Do-it-yourself surprise gift for the new year. DIY Christmas gifts: simple ideas. DIY paper Christmas gifts: cones and an angel

New Year's Eve is in three days! This thought makes me want to scream the letter "A". I always run out of time. And I want everything around to be beautiful and elegant. It's good that there are wonderful people in the world who share their ideas on how to do it easily and quickly, with their own hands .. I hope they will please you too. With coming!

What's a holiday without sweets?

Marmalade figurines in a jar of sugar. For eyes and buttons, you can use cake sprinkles and glazed seeds

Sweet decoration. Place about five round lollipops in the shape of a circle. Moisten the next circle of sweets with water or syrup so that it sticks to the bottom circle. Garnish with cinnamon or powdered sugar. Let dry for two or three hours.

Cookies are the best toys for the Christmas tree. That's just, they will not decorate for a long time)

Sausage boots. One sausage makes one pair.


Oh no... They're melting! In an oven preheated to 400 degrees, put marshmallows on a cracker. Cover the baking sheet with foil so that the marshmallows do not darken. Bake 11 min. At this time, paint the heads of snowmen. Put the heads on the heated marshmallow and press down. Cooled snowmen can be decorated as you like.

If you know how to cook, here's another melting snowman cookie idea for you.

From woolen pompoms you can make such a wonderful snowman in a felt hat. Add a loop to the hat and it will become a decoration for the Christmas tree.

Something like a snowman. Perhaps it will come out prettier if you use round skeins of thread.

Funny faces for a snowman You can print and glue on the top ball of white thread.

Snowmen on the street can blush their cheeks. Mix five drops of red food coloring with a cup of water, then use a spray bottle to apply to the snowman's cheeks.
The second snowman made of ice cream balls in coconut.

Christmas trees

Christmas trees from old magazines. Incredibly effective at minimal cost. In the photo on the right, the First Lady of America teaches children how to make such Christmas trees. Here is a video tutorial on making such Christmas trees from Martha Stewart.

And these are very simple Christmas trees, but in a large number of them a beautiful spruce forest is obtained. Their special charm is the gifts inside. The authors made their forest in five sizes and from several shades of green. If the Christmas trees are made of thick paper, then it is better to use double-sided tape for gluing and additionally strengthen the seam from the inside with ordinary tape. Cones pattern.

This is a wonderful example of a New Year's lottery.

Print the first page of the template, then on the back of the same sheet a page with a background image. Cut the strips, glue in the indicated places. An arrow with a circle indicates the beginning of the puncture. pass a wooden stick through these places. glue the apples on top. Stick Christmas trees in cupcakes.

Candy tree. We need a styrofoam cone. toothpicks and soft candies.
The second option is simpler, but not as beautiful.

Your whole family will probably be involved in the creation of this Christmas tree. We take an apron (preferably white), fabric paints and hands of all sizes.

Christmas tree decorations

Anyone guessed it was pasta?

Snowflake designs are only limited by your imagination. Just use a good strong glue. Lay the snowflakes out on wax paper to dry. Move them periodically to prevent sticking to the paper. When dry, they can be painted, but overdo it otherwise the pasta will soften and lose its “marketable” appearance. At the end, you can lightly walk on them with a brush with glue and sprinkle with sparkles.

Garlands of cones and other natural materials. Rope is also better to use from natural fibers. For example, in this embodiment, the cord is made of hemp.

Lovely jewelry from Martha Stewart.


Very simple 3D postcards

Use child labor) Of course, if you have children) Is it possible to buy such postcards? Grandparents will be happy.
here . Glue two large pom poms together. Download and print templates for legs and ears, cut out. Using the templates as a template, cut out 2 ear shapes from pink felt, and 2 legs from white.

List of New Year's wishes on a spool of thread.

I wish you a wonderful new year!

New Year is on the list of holidays that are dearly loved not only by children, but also by adults. They look forward to it and believe that on this day something magical and fabulous will happen. The main tradition of this holiday is the exchange of gifts with friends and relatives. It is pleasant for someone to give gifts, for someone, on the contrary, to receive, but in any case, each person asks the question of choosing a gift. Consider, how to make gifts for the New Year 2017 with your own hands.

