foot skin type- in this case, the skin is also not particularly problematic, but it has its own nuances in hygiene, you, as a master, must be prepared and remember the average type is prone to dryness, which means that improper care can lead to drying out and cracks. Usually this type is more common in work. The skin of the feet of medium roughness has a slightly yellowish color, since the percentage of skin that needs to be removed is greater than that of the first type. The most problematic part is the heels. The period between pedicures is 2-2.5 weeks.

    Problem skin type of feet prone to damage- this is very dry skin, which is why it is often damaged. You must not only clean the skin, but also MANDATORY give the client recommendations for home care, if you follow all the rules of care, this skin can be restored. You need to carefully carry out hygiene procedures, you need a golden mean when removing, you can’t remove more skin than you need, but you shouldn’t leave a little more either. In both cases, the problem can only be exacerbated. If you grind off more skin than necessary, the cracks will spread deeper, if you do not remove it, the skin will become dry. The period between pedicures is 1.5-2 weeks.

    How can a novice pedicure master learn how to do a classic pedicure according to each skin type correctly

    To do a pedicure, prepare the following tools and materials:

    • Grater for heels;
    • Grater for fingers;
    • Scissors and 2 types of nippers (nail and skin);
    • orange stick;
    • Nail file for natural nails, buff;
    • Gloves and mask for you;
    • Disposable bag, slippers and towel for the client;
    • Foot remover, scrub, cream and cuticle oil;
    • Bath salt.

    Learning to do pedicure with graters (without apparatus and blades):

    1. Sit the client in a comfortable position, sanitize their feet, then sanitize your hands, wait for it to dry, and put on disposable gloves. Carefully inspect the client's feet, determine the type of skin according to the signs indicated above.
    2. Place the client's foot on the stand and push back the cuticles with an orange stick.
    3. Take the remover and apply to the client's feet, more generously on the heels and below the toes, less on the toes and midfoot. Let the liquid sit for 2-4 minutes before steaming in the water. Put on your mask and prepare your bath. Put a disposable bag on the bath, add salt and draw warm water.
    4. Ask the client to put their feet in the tub. While the legs are steaming, prepare the tools and take the right grater. Disinfect each instrument separately. Remember - graters with a hardness of 80/120 grit - for medium hard heels, 100/120 grit - for soft heels. Graters with a laser section are universal, suitable for any type of skin.
    5. Let's start cleaning the heels. Ask the client to take the leg out of the water and place it on the stand with the foot facing you. Lightly dab the water off your foot, but it should remain damp. Take a grater and dip it in water. Important!- graters should always be wet, a dry grater irritates the skin and it becomes rough. Take the grater in a hand that is comfortable for you, with the hard side and moving back and forth, “erase” the rough skin from the feet. You will see cream gruel and shavings, this is normal, then you are doing the right thing. Start immediately from the heel - this is the most problematic area. After you remove dry skin, polish the foot with a very soft grater. Treat your fingers at the very last moment. Don't forget to wet the grater. Each type requires a certain amount of time, for example, it will take you about 10 minutes to clean the feet of a normal type (calculating time for both feet), about 20 minutes for slightly dry feet, and 25 minutes for problem skin, it all depends on the degree of dryness.
    6. After you finish working with the feet, ask the client to rinse the leg and put the foot on the stand. Trim the cuticles and corners of the nails if they are of concern to the client. Do the same with the foot of the second leg.
    7. After processing the feet with a grater, another stage of cleansing follows - peeling off the remnants of the skin from the graters. Apply the scrub to a wet foot and rub with massage movements.
    8. Rinse off the scrub and pat your feet dry. Give the nails a shape and treat with a buff.
    9. Apply cuticle oil and rub it in, apply cream on the feet and distribute it with massage movements.
    10. If the client wants coverage, prepare the nails.

    If the client has cracks, what to do:

    After you remove the outdated skin, the client is obliged to take care of the heels at home, otherwise you won’t get rid of the cracks. Your professional hand + care at home will get rid of cracks. In order for the cracks to heal, you need to remove the dry skin from which they formed, you have already done this. Home care that the client should do is to apply an antibiotic ointment to clean legs at night, which promotes healing, this is a common wound ointment. The ointment should be applied with a compress, under a cotton pad, putting a sock on top. In the morning you need to remove the socks, wash off the remnants of the ointment and let the legs dry for 15 minutes. Such procedures will help cure problem skin, but the client must regularly attend hygiene procedures and do homework.

    The result that you will get after all the steps:

    Be confident in your abilities, the main thing is to keep the right proportions and choose the right tools. This procedure requires your attention, it all depends on how much you visually evaluate the amount of work. You will succeed!

    If you have any questions or need to clarify something about the lesson, contact a specialist online for help, through a comment.