Presentation on the theme of the lord of the rings. “Fairy tale narration by R. Tolkien“ The Hobbit, or There and Back. Traditions of the English fairy tale in Tolkien's trilogy

"Welcome to Middle-earth!"

Literature lesson onfairy tale by J.R.R. Tolkien

"The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

(grade 5)

Anokhina S.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 17 Reftinskiy

Lesson Objectives:

educational- arouse interest in the personality of J.R.R. Tolkien, to determine the level of students' perception of the read work, to introduce them into a special emotional world, to create a "presence effect", to cultivate a sense of beauty;

developing- development of imagination and memory, the formation of interpersonal communication skills;

educational improving reading skills; familiarization of students with individual facts of the biography of the writer, stimulating the independence of students in the search for answers to the questions posed on the topic.

Lesson type: a lesson on literature using interdisciplinary connections (English and music).

Types of educational activities: students' performance, expressive reading of passages, independent work.

Equipment: a map of a magical land, audio recordings, an exhibition of Tolkien's books, Russian and English names of fairy-tale creatures on a board, drawings, computer presentations.

* lesson includes 2 lessons

Epigraph to the lesson:

“... In essence, I am a hobbit (in everything but size). I love gardens, trees, rural landscape not spoiled by cars, I smoke a pipe, I love simple hearty food ... I'm crazy about mushrooms, my humor is not intricate, I go to bed early and get up late. And I don't travel much...

J.R.R. Tolkien

During the classes

1. Organizing moment.

2. Introductory speech of the teacher. (1 slide presentation)

Teacher: Tolkien is the most popular English writer. His books are read all over the world, and after the release of the film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", interest in the writer's work increased. The beginning of numerous adventures of his heroes was a small fairy tale "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again". You recently read this fairy tale and let's analyze the history of its creation and discover the secret of its popularity.

Working with a writer's biography

Student's personal message. Sample text.

Tolkien was born in Africa. The name given to him at birth sounded luxurious: John Ronald Reuel. Little is left of South Africa in children's memory: a tarantula has bitten, snakes live in a barn and you can’t go there as a child, monkeys jump along the fence, jackals howl at night and lions roar. Perhaps nothing more. From the Orange Republic they moved to England. The father died suddenly when the future writer was 4 years old. When he was 12 years old, he also lost his mother. At the age of 18, Tolkien became a scholarship holder at Oxford University (scholarships then, unlike our current universities, were given only to those students who passed the entrance exams not just for “five”, but brilliantly). At 21, he got married, and two months after the wedding, he volunteered for the front. The First World War was on. Tolkien spent 4 months on the front lines in the midst of the bloodiest battle: he walked or crawled under fire through the mud and dead bodies side by side with others, and the soldiers considered him theirs. Then - typhus. That was the end of Tolkien's troubles. The remaining half century passed quietly. He became a respected professor, a connoisseur of many languages, a brilliant specialist in the Middle Ages. In family life, Tolkien was a homebody, a loving husband and father. But in literature, Tolkien earned the title of one of the most widely read authors of the second half of the twentieth century.

II semester


(4 hours)


Purpose: to acquaint with fantasy as a kind of fantastic literature and its first prominent representative; broaden the horizons of students, develop the ability to navigate in literary trends and trends, be critical of literary, cinematographic and television products; cultivate curiosity, love of books, aesthetic tastes.

Equipment: a portrait of the writer, editions of his works, illustrations for them, fragments of films based on the plots of his books.

Literary theory: literary direction, fantasy, fantastic literature.

1. Teacher's word

Pippi Longstocking, whom we met in past lessons, according to many, has a "sunny soul." Therefore, name the rays-traits of her character.

2. Oral or written essay-memo “How to become a “real lady”” (see homework)

II. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

III. Motivation of educational activity of schoolchildren

Many of you and your parents are addicted to films, books, in which there is a lot of mysticism, magic and sorcery. Such literature is called fantasy (from the English fantasy, fiction). its creators plunge into the world of unlimited fantasy, create a magical world. But all the same, it has in common with our real life its manifestations of good, evil, love, friendship, fidelity, responsibility for the fate of weaker creatures, which are people compared to cosmic or otherworldly, magical forces. An outstanding English scientist and writer John Ronald Royle Tolkien is considered to be the founder of the literary equivalence - fantasy. We will talk about him and his work in today's lesson.