When choosing gifts, the main task is to find an unusual and original present. Of course, modern stores offer a wide range of various interesting things, but it's much more pleasant to make original gifts for the New Year with your own hands.

Christmas photo frame

A photo frame is a fairly common gift, so it can also be given for the New Year holidays, casting aside doubts. She will always remind loved ones of your love for them and, of course, please the eye. There are a lot of advantages in such a gift, the main of them is ease of implementation. The frame can be decorated with any decorative elements that seem suitable to you.

For work you will need:
  • Any frame;
  • Beads, rhinestones, sequins;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or photograph;
  • Coating varnish.
Manufacturing principle:

As a basis, you can take any frame: wooden, plastic or metal. In addition to it, you will need various beads, rhinestones, sparkles, glue and varnish for coating. From felt you need to cut out snowflakes, each of its own size and color. Also, a cardboard base is useful for work, on which wishes will be written or a photograph pasted. Glass can be used as desired. A cardboard base should be attached to the frame, snowflakes, beads and other decorations should be glued to it. At the end of the work, apply varnish and allow the product to dry. Such a gift will become a pleasant and warm memory for those to whom it is intended.

Other DIY Christmas Frame Ideas:

DIY Christmas photo frame

A regular frame sprinkled with sparkles is a cool do-it-yourself souvenir

DIY Christmas tree

A homemade Christmas tree is a gift that anyone will surely like. It is unique in that it is able to create a real New Year's atmosphere and will perfectly replace a large real spruce. After all, some people do not always manage to put this tree and decorate it.

For work you will need:
  • Paper, drawing paper or cardboard;
  • Tinsel;
  • small toys;
  • Garland.
Manufacturing principle:

It is not difficult to make such a gift, for this you need to take cardboard or whatman paper. The size of the sheet or roll depends on how big the tree you want to make. The paper needs to be folded into a cone shape and tinsel wrapped around it, after applying glue there. The main thing is to wrap the cone tightly with tinsel so that there are no gaps. The finished Christmas tree can be safely decorated with small toys or garlands. This will create a real feeling of the New Year holiday.

Other options for homemade Christmas trees:

A small Christmas tree is a cute souvenir in addition to any gift for the new year.

Sweet gifts for the New Year with your own hands

Many people associate New Year with sweets. It is doubly pleasant to give or receive something tasty and original as a gift.

Sweet Christmas decorations

An excellent gift is an appetizing and edible decoration for the Christmas tree. These gingerbread cookies will look great as decoration and will be a great addition to other sweets on the table. Such delicious gifts for the New Year with their own hands will pleasantly surprise everyone.

For work you will need:
  • Good quality butter;
  • Linden honey;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Cardamom;
  • egg yolks;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Sugar;
  • Flour;
  • Chocolate;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Ginger;
  • Carnation.
Cooking steps:
  1. 120 g of sugar and ½ of a pack of butter must be mixed and heated until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  2. Add 250 g of linden honey to this mixture and mix.
  3. Grind 20 cloves.
  4. Add ½ kg of flour, cloves, 2 tsp. peeled and grated ginger, 3 yolks, 1 tsp. cardamom grains and 2-3 tsp. cinnamon.
  5. Next, all the ingredients must be mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass.
  6. Roll out the layer with an oak rolling pin so that its thickness is at least 0.5 cm. Cut out the desired figures with molds or a glass.
  7. On gingerbread, make small punctures with straws for cocktails.
  8. Bake products for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of at least 190 degrees.
  9. Then you need to prepare the icing sugar. To do this, grind 50 g of sugar in a coffee grinder. Pour in a tablespoon of lemon juice and stir.
  10. Sprinkle gingerbread with sugar glaze. You can also melt 120 g of chocolate in the microwave and dip the gingerbread into it.
  11. Ribbons should be stretched through the holes made, decorate the gingerbread.
  12. Natural food coloring, such as beet juice or carrot juice, can be added to the icing for vibrant colors.

Sweet Christmas ball

A sweet ball on the Christmas tree is a genuine joy for real sweet tooth.

For work you will need:
  • Round Christmas toy made of transparent plastic or glass;
  • cocoa powder;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Small sweets;
  • Chocolate drops or bar pieces;
  • Little marshmallow.
Cooking steps:
  1. From the transparent ball, you need to remove the upper part, rinse it and dry it.
  2. Pour cocoa powder, powdered sugar and chocolate drops inside. Mix.
  3. Add small sweets, marshmallows.
  4. Put the top on the ball.

