Eggplant Penguin. Crafts from eggplant. DIY vegetable crafts: potato men

Good afternoon, today we will make crafts from vegetables and fruits. In this article, I have collected the most complete collection of the cutest crafts, with themes suitable for kindergarten and school. Autumn competitions at school are often arranged on the topic of crafts from vegetables (and not just from chestnuts and cones). It happens very often that your child did not immediately tell you about the competition, often you will only learn about the craft by Monday on Sunday evening. And so it is important to quickly EVALUATE the contents of your pantry and FIND an idea in the bowels of the Internet that will fit your vegetable stock.

That is why I decided to combine in one article all kinds of vegetables and fruits who can take part in the creation of crafts for the garden and school. You do not need to shovel heaps of Internet pages. Here you will find all kids craft ideas- all in one article.

Here's what we'll be doing today:

  • Crafts from cucumber, pepper.
  • Crafts for the garden from onions, cabbage and potatoes.
  • Crafts and eggplant and zucchini.
  • Carved sculptures-crafts from carrots and radishes.
  • flat diy-paintings from vegetables and fruits.
  • animal crafts from oranges, kiwi, bananas and lemons.
  • Crafts from watermelons, pineapples, and melons.
  • And I made a separate article


We will start with vegetable children's crafts ... and then we will move on to sweet fruit sculptures. You will see that a chipmunk can be made from an ordinary onion. And cut out roses from radishes that will bloom themselves if you put them in a glass of water. What am I talking about ... now you will see everything for yourself.

Crafts FROM BOW for school and garden.

From vegetables, as well as from fruits, you can make many interesting sculptures. Here are the onion chickens. We take out the young onion from the garden right along with the stem, and cut the stem-stem into feathers - we push them apart and put this “panicle” on the column-base of carrots.

And here is another craft FROM RED ONION. Chipmunk with white stripes and fluffy tail from onion feathers. I'll tell you in detail how to make it by hand...

Take two red onions suitable size and shape (it is better to take fresh bulbs, straight from the garden - then they are even in color and elastic). And we immediately make white stripes on them - for this you need to cut the upper skin of the onion with a blade and then carefully remove it (like shavings) to get a white “bald patch” in this place.

We form a little body- we take a long wooden skewer, or a toothpick - we stick it into the onion-tummy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future neck. And on the protruding end we stick an onion-head.

Making a tail- bend the green feathers of the onion in the shape of a tail, the lower part of the tail tie with thread or rubber band in a bundle .. And in a saucepan making sugar syrup(3 tablespoons of sugar + half a teaspoon of water) - when the sugar melts and cooks with this sticky sweet glue, coat the onion feathers (so that they stick together into a single tail) - dry it all. And then we pierce the lower and middle part of the tail-bun with toothpicks and stick it into the back of the onion-butt.

Paws- these are incisions on the onion-tummy. In order for the paws to detach and protrude from the tummy, you can put pieces of plasticine under them. Ears these are small slices-slices from another onion - we stick them into the slits-slits on the chipmunk's head. Eyes- these are olives (you can use raisins, or pieces of black eggplant skin). Antennae are also white cuts on the colored skin of the bulb.

Onion feathers can be pasted over a rectangular box (from tea or cookies) and made from such a blank VEGETABLE REC… or RADIO. Vegetable buttons are pierced with toothpicks or glued to sugar syrup (see recipe in onion chipmunk).


pulp carving.

Crafts from PUMPKIN PULP . Even pumpkin pulp can be a source of beautiful crafts. The pumpkin is soft enough to carve whatever your heart desires. For example, here are such majestic pink flamingos.

Birds can also be carved from regular CARROT. In the photo below, we see how a person creates his craft masterpieces right on the street.

You can make a simple sculpture out of a single side of a pumpkin - for example, the muzzle of a donkey.

Pumpkins are very interesting products for creativity. He can talk about it for a long time and with photo examples. Therefore, I collected many different pumpkin crafts in a special article.

Crafts from vegetable radish

white and pink.

From WHITE RADISH you can also cut beautiful parrots. White radish - resembles a huge white carrot. It is perfectly cut with a knife into any shape. And the wings do not have to be made from radishes either. You can take hard stalks from BEIJING CABBAGE. A beautiful and simple vegetable craft for kindergarten and school. The jury will love it.

And here is a red radish craft ... Also a very cute family of pink birds in a nest of tops, pods or onion feathers.

And a gorgeous bouquet of vegetable roses. Here are photo instructions on how to do it. We cut the radish with a knife into shavings - in a checkerboard pattern (like cabbage leaves on a stalk). Then we put such an incised radish in water - and under the influence of water it swells and opens its petals. We string the buds on gift skewers - and so that the stalks-legs are green, we put each skewer inside the onion feather.


crafts-bouquets for the garden and school.

And below we see how flowers are created from vegetables and fruits. Oval flowers with a halo of narrow petals (also from radishes), orange buds with a berry in the middle (from tangerines). Bell pepper palms and a carrot stem, or a skewer stem and grapes strung on it.

And here is an idea on how to create lush tulips from sweet peppers. Or delicate white daisies from thin slices of white mini patisson pumpkins (with a yellow center from a slice of carrots). A great craft for children who are bored in the country.

And here is a way to make ASTRA from a stalk of Chinese cabbage. If you add rose flowers from red cabbage to such a Beijing aster, you get an elegant composition for an exhibition at a school or kindergarten.

Crafts from Zucchini and other vegetables.

Here is a penguin bird from zucchini zucchini - with a bow of sweet red pepper and orange eyes. It is very easy and affordable to do it yourself even for children.

And here is another bird with a tomato head and a green crest and green pepper wings. The tummy is a white zucchini.

You can make the heads of men or animals from squash crops.

If the fruit has a pointed shape, then you can beat it like a muzzle of a puppy or mouse.

And from the halves of a zucchini, you can add a sculptural craft of a dragon. But this is a real challenge to our creativity. The most important thing here is the head - if you have a muzzle, then you can continue and make the body.

By the same principle, you can create similar composite sculptures from oranges.


crafts from vegetables for the garden.

The black color of eggplant tells us the creation of black and white animals living on our planet - and these are ZEBRAS, WHALES, PENGUINS, AND KOALAS. (I did not find Koalas among the photo crafts - but the idea is good).

Eggplant can act as an insert element for crafts from other vegetables (see photo below with a rooster and a monkey).

