Educational activities for children 2 3 years old. Synopsis of a developmental lesson with young children (2–3 years old) “Mouse. Development of memory, logic

Adaptation period - a serious test for babies 2-3 years of age. Stress reactions caused by adaptation disrupt the emotional state of the baby for a long time. Therefore, our classes will help the baby quickly adapt to kindergarten.



MADOU DSCV "Fairy Tale"

Classes with children 2-3 years old

in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution

Educational psychologist

Smolich A.I.



  • Development of the ability to act according to the rules of the game;
  • Development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, sensory;
  • Development of attention, speech and imagination.


Bibabo toy "Bunny", large beans in a gift box, small toys, soap bubbles, salt dough, cardboard.

Lesson progress:

1. Children sit on chairs in the play area. The psychologist pretends to listen, takes out a bee-ba-bo toy:

Oh! Who is running to visit us, in a hurry? Look who is it? Bunny. What bunny? Small, soft, fluffy.

Bunny, bunny,

little bunny,

coward bunny,

And let's show the bunny how good we are, and so that he is not afraid of us, we will greet him and say our names.

Each in turn greets the bunny, calls his name.

Bunny brought a gift for you.

The psychologist takes out a gift box, shakes it. Each child taps on the lid of the box with his finger with the words: “knock-knock-knock”. The box opens and the children see its contents.

What is this? Grains. How many? A lot of. Now our pens will play with grains, and the bunny will hide gifts for us in a box.

The psychologist demonstrates how children should play with grains, picking them up in their fists and pouring them back into the box (imitation of the fact that we knead the dough). The psychologist says:

Knead, knead the dough

There is a place in the oven

Will be, will be from the oven

Buns and cookies.

Each child takes turns playing with the seeds, after which the psychologist buries one small toy deep for each. Children find a surprise. When everyone has completed the exercise, the toys are again hidden in the grains by the children themselves.

2. - For the fact that you are such good fellows, the bunny has prepared another gift for you - soap bubbles. How do we catch bubbles? Two handles.

Children go out on the mat, catch bubbles, then each one blows them in turn.

3. After that, the children sit down at the table and play with salt dough.

The bunny is so good, he gave us so many gifts. Let's give him something, shall we? Let's bake him a cake.

Children examine and touch the dough. The psychologist then distributes a piece to each.

What dough? Sticky, soft. And let's knead our dough with you (again we say the nursery rhyme “Knead, knead the dough”). And now we will roll the sausage (I roll, I roll - I get the sausage). What a beautiful, long sausage we got! And now let's turn it into a bun. To do this, you and I again need to knead the dough, put it on the table and roll (I roll, I roll - I get a bun). What a beautiful bun, let's put it on a plate (the psychologist distributes cardboard circles) and press it down with the palm of our hand. It turned out to be a beautiful, round cake. And now we will decorate our cake with grains (the psychologist distributes large beans to the children and they hide them in the dough). And now let's sign your work (each child tells the psychologist who made the cake and the psychologist signs it).

Now let's say goodbye to our bunny. Tomorrow he will come to visit you again. Let's go wash our hands.



  • Removal of emotional stress, development of empathy;
  • Development of fine motor skills and speech;


Bibabo toy "Bunny", plastic buckets with slots in the lid (the muzzles of cartoon characters are painted on the lids), small wooden circles, squares, rectangles (a manual from the cash register of numbers and counting material), cups, soap bubbles, plasticine and jars cut out of paper.

Lesson progress:

1. Children are sitting at the table. The bibabo bunny comes to visit again. Children say who it is. Let's remember the verse:

Bunny, bunny,

little bunny,

Long ears (put hands to head),

Quick feet (stomp your feet on the floor).

coward bunny,

You are afraid of children (cover your face with your palms)!

What bunny? Soft and fluffy. What is it with a bunny? Head. What does a bunny have on its head? Ears, eyes, nose, mouth. What ears? Long. What is it? Tail. What tail? Short.

Each child examines the bunny and stroke it, saying: "Soft, fluffy."

Our bunny is sad, the bunny is crying. His friends got sick. They have a sore throat, head, they sneeze and cough. Let's help the bunny and his friends. We will treat them - treat them with vitamins.

The psychologist gives each child a bucket, a cup filled with circles, squares and rectangles.

