The most common hair color in the world. What hair color is the rarest. What does science say

The population of the planet can be conditionally divided according to the hair color given by nature into only three types: brunettes, brown-haired women and carriers of light brown hair color. The first two types are the most common colors. No more than two percent can boast of natural light. And the reddish shade is the rarest. Only one percent belongs to the owners of a copper shade.

The rarest hair color in the world is red

No wonder the owners of fiery shades in ancient times were singled out from the majority. There was an opinion that these were related to otherworldly forces and accused them of all obsessions and sins. If you turn back time, you can see how the red-haired beast is betrayed to death for no reason. To this day, it fascinates and attracts the views of people around. True, the accusations were not always brought down on the redheads. For example, in ancient Rome there was a belief that they attract good luck and success. Rich people purchased such women as slaves, despite their high cost.

The character of the red beast

It is known that the natural shade of hair can tell about the nature of the wearer, and even if you change it, modern beauties use this opportunity with the help of coloring agents, since there are a lot of shades on the market, you can change or influence fate and character. Red strands are characteristic of people with a quick temper. The owners of the rarest hair color can exert a powerful influence on the opposite sex and can even afford to succeed in having several lovers at the same time.

Carriers of a fiery hue are usually compared with a cunning fox, they are resourceful, strong-willed, attractive and frivolous. It is noted that these women are endowed with a sense of humor and will not go into their pockets for a strong word.

Even in childhood, red-haired beasts lead in the circle of their friends, and all the barbs thrown at them only temper an already not the most gentle character. It is better not to touch such girls, and because they are distinguished by vindictiveness and the ability to take revenge. Despite the explosive nature, they know how to serve this dish cold, waiting for the right hour.

Redheads will disappear completely

The last shocking discovery was made by scientists, having found out that the phenomenon with such the rarest hair color in a person born in a couple of centuries will not be relevant. Rather, such natural shades will not be at all.

After all, the gene responsible for the red pigment is becoming worse and worse in descendants. In a couple where at least one parent is a carrier of this gene, a red child can be born in 8% of 100%.

Scotland is a country in which the majority of the population is red, and this is approximately 13% of the total population in the world.

Second place - white hair color

When asked what hair color is the rarest in the world, the answer is now clear, but there is another unusual shade of natural origin - blond.

Although a lot of jokes and anecdotes go around fair-haired women, there are very few natural blondes around the globe. Most of the blond beauties are concentrated in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and account for 18%. And, of course, you can highlight the central Europe with 6% of the owners of blond hair.

The gene responsible for white hair color is still transmitted better than red, so blondes will not disappear from the face of the earth for another 1000 years for sure. Although according to existing statistics, this class is still gradually declining. So, for example, over the past half century, the number of blonds has decreased, if they were about 49%, now this ratio is 14%. Today, this part is no more than 2%. Let's not forget that the inhabitants of Asia and Africa are dark-haired for the most part, hence such a small indicator of blondes.

The rarest hair colors are unique in their kind, and not so long ago a meeting of the owners of red shades was organized in the Netherlands. Residents from all over the world gathered with fiery hair color on it.

Appearance is a gift of nature

All people on earth are different and there are no alike, the mixing of blood makes us different from each other. Although, what prevents you from correcting your appearance using cosmetics or the help of surgeons? Does hair color always suit your face? Usually in nature, everything seems to be conceived in advance, and a certain type of people has their own palette of colors. It is not for nothing that makeup artists and stylists advise definitely suitable colors. There are even color triangles that you should focus on when choosing a tone. And, in fact, are there people with an unusual appearance? What is the rarest combination of eye and hair color in the world? Let's figure it out.

Blacks with blue eyes - a miracle of nature?

American scientists have stated that for every million children of Negro origin, only one child with blue eyes is born. This is because the gene mutates, despite the fact that everyone in the family is brown-eyed. Such a miracle of nature was called This unique combination of black skin and dark hair with brilliant blue eyes fascinates and attracts anyone who even once encounters such a person.

Each nationality has its own characteristics, and mestizos, like a burning mixture, embody the bright genes of both parents. So it turns out that all people are different and combinations can be the most unpredictable.

Nowadays, you can achieve absolutely any hair color and any eye color.