Crafts from cabbage and other vegetables.

Cauliflower is an interesting material in its structure. Its bizarre forms themselves suggest the theme of vegetable sculptures. These are, of course, sheep, polar bear cubs, poodles and other furry animals.


Even an ordinary potato can be an interesting tool for children's creativity. These minions can be made from potatoes - they can be dressed in black eggplant overalls. The minions themselves can be painted with gouache in yellow paint. Glasses can be cut out of carrot rounds (cut the carrot into a circle and cut a round hole in the circle).

The very shape of the potato can give you the idea of ​​crafts - in the photo above we see that the potato in the shape of panties suggested the idea of ​​​​creating a girl in shorts. You can also look for interesting shapes in a bag of potatoes - for example, in the form of the head of Peppa Pig, you often come across.
You will find more ideas for potato crafts in a special article on our website.

Crafts FROM PEPPERS and other vegetables.

Sweet and hot peppers can be a source of inspiration. Their smooth, shiny shape guarantees the beauty of the final craft. like this motorbike can be assembled if you connect all the parts with toothpicks (plasticine can be placed inside, as an additional fastener for toothpicks). Citrus wheels are also strung on toothpicks.

Roosters and overseas birds can be made from peppers of a bizarre curved shape. You can look for these in the store - or better in the market or in the country.

And here crabs and crayfish... They are made from several pepper vegetables. And to be honest, PHOTOSHOP WORKED here (they removed the superfluous, added the missing) - but the idea is still worth trying to implement it for real.

And here, in the photo below with dragon, all to be honest. No photoshop - only the skillful hands of the master and the look of the artist. Bean pods (whiskers and horns), corn cob stalks (ears and tail), apple (for muzzle), carrots (paws and back teeth), toothpicks (claws and fasteners).

It is important to be able to look at fruits and vegetables in this way. artist's eye, squint, cloud your eyes and suddenly in this foggy haze you see a future sculpture in a pile of vegetables.


Sculptures for kindergarten are most often animals. Children love animals, and animals love children. That's how nature intended it. Therefore, we will make cute animals from cucumbers. Cucumbers are, of course, GREEN CROCODILES.

Although the inhabitants of the sea (dolphins and sharks) can also be carved from a green greenhouse cucumber. Make fins, gills-cuts, a white neck with a slit of a toothy mouth.


But what kind of planar collage crafts can be made from vegetables and fruits. For the ideological basis, you can take the famous paintings of famous artists. And try to repeat them in your vegetable art.

Alon Zaid - an elderly artist came up with the idea to recreate famous paintings from fruits and vegetables. Here is the silent Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Son of Man by artist Rene Magritte, portrait of Dora Maar by Pablo Picasso

Here you are, Mona Lisa, she is Gioconda, the great master Leonardo Da Vinci.

Here is another famous painting by Pablo Picasso.

You can not repeat the MASTERPIECES of pictorial art from the Hermitage ... but come up with your own picture of vegetables.

And also do not forget that in addition to vegetables, there are also FRUITS. And they have their own pictorial possibilities. Its bright colors and interesting cut patterns.

So since we got to the fruits, let's see what can be done for the competition in the garden and from these fruits.


And now, let's move on to fruit compositions and sculptures. I will show you the simplest DIY crafts made from apples, pears, bananas, pineapples, watermelon peels and melon fruits.

Crafts from pulpy fruits
apples, kiwi, pears, bananas.

But cute childish crafts from kiwi. To create them, you need to choose unripe solid fruits. Slices of slices should be blotted with a paper towel so that the juice does not show through.

But crafts from an apple and a pear - if you use one whole fruit + a thin slice of the second fruit, you can get such interesting crafts (a mouse and an elephant). Where thin slices serve as details for the ears, and face. And from the stalk of an apple, a trunk for an elephant is obtained. Delicious and fun crafts that you can make with your kids and then eat.

But crafts from a juicy pear. To create such birds, we choose varieties that are harder.

And so that the cut place without the peel does not darken, it must be smeared with a brush dipped in lemon juice.

And if you are making a craft from a pear, without a peel, and even with finely chopped feathers (as in the photo of birds below), then it is better to protect such a craft so that it does not darken, and so that the “feathers” do not dry out and wrinkle. For protection, we use gelatin. Pour the gelatin powder with water. When it swells, heat it up so that it dissolves (but do not bring it to a boil!!!). And with this warm gelatin syrup we grease our entire craft. It will become shiny, and will look fresh for a long time, nothing will darken or fade. Only important- a gelatin solution for such a lubricant is made 2 times thicker than on jelly. That is, we read the instructions on the package and pour 2 times more powder into 2 times less water.

In exactly the same way, crafts are made from bright red apples. We treat white slices with lemon juice(so as not to turn black) and you can also grease with gelatin syrup (so as not to wilted and wrinkled).

Can do craft-crab from apple slices - paint it also in beetroot juice so that it is red, or smear with lemon juice so that it remains white (does not rust).

Can you make a green apple? hummingbird. Great little fruit craft for kids.

You can make pots with flowers from the tops of large apples - cut bald petals in it - you get an elegant composition with your own hands from vegetables.

Banana crafts for kids.

Of course you need to make minions out of bananas. This is clear to everyone. Bananas are yellow, minions too. You can dress them in cucumber jumpsuits. A whole family can be made to an exhibition in a school or garden.

You can make an octopus out of a banana. Add citrus fish and red pepper crabs to it (see photo below in this article). And make a whole underwater kingdom of vegetables and fruits.

Or make a cute duck family out of banana tails.

And here is the idea of ​​dachshund puppies - with skin-ears and green tails. Eyes are cut out and pupils are inserted from black paper.


along with helping vegetables.

Lemons can be beaten with their curly feature - POINTED NOSE. And make such cute mice out of lemon (you just need to cut off their side so that the mouse lies on the tummy. Cut out round ears from the peel of the cut lemon tummy. Cut the lemon on the top of the mouse and insert the ear into the cut. Cut a thin tail from the skin scraps. And dear children's crafts for a competition in a garden or school are ready.By the way, FROM A PIECE OF PUMPKIN you can make MOUSE CHEESE and even cut round holes in it.

If you cut a lemon or orange peel along the contours we need - and then tear it off. We get a figured "bald patch" on an orange (as in the photo with crafts below). This citrus "bald spot" can serve as a white tummy for two chicken felts, penguin felts (on the right photo below).

