Congratulations to the fisherman on his birthday postcards. Happy birthday to the fisherman. Happy birthday greetings to an amateur fisherman

great catch,
And always be healthy
The weather is excellent
And tomorrow and today
good company,
more comrades,
wife to understand
And I approved of the hobby
Good luck, happiness, laughter,
In fishing - only success,
And most importantly - patience.
Well, anyway, happy birthday!

Happy birthday.
Be, fisherman, always healthy.
I want to be solid
Was your life catch.

Let the big fish peck
May you always be lucky in everything
Only joy and prosperity
Let fate give you.

Happy birthday to a true fisherman and lover of scaly prey! I wish you fish ponds, always a good and sincere company, strong fishing line, gorgeous trophies and a lot of time for your favorite pleasure! And also joy, love, financial well-being and outstanding desires!

I want to congratulate you
Wish you luck
To be on the rise
Your mood.

Let your friends envy
your catch,
Let them call you
Super angler!

May you always shine
sunshine smile,
All desires are fulfilled
Gold fish!

Don't get off the hook
Money and luck
And let it always peck
Only fish Happiness!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
To have a lot of strength
More fish to catch

Never got tired
Happiness and success caught
He was healthy and did not get sick,
Everything you want to have.

To always be cheerful
And luck was in the hands
Never know problems
You are a fisherman for the joy of all!

I want a stronger fishing rod
So that the fishing line is strong.
So that the fish, grabbing the bait,
I couldn't part with her.

I wish my native hobby
Feed everyone, not the cat.
I want to catch it one day
A chest of gold and silver!

On this holiday - birthday,
Let everything be awesome...
Fishing bite is excellent,
And in the garden the catch is decent.

So that the wife does not get
And gave no advice
Released without problems
And then I waited all day.

With admiration to meet
To treat the ear
Served a glass of bitter
And she escorted me to bed.

Always be healthy like a bull
Ready for miracles
And you go fishing -
May the bite be successful.

Pike there and carp,
Okuni da iwashi -
Everything, only fortune
Ask yourself a fart.

Catch the miracle fish
Surprise everyone with a catch.
And when you catch her
Of course, treat us.

Let everything not be tense,
No problems and no "bugs".
happy birthday congratulations
And we wish you all the best.

I wish you on your birthday
So that everything in life goes "like clockwork."
Let there be a fabulous catch -
Pike perch, sturgeon, luck, happiness.

Let patience not leave
So that you can cut in time.
In any case, let him wait
You wealth and success.

Cheerful bites,
Good weather.
Be kissed
wife and nature.

Catch, support,
Wuhi and borscht.
Reliable equipment,
Roach and bream.

Pull out the pike
Smoke carp.
I shake your hand
Catch, don't worry.

happy birthday congratulations
I am a fisherman today
And with all my heart I wish
Good, prosperity for centuries,
May he achieve his goals
And catch a big catch
And let it be fun
Happy, young and healthy!

Happy birthday to the fisherman

After work...
Vacation for now...
In vain does not happen
Fisherman's Day
rare happiness
Plus good luck!
Walking in the river
Perch - task
Bite - don't bite
... where does he carry the fish?
Is it in July
Ask for a fishing rod?

Congratulations to a friend fisherman

Like in The Old Man and the Sea
I wish you fish
To boldly, freely
A battle was taking place.

nice catch
Even aground.
Do not tail to you, by the way,
And don't scale!

Congratulations to the hero of the day fisherman

May it always be excellent
Your catch will be!
You in personal life
Be always ready!

True man -
Acclaimed fisherman!
Let the twist go
Be healthy! All the best!

Congratulations to the man fisherman

Congratulations on a good day
Wishes our helmet:
Let the sea and the river
Respect the fisherman
So that there are more fish on the table,
So that smiles do not melt,
So that everyone loves helluva lot
And luck didn't work out.
And happy omens
Everything came true this summer
And, warmed by hopes,
Joy blossomed brightly.

Comic congratulations to the fisherman

To all the seiners of the ocean fleets,
That they pull a multi-ton fish trawl,
The catch is rich, so that you, brothers,
And the ninth wave would become affectionate!

Tuna, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel,
Simple sprat, flounder, cod, -
Caught to any fish in the net,
Good and happiness on Fisherman's Day to you!

Comic congratulations to the fisherman

They say that from the pond
Without attention and work
You won't pull out a fish
No matter what, never.