Look, kids, there are vitamins in this cup. What are they? Different. We need to take ONE vitamin and put it in the mouth of our bunny's friends. Then take another one and put it in your mouth again. And so on until all the vitamins run out. What good fellows you all are! We coped with the task - cured our bunny's friends. That's why they want to play with you.

2. Children go out on the mat, catch bubbles, then each one blows them in turn.

3. - And now let's do exercises together with the bunny.

Bunny gray sits

And he moves his ears (squat down and put his hands to his head).

It's cold for a bunny to sit

We need to warm up the paws (get up and clap your hands).

It's cold for a bunny to stand

It is necessary for the bunny to jump (we jump).

Someone scared the bunny -

Bunny - jump and run away (run in a circle)!

4. - Oh, what a funny bunny. And let's, so that no one else gets sick, we will make a jar of vitamins. We will roll small balls of plasticine and put them in our jar.

Children sit at the table? The psychologist distributes to each a jar cut out of paper and small pieces of plasticine.

We take ONE a piece of plasticine, put it on the palm of your hand and roll a round bun. We roll, we roll - we get a bun. Now we take our round bun and sculpt it on a jar. Top! Well done! What a beautiful jar of multi-colored vitamins you have turned out to be. We say goodbye to our bunny and his friends and go to wash our hands.



  • Creating a positive emotional mood in the group;
  • Development of fine motor skills, memory, attention and figurative thinking;
  • The development of speech, sensory;
  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Reduction of excessive motor activity;
  • Development of the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher-psychologist.


Bibabo toy "Bunny", magic bag, banana, orange, pear, soap bubbles, picture of a banana, yellow colored paper cut into squares, glue.

Lesson progress:

1. Children are sitting at the table. The bunny comes to visit again. The beginning of the lesson is the same as 8.10.13 (repetition). The children greeted the bunny, examined it, remembered the verse.

Bunny brought you a gift - a magic bag. Is there something hidden in it? Let's see what's inside?

Children take turns taking fruits out of the bag, examining them, touching them, and calling signs.

What is this? Banana. What banana? Long, yellow, tasty. And what's that? Orange. What orange? Large, round, orange, fragrant (the psychologist lightly scratches the peel and gives the children a sniff). And what's that? Pear. What pear? Firm, green, sweet, triangular in shape.

Fruits are hidden in a bag. The psychologist asks each child in turn to get one or another fruit from the bag.

Get me, Vasilisa, a long, yellow banana. Diamond, get a big, round orange. Arseniy, find a solid, triangular pear in the bag. Well done! You are so smart that the bunny wants to play with you.

2. Children go out on the mat, catch / blow soap bubbles, do exercises with a bunny (review, see lesson from 10/8/13).

3. Children sit down at the table. The psychologist hands out a picture of a banana. Lubricates it with a glue stick and distributes yellow colored paper cut into squares to the children.

What is this? Banana. What banana? Long, yellow, delicious. Now we will make a beautiful, long, yellow banana and give it to our mothers. We smear the index finger in the glue, catch a small square with this finger and glue it on the banana.

Children sit down at the table and make the application "Banana".

What good fellows you are! You have beautiful bananas. Let's say goodbye to our bunny and go wash our hands.



  • Removal of emotional and muscular tension;
  • Development of fine motor skills, speech, sensory;
  • Development of sensory perception;
  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Reduction of excessive motor activity;
  • Development of the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher-psychologist.


Big bibabo toy "Bunny", a beautiful jar or box, jumping balls according to the number of children + 1 for a psychologist, sand, a tray, a towel, soap bubbles, yellow paint, a picture of a ball, poke (a stick with a sponge at the end).

Lesson progress:

1. Children are sitting at the table. Bibabo bunny dad comes to visit. Children examine him, greet him in turn, remember the verse (see lesson from 10/8/13, repetition).

The psychologist takes out a closed beautiful jar/box with bouncing balls and shakes it.

Papa hare brought gifts for us. Oh! What is it that makes such a noise. Let's watch it quickly (each child takes turns tapping the lid with his finger with the words: “Knock-knock-knock”, the psychologist opens the jar)! What is this? Balls. How many balls? A lot of. What are the balls? Various round. Zakir, take ONE the most beautiful ball and hold it tightly in your hand (distribute to everyone). Now we put the ball on the table, put our palm on it and roll the ball.

I roll it back and forth (we roll the ball back and forth).

Right, left, as I want (roll right, left)!

I don't let go

I’m playing with the ball now (we roll the ball from one hand to the other on the table).

