Spaghetti drawing. What can be made from pasta: we make original crafts with our own hands - photos, instructions, videos. New Year's pasta masterpieces

In this tutorial we will draw a plate of spaghetti in Adobe Illustrator. To complete this tutorial, you will need suitable brushes. The original uses a paid set, the link to which you will find below. However, we will also show you how to do without it, and complete the tutorial using other brushes.


You can purchase the brushes from the original tutorial for $6. However, you can pick up similar brushes (such as these) or, which will be much better for you and your skills, draw your own brush. In Step 6 of this lesson, the shape of the brush is clearly visible, it will not be difficult to repeat it. If you haven't created brushes in Illustrator before, check out the tutorial. This is a very useful skill that you will refer to more than once. — Approx. Duty rooms

Step 1

Create a new document and stretch out a rectangle to fit it using the Rectangle Tool (M). Set the fill color of the rectangle to #D9D3C7.

Step 2

Create a new layer. Use the Pencil Tool to draw a round shape. We do this on purpose with a pencil so that the circle is not perfect, but looks hand-drawn. Set the fill color to #7C1B1D for the shape.

Step 3

Draw another uneven circle inside the previous one - this time smaller.

Step 4

Select both circles and in the Pathfinder palette / Pathfinder (Shift + Ctrl + F9) click on the icon Minus Front / Minus Top. So you subtract a small circle from a large circle, getting the contours of a plate.

Step 5

Create a new layer below the plate layer. It is in it that we are going to draw our spaghetti. Open the Brush palette (F5). Select Open Brush Library > Other Library from the drop-down menu. Select your brush file.

Step 6

Select the brush below (or use your own) with the color #675D4C.

Step 7

To make the process faster, in the Appearance palette (Shift + F6) click on the drop-down menu and select New Art Has Basic Appearance / New Object Basic Appearance. This way each new curve will have the same stroke settings.

Step 8

Start filling your plate of spaghetti by drawing curved, long curves. Let them overlap each other, intertwine until you fill the entire plate so that there are no empty spaces between the pasta.

Step 9

This is what your work should look like after completing the previous step.

Step 10

Create a new layer above the plate layer. Draw in it a few pasta that fit on the plate or even crawl out of it slightly.

Step 11

Freehand draw sticks that are not very straight, using #513C1E as the fill color.

Step 12

Draw a couple more pasta on top to drown the sticks in them.

Step 13

Finally, draw the shadow of the chopsticks over the background layer and fill it with #C1B9AA.


That's all!

Translation - Desk

If you want to surprise your child or just want to decorate your room, it is not necessary to use the standard options - plasticine, natural materials or embroidery.

Products made from ordinary pasta will look original. This is a simple and not very labor-intensive way of decorating. Our master classes on pasta crafts will help you cope with the task in the best possible way.

How to use the material

Pasta is used both for decorative decoration of crafts and for creating three-dimensional images. The material is distinguished by its properties, thanks to which it is very easy to work with it:

  • high strength;
  • a variety of shapes and sizes - there are spirals, shells, bows, etc .;
  • excellent fixation qualities - pasta is attached to the base or to each other, ensuring the reliability of a wide variety of voluminous objects in shape.

To create a craft and fasten individual structural elements, you must use glue. Regular PVA is suitable, which is safe enough for a child. If you plan to create a three-dimensional structure, then you need to attach the pasta "shells" to each other. And when decorating, gluing to the base is required.

In the photo of pasta crafts you can see the most unusual models. However, their design requires staining, because usually the material does not have a color.

There are, of course, multi-colored figurines, but they are expensive. For coloring use acrylic paint or waterproof dyes.

To give the desired color to the material, the dye should be diluted in the desired concentration in a disposable plate or in a special thermal bag. Spray paint in cans will help create a masterpiece. It is convenient to use it by spraying on an already made craft.

Original ideas for creativity

Involve your child in needlework at an early age. However, kids 3-5 years old will not be able to build a serious picture or structure right away. Therefore, it is recommended to start with simple pasta crafts for children with our description.


It is necessary to take a regular sheet of A4 paper and sprinkle feather-shaped pasta on it. With the help of a brush and paint, they are painted in different colors.

After the material dries, it is necessary to string it on a strong thread. It is not necessary to use pasta of the same type in shape - combined models from elements of different appearance will look original.