From oranges you can make a cat (with cut stripes on the back and tail), and a bear cub with mandarin ears.

All parts are pricked on toothpicks and stuck into the pulp of an orange.

Citrus peel is perfectly cut into any flat shapes (like cardboard). Therefore, complex carved shapes of fish fins and tails can be cut from it. Beautiful crafts in an underwater style, add apple crabs, orange peel starfish to them.

Citrus fruits can participate in the craft as an addition to the vegetable sculpture (for example, in the form of a parrot wing made of tomatoes and onions). Or the entire sculpture can be made from oranges cut into rounded shapes (as in the photo with the lion below).

If you take a rectangular cardboard box - and glue it with orange peel - you get the basis for creating a camera.


and other fruits and vegetables.

Here are interesting ideas for those who do not mind sacrificing a pineapple for the sake of children's creativity. A small melon can become the head of an owl - we make eyes from round radishes and olives, eyebrows apart from the peel of black eggplants, yellow paws from halves of a lemon.

From half a pineapple, you can fold a crocodile with eyes (radishes and olives), with paws (kiwi). Of course, such a crocodile needs a lot of pineapple sides. Not to get carried away with my salary - but if you don’t have financial problems, then choose this cutie - the pineapple crocodile will definitely not remain in a modest shadow at the school exhibition.

Or you can make a turtle from one half of a pineapple - and cut out the legs and head from the pulp of a pumpkin, from carrots, potatoes or other vegetables or fruits. A simple and beautiful children's craft made from vegetables is obtained.

And here is the pineapple hedgehog. To be honest, this is most likely the result of Photoshop, or the very painstaking work of the pineapple pulp carver - you need to cut the peel from the pineapple barrel, then shape the legs and head into the pulp. Then, with toothpicks, fasten the stalk comb to the hedgehog.

But the idea with a parrot bird is suitable if you find a pineapple with a long tail. We cut it off the pineapple by deepening the knife deeper into its flesh - so that the tail is cut off along with the yellow center. We stick a red pepper nose, olive eyes into the parrot's head and fasten it on a wooden skewer to its habitat.

Crafts from watermelon peels.

You can make a lot of crafts from watermelon. We are all familiar with the masterpieces of watermelon peel carving. Here I will not offer complex sculptural tricks. We are simple parents - we are not that talented - we need simpler ideas. Here I have collected the most affordable watermelon peel crafts for the common man.

Here is a turtle easy to do with your own hands - Cut the watermelon so as to remove the side round part (this will be the shell) - remove the pulp so as not to interfere. On this oval part, we draw future patterns with a felt-tip pen, and then we cut all the contours with a knife - we get a carved shell pattern. It remains to cut out paws and a head from other pieces of the crust - attach all this with toothpicks to the bottom of the shell.

But the gaping mouths of sharks and frogs. We also draw future cuts on the watermelon. Cut off a segment of watermelon - get a mouth cut. From the inside, remove all the pulp with a spoon - we eat it. And then with an empty watermelon womb we are already doing what we need - either a frog or a shark . Shark teeth are very easy to make.- first, along the edge of the mouth, we make a shallow incision-groove (to the depth of the green layer). Then we cut off a thin green skin along this groove, and leave the thick white skin. From this remaining white part we form teeth - we simply cut out and discard triangular segments from it - and we get triangular remnants - teeth. We make a slot - we insert a fin into it - we make a chip-recess for the eyes and insert black olives.

And the frog does not need to make teeth - the eyes are made from halves of a green lime and two cherries on toothpicks.

And here is an example of how you can make a cartoon character from a watermelon. In the first case (minion), we put a large yellow Pomelo fruit inside the green watermelon overalls.

But crafts for boys from oblong watermelons are watermelon ships and a submarine. We don’t sell such oval watermelons, but you can try to make similar crafts from a round one.

Or use an oval melon. Sails made from orange peels.

You can make a chicken out of an orange and stick it in a melon as small as a shell. A rabbit with ears, a frog or come up with your own character.

But melon crafts are more complicated - an owl with lettuce and a watermelon belly. Fish carved with scales and fins.

These are ideas for vegetable crafts for an exhibition in a garden or school. I hope you have found here a suitable craft for yourself and will be happy to make it with your children. What is done with your own hands heals the soul. It seems to me that every person does not interfere with breaking away from watching TV and a little to please his soul and his children.

To do something together, together, not to quarrel, and not to quarrel in the process - this is another day that you will remember with warmth years later. These are the moments you remember... and not those when the boss handed you a diploma ... All the vain things fade from memory over the years ... but the present takes root and remains a bright picture in old age. Let's collect such pictures - in our hearts.

Let's create such moments for our children - let them have something to remember about their childhood. After all, what do we remember about our childhood years? Only these are the days when dad and mom suddenly forgot about their adult affairs and spent time in stupid and worthless, but such fun and necessary fun with the children.

Good luck with your vegetable creation.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site
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Here comes autumn. One of the first activities in kindergarten that you will encounter is an exhibition on the theme of autumn and everything related to it. You will have to make some kind of craft, it is desirable that it is not repeated by your child's classmates. Here we have collected about 40 different complexity options for crafts from vegetables and other natural materials.


Our article will present autumn vegetable crafts in the photo. All of these ideas are wonderful. That's why they should definitely be done. Take a branched head of cauliflower, in principle, the product is almost ready, it remains to mark the horns and eyes on it. Eyes can be bought and attached ready-made, or they can be made from plasticine or from autumn berries. Horns are made by cutting the cabbage itself with a knife in the right places or folding its individual elements and inserting it into the lamb's head. Fasten everything with glue or toothpicks.

The clock is an alarm clock.

Already, many school institutions are holding exhibitions called Autumn Fantasy. Therefore, it is time for this occasion to make crafts from vegetables. For the second craft, take:

  • Toothpicks.
  • Round pumpkin.
  • Eggplant.

We cut the pumpkin on the side by 2-3 cm, not reaching the pulp and seeds. Cut off the stem from the eggplant. Then we cut another 5-6 cm from the nose and tail of the eggplant. We cut out Roman numerals from its peel. Clock hands can be made of plasticine. And we connect everything into an alarm clock with toothpicks.


