Cool statuses about children - beautiful quotes about babies! Beautiful sayings about children

Beautiful statuses about children with meaning will interest both those who have already become parents and those who are just preparing to become them. Share the most interesting statuses on this topic with your friends.

Children are happiness, happiness when you understand it...

  1. You can find both tears and laughter in your child’s eyes. But you will always see trust there.
  2. In fact, the baby does not need both parents at any cost. It is enough for him to have one, but happy and satisfied with life.
  3. I don't want my child to be perfect, or even overly obedient. I just want him to be able to enjoy this life...
  4. Children are like a continuation of your childhood: back to kindergarten, back to school, back to college...
  5. As they say, my child is not a gift. He's a surprise...
  6. Nothing smells as sweet as a baby falling asleep in your arms!
  7. Parents know that the morning begins not with coffee, but with the patter of two little feet.

A child's question is the question that makes the most sense

A child is your continuation, your love, your happiness. And if you agree with this, set statuses about children with the meaning of life.

  1. A woman smoking in front of her child should not become the norm in our eyes.
  2. Men come and go, children are much more important.
  3. It doesn’t matter how much happiness you wish for your baby. Much more important is how happy you are.
  4. – Have you ever met the ideal man? - Yes, my son is growing up!
  5. In order for a child to bring a glass of water in old age, he must not only be born, but also raised.
  6. You understand that the baby has grown up when on his birthday he asks not for a gift, but for money...
  7. Never scold your children, but also never be afraid to educate them.

Talk to your child before it's too late!

Statuses about children with the meaning of life should remind all parents how happy they are. Happy simply because their children will definitely remain on this Earth...

  1. Sometimes she does little dirty tricks on me, sometimes she does big dirty tricks on me. But I still love her, because she is my daughter...
  2. I'm a little sad that our children won't remember that there once was a time without mobile phones...
  3. For some, thousands of dollars are not enough to become rich, but for others, an only child is already an invaluable happiness.
  4. Dear moms! The kid must make mistakes, fall and get bumps in order to learn to cope with difficulties now.
  5. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad that almost every weekend I wake up to the timid patter of children’s feet.
  6. A wanted child is when most often you read him a bedtime story, rather than turning on a new cartoon on the computer...
  7. Many of us need to know the difference between “helping” and “caring.”

Looking at a newborn baby, it’s hard to imagine that life is rushing so quickly

After giving birth to a baby, many of us realize that we will never live the same way again. But statuses about children and happiness meaningfully confirm that in this case you will definitely find a fulfilling life.

  1. It's not that hard to get up at night trying to calm a baby's crying. If you were ready for his birth...
  2. Children's laughter enchants with its naivety. It sounds like the trust in the whole world that has not yet been lost.
  3. Teach your children to clean up after themselves and treat people well. Let's build a friendly planet with our own hands.
  4. What's the first word? You would know how happy I was at my first smile!
  5. Of course I want my baby to be successful. But I also want him to become a real person!
  6. Don't laugh at children's imaginations, let them believe in miracles. And then as adults they will believe in themselves!
  7. Having a small child is not easy. But one of his slightest smiles, and you understand what it was all for...

Don't be afraid to be an imperfect parent, and you will succeed

Short statuses about children with the meaning of life are an ideal phrase for a status line for mom or dad.

  1. At any age, a voice from childhood sounds in your head.
  2. Every former child wants to return to where they grew up.
  3. The most important thing is to teach your child to live without you.
  4. Remember, you are the one who allows your child to be patient.
  5. Is your child small? Learn to have fun with him!
  6. None of the mothers or fathers have ever managed to avoid disappointment.
  7. The best alternative to a tablet for a child is communication.

Your child must be loved!

The existence of every baby on the planet is already a miracle. This will be confirmed by smart statuses about children with meaning.

  1. How tired of the phrase “children are the flowers of life.” Children are children!
  2. You cannot change a man, except perhaps by raising him correctly from the beginning.
  3. Parents, remember that an overly obedient child should also alert you!
  4. You still need to pamper your children: you never know what kind of trials they will face in the future.
  5. I would like children's crying to sound much less often...
  6. If you think that raising a child is an important process, know that in reality it is much more important.
  7. Before you criticize, make sure you have given the right example.

