Do-it-yourself poker rack and scoop. Variety of fireplace accessories Main and auxiliary accessories

It is very nice to relax by your own fireplace! For the most convenient use of it, use special accessories for fireplaces. What they are, what is really worth buying, and what you can do without, we will tell you in this article.

The necessary accessories for the owner of the fireplace include the following:

  • care accessories. These include a scoop and a soot whisk, a poker, tongs for logs;
  • the protective screen is at the same time a protection against flying sparks and a beautiful element of the interior of the room;

  • a firewood basket is useful to reduce the amount of garbage in the apartment due to their use;

  • servitor;
  • gloves;

  • buckets for ash and coal.

They are best bought immediately after the purchase or installation of the fireplace, but before its first use.

Note: Fireplace accessories can be replaced with some improvised means, it will not be very convenient.

A fireplace poker allows you to turn over firewood that has not completely burned out. She stirs smoldering coals.

The poker usually looks like a square or round metal rod. Its handle is made in the form of a ring for easy hanging at a time when it is not in use. It happens that the poker handle is made with holes for each finger or made of wood, ceramics or bone with smooth curves for the convenience of the hand.

Fireplace tongs

You will need tongs to toss the charcoal. They keep your hands clean. Very convenient to use.

Forceps can be made in a classic form or under another object (scissors, tweezers, etc.).

You will need a basket for the convenience of placing firewood for 1-2 kindling, reducing debris from their use and storage, as well as for the completeness of the fireplace ensemble. You can find this item under the name of woodpile or firewood. Don't let them confuse you - they are one and the same.

The basket can be made of metal or wicker. Consider the features of the material when you place it near the fireplace.

protective screen

The protective screen is also called a chimney grid or grate. The names may be different, but the purpose of their use is the same - to protect the room from flying sparks. Of course, if your fireplace is a closed type, then you don't need a mesh.

The protective screen is also put as an additional accessory for decorating the room. They are even used with electronic fireplaces!

The protective grille is usually made of special glass or fine metal mesh. Additional forged elements give it more charm and beauty. They can be in the form of a coat of arms, a picture, a screen.

Sometimes doors are used instead of a protective screen. Their main function is the same, but installation requires special mounts (canopies). To install the protective screen, no additional devices are needed. It is very easy and fast to put even a child.

A servitor or stand for fireplace accessories can be a tall round container with decorative elements or a rack with hooks. They are rarely bought separately, most often together with a set of fireplace accessories. Occasionally, hooks are made on the side of the fireplace, especially for tongs, pokers, scoops and panicles.

Scoop and whisk

You will need a scoop and a whisk for cleaning the ashes from the fireplace after using it quite often, so you should not save on them. It is better to purchase immediately these accessories of attractive appearance in good quality.

Buckets for ash and coal

Of course, if you have an ordinary steel bucket, then you can limit yourself to cleaning up the ashes from the fireplace after its operation or storing coal. But if you have a bucket in plain sight, then it is better to purchase something special, with a beautiful design. You can have two buckets: one for coals if you use them regularly, and the other for cleaning.


You will need gloves to protect your hands while cleaning and relighting the fireplace. Don't skimp on this accessory as spark burns can cause serious damage and permanent damage.

Additional accessories

Additional accessories that are used by owners of fireplaces include the following items:

  • a special vacuum cleaner for cleaning soot residues;
  • a woodpile bag, a woodcutter trolley, a special box or basket for carrying firewood and coal;
  • fur;
  • match stand.

Bellows for lighting a fireplace

These items and fixtures are not required to be purchased and the owner of the fireplace may well do without them. But with them, the use of the fireplace becomes more convenient.

Fireplace vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner designed specifically for removing soot from a fireplace is very convenient to use. Its principle of operation is the same as that of your household vacuum cleaner, but the materials for manufacturing and appearance are different. Vacuum cleaners for fireplaces have increased strength, as they are made of materials that can withstand temperatures up to 50 0, have high suction power and a fairly capacious container (about 20 liters on average).

There are also less advanced models designed for cleaning cooled ash. In this case, you will have to wait long enough to start cleaning.