  • We take to create crafts:
  • A couple of medium zucchini.
  • A couple of small zucchini.
  • Carrot.
  • Skewers or toothpicks.

From one zucchini we make the body of a helicopter, from the other - its wings. A small zucchini will go to the tail, and from a thin plate of the second small zucchini and a carrot ring we make blades.

Mushrooms in the field.

It is worth noting that making crafts for the autumn ball from vegetables is a real pleasure. To create the next craft, we need to take:

  • The basis is a box, cardboard, board.
  • Carrot, apple, potato, greens for grass, toothpicks.

On the basis, we first lay out grass from greenery, or from fallen leaves. Carrots will be mushroom legs, and we will make hats from potatoes and an apple. We fasten the legs and hats with toothpicks, if desired, you can decorate the mushrooms.


And this craft, probably, many have seen. But it's worth remembering again. Take:

  • Apples, carrots, greens. olives or other berries.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Base stand.

From apples connected with toothpicks, we make the body of a caterpillar, and from olives on toothpicks we get horns. We make a nose with eyes from plasticine or autumn berries. Carrot rings make excellent legs. Now it remains to place everything on the base and decorate as you please.

Cabbage lady.

Vegetable crafts made from vegetables are very popular in autumn. And thanks to this article, making them will be a real pleasure. You will need:

  • Cabbage head, red sweet pepper, carrot, parsley.
  • Hat.
  • Toothpicks.

We sculpt a composition from a head of cabbage, parsley and a hat, make a pretty face from olives, carrots, peppers.


We select material:

  • Cardboard base.
  • Elongated pumpkin.
  • Olives or grapes.
  • Carrots, apples, potatoes, mushrooms.
  • Toothpicks.

On the basis we place a clearing. We collect the hedgehog from potatoes, carrots and pumpkins, as in the figure. Now we attach the nose, eyes and thorns to it. And on the thorns we load fungi and apples, you can also leave.

Krosh from Smeshariki.

We make this character from:

Medium head of cabbage, a couple of cabbage leaves, zucchini, carrots, parsley.

A couple of zucchini rings will be the legs, put a cabbage head on them, it will be the body. From a pair of leaves, cut out the ears and insert them into the cuts on the head of cabbage. We also make pens from zucchini, you can put a carrot in one hand. From parsley and carrot tops we make hair for a hare. We make the eyes drawn or attach ready-made ones. We make a spout with teeth from the remaining material.

Spiny cactus.

If you are interested in vegetable crafts that you can make with your own hands to school, then this article was created especially for you. Here you will find, perhaps, a lot of interesting things. For example, to create the following craft, take:

  • Sweet pepper or potato.
  • Cucumber and toothpicks.

Cut 2/3 off potatoes. With a spoon we make a recess in the body of the potato, having scooped out the core, we make the edges carved. We prepare sweet pepper in the same way. This will be the pot. We insert a cucumber there and stick it with toothpicks, they will become thorns. The spines can be painted and the face of the cactus can be made from the remaining materials.

Magic carriage.

The hand-made carriage, as expected, is made from a pumpkin. She will also need:

  • Small squash 4 pcs, toothpicks.
  • For decoration - ribbons, rhinestones, beads. Flowers.

We cut out doors, windows in the pumpkin, put the squash as wheels (zucchini rings are also suitable if there are no squash). We decorate the carriage. If there is an opportunity to seat a coachman and horses, then we do it.


A variety of crafts can be made from vegetables. And you can be sure of this if you carefully study this publication. In general, to make a stroller you will need:

  • An elongated watermelon and a pair of pineapple rings.
  • A pair of zucchini or orange rings, 4 olives and toothpicks.

We scoop out the watermelon pulp, leaving the whole peel of the desired shape. The remaining peel will go to the handle. We make orange or squash wheels. Insert an olive or grape in the middle of each wheel. On the roof we make flowers from the pulp of watermelon or pineapple. All parts are fastened with toothpicks.

Candy pig.

  • Again an oblong watermelon, also buttons.
  • Pink felt and toothpicks.

Scooping out the pulp, we save the desired shape of the peel. With buttons we make a muzzle for a pig. Ears and tail will be felt. We make the legs from the remains of the peel of a watermelon.


Large eggplant or zucchini, sweet pepper (red), cabbage leaves 4 pcs.

Long skewers and toothpicks.

Cut out the shape of the boat with a knife. We make sails from skewers with cabbage leaves. And make a flag from red sweet pepper.


Peel a large pumpkin from pulp and seeds. You can decorate it with carvings to your liking, and fill it with vegetables, fruits, berries or nuts. And maybe candy.


This article also presents animal crafts from vegetables. There were such examples above and now it is worth giving one more. With some effort, you can make a wonderful cat. We clean the bulb carefully, keeping the antennae. We put it on the onion ring. With the help of small incisions we make the ears of the cat. We also cut out the eyes and mouth. The tail is made from improvised materials.

Helicopter with crocodile.

  • Zucchini zucchini, small cucumbers.
  • Carrots, slices, toothpicks.

In the zucchini we cut out the cabin. We make the tail and wings of the helicopter from cucumbers. The propeller will be beetroot. And the steering wheel with wheels is carrot. We make a crocodile from cucumbers. We put him in the cab and, if desired and possible, we attach a plastic protective glass in front of him in the cab. We make a hat with eyes and improvised material.

Eh, bastards...

They will need a couple of yellow and long zucchini. We clean the core from them, and make the peel in the form of bast shoes. You can scratch or draw the desired patterns on them.


We make a forest clearing from fallen leaves, greenery, rowan berries, branches and flowers, we plant our zucchini on it. Next, we make a peasant out of him - a forest man, as fantasy tells us, draw a face, put on a hat, make a beard.


If you want to know how to make crafts from vegetables, then in this article you can find a lot of interesting things. In order to make a frog, take:

Green apple, small cucumber, olive or dark grape, light grapes 5 pcs., toothpicks.

The apple will be the body, you just need to cut the mouth correctly. We fasten light grapes like arms and legs, eyes. We put on a cucumber crown on top.


Here you will need:

Carrot, cucumber, 1 large and 3 small grapes, zucchini ring, toothpicks.

The machine itself is made from cucumber. The wheels will be carrot. Peeled zucchini half ring for the booth. And the grapes will be the headlights.

Bear is clumsy.

To create a character, prepare:

3 oval potatoes, 1 medium potato, 1 small potato, toothpicks.

