Congratulate your employee on her anniversary. Happy anniversary to a woman from colleagues. Creative birthday greetings to a female colleague

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A new chapter has opened
And from your colleagues - your friends
Accept beautiful words
On the 30th anniversary!

We wish you prosperity,
Success in life, a sea of ​​happiness,
So that there is prosperity in the family,
So that all bad weather can be avoided.

And don’t let difficulties scare you,
You can handle it, we know that.
Successful impulses and wisdom,
And we wish you eternal happiness!

Happy anniversary, colleague!
You are 30 years old today.
Let's say it loudly without hesitation
We really like you!

We wish you a lot of happiness,
Lots of laughter and friends.
Let bad weather pass you by,
Achieve all goals as quickly as possible.

So that the salary goes up,
And the demands are down!
So that your career leads upward,
And on vacation - a cruise!

Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday! I wish you all the best in life, colleague! May the holiday of goodness, joy and love never end for you! May happiness, fun and good luck be with you every minute, and help you preserve unquenchable positivity in your heart!

There is no secret for anyone,
What is today's birthday?
Your anniversary is 30 years.
Please accept congratulations.

Love, good luck, kindness
And there is a lot of money in the wallet,
Let everything be as you want
After all, 30 years is the beginning of everything.

Happy anniversary to you, colleague,
30 years is a great start.
Experience in life has been gained,
The excitement in my heart did not subside.

May there always be aspiration
Just move forward.
May the powerful await you
And only the takeoff is high.

May you only be lucky in love,
The family will be strong.
Happiness, joy, wealth
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

We work with you
For a long time now, without knowing troubles.
Happy anniversary,
After all, you are 30 years old.

What to say? Great age
The whole world is open for you.
May you be lucky in your plans,
Friends will be true.

My colleague, my comrade-in-arms,
You have become more than family to me.
I congratulate you on this day,
30 years is your anniversary!
Just a fairy tale, just a dream
Your kindness helps.
May everything in life go well,
This year and next year!
We are close both in work and in life!
Let the champagne drops flow!
Only laughter, warmth to you, friend,
Let there be no sorrows, no illness...

It's so nice to work with you,
You are an adviser, just a friend.
Always beautiful and neat,
And you make everyone around you happy.

Your anniversary is a significant time,
At 30, you are in the prime of your life.
We dedicate our congratulations to you,
So that she brings happiness to the house.

May your health be stronger
And everyday life will become more fun.
And grief will forever be forgotten
And happiness will come to your home.

So that golden age has overtaken you,
When your whole life is in your hands
Now don’t rush to live, wait,
Think through every step in detail.

Don't think about anything like that today,
Relax, celebrate your holiday as it should,
Having exchanged your third decade, don’t be gloomy.
Catch, colleague, my poem is simple.

Dear colleague,
You are thirty years old today -
We wish you privileges,
Achievements and victories.

Going to work is like going to a holiday
To run every day
So that our beloved boss
Loved and respected you!

Let there be joy in your heart,
There is peace in my soul,
So that work is not a burden,
Our dear hero of the day!

Thirty years is a wonderful age,
Young, full of energy, hot.
And today there will be a reason
Congratulations to many to heed.

A reason to enjoy life
So that your family can live
Sweetly cheerful and bright,
I wish you many bright days!

Well, what can I tell you, colleague,
You are 30 years old today
What to wish you for the holiday,
Your next anniversary.

The dawn of your strength today,
It's time for discoveries and beginnings,
So let your hopes be fulfilled,
Let your dreams come true.

Let the wife be affectionate and tender,
Meets her husband in the evenings,
And with a new day and new strength,
Let the work flow!

But today you are thirty years old,
And it's time for me to present you with a bouquet.
In the meantime, I'll set the table here
After all, you are a workaholic colleague.

We all love you so dearly
And let's take a deep breath with respect.
Accept my congratulations soon
And the anniversary will be on time.

Colleague's birthday -
This is a great occasion.
Praise him with interest,
He is smart and young.

Happy 35th anniversary
Achievements and victories
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Both in work and in fun
There is no better ally.
Happy Birthday
Our employee.

Thirty-five – what years?
Everything can be done by a colleague!
Endures all adversities
And he doesn’t go to the doctor!

We wish: keep it up
We will only win!

I congratulate my colleague
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart!
Thirty-five is just a date
Live brightly, cheerfully, richly!

Let friends be faithful, reliable,
And health gets stronger day by day,
And let the family be strong,
You and I will not be lost at work!

Happy anniversary to me at thirty-five,
I'm glad to congratulate you again, again.
Dear little man,
I'll put candles in the cake again.

And you will blow them out, colleague,
And the office will suddenly be filled with your laughter.
Everyone will congratulate and hug,
I wish you love and good health.

Make your cherished wish as soon as possible,
Well, good luck to you in every endeavor.

When you were born, the whole world cried.
It was raining - you didn't know it then.
Well, today the weather is suddenly sunny,
And our whole nature is very happy.

They rush to congratulate everyone here on their anniversary,
Even all the flowers are on the festive alley.
Everyone is having fun, and rejoicing, and playing,
Naturally, they know everything.

That our colleague once received an “A” at school,
And today he turns thirty-five, of course.

Women simply adore pleasant words, attention and compliments. Well, on holidays - even more so, it’s simply a necessity! If your work colleague has an anniversary, then, regardless of the closeness of your relationship and position, be sure to prepare a few kind words for her.

To give a gift or not is another question, but congratulating a colleague is simply a sacred necessity. And if she is also your friend, and even more so a friend, then you should congratulate this wonderful woman so that the anniversary becomes the best day in her life, brightens up her everyday life and so that she loves her work team even more than ever!

What should these holiday words be? In fact, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s prose or a poem, the main thing is attention and sincerity, because at any age, in any position, every lady wants attention and admiration, compliments and warmth.

Of course, you can prepare funny congratulations with jokes for a young friend-partner, but for an adult lady the words should be more respectable and restrained. Don’t go too far, try to say only polite, pleasant things, and your colleague will be very happy! There are a variety of options for congratulating a female colleague on her anniversary:

  • Speech to a female colleague in prose.
  • Happy anniversary to a female employee in verse.
  • A cheerful or solemn toast.
  • SMS message or signature on a postcard.
  • Appropriate and original wishes.
  • Texts from myself, in my own words.

What kind of greeting - serious or comic, in verse, in prose - the choice is yours. The most important thing is that you are sincere and positive, so that you can say a happy anniversary speech to your female colleague from the bottom of your heart, note her good qualities and show that you appreciate her, like your entire friendly team!

The nicest words

How nice it is to receive gifts and flowers from colleagues, but what’s even nicer is to receive sincere and warm words! After all, it is fair to admit that on ordinary weekdays we strive for our goals, immerse ourselves in problems and tasks, immerse ourselves in work and troubles, and very rarely say encouraging words to each other, rarely support each other, especially at work.

