Preparing for the holidays is no less interesting than the celebration itself! One-year-old child: a detailed preparation plan Holiday preparations for it begin

New Year's Eve is considered the most anticipated of all holidays. Before the onset of the New Year, a lot of urgent matters arise, and many do not have time to cope with them. To prepare for the New Year on time, you should make a plan for the weeks. This approach will help save money, nerves and time just before the festive night.

Preparing for the New Year consists of planning important events, booking tables and booking procedures, as well as compiling the menu and preparing the venue for the evening.

Preparing for the New Year without stress

There are several simple ways to prepare for the New Year, the easiest way is to do everything a week before the holiday, but here a number of problems arise. A week before the celebration, it will be almost impossible to book a table in a cafe or restaurant. In addition, the prices of groceries in stores are increasing significantly. To avoid stress and unpleasant situations, it is worth considering in advance all the details of the preparation process.

A cafe for New Year's celebrations must be booked 4 months in advance.

In order not to waste your nerves, it is recommended to draw up a plan according to which you can fully prepare for the New Year. Preparation should begin from the first days of December. If you divide the plan into 4 weeks, then the holiday will pass without unnecessary costs and nerves. In addition, the hostess will have time to complete all the planned tasks on time.

Festive Marathon: Preparation for the New Year “Week One”

In early December, they begin to prepare for the New Year slowly and gradually, solving some problems.

The list of important things for the first week of December includes:

Interesting! Such preparation begins with minor things and writing the main plan. But at the moment it is still too early to buy products and think about the appropriate makeup for the New Year.

Festive Marathon: Preparation for the New Year “Week Two”

Preparation before the New Year in the second week begins more actively, but you can still do everything gradually and slowly.

The to-do list includes:

Attention! It is recommended to gradually start cleaning the apartment so that you do not do this for several hours before the holiday. Within a week, you should clean carpets and sofas, purchase the necessary decorative items for the apartment.

Festive Marathon: Preparation for the New Year “Week Three”

The preparatory work for the New Year holiday continues, and more important things can be done. The prepared plan may additionally include the cost of the services of craftsmen, as well as the purchase of products and accessories for the home. Thus, the woman will keep a record of the required expenses for the New Year's Eve.

The list for the third week should include:

Festive Marathon: Preparation for the New Year “Finish Stretch”

At this stage, you can prepare everything you need for the New Year. There is only one week left before the festive night, the apartment is quite clean, the day before the holiday you should wash the floors and wipe the dust. When the order is restored, the home can begin to decorate the Christmas tree. This is also the right time to decorate the apartment with iridescent rain, tinsel and garlands.

First you need to install a Christmas tree and arrange it, and only after that, decorate the room. It is better to start from the ceiling, and gradually move towards the floor. And to give a unique aroma, they use special flavors “Coniferous”, essential oils of “orange” and “cedar”. Tangerines and spruce branches are placed in separate vases. Such flavors can be used every evening to tune in to the upcoming holiday.

A week before the holiday, you can decorate the Christmas tree.

In the last 2-3 days before New Year's Eve, they visit the grocery store to purchase the missing ingredients from the list. A woman can visit the master to get a haircut, dye her hair or get a manicure. Sophisticated hairstyles and makeup are done just before the upcoming feast on December 31st. In the evening, on the last day of December, they are engaged in cooking, setting the table and preparing for the celebration.

The last days of December should be planned especially carefully. It is recommended to write down all the required purchases, note the time of visiting beauty salons and masters by appointment. In addition, you can contact the guests and find out if their plans for the evening have changed in order to prepare meals for everyone.

I think every woman who has ever organized a family holiday made certain lists for this event. We make lists before the most important events in our lives: who, for example, did not write a dowry set for a baby before childbirth, or lists of guests and cases before a wedding. Without this, preparation for the holiday will be complicated.

And, although each of us understands the invaluable help that such records provide us with, we nevertheless often neglect them, forget, get lazy - and as a result we get tired, do not have time and are disappointed.The next time it’s not so pleasant to start an event, its holding seems like an extra strain. What problems do the organizer's magical lists solve and what opportunities do they give?

Preparation for the holiday. We unload the head and relieve stress

They wrote it down - and you can no longer keep the information in your head, do not worry, do not be afraid to forget. This is where preparations for the holiday should begin. The head is free to generate new ideas and to implement plans.You can do things that are not related to the holiday - because they are always there. Do not tense up, thinking that there are too many things to do, or, conversely, you didn’t think of something, didn’t take it into account - after all, you can see everything on paper.