Now the other pen is playing with the ball. Well done! Rolled the ball well. And now raise the handle with the ball high up.

I shake the ball strongly (squeeze, unclench the fist),

And I will change the palm (we shift the ball to the other hand, repeat the exercise).

2. The psychologist takes out a tray of sand covered with a towel. We take off the towel and show what lies on the tray.

The kids played so well with balls that the hare father decided to surprise you. What is this? Sand. Let's play with our hands. How much sand? A lot of. What is he doing? It spills. Now we will draw on our sand. We showed the index finger, with this finger we will draw a round ball.

The psychologist demonstrates how to play with sand, picks it up and pours it back out, then draws a circle and gives each child in turn to do the same.

Well done! You played so well with the sand and painted that the hare dad wants to do exercises with you and blow soap bubbles.

3. Children go out on the mat, catch/blow soap bubbles, do exercises with dad-hare (repetition, see lesson from 10/8/13).

4. Children sit down at the table. The psychologist distributes pictures with the image of a ball, poke, dipped in yellow paint.

What is this? Ball. What ball? Big, round. Now we will paint our ball with paint. What color is this paint? Yellow like the sun. Let's take our magic brush in our right hand and use it to “stomp” on our ball. Like this - top, top, top (we color the drawing within the contour by priming). Well done! Now we say goodbye to dad-hare and go wash our hands.



  • Creating a positive emotional mood in the group;
  • Development of sensory perception;
  • To consolidate knowledge about a geometric figure - a circle;
  • To fix the concept of "same";
  • Development of the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, with the rules of the game, with the rhythm of the verse;
  • Consolidation of spatial representations;
  • Development of fine motor skills, speech;
  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Reduction of excessive motor activity;
  • Development of the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher-psychologist.


A doll, pictures depicting a thread with beads according to the number of children, circles from a set of numbers and counting material corresponding to the number of beads in the pictures, a beautiful jar / box, bouncing balls, soap bubbles, plasticine, pictures depicting a thread for beads (for creativity).

Lesson progress:

1. The psychologist shows the doll.

Look, guys, who came to visit us today. Who is this? Doll. What doll? Beautiful, elegant, big. Let's say hello to our doll (children take turns greeting her by the hand).

Who doesn't know this doll?

You won't find a better doll!

Eyes immediately open

Just take it in your hands.

I will put beads on the doll

I will sew a new dress.

Don't take me to grandma

In my old doll.

Children examine the doll, show and name parts of the body.

Our doll is sad, she cries. The doll's beads are broken. Can we help our doll? Shall we make her some new beads? These are the beads I have (the psychologist distributes pictures with beads and circles), and I also have these beads. What are they? Round, small. How many? A lot of. We take ONE bead and look for a round house for it in the picture. Now we take more ONE a bead and look for a round house for it, and so on until the beads and houses for them run out. What good fellows you are! We made new, beautiful beads for our doll! For this, she has prepared gifts for you.

2. The psychologist takes out a box with bouncing balls (review, see lesson from 10/10/13).

Well done! You played so well with balls that the doll wants to do exercises with you and blow soap bubbles.

3. Children go out on the mat, catch / blow soap bubbles, do exercises (review, see lesson from 10/8/13).

4. Children sit down at the table. The psychologist takes out pictures with the image of a string for beads and small pieces of plasticine.

And now let's make gifts for our mothers. Look carefully at the leaves, strings are drawn on them. Show me, Arslan, where the thread is drawn on your leaf. We take with you ONE a piece of plasticine, put it on the palm of your hand and roll the bun. We roll, we roll - we get a bun. What a beautiful, round bun turned out. Now we sculpt our round bead on a thread. We take more ONE a piece, roll it on the palm of your hand again and sculpt it on our thread and so on until the place runs out on the thread. Well done! What beautiful beads you made for moms! We say goodbye to the doll. And let's go wash our hands.

In order for the child to keep up with peers, he needs to create all the conditions for full development, including through the continuous conduct of the learning process, which began as early as possible.

The main way to implement it is classes, their goal is intellectual, mental and physical development. And if for one-year-old children they are the simplest, then after two years they become more complicated. The priority is discipline, high-quality performance of tasks, accustoming to order, cleanliness, gaining greater independence, respect for the results of labor in the form of praise.

Classes for children 2 years old should be aimed at:

  • development of speech
  • vocabulary expansion,
  • formation of thinking and perception,
  • logic training,
  • memory and attention
  • development of creative abilities,
  • development of physical abilities.

