Reiki and gift workshops in Reiki energy. Reiki: self-study, exercises, techniques and principles

The Reiki system has absorbed all the best from the ancient teachings of the East about the path of spiritual improvement and from energy methods of self-healing and self-regulation.

The foundation on which the Reiki technique is based is the sacred knowledge, philosophy and traditions of Eastern medicine, Shintoism, Zen, esoteric Buddhism, Taoist energy practices and other ancient methods of natural healing.

Master Mikao Usui

One does not become a real Master in one year. Mastery in any business is the path of spiritual maturation in devotional service to one's life purpose.

In order for the world to know Reiki, Mikao Usui, the founder of the method, took years of work to accumulate knowledge about human nature and its relationship with the entire manifested and unmanifested world.

As a descendant of an ancient family of samurai, Mikao Usui, according to tradition, from a young age was sent to a Buddhist monastery for training.
By the age of 25, he had reached a high level of mastery in martial arts, preserving and increasing the traditions of the family. In addition, he had extensive knowledge in medicine, physiology, psychology, religious studies, philology, and was also fluent in various energy practices of self-healing and the esoteric practices of Tendai Buddhism and Shingon. He worked tirelessly all his life, enriching his experience with new knowledge.

The founder of the Reiki method of natural healing, Dr. Mikao Usui, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, was a wise, open and warm-hearted person, an unusually gifted personality, a tireless inquisitive seeker of truth.

To date, there are many versions of how Mikao Usui came up with the idea to create a method of natural healing and spiritual development, for the development of which people would not have to spend many years of their lives.
It can be assumed that only he and the Universe knew about the true motives that prompted Mikao Usui to search for a unique Reiki technique, which eventually rewarded the Master for years of work and samurai endurance.

The knowledge about using the power of the Universe to create a system of healing and self-awareness, called Mikao Usui Reiki, was received by him during deep meditation and a 21-day fast. According to unverified data, this event took place in 1914.

In 1922, in one of the suburbs of Tokyo, Dr. Usui founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai) Natural Healing Society. Until that moment, he had been proving the viability of his Reiki system in practice for more than 7 years.

The Reiki system of Mikao Usui was officially recognized in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century as a method of healing and spiritual self-knowledge. Clinics were opened in which doctors used the Reiki method to treat various diseases. And to this day, the school "Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" works based on the traditions, the foundations of which were laid by the Teacher. Thanks to Mikao Usui, Reiki became the property of mankind and spread throughout the world with the help of students and followers of his teachings.

Reiki - the path to your inner God

These days, the Reiki system is often presented as a healing method that supposedly can be mastered quite easily in order to heal other people.

Unfortunately, small misunderstandings sometimes lead to big misunderstandings. Only the one who created the conditions for its formation, the master of his body, his thoughts and beliefs, can get rid of the disease.

Healer- this is the life purpose of the people chosen by God for this mission. Not everyone can reveal the gift of a healer, and not everyone is ready to spend years of their lives on acquiring the necessary knowledge to work with people.

To help others, you yourself need to rise to a sufficiently high spiritual level of self-awareness and openness to sacred knowledge.

Healer is a conduit of wisdom and pure life energy that provides relief and guides the patient on the path to full recovery. And a real healer knows that a person must master this path on his own.

Each of us has been gifted by God with different individual abilities and talents, which, with the help of simple Reiki meditations and practices, can be revealed in ourselves and shared with the world.

Healing can take many forms. You can bring spiritual and physical relief to another person, inspire him to internal transformations, give joy, pull him out of the arms of stupidity and sorrow in different ways. Brilliantly staged performance, show; inspired painting, book, article, music, poem; the cordial and professional attitude of a teacher, doctor, stylist, manager, taxi driver to their clients and colleagues is also a manifestation of the healing energy of life and love. It's good when everyone is in their place and enjoys doing what they love.

The Reiki system is aimed at revealing the unique personal qualities and abilities that are stored in the nature of every adult and child.

Being healthy and cheerful is natural for people. Be cordial and intuitive too. Being talented, successful, loving and loved is more than natural. It is unnatural and not characteristic of human nature to be frail, sick, spiteful, unhappy, lonely. Only by reaching the openness of the heart, inner integrity and awareness of one's destiny, one can learn to receive satisfaction from life, which means to benefit other people.

Healing yourself begins with knowing your unique human nature.

From everyone who wants to become happy, only one thing is required - to learn to listen to his rational body, which will always tell you what he needs in order to be strong and healthy, in order to conscientiously fulfill the mission of a vessel of the spiritual power of the Universe, framed in the life task of the soul of a particular person. And in order to live in harmony with yourself and other people, feeling your material and spiritual nature as a whole, you need to get rid of everything that creates imbalance and tension.

The Reiki system includes a number of practices that reveal the inner potential of life energy in people. They improve the work of all systems of the body's vital activity, help to acquire the skill of a conscious attitude to one's sensations and manifestations, to thoughts and emotions, develop intuition, individual abilities, lead to a harmonious interaction of spiritual and personal tasks.

In the Reiki system at the first levels, the mandatory program includes:

  1. Reiki breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to calm the mind, gain the skill of deep relaxation and develop concentration.
  2. Meditative practices, during which the ability to calm contemplation, observation of thoughts, feelings, emotions is developed without being involved in the observed process.
  3. Reiki exercises that develop sensitivity and open the heart center.
  4. Practices of accumulation, distribution and balancing of energy in bodies and energy centers.