Such a gift can be safely given to friends and relatives. It will be an excellent decoration for the Christmas tree, and after the celebration, the contents of the ball can be poured into a cup, poured with milk or boiling water and enjoy a fragrant drink.

Other options for sweet Christmas gifts:

DIY symbolic gifts for the New Year 2017

You can prepare a gift in the form of a Fire Rooster. This mythical bird in 2017 is a symbol of the New Year. For example, make an original souvenir in the form of this bird.

For work you will need:
  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Water - 130 g;
  • Salt - 125 g;
  • Paints;
  • beads;
  • Glue.

In order to make such a souvenir, you need to mix flour, salt and water. From the resulting dough, mold a rooster: head, beak, eyes, tail, comb. Fasten all the details together with glue and paint with bright colors. You can also glue beads on a colored rooster for decoration.

Rooster bottle

Turn a bottle of champagne into a rooster - an invariable attribute of the New Year's table. Its appearance will please children and, undoubtedly, will surprise adults.

For work you will need:
  • colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Feathers.

Even a first-grader will have no difficulty in making such an original gift. From yellow paper you need to make a cone and cut out the wings. Cut out small details from red paper: beak, scallop, eyes. The tail can be made from feathers, or it can also be cut out of paper. Glue all the details together, and the symbolic original champagne rooster is ready.

Unusual gifts for the New Year with your own hands

A gift with a real New Year's mood is a Christmas toy with a photo. It will be a pleasure to receive such a present for everyone without exception. After all, photography is pleasant memories, and in this performance it will not leave anyone indifferent.

For work you will need:
  • Transparent Christmas ball;
  • artificial snow;
  • Ribbon;
  • The photograph is approximately 5x5.

To get started, print a photo. Its size depends on the size of the toy itself. Next, pour artificial snow into the hole of the toy and insert a neatly folded photo. Using a needle or toothpick, straighten the photo inside. Tie the toy to a bright ribbon, and the gift is ready.

Light bulb snowmen can perfectly complement the New Year's interior. The proposed gift for the New Year will definitely please its new owners, especially if it was made by hand.

For work you need:
  • Bulb;
  • Glue;
  • White paint;
  • Brush;
  • colored paper;
  • Markers and markers;
  • Scraps of fabric;
  • Scissors.

Light bulbs for this option can be taken burned out. To begin with, they must be painted white and allowed to dry. Then cut out rectangles from scraps of fabric - these will be snowmen's scarves. They should be glued to snowmen. With markers and felt-tip pens, you can draw eyes, pockets, mouth and buttons, and cut out a carrot nose from orange or red colored paper. A small smiling guest will certainly decorate the festive table.

DIY creative gifts for the new year

You can give your loved ones warmth, comfort and a piece of magic very simply. A beautiful and festive candlestick will help create that very atmosphere.

For work you will need:
  • Glue;
  • Glass vase, glass or jar;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Brush;
  • Candle;
  • Decor elements.

To make such a creative candle holder, cut snowflakes of different sizes from white paper. The container that will become the candlestick must be perfectly clean and dry. You need to take a brush, dip it in glue and carefully apply it over the entire surface. Then glue on the snowflakes. After the snowflakes are glued, you need to apply another layer of glue to create an uneven texture. After that, leave the candlestick to dry for 1 day. Next, you can take beads or beads, string them on a thread and tie a candlestick with it. Bright ribbons are also suitable for this. When the candlestick is ready, you will need to place a candle inside.

What else the New Year holidays are associated with is cones. From them you can also create an original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

For work you will need:
  • Wreath from a frame with a diameter of 40-50 cm;
  • Green nylon thread;
  • Glue gun;
  • Fir cones.

To build a wreath of cones, the frame must be carefully wrapped with nylon thread. It can be made independently from wire and foam rubber. Using glue, large cones need to be glued to the moss. Small cones fill the empty space between the large ones. Next, you should wait until the wreath dries, and then the present is ready.

The listed gifts with instructions will help bring to life the most original and creative ideas for the New Year. Do not be afraid of difficulties, because everything is much simpler than it might seem. In order to create a universal gift for loved ones, you do not need to have special knowledge at all, it is enough to want it and make it with love.