To prevent emotional overload, make sure that their duration did not exceed 10 minutes.

Classes with children 2 years old for the development of speech and expansion of vocabulary

Daily communication with the child, joint games and activities contribute to the development of speech and vocabulary enrichment. A child's best friend should be a book. He needs to read clearly and with intonation, comment on each picture “The dog is running, the locomotive is buzzing woo”, answer questions and engage in a dialogue: “What is the dog doing? And how does the locomotive hum? The alphabet is also a book by which letters are first studied.

Such activities for a 2-year-old child at home can bring results even in the case of a banal cartoon viewing, if the child is asked questions: “Does the kitten have a name, what is its name?”.

At the age of two, babies often replace some sounds with others or do not pronounce some of them at all, saying not “bunny”, but “ayka”. You need to learn the correct pronunciation.

For example, if it is “z”, then like this: “A mosquito flies z-z-z. Tell me how a mosquito flies? Or, showing a toy hare, ask: “Is this a T-shirt? No? Maybe a nut? No, it's a bunny!"

This is how speech develops, the articular apparatus strengthens, and the vocabulary expands.

Classes with a child at 2 years old for the development of thinking and perception

At this stage of development, the foundations of mathematical thinking are laid, therefore, classes for children of 2 years old must be provided for the study of geometric shapes and counting. It is better to start with simple, gradually moving to complex.

If they are figures, then:

  • square,
  • circle,
  • triangle.

And later:

  • rhombus,
  • oval,
  • rectangle.

If the score, then: one, two, three. And then - up to 10.

You can build pyramids using figures of various shapes, while learning to count: "Here is one square cube and two balls."

It will be interesting for the kid to get acquainted with the color characteristics of objects, especially if he still does not know anything about color. To do this, conduct classes with a 2-year-old child on color discrimination and perception. First, they work with 3-4 colors, when he learns to distinguish them, you can double the number, studying one new color at each subsequent lesson.

Looking at the picture, say: "Look, what a green tree."

Or, playing with the constructor: "I'm building a red tower, give me red cubes."

You can take two boxes, put yellow toys in one of them, green toys in the other, ask the baby: “Put a yellow duck in this box, and a green ball in this one.”

It is obligatory to pronounce the colors, but to force the child to name them is not, the main thing is that he orientate himself in them. The task is to connect a word denoting color with a visual image. If the kid made a mistake in choosing a color, he needs to be corrected.

The result is fixed in practice: “What color did I give you an apple: red, green or yellow?”.

Or on the street: “What color is the tree? What color is your hat?"

The same applies to the perception of size: the child must know the relationship between the concepts "big - small": "Here is a big truck, but a small one."

The next step is to explain that there are cars that are neither large nor small, but medium.

Classes for a child 2 years old on logic

Improving memory and attention is facilitated by logical exercises. This is a search for differences in toys and images, the disappearance of objects, their rearrangement.

For example, developing activities for children 2 years old “What is missing on the table?” pass like this. Having arranged a set of dishes, they ask the baby to look at the objects (there are 3-5 of them), they tell about each: “This is a cup, you drink compote from it, this is a plate, you eat soup from it, this is a spoon, you hold it with your hand.” Having chosen the moment, one of them is removed from the table and they say: “Look, what is missing here?”. Having received an answer, show the child a hidden object and praise it.

The next time, similar manipulations are performed, only now something is added that was not there before, for example, a saucer. They ask the baby to show a new object, talk about it. Then they change roles with the child: “I will turn away, and you hide something.”

Creative activities with a 2 year old

They are classes to develop the imagination and broaden one's horizons. At this age, children begin to draw with pencils and paints, they are taught to sculpt from soft plasticine and dough to gain sensory experience and improve fine motor skills.

The development of a child of 2 years old should be comprehensive, therefore he is given complete freedom in creative self-expression, while simultaneously teaching the basic principles of creating images and figures, choosing proportions and colors, reflecting the essence of surrounding objects.

Non-traditional art activities with a child at 2 years old

Many have heard of finger painting, wet paper painting, grain, sand, candle, monotype and more, but only a few know that this is a new and effective learning method that will be especially interesting for kids. It is non-traditional, therefore classes for children of 2 years old involve the use of specific techniques and a variety of non-standard materials for visual activity.

