Dense patterns from lush crochet stitches. Patterns from lush columns. Technique of knitting a lush column

Hand-made today has already ceased to be an occupation exclusively for housewives. On handmade items you can make good money. Crochet is a truly feminine hobby. As a result of painstaking work, craftswomen receive marvelous things - scarves, jackets, shawls and even coats. A voluminous column (one of the basic elements) will help not only to master the technique of knitting, but also to get cozy, warm things.

Technique of knitting a lush column

Lush columns in other sources are also called "puffs" or "bumps". These are several simple posts, knitted from one loop of the base and one at the top. The pattern itself is not used, only for weaving large canvases. The more elements are knitted from the base, the more magnificent the product will be. The main thing to pay attention to is the thread tension. Empirically, the tension of the yarn is achieved so that the pattern does not tighten the fabric, but at the same time looks uniform and keeps its shape.

Any yarn will work. The pattern turns out to be airy, but for the product you need to take threads with a margin - 1.5 times more. A soft and voluminous thread that holds its shape well is best suited for this. Due to the simplicity of execution and openwork pattern, this ornament is often used for large items - snoods, scarves, blankets. 2 more elements that you need to master before you get started: an air pigtail and a crochet. These elements are the basis of the lessons.


  • lush column - P / ST;
  • double crochet - ST / N;
  • column - ST;
  • nakid - H;
  • air loop - VP.

For training you will need:

  • yarn(it is better to take a bright and thick thread);
  • hook with a number corresponding to the thickness of the thread.

Operating procedure for a rapport of three double crochets:

  1. Tie a chain of VP - 15-20 cm.
  2. Perform 2 VPs to move to the next row.
  3. Make 1 H and insert the hook into the extreme loop of the base row.
  4. Pull the working thread through the loop. There will be 3 loops left on the hook: elongated, yarn over, working.
  5. Pull the thread through the extended loop and yarn over. There will be 2 loops on the hook: a new one and a working one. This will be 1 ST / N.
  6. Repeat steps 3-4-5 2 more times.
  7. 4 loops will form on the hook: a working one and 3 new loops from the posts.
  8. Pull yarn through all 4 loops. Rapport is ready.
  9. Knit 1 VP so that the pattern does not warp.

The photo shows how to crochet a fluffy column (knitting pattern):

Rapports can be connected in different ways, forming flowers, stars, braids, chess or fan patterns - you can’t count them all. The ability to read different - knitting patterns - will provide the craftswoman not only with work, but also with beautiful things.

The photo shows simple ornament, but the scheme for connecting loops into one differs from that described. The result is a completely different pattern on the product.

How to knit

The voluminous column is not suitable for small delicate products. But warm cozy things from it turn out simply magnificent.

How to crochet snood with lush columns

Snood (scarf-pipe, scarf-collar) is a wide scarf that is connected into one large letter "O". A very handy item to have in your wardrobe. It can be worn over outerwear or worn over a jacket or cardigan. Snood serves as an excellent insulation and decoration. His versatility was appreciated not only by women but also men. A variety of colors and ease of implementation made snood an excellent object for practical training for beginner craftswomen.

Asterisks are a popular ornament in knitting patterns. Asterisks keep their shape well, so they often become a pattern for knitted handbags, clutches, or baskets. Such products are made from spaghetti cotton yarn.

The order of work for making a control sample of the pattern from the stars:

Row number 1.

  1. Dial a chain from the VP multiple of 5 plus one (first) loop.
  2. Knit 4 ch lifts.
  3. In the third loop of the base, knit a lush pattern of 3 elongated loops (st. No. 1).
  4. Knit 3 VP and make 1 P / ST at the top of st. No. 1. Do not close the top. The loops must remain on the hook.
  5. Knit 2 more P / ST: in 3 and in 7 loops of the base row. After that, you need to stretch the working thread through all the loops.
  6. Knit 3 VP and repeat the rapport, starting from p. 3 to the end of the row.

Row number 2.

  1. Work 4 ch ups plus 3 ch to start the next repeat.
  2. Knit 3 P / ST: the first in the 4th lifting loop, the second - in the last column of the previous row, the third - in the middle of the star.
  3. Pull yarn through all loops.

The pattern will begin to be drawn only after knitting the second row.