Connect 2 large potatoes to the head and body, cut heaps and legs from 3 large potatoes and connect to the body. A small potato is a barrel of honey, attach to your hand. Eyes and nose can be drawn.

Fly agaric.


  • Green zucchini, long pumpkin.
  • Colored paper and glue.
  • Plasticine.
  • Toothpicks.

Cut off the nose of the pumpkin, leaving 8-10 cm, this is for the hat. From the zucchini make a leg of the mushroom. Connect them together with toothpicks. The hat needs to be painted red and put white dots.

Make a face out of plasticine and colored paper.

The mouse is a minnow.

  • The melon is small.
  • Watermelon with white rind.
  • A pair of dark olives or grapes.
  • Toothpicks.

With a knife, scratch the eyes, nose and mouth on the watermelon, and scratch the antennae. Make pupils from olives or grapes by cutting them in half. And make a nose out of a whole olive or grape. Make ears from 2 halves of a melon.


Beautiful vegetable crafts will appeal to everyone without exception. Therefore, it is worthwhile to quickly make something unusual and beautiful. For the monkey you need:

Large and small oranges, pineapple, small white-skinned watermelon, a couple of olives, toothpicks.

We cut off the pineapple on both sides, connect it with the watermelon. On the watermelon, thinly outline the eyes. We fix the halves of the olives in the form of eyes. From a large orange we make a mouth and attach it to the head. We make a nose from an olive and also attach it to the head. From a small orange, make ears and attach them.


You need to find similar carrots, highly branched and add parts of the face from improvised materials to them.

  • Palms.
  • Sweet peppers green and red.
  • Orange.
  • Black and green olives.
  • Green beam.
  • Skewers.

Insert skewers into halved oranges and string olives along their entire length. From peppers we make the tops of palm trees. One palm tree can be made from an onion. Put olives on the tops of all palm trees.


Long pumpkin or zucchini yellow.

  • Green pumpkin, flat.
  • Small carrots 12 pcs.
  • The basis for the clearing.
  • Fallen leaves.
  • Toothpicks.

Cut a long pumpkin or zucchini and insert it into a flat one, cut it there too. Legs made from carrots. Next, we plant the spider in the clearing. We make eyes and a mouth from plasticine.


We cut out penguins from eggplants, make carrot faces for them, as well as paws and beaks.


It is easy to make from a few young zucchini. Wheels will be made from their rings. You can complement the image with chopsticks and also make a pipe and a nose out of carrots.


Thanks to our instructions, you will be able to make beautiful vegetable crafts for the exhibition. Pigs are made from potatoes, and pink is better. To it with pink plasticine we sculpt patches, ears, ponytails. Eyes are best sculpted from black plasticine. Then you can place them in a clearing or in a paddock.

Retro auto.

To the average length of the zucchini, you can attach cardboard wheels, a wire steering wheel, build a cabin from black cardboard and connect it to the zucchini.

Fairy fish.

Zucchini can be used not only beautiful and even, for example, with a curved tail, it is very suitable for creating a fabulous fish. Cardboard and plasticine with paints will also come in handy. And it will be possible to decorate it for every taste and color.

Festive service.

From 1 large and a pair of small pumpkins, you can make a tea pair with a teapot. Pieces of thin and bendable hose will help as a spout and handles. Pumpkins need to be freed from the pulp with seeds. Moreover, the cut off top of the teapot will serve as a lid for the teapot. For cups, their tops will become saucers. The next step is to decorate your service.

Cartoons - Smeshariki.

From potatoes, onions, apples and pears, as well as plasticine, zucchini and toothpicks, you can make a whole team of Smeshariki. The zucchini will become a car, and from each vegetable or fruit, make each of the cartoon characters.

Cabbage snowman.

So, from a couple of cabbages, of course, carrots (where without it), pepper, scarf and skewers, we build a snowman. We fasten the heads of cabbage together with a skewer, attach a carrot, put on a cap of pepper and tie a scarf, and the eyes and mouth can be made of plasticine.


  • A couple of long yellow zucchini,
  • Carrot.
  • Plasticine.
  • Cardboard base.

On the basis we make a clearing or a road. From one zucchini we make the basis of the tractor, and from the second - the cabin. We make wheels from zucchini rings. The carrot will become a pipe. Her rings will serve as a steering wheel and headlights. You can also make a plasticine man and put him in the cockpit.

Pumpkin - teremok.

We put the pumpkin in a clearing - a decorated cardboard base. Having selected the pulp from it, cut out windows and a door. Place grass on the roof. Then we decorate the house to your taste and possibilities.


We cut the zucchini with pumpkin, as necessary, connect them on the basis. A face can be made from berries, plasticine, beads. And decorate the snail with everything that is at hand - ribbons, beads, etc.


It will be convenient to cut a watermelon with a wood cutter. A carrot will make an excellent nose, and we make eyelids and eyes from improvised material.


As part of this article, the name of vegetable crafts was presented. All crafts are simple in their execution. This number also includes the latter. From 3 cucumbers, a head of cabbage, toothpicks and wire, an excellent turtle on the basis can come out. Cabbage must be cut for stability and from the same cucumber rings make your turtle shell. A third of the cucumber will go to the head. Glue bead or berry eyes on it, put on wire glasses. And you can sew or knit a tiny hat.

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Are you preparing for a traditional autumn exhibition in a kindergarten or school? Or maybe you just want to have fun and usefully take your baby on a rainy day? In this material, we have collected 80 photo ideas of cute and interesting crafts from vegetables and fruits for the little ones and older children.

  1. To connect the parts, use toothpicks, wooden skewers and pins.
  2. In the absence of special tools for carving (artistic cutting by fruit), to cut out small details, it is worth choosing a knife with the narrowest blade (for example, a penknife is suitable). Small holes in the peel are most accurately obtained with a drill or screwdriver.
  3. To prevent the fruits from darkening, a solution of vinegar, lemon juice or gelatin diluted in water should be sprayed onto the sections. If you want to carve details from carrots, soak them for a couple of hours in salt water, then they will become more plastic and stronger.
  4. If you make crafts using the carving technique (artistic cutting of fruits) or simply use cut fruits / vegetables, then you should start making crafts no earlier than a day before the start of the exhibition. If you want to make a craft in advance or extend its life as long as possible, use only whole, dense and slightly unripe fruits.
  5. Crafts from vegetables and fruits (with the exception of watery vegetables / fruits) can be stored for several days in cold water. Watery fruits will keep their beautiful appearance longer if they are periodically sprayed with water.