Reiki is a multi-level integral system of human development and improvement. It contains a wide range of areas. From healing and health promotion, successful progress along the road of self-realization in society, to revealing deep talents, abilities, spiritual essence and life purpose. Each person has the opportunity to make his personal choice, realizing himself in one or all directions, but he receives knowledge about the possibilities of the entire Reiki system initially at the first levels of training.

Simple Reiki exercises are attractive for both business people and less busy people, because they can be done at any convenient time and they do not require a specially equipped place.

The system of the traditional school "Usui Reiki Ryoho" includes the following areas:

1. Reiki and health:

Health promotion. rejuvenation, longevity and activity.

Treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • digestive system;
  • respiratory system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • urinary system;
  • reproductive system;
  • immune system, etc.

Rehabilitation and rapid recovery after:

  • childbirth;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • heart attacks;
  • chemotherapy;
  • nervous exhaustion, depression;
  • anephylactic shock;
  • operations of varying degrees of complexity;
  • traumatic brain injury, etc.

Emotional work:

  • elimination of emotional attachments, blocks, fears, phobias;
  • development of skills of fast and deep relaxation;
  • development of abilities to control the energies of feelings and emotions;
  • formation of a favorable emotional state for solving daily life tasks.

Works with the mental plane:

  • elimination of bad habits, addictions, inferiority complexes, self-doubt, subconscious programs and negative attitudes;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • development of the skill of creating positive thought forms that harmonize and restore the state of mental and physical health;
  • development of skills in working with mental energies.

2. Reiki and human abilities

Development of skills and abilities:

  • intuition, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, etc.;
  • disclosure of natural talents;
  • development of skills in the formation of favorable events and the implementation of harmonious life situations;
  • expansion of consciousness;
  • activation of the work of spiritual centers;
  • awareness of the tasks of the spiritual development of one's personality;
  • maintaining balance in the energy system of the human body;
  • formation and activation of personal financial flow.

3. Reiki and relationships:

  • harmonization of difficult situations and relationships in the family, team, friends, loved ones, etc.;
  • healing karmic relationships and events;
  • emergency energy support, "ambulance" in various stressful situations, during conflicts, in case of injuries, etc.

4. Reiki and Healing:

  • development of remote healing skills and work with Reiki energy in various situations at a distance outside of time and space.
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Reiki - a non-traditional healing method

If we consider the Reiki technique in an encyclopedic sense, then it is called a non-traditional healing method.

As mentioned above, healing is only one of the directions in the Reiki system, which does not become the life goal of every practitioner.

However, teaching the skills of transmitting Reiki to other people is part of the general training program of the method. And if you are not destined to become a great healer, then you can become a good conductor of the vital energy of the Universe with due diligence and regular practice.

Healer, or Reiki guide, transmits Reiki to another person through his palms according to a certain system. But to start practicing Reiki sessions, I still advise myself. I recommend not earlier than after a year of daily practice with yourself to start working with other people and only if you have the ability to do this and you are asked about it.

Hand positions in Reiki correspond to zones of biologically active points on the human body, as well as to vital organs and centers of consciousness (chakras). In a Reiki session, hand position is not a hard and fast rule to follow. A certain sequence must be observed, but first of all, you need to rely on your intuition and feeling of flow, since the bioenergetic structure of the bodies of each person is individual, and changes in vital systems occur every minute. To be a good conductor means to follow the energy-information flow of Reiki, the positions of the hands during such work can have their own sequence.

For beginner Reiki practitioners, the basic hand positions are a system of sequential actions called "General Reiki Session" or "Healing, harmonizing and restoring Reiki session" .

Expand the diagram of hand positions in a general Reiki session

General Reiki Session - Hand Position

The impact of vital energy on the state of energy-informational structures of the mental, emotional and physical bodies follows a certain pattern.

Each position of the hands in a Reiki session carries an energy-informational “package” or an impulse that restores the harmonious functioning of each organ in the human body, as well as balances the general state of the nervous system and transforms emotional blocks and mental programs.

Hand positions in Reiki: eyes, temples and ears; occipital part of the head, base of the skull

mental level

Increased clarity and quality of thinking. There is a calming of the thought process, memory improvement, good assimilation of a large amount of information. The energy intensity of thought increases. The ability to intuitive feeling is enhanced or actively developed.

Emotional level

Removes emotional stress. Various phobias and fears are healed. There is a sense of self-confidence and stress resistance. The energy potential of the male and female principles is harmonized.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: eyes, brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland, nose and sinuses, central nervous system, spine.

Hand positions in Reiki: neck, chest, hypochondrium

mental level

The ability to concentrate attention increases, creative thinking and the ability to accept abstract ideas of the higher spiritual spheres of one's being are manifested. Expanding horizons. Thinking is transformed into positive and socially oriented.

Emotional level

There is a feeling of comfort and harmonious perception of oneself and various life events. Develops cordiality and openness to the outside world and conscious self-respect. Creativity and natural talents are enhanced. The ability to self-realization in various spheres of life increases.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: thymus gland, thymus (spiritual heart), heart, immune system, circulatory system, chest, lungs, bronchi. Liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen.

Hand positions in Reiki: abdomen, groin

mental level

The mental programs and attitudes of the destructive plan are transformed, the feeling of fear disappears. The ability to self-knowledge and the desire for self-realization increase. The ability to quickly make accurate decisions and to implement new ideas is enhanced.

Emotional level

There is a release from emotional blocks, attachments, from psychological trauma. Increased control of emotional states and the ability to express themselves. Strong-willed qualities and energy potential are being developed to solve vital tasks. Sensuality and the ability to enjoy life in its various manifestations develop.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: digestive and lymphatic systems, small and large intestines, organs of the genitourinary system.