IV. Perception and assimilation of educational material

1. Independent development according to the textbook of the floor about J. Tolkien (pp. 289-290 - according to the textbook by Yu. I. Kovbasenko, L. V. Kovbasenko; other textbooks - see the appendix)

2. Exchange of impressions, heuristic conversation

Do you like fantasy? What exactly?

Which writers have you read from this literature? What films did you watch?

Do you think that a fantasy hobby does not harm a person? Prove your opinion.

3. Expressive reading of excerpts from the works of J. Tolkien (see appendix), viewing existing excerpts from films

4. Exchange of impressions about reading

What episode of what you saw and heard was remembered? Why?

Instructive such works for a child, a student? Prove your opinion.

V. Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities

Restore the statement of the outstanding German writer Heinrich Heine, rearranging the words accordingly, and link it to the topic of the lesson.

barriers, she, not, suddenly, knows, comes to life, a fairy tale

(Suddenly a fairy tale comes to life,

She knows no barriers...)

Read the poem by Ch. Perrault translated by M. Tereshchenko.

(Regular ovals around the circumference, connected by lines)

(... It is often believed that being friends

Only it is always possible in happiness;

And true friendship that does not kill

Her nothing in the midst of trouble ...

Ch. Perrot, translation by M. Tereshchenko)

The connection of this poetic passage with the leading thoughts of fantasy works?

VI. Homework

VII. Lesson summary

Interactive exercise "Microphone"

Continue the sentence.

During the lesson, I understood (understood) ...

I remember...

I have changed (changed) my mind about...



Tolkien was born on January 3, 1891 in one of the most exotic countries in the world - the South African Republic of Orange. his father ran a branch of the African Bank, and the family was forced to live away from England. Four-year-old John went to visit relatives in the UK with his brother and mother. But he never returned to Africa - on February 15, 1896, a telegram was received about the sudden death of his father. The struggle for survival began for the family.

John's first teacher was his mother. It was she who taught him, six years old, Latin. However, the boy was interested not only in the uniform meanings of words, but in their sound and form.

In 1904, trouble again knocked on the Tolkien's door - his mother died. The brothers were cared for by the Catholic priest Morgan, who turned out to be a good guardian. He not only spends money economically, the boys inherited from their parents, but also often spent his own money on pupils, which was also not too much.

At the age of sixteen, Tolkien met the charming girl Edith Bratt, his first and only kohanny. the guardian did not like their relationship, because it distracted from John's studies. Therefore, Father Morgan forbade Ronald, as a minor, even to correspond with Edith. Such cruelty was justified. Ronald's only opportunity to study at Oxford University was to pass the exams and receive a scholarship, which was provided only to those under the age of nineteen. And the young man achieved this goal. But as soon as he came of age, he immediately wrote a letter to Edith, in which he offered her a hand and a heart. And three years later, with the blessing of Father Morgan, the young people got married and, like in a real fairy tale, lived happily ever after.

However, it is difficult to be happy when there is a war going on. A few months after the wedding, Tolkien got into her greatest place - he took part in the offensive of the Anglo-French troops on the Somme River in France. In just one day, sixty thousand Englishmen died in this massacre ... Tolkien was lucky to survive and go through the test - a terrible disease. He struggled with death for a long time. Perhaps it was then that Tolkien began to think about the terrible consequences of a war unleashed in order to rule the world. These reflections became the idea of ​​a fantastic story about the three rings of omnipotent power, which was subsequently embodied in the grandiose work - The Lord of the Rings. And the fight against the disease ended in 1917 with the complete victory of Tolkien. The same year his first son was born.

From 1918 Tolkien lived happily ever after. He became a famous philologist, professor at Oxford, father of another son and daughter.

In the evenings, he told his children stories about the adventures of a little creature who loved peace and a quiet life most of all. But it was on her that the fate of the whole world, whose name was Middle-earth, depended. This is how stories about hobbits appeared. Tolkien believed that in fact the world is being saved from evil not by supermen, but by ordinary people, hardly noticeable in ordinary life, such as hobbits: “I was always amazed that we all live thanks to the victory that ordinary little people show in seemingly , hopeless situations.