Visually remember and structure

I have written a shopping list, but forgot it at home. So - even in this case, my purchases were successful, among them there was nothing superfluous or forgotten. And all because, when writing down, I turn on visual memory. And when I try to remember, I don't get an abstract idea of ​​my plans, but the moment when I wrote them down, the appearance of this record. In this case, the preparation for the holiday for me was more relaxed.

If anyone wrote cheat sheets before the session, he remembers how much these notes helped in preparation - to such an extent that they no longer had to be used.

By writing down, we create a sequence of execution of our plans, so it is easy for us to reproduce it in our head on occasion. And if the parents of the invited children ask us about how the holiday will be, it will not be difficult for us to dedicate them to this, we won’t have to hesitate, we can clearly ask for help if it is needed.

We fantasize and dream

Without original ideas, preparation for the holiday is impossible. We wrote down the idea, the dream of the child or our own, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts for the holiday, drew the look of the costume - you can immediately think about how this will be implemented. Next to write a list of necessary materials, products for an interesting dish, approximate costs, books or articles in which you could read about it.

Some ideas give impetus to other creative ideas and fantasies. You may not be able to do everything in one event, but there will be others! And the list of ideas will remain, you can always refer to it.

Preparation for the holiday. It is important to calculate our strength

From the visual scheme of your ideas and plans, you can always choose as many as you have enough. Look at roughly how much time it takes to clean, shop, do crafts, write a script, prepare a table.

Very often, preparing for the holiday takes a lot of time and effort. And we forget about ourselves. Do not do unnecessary things at the expense of self-care and preparation of a festive costume - there will be little satisfaction from such self-sacrifice.

Lists we need:

At the very beginning, we lay out four leaves in front of us, which we will call like this:

- List of ideas;

- List of guests;

- To-do list;

- Shopping list.

It will be more rational and successful if we start filling out the lists as items appear in our head. In the future, you will have separate entries for crafts and script. The shopping list will be divided into purchases for the table and purchases for the game part. Part of the list of ideas will migrate to CASES, while the other part will remain to wait for better times for implementation.

The guest list is usually always updated too. It is useful to supplement the to-do list with an approximate execution time, otherwise it may turn out that all the most difficult things will be left for the last moment.

It is better to make non-food purchases separately from food purchases and a little earlier - in order to enjoy shopping and be able to look for the accessories, prizes and gifts we need. Thus, we will be fully prepared for the last preparations, and everything will definitely work out!

Let the preparation for the holiday, like the holiday itself, bring you only joy and good mood!

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Many parents want to celebrate the first birthday of a baby in an original way so that both the baby and the guests like the holiday. Definitely, the approach to preparing and holding such a celebration can be radically different.

Someone just tries to observe the traditions and customs associated with the anniversary of the baby, while someone likes the idea of ​​themed parties with original paraphernalia, cool treats and fun entertainment.

For those who decide to organize a grandiose first birthday of a child, we offer a detailed plan for preparing for the event. It can be adjusted to suit your ideas, but the general principle will help you not to miss any little things that can later upset your parents.

First birthday: 2 months before the holiday

Yes, yes, it is for 2 months that you need to start preparatory activities.

Someone leaves the items proposed in the plan for the last moment and eventually faces insoluble problems that cannot be solved a couple of days before the holiday.

  • We determine the date of the holiday.

It is customary to set the date of the holiday on the day when the baby was born.

But if it falls on a working day, you can move the celebration to the next weekend.

According to folk beliefs, birthdays are not celebrated in advance.

Therefore, even if the date falls on a Monday, you should not transfer the celebration to the Sunday preceding it.

  • Make a guest list.

It is advisable to coordinate with the guests the date of the holiday and the possibility of their presence at the celebration.

Perhaps someone is planning a business trip or personal business for the date you have chosen.

Be sure to specify how many children will be with adults.

This information will influence the entire further process of preparing for the holiday.

  • Decide on a location for the celebration.

If the baby’s first holiday was planned to be held at home, start collecting ideas for decorating the room, the table.

When the decision was made in favor of a restaurant, cafe, children's entertainment center, call the selected organizations and make a reservation for a specific date.

Believe me, if the date falls on the season of weddings, graduations in kindergartens, schools, finding a place in the last days will be problematic.