But in vain! And on her birthday it’s worth making up for this lack of warmth and kindness and telling the woman on behalf of the team and on her own behalf as much pleasant and good things as possible. After all, she deserves it!

1. Beautiful poems for a woman on her anniversary - this is always very appropriate, at any age. No matter how old the birthday girl is, she is a woman, a gentle and lyrical creature, and in her soul she loves, understands and deeply feels poetry! In any case, the poem will make a wonderful impression on the birthday girl, lift her spirits, show that you have prepared, which means you care, you value the employee and respect her. Could there be a nicer and more expensive gift?

2. A toast is what makes any holiday brighter, more solemn, more beautiful and more fun. There can be no feasts, neither large nor small, without toasts. Which one to choose - humorous or serious, in poetry or prose - is up to you. The main thing is that it is purely feminine: it contains compliments, admiration, a list of the most beautiful qualities of the hero of the occasion, wishes and everything that is so nice to hear!

3. You can quite easily make a speech for an employee in prose, why not? This is a winning option, because you can put the largest and most complete range of emotions into your prose, you can’t forget anything, you can’t confuse anything, you can add a lot on your own if you wish, and this will only improve the text. A beautiful, rainbow and colorful speech in prose will ideally fit into the celebration and decorate it, be it a big holiday or modest gatherings. So congratulations, and from the bottom of my heart!

Appropriate and tasteful!

Of course, age matters too. If a girl is twenty-five, light, humorous words will suit her, perky compliments will delight her, and jokes will amuse her. And a lady in her forties or fifties will appreciate a sublime speech spoken with dignity, with taste, and from the heart.

And even more so, at sixty or even seventy, jokes, frivolous compliments or humorous poems will be inappropriate; here you need something very solid and beautiful. Choose the most original and expressive congratulations on your 55th birthday to a female colleague, celebratory speeches for 25 years or any other age and say them with all your heart! Let this anniversary and this year be remembered best and brightest by the birthday girl!

1. Young girls love compliments and admiring glances! They like to be in the very center of everyone's attention and hear an endless number of beautiful words. So if your employee is turning 20, 25 or 30 years old, then prepare for her a bright, maybe a little humorous, but definitely a beautiful speech!

Comic congratulations can take place if you and the birthday girl are on friendly, good terms. But in any case, try to ensure that your words to the girl on her 25th or 30th birthday are kind, refined, admiring and infinitely pleasant!

2. If the birthday girl turns 40 or 45, then it is better to prepare a gentle, modest, beautiful speech, from which the heart of the hero of the day will bloom, as if in her youth! At 40 and 45 years old, a woman likes poetry, but she will also highly appreciate prose and will be happy to hear toasts. Say solemn words on your 45th anniversary, read poems on your 40th anniversary, and let it be remembered for a long time. The main thing is to do it with all my heart and with respect from the entire team!

3. But fifty years is already an age worthy of respect! Starting from the age of 50, or from 55 years old, a lady begins a new life - rich, adult, independent and happy! Let the script for this anniversary, 50 years of a female colleague, be the most vivid, unforgettable and unusual! Let your congratulations on the 50th anniversary of a female colleague become the most joyful gift and cause sincere delight and tears of happiness!

4. Are you looking for a beautiful and unusual congratulation on your 65th birthday or do you want to prepare a worthy congratulation on your 70th birthday to a dear and respected woman, your colleague? The recipe is simple: a few warm words, a couple of worthy compliments, a warm wish, and most importantly – bright emotions! Such a “cocktail” will be the best gift for the holiday, and the hero of the occasion will never forget it!

Congratulations are so nice, agree! And it doesn’t even matter how you treat the person, because a warm and sincere treatment, good words, a couple of compliments can work wonders, and not only will the birthday girl blossom before your eyes, but you will also feel great. Lift your mood with your words, it's easy! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,

May your work bring you joy,
Dear colleague! We want
Congratulations to you today and that's it
We say a lot of kind words to you.
We are glad that you are with us now,
And we wish you a lot of health,
Happiness to you every day, every hour,
And may the road be easy!

From the entire welcoming team,
We will congratulate you beautifully
Happy anniversary to you,
Our colleague is brave!
There's always positivity coming from you,
Fresh thought, creative.
You're always the center of attention
Please accept our wishes.
We wish you health, happiness, good luck,
Solve any problems without problems,
Joy, smiles, mutual love,
Career growth, strong family.

We congratulate our dear colleague, an irreplaceable worker, with all our hearts on his anniversary. We wish you to remain as cheerful, cheerful and optimistic. May all your hopes and dreams come true in the future. Respect, growth and recognition at work. Happy holiday!

Dear colleague! We are glad to congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish you great professional success and further creative growth. We express our gratitude to you for your fighting spirit and ability to cooperate as a team. It’s always easy and pleasant to communicate with you on professional topics; you know how to encourage and help with practical advice. We wish you to achieve all your goals. Happy Anniversary Birthday!

What did not come true, let it come true soon,
Let work only bring joy,
Colleague, congratulations on your anniversary,
And let only hope live in your heart!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
And we will never forget you,
You, dear, were sent to us by God,
For honest work throughout life!

We have a wonderful motive:
Hastens to congratulate the team
Happy anniversary to my colleague.
We will not regret a thousand words,
To describe how much we respect you,
We are proud, we appreciate, we adore...
And therefore we want to say -
It's time to raise your salary!
So you can buy a Mercedes
And go on a spree in the Canary Islands,
So that with new strength and desire
You got back to work.

Well, colleague, it’s very difficult to choose a wish for you on your Anniversary, because you have everything, and you are a completely successful person. But today, as a team, we will try to express in words the feelings that lie in our souls. Let all troubles go away like snow under the influence of the sun. Let your life be exactly the way you want. May your home always be a full cup. Happy Anniversary Birthday, and may good luck accompany you in everything! And success does not pass by! We wish you a great walk today! After all, today all congratulations are for you!

We congratulate you, who has
Today is a holiday in life - an anniversary,
But not individually - with the whole office:
Be happy, wise and pain-free!
Let there be fewer packs of makeup needed,
And the wrinkles on the eyes make the shadow softer...
And most importantly: be loved by us!
Rich in gifts on this day!
Be new every day and every hour
Conquer us with your love!!!

May it be on your anniversary, colleague
Luck will smile
And the bird of happiness may you
He will touch you with his wing.
We wish you to conquer
Career peaks
For management and colleagues
To be irreplaceable.
We wish you on your anniversary,
So that authority grows,
For positivity and love
Enough for 100 years.

Happy Anniversary, dear colleague! I wish you sincere female happiness: so that there is prosperity at home, so that there is a loving and understanding spouse, obedient children and a favorite business. I wish that your work is not just a means of livelihood, but truly an inspiration and calling, that you always strive to do everything perfectly, that you have good relationships with your colleagues, and that your superiors respect you for your intelligence and hard work. I wish you good friends and good health!