For decorating crafts, it is good to use plasticine, paper, marker, gouache, acrylic paints and all kinds of improvised materials.

  1. Kids up to 7 years old can and like to make simple figures of animals, funny little men and cartoon characters.

It is more interesting and useful for older children to make crafts that are more detailed and subordinate to any plot or idea. For example, a pirate should drive a ship made of zucchini, Cinderella should ride in a pumpkin carriage.

  1. Do you want to make a spectacular building that will delight the child and his friends? Make a craft of a large size, for example, based on a pumpkin, watermelon, tall zucchini or melon.
  2. Here is a list of traditional themes and ideas for children's fruit and vegetable crafts:
  • Towers, houses and castles;
  • Animals and insects;
  • Characters of fairy tales and cartoons from the Firebird to Shrek;
  • Still lifes of flowers, plants, mushrooms in baskets and vases;
  • Funny little people (for example, it can be a composition on the theme “My Family” or “Me and my friends”, etc.).

  • Types of transport (airplanes, ships, etc.);

  1. Unstable crafts are best mounted on a stand, such as cardboard, foam, or a shoe box lid.

Autumn vegetable crafts for the exhibition

  1. In addition to voluminous figures, you can try to make a mosaic of fruit and vegetable slices on a dish (then you don’t need to glue the craft) or on a framed board (then it’s better to use fruits / vegetables with dry pulp and attach them to pins or glue).

Vegetable Craft Ideas

From zucchini and eggplant

Zucchini is good for its variety of sizes, strong skin that holds its shape perfectly, and pulp that does not change color over time, unlike potatoes. Therefore, they are great for carving and making parts of various shapes, such as round wheels.

Zucchini makes excellent boats, ships and planes.

Thanks to the dark color of eggplants and their elongated shape, they make beautiful penguins, whales and ... zebras.

from a pumpkin

Pumpkins are simply made for children's creativity, because they are so bright, round, can be very large or miniature, their peel is easy to carve and remove the pulp.

A classic pumpkin craft story that every girl will love is Cinderella's carriage.

Also, pumpkins make good houses and towers.

Using several pumpkins of different sizes, you can make a big bear.

Want to make a fun pumpkin craft quick and easy? Just attach or cut eyes over the tail of the fruit, make a mouth, then put a hat or other accessories on the pumpkin. You will get something like this funny head.

from cucumbers

From cucumbers, you can make frogs or a princess frog and, of course, Gena the crocodile.

In combination with cucumber carrots, caterpillars, centipedes, snakes and mini-mobiles work well.

Cucumbers will also help out if the craft needs legs.

From potatoes

To make potatoes easier to cut and more plastic, it is advisable to keep them warm or at room temperature for 3-5 days. After cutting the potatoes, soak them in ice water for 20-30 minutes to remove the starch so that the cuts do not darken. In general, any figures can be created from potatoes.

In a pair of cucumber crocodile Gene, you can make potato Cheburashka.

from cauliflower

Cauliflower florets are ideal for making sheep and poodles.

from carrots

Carrots are bright and beautiful, but when cutting out details, they can break. To prevent this from happening and the fruits are easily cut, carrots should be used wilted or artificially wilted (keep the fruits in a warm place for a couple of days, and then restore by soaking in ice water).

The orange color makes carrots the best material for making giraffes, foxes and other "red" animals.

Here are a couple more cute carrot craft ideas for a kindergarten display.

And finally, we offer you to watch a video tutorial on how to make a craft from vegetables in the form of a hare with your own hands.

fruit craft ideas

From watermelon and melon

Melons and watermelons are the most suitable fruits for carving and making all kinds of crafts due to their shape, dense rind and color.

Many animals can be carved from watermelon rind, especially green turtles, frogs, dinosaurs, and the tabby Cheshire cat.

Baskets with beautiful handles and without them are easily made from half a watermelon. Inside the basket you can put fresh flowers, a bouquet of autumn leaves, flowers carved from fruits and vegetables.

Here are some more cool watermelon and melon craft ideas.

from apples

As we have already mentioned, in order for the slices of apples not to darken, they must be left in a solution of citric acid for 15-20 minutes and sprayed with it periodically.

Fruit craft for kindergarten

You can also cut small parts of various shapes from the peel of citrus fruits with scissors or metal baking tins.

From slices and slices of orange, tangerine, lemon and other citrus fruits, you can "write" pretty pictures and pictures.

From grapes

Grapes are well suited for making mini crafts, such as little men or caterpillars.

Grape canapes can be used as legs and arms, as a mane, hair or hedgehog needles as in the photo below.

Also, grapes are suitable for creating a dark or green background, as in this photo example.

from a banana

To make banana crafts, choose firm and slightly unripe fruits, and so that their peel does not turn black, do not put the fruit in the refrigerator, but store it at room temperature.

By the way, figures of dachshunds and dolphins are best obtained from bananas.

banana dolphins

And here is an excellent master class on how to make a craft from an orange in the form of a bear with your own hands.

DIY vegetable crafts are a very popular type of creativity. They are especially relevant in autumn. If you have a child, then, probably, various competitions at the school have already begun. Choosing vegetables for your crafts is a great idea. And if you supplement them with natural materials or the simplest decor, you can create real masterpieces.

Earlier we told you what carving is. If you have a special knife, you can combine it with vegetable crafts. Then they will definitely be unique. However, you can do without it. It all depends on how serious the competition is. If creativity is exclusively homemade, then too complex patterns, perhaps, are useless.

We have tried to make the most complete selection. Potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, corn and other vegetables - in this article you will find lessons on creating crafts from a variety of crops.

By the way, some ideas may be useful to parents of little fussy. If your child refuses to eat vegetables, try to surprise him with a cucumber or carrot animal or a man that can be eaten. Here are also collected crafts for the smallest, which can be made for kindergarten.

Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and dried. All the necessary details are best prepared immediately. Get inspired, harvest and go!

Snail: zucchini + pumpkin

Even a child of elementary school age can do this craft. True, you will have to help him a little.

We will need:

  • pumpkin;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • rowan or other berries;
  • corrugated paper and cardboard;
  • leaves;
  • toothpicks;
  • additional decor.