Intellectual abilities develop with the help of blotography: a small pebble is immersed in watercolor, a kid puts an inkblot on paper, and mom asks: “What does it look like? To the cloud? Or on a typewriter if we draw wheels for it? ”Thus making up a whole plot.

The child will learn with interest candle drawing: wax is not visible on white paper, but if cotton is moistened with paint and applied to the image, a picture will suddenly appear before his eyes.

And here is the monotype method: bright finger paints (thick gouache), transparent cellophane and paper are taken. The kid draws an image on the cellophane with a palm of paint, then the cellophane is turned over and lowered onto paper, two indefinite drawings are obtained at once. "What is this? Maybe a forest and a river?

Music lessons with children 2 years old

These classes are designed to develop an ear for music and a sense of rhythm, and also contribute to the formation of speech and the correct pronunciation of sounds. The kid needs to include children's songs and musical cartoons, sing or play instruments, use musical toys for children 2 years old or books.

Let your favorite doll speak to him in the voice of his mother, the robot sing songs and read poetry: “Look, they want to sing a song about the Christmas tree for you.” The playing music encourages dancing, so at the first chords you need to show the child a few simple movements, and he will repeat them.

Physical education for a child 2 years old

They develop strength and dexterity, coordinate movements, are held at home and in the fresh air. In the room, you can install a sports corner for physical education or perform simple exercises with the baby to the music: tilts, squats, turns.

And what to do with a child of 2 years for a walk?

For example, playing with the ball: throwing it up, ask to catch it first with one, then with the other, and then with both hands; kick the ball into the goal on the sports ground; slowly push the ball forward (“Run faster than the ball”) and let the baby overtake him.

You can also play group games: “Who has the ball rolling further?” or, pushing the ball off the ground, "Who will bounce higher than the ball?".

At the discretion of the parents, the list of activities can be expanded.

Educational activities for children 2 years old - video


To teach children to clearly understand and distinguish between the concepts of "high", "low".
To consolidate the ability to count to two, to compare sets of "one-many".
Form spatial figurative thinking.
Introduce the geometric figure "square".
Practice sound imitation.
To develop in children the understanding and use of prepositions in speech on, under.
Continue learning to draw with your fingers, leaving an imprint in a tender place; sculpt from plasticine using the “direct rolling” technique; paste the details of the image in the right place.
Develop speech attention, fine movements of fine motor skills.


Background picture "heaven and earth", figures of the sun, clouds, houses, flowers.
Picture-background with the image of houses, paper windows-squares, glue sticks.
Toy mallets.
Constructed from the designer one-and two-storey houses. Handkerchiefs.
Wooden spatulas. Multicolored clothespins.
Large building material, various attributes for an obstacle course.
Picture-scheme of the house, the details of these houses are made of colored cardboard.
Drawing of a house with empty windows, yellow finger paint, yellow plasticine.
Educational game "Pick up the key to the lock."
Audio recordings: “There is a house made of logs in the forest”, “I want to build a house”.

Lesson progress:


We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
We shake our heads
We shake our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
One-two, one-two.
It's time for us to get busy!

Finger game "Building a house"

The whole day - here and there,
There is a loud knock.
Hammers are knocking.
We are building a house for squirrels.
This house is for squirrels.
This house is for bunnies.
This house is for girls.
This house is for boys.
That's a nice house.
We will live happily in it.
Let's sing songs
Have fun and dance.

Children bang toy hammers on the floor.

Didactic game "House on the mountain"

The picture shows heaven and earth. Show me the sky. Show the earth. Pick up a house and attach it to the picture. In what part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why?
Now put the sun and clouds on the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky.
Flowers grew around the house. Where will you place the flowers? On the ground around the house.
How many houses do you have? One house. How many flowers? Many colors. How many suns? One sun. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Application "Windows"

Here are the beautiful new houses. But how do they accommodate tenants? There are no windows! Let's make windows for these houses. Here are the windows - squares. Glue them in the right place.

Didactic exercise "High-low house"

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. How many houses? Three houses. Which house is the tallest? What is the lowest? Count how many floors are in the tallest house? How many floors are in the lowest building?

Now I will cover the houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. Under which handkerchief is the lowest house hidden? Highest?

Game with clothespins "Beautiful fence"

Here are the planks, and here our clothespins are prepared. Now we will make a beautiful fence for our houses out of them.

Dynamic pause "At the construction site"

We need to move building materials to the construction site. Can you help? (Children carry large building material from one place to another, overcoming obstacles. Stumps, "puddles", etc. are used as obstacles).