Hand positions in Reiki: knees, ankles, feet

mental level

There is a process of liberation from fears for loved ones and harmonization of relations with them (left leg - relations with women of the clan, right leg - relations with men of the clan). A confident life position and active implementation in society are manifested.

Emotional level

The process of liberation from children's complexes and psycho-emotional trauma is underway. The energy channel of interconnection with the generic structure is restored. The ability to easily communicate with people increases, achieving an excellent emotional state and material prosperity.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration of all internal organs, the projection of which is in the area of ​​the feet.

Reiki Hand Positions: Shoulders, 7th Spine Area, Back, Lower Back

mental level

Painful memories, experiences about past life events are healed. The ability to positive, creative thinking is enhanced. The ability to fully accept people and the entire manifested world as it is is manifested.

Emotional level

The ability to deep relaxation, emotional liberation is manifested. The level of mental and physical strength increases. The skill of self-observation and the ability not to get involved in the emotional states of other people are being developed.

Physical layer

Energy harmonization and restoration in the work of organs and systems: the lower part of the neck, the thoracic region. Kidneys, adrenal glands, lower lobes of the lungs, coccyx, base of the spine, thighs, gluteal muscles, genitals, bladder.

Collapse Chart of Hand Positions in a General Reiki Session

The impact of Reiki, in a very simplified form, is similar to the ancient Chinese method of acupuncture. It contributes to the activation of the work of energy channels and the harmonious flow and distribution of vital energy throughout the entire energy structure of a person.

Techniques in the Reiki system are aimed at the treatment and prevention of various diseases and work at all levels of human existence.

As a rule, the root causes of various diseases, however, as well as failures in business and personal life, are located at the levels of finely material bodies - astral (feelings, emotions), mental (mind, thought forms) and causal or causal (karma). Reiki harmonizes the imbalance that has arisen in the system of human life at first at the levels of subtle bodies, as a result, healing occurs at the physical level as well.

The Reiki method is an affordable way for everyone to rejuvenate, prolong life and maintain excellent physical and mental health for many years. The path of spiritual development, expansion of consciousness and one's abilities must certainly have a material manifestation on Earth.

We learn spiritual practices not in order to hide from reality in monasteries, ashrams, hermits' caves and meditations, but in order to spiritualize the material world, to fill our everyday life with the light of smiles.

Learning the Art of Reiki

The Reiki system also has a training program for anyone who wants to learn this art. Training does not take much time. Reiki exercises are available to every adult and child.

This program involves 4 steps (levels) of mastery. The knowledge and techniques of Reiki are transferred directly from the master to the student in training seminars.

Before the start of training at each level, the master initiates the student into the Reiki channel, and then the training process begins. At the first level, the master conducts several attunements into the Reiki channel for the student.

On 1st and 2nd steps meditation and healing are taught using different techniques of the Reiki (Reiki) system of Mikao Usui and more modern techniques of other Masters.

All practices of the first and second levels are aimed at developing sensitivity in a person and activating the ability to “listen to oneself”, feel the needs and various states of the physical body, as well as observe and learn to control one’s thoughts, emotions, feelings. The set of Reiki exercises is aimed at conscious work with energies within oneself and in external space.

Level 3 - Master. This is the level of personal meditation aimed at expanding consciousness and connecting with your higher self. It allows you to gain more inner freedom, and with it comes a period of revealing new abilities and opportunities for self-realization and spiritual growth.

Level 4 - Master Teacher. At this level, they teach the method of initiation into the Reiki flow at all levels of this system.

Each level in Reiki is self-sufficient. Each practitioner after the training course has the opportunity to practice Reiki on their own, choosing any training scheme that is convenient for them.

The decision to move on to the next step is only the inner intention of each person, and it cannot be conditioned by anything else.

The beauty and uniqueness of the Reiki method lies in its accessibility and simplicity.

You just have to open up and trust the beauty of simplicity to realize how little I know about my true self.

The Reiki system, like other systems of spiritual and physical improvement, opens the door to the world of self-knowledge. It helps to reveal those aspects of our being that have long remained unknown to us. This process is delicate, painstaking, consistent, and does not tolerate fuss and haste. This is the sacrament of the birth of the unique individuality that each of us is.

Dear friends!
If you have a desire to learn more about the Reiki system or you have already decided and want to learn Reiki practices, write or call +380 67 507-21-03 (Kyivstar/Viber) or Skype: pmilana70
Head of the studio, Reiki Master Teacher Milana Predrikhovskaya.

Recently, spiritual practices aimed at self-knowledge, self-improvement and even healing of oneself and one's loved ones are gaining more and more popularity. We will consider one of the most popular traditions today.

The energy of life

Reiki is a form of working with energy by drawing it from the depths of the universe. This tradition, which came to us from Japan and is firmly rooted in our country due to its effectiveness. People interacting with Reiki not only get to know themselves and the world better, they learn to see and feel much more than others. And the ability to heal with your hands, which, in fact, is the main purpose of Reiki, allows you to achieve amazing results in case of injuries or illnesses of the practitioner or his relatives. Can you learn Reiki on your own?

Seminars or homeschooling?

In almost every major city, you can find seminars that teach interaction with Reiki. Stage 1 of initiation and training (payment requirements usually do not differ from each other in cities and countries) consists in revealing the channel through which the student will receive Reiki energy.