On the pumpkin with a spoon, make a notch in the form of a shell. We cut out circles from corrugated paper: for a hat and for hiding the joint between vegetables. We fasten the zucchini and pumpkin together with toothpicks. To make snail horns, we also use toothpicks, and decorate them with berries.

A snail's face can be made from artificial eyes or completely made from berries. The snail is best placed on a cardboard box so that the design is stable.

It is not a shame to bring such a funny vegetable craft to the competition. She looks very cool!

Boat: eggplant + onion

This craft can be done with a child in kindergarten. Just keep in mind that the onion is not stored for a very long time, and therefore an unpleasant odor can come from it.

We will need:

  • eggplant;
  • 2 onions;
  • colored paper;
  • toothpicks;
  • cardboard box.

Cut the eggplant in half, and then scoop out the inside of the vegetable with a spoon. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the peel and not violate the integrity of the walls.

We take toothpicks and glue a piece of paper on each of them to make a paddle. They will need to be stuck into the bow so that the vegetables are automatically fixed in the eggplant, and the craft is stable.

You can add decor to the bow using colored paper and PVA glue.

Merry little men: assorted

For this fun craft, you can use any vegetable. The main thing is that one is elongated, and another 3-4 are round. You can make such a car with funny little men with your own hands for a school competition.

We will need:

  • vegetable marrow;
  • potato;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper.

All small details and decor will be made of plasticine. True, it sticks to a smooth peel very badly, so it is best to take rough vegetables.

We need to use one zucchini completely, and from the second we need to cut 4 round wheels. Attach them with toothpicks.

Some colored paper decorations can be glued on with PVA glue. Do this only with vegetables that you do not plan to eat.

If your child is very small, put ready-made figurines from kinder surprises in the car from the zucchini.

carrot bunny

With just one carrot, you can make a very cute bunny with your own hands. This craft is good as a trick to get the child to start eating carrots.

We will need:

  • carrot;
  • plasticine;
  • paper.

Carrots take a long and thick. We need to cut off 4 identical circles from it. From above, divide the carrot into 2 halves - these will be the ears.

Cut out the paws from the circles with a sharp knife. We make an incision in the center of the carrot so that paper can be placed there and a semblance of teeth can be formed. We make eyes and a nose from plasticine. We fasten all the details on toothpicks or half toothpicks.

If you plan to eat a bunny, make eyes out of berries or pieces of bright vegetables.

shark cucumber

This craft can be made to eat on the same day. If you want to submit it to a competition, carving a shark out of a zucchini is the best bet.

We will need:

  • cucumber;
  • radish;
  • any decor.

You can make an imitation of algae from cucumbers or paper. You can chop our future fish on a fork (even a plastic one).

Cucumber should be taken slightly curved. We will need to take another vegetable - from it we use only the peel. From it we cut out the fins and tail. On the main part of the craft we make deep cuts. We insert small details into them.

Slice the front of the cucumber deep. So that you can insert half a radish, a piece of pepper or a tomato there - we need to form the mouth of a shark. It is very convenient to fix the fish on toothpicks.

Such crafts can be a great decoration for a festive table.

cucumber cactus

This cactus is a craft for the little ones. In kindergarten or in 1st grade - that's it.

We will need:

  • 2 cucumbers;
  • big pepper;
  • dill;

It will be great to find a cucumber with a flower. If not, take a decorative one. Cut two parts of the pepper. Insert one cucumber in the center. Cut the second cucumber in half diagonally. Attach the two pieces with toothpicks.

To make needles, take dill or other herbs. Let's just take sticks. Stick them into the cucumbers from all sides.

You can decorate the pepper pot with onions or peppers of a different color. You can attach parts to dill if the pepper is soft. If not, use toothpicks.

Such homemade cacti can also be a wonderful decoration for a festive table. Especially at a children's party.

Flowers from corn

It is reasonable to make this craft edible. That is, for its manufacture, it is best to take already boiled corn. Although if you are planning to make something for a kindergarten or school competition, then the idea can be used as an independent one or as an addition to a large craft.

We will need:

  • corn;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • culinary skewers;
  • flower pots.

Pots can be replaced with ordinary mugs. Insert a zucchini into the center. We string the corn on skewers, thread them as deep as possible.

If you have a shaped vegetable cutter, you can easily make flowers from carrots, turnips, or any hard vegetables.

carrot pirate

Crafts from vegetables can become very original if you come up with an interesting decor. Moreover, you can create it from ordinary threads and colored paper. Hat, hairstyle, funny outfit - you will get something completely unusual.

We will need:

  • thick carrots;
  • threads;
  • cardboard;
  • paints;
  • insulating tape;
  • marker.

Using a knife, form the nose, eyes and mouth of the future pirate on the carrots. Cut off the top so that the vegetable can be put.

Draw the eyes and mouth with a marker. We make an eye patch and a pirate hat from cardboard. We wrap the threads with electrical tape. The saber must be cut out of cardboard, and everything else must be painted with paints.

By the way, this craft can be used for a children's Halloween party.

Horse: zucchini + carrots

This craft is perhaps the most difficult in our selection. However, this is only in appearance. It's actually quite easy to put vegetables together and form such a figure.

We will need:

  • 2 small zucchini;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 4 potatoes of the same size;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • twigs;
  • finished basket;
  • cardboard box;
  • wire;
  • toothpicks;
  • any decor.

First, let's prepare the zucchini. If they are too big, cut off the excess. Take a closer look at the main part of the craft: the zucchini consists of two parts. They are fastened together with many toothpicks stuck in the pulp. In the same way, we fasten the zucchini-head with the zucchini-body.

Prepare the carrot and trim it from both ends. We need 4 identical blanks. Make indentations in potatoes and zucchini, insert "legs" with toothpicks.

We make a harness for a horse from twigs fastened with wire. We simply wrap the basket and put it on a small cardboard elevation. Wheels are made from carrots. We fill the beauty basket itself with various vegetables and natural materials.

This craft of vegetables definitely deserves the first place in the creative contest!

eggplant penguins

For this craft, you only need one vegetable and just a couple of minutes of free time.

We will need:

  • eggplant or zucchini;
  • sharp knife;
  • toy eyes.