The fate of the book about Bilbo ("The Hobbit, or There and Back Again") was decided by the ten-year-old son of the owner of the publishing house, who liked the manuscript very much. Therefore, in September 1937, the book was published, and its success stunned both the author and the publisher. Readers demanded a sequel. And it appeared after 17 years. Tolkien worked on the Lord of the Rings trilogy during the years when the terrible shadow of the Second World War covered Europe, and the world seemed to fall under the rule of Mordor. Only the joint actions of all good forces helped once again defeat evil. In Tolkien's work, evil in a concentrated form was concentrated in the rings of domination, the owner of which sooner or later fell under its harmful influence. And only small hobbits could destroy this ring. To the publisher who once commissioned a sequel to The Hobbit and was an ardent fan of Tolkien, we owe the appearance of the trilogy, which came out during 1954-1955. Since that time, The Lord of the Rings has been a prominent figure in the rankings of the most popular books in the world. There were fans of Tolkien's work, who are called Tolkienists.

Director Peter Jackson filmed the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings, and composer Howard Shore wrote the symphony of the same name for orchestra, choir and soloist. By the way, in it some songs are performed in the languages ​​of elves, dwarves and orcs, and the lyrics of these songs belong to Tolkien.

John Ronald Royle Tolkien

Literature lesson based on the fairy tale by J.R.R. Tolkien
"The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" "Welcome to Middle-earth!"
(grade 5)
Anokhina S.V.,
teacher of Russian language and literature
MBOU secondary school No. 17 Reftinskiy

Lesson Objectives:
1. educational - arouse interest in the personality of J.R.R. Tolkien, to determine the level of students' perception of the read work, to introduce them into a special emotional world, to create a "presence effect", to cultivate a sense of beauty;
2. developing - the development of imagination and memory, the formation of interpersonal communication skills;
3. educational improvement of reading skills; familiarization of students with individual facts of the biography of the writer, stimulating the independence of students in the search for answers to the questions posed on the topic.

Lesson type: Literature lesson using interdisciplinary connections (English and music).

Types of learning activities: student performance, expressive reading of passages, independent work.

Equipment: a map of a magical country, audio recordings, an exhibition of Tolkien's books, Russian and English names of fairy-tale creatures on a board, drawings, computer presentations.

* lesson includes 2 lessons

Epigraph to the lesson:
“... In essence, I am a hobbit (in everything but size). I love gardens, trees, rural landscape not spoiled by cars, I smoke a pipe, I love simple hearty food ... I'm crazy about mushrooms, my humor is not intricate, I go to bed early and get up late. And I don't travel much...

J.R.R. Tolkien
During the classes
1. Organizing moment.
2. Introductory speech of the teacher. (1 slide presentation)
Teacher: Tolkien is the most popular English writer. His books are read all over the world, and after the release of the film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", interest in the writer's work increased. The beginning of numerous adventures of his heroes was a small fairy tale "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again". You recently read this fairy tale and let's analyze the history of its creation and discover the secret of its popularity.
Working with a writer's biography
Student's personal message. Sample text.
Tolkien was born in Africa. The name given to him at birth sounded luxurious: John Ronald Reuel. Little is left of South Africa in children's memory: a tarantula has bitten, snakes live in a barn and you can’t go there as a child, monkeys jump along the fence, jackals howl at night and lions roar. Perhaps nothing more. From the Orange Republic they moved to England. The father died suddenly when the future writer was 4 years old. When he was 12 years old, he also lost his mother. At the age of 18, Tolkien became a scholarship holder at Oxford University (scholarships then, unlike our current universities, were given only to those students who passed the entrance exams not just for “five”, but brilliantly). At 21, he got married, and two months after the wedding, he volunteered for the front. The First World War was on. Tolkien spent 4 months on the front lines in the midst of the bloodiest battle: he walked or crawled under fire through the mud and dead bodies side by side with others, and the soldiers considered him theirs. Then - typhus. That was the end of Tolkien's troubles. The remaining half century passed quietly. He became a respected professor, a connoisseur of many languages, a brilliant specialist in the Middle Ages. In family life, Tolkien was a homebody, a loving husband and father. But in literature, Tolkien earned the title of one of the most widely read authors of the second half of the twentieth century.
- Okay, now let's listen to a message about the history of the creation of The Hobbit
Student's personal message. Approximate text of the message about the history of the creation of The Hobbit.
The fate of Tolkien's books is amazing, incredible, fantastic. His works have been translated into dozens of languages ​​around the world. The total circulation of "The Hobbit" in the American publishing house "Ballantyne" is already approaching 15 million. The total circulation of Tolkien's works today is eight figures. And it all started like this. Tolkien claimed that he wrote the book that brought him worldwide fame by accident. I was checking my exam essay one night (he was already a professor at Oxford University) and came across a blank sheet. On it, he wrote: “There was a hole in the ground, and in the hole there lived and there was a hobbit.” And I thought, "what would not hurt, would find out what kind of hobbit."
Tolkien's family grew up three sons and a daughter. For them, the story about the travels and adventures of the hobbit Bilbo was invented. The book appeared in 1937. Since then, The Hobbit has been released every year in America and the UK. The book was translated into Russian in 1976.
- Let's read Tolkien's book, how does it begin. (Reading of the beginning by the teacher and students, you can turn on the audio recording.)
- Well, let's see how you know English, because Tolkien is an English writer. The board contains the names of fairy-tale creatures from the book in Russian, your task is to find the corresponding names in English. (On the board, with the help of magnets, Russian words are attached in one column, their English equivalents are in the second, and the English words are given mixed up, you need to move the English words to the Russian ones. The students work in a chain. It is possible to use an interactive whiteboard, if there is one in the class.)