Today is the anniversary of a gorgeous man in our work team. May this holiday not be just another one for you, but truly unique and memorable - sincere smiles, unusual surprises, new meetings and the most necessary gifts. Leave in your heart only positive emotions, joyful memories, forgetting forever about sadness and minor troubles!

Today we congratulate you on your anniversary
Our colleague, and we wish you happiness.
We wish God to give you health,
Everything else is in your power.
You have everything you need in this life -
Family, work, happiness, beauty.
May fortune smile on you more often
And may your angel always protect you.

There are many flowers in the world,
But a little is to my liking,
So are you, my colleague,
The best ever!
And I want to congratulate you,
Give kind words,
Leave a sweet trace in the soul,
Bring a spark of happiness
Straight into the soul, let it shine
Male strength inspires,
May it always and forever
You will be the happiest
There will be complete joy
Just always be loved!

We wish you to move forward in any situation and always feel confident! Achieve the desired standard of living and professional success, have everything for joy and happiness! Happy anniversary, colleague!

From our entire workforce, dear and respected colleague, please accept wishes on your Anniversary! What does a man need in life? Of course, love, respect and home comfort! You already have all this, but we sincerely want you to carry this invaluable goodness through your entire life journey, maintaining faith in people, the desire to always come to the rescue and support in difficult moments. We wish you to always remain a real man, a loyal friend and mentor, an excellent conversationalist and just a good person!

You can’t escape anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
We celebrate your anniversary today
Warm, heartfelt congratulations,
We wish you the usual care,
So that your day is always filled,
So that you are tired from work,
And the soul, as always, is young!

The look is serious, The look is dangerous,
But our congratulations to you,
Why didn't you wait? So, in vain,
We came to congratulate you.
So many years of working together,
We know you well.
And there is not a word of flattery here,
Let's tell you everything lovingly.
You will always help with everything,
And tell me if anything happens.
And you can always cover
What is there to hide? Nothing!
And we dare to wish you
A lot of money, a million!
But the boss knows better
In terms of salary, he is the boss!

Colleague! Happy anniversary, please accept our sincere congratulations! As wishes, I would like to note the best workplace, the highest salary, a beautiful wife, cute children and complete harmony of soul, body and the world around us! Be irresistible, and happiness simply cannot pass you by!

Our entire friendly team congratulates you on your Anniversary today! We wish you to come to work with joy every morning and that no troubles spoil your mood! Success and career growth! After all, you deserve it!

Congratulate a female colleague on her birthday

You never rest
You manage to do everything
All day - business, business,
There is never a moment.

Happy birthday
We want to wish you luck,
Never lose heart
And get more rest!

Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague

Good luck in job,
Good luck with business!
Supplements and bonuses
Seas on vacation!
Good boss,
Nice colleagues,
Success in career
And new victories!

Wonderful birthday greetings to a female colleague

Dear colleague, happy birthday!
This holiday of childhood has come again.
May your luck never run out,
So raise a glass to that!

I congratulate my colleague.
Sadness is not a topic for us, let him be lucky!
We gave the running a break here,
What life sometimes brings to us.

Congratulations will be brightly colored
What we'll call a feast.
Let the celebration of life rock the barque.
We'll sail again tomorrow!

Wonderful birthday greetings to a female colleague

A female colleague is a blessing,
After all, she will support, give advice, like a mother,
He will listen quietly, remain modestly silent,
And he will reward us with his smile,

I have never met better co-workers in my life,
I've never known her more delicately
He understands everything, knows in advance,
What happens when, what will happen.

Dear colleague, no, you are kinder,
Rest more often, no more pain,
Let your career only go uphill,
And luck and joy will not pass you by!

Cool birthday greetings to a female colleague

We work together with you,
I'm lucky in this
After all, even on a gloomy day, any
It's bright for me with you,

And the world becomes colorful -
Such is your optimism!
Well, happy birthday to you,
Let life be bright!

Happy birthday to a female colleague

I want it for my colleague's birthday
I wish you good health,
All wishes come true,
And never know problems

May all the good things come soon
It will happen in your destiny
Let luck warm you with warmth,
And happiness is nearby!

Sincere birthday greetings to a female colleague

Happy birthday,
I wish you happy days.
Let adversity go away
Let all sorrows pass.

What you dreamed about will come true,
Trouble so that they don’t know you,
There was joy, kindness,
There is warmth in your heart!

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a female colleague

From the heart to the whole team
Congratulations, colleague,
We value you as a specialist
We love you as a person!
May luck help
Charges with optimism!
Be happy, healthy,
And successful in your personal life!

Creative birthday greetings to a female colleague

This is a day for congratulations,
And gifts, and poems.
Let's cheer up!
This holiday is new again.

Happy Birthday.
Let, colleague, light from the stars
Helps to drive away doubts
To step forward boldly.

There is no need for sadness on this day.
We don't need them at all.
So that we congratulate louder,
You can give free rein to words.

Happy birthday greetings to an older female colleague

Happy birthday,
We wish you all the best.
Let your career grow upward
And let good luck come.

There will be a lot of happiness
And health and love.
Let bad weather pass by,
Let your dreams come true!

Simple birthday greetings to a female colleague

Colleague, may love and happiness
Follows you everywhere
Well, relatives and friends are involved
Will not let you get lost in any trouble!

Yes, let it not bother you at all
Unnecessary smoke for you,
May life always be good
And happy birthday to you!

Original birthday greetings to a female colleague

Happy birthday, colleague!
Always be full of success
Have fun, don't be sad
And get less tired.

Let all the work go on
All worries will fly away,
And the salary increases
And there is enough for everything.

You deserve diamonds
You have many talents:
Joyful, smart, beautiful
And I can’t be replaced by anyone.

Colorful birthday greetings to a female colleague

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Any wishes come true,
What could you dream of!

Less work, more wages,
Such that there is enough for everything and always.
So that your vacation lasts longer than usual,
And may trouble pass you by!

Cool birthday greetings to a female colleague

When you come to the team,
Everything becomes brighter
Dress with taste
Although you are straightforward,
From your kind smile,
All the flowers are blooming
All the men in the team
Secretly in love with you
Admiring the hairstyle
And your figure,
Happy birthday, colleague,
There is no dearer to us than you!

Happy birthday greetings to a young woman colleague

Happy birthday, colleague,
We wish you success!
Happiness, peace, beauty,
Dreams come true.

Be beautiful day and night
Always be extremely accurate
Be smiling and sweet
Both desirable and happy!

Wise birthday greetings to a female colleague

Female colleague,
I wish you,
To have happiness
Without end, without edge,
To go to work
I always went willingly,
To always be there,
The closest someone

May it be on your birthday
Will bring peace
You are for the team,
Dear man!

