Christmas gifts can do wonders. What to give for Christmas, Christmas gifts and ideas

January brings to our house the purest, brightest and brightest holiday - Christmas. By tradition, this day is usually celebrated in a narrow family circle, in a warm atmosphere filled with love and tenderness.

And of course, on this day it is customary to give gifts. And what should be the gifts for Christmas? As a rule, it is not customary to give ordinary souvenirs on this day - there are ordinary holidays for this. Most often, on this wonderful holiday, it is customary to give traditional Christmas gifts - figurines of angels, which will become not just a souvenir, but also a symbol of home comfort, a Christmas wreath, decorated Christmas candles, bright Christmas cards. As a rule, such souvenirs can be purchased at the store, or they can be made to order. A custom-made Christmas card from a professional craftsman can become not just a small masterpiece of art, but is also able to emphasize all the warmth of relationships with relatives and loved ones. And you can make a gift with your own hands. Such gifts as embroidered icons are very popular - be it with a cross, or beads, crucifixes carved from wood, or simply a painted picture of Christ, angels and candles.

Christmas candles are also a win-win gift option. Now there is a huge selection of designer candles made in various styles, but you can also decorate ordinary candles with your own hands, or even create a whole composition of candles using spruce branches, bright braid, various sparkles and beads. Bright candlesticks can become not only a gift for many years, but also unforgettably decorate the festive table.

Traditional Christmas gifts are also warm things made by hand. Like nothing else, they are able to convey a piece of warmth and love of the person who made them. It can be sweaters, hats, scarves and even warm soft mittens. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas has been around for a very long time - since the birth of Jesus. It was he who was the first to receive gifts for his birth. He was given gold as a symbol of the sun, myrrh - a symbol of mortality and incense - a symbol of the deity.

What's a holiday without sweets? Sweet gifts are also traditional on this holiday. On this day, it is customary to give both baked gingerbread and sweets. The main thing is not to bake gingerbread in everyday form - round, or oblong. As a rule, the gingerbread should also have a festive look, you can make it either in the form of a Christmas tree or in the form of a snowman - which is enough for fantasy. It is customary to decorate gingerbread with white mastic, glaze, nuts. Traditionally, they are packed in a red box and tied with beautiful ribbons.

Candies. No holiday is complete without them. But they should not just be a "gift in a bag." At Christmas, it is customary to give them in a Christmas sock - bright, red, shiny. You can either buy a sock in a store or sew it yourself. But just giving candy in a sock is boring. You can put on a whole show with this gift, using various contests, or simply pulling socks out of a huge bag. There is also an American version of giving Christmas socks - you can hang them on clothespins near the fireplace or spruce and sign the names.

Another option for this gift is to find it. You should hide your socks, for example, under New Year's tinsel, under a spruce, under a bed, and everyone knows the game "hot-cold" - it's fun, provocatively to look for souvenirs.

Children who come to celebrate Christmas traditionally also receive a huge amount of sweets from ancient times. This Christmas custom has long been considered symbolic - the more the owner or mistress of the house gives treats to children, the richer their harvest will be.

A cake decorated with little angels and the image of Jesus Christ, which will be a great addition to the festive table, can also be a sweet gift for all household members.

Most importantly, when presenting sweet gifts, do it in an original, not ordinary way that can bring a smile to faces and will be remembered by all those present at the holiday for a long time.

The Christmas wreath, as mentioned earlier, is one of the traditional gifts that has recently become popular in Russia. A huge variety of holiday wreaths is available for free sale, but it would be better if you make it yourself. As a rule, candles, spruce branches and various decorations in the form of cones, bells, bright shiny ribbons are used for this. The main thing lies in the composition itself. A Christmas wreath, consisting of a branch of needles, four candles, is a kind of symbol, which, unfortunately, not everyone knows about. The round wreath, with its shape, symbolizes our entire globe, with its green color - the color of life, and the light of burning candles - a symbol of heavenly divine light that has been shedding on our world since the birth of Jesus Christ. Cheerful bells on a wreath speak of the completion of all affairs and the beginning of festive events. And in England, for example, it is believed that the ringing of bells is the funeral of evil spirits and the greeting of Christ. The presence of red ribbons in the wreath speaks of royalty and predicts the future resurrection of Jesus.

As a rule, after the holiday, it is customary to hang a wreath on the door. It is a symbol of the outgoing year. There is also a belief that he is able to drive away evil spirits.

Making a wreath with your own hands is not at all difficult. You can do it together. Thus, it will become a family symbol, in which each of the household members will be able to contribute a piece of themselves. And if there are small children in the family, making such a wreath will be a real holiday for them. In addition, joint activities can not only rally people, strengthen their relationships, but also cause a positive storm of emotions at the time of completion of the work.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize the main thing in Christmas gifts. On this day, do not buy expensive gifts. It is better to make them with your own hands, because only in this case he will receive a piece of the human soul.