The result on the board after the work of schoolchildren:

(Comment: it is possible to use more names of creatures, then pictures of these creatures are shown)
Demonstration of presentations of images of northern mythology
(presentation slide)
Gnomes - in the mythology of the peoples of Europe, small creatures similar to people living underground, in the mountains or in the forest. They are the size of a child or a finger, but are endowed with supernatural strength, wear long beards, and live much longer than humans. In the bowels of the earth, the gnomes keep treasures - precious stones and metals; they are skilled artisans, they can forge magic rings, swords.
Goblins are tall, strong and evil mythical creatures that look like humans, but are ugly and cruel. Goblins live in dungeons, caves, underground tunnels, exploit slaves, steal other people's treasures.
Dragon - a winged (flying) serpent, a mythological creature, often with several heads and the body of a snake, lizard or crocodile and the wings of a bird. He is considered the patron of treasures, which could only be obtained after killing the dragon.
Spider - in mythopoetic traditions, cold cruelty, greed, malice, cunning are associated with the image of spiders.
A werewolf - in the beliefs of many peoples, a creature that can change human appearance and turn into an animal, an object.
The eagle is a symbol of heavenly (solar) power, fire and immortality; one of the most common deified creatures - symbols of the gods and their messenger.
Trolls are giants in Norse mythology. They live inside the mountains, where they keep their treasures. They are ugly, have great power, but are stupid. In folklore, trolls, as a rule, harm people, kidnap them and livestock, and turn out to be cannibals.
Elves are spirits of the air, beautiful little people about an inch tall, like Andersen's Thumbelina, in hats made of flowers. They can live in trees, which in this case cannot be cut down. They like to dance in moonlight; their music enchants listeners, makes even inanimate nature dance. In a number of beliefs, elves have their own kings, wage wars.

(Demonstration of an excerpt from the Lord of the Rings trilogy to compare the characters in the film and the heroes of the Explorers presentations.)
- And now, let's look at the etymology of the word "hobbit" (student's individual message)
Student: The word “hobbit”, according to Tolkien himself, is an abbreviated form of the word “Holbytlan”, that is, “Holedwellers” - “denizens of holes”. Tolkien begins his story like this: “Once upon a time there was a hobbit in a hole under the ground. Not in some vile dirty damp water, where worm tails stick out on all sides and a disgusting smell of mold, but also not in a dry sandy bare hole, where there is nothing to sit on and nothing to eat. No, the hole was a hobbit, which means it was well-maintained.” And then a detailed description of a cozy hole, on the page. The author attached such importance to the dwelling of the hobbit. There is another version. The word "hobbit" combines the word "rabbit" (rabbit) with the Middle English word "hob". This word was called small magical creatures in English folklore. The similarity of a hobbit with a rabbit was repeatedly pointed out by the writer himself in the text of a fairy tale. When Bilbo fell into the clutches of the trolls, one of them, looking at the shaggy legs of the hobbit, said: "You are an unfortunate rabbit." And the eagle, carrying the hobbit on its back, says to him displeasedly: “Why are you cowardly like a rabbit? Although you do look like a rabbit.” It is the shaggy rabbit legs of the hobbit that help him move silently. No wonder the dwarf Thorin wishes that the wool on the hobbit's feet never falls out.
- Listen to music, pieces by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" ("In the cave of the mountain king") and M.P. Mussorgsky "Dwarf". Listen to them carefully and try to remember the appropriate episodes from the films "The Lord of the Rings", "The Hobbit". (after listening to music, children recall episodes from films that the music evoked in their memory). Can you tell me what the musical compositions are like? How are the gnomes at Grieg? (marching). And now, let's listen to the song of the gnomes, which was performed in the first film about the adventures of Bilbo (listening to either the audio recording of the song, or watching the corresponding fragment from the film). Let's turn to this song in the book (work with the text).
Journey through the map of Middle-earth. (presentation slide)
- Let's try to trace the route of travelers there, to a lonely mountain and back. (Those who wish go to the map and show the route of the travelers, recalling the content of the tale.)
(The maps of Middle-earth are not only displayed on the screen, but also lie on the desks of each student.)