Big birthday greetings to a female colleague

We are together, with a sincere smile,
And light, kindness of soul,
Congratulate joyfully and passionately
Let's hurry up our colleague!
We wish each other (name)
Always be successful, be strong,
And so much beauty and health,
To always live happy!
To fly to work
Meet loyal friends again,
And there are small worries in life
We always decided in a couple of days!
To achieve with talent
All, even the most difficult goals,
I loved and enjoyed life!
We congratulate you on your birthday!!!

Birthday wishes for a female colleague

Happy Birthday
And we wish you happiness in life!
Let the weather be in the house,
Protected from bad weather!
Always be successful in business,
Let your salary grow
Know that in our team,
You are our pride and joy!

Happy birthday greetings to a lovely woman colleague

There will be many simple holidays in life.
Congratulations to a colleague - this verse,
He will give a lot of affection and warmth,
So that all endless life flows like a river.
You are determined, brave and smart,
Our team really needs
How beautiful, how graceful, and what a laugh
Makes everyone laugh at once.
We wish you success, kindness,
So that life is like the first flowers,
May the flow of wine sparkle for you like a spring.
And to that we raise our glass.

Happy birthday greetings to a dear female colleague

What should I give you on this holiday?
Our dear colleague?
We will live more fun
And now we are celebrating the holiday!

On your birthday we give you
From congratulations to the picture.
And she will give rest to her eyes,
And it will encourage you very much!

We will repeat to you, colleague,
What do we wish for you?
So that the world is illuminated with light!
We wish you a dashing holiday!

Birthday wishes for a female colleague

From the bottom of my heart with bow and love
We wish you many, many years to come.
Great happiness, good health,
Good deeds and labor victories.

Official birthday greetings to a female colleague

Our friendly team
We congratulate you!
Happy Birthday, colleague!
Let things go uphill!

Let everything in life be smooth,
Let there be career growth!
And your path through life is long
It will be joyful and simple!

The best birthday greetings to a female colleague

Balance of mind and beauty,
And impeccable clothing style,
You are the hope of all accountants -
With any program you are on familiar terms!

Your proud Nifertiti profile
And the look is such that it is clear to everyone -
There are no unsolvable problems
And if there are, you will solve them!

You are the decoration of the team
It is a great honor to congratulate you!
Smart, talented, beautiful,
The advantages cannot be counted.

Happy Birthday to you,
A wonderful day for us, for everyone
May new achievements await you,
Good luck, happiness and success!

Touching birthday greetings to a female colleague

We wish you inspiration in your work,
In the family circle - warmth and kindness.
Among friends - love and respect,
And in the life of a dream come true.
We wish you success in life,
Less tears, more laughter,
The road of life is more authentic,
And there is a lot of joy in it.
Let every ordinary day of yours
It will turn into a wonderful holiday,
And never a shadow of sadness
It will not be reflected in your eyes.

Kind birthday greetings to a female colleague

Peace, joy, warmth,
Happiness, light and goodness,
Eye of shining lights.

Friendship loyal and strong,
And in work the grip is tenacious,
May you always be lucky in business,
Six figure bank account.

Be beautiful day and night
And good luck in love.
Let your dreams come true
Everything will be as you want.

All that remains is to add:
Leave all despondency,
In life, true success.
Happy Birthday, colleague!

Cool happy birthday greetings to a female colleague

Today is a holiday, it's just for you,
Let everyone congratulate, don’t be shy,
Wanting to stay sweet forever,
Let everyone confess as best they can:
In love, recognition, happiness and sin,
In those passionate thoughts that lurk in the heart,
All the birthday wishes for you,
They will help warm your soul with joy.

Sweet birthday greetings to a female colleague

Life is short, don't forget
and whether it’s bitter or whether you’re happy,
don't add years to your life,
and add life to years.

I wish you to live a long, long time,
and always be yourself,
original, wise, strict,
sincere, kind and simple.

Warm birthday greetings to a female colleague

Happy Birthday,
And we want to wish you
Women's happiness, patience,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged.

Inspiration, enthusiasm,
Easy everyday work,
Let your career go uphill
Great bonuses and salaries.

Don't let the years scare you,
Let the light not fade in your heart,
We value and respect you!
Long, happy years to you!

The best birthday greetings to a female colleague

Crashing on a birthday holiday,
Organize a massive parade
Raise everyone's spirits,
And tell about your talent.
How cunning can you be?
A submissive woman with a dream,
You can be quick sometimes
Men have a hard time with you.
You are an angel, you rushed to us from heaven,
How Eve brought life to everyone,
She abused the men
But for others, love carried.

Unusual birthday greetings to a female colleague

Happy birthday
And we mainly wish
May your health be
Strong now and then,
So that the work goes well
And all my dreams came true,
So that everyday worries
Don't erase the beauty!

Nice birthday greetings to a female colleague

Where can we get such a word?
What to wish on your birthday?
We wish you to always be healthy
And never lose heart.

So that grief does not enter your soul,
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that the cuckoo guesses
Crow a hundred years for you!

New birthday greetings to a female colleague

Let your work
It will be like clockwork.
Let the boss call
He only gives out prizes.
Let the working day begin
Not from eight, but as needed.
Everyone needs a vacation
Let it be seven months.
Here you go, colleague! Happy birthday!
There are only pleasures in life!

Gentle birthday greetings to a female colleague

Your birthday has arrived
Your dream has come true
This holiday is for fun,
He's just for you.
You are a wonderful woman
Award for men
To fall in love with you
There are many reasons.
Beautiful - like a goddess
Lovely - like spring,
Congratulations to our miracle,
Happy birthday.

Wonderful birthday wish for a female colleague

Work is in full swing every day,
But among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes
A wonderful holiday - anniversary!

We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!

Interesting birthday greetings to a female colleague

We will put aside the list of professions,
Let's not weigh victories and merits.
There are words - dearer than all titles -
Colleague, comrade and friend!

It’s unlikely to return the past years,
But let another time come,
So that, having quenched your sorrows,
Light a fire in your heart!

So that when you meet your present day,
Don't complain about bad weather,
And to live generously, without tea for the soul,
So that by giving, you will receive!…

Birthday poems for a female colleague

Our team is happy to congratulate
The one that, without demanding rewards,
All day at work, like a bee,
Without resting at all.
We, congratulating you on your birthday,
From everyone we wish you now
Income, joy, success,
And in the house - warmth and laughter.

Celebrating your birthday,
Smile gently with happiness.
Let the sorrows be forgotten
So that dreams can easily come true.
There is enough money for everything.
Peace, joy, love!
So that you catch your luck,
Just live positively.
Congratulations! Be healthy,
Let love live in your soul.
And let it happen again and again
The heart sings joyfully.

Today is your holiday - your birthday!
We congratulate the team from the bottom of our hearts.
A wonderful, sympathetic woman,
We are glad that you are next to us!
We cordially and sincerely wish you all
Huge, pure, fiery love!
May there always be happiness next to you,
May every moment be wonderful for you!
Always have a dream and strive for it,
So that only good friends surround you.
Always fly, flutter like a bird,
And hear the trill of a nightingale in your heart!