An original figure is cut out of cardboard, for example, some kind of fruit or an ordinary saucer. You can use a regular CD.

The base is pasted over with colored paper, and a layer of glue is applied on top. Pasta is stacked on it in a different order. After they are fixed, the surface must be painted in the original color.


If you want to know what kind of pasta crafts you can make with your own hands, so that it also brings benefits, it is advisable to use this advice.

You will need a glass bottle or jar of the original form. The surface is covered with glue, on which pasta and various beads are fixed. Using spray paint, the vase is painted in the selected color.

You can take a stable plastic cup and perform similar manipulations with it. It will turn out a beautiful stand for pens and pencils.

Photo frame

You need to take a sheet of cardboard. Along the edges of the sheet, pasta is attached to the glue and painted with spray paint. After complete drying in the center, you need to fix the selected photo, and from the back - a leg for stability.

How to create a complex structure

Adults and older children will cope with complicated structures that require spatial thinking and perseverance. We offer detailed instructions on how to make pasta crafts.

Wreath for the new year

This product is perfect for New Year's decoration of the house and creating an atmosphere of comfort. The technology for performing the work is not too complicated:

  • Make a cardboard ring to serve as the base.
  • With the help of glue, pasta is attached to a cardboard base. This must be done in any order to eliminate gaps between individual elements.
  • After the glue dries, the surface of the product is treated with golden paint.
  • The wreath is decorated with a red ribbon. It is advisable to attach bells.

Christmas tree

First, build a cone out of cardboard. It is advisable to choose a green base color. It is installed on a specially made base, which plays the role of a stand. The cone is covered with glue. Pasta is attached to it.

Start from the top, gradually going down. The simplest design uses feathers, but Christmas trees with pasta of different shapes will look original.


The original pasta craft can be made in the shape of a snowflake. To do this, you need shells, horns or leaves:

  • A plastic bag or cling film is placed on the base.
  • The middle of the snowflake is made of two horns glued together in a circle.
  • Shells are glued to the circle of horns with outgoing rays.
  • Leaves are attached to them.
  • After the structure dries, it should be covered with paint. At the same time, the film is removed from the back to color the second side.
  • With the help of double-sided adhesive tape, the snowflake is attached to the glass or hung on the Christmas tree due to the attached ribbon.

Cup with saucer

It is necessary to take the original items of the tea service. They are wrapped with cling film or foil. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the bottom of the cup or saucer is covered with glue, and then round-shaped pasta is fixed;
  • the walls between the pasta are smeared with glue;
  • after the bottom is completed, proceed to pasting the walls;
  • when the glue dries, take out the cup or saucer;
  • in place of the handle of the cup, the missing elements are glued, and then the handle is equipped;
  • to decorate the edges of the product, you need to attach shells to them;
  • after the glue dries, the surface of the product is treated with paint.


Ideas and ways to make crafts may be different, but a tea set will always look especially attractive. It is necessary to inflate the balloon and paste over its surface with wheels.

You need to start work from the bottom, gradually moving towards the top. Before reaching a few centimeters to the “tail”, pasting must be stopped and the structure allowed to dry.

After that, the ball is pierced and removed. From the bottom of the structure, a stand is made of spirals. The product can be left in this form - you get the original vase.

To make a lid, you need to inflate a new balloon and paste over the upper part near the “tail”. The diameter must match the base. The balloon is deflated and the teapot is covered with a lid. The handle and spout are also made from pasta. Horns are suitable for the handle, and feathers are suitable for the spout.


A box is constructed from cardboard - a base and a lid. The base can be painted in the original color or completely covered with pasta. You need to start with the design of the edges - paste over the edges with wheels, horns or shells.

The cover is made in the same way. In the center, you can make a pattern of shells or glue a star. When the glue dries, the surface of the box should be painted in the chosen color.

Pasta crafts will decorate your home, and children will be happy to take part in the creative process. In work, care should be taken and caution, especially when working with glue and paint. Your imagination, combined with perseverance, will create a real masterpiece.

Photo crafts from pasta

They have always been especially popular among both adults and young inventors. And this is not surprising, because the demand for such creations is huge. It is due to the fact that cereals are affordable materials, and the process does not take much time and develops well in all directions. Let's talk about how it's done and make original pasta pictures together!