Training allows you to learn basic skills - fill yourself with Reiki energy, heal yourself and other people, as well as animals with the help of your palms. At the same time, the master tells the history of Reiki, the basic principles of work, conducts initiation and teaches how to meditate correctly. The first step costs $150 on average. The training lasts for several days. For many people, the first stage is usually sufficient for self-practice. The masters claim that their students have enough basic knowledge, which they can then use to independently increase their knowledge and capabilities.

Is it possible to learn Reiki on your own at home? It is real, but it requires a great desire to learn and practice Reiki. Some sites also offer paid tutorial videos to help you navigate the flow of information.

Studying Reiki at home has some advantages, but energy work always carries some risk unless accompanied by guidance from an experienced reiki master. Therefore, carefully study everything you need to know about Reiki before you start practicing.

Alas, you will not be able to fully master the art of working with Reiki, because initiation is not possible when learning Reiki on your own.

The term "reiki"

To better understand this tradition, consider the meaning of the word "reiki". It is interpreted in different ways, as it has several meanings. First of all, it is the designation of the life energy "rei" and "ki". Also, the term is applicable to the naming of universal energy and God and the process of restoring health with the help of hands.

Working with Reiki allows you to tune the body to accept the energy of the most subtle plan. This is the unity of the soul and body, which allows you to know your own "I".

Does Reiki help with serious diseases?

Chinese experts have long argued that all our diseases arise due to a violation of the flow of vital energy. traditions will allow you to fill the body with energy, learn how to manage it. Many people do heal their illnesses with Reiki, but for this you need to find the root of the problem yourself.

Where to begin?

Are you determined to practice Reiki? How to start learning on your own in this case, while you do not know? Start with awareness. Look inside yourself, understand what ingrained problems are haunting you and why. Analyze your life and your own will help you find the origins of many of your own problems. Want to change yourself and your life.

Check out the required literature. Knowledgeable people advise several authors:

  1. Diana Stein. Among her books are "Practical Guide ...", several cycles of "Fundamentals of Reiki".
  2. Leah Sokolova.
  3. Walter Lübeck "The Spirit of Reiki". The book is based on the writings of famous Reiki masters.
  4. Liza Kashlinskaya.

Energy cleansing

In addition, you need to feel your own energy. Go deep into yourself, listen to yourself. But before that, it is recommended to clean your own biofield with the help of the so-called energy shower. The soul consists in cleansing the subtle bodies with the fire of a candle. The thing is that our chakras are clogged with clots of negative energy that prevent them from functioning normally. To fully tune in to the reiki, clear your biofield of these clots. You can do an energy shower every day - after a busy day and communication with unpleasant people. Cleansing will allow you to remove negative programs and improve your own well-being.

Don't forget to do Reiki meditations.

reiki meditation

Meditation is one of the most successful methods of knowing your own "I", finding harmony between you and the outside world. Before you start working with reiki, you need to feel them. Invoke the Reiki energy sincerely and with feeling. During meditation, the back should be straight, hands folded in a prayer gesture, and feet tightly connected. This will allow you to close your own energy. It's best to lean your back against a wall or a chair to keep your spine upright but still relaxed. Feel how the energy flows in your body, warm, bright, filled with gratitude and joy.

Meditative technique

  1. Meditate in the same place at the same time. Do it daily.
  2. Meditation start with three minutes, gradually increasing to half an hour.
  3. Keep a diary to record your own emotions and feelings during each meditation.

During meditation, nothing should interfere with you. Relax, take a deep breath and plunge into a blissful state of inactivity - the cosmos will show you everything you need to know. In the meantime, don't forget to be grateful. Sincerely thank your spiritual teachers, higher beings who will come to your call. Remember that when you send gratitude to the Universe, you receive much more in return in your sincerity than you give away.

Reiki meditation can help you deal with difficult issues in life. During meditation, ask your higher self a question that interests you by invoking reiki. The answer to the question may not come immediately. Such answers come in different ways - in the form of pictures during meditation, some of which will have to be deciphered, or a sudden understanding of what to do.

And, of course, don't forget the principles of this tradition as you study.


Reiki training continues. The Reiki Principles are five rules, or rather instructions, that have been translated from Japanese and have several interpretations. You can choose the ones that are closest to you. It is extremely important to repeat these rules just before the session. You may not even say them out loud, the main thing is to feel every word, let it through you.

  1. Don't be angry today.
  2. Don't worry today.
  3. Be grateful today.
  4. Work on yourself today.
  5. Be kind today.

Try to follow these principles constantly, and you will see how much easier and brighter your soul has become. After all, before you can heal others, you need to heal yourself. Very soon, you will not even need to make an effort to follow these instructions - Reiki will open you to harmony and calmness, which do not allow unpleasant emotions.

Reiki Techniques and Exercises

And now - the most important thing! Exercises that will allow you to call and feel the energy flowing in your body. To do this, you will need exercises to realize the first level of Reiki.

Reiki Awareness

Below we will look at a few exercises, but before that, consider a few rules.

  1. Exercises are best done in the morning, immediately after waking up, when the brain is in an altered state, and before going to bed.
  2. Do exercises on an empty stomach.
  3. The duration of the exercises reaches half an hour, because in this case it all depends on when exactly you achieve the desired result. Which one exactly? You will definitely feel it.
  4. Preferably weak, dim lighting and the absence of any extraneous noise. Your thoughts should soar freely and easily, so you should not be distracted by external factors.
  5. Don't let your thoughts get in the way. If they "floated" in a different direction, start all over again.
  6. Do each exercise for about half an hour.