And if you decide to change your eyes or radically recolor your hair, then it is better to take the advice of professionals:

  • Usually caramel tones are suitable for brown-eyed, and light curls are suitable for blue-eyed and gray eyes.
  • Another tip: despite the fact that the color of the eyes can be certain, such as blue or blue, but if you look deeper, you can see micro-spots of a different shade, so you can pick up hair dye under them.
  • Blue or blue eyes are perfectly combined with brown shades of hair: caramel, mocha, light chestnut, and red color is also suitable.
  • The owners of gray eyes are the luckiest, any color suits them, just remember that black ages everyone.
  • Representatives of brown eyes should not experiment with light shades, it is better to paint in a dark color, red and chocolate.
  • If the eyes are green, then stylists will recommend transforming into a brown-haired woman or pampering with curls of bright red strands. Only if the eye color is not bright green, but rather marsh, then the red color will not work, the color of black coffee, brown, dark blond will look better.

Rare hair color nowadays

Professionals in beauty salons can make any color you want. The latest fashion trends have been to dye hair in the most unusual bright colors or separately strands. Now it will not be difficult for any fashionista to paint in green or hot pink and look like a Barbie doll. Modern technologies offer a choice of lenses of unusually beautiful colors, and the likeness of animal eyes, for example, you can be today with a cat's gaze, tomorrow with the eyes of a snake and other species.

If we talk about natural appearance, then the most unusual faces, combinations of eye and hair color, national features of most famous personalities. If you look at it, then the bulk of Hollywood stars are mestizos who inherited the best features from their different bloodlines of their parents. Maybe because of their uniqueness they became famous?!


1. Each hair is made up of 14 different elements, including gold.

2. The anticipation of sex makes hair grow faster.

3. Human hair can be used as a food additive. L-cysteine, which is part of the hair, is added to the dough for baking bread and other baked goods.

4. Healthy wet hair is capable of stretch by 30 percent from the initial length.

5. Every day we we lose about 40-150 hairs.

6. A head of hair can withstand weight 12 tons or 2 African elephants.

7. Hair is the most frequent physical evidence. A cross section of your hair can tell you what race or nationality you belong to.

Asian people have round hair

People of African descent have very flat hair.

Europeans have oval hair

Gender is the only feature that cannot be determined by hair.

7. Hair stores information about what is in your blood including minerals and drugs.

8. The only part of the hair that is not dead is inside the scalp.

Hair color

9. Only 2 percent population in the world are blondes.

10. Dark hair color is the most widespread in the world.

11. Red is the rarest hair color, which occurs in 1 percent of people in the world. 13% of Scots have red hair. This is the largest percentage in the world.

12. According to polls, women are perceived differently according to their hair color. Wherein: blondes are considered funny and flirtatious, brunettes- smart and serious, and redheads- strong.

13. In addition, blond hair is one of the most expensive and costs about $1,600 per 100 grams.

Hair Growth

14. Haircut does not affect hair growth.

15. Women's hair grows slower than men's.

16. Hair - second fastest growing tissue in the human body after the bone marrow.

17. Hair grows faster in warm weather.

18. Hair lives from 2 to 7 years. The average life cycle of hair is 5.5 years.

19. Hair is 50 percent carbon, 20 percent oxygen, 17 percent nitrogen, 6 percent hydrogen, and 5 percent sulfur.

20. On average, on the head of a person 100,000 hairs. Blondes have about 146,000, dark-haired people have 110,000, brown-haired people have 100,000, and redheads have 86,000 hairs.

21. There are 5 million hair follicles on the human body. They are formed when the baby is still in the womb at the age of 5 months.

22. Hair covers the whole body, except for the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, mucous membranes and lips.

hair beauty

23. The word "shampoo" comes from the word "champa", which is translated from Hindi as "rub, massage."

24. Women spend about $780 a year on hair products.

25. On average, women spend about 1 hour 53 minutes washing, drying and styling their hair per week. By the age of 65 they spend about 7 months of life on hair.

26. People think you're going bald when you lose 50 percent of your hair.

27. Gray hair appears after 13 days after stress, shock or aging.

28. Men spend on average on shaving hair about 5 months of life.

29. If you never shave your beard, it will grow up to 9 meters in a lifetime.

Hair loss

30. Frequent shampooing does not lead to more hair loss.

31. Comb damages hair less than brushing.

32. Thyroid problems and iron deficiency are reversible causes of hair loss.

33. Hormonal imbalance and diet can lead to temporary hair loss.

34. More than 50 percent of men by the age of 50 will begin to go bald in the male pattern. About 40 percent of women will begin to lose female (hereditary) hair when they reach menopause.