Pictures of pasta and their application

The resulting pictures are not just the joy of a few minutes. They can easily be used as decorative elements on kitchen, in and even living room. Or you can completely decorate a whole corner of pasta paintings and turn it into a source of pride. Pictures made from these delicious flour products have several significant advantages.

  1. Ease of manufacture. After you show your baby the principle of work, he will be able to cope with the task on his own.
  2. Lots of unique ideas. Flowers, animals, insects, landscapes and even abstraction - all this can turn into a unique picture of pasta.
  3. Availability. Macaroni are inexpensive and are offered in a wide range. And to diversify crafts even more, you can paint the dough in different colors.
  4. Uniqueness. A well-made and decorated pasta picture will be your pride.

If you want a real masterpiece to turn out of a simple idea, you should consider the basic rules for creating such paintings.

General principle of creation: a step-by-step master class

In order to get a worthy decoration of your home and an original gift as a result of several hours of work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. colored or plain cardboard;
  2. sheet of A4 paper;
  3. watercolor or gouache;
  4. pasta in assortment;
  5. PVA glue.
  1. Glue cardboard and paper together. This is necessary so that the base of the picture is denser and does not bend, tear, or be damaged under the weight of the pasta. The basis for the picture can be considered ready.
  2. After that, a sketch is drawn on the base. It can be anything: still life, scenery, abstraction, separate objects. It is necessary to draw these patterns in order to detail the final image and make it clearer.
  3. Next, you need to stick pasta with PVA glue in the given order. For this purpose, various types of pasta are used - feathers, horns, spirals, spaghetti, tubules, noodles and so on.
  4. After the base for further actions is ready, it is necessary to start coloring the pasta, if this is provided for by the master class. As a result, you will get a realistic beautiful picture.

Thus, the master class for creating pasta paintings is quite simple. And now it's time to learn the basic ideas for doing crafts!

Basic ideas for pasta paintings

There are a large number of pasta-based picture ideas, and you need to choose the ones that suit your personal desires and skill level. Consider a few ready-made sketches, looking at which you can do similar work.

Pasta flowers

Flowers are the most common elements in such paintings. You can make original rowan branches from pasta in the form of leaves and small decorative balls. For the image to be complete, it is necessary to border the leaf around the perimeter with another type of pasta. In our case, these are flower figurines.

In addition, you can make unusual spikelets with daisies using such types of pasta as spirals for decorating leaves, horns for creating petals, feathers for decorating heads of ears, spaghetti for stems.

Advice! You can leave the picture in natural color, on a dark background, but it is better to paint with gouache or watercolor.

Another common version of crafts of this kind is. It can be specific plants or imaginary, unknown flowers. To convey the whole field atmosphere and spring-summer mood, it is recommended to paint the picture in different colors -

You can not only cook delicious dishes from pasta, but also create unusual decorative crafts. There are a lot of original ideas, thanks to which you can have an interesting time making pasta decor elements.

Ideas are so diverse that it is difficult to choose one. Consider the most popular options that adults can handle: some ideas are within the power of children 4-5 years old, and you can make them both at home and in kindergarten.

Macaroni as a base for decoration

Pasta is an affordable and inexpensive consumable that can be used to make many unique things. On the shelves of shops pasta of various shapes is presented: round, in the form of carved petals, spiral. Of particular interest are butterflies and small bears.

Buyers are offered a large selection of pasta, which are durable and have a long shelf life.

DIY pasta crafts, photo

Important! Crafts from curly pasta will retain their presentability for a long time.

Decorative panels, saucers, candlesticks, fairy-tale houses, trees, New Year's toys and even rainbows are created from pasta. All this beauty can be made with your own hands from simple pasta.

Shape selection

The appearance of pasta crafts depends on the configuration of the latter. For example, it is difficult to create a plate of spiral pasta or a New Year's spaghetti toy.

For the manufacture of such “masterpieces”, even universal pasta in the form of gears, flowers or petals is more suitable.

Fanciful forms are left to create a panel in which even rows of intricate figures are glued onto a thick paper base.

The most popular forms of pasta are presented in the photo below:

Several varieties of pasta, painted in bright colors and pasted on cardboard or other base, can turn into a true masterpiece that transforms the interior.


Pasta, which has an intricate configuration, has one feature - they have a uniform color scheme.

Colored pasta is also sold in stores, but their cost is much higher than usual, and you can only find them in large supermarkets.