Other New Year's crafts from cones with your own hands

If you liked the gift
it means you gave
part of your soul.
(Japanese wisdom)

New Year. Time of miracles, plans, desires, surprises and gifts. Big and small, long-awaited and unexpected, expensive and not so much. We are waiting for them like children, wondering what is inside, hoping to see what we want, looking forward to something very good. So we want our relatives and friends to receive a gift and experience joy, warmth and love coming from our hearts. That is why we offer to make original New Year's gifts with your own hands. Cool mom picked up 12 interesting ideas for gifts for the New Year and prepared tips for making them.

  1. New Year's cookie set

  2. Gift basket with goodies and sweets

    If you like to preserve, then creating such a basket will bring a lot of pleasure in the summer and a pleasant relief on the budget in the winter. A basket of small jars with canned tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, as well as strawberry and raspberry jam and peach jam…. A lot of things can be closed according to their own proven recipes. And then, having beautifully signed (self-adhesive labels) and packed, please your loved ones. One drawback - you need to think about such a gift for the New Year in the summer.

    As well as the next edible idea - marshmallow mix. Having received such a gift, you will definitely think about buying an electric dryer. Therefore, those who do not yet have their own drying and who have children will definitely like this New Year's gift. Natural candies, sweet, tasty and fragrant. Having prepared several varieties of marshmallow in the summer and beautifully packaged in the winter (jars or paper bags), you will definitely please the sweet tooth.

  3. Felt Christmas tree toys

    Simple and convenient material in sewing will allow you to create gifts for the New Year various sets of stars, Christmas trees, bells, balls, mittens and felt boots, snowmen, Santa Clauses, birds. If you are just starting to sew from felt, then choose simple toys that do not have small details (nose, mouth, etc.). Do not forget to sew a loop for hanging on a branch to each toy in the process of creation.

  4. Salt dough Christmas toys

    You can make these toys together with your children - get a lot of fun from sculpting and coloring together. You can sculpt any shapes by hand, or you can use cookie cutters. We put a painted New Year's craft on a ribbon and that's it - the gift is ready.

  5. New Year's wreath

    You can buy a base for a wreath, or you can take meter needles and weave them yourself. We decorate with balls, cones, ribbons, beads, decorative twigs, bows. It's almost impossible to go overboard here. Stick to the same style and color scheme for jewelry in one piece. You can also weave such a wreath from natural materials (cones, branches, moss), decorating with burlap and ribbons made from natural materials. For example, a simple wreath of cones, painted with gold paint, can decorate the area in the entrance.

  6. New Year's ikebana

    Small compositions that can be put on the table, decorate any room. Made from the same materials as wreaths. Such a New Year's gift is suitable for both the boss and colleagues and of course for all relatives and friends. A wide selection of materials for decor allows you to make a composition not only in the tone of the interior or in the colors of the coming year, but also taking into account the hobby of the one you will give. Grandma loves dacha and floriculture - decorate with decorative flowers. A friend is sewing - the decor of buttons and a measuring tape will be creative. The main thing is to accompany a gift for the New Year with an appropriate wish - let the garden smell fragrant in the coming year, let there be so many grateful customers that you open your own business.

  7. Fridge magnets

    Magnets with the symbol of the year (made of felt, salt dough, special hardening plasticine) can be made at home with your own hands by gluing a magnet to the figures on the back. And if the symbol of the year does not appeal to you, then make magnets with the best photos of your friends for the entire past year as gifts for the New Year. They will look at the refrigerator and remember pleasant moments.

  8. Magic world with snowflakes

    If it doesn't snow outside the window, let's give it away! All you need is a beautiful transparent jar with a lid, distilled water, glycerin, artificial snow and sparkles. And a small ceramic figurine on which snow will fall. A Christmas tree made of special hardening plasticine or a purchased house - everything will do. For children, you can make bunnies near the Christmas tree in a clearing in the forest.