What can we say about our beloved children? They are the meaning of our life, and what makes us happy, regardless of the situation that surrounds us, and they can easily unite us. People are capable of loving not only their own, but also other people’s children, because they are the happiness that comes from nowhere. Each child, albeit in his own way, is dear and valuable to his parents. After all, even in severity and punishment, we still love our children very much, and this is what most children value in the future. This love manifests itself even then. When we look at a photo and beautiful statuses about children we understand that this is our main meaning of this life. In general, it seems that cameras seem to “love” children, and only in children can one see the sincerity and real emotions that are absent in adults who have already learned to lie. And this is exactly what is valued in every child. After all, how nice it is to notice a real sweet smile on a gentle face, to look into sincere eyes that give you several times more tenderness than you do.

We understand childhood well only when we grow up.

Today you feed him breast milk and teach him to walk, and tomorrow he teaches you how to use a computer.

Children are flowers, they also need a pot.

When this angel sleeps, he sees everything you did for him today.

Enjoy the little things, because there is a child inside you.

Even if you outgrow your mother, you will always be her child.

The world of children is special: carefree and bright!

All children on the planet laugh in the same language!

The most harmless and strong love is that of a child. Adults need to learn...

Think before you commit a bad act. You have a child behind you, thinking that you are a hero to him!

A gentle face, every feature, a snub nose sniffles - Money, a career - this is unimportant, important - he sleeps next to him.

The most expensive necklace for a woman is the hands of a child hugging!

The baby smiles for the first time at four weeks of age. By this time, his eyes are focused enough to get a good look at your face.

I believe in love at first sight - I fell in love with my mother from the moment I opened my eyes -

Yesterday he was in diapers, and today he asks for a car and a separate apartment.

Children are happiness! But it comes at a high price!!!

Let's believe in miracles from childhood? -Have you found your miracle yet?

Childhood is when we are very happy about a new bike, but in the future we won’t even be happy about a cool car.

A newborn baby sucks juices and energy from the mother's breasts, and when he grows up, from the father's wallet.

A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit!

Children should be very lenient towards adults.

A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always find something to do for yourself, and to insist on your own.

Your child has grown up, if the question: What should I give you? answers: Give me money -

Adults are just aged children.

Adults do not swear in front of children, and children do not swear in front of adults.

Nowhere do the stars shine as brightly as in the city of our childhood.

A family without children is heaven without angels.

The purpose of education is to teach children to do without us.

In life, we always face one annoying thing - One fine day, a child becomes an adult.

Only children will help adults learn how much patience they have.

A little son asks his father: -Dad! How much does it cost to get married? - Dad thought about it and answered: “You know, son, I don’t know, because I’m still paying for it.”

Do you think the child grew up bad because he got involved with bad company? Don't defend yourself!

Who didn't think as a child that monsters lived under the bed and that they could grab you?

Children are like life starting all over again: First steps, first smiles, first successes and first disappointments. Children are our experience, children are us.

No matter how much you raise your children, they still act like their parents!!!

They used to scare children with Grandma the Hedgehog, but now they scare them with the Internet shutdown.

A child's imagination is wider than an adult's, because it is free from the realities of life.

If the child does not feel that your home belongs to him, he will make the street his home.

Children hug sincerely and tightly, and most importantly - lovingly and just like that...

Yesterday in -Good night, kids- the puppeteer hit his head on the table-. The kids have never heard such wishes for the night before -

Childhood is when you can show your age on your fingers.

If you want children to listen to you attentively, talk to someone else in a quiet voice.

The best feeling in the world is for parents who come home and their babies hug them from the door with all their wonderful little arms and legs.

Childhood is when you think you are an adult, and adults think you are a child. And everyone is completely mistaken.

Your children will definitely teach you that you need to regularly do repairs in your home.

When I was little, my parents moved around a lot. But I always found them.