Work with text
Pupils retell their favorite episodes of the story.
An exhibition of Tolkien's books is being held.
Summary of the lesson. Reflection
Conversation with students about what they liked in the lesson, what worked or did not work. Did you like Tolkien's book? Will those who have not yet read it, or have not read it to the end, read it?
Draw illustrations for the story or write a short essay (example topics are “The World of Middle-earth”, “Hobbits - who are they?”, “The image of Bilbo Baggins in the story”, “The theme of the struggle between good and evil in the story is eternal”, “The Hobbit” is my favorite book ").
List of sources used
1. Vaysman A.I., Lysenko L.L. Tale of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. 5th grade // Literature at school. 1998. No. 2. S. 149–155.
2. Gakov V. Age of Tolkien // Tolkien J.R.R. Hobbit. Minsk: Higher School, 1992.
3. Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia: In 2 vols. M., 1991.
4. Muravyov V. Background // Tolkien J.R.R. Keepers. M.: Raduga, 1991. S. 5–27.
5. Sverdlov M. J. R.R. Tolkien and his hero the hobbit // Literature. 1998. No. 32. S. 8–9.
6. Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. Fairy story. / Translation from English by N. Rakhmanova. Rice. M. Belomlinsky. - L .: Children's literature, 1976.

The most beloved book since childhood, the most beloved book in youth, the most adored book in adulthood. This is where my passion for fantasy began. The beautiful and mysterious world inhabited by hobbits, elves, dwarves and people attracted and fascinated. This book became a bright event in the literature of the 20th century. A fairy tale that conquered the minds of millions of readers, found a response in the hearts of thousands and thousands of admirers, inspired dozens of people of creative professions to create masterpieces. Probably, many have already guessed that we are talking about " Lord of the Rings» J. R. R. Tolkien. The book left no one indifferent. My favorite book!

Novel Tolkien was written as a single work, but due to the large volume, the first publishers considered it necessary to break it into 3 parts: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King. Now the novel is most often published in one book. So what exactly is the novel about?