Snood turns out so beautiful that no additional decorations are needed.

How to knit a hat from melange threads

With the modern variety of yarn, it is difficult to say: take such a thread and cast on so many loops. Therefore the masters it is advised to tie a control sample for the correct calculation. The fragment will help to calculate the number of rapports and understand how the product will look on these threads.

Too thin or lint-free yarn will not look beautiful in a lush ornament. But it should be remembered that the yarn, which contains mohair, does not dissolve. So it should be taken with a margin if you are not completely sure of your skill.

Operating procedure execution of the control sample: 3 columns with crochets (without pulling the thread):

  1. dial a chain of 10 VP;
  2. dial 3 lifting VP and 1 to rotate the pattern;
  3. make 1 H and insert the hook into the air loop of the previous row;
  4. pull the thread through the loop: now you have 3 loops on the hook - new, yarn over and old;
  5. again make 1 N, put the hook into the base loop and pull the thread through it - there are 5 loops on the hook;
  6. repeat p. 3 - 7 loops on the hook;
  7. pull the working thread through all the loops - the rapport is ready.

The number of EPs between rapports depends on how dense the pattern will be. The amount can be calculated empirically.

For a hat, you can take melange yarn in pastel shades - such looks very feminine.

Product knitting:

  • measure the circumference of your head and knit an elastic band for the base on the knitting needles (the elastic bands tighten better with the knitting needles);
  • tie the last edge of the elastic with a simple column;
  • start knitting according to the scheme of the main pattern;
  • at the end of the work, pull off the edge with one thread and sew on the pompom.

If you do not need a hat that is too warm, you can also knit a simpler pattern from fine yarn. their mods never come out.

The horizontal fluffy column is another pattern loved by many craftswomen. The base is still the same, but the general rapports from the columns seem to fall on the canvas. From such patterns, “spikelets” or “pigtails” are obtained. It all depends on which loop of the base the next row is knitted.

sample example for knitting horizontal P / ST:

  1. Knit a chain from the VP. You do not need to make a loop for the transition.
  2. In the first st of the base row and work 3 st/n. Connect everything in 1 loop.
  3. Yarn over, insert hook into 4 sts of previous row and pull through all sts.
  4. In the same loop, knit the rapport from paragraph 3.
  5. Continue knitting according to the scheme to the end of the row.
  6. Knitting in the reverse order is done according to the same pattern. The columns are knitted from the same loop as in the previous row.

With a horizontal ornament, you can not only knit a fabric, but also make an original neckline on a cardigan, as shown in the photo.

Materials:900 g of ADELIA "SUSAN" yarn (100% acrylic, 125m/50g) dark pink, light pink and gray. Hook number 3.5.
Size: 110 x 75 cm
Performance:The plaid is made with a pattern according to the scheme. The first row of the RLS pattern is auxiliary. For this plaid with gray yarn, 139 VPs were scored (136 + 2 + 1). In total, 68 rapports of the pattern were obtained.
Knit the 1st auxiliary row of RLS and 2 more rows of the pattern with gray yarn. Then every next 2 rows change the color of the yarn, alternating gray, dark pink and light pink. It is also desirable to finish the plaid in gray. Tie the finished blanket around the perimeter with one row of RLS.
Note.In this pattern, starting from the 3rd row, when making crossed columns, it is better to insert the hook not into the tops of the columns of the previous row, but into the gaps between the columns of the previous row. In this case, the resulting "braid" of crossed columns will look more spectacular.

A pattern in which CH and a lush column intersect.
When the first row of crossed columns in this pattern is already connected, in the next row, when making columns, it is better to insert the hook into the gap between the columns of the previous row (and not into the tops of the columns). In this case, the resulting "braids" are more beautifully intertwined with each other.


Lush column (PSh) . (It corresponds to 3-4 lifting VPs or 1 extended VP to the height of the row). Yarn over, insert the hook into the loop of the previous row, grab the working thread and pull up a loop 1-1.5 cm long (this is repeated 3-5 times, inserting the hook into the same loop of the previous row). The more yarns, the more magnificent the column. Grab the working thread, pull it through all the loops and yarns on the hook at the same time.