Attention! The ash cleaner must be cleaned quickly. It is advisable that no more than 24 hours pass after cleaning.

Woodpile bag or woodcutter cart

These accessories, as well as a special basket or box for carrying logs and coal, will be required if your warehouse with them is quite far from the fireplace itself and it will be very inconvenient and difficult to carry logs in your hands.


Furs will be useful for you to quickly kindle the fireplace. The appearance of this accessory is the best fit for a room with a fireplace, so do not hide them, but put them or put them in a conspicuous place.

The match stand is more decorative than a really necessary accessory. You can buy matches in beautiful packaging so that they do not stand out from the interior of the room.

Decoupage stands for lighting a fireplace

Materials for making accessories

All fireplace accessories are made of special materials that are highly resistant to heat and fire. Most often, various metal alloys (cast iron, steel) and heat-resistant glass are used for this. Additionally, they are covered with a special protective layer for better resistance to mechanical damage and high temperatures.

Metal fireplace set

For attractiveness and uniform style of fireplace sets, items in it are usually additionally partially painted in some color. The paint is usually located on the handles of accessories, so it almost never comes into contact with fire and heat. However, special heat-resistant paints are used. Most often painted in gold or red. Any other colors can be used according to customer requirements.

Accessory sets

Fireplace accessories are sold in sets. Of course, you can buy all the accessories separately, but it will not be so convenient. Buying a fireplace kit saves time and money. In addition, it makes their use more convenient due to the presence of a servitor stand or a bucket for them in the kit. All elements of the sets are usually forged and made in the same style, so they are the best fit as a decoration for your interior.

Fireplace accessories

The set for fireplaces includes the following items as standard:

  • poker;
  • scoop;
  • brush;
  • forceps;
  • stand.

It is best to buy ready-made fireplace sets along with a protective net and a log basket to match them. Then you will get a solid and beautiful unique ensemble that will make the fireplace area a complete work of art.

Note: Forged accessories for fireplaces are not only a decorative decoration of the room, but also your convenience and safety during its operation.

Only you decide what exactly you should buy and use.

Fireplace accessories

A beautifully burning fire and a comfortable chair are a peaceful picture of family life on cold winter evenings. But to make such an idyll at home, you need to make a lot of effort. First things first, make a fireplace.

And do not forget that even the most beautifully built fireplace definitely needs a beautiful frame, fireplace accessories help us with this.

Fireplace accessories perform two main tasks.

The first and foremost is to make the process of maintaining the flame in the fireplace insert efficient and safe.
But the second task is to make the interior of the fireplace more interesting. After all, correctly selected small nuances not only create the image of a cozy hearth, but also make the first impression of the owner of the house.

So, accessories for a fireplace are a firewood rack, a protective, or spark catcher, screen and, of course, a set of fireplace accessories. In this article I will tell you about the main integral part of the fireplace - this is from a set of fireplace accessories. Such a set consists of several items, each of which performs a specific function.

The classic fireplace set includes:

  • poker,
  • panicle,
  • pike,
  • forceps
  • scoop for ash.

They are placed on hooks on the side wall of the fireplace or the wall of the house, and the most sophisticated type of fireplace set is a set of tools on the rack. The latter view is more original and therefore better known. The stand on which the fireplace accessories are hung is also called a servitor. Serviter is a special holder for items. Basically, they are made in the form of hangers.

To the outline

Gives the ability to stir and split burning coals. Also, using a poker, you can punch logs stuck in the grate. It is not possible to use a fireplace without a poker, it is an integral part of the functioning of any fireplace. Basically, the poker is made in a round or polygonal shape. The material from which it is made is metal or ceramic. There are pokers with located grooves for the fingers or just a semicircular shape of the handle. Due to this form, it becomes possible to hang it on the server.

The length of the poker can be different, it depends on the height of the serviter included in the kit, but not less than 700 mm. Usually, the length of the poker, as well as the entire fireplace set, is chosen based on the height of the owner of the fireplace. A very important detail of the poker is the shape of the handle. They make it in various forms, in its production materials such as metal, ceramics, various varieties of expensive wood or even bone can be used. The fireplace poker should be strong enough, moderately heavy and tenacious.