Today let me congratulate you.
We won’t ask about age, there’s no point.
We wish you to live without grief, without sadness,
Without betraying your team!
We will not wish for success in our work,
And you are so successful at work,
People respect you, appreciate you, love you.
And with them you are always smooth and sweet!
So happy birthday! Let the sun laugh
Every new day is in your window!
And let your heart smile with happiness,
Let there be no losses!

With all my heart, my dear colleague
Happy birthday today!
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart
Love, health, laughter and luck!
Let everything be fine at work -
Communication, salary, inspiration.
And in my personal life everything is easy and smooth.
Be happy! Good luck! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday,
And we hasten to wish you
Happiness, good health,
Don't get tired while working.
Let your career go up
Let the salary also grow.
Joy and inspiration,
And also great luck!

With such a colleague, even on reconnaissance,
You won't be lost anywhere with you.
Please accept my congratulations, baby.
After all, your birthday is your holiday.
We wish life to be in full swing,
She was fun and simple
So that everything you want
It was immediately fulfilled with interest.
So that there is less fuss and sadness,
More positive days.
So that feelings sparkle in the soul
And they made you stronger!

Colleague, happy birthday
We congratulate you!
We wish that the salary
It grew day by day.
We wish you home
Loved, cherished,
So that sadness and sadness
They didn't find the way to you.
Let illnesses pass by,
And let the soul sing
And let your eyes never take their eyes off
Men all year round.
We wish that in vases
Flowers were always blooming.
We wish them to come true
All your wildest dreams!

All words today are from the heart
A wonderful colleague for you.
May your days be successful
There will be a lot of sun, a lot of laughter!
Fulfillment of your cherished blessings
And hopes, and all sorts of dreams.
So that work is a joy every hour
And without any disappointments!
We wish only bright days
In our friendly close team.
May your dreams come true soon,
Life was friendly and sweet!

I wish you happiness and love
The kind that no one has ever dreamed of,
And may your eyes always
It was as if lights were glowing.
So that you bloom like a rose,
To always be proud of yourself,
So that life can be in bright colors
And all dreams came true!

Happy birthday greetings to a female colleague

Dear colleague, we are glad to see you,
Congratulations on your birthday,
I've known you for a short time,
But feel like you're at home.
Communication with you inspires me,
And it brings pleasure to everyone,
From my heart I wish you to remain beautiful,
Smart, beautiful, wonderful and sweet.

Happy birthday, colleague!
I wish you good luck
Enchanting success
And an order about the bonus.

So that the salary is like in a fairy tale,
It grew before your eyes,
So that in the routine of everyday life viscous
Your life was bright.

Peace, joy, warmth,
Happiness, light and goodness,
Long years, happy days,
Eye of shining lights.

Friendship loyal and strong,
And in work the grip is tenacious,
May you always be lucky in business,
Six figure bank account.

Be beautiful day and night
And good luck in love.
Let your dreams come true
Everything will be as you want.

All that remains is to add:
Leave all despondency,
In life, true success.
Happy Birthday, colleague!

Although a woman’s career is important,
But a woman’s happiness is even more important.
I wish you joy without measure,
And many sympathetic friends.

Colleague, happy birthday,
Let the work always be a success,
I sincerely wish you luck,
And joy for many years to come!

I want it for my colleague's birthday
I wish for women's happiness,
Good luck, and also good luck,
And don’t lose your enthusiasm.

Stay the same bright
To be a wonderful person
Of course, smile more often,
Of course, to love sincerely!

Congratulations to the whole team,
Happy birthday to you
And we wish women's happiness,
May you always live lovingly.

And may you always be loved
Both at work and at home,
The kids brought joy
And not chaos and vanity.

And at work we will help
You should walk up the stairs,
And there is no happiness more expensive,
Love, appreciate and help!

Today we congratulate you on your birthday!
With the whole team we would like to wish you,
So that work improves your mood
And helped achieve results!

We are glad that you are in our team,
After all, you decorate it with yourself!
We wish you happiness and positivity in life,
May life intoxicate you like good wine!

It's more fun for me to work with you,
Colleague, you know this very well.
Today is the best of the best days,
After all, you are celebrating a holiday today!

Today is your birthday,
And, of course, I want to congratulate you!
You do all the work lovingly,
You are ready to help me and fix it.

And if suddenly I don’t understand something,
You always rush to my aid.
I thank fate for you,
I hope you remember this.

All employees, without exception,
Happy birthday to you,
We give you a cake this big,
And we wish not to be a noodle.
Sexy, lovely and passionate,
A lovely, diverse woman,
You can also seduce men,
And tear hearts out of your chest.
Be healthy, happy, wonderful,
Stay crazy, interesting,
And the boss is not a strict satrap,
He will throw some money towards the salary.

Happy birthday, colleague, congratulations!
Let your worries dissipate like smoke.
Without pretense, we admit now,
What a pleasure it is to work with you.

Continue to be just as kind and gracious,
Be sincere, irresistible,
Cheerful, smiling, lovely -
The list is not complete, don’t blame me.

We wish you happiness and smiles,
Rainbow hopes and moods,
Avoid doubts and mistakes,
Don't despair even for a moment.

Good health for sure
And professional success,
So that the size remains unchanged
The financial reserves have become colossal.

With a wonderful feeling on your birthday,
The team will congratulate you,
Open your wings to the sun,
And humming a native tune.
Where is the joy, happiness and health,
You are always there too,
Where is the passion, affection with love,
There's a birthday party there.

We have been partners with you for many years.
And together we became a well-coordinated team.
For your birthday, my colleague,
First of all, I wish you creative success.

Secondly, I wish you growth and success.
In a career, fulfillment of the planned plan.
Solutions to assigned tasks.
And also a kind and glorious team.

And thirdly: warmth in personal life.
Let it break through everything like a key.
May you be the happiest.
Let a true miracle beat in your heart.

I wish my colleague a bright life,
Like a clear, beautiful sunny day,
Full of love, happiness, hope,
Raised you up to a higher level.
And may the milky way in the mysterious sky
Meets you with a distant star,
Luck will always be where you are
After all, fate has long since decided this.

Today is your birthday
Beloved colleague, dear.
I want to wish you lovingly,
May you live without worries and troubles.

Don't let your boss scold you,
And he gives out prizes all the time.
But still always feel sorry for yourself,
And let spring in your soul replace autumn.

We won't hide it from you
Our admiration.
The team wishes you
Happy Birthday.

All available benefits,
And good luck
And a gait from the hip.
So... Not otherwise.

You can't forbid being stylish,
And beautiful too.
Let life play in colors -
Everything is possible in the world.

We wish every day to be a joy for you
Adversity will be reversed and reward will appear,
In the face of hope and love, and next to them is faith,
Let it come true that I have been furiously wanting for so long.
And no matter how life greets you with hostility when we meet,
You have become a strong, powerful girl,
Men, boys and grandfathers will fall from admiration,
Dear colleague, happy birthday.