Having effectively celebrated his 111th birthday, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins retires and leaves his nephew Frodo a ring that makes anyone who wears it invisible. From the wizard Gandalf, Frodo learns that this is not a simple ring, but the creation of the evil magician Sauron, the Ring of Omnipotence. And it was created to subjugate all other magic rings. With the help of this ring, Sauron, who was killed many years ago, will be able to be reborn and begin to do evil. With Sam, Merry and Pippin, hobbit friends, Frodo goes to the elves on behalf of the wizard to learn how to get rid of the ring. On the way to the possessions of the elves of heroes - undergrowths, many dangers await. The guide Aragorn, better known as the Wanderer, joins their company. Pursued by the black horsemen-Nazgul, the ghostly servants of Sauron, the hobbits and Aragorn, with great difficulty manage to reach the lands of the elves, where the ruler of the elves, Elrond, heals Frodo, dangerously wounded by the leader of the Nazgul. In the possession of the elves, representatives of different peoples inhabiting Middle-earth come to the council to discuss what to do with the Ring. Since it can only do evil and enslave the owner's mind, the council decided to destroy it. But for this, the ring must be thrown into the mouth of the Fire Mountain in Mordor, the place where it was created. Frodo himself volunteers to carry and destroy the Ring. Together with him, Aragorn, who turned out to be a descendant of the kings of Arnor and Gondor, wished to go, Boromir, the son of the current ruler of Gondor, the wizard Gandalf, the dwarf Gimli, the elf Legolas, and of course three friends - hobbits. It is them, representatives of different peoples of Middle-earth, who will be called the Fellowship of the Ring. The path to the Mountain is very difficult, Frodo and his friends fail to pass the pass through the Misty Mountains and they decide to continue their journey underground, through the possessions of the dwarves. Here they will meet with the awakened ancient demon and warlike orcs. In the dungeon, friends lose the wizard Gandalf, who fights with the demon Balrog and falls into the abyss with him. But the Brotherhood gets to a safe place, into the domain of the wood elves. In the realm of the elves, Frodo will try to give the Ring to the elf queen Galadriel. At the cost of incredible effort, overcoming temptation, she refuses to accept the ring. After a short rest, the squad sets off again towards dangers and adventures. Boromir, fascinated by the power of the Ring, tries to convince his friends to use it against their enemies. For a moment, the ring takes possession of Boromir's mind and he attacks Frodo, forcing him to defend himself by putting on the ring. At the same moment, the detachment is attacked by orcs, in the battle with which Boromir dies, and Pippin and Merry are taken prisoner. Frodo sees that the Ring can bring death to his friends and, protecting them, decides to continue on his way to Mordor alone. He does not know that the faithful Sam, noticing his disappearance, will nevertheless follow him. The Fellowship of the Ring has broken up, but Frodo and Sam are confidently moving towards their intended goal. And his former companions are waiting for their adventures. The detachment that captured Merry and Pippin was a team, and while the orcs argue to which of their overlords to lead the prisoners, the hobbits run into the forest. Here they meet the oldest representative of the lands of Middle-earth - Ent Treebeard, the keeper of the forest. Merry and Pippin persuaded him and the other Ents to oppose Saruman, who is destroying the forest around his stronghold, which of course the Ents cannot like. The remaining members of the Fellowship, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas, in an attempt to save the captured hobbits, follow in the footsteps of a detachment of orcs. On their way, they unexpectedly meet Gandalf. It turns out that the wizard did not die in the battle with the demon, but having received magical support from above, he receives a new mission, to save Middle-earth. He became Gandalf the White. Now they are on their way to Rohan to gather troops and oppose Saruman. The armies of the kingdom of Rohan and Saruman converge in the great battle of Helm's span. And only in time Gandalf came to the rescue with reinforcements, decides the outcome of the battle in favor of Rohan. And the Ents at this time flood the fortress of Saruman and destroy its garrison. Saruman is stripped of all his magical powers. At the same time, Frodo and Sam are slowly but steadily moving towards their intended goal. An unexpected guide for them to the Mountain becomes a slippery and vile creature - Gollum. It was he who owned the Ring long before Frodo. It's in the cave

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Goals and objectives:

Tell students about your favorite book and make them fall in love with the process of reading, as in the most interesting process of intellectual work;

To develop the imagination of students on the basis of the text chosen by the teacher;

To teach how to work with the text, the selection of textual material and its analysis;

Feel the beauty of Tolkien's words;

Preparatory stage.

1. Watching a movie.

2. Presentation for the lesson.

3. Individual creative tasks.

Who in a hurry admires miracles.
John R.R. Tolkien(slide 2)

During the classes

1. In the magical land of John Tolkien. (Slide 3)

Come quickly! Well, we will sing to you
About dew, streams and rivers, about cheerful rains,
About the steppes, where dryness and heather, about mountains and valleys,
About the high summer sky and forest lakes,
About drops from spring branches, winters and frosts,
About sunsets and sunrises, about the moon and stars -
We will sing a song about everything in the world together!

Tolkien was a professional linguist, knew several foreign languages. He very subtly felt the word, its sound. The Lord of the Rings trilogy immediately captivated me with its unique storyline, amazing characters who gathered to fight the Mist, the beauty of the word, its refinement, musicality, accuracy, imagery and brightness of epithets and comparisons.

Rain: glass-silver; pearl silver; silver rain curtain.

"A shimmering curtain flowed in a silky, pearl-silver canopy, a drop of moonlight."

Water: glassy; splash of falling water; silver river.

Grass and flowers: silky grass; the honey smell of flowers and herbs; grass, silvered with dewdrops; surprised flowers.

Stars: Starred. The sky was filled with stars. Star Light; the radiance of the stars; iridescent stars.

Crystal Morning.

Days and nights: "Calmly bright, like drops of dew, clear days sparkled." “It was September: the days were golden, the nights were silver.”

Light: “The ancient put two stone bowls on the table, probably with water, ... and one glowed with gold, the other ... with a dark green light. Peace lit up, green-gold glare ran along the walls ... ... trees began to glow, ... and ... every leaf was dressed in a green, golden, copper-red halo, and the trunks seemed to be columns sculpted from transparent stone.