With ovok and brush

Scoop and brush remove the ashes and prepare the fireplace for subsequent ignition. They are stored on the same stand - serviter, where the poker with tongs is. The scoop is made of metal, because. ashes often have to be picked while still hot. The brush handle is made of the same metal. Particular attention should be paid to its length: the fireplace smoke collector and the lower part of the pipe are often cleaned with a brush - it should reach! Bristles are usually used natural, because. synthetics easily burns and melts.

The main thing in a scoop is strength. The handle should not be strongly bent and, moreover, break under the heavy weight of coals. The best material for the production of scoops is steel. In the modern world, there are scoops with interchangeable handles.


Such fireplace accessories as tongs are necessary for laying wooden logs, dragging coals, etc.. Not a single fireplace set can do without them. After all, this is an important detail for a fireplace. Tongs, like the poker, can be of various shapes. There are two designs of forceps: in the form of scissors with a handle or a ring (or rings) and in the form of tweezers with or without a handle.

To make "communication" with the fireplace pleasant and easy, you need to have a set of fireplace accessories, which includes a stand with 4 objects suspended from it and a fireplace grate. On the stand there should be tongs, a poker about 70 cm long, a whisk and a scoop for collecting ashes.

The most popular accessories are a fireplace set and a firewood rack. The most popular material for fireplace accessories is bronze and steel. Sets are produced in two ways: full casting and casting with assembly. If the accessories are completely molded, then they are considered monolithic and do not fold, which causes some inconvenience during their transportation. But this casting helps invent the most sudden effects that may well surprise anyone.

Main accessories:

1. poker
2. Firewood
3. Grids
4. Furs
5. Scoop
6. Panicle
7. Forceps
8. Fireplace Screen


It is needed to store firewood, which should always be at hand. Typically, a firewood rack is a basket with a handle and is made of sheet metal - brass or steel. Firewood racks are gray, black, matte, polished to a shine and decorated with various embossing.


It is selected individually, depending on the growth of the owner and the size of the firebox. As a rule, its length is from 50 to 70 cm. First of all, the poker must be durable, which is why it is better if it is made of steel or bronze, because these materials are much stronger than cast iron.

The minimum weight of the poker should be at least 0.5 kg, but how heavy this accessory can be is up to the owner of the fireplace to decide.

Light poker, which is made of modern alloys, is suitable for a high-tech fireplace, for a fireplace in a classic form it is better to choose a massive and heavy poker.

It is very easy and convenient to use it to turn and punch coals, break logs stuck in the grate of the grate, so when choosing this accessory, you need to pay attention to the shape of the end, called the beak.

At the poker, the beak should be straight, flat or pointed end, with which it is very easy and convenient to turn and break coals. The beak of the poker, in addition, may have an additional spur, which can easily cling to the log, and have a strong curved end, with which it is very convenient to split the logs.

The grip of the handle is especially appreciated - it should be simple and convenient. It is best if it is in the form of a round rod, which is made of ceramic, metal, bone or a very expensive type of wood. In addition, it should have smooth grooves specifically for the fingers.


Serviter is a non-standard hanger, made in an exquisite style, or a non-standard shaped box with accessories of the same design and from the same collection. For example, a set of fireplace accessories may well be made in the form of golf clubs. You can store these accessories with the help of a forged rack made of brass and decorated with a variety of decorative tips in the form of rings, rectangles and flowers.


Grid-irons, or, in other words, a grate basket, is a lattice pedestal made of metal and necessary for burning firewood. During combustion, it provides air access, firewood in a fireplace without a grate can burn unevenly. It is mounted inside the chamber, then firewood is placed on it and then kindled. Grids are produced in the form of gratings without legs (in this case they need stands), as well as with legs in the form of decorative boxes. Be sure the grate must be as strong and stable as possible. They are made of forged steel or very thick cast iron. Some models can reach several tens of kilograms in weight.