Exercise 1. It is basic in any meditation practice. It is also important when learning Reiki on your own. So, sit comfortably in a chair and call: "Reiki!". Take a deep breath in with the thought “I am breathing in reiki” and then exhale with the thought “I am breathing out reiki”. At the same time, do not pause between inhalation and exhalation, each of which should be accompanied by the corresponding words. Mentally, you can draw out words. The main thing is not to watch your breathing, keep it involuntary and free. When the thought forms disappear by themselves, leaving a feeling of how the energy is distributed throughout the body, the result is achieved. The duration of the exercise is about 20 minutes.

Exercise 2. The next exercise is done in a horizontal position. You need to enter the relaxed state achieved in the first exercise, and gradually relax each. It is better to start on the right side. For example, first relax your right toes, then switch to your left. Move on to hands. Gradually rise to the head. Release tension from the neck, chest, back, pelvic area, mentally relax the heart, brain, nerves and tendons. When you feel warmth and heaviness in that part of the body to which your attention is directed, the result is achieved. To achieve a sustainable result, it is better to practice the exercise for at least two weeks.

For the subsequent practice, which allows you to develop the abilities of Reiki, you will need to work with a master. A full-fledged Reiki training on your own is impossible without the help of a specialist. There are other exercises aimed at working with the energy inside your own body. Read the provided descriptions of breathing and relaxation exercises by choosing the option you like.

What is Reiki Initiation?

What is the difference between training and initiation? Reiki initiation must be done with a master. Attunement consists in opening the channel, that is, initiation into Reiki. Remember that the choice of a master in this case is an extremely responsible matter, since a person with impure thoughts is able to "attach" an energy entity to your channel, which will feed on your energy. The scheme for conducting Reiki initiation varies from master to master, so there is no specific technique.

Initiation consists in synchronizing the brainwaves of the master with the student. That is, you are given a certain program that allows you to interact with the energy of the Universe. Tuning allows you to increase the energy reserve, as well as enhance intuition and give other mental abilities.


Is it really possible to learn Reiki on your own? You can learn basic skills, but you won't be able to reach a high level. However, if you have the potential, home schooling may well be enough for you to achieve the result that you need.

Reiki is a wonderful system, as you dive into ancient healing practices which have been used by humans for thousands of years. Remember, if you hit or something hurts, you put your hands on this place, and the pain subsides. Remember when your child fell and got hurt, you put your hands on the bruised place and the pain goes away. You intuitively do what Teacher Mikao Usui has brought into the working system of healing the body in the Reiki system. Why Reiki, how it differs from other similar systems of the peoples of the East. The revolutionary nature of this system is that there is initiation(connection with Reiki - the energy of life, energy, where you connect with the power of the Earth and Heaven) and here the healer does not need to accumulate energy for a long time to work, it does not require long-term special training and knowledge of anatomy or the U-Sin system.

The founder of this method, Mikao Usui, thought out in detail the laying on of hands scheme in the order in which the Reiki energy will work out the problems in the energy of your physical body in the most optimal way. Already at the initial stage, using Reiki practices, you will get positive results: sleep will improve, mood swings will go away, fatigue will decrease. By following the five principles of Reiki, which, if you look closely, are broadcast by all religions of the world, you will harmonize your events in life. After completing the Reiki training and having received an initiation, following a well-established scheme, you will be able to simply perform the recommended techniques and techniques at the first stage. You will use the energy of the Universe not only for your own recovery and putting in order the health of your loved ones, but also for harmonizing relationships and life situations.

This harmonization will benefit all parties involved in any event and people will be grateful that everything worked out for them in the best way. After all, this energy is aimed at harmonizing you with the rhythms of the universe bearing the divine principle. Reiki is a method of healing everything that your eyes can fall on, which you constantly encounter in everyday life. As a Reiki conductor, you fill your life with the energy of Higher, more subtle vibrations and Divine Love. Accepting the Love sent to us from the Highest Source, connecting ourselves with the rhythm and consciousness of the Universe, getting rid of low-vibration energies that destroy not only subtle fields, but also the physical body. You are working on yourself, so that later you can transfer the energy to the world the way the Teacher received it. It is also an opportunity to feel the flow of energy in your body, to develop intuition and subtle sensitivity of the hands at the initial stage, and later other extrasensory abilities. You will feel the flow of energy in the human body, the configuration of his field, negative intrusions into his fields, see the aura and much more.

Reiki is an amazing energy that comes to us from the Highest spheres of the Universe. It has its own consciousness and knows exactly where to go and what to do. It is multidimensional and removes the causes of problems at all possible levels - body, mind or soul. (Richard Riward) The levels in Reiki exist for the gradual development of mastery in this system. You cannot immediately disassemble all the blockages in the energy structure of a person, this is done in layers so that the body gets used to the changes. Yes, in the teachings of Feng Shui, it is not recommended to rearrange the entire apartment at once, too big changes in life will begin and not everyone can adequately respond to them. Severe stress is bad for any system.

Reiki Practices (Reiki)

In our center works " Reiki club”, where additional techniques are given in the classroom, the U-Sin system is explained, work is given
with sound vibrations - kotodams or Buddhist mantras, work with affirmations, classical and additional symbols. Acquaintance with the metaphysics of the Sonten direction, which was practiced by the monks of the temples of Mount Kurama.

This enhances the ability of students and masters to achieve concrete results in the realization of their own goals, the fight against specific ailments and master the Reiki levels. This increases the set of tools and the possibility of a creative approach to solving the problem. Reiki energy, combined with healing practices and work with karma, gives excellent results. At the seminars, you come across concepts that are new to you - kotodams, mudras, creating states.