It is pointless to spend money on the purchase of colored pasta for needlework. Limit yourself to the usual budget options, it is easy to make a decorative masterpiece out of them with paint. In order to turn standard pasta and cereals into an exquisite decorative craft, use waterproof dyes or plain white enamel used for painting radiators.

How to color pasta for DIY crafts? Coloring of pasta can be done in a plate with dissolved dye or in a thermal bag.

It is most convenient to paint pasta with spray paint used for graffiti, as in the photo below:

Attention! The most important thing is to follow the rules for working with paint so that it does not get on the surrounding things, and even more so in the eyes. Before applying paint, lay down your work surface and put on goggles to protect your eyes.

Let's start our acquaintance with the magic of the practical creation of pasta masterpieces with simple options. Such crafts can be made even by children 3-5 years old.

Children should start with simpler ideas, because if the craft is not very attractive, the child may lose interest in such an activity. Of the simple options, it is worth highlighting beads for your beloved mother, vases or panels.

The original version for kids is a rainbow of colored pasta, as in the photo below:

Using paint, glue and several varieties of pasta, you can create real masterpieces to decorate the interior of the room.


To create beads, you will need the following materials:

  • pasta in the form of feathers with beveled ends;
  • paint and brush;
  • sheets of A4 paper;
  • strong thread.

This is the minimum set of materials for creating pasta beads.

Lay out the paper and sprinkle the “feathers” on it, put on rubber gloves and color the pasta (use paint of different colors). Wait for the workpieces to dry, and string them on a thread of a suitable length, tie the thread. Ready-made beads can be presented as a gift to mom, and grandmother will be delighted with home-made jewelry.

On a note! Beads of multi-colored pasta are a great idea for kids who don't know how to please their beloved mother and grandmother on March 8.

Using imagination, you can create an original decorative masterpiece from pasta.

Recommendation! In the process of coloring pasta, it is recommended to lay paper or oilcloth so as not to stain the surface with paint. Discard the newspaper - such a bedding stains with printing ink and gets wet quickly, besides, it sticks to surfaces.

Beads made of colored pasta will appeal to all fashionistas.

decorative panel

List of materials for creating a decorative panel:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • dye;
  • paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • pasta (shape does not matter);
  • glue.

Pasta panel will be a real find for wall decoration. It is easy to make such an element of decor with your own hands.

From thick paper or cardboard, cut out a figure of any shape - the main thing is that it be large. It can be, for example, pineapple. Cover the base in the shape of an oval with yellow paper. Make carved petals from green paper. Spread the base with glue, and fix the pasta. Do not touch the petals - this is the top.

You will get the original pasta pineapple. Color it with gouache and place it in a frame under glass or stick it on a large paper base. Pineapple can be supplemented with other pasta fruits made using identical technology.

On a note! If you don't know what to do with your kids in their free time, invite them to make pasta crafts.


Another interesting idea is a vase for home decor.

To create it you will need:

  • presentable glass bottle;
  • glue;
  • pasta of various configurations;
  • beads;
  • silver paint in a can.

Coat the bottle with glue and glue pasta to its surface, adding them with beads for a more spectacular texture.

Take the paint in a spray can and cover the finished product with it.

You will get an original vase with three-dimensional patterns. From a distance it will seem that the vase was bought in a store, it looks so stylish. You can recognize pasta only after a detailed examination.

By a similar principle, you can make a container for stationery - decorate a jar of pasta in the shape of bows.

New Year's pasta masterpieces

For the New Year holidays, needlework lovers are trying to find new ideas for original crafts that can be created together with household members.

Pasta is ideal for making Christmas decorations with children.

It is easy to make a snowflake for a Christmas tree, angels and a lot of other cute crafts from pasta.

You can create any Christmas decorations: an example of a miniature Christmas tree toy is in the photo below:

On a note! If you want to decorate your Christmas tree in a really original way, use handmade pasta crafts for this purpose. Thanks to pasta decorations, you will create a unique decoration for the green beauty.


To make little angels you will need:

  • miniature ball for the head;
  • pasta in the form of bulk tubes;
  • small pasta flowers or collar gears (used for instant soups from bags);
  • tubular pasta having a cylindrical configuration;
  • pasta in the form of bows;
  • pasta to decorate the dress (any shape will do);
  • resistant glue.