Lush column (fixed, with a fixed top) . The same lush column, just finish it in two steps. First, pull the thread through all the long loops of the magnificent column, and then grab the working thread again and pull it through the remaining 2 loops.

1. When making yarn overs and pulling up loops, hold the loops and yarns already cast on on the hook. If you don’t do this, then while pulling out the next loop from the canvas, previously cast on loops and yarns may decrease in height (I sometimes say “the column has shriveled” - it seems to me this word very accurately reflects the essence of the process) and the magnificent column will turn out to be small (low ) and not expressive.
2. Lush columns look much more beautiful when they are high (did you notice that they correspond to 4 VP lifts?), expressive and, sorry for the tautology - lush.
3. How many times to yarn over and pull out a loop (3, 4 or 5) depends on your desire, on the thread from which you knit, on your knitting emphasis. When knitting the sample, try the columns with different numbers of loops and yarns, and then choose the option that you like best.
4. Which stitches to knit - just fluffy or fluffy with a fixed top, most often it doesn’t matter (which ones you like to knit more - knit those). Sometimes the crochet literature doesn't even make these distinctions. But from practice, I made a few conclusions:
- if in the next row the columns are knitted, inserting a hook between the lush columns of the connected row, then it doesn’t matter how the lush columns are made;
- if in the next row the columns are made to the tops of the connected magnificent columns, then they are best done with a fixed top. Since in this case the top of the magnificent column turns out to be more pronounced, clear and it will be easier to knit the column of the next row into it.
5. In general, for patterns where there are a lot of lush columns, it is better to take light, soft, elastic threads. In cotton, in my opinion, lush columns do not look very good.

Let's look at 4 more patterns.

Pattern "Asterisks"

This pattern is similar to the one I knitted. Only there was knitting in a circle. And here is a diagram of the presented pattern.

Scheme of the pattern with lush columns "Asterisks"

We collect a chain of air loops.

First row. Having connected four lifting air loops, we knit a magnificent column of 3 elongated loops into the third loop of the initial chain.

We knit 3 air loops and make a magnificent column at the top of the first such column.

Without closing the loops of this magnificent column, we leave them on the hook and knit 2 more magnificent columns (one in the 3rd loop of the initial chain, and the other in the 7th).

Now we stretch the thread through all the loops on the hook.

At the end of the row, we knit 2 lush columns and a column with two crochets in the last loop.

We start the second row again with four lifting air loops, then we knit another 3 VP and 3 lush columns: the first - in the 4th lifting loop, the second - in a column with 2 crochets of the first row, the third - in the middle of the "asterisk" (see photo). Then pull the thread through all the lush columns.

Having knitted two rows, you will get such a pattern. Then repeat the first and second rows.

Pattern with lush columns "Bird's feet"

This pattern is not as dense as the previous one.

Scheme of the pattern "Bird's feet" with lush columns

We collect air loops. The rapport is equal to 10 loops, that is, you need to dial the number of loops that is a multiple of 10 + 3 loops.

In the diagram, the 1st row of single crochets. It is not in my sample, I immediately began to knit a pattern.

3 lifting VP, * 1 VP, 1 st.s / n, 2 VP, 1 st.b / n, 1 VP, 1 st.b / n, 2 VP, 1 st.s / n * (repeat from * to *), 1 VP, 1 st.s / n.

Knit the next row as follows: 1 VP, * 1 stb / n, 2 VP, 3 lush columns in one loop, and between them 1 VP, 2 VP *, repeat from * to *. Finish the row with 2 st.b / n.

Continue knitting according to the scheme.

Knitting with lush columns of the Leaves pattern

As usual, knit a chain from the VP.

1 row: 3 VP, double crochet in the 1st p., 1 VP, 1 st.b / n in the 4th p., 1 VP, 3 st.s / n with a common base in the 7th p. Etc.

2nd row: 1 lifting VP, * 1 st.b / n, 1 fluff st. in st.b / n of the previous row, 3 VP, 1 full st. in the same loop as the first *. Repeat from * to *.

How pleasant to the touch is a lush knitted fabric. This knitting will make an excellent scarf, shawl, plaid and many other warm things. Crochet patterns from lush columns just from this series. For knitting lush columns, a thin woolen thread, which includes mohair or angora, is better suited. Yarn consumption increases significantly when knitting with lush columns, but when you feel a voluminous knitted fabric, you will forget about this minus.