Club Topics

Zero level (for everyone)

« Open Reiki class» h acquaintance with the system, for those who want to get to know it better and start practicing it

"Reiki Circle"Collective wellness session, club assistance in working out problems

Reiki level 1

"Reiki - work with energy meridians in the light of the U-Sin theory " - acquaintance with the basics of healing oriental techniques, their principles and the possibility of using.

"Meditative practices in the Reiki system. Visualization and concentration" - the ability to meditate and concentrate, one of the foundations of the Reiki system. The absence of these practices will make further promotion ineffective.

"Reiki and sound vibrations, work with kotodams and healing sounds" Kotodama is where the Reiki symbols came from later, this is the spiritual basis of the system.

"Additional Healing Techniques"- they will increase the effectiveness of your Reiki sessions.

"Breathing practices, cleansing techniques and a set of energy." - own energy fullness, energy strength, the fact of strengthening opportunities in any area of ​​life

Reiki Secrets (something that Hawayo Takata didn't teach, but used by Mikao Usui)

Reiki 2 tbsp

"Reiki and the Japanese tradition of yamabushi"Energy practices of "mountain manahs" used in Reiki practices

"Reiki Meditation Practices for Working with Negative Emotional Blocks and Children's Fears" - energy blockages, this is what interferes with the flow of energy, creates diseases and does not allow us to adequately perceive life situations, parting with them, we change our lives for the better

"Reiki symbols - working with situations of the past and creating the future" – expanding the possibilities of working with Reiki symbols, the correct setting of programs

Solving financial problems through the Reiki system . Part 1 and 2 - consideration of psychological and energy problems that interfere with the flow of energy of money and their study

"Energy Protections in the Reiki System". - the ability to protect oneself from energy influences of various types

"Kinesiology for Reiki Practitioners" - diagrams of projections of organs on the muscular frame, removal of muscle blockages, restoration of energy flow, blood flow, nerve impulses.eyki

Hello, dear Readers of Indonet!

My name is Lydia. Together with my Husband, one-year-old Daughter and my Mom, we have been living in India and India for almost a year, and we plan to continue this exciting action. In this regard, I believe that I can be useful with my topics on this excellent site, or rather even the Portal, about India and South Asia.

Part 1___ WHAT IS REIKI.

Who cares about my CapsLock, I'm sorry, but I just have such a style of writing. I write like this everywhere :) Thus, I highlight the MAIN thing in the thought that I want to convey. I would be glad to be useful to someone with my story and view on this topic.


Speaking very simply, and if at all possible to say about Reiki in a nutshell, then I would say this - REIKI is a multi-level COMPLEX of energy practices that can be used by any Person and even a child of any age, for the purpose of HEALTH at all levels and for the purposes of HARMONIZATION of many spheres of Life.

At the same time, Reiki is not a magic wand or a pill for all diseases and problems. Reiki is a certain layer of ENERGY that brings a Person into a state of INTEGRITY, and against the background of this holistic harmony, the Human body comes to a healthier state, moreover, in the most natural way. Therefore, Reiki practices are most often referred to as energy practices. But this designation does not reveal the whole multifaceted essence of Reiki, it simply simplifies understanding at the first stages of study. The very process of transferring Reiki energy is activated in a STUDENT through initiation (or initiation) into this practice at the 1st stage of training, which is conducted by a Reiki Master TEACHER.

In a little more detail, these healing abilities, as a kind of potential, are initially present in every person from birth. So, for example, when your head or some other part hurts, you instinctively put your palm on the sore spot with a specific subconscious purpose - to make it easier. Therefore, Reiki is carried out through the palmar chakras, especially at the first stages of training.

Since I am a fitness trainer by additional education, I will give an analogy with the muscles in the human body to make it more clear. So, each person has healing abilities, like a compressed program archive. Just like there are muscle fibers in the body. And each person can develop healing abilities to the level of a good healer. Just like pumping up muscles until relief appears. But in order for the muscles to become stronger and denser, and only where you need it, you go to the gym and, most often, under the guidance of a trainer, you follow a specific program with a gradual increase in loads, and also set up nutrition and the whole daily routine in a certain way, so that the result is manifested and preserved.

It is the same with our healing abilities - by themselves they will not manifest themselves so as to effectively, "environmentally" and quickly enough to heal and COMPREHENSIVELY harmonize the entire multi-level system of a Human, unless of course you have reached the level of Enlightenment :) And therefore, in the system of Reiki practices, as probably in any "subtle" practice, you also need TRAINING according to a specific program with detailed explanations from the Master Teacher, and you also need initiation (initiation), like activation or some kind of toggle switch that will give the necessary subtle-energy push and "show" the direction. And then, with the help of multi-level Reiki practices, you can develop the necessary abilities to a level where you can heal, heal and harmonize yourself in a complex way, and, if you wish, your family and friends.

Reiki is an ancient and wise self-healing, but nevertheless it is first of all a certain INSTRUMENT on which one must "learn to play". And each person has a very individual process. After training and the first period of attuning practices to the natural flow of Life, Reiki practices become quite easy and pleasant, comfortable and facilitating in many aspects. Personally, this has been happening in my life for many years. In the field of health, in the field of relationships, in the field of personal growth and self-awareness, and even in the field of impact on the future.

The results from Reiki practices are sometimes very impressive, but I will not write about them here in detail, as these will be just words. Someone else's experience - it is quite ephemeral in words. Reiki practices are learned only through OWN EXPERIENCE, not theory.