  9. Christmas tree

    You can grow and give a Christmas tree in a pot - but this is certainly the way for great enthusiastic gardeners and for forestry. And we offer to make a decorative interior Christmas tree. Make the size of the Christmas tree according to its destination - a Christmas tree on the kitchen table, in the office or on a shelf in the bathroom. You can make one winter beauty, or you can give a whole composition. The frame, depending on the decor, is cardboard, wire, polystyrene. We decorate and decorate with pompoms, feathers, buttons, felt, natural materials. Ideas for inspiration and workshops on making such a New Year's gift with your own hands can be found on the net.

  10. Knitted Socks

    “Nothing warms like a pair of warm woolen socks” is the motto of this New Year's gift. In addition to the classic "grandmother's" models, there are many interesting ideas for home slippers, sneakers and socks. And you can also knit toys for the Christmas tree, warm scarves of the same color for the whole family, a blanket, an outfit for a mug.

  11. Organizer

    Sew an organizer for travel (with pockets for toothbrushes, hygiene products and cosmetics, first aid kits), for a car (made of strong materials for tools, car chemicals and shopping bags), for jewelry and jewelry (with many pockets and Velcro), for shoes ( both for the shoes themselves and for the care products). For children, sew an organizer with pockets for pencils, paints, brushes. Or for collections of dolls and cars. Or simply with many small pockets - children will always find something to put there.

  12. Decoupage key holder

    A must have gift for every home. Buy a panel for the base and hooks in the store, and decorate using decoupage technique. We choose a napkin with New Year's motifs or what the owners of the house will like. You can also decorate the following New Year's crafts: candles, champagne bottles, as well as simple household items - cutting boards, boxes and caskets.

Don't be afraid to make similar New Year's gifts for everyone. Having made ten Christmas trees the same, you definitely won’t succeed - if not in color, then in decor and pattern they will differ. Do it boldly.

When making gifts for the New Year with your own hands, think about those whom they will please on holidays. Put in them the kindest thoughts, warmth and love. And remember - you create not just a thing - you create a holiday, give smiles and joy to relatives and friends.

Helpful Hints

Get ready to seek Christmas gifts for loved ones? Today, many stores offer a huge amount of goods, but there is nothing nicer than receiving a gift. handmade.

Some gifts you can make yourself, and some you can make together with children. From the many options for gifts, you can safely choose a few that you like. HereSeveral interesting gifts have been selectedwhich you can do.

Some Christmas gifts are simple, others are a bit more complex, but you will have a lot of fun making them. Feel free to involve children by developing themimagination and motor skills. Also get ideasand create something of your own.

On our website you will also find:

  • How to make a snowflake
  • How to make a Christmas tree
  • How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
  • DIY New Year's cards
  • DIY New Year's ideas
  • DIY Christmas decoration
  • DIY Christmas compositions

Children's Christmas gifts. Snow globe.

You will need:

Glass transparent container with a lid


waterproof glue

small figurine

1. Remove the lid from the container and glue a figurine (in this case, a porcelain dog) to its inside.

* The figurine should not be higher than the depth of the container, otherwise the lid will not close.

2. Pour glitter into a container.

3. Pour into a container of water.

4. Close the lid.

5. Turn the container over and you can shake it to make it "snow".

Christmas gifts for children. Christmas tree under the snow.

You will need:

Transparent glass container with lid

miniature Christmas tree

Artificial snow (can be replaced with sparkles)

Glue moment (glue gun)

* Choose a container that will completely fit the small decorative Christmas tree.

1. Remove the lid and glue the Christmas tree to its inside.

2. Pour some artificial snow into the container.

3. Close the lid with the glued Christmas tree carefully and turn the jar upside down.

4. Shake the container so that the snow falls on the Christmas tree.

New Year gifts. Trees for kids.

The kids will love this gift. Not only is it bright and beautiful, but you can also teach kids about colors, geometric shapes, and more.

You will need:

Large green felt sheet

Several small sheets of felt (for Christmas decorations and gifts)

double tape

1. From a large green piece of felt, cut out a triangle - this will be your Christmas tree.

2. From several small pieces of felt, cut out colorful gifts. To make bright gift boxes "wrapped" with bright ribbons, cut a few strips of felt and glue them in the shape of a cross (see picture).

3. Also, cut out Christmas toys, lanterns, icicles, etc. from various sheets of felt.

4. The Christmas tree can be attached to the wall using double tape or buttons.

5. Now you can give children New Year's toys made of felt so that they can attach them to the Christmas tree by simply pressing the toy to the Christmas tree - they will catch on the material and will not fall, but they will simply be removed later.