Just don't say
From dusk to dawn
It's hard to sit by the pond
No matter how you look at it.

So if you want fish
Then buy it in the market.

Funny congratulations to the fisherman

On the day of the fisherman we wish you good luck,
May sadness and trouble not touch
To become richer every day
So that the catch never shrinks!

May this July bring good luck
You in difficult fishing cases!
May success give you a harvest,
May you get everything in your dreams!

Congratulations to the hero of the day fisherman

Dear fishermen, congratulations on the holiday!
The profession of "fisherman" is a brave decision,
And catching fish is not unimportant at all
Activity for everyone
Who wants to be closer to the sea.
May success always accompany you
And the power of the wind on the water will help you swim!

Congratulations to the fisherman

Tasty fish for beer -
What could be more beautiful?
Who could beautifully for us
Catch this fish?

Fisherman, we wish you
Only fruitful deeds.
We promise good luck
To come true, what I wanted!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the fisherman

Let you catch a goldfish,
So that the seine carried it in reality!
The fisherman always dreams about the bite,
Wish to fulfill him!

Today is a wonderful fisherman's holiday,
Who likes to meet the dawn with a fishing rod,
Congratulations to sea and fresh fishermen,
So that the fish will peck at your “five”!

Happy birthday to the fisherman

Happy fisherman's day, I congratulate you
And, friend, now I wish you:
May your catch be the largest
Let people be happy with you!
May all your goals come true today
Let your fishing dreams come true!
May you be skillful and dexterous!
Happy Fisherman's Day! And happy bite!

Happy birthday to the fisherman

Like antennas on the shoulder, shakes the fishing rods,
The evening is warm in the yard, and the moon is shining,
Behind shoulders is a duffel bag with a festive catch,
And the story of how he caught a catfish on a hook!

You, my brother, are a well-known fisherman and expert,
Joke you are a master, friendship with you is flattering!
Be with a catch and be healthy, joyful bite,
So that a smile on your face, everything is fine at home!

> fisherman

happy birthday to the fisherman

Happy birthday, angler!
Happy angler!
To be specifically cool
And abstract cool!

What is money to us? Money is dust
We are not in the Canaries!
It is important that bloodworms grow
And the maggot was fat!

To sinker from lead
Yes, walking on a fishing line ...
So why not drink some wine
Beer, meat, vodka?

Fisherman's birthday today
We wish you all the luck
And may you be lucky one day
And the Golden Fish will fall into the net.

She will fulfill all three wishes,
And all the secret wishes
Bring happiness and good luck
And saves from trouble and grief.

For a fisherman, the most valuable gift is -
Celebrate your birthday on land.
Of course, the sea is your eternal love,
But on your birthday at home is still better!

It's so nice to gather at the table,
To see everyone who is dear and loved.
And then you can gather in the sea,
Even though we don't want to leave!

But we know you can't live without the sea
And it can't live without you
Go, fisherman, come back with a catch,
We will wait, missing and loving.

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
And we wish you all the best!
So that you are always cheerful and healthy,
So that you do not know grief in your life!

But the main thing is that the catch is good
You always had, as soon as you
You go fishing early in the morning
May all your fishing dreams come true!

Happy birthday, fisherman, congratulations,
You were born, you see, with scales,
He did not waste his strength on the seas,
You are mischievous and cheerful.

May luck smile on you
Any seine will be on the shoulder,
Let any problem be solved
And in love to jump with your head!

Happy birthday, fisherman!
You are a fan and you are a weirdo.
Then you dig worms in the morning,
That baubles you clean.

Spinning taking an armpit with you,
You carry a jig in your backpack.
Early in the morning you sit in the boat,
You will fix all your gear.

And you sit and wait for the bite,
And quietly take a nap.
Bring two carp -
Joy, like a goose.

Fisherman's birthday
Visible to everyone from afar.
Is it shining from phosphorus,
Whether the troubles do not know at all,
And let it be like this
Because you are a fisherman!
A prominent person in the neighborhood
Son, father and husband enviable!
In a boat, with a fishing rod, like a king,
Pisces is a brilliant sovereign!
On the water and on the shore
Let the problems - no gu-gu!

real fisherman
A river awaits on your birthday
And you don't need another gift -
If only the fish were caught fairly!

On your birthday I wish you
Let the gold fish be caught
All desires, dreams and plans
Let it do it right!