Recently I gave my son a little hint and hung a sign on his door with the inscription - Time of reckoning - 18 years -.

Head down, butt up - this is how babies often sleep. This is amazing!

Statuses about small children - If there are toys scattered around the house, the wallpaper is torn, you do laundry every day, all small objects lie above your height... it means happiness lives in the house!

What is happiness? It's very simple! It starts with half a meter of height. These are baby vests, booties and a bib, a brand new described mother's sundress. Happiness is soft, warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa. What is happiness? It’s easier not to answer, everyone who has children has it!

Happinnes exists! It can’t help but eat... and it, this happiness, drinks, pees, poops, sleeps in a crib and mischiefs at such a speed that typhoons nervously smoke on the sidelines!

Having little children at home is so wonderful: wherever you sit, there’s a cube in their butt...

I love perfect order, but happiness is when you stumble over toys scattered throughout the apartment, you look for a long time for your mobile phone, on silent mode and finally find it in a box with cubes, and to take a break you sit down... on freshly smeared yogurt...

Gold is not what glitters, but what runs around the house, doesn’t eat porridge and makes a mess

Little happiness sleeps quietly, quietly on the pillow. It clings to the toy and sniffles with its nose. I will kiss these tiny hands forever. Joy! Happiness is not earthly, what else should I call you!

We baptized the child, he lies in his swaddling clothes, and does not hear or know that the Lord is blessing him. You are an innocent angel, you have a strong voice, grow up for the joy of everyone, you are the best of all - just know that!

You are my little bundle. How long have I been waiting for you... I walked for nine months, And took care of my tummy. Every day you give happiness, the meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and more than anyone else!

When you say to little children, “Show me how much you love me...” - they stand on their toes, hug you with such strength that you involuntarily understand - there is nothing stronger than such hugs and such sincere love in the World!!!

Happy because I sing a lullaby... because little hands tangle my hair... because the meaning of life falls asleep in my arms... because I kiss my chubby cheek every evening... happy... because my mother

happiness splashed across the floor, Barefoot and without pants, My happiness is bare-bottomed, It is thoughtless, Shebutnoe and not peaceful, Here it breaks, there it crushes, Above the lip there is a kefir mustache... Here it is, running towards me!!!

Now you kiss them, and in 18 years you will wonder where you wear them

Hellish patience, nerves of iron, prayers mixed with curses (to oneself), breathing every once in a while, the birth and melting of hopes - this is what it means to put a child to sleep.

Only small children can love you sincerely, tenderly, devotedly and trust you in everything; by offending them, you are betraying the dearest thing that can be in your life.

A baby’s smile in the morning replaces a cup of coffee and completely negates the fatigue from a sleepless night!

My little big happiness smiles and asks to be held... This is the meaning of life!

There is nothing more beautiful in the world - than our babies, our children!!!

Happiness is a tiny hand that tightly squeezes your finger, looks trustingly into your eyes and sincerely smiles with its toothless smile!

There is nothing more beautiful than hearing the sweet snoring of your baby!

Baby sleeps in his crib
And snores sweetly,
And on a small pillow
His toys sleep nearby

Undressing a sleeping baby is like defusing a bomb; one sudden movement means minus 3 hours of sleep.

There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips

With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly, it’s suspicious

Little children in the sandbox don’t know each other at all, but they are already playing like best friends. It's a shame we can't do that.

A person screams loudest about himself when he is in diapers; then gradually lowers the tone

The day begins with happiness, Happiness rose before everyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, turning her smile into laughter.

Hug babies for any reason! ...after all, little children still smell like God.

Little children are the joy of parents.
Little children - winners' cups.
Little sandal feet are running around the house,
Fairy-tale gnomes, as if from make-believe.

Every adult is just a little child at heart, and every little child is a monkey with an awl in one place.

Experienced parents and teachers will agree that babies need to be loved with all their hearts. So much has been said about this and strong quotes about children are heard so often that it is worth getting to know them in order to get to know the soul of a little creature, teach you to appreciate the purity of this soul and try to give your little one true happiness.

No matter how knowledgeable, wise and versed many issues are, adults are superior to them, intuitively always choosing the right decision. Where do toddlers get this from? We probably need to get acquainted with these little creatures again to answer this question. Let's read together all the most interesting quotes about children to become closer with our children.

It’s interesting, but statements about childhood and about kids can be completely different. This: ; a frank opinion about our hopes; funny words and expressions; statements talking about the present and future; about raising children; let us remember the words of the great; everything in which we see the meaning of life.

It wouldn’t hurt to remember your early years. This will help you understand your little ones, understand why they are naughty and playful, be able to forgive them for breaking their favorite vase, talk, and not read them boring morals. Memories of the time when we ourselves were carefree happy sometimes seem like a fairy tale to all of us. It was so long ago. But it happened! And it was because our parents and teachers knew how to understand and support us at the right time. So let's now learn to understand our kids from a parent's point of view!

Bright sayings about your favorite toddlers

Sayings about babies can only be the best and incredibly kind. After all, our children contain so much tenderness and so much sincerity that it involuntarily evokes a similar reaction in us adults. That’s why quotes about children are something that leaves no one indifferent. Happiness is soft, warm palms,
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa,
What is happiness - it’s easier not to answer,
Everyone who has children has happiness! I don’t like it when people say “have children”. Cats, dogs and guinea pigs are adopted, and children are born.

For some reason many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. One could just as well say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing.

If by the age of forty a person's room If it is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.

The most expensive bracelet - rubber tag, on which the weight, height and time of birth of your baby are written!

With the birth of children, the house disappears order, money, peace and serenity... And happiness appears.

All the joy of life fits in a child's smile!

Little happiness sleeps quietly on the pillow! She's clinging to the toy and quietly sniffling!

The best a father can do for your children it is to love their mother.

What is happiness, mom? - my son asked me
And, looking into my eyes stubbornly, he waited for an answer from me.
I love his questions so much, there is so much childish simplicity in them.
I, kissing his stubborn nose, will answer: HAPPINESS IS YOU!

Live like you did in childhood... Without hiding feelings and emotions.

Children are not only the flowers of life, but also the fruits of love.
(Tamara Kleiman)
They say that sons and daughters are happiness, they are the flowers of life. Why not? After all, how much joy they bring to loving parents just by their birth. And then they grow. They learn to crawl, walk, smile and talk. And now our “piggy bank” is filled with them.

Aphorisms about education

Many statements about children clearly show that we are ready to do absolutely anything for our little ones; We are ready to give our child everything we have and a little more. They are our future and present, our meaning of life. That’s why we have great hopes for them, we dream that they will be able to do what we couldn’t do!

Purpose of education– to teach our children to do without us.
(E. Legouwe)

Advice is like snow: the softer it is, the longer it stays and the deeper it penetrates.
(N. Coleridge)

What are you doing for your parents? Expect the same from your children.
(D. Pittacus)

Parenting... the hardest thing. You think: well, it’s all over now! No such luck: it’s just beginning!
(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Science should be fun exciting and simple. So must be scientists.
(P. Kapitsa)

True education consists not so much in the rules as in the exercises.
(J.J. Rousseau)

If a teacher combines love to business and to students, he is a perfect teacher.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

...Adults should not be angry with children y, because it does not fix, but spoils.
(Janusz Korczak)

When the word doesn't strike even a stick won't help.

We are depriving children of a future if We continue to teach today as we taught it yesterday.
(D. Dewey)

And then our hopes are balanced by aphorisms about raising children. As a reminder that loving does not mean pampering and pandering to all their “wants!” If we want to be proud of our child, we must educate it. We do this as great teachers advise, or, as we decided at the family council, this is our business, the main thing is not to forget about the love for children.

The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn.
(L.N. Tolstoy)

It's not what spoils children that we give in to them, and that we give in to them just to avoid conflict.
(John Gray "Children Are Gifted From Above")

Children need not teachings, but examples.
(J. Joubert)

The person who vaccinates giving his children the skills of hard work, provides them better than if he left them an inheritance.