Beautiful woman, worker
And just good.
My dear colleague -
Beautiful soul.

I want to congratulate you
And wish you
Health, only good health,
And positive in fate.

Be cheerful in life
Much love to you.
Let your thoughts be clear
In harmony with the soul.

Today, for you, dear colleague
We will all give flowers - from a running start,
And proudly read my instructions to you,
And all because it’s your birthday!
Let us all raise a glass to you,
So that you can wish for the best in life:
Aspirations, wealth, luck, love,
In the soul, let the nightingales always sing,
The smile shines, the eyes sparkle,
From happiness, in which there would only be a tear...
Nothing else, promise us!
We ask you, very much, to shine with happiness,
Always give us your: warmth,
Care, smile and kindness!

I congratulate you, colleague.
Happy this bright and beautiful day.
Let your boss encourage you
And there will be no blizzard outside the window.

We all love you, dear,
May your health improve every year.
And, of course, I wish you again,
I'll work for you without any hassle!

I wish you not to lose your feminine qualities,
And remain a woman at work,
It can be difficult to combine this
But I want to sincerely try!

May life bring you a lot of happiness,
Work will bring pleasure
May great luck await you,
And hard work will soon glorify you!

Let the holiday at work fly by,
And our lady will light up everyone with a smile,
Like a ray of sunshine, illuminate us more often,
And surprise your bosses with your achievements.
Beautiful, my beloved mademoiselle.
Let me congratulate you, because it’s your birthday,
You are bright and smart, motley girl,
You deal with problems quickly and deftly.

I wish my colleague
I want great joy
And never lose heart,
It's always fun to be like this

Like a rose to bloom,
There are no problems at work,
Dexterity and success,
And sincere laughter!

Praising perfection in work,
Beautiful radiance, your mind is brilliant,
On the birthday of love we are infinity
We hasten to wish you collectively,

And in life, which has become a bright clearing,
Where the flowers of joy glisten with dew,
You'll be spinning forever with drunken happiness,
A dragonfly that knows no sorrow!

Accepted without delay
Collective decision –
Celebrate your birthday.
Let's start! Mode – non-stop!

Compliments - as many as you want!
Toast - until late at night!
Be very, very happy
To look your best!

Be carefree and carefree,
Fuck daily routines!
“If only she was waiting for me!”
And apply makeup, of course.
Even if you're going home,
So that any man gasps when he meets you:
“What a femme!” Just get off your feet!”
Here's another age-old piece of advice:
Take a glass of alcohol,
So that any man gasps when he meets you:
“Oh-oh-oh, this is a woman, damn it!”

Let everything be great and cool,
Let rubles be the currency
And the house will be full,
It will be warm and cozy in it!
Let them expect success and recognition everywhere,
Luck, happiness, prosperity
And every moment and every year
Income is growing rapidly!

I dedicate to my dear colleague,
These lines are with pleasure,
On a beautiful day, happy birthday to her,
Congratulations are said.

May your dreams come true until the end,
Always be charming
Let the good things not be forgotten
But trouble passes by.

What can I wish you on Valentine's Day?
Hardy tights! New things every day!
A husband who never leaves business trips!
Love - in real life, just like in the TV series!
And remember what happened about each novel!
Cakes for the belly, but without the calories!
And many funny love stories!

Congratulations! This festival
Share with the team!
It's okay that the year is a prank
Whitened my gray hair a little.

Well, one more wrinkle -
Don't give them a long account!
Be happy! As much as you can
Enjoy life again!

You are a colleague, I am a colleague.
What do we do all day?
Let's pull the damn cart
And cast a shadow.

But today is my birthday
Don’t forget yours, colleague.
You will no longer be a shadow.
You will become a woman a little bit.

We will dance quietly, quietly,
Let's sing a song in a whisper,
So that tomorrow is bad again
The two of us made money.

Today we congratulate you on your anniversary
And we want to wish you a lot of happiness!
You are the most beautiful and sweetest in the team,
And you have the power to inspire us to heroic deeds!

We want to wish that the work continues,
And after that, rest will be good for you,
And so that someone you love is always waiting at home,
And let every day bring you joy!

The holiday broke into the team.
Your birthday is like the wind
Spreading positivity these days.
We wish you a life in bright colors,

Shine as a star, shine for all of us
In the midst of gloomy everyday life, beauty
And every day in spite of the years
Just get younger in face and soul!

Management to encourage
I have never forgotten you
Fate is to reward with happiness,
Send a lot of beautiful love!

Always harmony in the family,
Health to your household!
Well, and some money in your wallet
Rustling, ringing and never ending!

I wish you on your birthday,
To be surrounded by joyful faces,
So that there is both fun and peace,
So that the husband is a king, the lover is a prince!
And money, well, just a little bit -
To a jeep, and to an apartment in the center,
So that the breasts only become larger,
A sip of love, but a hundredweight of happiness!
Congratulations, hugs,
And we shout Hurray to you!!!
You are Miss World, Miss Universe
And Miss This Table!

Life lies before us like a chessboard.
And at work you can see all the figures:
The horse with the letter G, already out of breath, runs,
The rooks sedately touch up their manicures,

The elephants of the authorities guard the office,
And numerous small pawns
They are looking forward to their legitimate lunch,
They most often end up with nuts...

So, colleague, on your birthday I wish
We hasten to you, so that with your mind and talent
I was able to easily reach the queen in my career,
Salaries became enough to buy diamonds,

Always in life in any direction
She walked, looking from above, regal and imperious.
The husband, so that he is firmly clamped under the heel,
And she smiled, like happiness today, often!

Love - pure, tender and repeated!
Lipstick - lasting, male attention,
Guests - not sudden ones, and so that with understanding
Silky hair! Snow-white teeth!
Friends - non-selling, and sponsors - gentle!
Fans - smart! Flowers on the balcony!
Life partners in any region!
And coffee with cinnamon! Washed plates!
Men - do not snore and are shaved at night!!
Tights - no puffs! Not a day without something new!
So that you never frown
Love - burning, like in the series!
Five movies on each channel!
Trips to Paris, Amsterdam and the sea,
The cakes are delicious, but without the calories!
Theaters, concerts - tickets in the stalls
And stylish furniture in the original interior!
Different intentions, but better than serious ones,
Housing - five-room and five-star!
Passions - exhausting! Difficulties - brief!
Diamonds - no less than 40 times!

Leave the vanity on the table like a folder,
Coquettishly push your hat over your eyes,
Oh, how good you are today, colleague!
You are more beautiful than a flower and whiter than snow!

I wish the boss would come to visit us,
And we are already heating the coffee pot and kettle,
Let the boss come with a thick envelope,
Let him bear the birthday prize!

Let's try the magic cake,
It is for the birthday girl, which means it is healing,
We put the glasses together on the table,
Having filled to the brim, we drink to the bottom!