The word Reiki is usually written with two characters. The upper hieroglyph reads "REY", which means "divine, universal, spiritual". The lower hieroglyph is read as "KI" - "energy, spirit, strength." Together it can be translated as UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE or UNIVERSAL LIFE ENERGY. The very word "REIKI" is more correct to write through the letter "E", and also pronounce it with a solid vowel. Sometimes this word is written separately, as well as the designation "Rei Ki" - "Rei Ki". But many are already accustomed to the word "REIKI" - together and through the letter "E". The essence of this, of course, does not change.

Let me summarize. Reiki is a certain Path, and from my own experience I will say that this is the Path, first of all, to oneself. To Yourself holistic, harmonious and balanced on all 4 levels of the PYRAMID of the Power of Life:

1__on the PHYSICAL (the level of the "gross" manifested body),
2__ on ENERGY (level of etheric, astral and mental "subtle" bodies),
3__ at the INFORMATIONAL (or program level - the level of the causal body, which, like a "hard drive" on a computer, carries the main programs of choice and desires of the Spirit and Soul)
4__and on the SPIRITUAL (or the level of o-consciousness, the level of the buddhic and atmanic bodies)


Sincerely, Reiki Master Teacher,
Lydia and Mikhail BOYKO
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वेषां भद्राणि पश्यन्तु॥ सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वेषां मड्गलं भवतु॥

P.S. our contacts in profile- that is, to recognize them, you need to click on the name "Lydia Boyko" at the very top, after the title of the article.

Lydia Boyko

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Comments: 8

Lydia, thanks for the new and

Lydia, thanks for a new and interesting topic.
I received the 1st level in India about 10 years ago quite by accident, they just gave me initiation and didn’t teach me anything, so I don’t use almost anything, although I came across reiki from time to time, or rather, they sometimes pushed me in this direction :) I think that I don’t one such...

On the subject of security... THE BIG question is HOW? From childhood, I treated with my hands completely without being able to do this, that is, without learning, that’s why I raked ... I imagine the basics of bioenergy ... reiki - as I understand it, the same as Indian, Chinese qi, etc. - the energy that flows by itself through the wire substituted for it in the face, that is, the human body, the measuring cup is set higher, more or less will not flow out, of course. The question is different. There is a being who wants to help. There is some kind of reiki in this case. How to separate your desire to help (and, accordingly, your own energy message, with all the losses and return flow) from the universal energy, which itself knows and does everything itself?
Perhaps the answer is rhetorical, or maybe you have a clue to it?

Good question. I have it in

Good question.

At first I wanted to reveal it in the article, but then I changed my mind) Apparently it was necessary to add about it all the same.

1) You made a very subtle point THE IMPORTANCE OF SAFETY during the transfer of energy, regarding the "interception" of his energy-informational distortions from another person. It's just that this topic is a little controversial, and different schools of Reiki talk about it in different ways. At the very beginning of mine, I went through stages 1 and 2 in the classical Reiki school, where this issue was NOT explained to us, I would even say that they were silent about it a little, or, perhaps, the disclosure of this issue was planned later than the 2nd stage. But already now I can say that it is WORTH TALKING about this with Students already from the 1st level.

Later, having completed a full course of study already in a non-classical Reiki school (I will write about different Reiki schools in the 2nd block of this article), I realized that it is really very important to know about some methods of "subtle" protection during the transfer of Reiki energy. For example, there are special additional ones for protection, which were given to me at this school already at the 2nd stage, there are special simple energy practices that can be added to the 1st stage. Also in my school there is a whole system of energy-informational PURIFICATION from everything that can be "picked up" from a person to whom Reiki is transmitted. Indeed, in fact, no one is immune from this - if there are resonant channels (that is, the coincidence of vibrations, which is not so easy to track and transform in advance), then you can still "catch" - the subtle one works - "like attracts only like". .. And it's good with Cleaning, it helps out - if it gets "dirty" - then it goes and "washed itself", only at a "thin" level.

Thus, I can already say for sure that it is better to study the security issue and be aware of it from the very beginning. After all, the “contamination” of a person on whom you put your hands with Reiki energy can be sooooo different - in my practice there were a couple of serious cases when after such sessions I was “saved” and restored only by Cleansing with Reiki symbols. Of course, I'm telling you all this based on MY personal experience.

2) About the separation of YOUR desire to help. There is such a concept - "Reiki ethics" - it says that a Person should always ASK HIMSELF to be "treated" with Reiki energy. Even if this is the closest person, not to mention just acquaintances - a person must make a simple request before the Reiki session: "Treat me, please" ... It seems - what is so complicated here. In fact, not everyone can ask. And a whole bouquet is revealed - if a person cannot ask, then he is quite closed, even to such natural energy, or he has too many vibrations of pride in his character, which means there are big gaps in the worldview - and in the end, most likely, YOU YOURSELF then "will get" from him))) And if a person CAN ask, CAN thank, then several times you can give him a Reiki session - while subtly listening to YOUR Heart - that it says how comfortable YOU are with all this message of energy. If all shanti - then you should not think too deeply - it itself moves you or it is YOU that is separate from this energy. After all, you can interpret it this way and that way - EVERYTHING is not just like that, and everything is THROUGH us, in any case.