41. Africans and Europeans are more prone to baldness than Asians.

42. Caucasians begin go gray on average at age 34, while Africans and Asians at 47.

History of hairstyles

43. In Ancient Greece light brown hair was associated with prostitution.

44. During the Renaissance, it was fashionable to pluck hair along the growth line to make the forehead appear larger.

45. In 1705 Peter introduced beard tax to get closer to the West.

46. ​​In the Victorian era, they made pendants and dead hair ornaments loved ones.

47. The ancient Egyptians were the first to remove unwanted body hair.

48. Women in Ancient Rome dyed blonde using pigeon dung.

49. During the Renaissance, women in Venice dyed their hair light brown using horse urine.

50. The ancient Greeks believed that redheads turn into vampires when they die.

It directly depends on the amount of melanins (eumelanins and pheomelanins) present in the curls. If eumelanin predominates (brown and black shades), then the strands are dark in color, and if there is more pheomelanin, then the curls will be light tones.

If eumelanin predominates (brown and black shades), then the strands are dark in color, and if there is more pheomelanin, then the curls will be light tones.

In albinos, melanin does not work properly, a physiological disturbance occurs, so the hair becomes discolored. If you look around, it is easy to see that most people wear dark-colored hair.

The rarest hair color in the world

Which one then ? Statistics say that the least naturally red hair. Worldwide, they are no more than 1% of the total number of living. The second place is occupied by blondes, there are approximately 2%.

Consider unusual, rare hair colors, as well as interesting facts related to this.

The first red-haired people, according to scientists, appeared 400 thousand years ago. To this day, natural red hair is rare. Scientists explain it simply. This rare gene appeared as a result of a mutation. It is recessive and therefore cannot be inherited.

Often red-haired people are also left-handed, which is explained by the pairing of these genes.

In ancient times, incredible qualities were attributed to red-haired people. They were considered sorcerers capable of attracting wealth and good luck, so wealthy Romans sought to buy young red-haired slaves. During the Inquisition, red-haired people were burned at the stake for communicating with dark forces.

This color of hair gives a person a strong, strong-willed and sparkling character. Modern beauties with golden red strands, as in ancient times, attract the opposite sex, skillfully managing them.

It is believed that they can easily lure a man, and just as easily leave him.

Psychologists give red-haired ladies the ability to manipulate and control people

Some scientists, after conducting a study of the red phenomenon, argue that in a couple of hundred years there will be no people left with this hair color obtained at birth. Today, the largest number of people with the rarest hair color in the world is found in Scotland and Ireland (approximately 13% of the total). In Russia, people who have hair with this color live in Udmurtia.

Legends of redheads

There are many legends about red-haired people.

  1. According to one, red curls were born as a legacy of underground fairies.
  2. Muslims follow a different legend. According to them, Allah created spirits from the fiery flame and gave them the name Jinn. They were evil and sinful, for which they were exiled to live in a dungeon. But one day the Genie managed to lure a woman to him by cunning and deceit, and then seduced her. As a result of their union, a child with fiery curls was born.
  3. Another source claims that the first owner of red hair was Prince Idon, illuminated by bright dawn rays at the time of the discovery of Atlantis. This fiery light reflected on his curls.


Curls blond

Blonde is considered the second most unusual and rare color. People with a natural light shade of hair are extremely rare, mainly in the Scandinavian countries. But specialists from France in 1867 managed to create an artificial dye that can turn hair of any color into blond. The first woman who decided to try this method of turning into a blonde was naturally a Frenchwoman, the wife of Napoleon III.

But the unusualness of blondes is not only the color of the strands.

People with this hair color have thicker hair than the rest.

Scientists believe that this is due to the protection of hair from the effects of sunlight.

Features of character traits of owners of light curls

Psychologists attribute to natural blondes some character traits that, they believe, depend on hair color:

  • soft and docile character;
  • friendliness;
  • cheerfulness;
  • lack of envy and vindictiveness.

In addition, it is believed that blondes are more likely than others to experience stress overload, due to a particularly sensitive nervous system.

Many experts agree that, like natural red hair, blonde curls will gradually disappear. They even name a specific date. The last blonde will be born in 2202 in Finland. There is not much time left to test this claim.

The gradual disappearance of natural blondes and blondes is influenced by food.

A large number of chemical dyes, preservatives and additives adversely affect the amount of pheomelanin

For people with blond hair, it is better to eat more fish and foods containing polyunsaturated acids.

Marilyn Monroe is considered the most famous blonde in the world. But she constantly dyed her curls, which were naturally blond.

By the way, most of the situations attributed to blondes in jokes have no real basis.