Our beloved colleague, friend,
We are happy to be in the same circle as you!
Hugging you from the bottom of my heart,
We wish you health and happiness, love!

In our company you are a lighter,
The brightest, like a flashing light!
In the spotlight you light up
You often surprise us with yourself.
We can call you a firefly,
Sunshine, candles and bright flowers!
In general, be just as bright,
And illuminate our path in life!

I love it when you run the office
And you put the kettle on for us and turn on the stove,
You put the cleanest glasses on the table,
Let the matriarchy do its arbitrariness!

And then you insert the paper into the printer,
And you run the photocopier yourself without men,
Then, slowly, remove it from the table,
You will begin to work quietly and modestly.

Everything is going so well for you,
And the office is whiter than tooth powder,
In the corner the refrigerator hums quietly,
There are conditions - there is an appetite for work!

Today, of course, we must try,
So that our colleague can relax,
We bought a cake and lit candles,
Found a poem suitable for the topic.

We wish you happiness, dear,
We want to be in your limitless power,
Never go on sick leave,
And you manage your official life!

We wish you a very successful career,
If you rise, we will follow you, of course,
After all, we won’t even put on tea without you.
Let's kiss, hug, congratulate!

I wish you on your birthday
Health, happiness and luck,
Success and career growth.
Let everything be easy and simple,
Problems resolve themselves
Wealth is rising rapidly
And, of course, in personal life
Everything is always great.

Hello, master soul!
The holiday is with you now;
You need to strive for more
Save lives every hour.

Joy is the first thing;
This is support for you.
Always do what you wanted
Without distortions in fate.

Happiness is available to anyone
There is no reason for sadness;
Something will go differently -
This will increase your rank.

Dear colleague, on your wonderful holiday I would like to express
sincere respect for you. The entire team celebrates your desire to
work and dedication to work. Let your eyes glow
happiness, may a loving family wait for you at home, and may work only bring you

We wish you everything to be:
So that happiness comes to visit,
So that there is a chic tuning on the eyes,
So that there is always fresh sausage in the refrigerator,
So that your loved one is like from Playboy,
Fans to follow you in a crowd,
To be respected by colleagues and superiors
And they ordered a limousine for you today,
And here are the main words (have patience!):
"Gorgeous! Happy Birthday!

All women, colleague, are like that,
That every year at their age, alas,
Fear will also add to old age.
That's not the case here! You - wow! and ah!

Let the heavy burden of worries disappear,
And tender feelings swell your chest!
Let your enthusiasm work
He always serves as an example for each of us!

Working with you side by side, we as a whole team can
to say with confidence that there is no one in the world more confident and at the same time
time for a more sincere and kind woman. You are an excellent specialist,
who can handle impossible tasks. You're a great conversationalist, right?
How knowledgeable you are in many areas. You are a wonderful friend, so
How can you support me in difficult times? You are a real lady because
Even young girls can envy your taste and appearance,
barely graduated from school.

I wish that your husband always loves you,
He didn’t offend me, he always idolized him.
May all your dreams come true
And everything planned is being realized.
Always be as good as you are
Beautiful figure, perfect soul.
May nature always smile at you,
And only joy happens to you.
May your path be smooth
And you always be happy.

Happy birthday, we congratulate you,
Our dear colleague,
And let us hug you now,
I wish you victory in everything.

Wish you well,
And your dream will come true,
Have a lucky day
More success to top it off.

Be as beautiful as you are now
Blossom and be desired
And as a whole team we appreciate you,
We love you and wish you happiness.

Women's happiness without a doubt,
And good health to the whole family,
On this day of your birth,
For the hundredth time we wish you everything.

Let the chickens not peck for money,
The account in Sberbank will be solid!
Let the nightingales sing in your soul
Early in the morning - early!
Let your heart beat in time with your steps
And he just freezes with happiness!
Let the holiday feast come to you,
Gathers friends and family!

Colleague, we are on the same road
We walk with you every day.
We have a common, strict boss.
(And general laziness towards work.)

But today your look is deep
Filled with joyful fire...
Accept these lines quickly,
Happy birthday to you now

Congratulations, dear!
Let happiness color your days!
Let your hands kiss
In impulses of passionate men,

Let the stars drift from the sky,
They are trying to destroy the moon!
Well, only so that the spouse is legal
I couldn’t find out about this...

We congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that luck smiles,
And the currency took root,
Don't lose weight or gain weight,
Have slim shapes.
So that friends idolize
And my relatives didn’t scold me,
Relax in the Canary Islands
Eat pineapples.
You can taste hazel grouse
And wash it down with wine...
For a house, a car, a dacha
Were an easy task
And they decided without difficulty
With the power of only magic words!

Happy Birthday!
Flowers, a gift, a poem for you!
We wish you wonderful moments,
So that the flame of happiness does not die down!

May things go well
There will be grace in life
We certainly wish you happiness,
Let me kiss you!

Happy birthday
And with all our hearts we wish,
At work, on vacation, at home -
May it improve your mood!

Let your eyes shine with happiness,
The soul is full of love,
To make your dream come true,
And it became a cherished destiny!

Happy Birthday!!
I wish you good health
Happiness, joy, love,
Three times more money!
For the sun to shine,
May good luck come!
So that the world is just a fairy tale!
And gave warmth and affection!
To make the cake the most delicious!
So that the laughter is the most friendly!
May there be a sea of ​​gifts!
To drink only while standing!
Let the holiday swirl around you!
And bad weather will be forgotten!
Let your dreams come true!
I know you deserve them!

We cannot even express in words how
The whole family loves you,
And, twisting the fig with sadness and despondency,
Let's say congratulations something like this:

“You will celebrate your birthday today,
We wish you health, success in work,
So that the family has joys and not worries,
May she forever shine as a crown of beauty!”

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Happy Birthday to you!
I wish you, colleague,
Strong patience.

So that you bloom the same way,
In our team.
On a walk with you we
Let's dance from the heart.

Compliments and flowers,
Everything is yours today!
Dreams come true
And more bonuses.

There is nothing more important than caring
Caring for loved ones and relatives,
On your birthday you are sour at work,
And the hour of the cherished weekend is approaching.
Rest today, my colleague,
No need to get stuck on your birthday,
You will surely achieve success
After all, I will help you with this.

It's good that our paths have converged,
You won't find a better colleague.
And today, on your birthday,
We are ready to fulfill any whim.

Congratulations and thank fate!
Know that we will not let you be offended.
Don't worry about anything in vain,
You are beautiful, let happiness enter your home.

It's so good when I'm next to you
A faithful and devoted friend is found.
How good it is to be close in spirit
One person among hundreds of “friends”.

After all, you are not just a colleague for me,
With whom you are side by side during the day.
You can be a “pillow”: you will help, support,
When the soul is painfully “burned” with fire.

And on such a bright day, your birthday,
I want you to know that we all need you.
And I promise to respond with care,
If my help will be important to you.