  • Order animators, photo or video shooting.

It is better to agree with the organizers of the holidays in advance so that there is time to agree on all the nuances.

If you decide to take on such events, find out where you can rent suitable equipment.

Child 1 year old: 1.5 months before the celebration

Time rushes inexorably, and there is less and less time left for serious preparation.

Moreover, mothers who usually take on such worries are distracted by household chores and caring for the baby.

Therefore, we do not postpone it for later, but every day we carry out one item from the proposed plan:

  • We decide on the theme of the holiday.

It is the chosen theme that will help determine further actions related to decorating the room, gifts and outfits.

And let someone think that at 1 year old a child is not so important yet, whether he is dressed as a bee or a sailor.

You can choose a really unusual, unhackneyed theme that will emphasize the love of parents for the baby.

  • We buy or order an outfit for a child.

Definitely, there will be no problems with buying just a beautiful dress or costume for a baby. But if you want to dress up your princess in the outfit of the bee Mai or the little mermaid, and the boy as a cowboy or a sea robber, you will have to think about how to make such an outfit or where you can buy it, order it.

If you order via the Internet, then the delivery time may take a month and a half. Consider the pitfalls of ordering via the Internet: suddenly the size doesn’t fit or you simply don’t like the outfit when you put it on your baby.

  • We make a wish list, decide on a gift for the baby from the parents.

The gift list will make it easier for your relatives and friends to choose presents.

We will not talk about the uniformity of gifts or simply their uselessness. Of course, it is foolish to expect that the cost of donated items will justify the cost of preparing for the holiday. But it's worth ordering.

It is not bad to coordinate gifts with close relatives, for example, with grandparents, aunts, uncles.

After all, they can give a rather expensive thing for a share.

  • We make advance purchases.

A week before the holiday, you can buy canned food, non-perishable food, drinks, alcohol.

Baby's first birthday: 2-3 days left until 1 year old

The most intense emotional days.

The holiday season is already in the air. The heart is solemn and exciting.

After all, this is the first holiday of the crumbs and mothers inevitably worry about how the child will react to such an event.

  • We check the readiness of the details.

If you have prepared a list in advance of what you want to see at the holiday and how you will decorate everything, it will not be difficult to check the readiness of paraphernalia, props, gifts.

We collect all the decor elements in one place so that at the last moment we don’t waste time searching.

  • We post photo albums, wish books, CDs.

Relatives are happy to look at photos of the baby, as well as albums where parents recorded all the stages of the first year.

Therefore, do not deprive relatives and friends of this pleasure.

Get them out of the cabinets in advance so as not to look at the last moment or in the presence of guests.

  • We bring beauty.

Do not forget about your beloved and set aside a few hours to visit the hairdresser, get a manicure.

We check all the outfits for the baby, mom and dad.

  • We make purchases of products according to the list, blanks.

Think about what meals you can prepare ahead of time.

Perhaps there are treats on the list that require pickling or allow you to make certain preparations.

This will unload you on the last day.

Tomorrow 1st birthday

Today is the final touches of preparation.

Therefore, we do not spray ourselves on trifles, on what we did not have time, could not, missed.

No time for sanding. We cover only the important remaining steps.

  • Cleaning the house.

It is advisable to entrust this stage to dad or sisters, brothers.

Believe me, they will do just fine with surface cleaning even without female guidance.

Of course, if you have not planned to generalize the house on the eve of your birthday.

  • We are taking orders.

If you ordered a cake, gingerbread, collage, balls or other props, on this day you need to pick them up and bring them home or to a restaurant.

  • We are preparing meals.

We bake a cake if there are no custom-made pastries in the plan, and we also prepare salads without dressing them with sauces, marinate meat, arrange sweets in flowerpots, and prepare soft drinks.

  • We check the charging and readiness of equipment.

Charge your camera and camera, as well as phones.

It would be nice if there were spare batteries for such equipment.

We check the performance of DVD, laptop, karaoke. Don't leave it for tomorrow.

And in case of unforeseen breakdowns or malfunctions, you can still find a replacement.

  • We decorate the room.

It is advisable to leave this stage for a while when you put the child to bed.

Let such a holiday be a real surprise for him.

Happy first birthday

And then the holiday came. After waking up the baby, congratulate him on his birthday.

You can even give some gift toy or a bunch of helium balloons.