Tolkien's heroes are enchanted... Frodo is enchanted by the magical brilliance and magical magnetism of the golden ring, Aragorn-beauty of Arwen and his future city of Gondor, Legolas-the elven kingdom of Kvetlorien, Gimli-stone flower garden of caves, Sam-beauty of Galadriel, Pin and Merry-native Hobbitania, "where the summer is magnificent, the autumn is fruitful ... The branches were bursting with apples, the honeycombs were flowing with honey, and the wheat raised tight ears. Treebeard admires and admires his beloved mountain ash:

Rowan my elegant, proud trees!
My beloved mountain ash, oh, how can I call you?
Spring color wrapped you in a silver veil,
In bright green dresses you met the summer dawn.
I heard your welcoming, gentle voices.
Rowan beauty was crowned with red clusters.

And all of them are enchanted by the beauty of forests, fields, flowers, the names of fast-flowing rivers: Zolotinka, Serebryanka, Bystrogrivka, Vorozheya, Snegovaya, Mirror Lake.

And I am fascinated by the music of Tolkien's words, prose, in which the poetic text is superbly woven: poems, ballads, songs and legends.

(slide 4) Our path for miracles is illuminated by the elven star-phial of Galadriel. The Magic Mirror of Galadriel - "a silver bowl on a low pedestal of white marble" - gathered the heroes of John Tolkien's trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" near it.

I don’t know what exactly the Mirror will show you - the past that determined your current life, or any of today’s events that can affect your fate, or what may happen in the future ...


2. In search of a miracle. Magic Mirror of Galadriel.

(Slide 5) The mystery of the ring. Gandalf.

Three Rings - for the royal elves in the heavenly tents,
Seven - for the powerful gnomes, lapidaries in the stone bosom,
Nine - for the Nine, clothed in grave dust.
One will be put on by the Lord on the black throne

One Ring will subdue them, one will gather them,
One will attract them and bind them into a black chain
In a land called Mordor, where darkness has spread.

We are not given to choose fate; however, this time we have been given time, and the main thing is not to miss it... The enemy is very strong, but in order to break every resistance... and flood Middle-earth with Darkness, he lacks one thing - the Ring of Omnipotence. The elves hid three most beautiful Rings from him ... The Dwarves had Seven Rings; three he got, the rest were exterminated by the dragons. Nine he gave to people, majestic and proud, to enslave them. A long time ago, they turned into ring-bearers - ghosts, into the Servants of Gloom... ...There is only one way: ... to throw the Ring into... the flaming bowels,... so that it melts and becomes forever inaccessible to the Enemy.

(Slide 6) Who did Gandalf see in the Mirror of Galadriel? Frodo.

Only let it not be me, let it be someone else, is it possible for me to do such feats?

There is no strength in you, no wisdom. However, you are chosen, which means you will have to become strong, wise and valiant.

Curse of Isildur. Frodo.
Broke his trusty sword Elendil,
In battle, not sparing yourself,
And Isildur in that battle got
Curse for yourself.

But in Imladris they snuggle again
Broken Leader's Sword
And the little one dares to take
Curse yourself.

(Slide 7) Who did Frodo see in the Mirror of Galadriel? Frodo saw Strider.

Return of the King. Aragorn.
Ancient gold rarely shines
Ancient blade - ardent.
The Ranger King will go to battle:
Mature doesn't mean old.

The misfortunes will grow,
The blade will flare again
And the king will be called the king -
In honor of a different king.

On ... the earth (Lorien) there is no place for Evil: it dies even in the thoughts of villains, if they bring it with them ...

(Slide 8) Who did Aragorn see in the Mirror of Galadriel? Aragorn saw the Maiden of Razdol - Arwen.

Arwen: Shine in the twilight North, Elven Beryl!
Call your friends to arms and gather your relatives.
They will see, hear - and all who are alive will respond -
And Gray will leave the Druzhina to the southern borders.
You are destined for a lonely and exorbitant work:
The dead guard the straight road to the Sea.

Every hour counts. Either our hopes will come true, or all hopes are over.

… Farewell to better times, Elven Beryl!

(Slide 9) Elven Prince Legolas.

Lightning of the all-night dawn
Beyond the distant seas.
Burn with eternal hope
Over our mountains!
Oh Elbereth! Giltoniel!
Hope is a distant light!
From our dark lands
Deep bow to you!

You overcame the evil mist
On the black sky
And bright stars lit
In your nocturnal crown.
Giltoniel! Oh Elbereth!
Radiance in the blue temple!
We remember your eternal light
Beyond the distant seas!

What did Legolas see in the Mirror of Galadriel?