Design "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of the house, which you lay out and build yourself. Take the details and lay them out in the right place on the diagram. Where a triangular roof is drawn - attach a colored triangle there, where a square window - attach a square.

Exercise "What sounds do you hear at home?"

How does the kettle whistle? S-s-s.
How does tap water drip? Cap-cap-cap.
How does dad work with a drill? W-w-w.
How does the vacuum cleaner sound? Woo.
How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting "Light the lights in the windows of houses"

So the evening came, it became dark. Let's turn on the light, let the windows in the houses light up with a bright light. Dip your finger in yellow paint and paint over the windows on the house.

Sculpture "The moon has risen"

And the moon has risen in the sky. (On the same sheet where they drew lights in the windows of houses). Let's mold it from yellow plasticine. First, roll out a thin sausage. Then bend it and attach it to the night sky. Press down on the plasticine. The moon is ready!

Dynamic pause "The bear has a big house"

The bear has a big house
(Hands up, stand on toes)

And the hare is small.
(Squat down, put your hands down)

Our bear went home
(Stepping from foot to foot)

And behind him is a hare.

We accompany the animals
(farewell hand waving)

We continue to work.

Didactic game "Pick the key to the lock"

Children pick up the keys to the locks of the same color and open them.

lawn house,
All doors are locked.
We'll pick up the keys
And we will open the hut.

Two years is the beginning of the formation of the creative independence of the child. Educational games for children 2 years old are aimed at the formation of social, physical, intellectual and mental qualities and skills.

With matryoshka

Arranging the elements of the matryoshka according to height, the child learns to distinguish the shape and size of the object. Bright colors of the toy form visual perception. By inserting a smaller nesting doll into a larger one, the child coordinates his actions, improving fine motor skills.

Color Distinguishing Exercise

A child can easily learn to distinguish colors if, during any game, pronounce the color of an object aloud.

If the educational game is aimed at a specific theme of the color palette, then the child is asked the question: “What color is this?”. In case of a mistake, an adult should name the correct option, but you should not scold the child, because he is only learning!

By the age of 3, children are able to memorize basic colors. The following exercises are used to develop the skill:

Classes with beads of different sizes, shapes and colors

A variety of beads and fishing line are used for the game. In the first lessons, it is enough to string beads of the same color together with the child. Then the tasks complicate and work with the diameter and shape. The speed of complication depends on the individual characteristics of the child and the imagination of the parents.

Instead of beads, pasta of various shapes can be used. Having shown the child an example of stringing pasta, they are allowed to try to make the product on their own. Such a game not only teaches the baby to distinguish shapes and sizes, but also develops fine motor skills.

Handmade beads can be used in further games with dolls or decorated with a decorative panel element.

ball games

Ball game will delight children of any gender. The benefits of such activities are enormous: physical activity is combined with the development of dexterity, attention and accuracy. A ball of small diameter is enough.

At first, the child is shown how to toss and catch the ball, then they roll it on the floor or on the ground. At the next stage, they play by throwing the object to each other. A storm of emotions is caused by games in which a child can push the ball away with his foot.

It is ideal to carry out such activities in the fresh air. A simple and useful game will bring a lot of fun and the necessary skills.

Pronunciation of sounds

Games with the pronunciation of simple vowels will appeal to the child. For example, when reading fairy tales, they voice the crying of heroes and repeat “aaaa”.

A visit to the zoo will allow you to pronounce the sounds that a particular animal makes. The use of toys will allow you to achieve a similar result at home, for example, playing with a horse is accompanied by the sound “i-i-i”, and with an airplane, the sound “oooo”.

The pronunciation of consonants has one nuance - they are divided into soft and hard. In kindergarten, several exercises have been adopted that take into account this feature. You can also carry them out at home.

For example, make several sketches for a child with objects that begin with the sound “M” in soft and hard sounds: a typewriter, a fly, milk and a mill, a ball, honey.

Which hand

For this game, you will need a simple object that you can hold in your closed palm, such as a small toy. The child is given the task to guess in which hand the toy is hidden.

Gradually, he will learn to guess the toy by the volume of the hand, where it is hidden the hand is larger. Educational game will develop observation and imagination of the child.


This game is best played outdoors. Physical activity combined with fresh air will be many times more useful.

For children from 1 to 2 years old, jumping on a flat surface is appropriate. In this case, it is worth taking an obstacle as a basis, for example, jumping over a small pebble. Then the task is complicated by jumping from a small height or through a rope.