At the beginning of knitting, it is necessary to dial a chain, but not from air loops, but from lush columns. To knit the first fluffy column, make an initial loop, then knit one air loop and pull it up to 2 cm long, then * yarn over on the hook, enter it into the first air loop and, grabbing the working thread, pull up the second long loop, repeat from * more 2-3 times. Try to pull long loops to the same length. After pulling a bunch of long loops onto the hook, grab the working thread and knit all the long loops on the hook, then grab the working thread again and knit an air loop that secures the fluffy column.

So, the first fluffy column is knitted, to knit the second, pull out a new long loop, * yarn over and insert the hook into the air loop that secures the first fluffy column, grab the working thread and pull out the second long loop, repeat from * 2-3 more times. Knit a bunch of elongated loops and make one air loop that secures the lush column.

Knit a chain of lush columns for the length of the product, knitting each next as the second. Knit lush columns freely, for this the working thread from the ball should not be stretched - unwind it more authentically. Knit one fluffy column as lifting loops for knitting the first row.

First row start knitting by pulling out a bunch of long loops from a magnificent lifting column, without knitting a column and leaving all the elongated loops on the hook, start pulling out long loops for the second column. To do this, * yarn over the hook, insert it between the last columns of the initial chain, grab the working thread and pull out a long loop, repeat from 2-3 more times.

When a bunch of long loops is formed on the hook for the second column, grab the working thread and knit all the long loops of the two puffy columns together and make an air loop securing the two puffy columns together. Thus, two lush columns are knitted together - with one top.

When you finish the row by knitting the last two fluffy columns together, turn the work and form one fluffy column of rise to start the second row. Further from him knit second row of pattern, as well as the first: knitting together two lush columns, the first, forming from the last air loop, the second from the air loop between the lush columns of the previous row.

In each row, one lush column is located horizontally, the other vertically, and a lush lattice pattern is obtained.

This pattern is easy to knit fabric, forming it into any shape. If you need to make a decrease, skip knitting a horizontal fluffy column, forming only a vertical one. If you need to make an addition, knit two vertical fluffy columns from one point, and a horizontal one between them.

Who does not like holes in the resulting pattern, you can tie it tighter, for this, adding a lush column that will be located diagonally. Here it is necessary to knit three magnificent columns together.

To start knitting, also dial a chain of lush columns + 1 lift. For the first row, form the first bouffant stitch by pulling long stitches from the end stitch of the incline stitch and leave a bunch of stitches on the hook. For the second puff stitch, pull up long loops from the angle between the instep post and the last puff stitch of the chain, leave a bunch of loops on the hook. For the third puff stitch, pull long loops from the point between the last and penultimate puff stitch of the chain.

It is difficult to imagine all the diversity crochet patterns!

We recently wrote about this crochet, like a magnificent column. How can you use fluffy crochet post in your work? You probably guess that this is an indispensable element, and also knitting fluffy column applied in crochet patterns.

Patterns from lush crochet posts quite numerous. Lush crochet post looks quite textured and therefore on its basis it is possible to form beautiful crochet flowers, various kinds crochet spikelets and others three-dimensional crochet patterns.

Convex crochet patterns does not have to belong to a group tight crochet patterns- Sometimes crochet patterns from lush columns I am also openwork.

So, let's see how to crochet puff stitch patterns:

1. Crochet flower pattern from lush columns, schemes and a video master class from Galina Belikova.

2. Crochet bifurcating lush columns, video master class from Lilia Ulanova.

3. Spikelet patterns from lush crochet columns, diagrams and video master class from Galina Belikova.

4. Pattern openwork lush columns crochet, from Lilia Ulanova.

5. Pattern "Asterisks" from lush crochet columns, video master class from the channel MamochkinKanal.

6. Pattern "Houndstooth" from lush crochet posts, diagrams and video master class from Galina Belikova.

7. Openwork pattern with lush crochet posts by Anna Andrienko.

8. Simple openwork pattern of lush columns from the channel "Crochet and knitting lessons".

9. A pattern of lush columns of the scheme and a video master class from Galina Belikova.

All video tutorials on knitting patterns with lush columns you will find under the cut:

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