Now you know that the rarest hair color is red. If nature gave you natural red hair or blond, then consider yourself a unique darling of fate.

The owner of a rare hair color

Do not rush to change the natural hair color, so as not to lose your natural originality.

Nevertheless, everyone independently decides what color to paint the curls. But remember that hair complements the image, emphasizing the eyes, adding expressiveness to them.

You do not need to have special abilities in order to realize which particular hair color is the most common. It's pretty easy to go outside and look around - most people wear black curls. But do you understand what is the rarest hair color in the world?

Do you understand what hair color is the rarest?

According to objective statistics, the least likely to meet people with natural reddish curls. There are only one percent of the total population of the planet. Behind them are those who wear a blond hairstyle - about 2 percent of them.

Specifically, we will talk about people with an unusual tone of curls in this article. Naturally, if you are interested in a detailed annotation on how to get one or another of the rarest colors, it will not be here. But on the other hand, you will learn a lot of fascinating things about rare hair colors.

Reddish curls

Curiously, in ancient times, all red-haired people were considered allies of the black forces, and therefore they were threatened with an unenviable fate. During the Inquisition, you could even end your days at the stake. Now, fortunately, everything is not so sad.

In the photo: reddish curls - the rarest in the world!

Direct your attention. This tone is reflected in the disposition of a person. As psychologists say, such people have an explosive and sparkling nature that allows them to stand out not only thanks to an unusual hairstyle.

Speaking specifically about women, they:

  • immediately lure and repel guys;
  • are unsurpassed manipulators;
  • they can "twirl" the strong floor as they please.

Direct your attention. In ancient Rome, people with reddish hair were considered the minions of fate, to whom wealth falls from heaven. Therefore, the wealthy Romans tried to acquire slaves with such a tone of curls for themselves, believing that they would contribute to the recruitment of funds.

And what does the science say?

Reddish hair is the "fault" of the recessive gene

As scientists say, the first redheads appeared about forty thousand years ago.

But now they are very rare for one common reason:

  • this gene is not only the rarest, but also recessive;
  • therefore it is not inherited;
  • in addition, such genes in most cases are transmitted in pairs, which is an explanation for why people with this color are often left-handed.

Not so long ago, scientists who studied this paradox confirmed that after one century, not a single person with reddish hair acquired at birth remains on earth.

And what do the legends say?

In the world there are a huge number of legends about people with such a hairstyle.

For example, the Scottish belief says:

  • fairies became the prerequisite for the emergence of such people;
  • the fairies themselves were from the dungeon;
  • but their hair was fiery.

Muslims have their own old tale, according to which:

  • The genies were made by Allah;
  • flame was used to create them;
  • but the genies proved unworthy to live on the surface of the earth, and therefore were exiled underground;
  • after which Allah made people out of clay;
  • but one day the genie seduced the lady and as a result of their love a man with a reddish haircut appeared.

Direct your attention. Not many people know the fact that Adolf Hitler considered redheads to be unclean people who have genetic differences. So that they would not be born again, a decree was issued prohibiting them from forming matrimonial unions.

Curls blond

The 2nd very rare hair tone is blond. There are very few natural blondes and blondes in the world and for the most part they come from Scandinavian countries.

Natural white color is very rare.

Although now it is not so difficult to meet a person with a blond haircut, the development of the cosmetic industry is justified:

  • back in 1867, the first coloring compositions were made that made it possible to achieve this color scheme;
  • the French became the discoverers of such a consistency;
  • the first lady who made artificial lightening of her hair was the wife of Napoleon III.

Paint will help to become a blonde

Direct your attention. Now you can change the color without problems with your own hands. On the shelves of stores there is a large selection of different paints, and their cost ranges from indescribably low to sky-high. If you have never brightened before, then the first function should be carried out in the salon, completed by the hands of an experienced master.

Features of blonde people

People whom nature has endowed with a pure snow-white color have a number of features. Although they are inconspicuous, it is impossible not to mention them.

For example, as studies have shown, carriers of snow-white hairstyles have thicker strands than people with other colors of curls:

  • on the head there are more than 100 fifty thousand hairs;
  • In this way, nature protects the scalp from the negative and unsafe effects of ultraviolet rays.

Blondes have certain features of hairstyle and disposition.

Direct your attention. In relation to blondes and blondes, studies were carried out identical to those done in relation to redheads. According to the conclusion of these studies, the last child with pure white, natural hair color will be born in Finland in about two hundred years.

Psychologists have established specific features of the disposition of carriers of blond strands.