Christmas is a holiday of miracles, magic. It carries only good and bright feelings. On this day, you can make the dreams of the closest and dearest people come true, and give small gifts.

It is best to think about Christmas surprises before the holiday. Before buying souvenirs, gifts, you need to think about the preferences of a person.

What to give for Christmas: gift ideas

If you are celebrating Christmas in a company, you can buy sweet gifts, fruits, cake or sweets. No one will be offended if you forgot to congratulate someone. Also, a package of tea, aromatic coffee or a bottle of wine will be a great gift.

Figured gingerbread, you can bake yourself, this is one of the most delicious and festive gifts. In the shops before Christmas there are a lot of different souvenirs that you can give to colleagues at work. As gifts for employees, there can be notebooks with a Christmas theme, magnets, key rings, mugs, glasses, scented candles, calendars.

What to give for Christmas: gifts for children

A child can be given many different gifts for Christmas, it can be a sweet gift in the form of beautifully packaged sweets, tangerine. Before choosing a holiday surprise, you need to consider the age of the child.

For small children under 6 years old, you can buy soft toys, dolls, cars. It is desirable that they were made of natural material and were not very small in size. Cubes, doll house, plasticine, various educational games.

If the child is already 6 years old, you can give a beautiful book, coloring books, felt-tip pens, paints, creative kits, a radio-controlled car, a helicopter, children's dishes, a set for a craftsman, board games, a microwave, an oven. You can give a children's set of cosmetics. If it's snowing outside, donate skis and sleds.

What to give for Christmas: gifts for women

For women, for Christmas, you can give sweet gifts in the form of a cake, bouquets of sweets. For mom, your favorite perfume, a picture embroidered with a cross, a beautiful scarf, bed linen will be an excellent gift. If mom has a laptop or computer, give a camera, new speakers.

For a beloved girl, jewelry will be an excellent gift: jewelry, earrings, ring, pendant. If a girl goes in for sports, give a subscription to the gym, to fitness. A great option is to pay for visits to a makeup artist, masseur.

For girls at work, you can please with small souvenirs in the form of amulet angels. You can give soft toys, cups, various figurines, piggy banks.

If you have recently met a girl, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a soft toy, coffee, theater or concert tickets, shower gel and bath foam will be a great Christmas present.

What to give for Christmas: gifts for men

For a beloved man, you can give perfume, a purse, a sweater, cufflinks, a beautiful souvenir for a car, slippers, a bathrobe, a towel, shaving kits, a mug with photos. If a man is unfamiliar, then you can give small souvenirs in the form of a guardian angel, ashtrays, lighters, a beautiful flash drive, a wireless mouse, speakers.

For athletic men, a gym membership is a great Christmas present. You can not only buy gifts for Christmas, but also create beauty with your own hands.

The tradition of giving presents for Christmas to relatives and friends, and in rich houses and servants, appeared thanks to biblical tales of the Magi and little Jesus. After all, the wise men did not come to the baby empty-handed. No matter how many centuries have passed, Christmas remains one of the brightest and most anticipated holidays, promising big and small presents. What to give for Christmas? Surely you have thought about it.

Orthodox and Catholic Christmas diverge in time, but some traditions of the celebration have something in common. The similarity is especially noticeable in the example of gifts: both in Russia and in Europe, candles, figurines of angels and various dishes remain the main presents. But, if in European countries the emphasis is on sweets and alcoholic beverages, then we can also have a meat product (smoked meats, sausage), and the traditional Russian pie "Kurnik", and a fruit basket (exotic in winter), and a basket cranberries.

Such an abundance of food gifts is associated with the end of the Christmas Lent in Rus' and the beginning of carols and carols, when it is customary to guess, and when, for a wish for good and prosperity, the owners presented caroling gifts from the grocery set, which was in greatest demand in their house: who had it rolls, and who has a piece of homemade sausage.

Delicious gifts for Christmas

Chocolate, chocolates and figurines. Such gifts are popular not only among children, they are very popular with adults (especially women). When presenting a person of a certain gender and age, it is necessary to select the appropriate gift. Girls like chocolate figurines of animals, snow maidens and angels. For boys - cars and cartoon superheroes made of chocolate (for children, choose milk chocolate). For young ladies and ladies, offer dark chocolate sweets with a variety of fillings as a gift. Beautiful packaging is a must.

Beverages. In addition to high-quality alcohol (brandy, cognac, strong liqueurs for men, and wines and mulled wine sets for women), you can please an honest company with elite varieties of tea or coffee.

Grocery baskets for the whole family. Going on a visit, grab a universal grocery set in which there is a gift for everyone: put a jar of caviar, hard cheese (several varieties are possible), a bottle of wine and cognac, sausages, several types of fruit, sweets and homemade cookies, a jar of jam own cooking. Decorate the basket with tinsel and spruce branches.