From such angels, as in the photo, you can make a whole garland or a set of toys for the Christmas tree.

Take a wide tube, glue a gear-shaped pasta element to one end, a ball on it - you will get a torso in a dress with a collar and a head. Glue two “squiggles” under the collar on one side and on the other - these are hands.

Decorate the lower part with miniature stars. Paste the head on the back and sides with cylinders imitating curls. Glue a bow on the back to create an imitation of wings.

If desired, you can paint the angel in white.

To paint the angelic men, stick them on pencils or wooden skewers, stick them into the foam base or soil and paint (you need to apply three layers).


Inflate a small ball, coat it with glue and paste over with flat pasta - the pasta elements should be in contact. Re-grease the finished craft with glue, wait until it dries, and remove the ball. The final part of the work is coloring.

Pasta, glue, plasticine and multi-colored paints - and with your own hands you can create a wonderful set of Christmas tree toys or New Year's compositions.



  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • several types of pasta;
  • green paint.

Fold the cardboard and glue it into a cone shape. Set it on a wide base and coat the top with glue. Lay the pasta in a circle - you should start from the top.

Dry and paint with green paint.

Colored pasta Christmas trees in the shape of shells look very original.

You can create not only a classic green Christmas tree from pasta, but also a silver-colored tree. A craft made of silver-colored pasta (it is most convenient to use spray paint), it looks like it is powdered with snow and is associated with winter.

The macaroni Christmas tree will become a stylish element of decor not only in residential interiors, but also in the office.

There are many more ideas that you can use to make wonderful crafts for the New Year. Photos illustrating how beautiful and original these gizmos look will give you inspiration. Detailed instructions will facilitate the creative process.

Below we offer to watch an interesting video on how to make simple but original snowflakes from pasta:

tea service

Not only individual elements are created from pasta, but also whole sets of decorative crafts. An example of such a set is a tea set consisting of a tray, teapot, saucer and cups.


In the desired configuration on a paper base, lay out a tray of pasta, as a rule, this is a large rectangle. After that, glue the pasta using a glue gun (you can also use regular PVA glue, but it’s more convenient to work with a gun). The work of creating a tray is painstaking, but not difficult.

At the edges, we decorate the product with pasta with a different configuration to hide flaws.

In the photo - an example of an amazing composition, made according to the principle of a "soaring cup of coffee", but already from pasta:

Recommendation: To obtain a presentable set of dishes, it is recommended to use pasta-wheels. Thanks to the edges, they are more densely adjacent to each other than other varieties. Due to this, it is possible to avoid cracks and voids, to get a stronger product.

An example of an intricate table service made of painted pasta is in the photo:


To make the second element of the service - a teapot, inflate the balloon and paste it in a circle with wheels. Start gluing the pasta from the bottom, a place 2 cm from the top should remain free.

Advice! All elements of the service should be made from identically shaped pasta.

Detailed instructions for creating a teapot from pasta in the photo below will facilitate your work:

Dry the structure, pierce the ball and remove it. Create a lid in the same way. The only difference is that you need to start from the top and reach the middle of the ball. Dry, pierce the ball and remove it.

Using the same principle, we make a handle and a spout, and then use glue to connect them to the teapot.

Find out how you can make detailed instructions and recommendations for making bouquets and individual flowers from bright satin ribbons.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners with a photo on how to make a florarium with your own hands, we propose to study.

How to make coffee topiary? Instructions and several master classes can be found in the article at:

Saucer and cup

Wrap both elements in foil and cover with pasta, dry, pull out the base of the saucer with a cup and decorate the edges with pasta of a different shape to mask the flaws.

The process of making a saucer and a cup is simpler and faster than the creation of a teapot and a tray - be guided by the photo:

At the last stage, all the components of the tea set are painted. It is more convenient to apply paint in cylinders, but the white enamel coating also looks elegant.

The pasta set looks like a real super-masterpiece.

Watch the video guide for a do-it-yourself pasta tea set in the master class right now:

Making pasta crafts is a great pastime for the whole family. Making such crafts will allow you to try on the role of a decorator.

This is a wonderful activity for children: this kind of needlework contributes to the development of fine motor skills, perfectly develops mental thinking and speech.

From ordinary pasta, which are sold in any store, you can do it yourself, spending very little time, creating exclusive crafts for home decor in your free time.