- ... The silver trees of Quetlorien ... do not lose their dense foliage in autumn: it becomes bright gold and stays on the branches until the arrival of spring. In the spring, last year's foliage falls off, covering the forest glades with gold, and on the branches, along with new leaves, golden-yellow flowers bloom, filling the air with a honey fragrance ...

“The wind plucks golden leaves from countless, like years, golden branches. Long, long years passed like honey freshness over the meadows of the Overseas, and the stars fluttered in the blue skies above the bright pass.

(Slides 10, 11) The lady of Lorien is Galadriel. Sam.

Well, she's pretty... Don't fall in love! That ... it is like a slender tree in bloom, and then like a little white amaryllis ... Flint ... and softer than moonlight. Warmer than the sun, but cold - like frost on a starry night! Proud, majestic - pure mountain in the snow, but cheerful, like a girl in a chamomile wreath.

(Slide 12) And you, Gimli, what did you see in the Mirror of Galadriel?

Stone flower garden.

A wondrous wonder... These are huge chambers in which the slow music of iridescent jets and eternal drops over the lakes sounds and sounds... ...smooth walls sow sparkling with a mysterious light, marble lace and curls like shells, transparent, like the pasterns of the Lady Galadriel. ... everywhere rise, grow out of the multi-colored floor, bizarre, like dreams, twisted statues of columns - snow-white, yellow-brown, pearl-pink, and stalactites sparkle above them - wings, garlands, curtains, petrified clouds; towers and spiers, weathercocks and banners of hanging palaces, reflected in motionless - frozen lakes ... Caves! Mansions…

(Slide 13) Home. Hobbitania. Pin and Merry.

And so our story ends!
There the sun pours its rays
To spring gardens
Meadows bloom, streams murmur,
Thrushes sing in the gardens.

Or maybe the starlight is pouring
And I would see
How quietly glows in the foliage
Pearl star.

“In the Community Meadow, a young tree of wondrous beauty did not grow, but burst out from under the ground, with a silver bark and oblong leaves; by April it was strewn with golden flowers. was a mallorn...

The year 1420 was fabulously fine: the sun was shining gently, the rains were soft, timely and generous, and besides, the air was honey-like, and a quiet reflection of ... beauty lay on everything. ... All the children born ... that year ... were strong and handsome for selection ... Everything was born abundantly ... ... No one was ill, everyone was cheerful and happy ... "

What did Pin and Merry see in the Mirror of Galadriel? A ship sailing to another world.

(Slide 14) Silver Harbor.

Ship, grey-winged ship!
Can you hear the distant calls
Sailed away before me
calling voices?

Farewell, farewell, my dense forests,
The days on earth have run out, and the ages begin again...

“Frodo… came aboard. Raised the sails, the wind blew; the ship moved slowly along the long bay. The clear light of the phial of Galadriel, which Frodo held in his raised hand, became a faint glimmer and was lost in the mist. The ship went to the open sea ... ".

Perhaps not at all in a dream
There will be a door in a blank wall
And dissolve before me.

Opening up another world.
And a moonbeam someday
Like a secret sign that will show the way

3. Questions to the class.

Which character would you like to see in the Mirror of Galadriel?

(Slide 15) The class unanimously chose Gollum.

Three Rings - to the wise elves - for the good of their proud,
Seven Rings - to the cave gnomes - for their mountain labor
Nine - to the people of Middle-earth - for the service of the wise
And fearlessness in battles is deadly hard.
And One - all-powerful - to the Lord of Mordor,
To separate them all, to deprive them of their will
And unite forever in their earthly vale
Under the dominion of the all-powerful Lord of Mordor.

The ring, which was supposed to belong to the Lord of Mordor and multiply evil, Gollum tenderly and lovingly called: "Charm!" In this one word, the love story of a hobbit who went to any lengths: murder, humiliation, suffering, torture, hunger, betrayal, turning from a hobbit into a terrible freak. He traveled a difficult path from Mordor and to Mordor and died to be with his love, bravely rushing after his Charm into the seething flames.

Gandalf is right when he predicted that "a traitor ... will unwittingly do a good deed." For the suffering he has endured, he deserves indulgence and pity, because not everyone can love like that.

What would you guys like to see in the Mirror of Galadriel? (This work is homework)

(Slide 16) I am very glad that the fantasy world created by Tolkien fell in love with you, became close and dear to you, and my favorite book became your favorite book.

I thank you for participating in this lesson.


  1. Tolkien. J. The Lord of the Rings [Text] / Tolkien J. - Any edition.