DIY Christmas gift ideas. Handmade New Year's wreath (garland).

Let the children try to make this decoration themselves. It is very simple and they will love to trace their hands. Then you can give a gift to grandparents.

You will need:

colored paper


Paper plate (round or square)


1. First you need to circle the pen with a pencil on colored paper.

* If there are several children, then for each you can use a different color of paper and then use them all.

* If the child is alone, but you want to make the garland multi-colored, you can circle the right hand on paper of one color, and the left of another.

2. Cut out the children's pens drawn on paper.

3. Take a paper plate and cut out the middle part from it - you have a frame.

4. Apply glue to the frame.

5. Have each child glue their pieces to the paper frame.

6. It remains to add a ribbon and you can give and decorate the house.

Ideas for New Year's gifts. For grandparents to remember.

This is another option for a New Year's gift for your beloved grandparents.

You will need:



colored paper



pom poms

small photos

plastic toy eyes

1. Prepare the paper and circle the legs and arms of the children on it with a pencil.

2. Cut out the details.

3. Place templates on felt, trace around and cut out.

4. Frame the wrapping paper for a beautiful, festive backdrop.

5. Gather the moose as in the picture. Add pom-pom eyes and noses. All details are glued to the background.

6. You can cut out snowflakes from felt or buy ready-made ones and add them to the composition.

7. It remains to add photos, and you're done.

Christmas toys-gifts. Build your own snowman.

Your child will definitely enjoy building their own snowman. You can make a set for him so that he enjoys the game and also develops his creative abilities.

You will need:

Felt in different colors (namely white, red, brown / black, gray, green, yellow, blue)

1 sheet of thick felt


Snowman template (preferably on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard)

Small resealable bag

1. You can draw the details of the snowman yourself with a simple pencil or print from THIS LINK.

2. Cut out all the details.

3. Lay the template on the felt, circle and cut out. Add some details like buttons, fingers, mouth, nose, etc.

4. You can glue some details so that they are part of the template. For example, glue the eyes of a snowman.

5. Cut out a rectangular piece of thick felt to serve as a backdrop for the snowman and also fit in a bag where you put all the parts of the toy.

6. Put everything in a resealable bag and your Christmas gift toy is ready.

New Year's chores begin suddenly: 1-2 weeks before the holiday, we already begin to plan the celebration, negotiate with friends, and draw up a menu for the festive table.

You can think about what to buy as a gift for the New Year. There is not always enough time to search for souvenirs for relatives, friends and colleagues.

Start now to look closely at what is close and dear to the hearts of your friends, what they dream about, what they would like to receive.

We will help you with useful tips on what to give for the New Year 2020 and how to surprise your loved ones.

New Year's symbol Rat - in souvenirs and gifts

They are often chosen for this holiday in accordance with the symbols of the coming year. New Year 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat. Therefore, souvenirs are brilliant, catchy, positive.

Pillows or blankets are good - with a pattern or plain, home-made embroidered or knitted souvenirs with the symbol of the year, figurines, Christmas decorations, fancy-shaped candles covered with silver coating, sparkles, etc.

In the year of the Rat, the following shades should prevail: white, gray, silver, beige. Especially popular on New Year's Eve will be silver jewelry, sparkling metal jewelry, shiny home decor.

The design of the gift wrapping itself should also correspond to the celebration of this night. If the present itself turned out to be not as bright as expected in the year of the White Rat, choose a metallized or iridescent package.

The wrapper with silver designs and patterns, ribbons and a large white bow will appeal to adults and children. Stylish, concise - nothing more. Therefore, view photos and videos with design ideas to surprise your family and friends not only with an abundance of flowers, but also with an original approach to design.

Most Popular Ideas

What gifts can you give for the New Year? As a small souvenir for guests, you can choose something themed. Relatives are more often given things that have practical applications. You can look for unusual creative gifts that will remind you of this holiday for a long time to come.

It is better to start your search by compiling a gift list for the New Year. Knowing what to look for will save you time and effort.

Read what gifts are given for the New Year to parents, friends, colleagues, children, spouses. If you still don't have any ideas - stop at the New Year's sets, which can be found on the eve of the holiday in most stores. These can be gift personal care products, home decorations, household items, practical utensils, metal sets.