  • « Frog". The child is offered the role of a frog, which must catch a mosquito with the help of claps. Soap bubbles can act as mosquitoes.
    • « Two frogs». An adult and a child join hands and jump together, saying:

Look, jumping on the edge of the Two laughing frogs. Jump-yes-jump! Jump-yes-jump! Jump from heel to toe.

      • « Frog in the swamp". In the middle of the room they put a round carpet - it will be a swamp. The carpet can be replaced with a rope folded in the shape of a circle. The child plays the role of a frog, jumping along the circle on two legs. An adult accompanies the game with a rhyme:

Here is a frog on the path Jumping, stretching out its legs: I saw a mosquito, Shouted “Kwa-kva-kva”!


The game "Guess-ka" is used in a wide variety of variations. The development of sound perception is presented in situations where the child is asked to guess how an object sounds, for example, a hammer knocks “knock-knock”.

Guessing the heroes of fairy tales, the child gains fantasy skills. Children like to listen to songs or lullabies performed by their mother. Already familiar melodies can be hummed, let the child guess the song and even sing along.

Attention and memory

A 2-year-old child is distinguished by curiosity and a craving for everything new. The development of memory and attention at this age is at the initial stage, it is important not to overdo it. For children under 5 years old, ten minutes of practice daily is enough.

Logic games are well suited for developing attention:

      • « Find an item". Parents hide an object familiar to the child. Searches by a baby are necessarily accompanied by tips from an adult.
      • « How are the pictures different". The child is offered two pictures that differ in several objects. Together, you need to find the differences between one picture and another.

The development of auditory memory is carried out using simple techniques:

  1. Parents hide a toy that makes any sounds. The child is looking for her, relying only on hearing abilities.
  2. An interesting game for the baby will be a game in which different objects are placed in a box, it turns out something like a rattle. The child tries to understand what is inside by the sound it makes.

Games that use the techniques of rearranging and disappearing objects develop memory and thought processes. At 2 years old, it is enough for a child to provide two items.

For example, playing with soft toys, which are given certain names. First they play with both toys, the adult calls them by certain names. Then one toy is removed and the child is asked where the second is, while pronouncing exactly the name of the disappeared character.

fine motor skills

Special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills in children of two years of age. Up to 7 years, this area is of paramount importance.

      • Repeat the movement. An adult will have to make several different movements, for example, sit down, raise his hands up, clap his hands. The child must repeat after him. Movement speed can slow down and speed up. This game develops not only motor skills, but also attention.
      • Piggy stomp. An adult easily, with soft movements, pats the child with his palms or fingers. They start from the top of the head, along the back of the head, forehead, cheeks, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, stomach, back, lower back, pelvis, buttocks, thighs, calves, shins and end with the feet. While saying:

Three funny piggies
Put on together stomp
And let's go for a walk,
Jump, stomp more fun.

At the same time, they also name the parts of the body that the hand touches. After the game interests the child, he can independently "pass" in this way through his body.

      • Gymnastics like animals. The child is offered to go on a walk in the forest with amazing little animals who like to greet in a special way:
  1. The little sparrow stands with its legs slightly apart (they wave their arms up and down, speeding up their movements).
  2. Then the sparrow flew away (they wave their hands and rise on their toes).
  3. Sparrow loves to swim in a puddle (shake imaginary water from hands and feet).

Then they get acquainted with the owl. A wise owl is shown with its head spinning in different directions. The child must repeat. The snake is performed while sitting in a Turkish pose.

To say hello to a snake, the neck is pulled forward and pulled back. You can show how the snake crawls away from the “lying on its stomach” position. They crawl in a plastunsky way, indicating to the child that the arms and legs work at the same time.

Educational games for a child of two years will allow mental processes to develop harmoniously. In addition, the ability to independently assess the situation and make decisions, even with the help of adults at the first stage, will form a solid foundation for the moral principles of the individual.

In the game, the child learns many skills and abilities, so it is important to maintain interest in such activities.

Video: Sample Lessons

Video: Games for child development

The child is 2 years old. What new skills and abilities can be developed in a child? How to build educational games and activities with him in a new way?

The child development plan for 2 to 3 years will help you answer these questions. It contains the most relevant games and educational activities aimed at developing logic, mathematics, drawing, creativity, motor skills, speech development, musical and physical development, and much more.

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