Cooking sets. Do-it-yourself gifts are becoming increasingly popular. Culinary hand-made is welcomed by both experienced housewives and beginners. The gift looks like a set for making something (baking, original drink, jam) and consists of ingredients and recipes. Everything, of course, is beautifully packaged, in some sets there are even molds for cooking or a container for storing the finished product.

Spices. Gift of all times and peoples. Spices have always been considered an expensive exquisite gift. And if they are also festively packaged and unusual, then such a present will be appreciated by the mother of the family, who is used to cooking a lot and tasty, and an inveterate bachelor who is trying to somehow diversify his menu.

What can you give for Christmas: souvenirs

Candles. On a bright holiday, it is customary to present light sources as a gift, of which candles are the most traditional. Twisted, decorated with sequins and patterns, large and small, scented - they all remain in the top of the most desired Christmas gifts. After all, the belief says: if candles are lit in the house, then the owners are ready to let in the unique spirit of Christmas.

Candlesticks, aroma lamps, lamps. An excellent addition to candles will be candlesticks of a classic or original form, aroma lamps (they are given complete with various oils) and electric lamps - Christmas (in the form of Christmas trees, bells, fair carousel) and universal (in the form of a plant, sphere, or standard with a lampshade).

figurines. The most popular figurines that everyone wants to give (get) for Christmas are angels, the Baby in the manger, the Virgin and Joseph, the Magi. Figurines can be of any size and made of any material, with or without illumination.

crystal bells. An invariable attribute of Christmas. You can decorate the Christmas tree with bells, use them as a decorative element in the interior or as an element for the original serving of the festive table.

Entertaining and educational gifts

Christmas tours abroad or to popular domestic resorts (mainly ski resorts).

Tickets for a concert, performance, film premiere.

A disc with a recording of your favorite artist or with musical works dedicated to Christmas.

Practical Christmas Gifts

Of the clothes for Christmas, it is customary to give mittens, hats and scarves. Knitted products made of natural wool with traditional patterns will delight both adults and children.

Beautiful tableware- a gift from the category not only for housewives. Each of the family members will be happy to receive their personalized set of a cup and two plates.

Textiles (napkins, tablecloths, bed linen), original sofa cushions - such gifts will add mood and emphasize the festive atmosphere in the house.

Toys. In this case, they are also included in the list of practical gifts. If the child is busy learning new fun, parents have more time for themselves.

Expensive gifts

Icons. During religious holidays, it is a good tradition to bring an icon to the house you are visiting. And even if it is not old and not trimmed with silver, the icon still remains among the most expensive gifts, since it is a gift, rather spiritual than material.

Decorations. For women - necklaces and beads with precious and semi-precious stones, for men - bracelets, rings, cufflinks. Gold is an attribute of Christmas, because according to legend, the Magi presented gold bars as a gift to the baby Christ. Jewelry for children - a gold cross and a chain, for girls - also earrings.

Christmas is a warm family holiday, on the eve of which miracles are sure to happen. All relatives and friends gather at one large table, exchange congratulations and, of course, give gifts. The choice of a present for Christmas can often be confusing, because the traditions of this holiday in our country have only recently begun to revive. So what should be a Christmas present?

First of all, your choice must necessarily carry a piece of magic. At Christmas, it is customary to give not too expensive, symbolic gifts that will warm its owner with their warmth throughout the year. Little angels, scented candles, warm knitwear... This list is endless, so today we have prepared for you the TOP 15 best Christmas gifts for every taste.

For centuries, there has been a tradition of giving Christmas greeting cards. Inside them you can write your most intimate wishes, which will surely come true. You can make such a magical postcard with your own hands or buy it in a store. Choose a Christmas card>>

Candlestick in the shape of an angel

Candlesticks always make our lives a little warmer. A candlestick in the shape of an angel can also give a drop of goodness. This symbol of Christmas will definitely please your mother or grandmother and will bring them joy on long winter evenings. Choose a beautiful candlestick>>

Wine box "Christmas deer"

If you decide to present a bottle of wine to the Christmas table, then you simply cannot find a better design for it. In addition, such an original personalized box can also become an independent gift, especially if your dad or grandfather collects alcohol. Choose engraved wine box>>

Knitwear is a versatile gift that will suit any member of your family or friends. In addition, we often lose mittens, so an extra pair will always come in handy, especially in the winter season. Choose winter mittens>>

Such a gift will be a win-win option if you do not know the tastes of the owner of the house very well. Burning candles always create a festive atmosphere. And it's especially nice to light candles at Christmas. The house is immediately filled with warmth, and I want to believe in a miracle... Choose decorative candles>>

This surprise will certainly bring joy to the child, because it is pleasant to cover yourself with a warm blanket, and you can fall asleep with a soft toy or just play during the day. But this gift is not just for kids! If your girlfriend loves soft animals, then this plaid will definitely add to her collection. Choose a blanket with a toy>>

The Christmas wreath is another symbol of this good winter holiday. If you want to please your sister or friend with an unusual decoration, then such a gift will not gather dust on the shelf, but will take its rightful place among the Christmas decor.

Personalized thermo mug

On cold days, hot tea or coffee warms us best. The most important thing is that such a drink does not cool for a long time. But it is no less pleasant, when taking a new sip, to see your name on the mug. Warm your soul mate with such a gift, and she will definitely appreciate it! Choose personalized thermo mug>>

At Christmas, it's nice to receive gifts that make our lives more comfortable, and an anti-stress pillow is just one of them. Buy it for your friends or relatives if they complain of constant fatigue. This magical pillow will relieve stress and help you fall asleep peacefully. Choose an anti-stress pillow>>

Christmas sweets

It is customary to give sweets to adults and especially children at Christmas. If you're visiting a family with toddlers, be sure to buy a couple of lollipops, even if the main gift has already been bought in advance. Christmas must be sweet! Select Christmas sweets>>

Christmas is a real family holiday, so your parents will be especially pleased to receive a family tree book on this day. On long winter evenings, you will fill in the treasured pages together and tell each other good old stories. Select genealogy book>>

"Christmas Star"

The tradition of giving poinsettia for Christmas came to us from Europe. This plant is not for nothing called the "Christmas star", because its flowers in their shape resemble a real star. If you do not find a live poinsettia, then you can always choose its artificial counterpart.

This Christmas interpretation of the classic music box is sure to please adults and children alike. What could be better than listening to your favorite winter melodies and looking at little dancing figures? Such a gift will definitely contain a secret that you want to unravel. Select music box>>

Draft roller toy

Such a practical gift is the best for the winter season. If your friends or parents constantly complain about drafts, then there is simply no better gift for them. Children can play with such a cute animal, and most importantly, they will be reliably protected from the cold! Choose a toy-roller from drafts>>

tea box

Tea is not in vain considered the most comfortable drink. It gives strength, cures colds and simply cheers up. Of course, not one, but different types of tea can cope with this, so all of them should be at hand at the right moment. Select tea set>>

We hope we were able to inspire you to buy the most unforgettable Christmas present. Remember that it should be magical, warm and very cozy. Good luck with your search and Merry Christmas!

Christmas is one of the most significant and great holidays for Orthodox Christians. On this day, or rather on the night of 6 to 7 January, Orthodox people not only attend a special festive liturgy and break their fast with kutya after a long and strict fast, but also congratulate each other on the holiday and give a variety of gifts.

This great holiday always falls on the same date, since it does not depend, for example, on the calculation of time from the previous event of the Orthodox calendar.

The gifts that parishioners present to each other can be very different, both practical and completely useless, but pleasant for the soul and heart. The same applies to gifts within the family, if it is in your tradition to give gifts to relatives on January 7, 2018. For someone, Christmas is a great holiday and gifts, respectively, are impressive. For others, it is more of a religious date and they get by with small souvenirs. In fact, there is no and cannot be an exact indication of what gifts to give at Christmas, since a gift is primarily a sign of attention and a way to please your neighbor. However, there are universal tips for choosing a gift for this date.

On Christmas Eve they usually give:

1) sweets;
2) books;
3) icons;
4) calendars;
5) postcards with good wishes;
6) symbols of the holiday in the form of magnets and commemorative cards, and much more.

It is worth noting that the holiday implies, first of all, the highlighting of a special event - the Nativity of Christ, and is not an occasion for general fun, eating fast food, and also giving gifts to all friends.

That is why a gift given at Christmas should be:

1) modest;
2) inexpensive;
3) having a symbolic value;
4) donated from a pure heart.

Some Orthodox people also believe that the most important and pleasant gift for the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ is a friendly family, a peaceful life and the health of relatives. It is from here that the tradition began to arrange rich Christmas dinners, to which absolutely all relatives are invited, without exception.

And on this day, among believers, it is customary to put up and ask for forgiveness from everyone whom a person voluntarily or involuntarily upset. This is done in order to visit God's temple with a pure soul and a light heart and find peace in prayer there, as well as to feel all the grace sent down.

Thus, if the question of what to give for Christmas and how to choose the right future gift is in the first place for you, then you should not think too hard. It is enough to give a symbolic gift and a lot of warmth, care and love to your family and friends. They will surely appreciate such a present very dearly and will be very happy with it.

In addition, according to the precepts of the Orthodox religion, material gifts are far from always superior in their meaning to spiritual gifts, it is worth remembering this, I choose a gift for Christmas.