We suggest you consider the most popular ideas for New Year's gifts in 2020:

Universal souvenirs for the New Year 2020 - magnets, mugs, Christmas decorations, calendars, candlesticks. They are inexpensive, suitable for people of different ages and status.

How to DIY

Unusual, but always pleasant - do-it-yourself crafts. They can be made from cardboard or paper (for example, create themed cards for each guest), textiles (toys, decorative pillows or tablecloths), jewelry (home or Christmas tree decorations, bracelets or earrings, etc.) and many others. materials.

Looking for creative and useful Christmas gifts? Try to make them yourself: you can save time, money, put your soul into the craft.

One of the interesting ideas is pillows for the home. Making them is easy. Knowing how the interior of your loved ones looks like, you can choose a festive fabric design. To make such a pillow associated with the New Year holidays, embroider Christmas trees, snowflakes on the surface or decorate the front side with a rat pattern.
The rat is a symbol of 2020 according to the eastern calendar.

A similar approach can be applied to decorating a blanket, tablecloth, plaid, curtains, and other textile items for the New Year.

In accordance with the symbol of the coming year, you can sew New Year's gifts for children with your own hands. It can be not only toy rats, but also Christmas trees, snowmen, Santa Claus and other characters.

What can be presented for the New Year from fabric, except for toys and pillows? Housewives can make cute bags for storing cereals, bottle covers, kitchen towels.

A photo frame decorated with stones, beads, beads, ribbons, sparkles will also be a nice decorative gift for the home. You can put a family photo in it or a picture from a shared trip if you are going to give it to friends.

New Year's gifts: ideas, photos

What else can you give? Themed fridge magnets (decorated with beads, beads, coffee beans), homemade Christmas tree decorations (glass, papier-mâché, felt, cardboard), quilling postcards.

Unusual gifts are New Year's knitted souvenirs. Therefore, we quickly master the technique - and knit socks, scarves, sweaters, mug covers, gloves and potholders for the New Year 2020: your relatives and friends will be delighted!

Other New Year's Eve gift ideas include crafts with shared photos, pleasantly scented accessories (such as decorative candles with a relaxing effect), origami made from cardboard and paper for home decoration, homemade Christmas trees made from rain, plastic, cardboard, wood or fabric.

Watch a video on how to make a rat toy - a symbol of the New Year 2020:

Edible gifts for children and adults

Good, as an option, a sweet gift prepared by yourself. For the closest, you can bake a delicious cake or pie, decorated in the New Year's style.

You can also involve your children in this procedure: then your guests will be doubly pleased.

Another idea is to bake a sweet 2020 symbol. In the form of a rat, you can make gingerbread cookies or gingerbread with icing.

On New Year's Eve, the center of the table is decorated with an edible gingerbread house: why not give the same to each of the guests?

Sweet Christmas gifts.

And here is a variant of a delicious gift - tangerine jam in a decorated package. Instead of tangerines, you can use other healthy exotic fruits. It can be prepared long before the New Year to save energy during the pre-holiday fuss.

Unusual chocolate figurines are another tasty and easy-to-implement idea. These and other sweet New Year 2020 gifts can be wrapped in colorful packaging or placed in boxes wrapped with ribbons to make them look even more solemn.

But the surprises don't end there. A popular and successful gift idea this year is homemade candy pineapple. Sweet fruit in a gift version can be presented to relatives, friends, and colleagues.

Such a masterpiece is made very simply. The basis will be a bottle of champagne: wrap it in a cardboard or paper case. On its surface, start gluing round candies wrapped in white or silver packaging.

When the craft takes the shape of a pineapple, let the glue dry. Start decorating its top.

For leaves, green paper, cardboard or a thick fabric that will hold its shape is suitable. Decorate visible joints with a rope or ribbons.

Making New Year's gifts, photo

What could be more heartfelt than celebrating the New Year in the circle of your most beloved people? Just giving them gifts. With our simple tips, you can make this moment unforgettable.

It remains only to pick up gifts for everyone you plan to congratulate on the New Year 2020. Let this holiday be cheerful, warm, full of only pleasant emotions!


What other gift for the New Year can you make with your own hands - see this video: