Child development is the world around us. The program of additional education “The world around us. Program Logistics

SBEE JSC "Arkhangelsk Sanatorium Boarding School No. 2"

Additional education program

"The world around us"


Popova Alena Alekseevna

Explanatory note

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

Oscar Wilde

Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much

F.M. Dostoevsky

The World Around Us program is aimed at school-age children (9-10 years old). One of the characteristics of students is curiosity. Children constantly ask questions and want answers to them. If adults cannot or do not want to explain to children what interests them, their curiosity disappears. One of the ways to get to know the world is to develop cognitive skills through learning in a playful way.

Relevance of the program is due to the fact that it is very important for school-age children to teach a holistic view of the world, to give, present, if not a complete, but a holistic picture of the world, to teach them to use their life experience. It is necessary to show children the variety of natural phenomena, to help them understand that all living things have needs that can be satisfied by good environmental conditions. Pay attention to the important role of man in the maintenance and preservation of all life on earth.

The content of the course is aimed at forming in children a conscious careful attitude towards objects of nature, giving the necessary amount of knowledge, norms of behavior generally accepted in society, teaching adequately, acting in a given environment, introducing the history of their native city, the history of the development of scientific and technological progress (the development of transport, the emergence of clocks).

The content of the course also covers questions about animal life and features of plant development, the history of the development of transport, hometown, planet Earth, familiarity with natural objects (air, water, soil, sun). Much attention is paid to the education of a humane attitude towards living things, a sense of mercy, norms of behavior in nature, in public places. Also, schoolchildren get acquainted with the folk traditions of their native land and other countries.

Program goal:

Formation of ecological culture, ecological knowledge among students; fostering a responsible and respectful attitude to the environment and to all life on Earth; study of the nature of the native land.

Program objectives:


    systematization of knowledge and expansion of children's ideas about objects and phenomena of public life, nature;

    teaching children communication skills;

    deepening knowledge about modern problems of ecology;

    identification of the consequences of human impact on the quality of the environment;


    formation of behavior skills in society;

    enrichment of the moral experience of children;

    formation of a careful attitude to the natural resources of the Motherland, its culture and traditions;

    formation of the concept of relationships in nature, the dependence of human health on the state of the environment and a healthy lifestyle;

    formation of the intellectual and emotional attitude of schoolchildren to nature;


    development of intelligence, outlook, imagination;

    development of accuracy, responsibility and independence of the child.

The program "The World Around Us" is aimed at developing the cognitive interest of the child, his thinking, creativity, imagination, the ability to think logically, which will allow him to successfully master the school curriculum in the future.

A distinctive feature of this program is that it encourages the curiosity of the child, presents nature as a mysterious world full of adventure and exciting discoveries.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that in the classroom, along with cognitive information, children are offered practical tasks of a creative nature (experiments, experiments and observations are carried out). Control of children's knowledge is carried out taking into account their age characteristics and knowledge that the child already owns. To sketch observations, experiments, diagrams, perform graphic exercises, a notebook is started, which helps the child remember the information that he received in the classroom.

After some classes, the child receives a task in a notebook at home. Each child performs these tasks independently or together with their parents (depending on their age and development). Doing homework with parents is very important. Since this helps parents, it is better to understand what issues are currently worrying the child. These tasks include exercises for the development of fine motor skills, training of attention and memory, and prevention of written speech. The development of the hand of a preschooler is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Therefore, at primary school age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the accumulation of motor and practical experience by the child.

Program type: modified

The program "The World Around Us" is based on the program of A.A. Vakhrushev, E.E. Kochemasov, Yu.A. Akimov "Hello, world!" and S.M. Nikolaev "Education of the principles of ecological culture in preschool childhood."

Orientation: socio-pedagogical

Age of students:

first year of study - children 9 years old

second year of study - children 10 years old

Group type: school

Composition of the group: constant

Set features: free

Training period:1 year

Class mode

    1 year - 60 hours of training

    1-2 lessons per week, 40-45 minutes long

Forms of classes:

    By number of participants:

Individual lessons (conversation, consultation, game);

Group (10-12 children);

Mass (holidays, matinees)

2. According to the teaching method:


Research work (experiments).

Creative tasks.


Expected results and how to check them.

Conversation, situation cards, drawing a picture with signs. Board games, crossword puzzles, KVN, travel game, homework.

By the end of the year, the childmust know:

Characteristic signs of the city, rules of conduct in the city;

Types of transport;

Vegetables and fruits, their benefits in human life;

plant growth conditions;

Distinguish between wild and domestic animals;

About the benefits of pets;

About the life of wild animals in nature;

The main features of the seasons.

Personal safety rules;

About the rescue service;

Name of the country, city, your home address;

On the regularities of seasonal changes in nature;

On the conditions necessary for the growth of plants;

Distinctive features of the appearance and habitat of animals, birds, fish and insects;

Have an idea about folk traditions, the way of life of people in other countries;

To have an idea about the flora and fauna of different parts of the world.

Children are offered individual tasks: solve a crossword puzzle, draw up a diagram, guess a riddle, “What first, what then?”, “Seasons”, “Living and inanimate nature”, “Correct mistakes”.

Summing up forms:

Final classes are held in the form of travel, quiz games. Children are offered tasks: "Find a clue", "Correct the artist's mistake", "Seasons", "Calendar", puzzles, confusions, crosswords on the topics of the lesson. Children with a teacher make models (“The area in which I live”, “Underwater Kingdom”), diagrams of the relationship of seasonal changes in nature.

Program Learning Outcome Tracking Forms :

Diagnostics (map of observations).

Discussion of problem situations.


Options for assessing completed assignments

"+" - the task was completed correctly

"+/-" - errors of inaccuracy were made

"-" - the task is not completed


additional educational program "The World Around Us"

Topic name

Number of hours

Theoretical lessons

Practical lessons


Our planet earth.

Journey into the past.

Our edge.

Folk traditions.

The diversity of the plant world.

Rare and endangered plant species of the Arkhangelsk region.

Diversity of the animal world.

Rare and endangered animals of the Arkhangelsk region.

Professions. Transport.

Safety regulations.


Topic 1. Introduction

Introductory lesson. The world around us: purpose, tasks and problems. The importance and significance of this program in the school. Discussion and planning of program activities. Rights and obligations of a class member. Safety briefing. Filling out the questionnaire.

Subject2 . Our planet earth.

Expand children's understanding of the world around them. The environment is varied and changing. Some things are alive, others are non-living. Differences between representatives of the plant and animal world. To acquaint children with natural areas in Russia. Introduce children to the map and globes, their significance in people's lives. To acquaint children on the basis of ongoing experiments and observations with the properties of water and air. Learn to establish cause and effect relationships. Water and air protection. How can a child take part in this.

Topic 3. Journey into the past

To acquaint children with the history of the emergence and development of air, water, land transport. Space vehicles. Invite the children to draw a spaceship of the future. The history of the clock. To acquaint children with the "first hours": solar, water, flower, sand. And types of modern clocks: tower, room, wrist. Introduce children to the first inhabitants of planet Earth - dinosaurs. features of their appearance.

Topic 4. Our region. Environmental problems of the region

Geographic location, territory and borders. Landscapes and ecosystems of the area. Human exploration of the area. The population of your area. Economic activity and life of the population, the predominant professions. Change of landscapes and ecosystems under the influence of natural causes and human activity.

Evaluation, making judgments about measures to improve the living conditions of the population of their area. Protected areas and objects of their area. Landscape care.

Excursion into nature "Natural complexes around the school"

Quiz"Do you know your area?" Participation in its preparation and implementation.

Topic 5. Folk traditions

To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the New Year holidays (New Year, Maslenitsa), spring holidays (March 8, Easter).

Practical lessons. Together with the children, draw holiday cards, conveying the characteristic signs of the holiday.

Topic 6. Diversity of the plant world

The main kingdoms of wildlife (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria), their brief description. The value of plants in nature and human life (general review). Acquaintance with the flora of the region. Medicinal plants of the region and their use.

The concept of the determinant of flora and fauna. Methods of working with determinants. Work with the determinant of plants.

The concept of herbarium. Classification of herbariums. Methods and rules for collecting herbarium.

Vegetables and fruits. Their significance in human life. Poisonous plants. Draw a poster for Dunno with the children: “Rules of conduct in the forest”, “Be careful!”.

Plant structure: root, stem, leaves, flowers. The conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants: light, heat, water, soil. Drawing up the scheme "Structure of a plant" by children. Transplanting indoor plants with children. Sowing seeds. Practical lessons. Definition of plants, their description. Herbarization of weeds, drawing up cards of protected plants. Organization of the exhibition "Let's Save the Plants of the Region".

Topic 7. Rare and endangered plant species of the Arkhangelsk region

An ecological approach to the protection of rare and endangered species and their habitats. Red Book. Species of plants of the Arkhangelsk region, listed in the Red Book. Relics and endemic flora of the Arkhangelsk region.

Practical lessons. Acquaintance with relic, rare and endangered plant species of the region through herbariums, illustrations and posters. The study of the Red Book of the Arkhangelsk region. Performances of pupils with lectures and conversations about rare and endangered plants of their native land.

Topic 8. Diversity of the animal world

An overview of the animal world of the region. The importance of animals in nature and human life. Acquaintance with the animal world of the region. Rare and endangered animals. Acquaintance with the "Red Book" of animals. Hunting as an example of the use of wild animals of the area. Animal protection law.

Practical lessons. Excursion into nature. The game "Do you know the animals and birds of your land?"

Topic 9. Rare and endangered animals of the Arkhangelsk region An ecological approach to the protection of rare and endangered species and their habitats. Red Book. Endangered animals of the Arkhangelsk region, listed in the Red Book.

Practical lessons. Acquaintance with rare and endangered species of animals of the native land through books, illustrations and posters. The study of the Red Book of the Arkhangelsk region.

Topic 10. Professions and Transport

To introduce children to the types of transport: cars, trucks, special vehicles. City transport: bus, trolleybus, tram. Importance of transport in the life of a big city. Rules of conduct in public transport.

Profession of people in the city. Mutual assistance and interconnection of people of different professions. First cosmonaut.

Topic 11. Safety rules

Continue to acquaint children with safety at home, school, on the street. Invite the children to explain, using the example of fairy tales, why the heroes got into trouble (conducting a game-travel "In the land of fairy tales"). Making a card "Land of fairy tales" with children. To acquaint children with the rules of the road, signs, with the telephone number of the rescue service. Make a plan for your area - safe areas.

Educational and thematic plan

Number of hours

Form of occupation

Introduction (1 hour)

Introductory lesson. The world around us: purpose, tasks and problems HSE briefing.

Story with elements of conversation and discussion

Our planet earth (6 hours)

About a planet called Earth

Story. Conversation. Poems about native spaces.

What is air

Conversation, lecture.

Journeys to the world of water

Conversation. Excursion to nature

Travel assistants. Globe and map

Quiz game.

Journey to the past (4h)

My home city

History of transport development

Story. Conversation

History of watches

Story with elements of conversation. Practical tasks


Practical work

Our land (4 hours)

Geographical position

Storytelling with elements of conversation

Economic activity

Storytelling with elements of conversation

Protected areas


"Do you know your area?"


folk traditions(1h)

New Year's and Christmas

Easter Maslenitsa,


Story with elements of conversation. Practical tasks

Diversity of the plant world (12 hours)

The main kingdoms of living nature. Animals. General characteristics.

Story with elements of conversation. draw diagrams

Mushroom Kingdom. General characteristics.

Story with elements of conversation. Mushroom drawing

Kingdom of Bacteria. General characteristics.

Story with elements of conversation.

Kingdom of Plants. General characteristics.

Story with elements of conversation. drawings

Acquaintance with the flora of the region. Medicinal plants of the region and their use.

Story with elements of conversation. Practice.

The concept of the determinant of flora and fauna.

Story with elements of conversation.

Rare and endangered plant species of the Arkhangelsk region (4 hours)

An ecological approach to the protection of rare and endangered species and their habitats. Red Book.

Story with elements of conversation.

Diversity of the animal world (12 hours)

Hunting as an example of the use of wild animals of the area. Animal protection law. Acquaintance with the animal world of the region. An overview of the animal world of the region. The importance of animals in nature and human life.

Identification of the most typical animals by traces of vital activity, voice and visual, compilation of descriptions of protected animals.

Story with elements of conversation. Practical tasks.

Rare and endangered animals of the Arkhangelsk region(4 hours)

Rare and endangered animals. Acquaintance with the "Red Book" of animals

Story with elements of conversation. Practical tasks

"Animals of our region"

"Do you know the animals and birds of your land?"

Game, Olympics.

Professions and Transport (6 hours)

Special machines

First cosmonaut

We're going to visit

Professions of people in the city

Safety rules (6 hours)

Traffic rules. Signs

Story with elements of conversation. Practical tasks. Game, Olympiad Practical work

dangerous situations

Story with elements of conversation. Practical tasks. Game, Olympiad Practical work


Program Logistics

Encyclopedias of preschoolers;

Didactic games;

Stationery (watercolors, colored pencils, brushes, eraser, paper, scissors, colored paper, drawing paper, etc.);

Geometric ruler;

plastic utensils;

drinking tubes;

Thematic pictures;

Game sets;


Carton boxes;

Posters (traffic,;



Materials for experiments (plant seeds, water, earth, etc.);

Music Center;

Personal Computer;

Color printer;


Puppet theater (curtain, puppets)

Wooden eggs.

System for diagnosing the results of the educational program

High level:

    Know the safety rules: when handling electrical appliances, piercing and cutting objects. Know how to behave in emergency situations: if a stranger comes into the house, in case of fire, when in contact with strangers on the street.

    Know the names of the seasons, the sequence of seasons, the main features of each season.

    Know the main parts of the plant: root, stem, leaf, name them and accurately show them, know the conditions necessary for the growth of the plant, know the concepts of "edible" and "inedible" plants, name the species belonging to each group.

    Be able to classify vegetables and fruits, know where and how they are grown. Their importance in human life.

    Own the concepts of "wild" and "domestic" animals, have an idea of ​​the importance of animals in human life.

Average level:

    Know your home address.

    Know the safety rules: when handling electrical appliances, piercing and cutting objects. To recreate the problematic issues of the teacher (pictures) algorithm of behavior in emergency situations: if a stranger comes to the house, in case of fire, when in contact with strangers on the street.

    Know the rules of the road: cross the street on a zebra, know the traffic lights.

    Know the names of the seasons, the sequence of seasons, name some signs of each season.

    Know the main parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, name them and show them, have an idea of ​​the conditions necessary for plant growth, have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"edible" and "inedible" plants, name the species belonging to each group.

    Be able to classify vegetables and fruits, know where and how they are grown.

    To be able to classify animals into groups "wild" and "domestic", to have an idea of ​​the importance of pets in human life.

    Know the distinctive features of animals, fish and birds, their habitat.

Low level:

    Know your home address.

    To recreate, based on the teacher's leading questions (pictures), an algorithm of behavior in emergency situations: if a stranger comes to the house, in case of fire, when in contact with strangers on the street.

    Know the rules of the road: cross the street along the "zebra" and only at the green traffic light.

    Know the names of the seasons, with the help of a teacher, recreate the sequence of the change of seasons, with the help of leading questions, name the signs of each season.

    Know the main parts of a plant: root, stem, leaf, have an idea about the conditions necessary for plant growth, have an idea about "edible" and "inedible" plants.

    Know vegetables and fruits.

    To be able to classify animals into groups "wild" and "domestic".

Name representatives of animals, fish, birds, know the conditions of their life


The main teaching aids of the program

1. A.A. Vakhrusheva, E.E. Kochemasova, Yu.A. Akimova. Hello world! The environment for schoolchildren. Educational program "School 2100". - M.: Pedagogy, 2004

2. S.M. Nikolaeva. Education began ecological culture in elementary school. - M.: Pedagogy, 2001

3. K.Yu.Belova, V.N.Zimonina. How to ensure the safety of schoolchildren: class notes on the basics of the safety of schoolchildren. A book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Pedagogy, 2001


    I.R. Koltunova, O.N. Lazareva, M.N. Danilova. The world.

Yekaterinburg, 2001.

    I. Svetlova. School tomorrow. - M.: Pedagogy, 2005.

    L.V. Mishchenkov. Logics. Speech. Motility. Creative skills. Game and educational activities with children 6 - 10 years old. - Yaroslavl: Aktau, 2009.

    MM. Armless. Left-handed child. - M .: Pedagogy, 2008.

    N.V. Elkina, O.V. Marinicheva. We teach children to observe and tell.

Yaroslavl: Aktau, 2006.

    Olga and Sergei Fedin. Travel to the circus. The Neskuchayka series, exciting tasks for children 8-9 years old. – M.: Airis-press, 2009.

    S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina. We develop a hand - to learn and write, and draw beautifully. Yaroslavl: 2003.

    Series "Educational games". Development of attention, logical tasks, puzzles, labyrinths. - Omsk: Option-Omsk, 2005.

    T.B. Tkachenko. Book of games and puzzles. - R-n-D: Nauka, 2008.

    Encyclopedia for preschoolers "Why". - M., 2001.

    Encyclopedia for preschool children "The World Around Us".

    Journal "School education", No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 2006.

    Journal "School education", No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 2004.

14. I. Svetlova. Lessons for younger students. - M., 2006.

15. I. Svetlova. School tomorrow. - M., 2005.

16. N.V. Elkina, O.V. Marinicheva. We teach children to observe and tell.

Yaroslavl, 2003.

17. Workbook for children from the series "Educational games" -

“We develop attention. 9-10 years. - Omsk, 2006.

18. Workbook for children from the series "Educational games" -

“Puzzles and mazes. 9 years". - Omsk, 2006.

19. My first encyclopedia "I know the world." - M., 2004.

20. Everything about everything. "Cars". - M., 2004.

21. Everything about everything. "My body" . - M., 2004.

22. Everything about everything. "Animals". - M., 2004.

23. Everything about everything. "Dinosaurs". - M.: 2004.

24. Everything about everything. "Space". - M., 2004.

25. Secrets of wildlife. "Inhabitants of meadows and fields." - M., 2006.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution D / S No. 71 "Crystallik"

Educational program

additional education for children




Explanatory note

Adults sometimes do not realize how great a store of knowledge and skills a 5-6-year-old child has. When examining objects, encountering certain phenomena of the world around them, children perceive a wide variety of signs: color, shape, size, properties of materials, and much more. The process of interaction of the child with the outside world (objective, plant, animal) is contradictory. An emotional attitude towards it can manifest itself in children, both in a moral and in an immoral act. This is due to the preschooler's ignorance of the rules of interaction in the social environment and with objects of nature. Therefore, it is very important to form in a 5-6 year old child ideas about the social environment, about nature and forms of attitude towards it, to teach to love and protect it. It is to solve these problems that the educational program of additional education for children of the social and pedagogical direction "The World Around Us" is aimed.

The program is focused on the development of the child's personality, his creative abilities, on the formation of a holistic picture of the world. The program combines knowledge of many disciplines (biology, geography, ecology, history, drawing, etc.); the content of the program clarifies, expands, systematizes children's ideas about objects, phenomena of nature and society; subject-practical and productive activity of children contributes to the development of skills of analyzing observation, activation of mental activity and speech of students; 90% of the content of the program consists of practical exercises that encourage you to think, observe, reason, express your point of view, substantiate it, and draw conclusions. The activities included in the program are traditional for preschool education and are determined by the characteristics and needs of preschool children.

The program clearly shows a new approach to the content of education, which consists in the transition from information pedagogy to value pedagogy and, in this regard, we create an inquisitive and cognitive environment around the child through knowledge, creative and practical tasks, which gives rise to the highest motive of the individual - the motive to learn.

At the present stage of development of education, the relevance of this author's program lies in the comprehensive comprehensive preparation of the child for systematic education at school and contributes to the formation of general and special readiness for teaching children.

The program was developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, as well as in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Purpose of the program - activation of the cognitive activity of students to the surrounding natural and social environment.

The tasks that achieve this goal can be divided into:


  • to systematize students' ideas about objects, phenomena of nature and society;
  • form a holistic view of the world and the place of a person in it;
  • to activate mental activity and speech development of children;
  • to teach to establish (with the help of a teacher) the simplest causal relationships of observed natural and social phenomena;
  • to teach to reason, to express their point of view, to substantiate it, to draw conclusions;
  • form the basis of environmental knowledge.


  • develop cognitive interest in the natural and social environment;
  • develop the skills of analyzing observation, imagination, ingenuity.


  • to form the foundations of ecological culture;
  • form the basis of a healthy lifestyle;
  • to cultivate love and respect for close and surrounding people (to members of society);
  • to cultivate love for nature, patriotic feelings for the motherland, native language, national traditions.

This educational program of additional education for children "The World Around Us" differs significantly from existing educational programs.

The differences are as follows:

  • as a rule, existing educational programs are developed within the framework of one discipline, this program has combined many disciplines of the natural-humanitarian cycle;
  • 90% of the educational material of this program consists of creative and practical classes;
  • in the educational process, a special place is given to gaming technologies, since the game occupies an important place in the life of preschoolers and it is in the process of playing that learning material is easier to assimilate and skills are acquired;
  • the topics of the classes in the program are systematized in the form of successive spheres surrounding a person according to the principle of how a child discovers the world for himself: child → the world of things→ house, family, “I” → neighbors, house where you live → street → shop, theater, etc. → kindergarten, school → nature.

The educational program "The World Around Us" is intended for children 5-6 years old. The duration of the program is 2 years.

The program includes the following sections:

  • “Introduction to the outside world: “I and society”, “objective world”; "Introduction to nature: inanimate nature, fauna, flora" (first year of study).
  • “Introduction to the outside world: “me and society”, “me and my health”; “Introduction to nature: a journey through the seas, oceans, continents; study of the flora and fauna of the continents and oceans”, “Environmental anxiety” (second year of study).
  • expansion and deepening of the topic under study;
  • complicating the methods and techniques of research, study;
  • increasing the volume of material offered to children for mastering within the framework of each topic;
  • increasing the level of independence of children in the performance of certain tasks, in choosing ways to solve the tasks assigned to the child.

Much attention, regardless of the specifics of the section, is paid to the speech development of children, the formation of humanistic social attitudes and the development of social skills, the formation of school-significant functions.

The two-year education program is designed for 72 hours:

  • 1st year of study - 36 hours;
  • 2nd year of study - 36 hours.

Classes are organized in small groups of 8-12 people, which allows the most active involvement in educational activities, and the teacher most fully takes into account the individual characteristics of the child. Groups are formed in accordance with the age, level of development, individual characteristics of the child. Features in the organization and conduct of classes are: partnership between the teacher and the child, the lack of criticism of the results of creative work, the game form of conducting classes, a favorable emotional and psychological climate in each lesson. Classes with a group for each year of study are held once a week, the duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.

Taking into account the age and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschool children, the basis of training for this program is based on two basic principles - game and role-playing.

In this regard, a special place in the program is given to the following forms of education and upbringing: a game (role-playing, plot, didactic), a game situation, a research lesson, a practical observation lesson, a test, a conversation, a quiz, a crossword puzzle, a story, a logical task, a practical task, an illustration exercise, an excursion.

The basis of work with children is the pedagogical technology of cooperation, that is, the content of the lesson is revealed in the form of direct communication between the teacher and the children. Therefore, the main methods of working with students are: dialogical, heuristic, programmed, demonstrative, research, illustrated, game, communicative, partially search.

Given the age and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children 5-6 years of age, among the methods of education, I especially want to note a personal example, motivation and exercise.

Summing up the implementation of the educational program is carried out in various game forms: a game-travel, an occupation-travel, an exam game, a game "Connoisseur of Nature" and others.

At the end of the first year of study, children should be able to:

  • about the world around: objective, plant, animal;
  • about the concepts of "living" and "non-living" nature and their components;
  • about seasonal changes in nature;
  • about objects and phenomena of nature and society;
  • about the work of people, about his family, about the Motherland.

Must know:

  • the name of our country and its capital, the name of the native city, your address, surname and name, surname, name, patronymic of the parents;
  • natural phenomena, characteristic signs of the seasons, the name of the months, their sequence and correspondence to the seasons, the name of the days of the week and time of day;
  • the name of animals and their cubs, birds, fish of rivers and lakes, insects;
  • names of trees found in our city;
  • the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants;
  • forest berries and mushrooms; vegetables, fruits, cultivated berries, melons, cereals, legumes, trees, shrubs, flowers.

Should be able to:

  • distinguish between "living" and "non-living" nature;
  • compare, group, classify objects; name the materials from which they are made; understand the meaning of generalizing words;
  • to distinguish the studied species of plants and animals;
  • name and classify fruits and vegetables.

Results of the first year of study:

learners know: name of the country, capital, hometown, your home address, last name and first name, seasons, months, days of the week, the name of animals and their cubs, birds, fish of rivers and lakes, insects, names of trees found in our city, forest berries and mushrooms; vegetables, fruits, cultivated berries, melons, cereals, legumes, trees, shrubs, flowers;

students are able: distinguish between "living" and "inanimate" nature, compare, group, classify objects; name the materials from which they are made; understand the meaning of generalizing words, distinguish between the studied species of plants and animals, name and classify berries, vegetables and fruits.

At the end of the second year of study, children should be able to:

  • about the country in which we live;
  • about society, about national and state holidays;
  • about elementary hygienic and anatomical knowledge, about your body and health;
  • about Russian folk crafts and Russian costume;
  • about the simplest geographical concepts;
  • about the interrelations that exist in nature, about the mutual influence of nature on man and man on nature;
  • about the adaptations of animals and plants to life in nature;
  • about ecology and ecological organizations;
  • on the norms of behavior in nature and environmental protection measures.

Must know:

  • name of our country and capital;
  • flag, coat of arms of Russia;
  • national and state holidays;
  • professions of people in society;
  • the external and internal structure of a person, the main organs of life;
  • concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle";
  • traffic rules, rules of safe behavior on the street, at home, with strangers, in nature;
  • natural phenomena and seasonal changes;
  • geographical concepts: "globe", "map", "compass", "river", "lake", "mountain", "plain", "sea", "ocean", "mainland", "forest", "city", "village", etc.;
  • modes of transport, classification into main groups;
  • inhabitants of the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and continents of the world;
  • Russian folk crafts and the history of Russian costume;
  • the concepts of "ecology", "environmental safety", "natural disaster", "environmental disaster";
  • ways to combat air, water and soil pollution.

Should be able to:

  • tell about yourself, about your family, about the Motherland;
  • talk about the professions of people in society;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • conduct observations of the object or phenomenon being studied;
  • observe weather changes and keep a weather calendar (with the help of a teacher);
  • find Russia and Moscow on a geographical map (globe);
  • to compare two objects and phenomena according to a certain plan, highlighting common and distinctive features;
  • to establish, with the help of a teacher, the simplest causal relationships of observed natural and social phenomena.

Results of the second year of study:

learners know: the name of our country and the capital, the flag, the emblem of Russia, national and state holidays, the professions of people in society, the external and internal structure of a person, the main organs of life, the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle", traffic rules, rules of safe behavior on the street, at home, with strangers, in nature, natural phenomena and seasonal changes, geographical concepts: "globe", "map", "compass", "river", "lake", "mountain", "plain", "sea", "ocean", " mainland”, “forest”, “city”, “village”, modes of transport, inhabitants of the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and continents of the world, Russian folk crafts, the concepts of “ecology”, “environmental safety”, “natural disaster”, “ecological disaster”, ways to combat air, water, soil pollution;

students are able: talk about yourself, about your family, about the Motherland, about the professions of people in society, lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the object or phenomenon being studied, observe weather changes and keep a weather calendar (with the help of a teacher), find Russia and Moscow on a geographical map (globe), compare two objects and phenomena according to a certain plan, highlighting common and distinctive features, establish with the help of a teacher the simplest causal relationships of observed natural and social phenomena.

Monitoring the level of students' learning is tracked according to the developed "Success Maps". With the help of the "Map of Success" 3 levels of learning (maximum, average and minimum) are identified according to the following criteria: the formation of educational skills and abilities, the development of cognitive interests (perception, attention, memory, thinking), the development of the volitional sphere (the ability to control one's behavior during classes). The results of mastering the educational program are presented in the form of diagrams.

Funds needed to implement the program.

Scientific and methodological support of the program:

1. Literature:

  1. o, 2001.
  2. o, 2004.

2. Visual material prepared in electronic form.

3. Popular science videos about wildlife "Your funny friends animals" BBC, 2005.

Program Logistics:

  • colored pencils (12 pcs.);
  • simple pencils (12 pcs.);
  • xerox paper (1 pack);
  • colored cardboard (12 l.);
  • glue(12pcs);
  • scissors (12 pieces);
  • a set of geographical maps;
  • multimedia tools;
  • manual on familiarization with the outside world for children 4-6 years old in two parts (Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E. The world around us. Hello, world! (Part 1). -M .: Balass, 2008, 80 p.: Ill.; Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E. The world around us. Hello, world! (Part 2). 008, 64 p.: ill.);
  • album "Nature of the World" (artist-compiler Kart I.G.) - Petrozavodsk: publishing house "Karelia", 2002;
  • educational and visual aids for children of senior preschool age:

pictures from the life of wild animals:

  • Series "Polar Bear". Early spring.
  • Series "Brown Bear". Autumn.
  • Mole series. Summer.
  • Series "Wolf". Summer.
  • Series "Frog". Summer.
  • Series "Hare". Early spring.
  • Elk series. Winter.
  • Series "Hedgehog". Late fall.
  • Series "Squirrel". Spring.
  • Series "Squirrel". Summer.
  • Series "Golden Hamster". Early spring.
  • non-fiction wildlife video "Your Merry Animal Friends" BBC, 2005.
  • Handouts for the final lessons and on the topics of the program:

"The work of adults", "Vehicles of transportation", "Object world", "Seasons", "Pets and their cubs", "Wild animals and their cubs", "World of birds", "World of insects", "Inhabitants of reservoirs", "Trees and shrubs", "Scarlet flower", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berries", "In the kingdom of mushrooms", "I and society", "Society of people and professions", "Inhabitants of the sea" th and oceans”, “Journey across the mainland Eurasia”, “Dymkovo, Filimonov and Kargopol toys”, “Murals: Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel”, “Journey to Africa”, “Journey to Australia”, “Journey to Antarctica”, “Journey to America”, “Ecology – “studying at home”, “Environmental safety in nature”, “Environmental anxiety – food”.

Educational and thematic plan of the first year of study


Name of program topics

Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Acquaintance with the outside world: "I and society", "objective world"

Acquaintance with nature: inanimate nature, fauna, flora

Final lesson



Clarify the concept of "the world around us." The meaning and role of its components. Develop an interest in knowing the world.

  1. What is the environment?

Clarify the concept of "the world around us", the meaning and role of its components. Pay special attention to the place of man in the world around him. To form an interest in the knowledge of the world. Play the game "Fish, birds, animals."

  1. Our country is Russia.

Tell the children about the capital of our Motherland. Specify the name of our state. Define the concepts of "patriotism", "patriot of the Motherland". Show the location of Russia on a geographical map or globe, find the capital city of Moscow.

  1. Small Motherland.

Clarify the concepts of "small homeland", "place of residence" of a person. Clarify with each student the data of the place of residence: city, street, house number, apartment, phone number.

  1. Travel around Smolensk.

To acquaint children with the history of Smolensk, using photographic materials of memorable places in the city. Summarize knowledge about the location and name of streets and squares. Tell about famous people of the Smolensk region: M.I. Glinka, Yu.A. Gagarin, N.M. Przhevalsky and others.

  1. My family.

Clarify the concepts of "family", "family composition", "last name", "first name", "birthday". To acquaint students with a diagram-illustration of a story about their family. Make up a story about your family and talk about it in class.

  1. adult labor.

Generalize and expand children's knowledge about professions and the meaning of professions. Have a conversation about the diversity of professions. To consolidate the material, conduct games: “Whose instrument?”, “Who does what?”; card games (pictures) for matching: profession - tool, person - place of activity, person - object of activity, etc. Read the fairy tales "How to cure laziness", "About cars, about machines and two working hands."

  1. Profession in your family.

To consolidate knowledge about the professions of people. Write a story about the professions of family members. Conduct business theatrical games: "Doctor and Patient", "Teacher and Students", etc.

  1. City and us.

Clarify the concepts of "city", "village". Name the distinctive features of the city and the countryside. Recall such concepts as: “one-story”, “multi-story”, “wooden”, “stone” house, shops, pharmacies, workshops, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, swimming pools, sidewalk, roadside, forest, field. Conduct games: “I am in the village”, “I am a city dweller”.

  1. Means of transport.

To introduce students to the means of transportation: air, water, land. Based on the illustrative material, talk about cars (name, purpose). Play the game "I am a passenger." Select and name urban and specialized transport. Read the fairy tale "Not far, but very close, not a long time ago, but recently."

  1. Walk around the city.

Clarify the concepts of "carriageway", "sidewalk", "crossing". Answer the questions: “Why is the crossing called a “zebra”?”, “Why are you a pedestrian?”, “Are you more often a pedestrian or a passenger?”. Play the game "I am a pedestrian."

  1. How to behave on the street.

On the illustrative material, consolidate knowledge about the roadway, sidewalk, "zebra", traffic lights. In a playful way, study the traffic light and road signs (“telephone”, “medical assistance”, “underpass”, “beware of children!”). Draw traffic lights and traffic signals in different traffic situations. Solve situational problems.

  1. Object world: furniture, crockery, kitchen utensils.

Clarify the name of furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils. To teach to compare, group, classify, generalize, understand the meaning of generalizing words. Be able to name the materials from which they are made. Conduct a theatrical game "We are in the kitchen."

  1. Object world: appliances, household appliances, tools.

Clarify the names of appliances, household appliances, tools. To teach to compare, group, classify, generalize, understand the meaning of generalizing words. Be able to name the materials from which they are made. Conduct a theatrical game "World of Technology".

  1. Objective world: clothes, shoes, hats.

Clarify the names of items of clothing, shoes, hats. To teach to compare, group, classify, generalize, understand the meaning of generalizing words. Be able to name the materials from which they are made. Conduct a theatrical game "We are going to the store."

  • Learn the name of our country and capital.
  • Draw a "portrait" of your family in your home album.
  • Learn your home address: city name, street, house number, apartment number.
  • Check with family members: who works for whom, how their professions are correctly called. Try to talk about the profession of mom or dad.
  • Think about what you want to be when you grow up? Find a picture of this profession and stick it in the album.
  • Take a walk with your parents around the city, watch the pedestrians, the work of the traffic lights. Strengthen your knowledge of the rules of the road.
  • Visit with your parents at the fortress wall, at the monuments of M.I. Glinka, A.T. Tvardovsky and V. Terkin and other monuments. Try to draw any monument of history you like and make a story based on the drawing, and also tell adults about the monument.


  1. Living and non-living nature.

Clarify the concepts of "living" and "non-living" nature. Learn to classify the components of living and inanimate nature. To trace the relationships and relationships in nature. Introduce the fairy tale "What is underground wealth?".

  1. Inanimate nature.

Give an idea of ​​the seasonal changes in nature. Learn to determine the state of the weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, it snowed. Familiarize yourself with an instrument that measures air temperature. We solve riddles about inanimate nature.

  1. natural phenomena.

To acquaint with natural phenomena: leaf fall, ice drift, rainbow, snowfall, blizzard, northern lights, storm, flood, rain. Study natural phenomena. Read the fairy tale "Where did the water go after the rain?" and discuss what you hear. Play the game "What are these natural phenomena called."

  1. Seasons.

Specify the seasons: autumn, winter, spring, summer. Describe the seasons. Name the main features of a particular season. Track the seasonal changes in nature through the seasons. Read the fairy tales “Once upon a time there was an astrologer”, “One night” and discuss what they heard. Play the game "Seasons".

  1. Autumn is golden.

Clarify the concept of "autumn", repeat the autumn months. Give a description of the autumn season, highlight the main features. Invite the child to look at the pictures and answer the questions: “What autumn is shown in the picture?”, “What clothes will you choose for an autumn walk?” and so on. Follow the changes in nature on an excursion in the autumn park. Remember the autumn holidays. Solve the logical problem "Colorful boats".

  1. Zimushka-winter.

Clarify the concept of "winter", repeat the winter months. Give a description of the winter season, highlight the main features. Invite the child to look at the drawings and answer the questions: “How does winter differ from summer, from autumn?”, “What does a person do when he gets cold?”, “How do animals prepare for winter?” and so on. Follow the changes in nature on an excursion in the winter park. Remember winter holidays. Compose a story on the topic "Winter in the city." Read the fairy tale "Why does it snow in winter?". Solve the logical problem "Snowman".

  1. Spring is red.

Clarify the concept of "spring", repeat the spring months. Give a description of the spring season, highlight the main features. Invite the child to look at the drawings and answer the questions: “Why is spring the time for the awakening of nature?”, “Where do many streams come from in spring?”, “What color do hare and squirrel coats become in spring?” and so on. Follow the changes in nature on an excursion in the spring park. Remember spring holidays. Compose the story "Spring has come."

  1. Hot summer.

Clarify the concept of "summer", repeat the summer months. Give a description of the summer season, highlight the main features. Invite the child to look at the drawings and answer the questions: “When do they go to the forest for berries?”, “Why is it hot in summer?”, “Why is there no snow in summer?” and so on. Remember summer holidays. Make up a story "How I relax in the summer."

  1. Pets and their cubs.

Give an introduction to pets. Find out why these animals are called domestic. Clarify the role and importance of pets in human life. To consolidate knowledge of the names of domestic animals and their cubs, their habits. Complete the creative task "Adult animal and its cub." Systematize knowledge about pets in the game "The Fourth Extra".

  1. Wild animals and their cubs.

Describe wild animals and their habitats. To consolidate knowledge of the names of wild animals and their cubs, their habits, ways of obtaining food, types of wintering. Clarify the role and importance of wild animals in nature and in human life. Perform exercises to systematize and generalize knowledge about the animal world. Read the fairy tale “Once upon a time lived in a dense fairy forest, a helpful fairy-tale bear” and discuss what you heard. Complete the creative task "Adult animal and its cub." Systematize knowledge about wild animals in the game "The Fourth Extra".

  1. World of birds.

Describe domestic and wild birds. To acquaint students with migratory and wintering birds, their habitats and ways of obtaining food. To consolidate knowledge of the names of birds, to be able to distinguish migratory from wintering birds, urban and forest birds. Clarify the role and importance of birds in nature and in human life. Do exercises-illustrations on the name of birds. Systematize knowledge about birds in the game "The Fourth Extra". Read and discuss the fairy tales “Beyond the forests, behind the valleys, behind the high mountains”, “Which bird has the best nest?”, Solve the logical problem “Who dined in the bird canteen”.

  1. World of insects.

To give an idea about insects, to talk about the diversity of species, about the importance of insects in nature and in human life. Tell a fairy tale "I walked, walked and found a fairy tale" about the adaptations of insects in nature. To generalize the knowledge of children in the games "About dragonflies and beetles", "The fourth extra".

  1. Water dwellers.

Give an idea about the inhabitants of reservoirs: fish, molluscs, amphibians; reptiles, about their diversity, ways of adaptations in nature, habitats, about the significance in nature. Generalize and systematize knowledge in the games "Aquarium", "Cats-fishermen", "Cats-fishermen".

  1. Vegetable world.

Give an idea of ​​the diversity of the plant world. Study the parts of a plant. Specify the places of growth and the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants. To study the importance of plants in human life. Play the game "What is it? Name it."

  1. Trees and shrubs.

Clarify the role and significance of trees and shrubs in nature and for humans. Give an idea and comparative characteristics of trees and shrubs. To study the main tree species, to teach to distinguish trees by silhouette, by bark, by leaves, by fruits. To acquaint with seasonal phenomena in the life of trees and shrubs. Complete practical tasks by type: tell what tree the leaf, fruits are from, what happened before - a twig with leaves, flowers, fruits, buds, etc. Conduct work with didactic cards and the game "Know the tree".

  1. The Scarlet Flower.

Clarify what flowers the children know. Describe meadow and decorative flowers. Discuss the meaning of flowers in nature and for humans. To study the main types of flowers, to be able to distinguish them, to know the periods of flowering. Solve the crossword "Bouquet for Mom." Conduct an ecological game "Wreath".

  1. Vegetables, greens, legumes, melons, cereals.

Clarify with students the knowledge of vegetables and where they grow. Define the concept of vegetables. To study vegetables, legumes, greens, cereals and gourds. Talk about the health benefits of vitamins and minerals in vegetables, herbs and other crops. Work with didactic cards on the topic "Vegetables". Learn to choose a generalizing word for the drawn objects. Solve the crossword puzzle in verse and solve intellectual and creative tasks. Read the fairy tale "It was in the garden" and discuss what you heard.

  1. Fruits .

To clarify with students the knowledge of fruits and their places of growth. Define the concept of fruit. To study fruits and their importance for human health. Work with didactic cards on the topic "Vegetables, fruits." Play the game "In the garden or in the garden." Learn to choose a generalizing word for the drawn objects. Solve the crossword riddle "Vegetables, berries and fruits are healthy foods."

  1. Berries .

Clarify students' knowledge about berries and their places of growth. Form the concept of "berries". Introduce the largest berry in the world. Discuss the importance of berries for human health. Work with didactic cards on the topic "Berries". Learn to choose a generalizing word for the drawn objects. Conduct games "The fourth extra", "What happened before?". Solve riddles about berries.

  1. In the mushroom kingdom.

Clarify students' knowledge about mushrooms and where they grow. Form the concept of "mushrooms", study the structure of the fungus, classify mushrooms into useful and poisonous. To teach to identify poisonous and beneficial mushrooms by silhouette, by pictures. Draw mushrooms with a stencil and color them. Describe the role and importance of fungi in nature and for humans. Solve the crossword puzzle and find out what kind of mushrooms the hedgehog has in the box.

Creative tasks for independent work:

  • Take a walk with your parents in the autumn forest (or park), observe natural objects (trees, birds, shrubs, flowers ...), answer the question: “What has changed in nature in autumn?” Collect a herbarium from the autumn leaves of your favorite trees and shrubs.
  • Pick up pictures of the seasons at home. Try to name the most characteristic signs of winter, spring, summer, autumn.
  • At home, observe the habits of pets. Draw your favorite animal in your home album and try to talk about it.
  • Pick up pictures of wild animals at home. Try to talk about the characteristic features of the life of wild animals. Tell your parents why a hare has a white coat in winter and gray in summer.
  • Learn riddles about animals and make them in the classroom.
  • Read poems by A. Barto and S.V. Mikhalkov about animals.
  • Read the works of V.V. Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home", Garshin "The Frog Traveler", Russian folk tale "The winter hut of animals".
  • Pick up pictures of different birds at home. Remember their names. Make bird feeders for wintering birds at home with adults.
  • Draw insects that you like in your home scrapbook.
  • Draw a bouquet for mom in your home album.
  • Learn riddles about vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms and make them in the classroom.
  • In summer, go to the forest with your parents for mushrooms and berries. In your home album, draw the mushrooms and berries you found. Remember their names.


Carry out in the form of an intellectual and creative game-travel like "Field of Miracles", "Weak Link", "What? Where? When?" etc., in the form of excursions to the city park, zoo, museums of the city. The goal is to generalize and systematize knowledge about the surrounding world: inanimate nature, plant, animal and objective world.

Educational and thematic plan of the second year of study


Name of program topics

(basic generalizing educational elements)

Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Acquaintance with the outside world: "me and society", "me and my health"

Acquaintance with nature: a journey through the seas, oceans, continents; study of flora and fauna of continents and oceans

environmental anxiety

Final lesson



Clarify the concept of "world". Form a complete picture of the world. Expand the horizons of children, activate cognitive activity, cognitive interest in unity with the development of mental activity, enrichment of the dictionary and the formation of a coherent, developed speech.

  1. Me and society.

Clarify with students the name of our country, its capital. Tell the children about the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia. Clarify with students the name of their hometown, home address, last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. Ask students for the first and last name of their parents. Talk about national and state holidays. Draw and decorate the flag of Russia.

  1. Society of people and professions.

Clarify children's knowledge about the professions of people, about the significance of each profession in society. Make up a story and tell about the professions in your family. To consolidate knowledge about the professions of people through matching games: a person is an object of activity, a place of activity, a profession is a tool, etc.

  1. What are we (external, internal structure of a person).

Clarify the external structure of a person with students. To get acquainted with the internal structure of a person. To study in detail the main organs of human life and their functions. Talk about the importance of each human organ. In the figure "Internal structure of a person" find the location of the main organs in the human body: esophagus, lungs, heart, stomach.

  1. Healthy lifestyle.

Clarify with students the concept of "health", "healthy lifestyle". Conduct a conversation "Take care of your health from childhood." Play the game "Who will grow up healthy?"

  1. Me and my health.

Clarify how students take care of their health. What needs to be done and is being done for this, and what cannot be done. Talk with students on the following topics: “Computer, eyes, health”, “Your posture”, “Exercise and breakfast are the key to health”, etc. Play the game "Doctor Aibolit".

  1. Take care of yourself.

Recall with students the rules of the road and the rules of safety behavior on the street with strangers, at home with matches, gas. Clarify what causes non-compliance (non-compliance) with safety rules and recall the telephone numbers of the ambulance, police, fire department, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Solution of situational problems.

Creative tasks for independent work:

  • Check with parents, grandparents their last names, first names, patronymics. Give your first and last name, patronymic, date of birth and address of residence correctly.
  • Draw the flag of the Russian Federation in the album, find and stick a picture with the coat of arms, write the name of the country.
  • Talk to your parents about national and state holidays.
  • Find out what profession mom, dad, grandma, grandpa have. Let them tell you about their professions.
  • Together with your parents, read K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Moidodyr", draw a picture for the passage you like. Learn an excerpt.
  • Together with your parents, make a colorful (with pictures) schedule for your day in order not to forget about a healthy lifestyle: do exercises in the morning, have breakfast, walk outside, watch less TV, play on the computer, etc.
  1. Travel assistants: globe and map.

Introduce children to the concepts of globe, map, horizon, sides of the horizon. Learn the conventions and signs used on maps and the globe. To teach to distinguish rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, mountains, plains, forests, cities on a map and globe. Solve situational problems.

  1. We choose transport for travel.

We repeat the types of transport, classify into three main groups: land, air, water. Play a matching game: mode of transport - air, land, water. Compose a story on colored handout cards "Where and how this type of transport is used"

  1. Over the seas and oceans.

To acquaint children with the concepts of "sea", "ocean". Tell children about the oceans and seas, show them on a map or globe. Explore the seas. To acquaint the children with the fairy tales “Like the blue sea”, “Where does the sea get so much water from”. Consider the water cycle in nature.

  1. Inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

To give an idea about the marine and ocean inhabitants, about their habitats, about the ways of feeding. Clarify the role and importance of marine life in nature and for humans. Perform intellectual and creative tasks to systematize and generalize knowledge about the fauna of the seas and oceans.

  1. On the continents and islands.

To acquaint children with the concepts of "mainland", "island", to learn the concepts, to know the distinguishing features. Give a geographical description of the continents; talk about the features of the geographical location, climate, flora and fauna. Play the game "What the artist mixed up."

  1. Journey to the North Pole.

Specify on a map or globe the geographical location of the Arctic Ocean and the North Pole of the earth. To introduce students to the harsh climate at the North Pole and its inhabitants. Conduct games “Who eats what (whom)?”, “What did the artist mix up?”.

  1. Journey through the mainland of Eurasia.

Define the "mainland of Eurasia", introduce students to two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Show on the map the size and extent of the Eurasian continent from north to south, from west to east. Find on the map our country - Russia and its capital Moscow.

  1. Journey to the tundra.

To study the flora and fauna of the tundra, ways of adapting to the conditions of life in it. Consider the significance and role of tundra plants and animals in nature and for humans. To acquaint students with the inhabitants of the tundra, their way of life and life. Conduct games: “Who eats what (whom)?”, “What did the artist mix up?”.

  1. Taiga and its inhabitants.

To study the flora and fauna of the taiga, ways of adaptation, nutrition and survival, the significance and role of plants and animals in the taiga in nature and for humans. To reveal the concepts of "animal-predator", "herbivorous". Conduct a game to consolidate the theme "Predators and herbivores of the taiga".

  1. Journey to the mixed forest.

Clarify students' knowledge about plants and animals of a mixed forest. The meaning and role of plants and animals of the mixed forest in nature and for humans. Conduct a conversation “Forest is our wealth”, games “Predators, herbivores”, “That birch, then mountain ash”.

  1. Steppe and its inhabitants.

To study the flora and fauna of the steppe, ways of adaptation, nutrition, significance, role of plants and animals of the steppe in nature and for humans. Play the game "Predators, herbivores." Clarify the concepts of "soil", "chernozem", "harvest". Conduct a conversation "Bread is our wealth." Describe how bread is grown.

  1. Journey to Moscow - the capital of our Motherland.

Find on the geographical map of Moscow. To tell about Moscow,. to acquaint with the cultural and historical heritage; to conduct a tour of the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Gallery, to visit the Bolshoi Theater. Game "Do you know Moscow?".

  1. Dymkovo, Filimonov and Kargopol toys.

Give the concepts: "crafts", "clay", "sculpting". To tell the history of the origin of the crafts of the Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol toys. To acquaint with the characteristic features of toys, to identify the reasons for the difference. Play the game "Fair". Decorate samples of Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys.

  1. Paintings: Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel.

Give the concept of decorative and applied art of painting. To acquaint students with the art of painting Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel. Tell the history of the emergence of murals, acquaint with the characteristic features. "Paint" samples of Gorodets and Khokhloma painting.

  1. History of Russian costume.

Tell the children how they dressed in the old days. Consider the individual elements and components of the Russian costume. Answer the question "What is the difference between ancient clothes and modern ones?" Comic game "What the artist mixed up."

  1. Travel to Africa.

Clarify on a map or globe the geographical location of the African continent, tell about the features of the nature of the continent, introduce the flora and fauna. Conduct the games "Predator, herbivorous", "Products from Africa", "What natural phenomena are found in Africa." Solve the crossword puzzle.

  1. Travel to Australia.

Specify on a map or globe the geographical location of mainland Australia, tell about the features of the nature of the mainland and its inhabitants. Conduct games: “Where do these animals live”, “What did the artist mix up”. Solve the crossword puzzle.

  1. Travel to Antarctica.

Specify on a map or globe the geographical location of the mainland Antarctica, introduce the flora and fauna of the mainland. Learn about life in Antarctica. Play a game: "Where do these animals, birds live?". Solve the crossword puzzle.

  1. Travel to America.

Specify on a map or globe the geographical location of the continents of South America and North America, introduce natural features, flora and fauna of the continents. Conduct games: "Predators, herbivores", "Products from America". Solve the crossword puzzle.

  1. The final lesson "The game is a journey through the continents and oceans."

Generalize, systematize and consolidate in a playful way the knowledge of students about the continents, oceans and their inhabitants. We solve crossword puzzles, perform the creative task “What animals are drawn here?” etc.

Creative tasks for independent work:

  • Tell your parents about the globe, the map, and the sides of the horizon. Draw your travel map (with the help of adults).
  • Tell your parents about Moscow. Ask adults to talk about other cities in Russia.
  • Draw a Dymkovo, Filimonov or Kargapol toy in your home album.
  • Draw any animal of Africa, Australia, Antarctica, America, Eurasia in your home album.
  1. Ecology - "the study of the house" (Greek).

To acquaint children with the concept of "ecology", with the subject of study. To reveal the concepts of "biosphere", "forms of life". Play a game: "Form of life - mainland, island, ocean."

  1. Environmental safety at home and in the yard.

Introduce children to environmental issues at home and in the yard. Consider solutions: planting trees and shrubs, removing debris and leaves, household safety practices. Tell students about television and computer ecology. Conduct the game "Home Alone" (repeat the safety rules in case the child is left alone at home).

  1. Ecological safety in nature.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of safe behavior in the wild. To study poisonous plants, mushrooms, berries, animals. Recall forest useful berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants. Give the concepts of "natural disasters", "hurricane", "flood", "tornado", "tsunami", "fire", "earthquake". Play the game "Travel".

  1. Environmental alarm - water.

Conduct a conversation with students "Water is our wealth." Explain ways to combat water pollution, with methods for determining the quality of water and methods for its purification. Read the environmental story Poison Rain and Melting Ice. To acquaint children with the fairy tales "Colorful River", "The Tale of the "Oil" Fish".

  1. Environmental anxiety is a wounded earth.

Conduct a conversation "Save the earth - save the world." To reveal the main reasons for the "deterioration" of the soil: plowing, overgrazing, deforestation, soil salinization during irrigation. To acquaint children with methods of struggle for soil conservation. Play the game "What should a person do if ...?"

  1. Environmental anxiety - air.

Conduct a conversation "Why ventilate the room?" Discuss air pollution and how to deal with it. To acquaint with the ecological story "Dymolovka".

  1. Environmental anxiety - food.

Conduct a conversation "Healthy foods - a healthy lifestyle." Talk about the healing properties of the products of the fields and gardens, about unsafe food in stores and markets. Play the game "I went shopping."

  1. Ecological mosaic (final lesson).

To generalize, systematize and consolidate the environmental knowledge of students in a playful way.

Creative tasks for independent work:

  • Plant a tree or shrub with adults in spring or autumn.
  • Keep order in your yard.
  • Pick up pictures of medicinal plants, mushrooms (edible and poisonous) with your parents. Remember their names.


Generalize and systematize knowledge about the world around the main sections: me and society, me and my health, traveling the seas, oceans and continents, me and ecology.

The lesson can take place in the form of intellectual and creative games: “Field of Miracles”, “Weak Link”, “What? Where? When”, etc., in the form of a quiz, in the form of a trip, etc.

Joint activities of the teacher and parents:

  • parent meetings;
  • consultations;
  • conversations.

Joint activities of the teacher, parents and children:

  • conducting conversations, quizzes, competitions;
  • Open Day;
  • thematic exhibitions;
  • holidays: birthday party, autumn ball, New Year, March 8, February 23, May 9, graduation ball (for six-year-olds).


  1. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. The best games and fun with words. - M .: LLC IKTC "Lada", 2008.
  2. Arsentiev V.P. Ecological alphabet. - Smolensk, 2005.
  3. Bianchi V. Forest newspaper. - Leningrad: Children's literature, 2004.
  4. Bianchi V. Who sings with what. - M .: Children's literature, 2001.
  5. Bianchi V. Whose nose is better. - M.: Children's literature, 2001.
  6. Vadchenko N.L. Answers to why-whys: about nature. - Donetsk: Vesko, 2007.
  7. Vadchenko N.L. Answers why to the little ones: about the animal world. - Donetsk: Vesko, 2007.
  8. Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E. The world. Hello world! (1 part). – M.: Balass, 2008.
  9. Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E. The world. Hello world! (part 2). – M.: Balass, 2008.
  10. Vinogradova N.F. The world. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2001.
  11. Vinogradova N.F. The world. - M .: Education, 2002.
  12. Vinogradova N.F., Kulikova T.A. Children, adults and the world around them. - M .: Education, 2002.
  13. Gerasimov V.P. Animal world of our Motherland. - M .: Education, 2005.
  14. Grashchenkova V.S. Entertaining material in the lessons of natural history. Smolensk, SGPI, 2003.
  15. Dietrich A., Yurmin G., Koshurnikova R. Why. - M .: Pedagogy-Press, 2002.
  16. Zotov V. Forest mosaic. – M.: Enlightenment, 2003.
  17. Ivanov A. The ABC of Security. – M.: AST-Press, 2006.
  18. Kostyuchenkov V.N., Dementiev N.A., Savchenkov V.I. Nature, time and us. - Smolensk: Smyadyn, 2001.
  19. Illustrated atlas of the world. – M.: Bellsi, 2003.
  20. Molodtsova A.P. Game environmental activities with children. – Minsk: Asar, 2002.
  21. Poglazova O.T. The world. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2002.
  22. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. – M.: AST-PRESS, 2004.
  23. Pogarsky M. Table travel. – M.: Evening Moscow, 2003.
  24. Nature of the world. - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 2004.
  25. Razhnev G.V. Where does the Motherland begin? - Smolensk, 2001.
  26. Smirnyakov Yu.I., Koshcheev A.K., Koshcheev A.A. Mushroom Companion. – M.: Ecology, 2002.
  27. Tarabarina T.I., Sokolova E.I. What you need to know for 1st grade. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Academy KO, 2001.
  28. 300 developmental exercises (5-6 years).-M.: Rosmen, 2005.
  29. Shevchenko S.G. nature and us. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2002.
  30. Ecology (encyclopedia). - M .: Christina and KO, 2004.


  1. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. The best games and fun with words. - M .: LLC IKTC "Lada", 2008.
  2. Vadchenko N.L. Answers to why-whys: about nature. - Donetsk: Vesko, 2007.
  3. Vadchenko N.L. Answers why to the little ones: about the animal world. - Donetsk: Vesko, 2007.
  4. Bianchi V. Forest newspaper. - Leningrad: Children's literature, 2004.
  5. Bianchi V. Who sings with what. - M.: Children's literature, 2001.
  6. Bianchi V. Whose nose is better. - M.: Children's literature, 2001.
  7. Vinogradova N.F., Kulikova T.A. Children, adults and the world around them. - M .: Education, 2002.
  8. Garshin V. Frog-traveler. - M.: Children's literature, 2001.
  9. Dietrich A., Yurmin G., Koshurnikova R. Why. - M .: Pedagogy-Press, 2002.
  10. Zotov V. Forest mosaic. – M.: Enlightenment, 2003.
  11. Ivanov A. The ABC of Security. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2006.
  12. Illustrated atlas of the world. – M.: Bellsi, 2003.
  13. Molodtsova L.P. Game environmental activities with children. – Minsk: Asar, 2002.
  14. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us. – M.: AST-PRESS, 2004.
  15. Chukovsky K.I. Moidodyr. - Smolensk: "Rusich", 2002.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the educational program

"The world around us"

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program "The World Around Us" involves an analysis of the correspondence between the results of the goal and the tasks of its implementation.

2 diagnostic cuts were made:

- "At the exit" (stating) - at the beginning of the program.

- "At the exit" (control) - at the end of training for this program.

Diagnostic results

Primary diagnostics of the formation of educational skills and abilities, the development of cognitive interests, the development of the volitional sphere.

(in percentages)

Control diagnostics of the formation of educational skills and abilities, the development of cognitive interests, the development of the volitional sphere.

(in percentages)

All parents want the child to start speaking as early as possible, so that his speech is clear and correct. Unfortunately, in our time, children begin to communicate with tablets and phones early, they hear little live speech, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, which does not contribute to the development of speech. What to do if the baby does not speak, or his speech develops very slowly, and this is especially noticeable against the background of more talkative peers? Don't wait for the problem to resolve itself. Early age is a wonderful time when you can direct the development of a child's speech in the right direction.

Our club offers you a cognitive and developing course "The world around us" for children from 2 to 4 years old. This course immediately solves many problems that worry parents - this is the development of speech, the enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of the child, and the formation of ideas about the world, and the development of mental functions (thinking, attention, memory, imagination, perception).

This course is unique and exciting! The entire course is divided into lexical topics: “Me and my body”, “Family”, “City and countryside”, “Rural life”, “Furniture”, “Dishes”, “Plant world”, etc. In each topic, the lesson is built in the form of a role-playing game, which, of course, involves the performance of certain tasks. The tasks during the lesson are extremely diverse: this is work with Kuizener sticks, Gyenes blocks, and with plasticine and paints, with cereals and counting sticks, cubes and nuts, etc. ... All tasks, in addition to the development of speech, necessarily solve other developmental tasks: the development of memory, attention, the formation of an idea of ​​the length of objects, the development of tactile sensations, etc. education.

How does this course differ from complex developmental classes?

  1. Well "The world around us", first of all, is aimed at developing the speech of children, at replenishing the vocabulary (both nouns and adjectives and verbs). Therefore, in the classroom, all actions are clearly pronounced, fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes are heard. Techniques are used to engage kids in a conversation.
  2. Well "The world around us" has an advantage in the cognitive block. Grouping by lexical topics helps children to form a complete picture of the world, to see the relationship of objects in the world around them.
  3. Well "The world around us"Designed for a mixed age group. In one group there can be both two-year-old and four-year-old kids.
  4. IN "The World Around Us" less attention is paid to the formation of mathematical abilities. This course clearly addresses the issues of the number of objects, children get acquainted with the geometric shapes of objects, etc., but all these tasks are of secondary importance.

The structure of the classes of the cognitive-developing course "The World Around Us" necessarily includes:

  1. Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world.
  2. The development of fine motor skills of the hand.
  3. The development of speech.
  4. The development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, imagination and thinking).
  5. Outdoor games.
  6. Massage breaks.
  7. Finger gymnastics.
  8. Modeling, drawing and applications.

Cognitive and developing course "The World Around Us"

for children from 2 to 5 years old

R development of correct speech in children from 2 years old

Our children's club offers you a cognitive and developing course "The World Around Us" for children from 2 to 5 years old, which was developed specifically for classes in the children's club.

At what age does speech develop? At what age should you start developing your child's speech? How to make a child talk?

These and other questions are asked by mothers of one-year-olds when they come to our club for comprehensive developmental classes.

In fact, the formation of coherent speech in children begins from birth: the first sounds and cooing are one of the stages in the process of speech formation. A particularly important period in the formation of speech in children is the age from 0.8-1 to 3-4-5 years, when the vocabulary is constantly replenished and the child begins to understand and memorize the patterns and rules of the language. That is why we advise and recommend our course "The World Around Us" for children from 2 years old as an addition to the main developing course.

Classes in this course are unique and super-exciting!!

The course "The World Around Us" immediately solves many problems that worry parents - this is the development of speech, and the formation of ideas about the world around us, and the development of mental functions (thinking, attention, memory, imagination, perception).

It is in this course heightened attention given

  • enriching children's vocabulary
  • formation of skills for constructing phrases and sentences,
  • teaching vocabulary and vocabulary

The entire course is divided into lexical topics: “Me and my body”, “Family”, “City and countryside”, “Rural life”, “Furniture”, “Dishes”, “Plant world”, etc. The course includes 80 lessons and is designed for the period of study from September to May (1st year of study).

In each topic, the lesson is built in the form of a role-playing game, which, of course, involves the performance of certain tasks. The tasks during the lesson are extremely diverse: this includes work with Kuizener's sticks, and with plasticine and paints, with cereals and counting sticks, cubes and nuts, etc.

All tasks, in addition to the development of speech, necessarily solve other developmental tasks: the development of memory, attention, the formation of ideas about the length of objects, the development of tactile sensations, etc.

The structure of the cognitive-developing course "The World Around Us" necessarily includes:

  1. Formation of knowledge about the world around
  2. Development of fine motor skills of the hand
  3. Speech development
  4. Development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, imagination and thinking)
  5. Outdoor games
  6. Massage breaks
  7. Finger gymnastics
  8. Modeling, drawing and applications.

The course "The World Around Us" was developed by the methodologist and general director of the Moscow eco-club "Umnichka" Sofya Timofeeva, who taught for more than 10 years at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I.

All drawings for the classes were drawn by the children's artist SoyuzMultfilm Olga Ivanova especially for the course The World Around Us

I, the head of the children's club "Teremok" Irina Kuzmenko, recommend this course to all kids aged 2 years and over. Correct literacy speech, the ability to express one's thoughts is the key to children's success in school and life!