Love children- a chicken can do that too. But to be able to educate them is a great matter of state, requiring talent and broad knowledge of life.
(M. Gorky)

Don't think you're raising a child only when you talk to him or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home
(A.S. Makarenko)

Who can't take with affection, he will not take it with severity.
(A.P. Chekhov)

Raise livestock for slaughter, and children need to be raised.

Funny sayings for kids

and the children in the selection would sound dry and uninteresting if the strong ones themselves were not given the floor! Oh, how talented they are! How often their short funny remarks become family property and are passed on from generation to generation, like aphorisms about childhood.

They seem to have extensive knowledge and their own point of view about everything, they have their own special wisdom. Everyone knows, understands the meaning of everything and is ready to speak out. It’s as if they are teachers and diligently perform the role of teachers, even though from the outside it all looks so funny. And it’s always interesting to read such funny stories about children.

With meaning about childhood: sayings about the present and future

Of course, quotes about the new generation are words about children and parents, about the present and the future. Years, centuries and millennia pass, but the essence is the same: the new generation still does not know something, and only their desire to learn from the mature generation will help each of them become a real person. That’s why these quotes about children always sound with meaning.

Childhood- the rise of destiny in human life.
(Sonya Shatalova)

Childhood is when you can make unforgivable mistakes and hope that you will be forgiven.
(R. Downey)

Children's imagination is wider an adult from what is still free from the realities of life.
(L. Sukhorukov)

Child's character- this is a cast of the parents’ character, it develops in response to their character.
(E. Fromm)

A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.
(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Give children the opportunity to make mistakes. You give them life, but you have no rights to it.
(O. Anina)

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
(P. Buck)

Proper upbringing of children brings success. It is worth remembering quotes about raising children. Perhaps they were said by great teachers or thinkers, parents and simply caring people. The main thing is that the content of such sayings has always been a reason to think about it. After all, the greatest goal of parents is to raise their children, which is what these words say: your daughters and sons are your happiness if they are taught correctly.

Words of the greats

Famous and wisest quotes from great people are a useful and interesting way to look at everything from a different point of view. Thus, aphorisms about children expressed by teachers help us learn to value the time spent with our kids. After all, this is a way to tell them about family, about happiness.

There are quotes about children that help us find the meaning of life ourselves and understand something about love for children. Reading them will benefit us and help strengthen family relationships.

Baby needs your love most of all exactly when he deserves it least.
(E. Bombeck)

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children.
A child who is not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is just a small defenseless adult.
(Gilbert Sesbron) Mother's hands- the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms.
(V. Hugo)

Love childhood: encourage his games, his fun, his sweet instinct. Who among you has not sometimes regretted this age, when there is always laughter on your lips, and always peace in your soul?
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

What a blessing it is to love your children!!! educate, scold, praise, teach, and very very very LOVE!!!

Adult life in order to fulfill your childhood dreams!

Children should not be loved because they are good, children should be loved just like that. In general, you just have to love.

- What should we give the child for his birthday?
- Love... And every day...

Women, what do you think about trying to tie a man to you as a child? Not only does he not love you, but he will not love this innocent creature either. A man loves the child of his BELOVED woman, and it doesn’t matter whether he is the biological father or not.

Memory is a children's room in which aged children try to play with old, broken toys.

Don't abandon your children! never ever! This is our little blood, our destiny! Children are gentle, sweet, like angels, our sons and daughters were sent by God!!!

The first pregnancy is for the wedding. The second is about money. Third - they wanted a girl. The fourth, fifth and subsequent ones - let them run, it’s a pity or something.

The most important happiness is that children are healthy! Laugh, play, cry! Our relatives in the world! There is no greater desire to wake up early and hear quiet breathing. Sleepy to hear: “Mom!”

How is childhood different from adulthood? As a child, when we fall, we break our knees, and when we grow up, we break other people’s hearts...

Nothing reminds you of age like having grown children.

We are married... And everything is different... Our alarm clock will be replaced by CHILDREN... Every year we are only... RICHER and HAPPIER than anyone in the world!!!