But do not forget that parents are waiting for the last stages of preparation for the 1st Birthday.

It is advisable to share responsibilities on this day and invite close friends to help.

  • We cook hot dishes and salads.

We finish preparing treats for guests, season salads, prepare meat or fish dishes, decorate sandwiches, snacks.

We lay out the dishes in flowerpots, salad bowls, glasses and be sure to decorate with prepared toppers.

  • We are finishing the preparation of the premises, the yard, the table, the candy bar.

This work can be done by assistants or ideological inspirers.

Moreover, to install a table, benches, hanging garlands, male help will be required. But it is better to do the serving yourself or entrust the lady to whom you can entrust such an important process.

Everything is ready for the holiday. We dress up the baby and meet guests.

Happy birthday!

Have fun from the heart and do not think about the fact that something was not done and suddenly something will not be to the liking of the invitees. But if you think that your duties are completely exhausted on this, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, not only will parents have to control the entire process, but there is still cleaning ahead.

One week after the holiday

The holiday is over. Great memories and wonderful photos and videos remind of him. Share your joy with friends and relatives.

Why not gather for a tea party to view holiday footage.

And be sure to send all the participants of the holiday the most interesting photos and videos from the first birthday.

As you can see, preparing for the first birthday is not an easy and lengthy process.

But, believe me, if you approach him correctly, he will not be able to turn your life into a series of problems and fuss. And the holiday itself, indeed, will be unforgettable.

Video: do-it-yourself preparation for 1st birthday

An hour before the guests arrive, many housewives rush around the house shouting “I don’t have time to do anything!”. At this time, something sizzles in the pan, boils in the pan, and the iron is turned on in the bedroom ... A familiar picture, isn't it?
Unfortunately, in a rare family they teach how to properly prepare for the holiday. Therefore, it is better to seek practical advice from outside sources. Foreign recommendations come down to either organizing social events or gatherings in a cafe, which is very difficult to implement in an ordinary family in our country. The following tips take into account the traditions of hospitality that have developed in the post-Soviet space.

Choice of invitees

The size of the apartment is always limited. It is almost impossible to invite everyone to the holiday. And if earlier it was customary to call relatives, now many people want to invite friends and good acquaintances. How do you make a guest list? First of all, you should adequately assess your capabilities: the number of seats, living room area, financial capabilities.
If ignoring relatives fails, then you can take one of three options:
  1. Invite friends separately - on the same day, but at a different time, or on the next weekend following the holiday date.
  2. Try to accommodate everyone by taking care of additional places at the table. You can always look after a folding table or chair, ask neighbors or friends temporarily.
  3. Make a "schedule" according to which the meetings will alternate. For example, celebrate birthdays and New Year with relatives, and with friends.
In any case, the holiday is a great opportunity to improve relationships. Each of the readers of MirSovetov can use a birthday as an occasion to get to know a person better by inviting him to a festive table. Joint gatherings can bring you very close, so choose your guests as a true strategist.


In most cases, a phone call or a verbal invitation is sufficient. Sometimes you can trust the paper by creating a unique invitation. It is very important to announce the time and place of the celebration in advance. Some people may give their consent at the very last moment, but this is not a reason to invite everyone else the day before the event. It is better to inform guests about the time and place of the meeting 1-2 weeks in advance.

Menu planning

Complementarity of dishes. For example, light vegetable salads are great for pilaf, and mashed potatoes go well with almost any side dish. It is desirable to present both meat and vegetable dishes on the table. In some families, they try so hard to show the “richness of the table” that vegetable dishes are dismissed as too “simple”. But the move prevents guests from switching to snacks after a greasy piece of meat or fish, reducing their appeal. In addition to mayonnaise, there are many other salad dressings that allow you to fully appreciate the taste of each ingredient. So be careful when planning your menu.
Company preferences. As a rule, men choose meat dishes for snacks, so cutlets can disappear from the plates very quickly. Women may prefer layered salads, baked vegetables and stuffed tartlets. It is better to find out in advance about the tastes of each guest. Otherwise, it may turn out that not a single dish on the table is suitable for a vegetarian or raw foodist.
Hosting capabilities. If finances are very limited, and relatives kindly sent gifts from the village, then it would not hurt to study the available set of products. It is always easier to buy 1-2 ingredients and make a dish based on the available products than to spend money on a long one.
Cooking time. When all salads must be prepared just before serving, is it any wonder that there is no free moment for yourself? We recommend readers of MirSovetov just add a few dishes to the festive menu that can be made the day before. It could be puff salad,. There are many recipes in which preparations are made in advance, freeing up additional time before the arrival of guests.
Choice of alcoholic drinks. A variety of alcohol on store shelves poses a difficult choice on the eve of the holiday. You can conduct a mini-survey among those invited on the topic “Your favorite drink” or, at your own peril and risk, take wine (vermouth, martini) for women and vodka (cognac, beer) for men.