Happy anniversary to a female colleague

H then can you wish a colleague on her anniversary? For starters, it's worth
say what a wonderful employee she is, that she can quickly and
do all your work efficiently. Professional
The qualities of a colleague should not be ignored on such a holiday. Also need
be sure to mention that as a person, the hero of the day is also simply
is wonderful because close cooperation at work gives the right to do
such conclusions. All these points must be mentioned. wish
we need real female happiness, which everyone wants, regardless
depending on age and position, when love reigns in the soul and
harmony, then it doesn’t matter what happens around. Love gives
strength to cope with all problems and troubles.

We respect our colleague
We love our colleague!
We wish you happiness on your anniversary,
May all misfortunes pass!
Friends will be betrayed
Your family loves and appreciates you!
Everything will be wonderful, we know
And we wish you more love!

Congratulations to the hero of the day,
Our colleague, congratulations!
You know, there is no need to be sad,
We want to wish you now
Good health and good luck,
Joy and loyal friends,
Let the work continue to work,
Life will become more fun, believe me!

Our team wishes you
Love and happiness in half
Colleague, on this anniversary!
Be the sweetest of all women!
And don't count the years
For us you are always young,
May life give you success,
You, my dear, are the best!

Colleague, we wish you good health!
Today is your anniversary,
And we congratulate you with love,
We wish you happy days!
Let life give only smiles,
And let the flowers bloom in your heart,
And we know for sure that soon
Your dreams will come true!

May your work bring you joy,
Dear colleague! We want
Congratulations to you today and that's it
We say a lot of kind words to you.
We are glad that you are with us now,
And we wish you a lot of health,
Happiness to you every day, every hour,
And may the road be easy!

What did not come true, let it come true soon,
Let work only bring joy,
Colleague, congratulations on your anniversary,
And let only hope live in your heart!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
And we will never forget you,
You, dear, were sent to us by God,
For honest work throughout life!

We congratulate you, who has
Today is a holiday in life - an anniversary,
But not individually - with the whole office:
Be happy, wise and pain-free!
Let there be fewer packs of makeup needed,
And the wrinkles on the eyes make the shadow softer...
And most importantly: be loved by us!
Rich in gifts on this day!
Be new every day and every hour
Conquer us with your love!!!

Today we congratulate you on your anniversary
Our colleague, and we wish you happiness.
We wish God to give you health,
Everything else is in your power.
You have everything you need in this life -
Family, work, happiness, beauty.
May fortune smile on you more often
And may your angel always protect you.

You can’t escape anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
We celebrate your anniversary today
Warm, heartfelt congratulations,
We wish you the usual care,
So that your day is always filled,
So that you are tired from work,
And the soul, as always, is young!

On your anniversary, colleague,
We wish you good health,
Luck in all matters.
May you be in everything, always, everywhere
Good luck!
We want you to become
More successful and richer!

On your anniversary we wish you
(That's why we gathered here)
So that you would be valued and respected
Because you are like this.
Responsibility, intelligence, and knowledge
These advantages cannot be taken away,
Let your wishes come true
To live, work and dream!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish you love and warmth.
And today we already know for sure
A great career awaits you.
You are a colleague, you are a friend, you are an adviser
You are both attentive and generous.
So let the age counter stop,
You will always be young.

You are bright, you are an inspiration to life!
I am proud, colleague, that I know you!
And in this bright, happy moment,
I congratulate you on your anniversary now!
I wish you only joy and success!
Let trouble pass by!
So that in love, work is not a hindrance!
Good luck to be in love with you!

What can you wish a colleague on her anniversary? To begin with, it’s worth saying what an excellent employee she is, that she can quickly and efficiently cope with all her work. The professional qualities of a colleague should not be ignored on such a holiday. It is also necessary to mention that as a person, the hero of the day is also simply wonderful, since close cooperation at work gives the right to draw such conclusions. All these points must be mentioned. You need to wish for true female happiness, which everyone wants, regardless of age and position, when love and harmony reign in the soul, then it doesn’t matter at all what happens around. Love gives strength to cope with all problems and troubles.

We respect our colleague
We love our colleague!
We wish you happiness on your anniversary,
May all misfortunes pass!
Friends will be betrayed
Your family loves and appreciates you!
Everything will be wonderful, we know
And we wish you more love!

Congratulations to the hero of the day,
Our colleague, congratulations!
You know, there is no need to be sad,
We want to wish you now
Good health and good luck,
Joy and loyal friends,
Let the work continue to work,
Life will become more fun, believe me!

Our team wishes you
Love and happiness in half
Colleague, on this anniversary!
Be the sweetest of all women!
And don't count the years
For us you are always young,
May life give you success,
You, my dear, are the best!

Colleague, we wish you good health!
Today is your anniversary,
And we congratulate you with love,
We wish you happy days!
Let life give only smiles,
And let the flowers bloom in your heart,
And we know for sure that soon
Your dreams will come true!

May your work bring you joy,
Dear colleague! We want
Congratulations to you today and that's it
We say a lot of kind words to you.
We are glad that you are with us now,
And we wish you a lot of health,
Happiness to you every day, every hour,
And may the road be easy!

What did not come true, let it come true soon,
Let work only bring joy,
Colleague, congratulations on your anniversary,
And let only hope live in your heart!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
And we will never forget you,
You, dear, were sent to us by God,
For honest work throughout life!

We congratulate you, who has
Today is a holiday in life - an anniversary,
But not individually - with the whole office:
Be happy, wise and pain-free!
Let there be fewer packs of makeup needed,
And the wrinkles on the eyes make the shadow softer...
And most importantly: be loved by us!
Rich in gifts on this day!
Be new every day and every hour
Conquer us with your love!!!

Today we congratulate you on your anniversary
Our colleague, and we wish you happiness.
We wish God to give you health,
Everything else is in your power.
You have everything you need in this life -
Family, work, happiness, beauty.
May fortune smile on you more often
And may your angel always protect you.

You can’t escape anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
We celebrate your anniversary today
Warm, heartfelt congratulations,
We wish you the usual care,
So that your day is always filled,
So that you are tired from work,
And the soul, as always, is young!

On your anniversary, colleague,
We wish you good health,
Luck in all matters.
May you be in everything, always, everywhere
Good luck!
We want you to become
More successful and richer!

On your anniversary we wish you
(That's why we gathered here)
So that you would be valued and respected
Because you are like this.
Responsibility, intelligence, and knowledge
These advantages cannot be taken away,
Let your wishes come true
To live, work and dream!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish you love and warmth.
And today we already know for sure
A great career awaits you.
You are a colleague, you are a friend, you are an adviser
You are both attentive and generous.
So let the age counter stop,
You will always be young.

You are bright, you are an inspiration to life!
I am proud, colleague, that I know you!
And in this bright, happy moment,
I congratulate you on your anniversary now!
I wish you only joy and success!
Let trouble pass by!
So that in love, work is not a hindrance!
Good luck to be in love with you!