- A quiet child is not normal. He either has something in mind, or has already done something...

Lessons learned! ...Parents are hoarse, children are deaf!!!))

It’s not so scary to bring your child into the world, it’s much more scary to release him into an independent life...

Children love unselfishly. Until they are betrayed.

Some people don’t like children, some love all children, some love strangers, and some only their own, but none of us can resist the happy laughter of a baby.

I have three wishes, I will now reveal them to you - that dad would be kind, that he would love his mother, that my neighbor Seryozhka would give me candy!!!

Now that you are sending your child to school, another question has arisen! How much do parents' meetings cost at this school?

The child cursed. Mom grabbed her head, grandmother grabbed her heart, and only dad was proud: “And you say that my son doesn’t see me at all!”

The top of my son’s head... That’s the sweetest thing in this life... You’ll kiss... and you don’t need candy... And it doesn’t matter how old your son is... It’s still sweet to kiss...

A simple law of life. Parents take care of their children first. Then the children begin to take care of their parents.

In our rough times, many children suffer from tactile insufficiency. They just don't get enough affectionate touches. Hug your kids... Gently, gently... They will never ask you for it, but they really need it

The more often children laugh, the better their upbringing goes.

Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

Children are little rays of spiritual light that give birth to smiles in us...

“Every baby born into the world is a petal of the sun”!!!

Sitting at a class parent-teacher meeting, my mother scribbled on her son’s desk with a hairpin: “THE HANA FOR YOU...”

Children in Russia are very brave... They eat candies from the BABAEVSKAYA candy factory))))

Parents are the ones who have pictures of their children where money used to be.

Only parents experience the pain, happiness and sadness of their children.

We reach into the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, into a future that we will never see, but which we want to take care of.

A nursery is a room in which children live. About 20-25 years...

Children with living parents have a huge advantage over others - to use their intelligence, experience and wisdom)))

Nothing can be more important than the happiness and health of the baby! Only a child’s soul can love so sincerely for everything and everyone...

Lessons learned!!! I became hoarse, and my daughter became deaf))))

Children need to be given wings and roots. Wings - so that they fly high, and roots - so that they always have somewhere to return.

Every mother thinks: how will I love my second child! If the first takes my whole heart. It’s just that when a second child is born, the heart becomes bigger...

The only thing more valuable than your own life is the life of your children!

Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling.

All parents want happiness for their children. And they don’t even know what it is...

After visiting the zoo, a child wrote in an essay about how he spent the weekend: “I saw a deer. He has our hanger on his head.”

There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.

Throughout your life, you should not save on coffee, books, women, car tires and, of course, above all, children.

Building a house or planting a tree is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to raise a son so that in the future he will not be a “tree”...

Whatever the monetary costs of raising a child, personal example cannot be bought.

That child is wise who knows his own father.

How cool it is to drink tea in bad weather, at home, with your family!!!

It's so nice to have children at home! I walked in and tripped over a saucepan, fell, and luckily there was a pillow lying there! There are boots in the bathroom, soap in the kitchen, gingerbread cookies in the bedroom. And most importantly - EVERYTHING IS AT YOUR HAND!!!

When you have a daughter, it’s affection, bows, tenderness. And when you have a son, it’s pride!

Baby sleep time is a sacred and inviolable rest time for mom!

It’s scary to hear that now it’s EXPENSIVE and NEVER TIME to give birth to children!

As long as our parents are alive, we are still children...

Only a mother has the gift of relieving pain with just her presence!

It is usually our will to give our children our knowledge; and even more, give them our passions.

There is so much unreasoning love in a small child’s heart! Maybe because his mind isn’t bothering him yet?

Previously, children, getting up in the morning, ran to their parents... but now, taking the iPad in their hands, they hide so that their parents do not find them in the morning;)

Parents must take care of raising their children, just like children, they must honor and respect their parents!

Take care of YOURSELF, for the sake of your CHILDREN... no one CAN LOVE your child the way YOU love him!!!

Statuses about love and love for children