As studies and observations have shown, they are in the vast majority:

  • peaceful;
  • indescribably cheerful;
  • not vengeful;
  • not envious;
  • not grumpy.

But all the funny stories and tall tales about the intellectual abilities of fair-haired people, especially ladies, have nothing to do with reality.

Funny stories about the intellectual abilities of blondes are far from reality

It is necessary to note the extraordinary sensitivity:

  • skin, which leads to burning even after a short exposure to the sun;
  • nervous system, indescribably highly stressed.

Direct your attention. Do you understand that the most popular blonde in the world, which is Marilyn Monroe, essentially lightened her curls all the time? Her natural hair color was blond.

To the end

If nature has endowed you with curls of a natural reddish or blond tone, you can safely consider yourself a unique person. And certainly do not seek to recolor your hair - this way you will lose the originality bestowed on you, for which many are ready to realize their souls (see also the article “Redish hair dye: the brightness of the look forever from the best manufacturers”).

Additionally, the video in this article will provide you with fascinating information on the topic under discussion.

The most common hair color is dark, it can have many tones and shades. It is quite common to see women with black and dark brown hair. Studies show that there are very few red-haired people on earth, only 1% of the population. In this regard, red and its shades can be considered rare. As for the blond, he can also be given this title, there are few people with a natural light color, only 2%.

Legends of red

In ancient times, red-haired people were considered witches and sorcerers. In the era of the Holy Inquisition, women with bright curls were under close scrutiny. Red hair color is unique, it has a strong influence on the character and fortitude. People with this color have an attractive, quick-tempered, sparkling nature. To this day, it is believed that the red hair color gives the energy of power and wealth. In ancient times, rich Romans bought slaves with fiery hair, so they attracted good luck to the house. Young beauties with such curls cause delight, they fascinate and at the same time frighten the opposite sex, such girls can rule and control men. Some sources say that red-haired ladies turn into vampires after death.

The rarest shade of hair is red, it was discovered about 400 thousand years ago. Experts made a discovery, as a result of which they found out that it arose due to a gene mutation. It is worth noting that the gene for this color is rarely inherited, people who have it are usually left-handed. Among the inhabitants of Scotland, you can meet many people with this hair color. Some legends say that bright-haired people were born thanks to underground fairies.

There are many legends about redheads. Muslims tend to adhere to the following: Allah created spirits from the fiery tribe and decided to call them Jinn. These spirits often sinned, lied, they were evil and rebellious, Allah decided to punish them and sent them to live in a dungeon. One fine day, the genie seduced a woman by cunning, it was from their union that people with a fiery hair color originated.

There is another kinder legend about. Some sources report that the first owner of this unique color was a prince whose name was Idon. At the time of the discovery of Atlantis, Idon was illuminated by the rays of a bright dawn, which ascended over the new earth. The light that soared above the earth gave an unusual and so mysterious hair color. During the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler forbade redheads to start families, he did not want babies with disabilities to be born. Scientists confirm that the rarest shade of hair is red, some of them claim that soon it will completely disappear from the face of the earth.

A rare and very unusual color is blond, not everyone can boast of such a natural color. Most of the natural blondes live in the Scandinavian regions. A light shade of natural origin is very rare. In 1867, experts learned how to create this color artificially, chemical dyes that can turn it into a blond were discovered by the French. The first woman who decided to repaint in this color was the wife of Napoleon III.

Features of blondes

The main feature of blondes is that they have very thick hair. This is due to the fact that their hair color is protected from the influence of the sun. Scientists suggest that the last child with such a rare shade will be born in Finland in 2202.

Blondes and blondes have a very soft, accommodating and friendly character, it is rare to find a vindictive and envious blond person. It is known that in the world there are many anecdotes regarding this hair color, but they are not at all true. Blond people have hypersensitive skin that can quickly burn in the sun. Blondes and blondes have a sensitive nervous system, they are very often subjected to stress. Marilyn Monroe became the most popular blonde, by nature she had a light brown color, she managed to achieve a real blond by chemical staining.

Natural blondes and blondes are gradually dying out, this is due to the fact that they eat junk food containing dyes, artificial additives, preservatives, fats. The use of such products has a certain effect on hair color. People with a light shade need to eat as many fish and foods as possible that contain a certain amount of polyunsaturated acids. Some scientists refute the hypothesis regarding the extinction of blondes, their number is decreasing every year, however, there can be no talk of complete disappearance. The blond hair gene is inherited much less frequently than the red hair gene.