We attach the eyes to the tail of the eggplant with superglue. We cut off the concave part of the vegetable to expose the "belly" of the penguin. On the side we make two cuts to form the wings. We cut off the round part from the second end so that the vegetable can be put. From it we form paws.

This craft is sure to please the little ones.

pumpkin house

This pumpkin craft will be great any time, but it will be especially relevant for Halloween. Its advantage is that it can be stored for a long time - the pumpkin almost does not rot at all.

We will need:

  • large resistant gourd;
  • sharp knife;
  • toothpicks;
  • natural materials;
  • any figurines.

Earlier, we already told you how to prepare a pumpkin for creating crafts. Here we act in the same way. The vegetable must be carefully cleaned from the inside, washed and dried, and only then proceed to the craft.

We will make a window from toothpicks. We cut off the top cover and glue any branches, leaves or rowan berries to it.

We install the design on the lid of the cardboard box, and place toy figures of animals around.

This craft is perfect for participating in a competition in elementary school.

Potato Cheburashka

With just one or two potatoes, you can make a lot of different crafts. It is enough just to supplement them with original details.

We will need:

  • 1 large potato;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

Cut the vegetable into circles of the same thickness. We fasten the parts with toothpicks. The muzzle is formed from plasticine. You can decorate the craft with popcorn or a flower.

If you are afraid that the potatoes will darken, because the craft will have to be stored for more than one day, do it from whole tubers. Form exactly the same figure. Make ears and paws from halves of small potatoes, turning them with the peel outward.

This vegetable craft is good for both kindergarten and elementary school.

We hope you've been inspired by this collection of ideas. Repeat them completely or come up with something of your own. Complement vegetable crafts with fruits, leaves, and various decorations. Collect simple figures from large vegetables if your child is very small. Or try carving if you're aiming for first place in a school competition. Create with pleasure and have fun in the process!

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With the onset of autumn and harvest time, people with a rich imagination have the opportunity to show their skills by making eggplants, melons, zucchini. Such handmade items perfectly decorate the dining table.

Children's eggplant crafts: o scripture

Such crafts are very fond of children. They are happy to help their parents and even express a desire to try their hand at making animal figurines from pumpkin, lemon, and watermelon. And eggplant crafts are very original and unusual. But such work requires careful handling of the knife. Therefore, it is impossible to trust children to cut out without the help of adults. It is best to take on the manufacture of crafts that consist of several parts. When all the elements are ready, the child can easily assemble the entire product without any risk of getting cut with a knife. This handmade eggplant craft will delight not only kids, but also their parents. Such activities will bring together, play a positive role in education.


I wonder what eggplant crafts can be done with children? Variety. It all depends on the imagination of those who undertake this exciting activity. Carved eggplant penguins look original. These crafts are positive, as they cause a smile and admiration. You can try to make such a miracle right now. Even if it's winter outside, fresh eggplant is sold in many grocery stores.

So, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose the brightest eggplant. It should be noted that the color resembles the coloring of real penguins. Under no circumstances should the tail of an eggplant be cut off. This part of the vegetable will be the head of the penguin.
  2. Put a picture of a penguin in front of you and, with maximum accuracy and accuracy, begin to cut out an oval with a sharp knife, which will indicate the bird's tummy.
  3. Eyes can be made by making triangular cuts or pricking round berries into half a toothpick.
  4. On the sides of the eggplant crafts, you need to make wings: make cuts and bend them away from the body. The penguin is ready.

When there is a desire and vegetables are at hand, you can please the baby and ask him to make another figure with his own hands. Of course, in this matter, the help of parents will also be required to make beautiful eggplant penguins. These crafts will decorate the room for a while and will be excellent companions for the baby. He will remember his favorite cartoon "Penguins from Madagascar". And when the eggplants begin to dry out and become unusable, you can tell the child that his friends went on a long journey.


With the same success, you can make eggplant crafts in the form of figures of other animals and animals. A zebra carved from an eggplant will look very elegant. The purple skin of the vegetable is carefully cut into strips. You will need two eggplants: the head of the animal is formed from one, and the second will serve as the body. The main thing to pay special attention to is the similarity of what is intended. Imagination and image in front of your eyes while working on the product will allow you to make a real small work of art.

An eggplant craft made with your own hands will not last long, but it will please both children and adults, although not for a very long time. And for its manufacture you do not need to stock up on a large number of tools, just one sharp knife is enough.


You can make a vase that will serve as a real container for a bouquet of flowers. Take an eggplant and cut off the top. Remove the entire core of the vegetable. Cut off the other edge of the eggplant as well - this is the base on which the future vase will firmly stand. Now you can decorate the craft with patterns, depicting waves, dots, dashes, zigzags, triangles. In general, everything that fantasy tells.


If dad has already done a lot of crafts with the baby, the child can be trusted to make a boat out of eggplant. Attach a cabbage leaf sail to it. But only all this - under the supervision of parents.

What else can come from this original purple vegetable? Anything! Fantasy must be included. Such activities using unusual materials develop the child's creative abilities and make him think creatively.

Other animals

From eggplant, you can cut a dachshund dog, a black poodle, a whale, a proud swan. For such figures, not only these vegetables, but a whole garden will come in handy! For a swan, plumage will be needed, and Beijing cabbage is perfect for this. The beak can be made from red pepper.

Funny cars and exciting races

And no one arranged races on cars made of vegetables? This is a fun activity! A competition is announced for the best machine, which the children themselves make from what has grown in the beds. Everything will be used: zucchini and pumpkins, eggplants and cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. Flight of creativity and fantasy! So, the cars turned out to be unusual, with and without cabins, on wheels and on wings from the future. And now we need the riders themselves. And again they take knives in their hands and cut out little men, fairy-tale characters. When everything is ready, everyone talks about the technical capabilities of their racing machines. The game is in full swing! There are stories about how many game racers have won, what awards each of them has. It is not the races themselves that should become the main ones, but the ability to communicate, tell and listen to the interlocutor.


Such games will help children to be liberated, develop many qualities of character, and will help them in further learning. Let the crafts be done not quite at a professional level, because the kids only master everything, the main thing is that they will learn to follow safety precautions, they will understand that it is possible to work with dangerous objects only if you follow all the rules.

Another important educational point: let the kids participate in the process of growing vegetables from the very beginning. Let them examine the seeds of each crop, learn how to properly plant them in the ground, water and care for the growing fruits. Then the joy that everything will be grown with your own hands will be huge.