But there is another side to this issue. Based on my experience, I come to a deeply conscious conclusion that every person should be able to HELP YOURSELF. Of course, I'm not talking about all 100 percent of the cases. But nevertheless, when you decide "", in this case, with the BODY for someone, then later they can "ask" you for this - WHY you are preventing that Soul from taking lessons with your help ... Here you need to understand the SUBTLE After all, it is POSSIBLE and NECESSARY to direct, suggest, show a couple of times how to come into harmony with the help of Reiki!... But treating another person is not very correct, especially from a karmic point of view. He must LEARN this, especially in our time, when these practices are available and open to everyone. But when this person HIMSELF finds time, opportunities, self-organizes, mobilizes, enters the most useful role in such cases as a "STUDENT OF LIFE", that is, he makes HIS EFFORT for such a "subtle" impact on his "problem" - then he will definitely GROW , that is, he will learn the lesson that the Universe has given him through. And what was the whole meaning and purpose of HIS "problem".

And by the way, that is why the non-classical school where I studied abandoned the practice of TREATMENT a long time ago and shifted its focus towards TRAINING. Yes, even Mikao Usui went through similar desires to help other people simply with treatment - at first he did just that - he simply invited sick people to his community and treated them. They were recovering. But after some time they returned to him, and were very dissatisfied, as their illnesses returned again. Gradually, Mikao Usui came to the conclusion that there is NO POINT to just heal, but there is a point in TRAINING a person to heal himself. And in general, treatment WITHOUT explaining to a person such important topics as "what diseases are given for" and so on - such treatment is considered to be in the guna of tamas (ignorance) energies, which means it does not lead to something true and blissful. And besides, few people are ready to really CAREFULLY LISTEN to just a person who does a Reiki session :))) In the Yuga age, authority is needed))) Therefore, the MEANING (not the result) of the treatment becomes minimal at will. Soon I will post the 2nd block of the article - there I reveal this topic in more depth.

Thank you, achadidi, for your attention to my article and I am very pleased that you are familiar with Reiki.

Year after year, Reiki beginners and already practicing Reiki students ask us the same questions: “What should those who have just started practicing Reiki do? Is there a work plan or program: Reiki for beginners? What is the best self-development strategy for beginners?” etc.

We really hope that these small steps will serve as a great impetus to start your practice. Of course, over time, all beginners in Reiki gain their personal experience, but for a start, of course, it is best to listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced Masters with many years of experience. In order for the building to be strong, it is necessary to create a strong foundation, so the article “” will serve as a foundation and starting point for you, which will pave the way for self-improvement of working with Reiki energy.

Practicing Reiki at first glance seems to be a very simple matter. May be so. We started our journey back in 2006, when there was practically no information about Reiki in general, and even more so, as a Reiki practice for beginners. We had to gain experience from different people, which eventually formed our personal direction, our personal development path. We will try to give you the simplest step-by-step plan for a successful Reiki practice.

  1. Don't be afraid, or just don't worry today.. Until you are able to understand and realize the full power of Reiki, you will be overcome by doubts and various fears. Sometimes people close to you, having read various tales about the practice of Reiki (link to the article Reiki Sect), can also instill doubts in you. This is all untrue. Your desire is what really matters. Follow the chosen path.
  2. Find your path, set goals. The path from point A to point B can be completely different for each of you. That is why, before starting the practice, decide on the goals of your path. For some, the goal may be getting rid of diseases, for someone, the realization of one's destiny, and for someone, the goal will be to master Reiki as a full-fledged profession. We are all different and each of us has our own view of the world. That is why a simple and understandable goal will make it easier for you to choose your own path of development in Reiki.
  3. Believe in yourself and your strengths. Always believe in yourself and believe in your choice. Don't let the fears from the past show up in the present, otherwise you won't have a future. Believe with all your heart, believe that you can achieve your goals, despite fears and insecurities.
  4. Inner work on yourself. Face yourself. Before you start working with other people, work with yourself. is a master who is always working on himself and his improvement. Never stop there. Instead of rushing from technique to technique, from one teacher to another, ask yourself, “What else do I not know about Reiki practice? What area of ​​Reiki is still hidden from my view? Answer these questions for yourself. Keep moving forward!
  5. Time for self-development. In one of our articles: “”, we already said that you should definitely allocate time for self-development. This is an important part of the practice. Record time for yourself in your diary and practice Reiki every day. Be sure to read the article: “”
  6. Learn to read the signs. Our environment is a mirror of ourselves. To better understand this, it would be appropriate to say that like attracts like. The ability to see and understand the signs helps us take a deeper look at our internal problems and work with them in detail.
  7. Reiki brings change. When you start practicing Reiki, changes inevitably begin to take place in your life. Everything that happens is always directed to your benefit, even if there is a negative moment in what is happening. Learn to accept and let change into your life. Think of everything as lessons to be learned and for which you will have to pass the exam. If the situation repeats, then the lesson has not been learned, the exam has not been passed.
  8. Fear of making a mistake often hinders action. But fear is an emotion and sometimes it is really stronger than action. Only by starting to act, there will be no trace of fears and doubts. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Be grateful for the mistakes you make and keep going towards your goal.
  9. Remember the reward. If you have set goals, then you know exactly what gift awaits you as a result of daily practice. Remind yourself often of the result you want to achieve. It doesn't matter what industry you're in. Do not lose sight of the skill or several skills that you will develop in yourself during the practice.
  10. Our Reiki Energy Teacher just like life for older children. When you take your first steps in learning Reiki practice as a beginner, the teacher, the Reiki Master, will play a big role for you. The master will only lay the foundation for you, share with you the tools and experience. Further, you, like a fluttered chick, must gain experience on your own. Listen to Reiki, let the Reiki Energy guide you along the path of self-improvement. As you move from being a beginner to a practitioner and then becoming a Reiki Master, Reiki Energy itself will become your teacher.