"Evening program"

In sincere company, sometimes it's nice to just chat. But you never know if there will be awkward pauses and long minutes of silence. It is best to prepare 2-3 competitions in which all invitees will participate:
  • playing crocodile when one person gestures an object or an animal, while others guess;
  • playful questionnaires when a playful answer is given to a playful question (taken out of the box in random order);
  • forfeits when a participant performs what is written on a piece of paper.
Candies, disposable handkerchiefs, calendars, key chains, magnets and other trinkets can serve as prizes.

shopping in the store

There are many products with a long shelf life. It is better not to leave purchases for the last day, but to purchase at least something in advance. Such foresight will allow you to reduce financial expenses on the eve of the holiday. In addition, a reduced shopping list will not allow something to be overlooked. Mayonnaise, canned food, vegetables, meat and fish can be bought 2-3 weeks before the holiday. Greens, eggs, dairy products, waffle cakes, some types of fruit - in a couple of days. But bread, cake, delicate varieties of fruits - on the day of the celebration or the day before.

Action plan

Decide in advance what you will do 2 days before the holiday. Various competitions should be fully prepared in advance so that you do not have to carve out a couple of minutes at a time when guests are practically on the doorstep. The same applies to order: it is much better to put all things in their places in advance, leaving only minor preparations for later. Putting things in order and you can entrust the household. It is better to boil vegetables for salads in the evening, just in time for the morning they will cool completely. Prepare clothes for each family member so that you don’t have to be distracted at the last moment looking for a clean outfit.
On the morning of the holiday, you should have prepared clothes, put things in order, boiled vegetables for salads, made several preparations and 1-3 dishes, thawed meat and (or) fish. It's time for a walk to the store for the remaining products from the list. Then - taking a shower for cheerfulness, styling hair. After all this, you can start cooking some dishes.
At lunchtime, it's time to take a break to put on some make-up. To avoid excesses, the onion for each dish should already be chopped. Washing dishes can be done by one of the household (or do it in between slicing salads).
An hour before the arrival of guests, it is recommended to change clothes (you should put on an apron in the kitchen) and check the integrity of makeup and hair. It's time for hot dishes and sandwiches. If you have compiled the menu correctly, then at this time something can languish in the oven, fry in a pan and cook in a saucepan at the same time. At the same time, all salads should be ready, and cold cuts should be cooked on a platter. Usually, with careful planning, extra time can be left to decorate salads with greens or figures cut from vegetables.

The end of the holiday

At that moment, when the guests begin to “scatter” around the apartment, conduct “heartfelt conversations” and sluggishly pick at the plates, it's time to move on to the cake. However, if the hands of the clock are steadily showing late at night, then the roaming company should also be “pacified” by serving sweets on the table. The cake, as it were, symbolizes the end of the evening, smoothly rounds off communication and hints at the need to go home. You can announce the "last glass for the road" or just thank everyone for a wonderful evening. It is rare that someone ignores such a clear hint and remains at the table when the rest disperse.
If you still have the strength, you can wash some of the dishes in the evening. But it would be logical to leave all the plates until the morning, going to the shower to wash off the fatigue of the festive day. The most important thing is to hide leftovers in the refrigerator so that you don’t have to throw out sour foods in the morning.


Work dedicated holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day" carried out within one week. In our garden, an exhibition of works made by crayfish dads "Dad can" was organized.

Children of our group to each holiday do handicrafts, February 23 is no exception.. On this day, I really want to please my family and friends. The children managed to surprise their dads and grandfathers.

TO holiday on February 23, the children made, with the help of educators, a wall newspaper with congratulations.

One of the mothers helped with making the poster.

Preparing for a holiday for preschool group children, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day, united children and adults, included friendship, mutual assistance, and love for the native land, the desire to defend it, thus educating moral and patriotic qualities not only in children, but also in adults.

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