If a man is born a fisherman,
Then the series of wishes for him is as follows:
We wish you luck by the tail!
And find a quiet, full backwater!
So that in life there is always a reliable berth!
So that upon returning someone met!
So that it was certainly a great catch!
And so that friends gathered at the table!

Today is a birthday celebration!
Not from anyone, - from a fisherman,
Congratulations come to him
Gifts are sent from afar ...

And I would like to say:
"Keep your smile more often,
I want to catch you
Like in a fairy tale - a goldfish!

Our congratulations to you
And from the heart of everything
birthday wishes
You will be like this:

So that bad weather does not interfere
Never to fishing passion,
So that there is always enough fish,
And gear is always ready!

More for the fisherman on our website: and!

It is very interesting and creative to make happy birthday greetings to the fisherman. After all, fishing is always expectation, hope, surprise and surprise. Everyone remembers Pushkin's famous fairy tale from childhood. Every person who is engaged in this difficult business, in the depths of his soul, dreams of catching his goldfish.

This famous story can be perfectly beaten by making your congratulations. A useful gift in the form of new gear will make the day of jam especially enjoyable. Sitting on the shore of the lake with the fishing rod you presented, the birthday boy will remember with pleasure all those warm words that were said to him at his celebration.

Happy Birthday to You,
We congratulate you like this:
Let's go to the fish tavern
We talk about cod
Of our trill conversations
Let it be distributed under the trout,
And fried salmon
Will be our guest of honor!
And when the time comes
Let's taste the sturgeon
Let's say we ring under the forks,
Friend, be happy and in love!

Happy birthday congratulations!
Would you like to celebrate
On the river, call at least at night!
We will be happy to support!
Be always healthy and cheerful!
And do not know, our friend, troubles,
On this day with you
All lakes and ponds!
All the seas are under your control
The ocean is your friend
Happy birthday, beautiful friend!
Happy birthday dear!

Let the goldfish
Floating briskly in the river
Will be a gift for you
And it will be in your hand!
'Cause she ain't cheap
Not some crucian
In the river splashing, cheat,
Do not rush to peck.
To this small fish
I could make a wish
Look at life with a smile -
The fish will let itself be caught!

Congratulations fisherman,
Can I drink a little!?
To catch such a fish
That I never knew!
That fish is called luck
Get stronger and richer!
Be happy and love
And no one is invincible!
You will be strong and healthy
And self-confident!
You will be special,
The coolest on earth!

What can a fisherman want?
Biting or excellent gear,
And the weather so as not to wait,
And currents of variables.
And let the scope of the hands not be enough,
To show everyone your catch,
Spinning let your rest not know
And the hook is always ready!

Knowing your old hobby, your passion-fishing, I wish you to catch such a fish that the length of both arms is not enough and you do not exaggerate its real size at all!

Happy birthday to the fisherman

On this day, we wish you happiness and kindness.
So that there was a bite all the time, the tackle did not break,
To fish every minute to your heart's content.
So that the baits are suitable in any weather,
So that your fish tank is filled with fish when biting.

Happy birthday fisherman, we congratulate you,
You always remain an expert on fishing.
You know a lot about bait and any bait,
Where, what is suitable, dough or semolina?
You catch a lot of fish because you are an expert in it,
That's why your garden is always full!

So that the tackle does not break on snags and grass,
To have enough strength to fish out any fish,
So that the bait is suitable for any weather,
Indeed, in fishing, if desired, there is no bad weather.

Happy birthday greetings to an amateur fisherman

Glory to the foremen and young people,
Piers, harbors, docks!
Glory to scows and schooners,
Yaliks and punts!
Glory to cod and trout!
Glory to tuna and mackerel?
Glory to the surf of the sea!
Glory to the road home!
On the fisherman's day
The road will be easy.

Congratulations to the fisherman on his birthday, wishes, congratulate the fisherman on the holiday in prose, poetry, SMS

Birthday wishes for a fisherman just begs to be connected with his hobbies. Wish him luck, a goldfish, or even a mermaid, depending on the needs of the fisherman. Or you can fantasize about his networks and his beautiful wife.

Fishermen usually have a good sense of humor. And it would be nice to come up with a funny congratulation for the fisherman. You can joke not only about fishing, but the fisherman also has a main job, family, friends, a car or a dog. In general, look, sorting through all the options in your head.

She throws herself on the hook,
Let the catch be worthy
Incredible just - cool,
We want to catch so much
In order not to fit in gear,
Coming home with a catch
Show off to your wife!