Ash scoops must have very strong edges. Recently, scoops that are made of tin are popular, they are not very convenient. They bend when collecting ash, and the scoop begins to gradually deform. When choosing scoops, it is best to focus on a steel product. For such a scoop, the handle should be shorter than the length of the poker, but not less than 40 cm. Nowadays, many companies that specialize in the manufacture of fireplace accessories offer scoops to their customers, interchangeable broom nozzles and very convenient vacuum cleaner attachments, with which it is very convenient to collect small coals and ash in a separate tank.


Panicles are made of artificial bristles, the length of which should be at least 12 cm, but not more than 18 cm, or natural horsehair. The pile should be dense and thick. The length of the handle of the panicle is not so important, but the main thing is that it should not be longer than the length of the poker.


Fireplace tongs are needed in order to make it easy and convenient to firmly grab coal and logs. They can have a variety of shapes, but in nature there are two main options: in the form of scissors with handles (rings) or in the form of huge tweezers made from a flexible plate, with or without a handle. Tongs, which are made in the form of scissors, it is very convenient to grab a log of large diameter. The grip is made with the help of special tongs having a curved shape. More convenient models of forceps have finger rings. For a fireplace, the tips of the tongs can be either flat or made in the form of “clawed” spatulas.

Manufacturers of fireplace tongs have recently made them in the form of spoons, with which it is very easy and convenient to collect coals.

Fireplace bellows

This is a device that amplifies the flame. Bellows, which are made in a classic style, are a container made of genuine leather, sandwiched between two wooden planks with handles and equipped with a metal spout. Today's furs are made from well-dressed leather (ox or bovine), their wooden elements are decorated with unusual ornaments or carvings. To intensify or inflate the fire, it is enough just to bring and part the planks several times, and a stream of air escaping from the spout will intensify the flame. Bellows can be small, decorative, no more than 30 cm long, as well as functional, the length of which can be about 70 cm.

Functional bellows should have long handles and an elongated nose, this will prevent burns to the face and hands during their operation. Furs should be stored only folded on a special shelf, next to the fireplace or mounted on the wall.

fireplace screen

It protects against embers and sparks, improves air circulation and ensures proper combustion of the fireplace. Most often, fireplaces are made transparent or translucent, a variety of designs and styles, designed for fireplaces of various sizes and designs.

Screens can be made of metal mesh with small cells. As a rule, the grid itself is decorated with decorative ornaments in the form of various plants or figurines of animals and birds.

Fireplace screens have also appeared recently, which are made of special heat-resistant glass. But these screens cannot withstand prolonged heating by a flame, and can only protect against sudden sparks. That is why you need to install them to the fire at a distance further than 30 cm.

fireplace fan

This is a device with which you can get excellent traction. This fan is best used at the beginning of the fireplace, especially when it is rarely used and the chimney has time to dampen.

Among other things, the fireplace fan does not allow smoke to enter the room. This device consumes little power. It is installed in a horizontal position on a special insulating substrate on the surface of the chimney and fastened with metal corners. It is connected via a switch to the mains. This switch is placed near the fireplace.

Additional devices for the care of the fireplace.

1. Bags and gloves, with which it is very convenient to carry logs.

2. Special brushes that are designed for cleaning pipes and chimneys, which are usually stored in vases made of jade or steel.

3. Peculiar stands for fireplace matches, which are made in the form of a vine, a crescent, etc.

Furnace and chimney elements

  • Grid-irons are a lattice which serves in a fire chamber for more full and uniform combustion of fuel. Firewood is kindled faster, and coals through the grate fall into the ash box.
  • The portal, among other things, acts as an external decorative part of the fireplace, which adorns the firebox.
  • Smoke circulation is a system for removing gases and smoke channels resulting from combustion in a fuel furnace. Specially, the movement is organized along an ornate route so that the gases have time to give the greatest amount of heat into the room. Chimneys are also designed to increase the efficiency of the fireplace. They must have the correct cross section, which is able to pass the entire volume of gases. But if the cross section from the gas is too large, the heat output will not be the greatest, which is why the fireplace begins to smoke.
  • Ash chamber - particles of fuel and ash are collected in it. It is located under the grate brush. Also, its purpose is to ensure the flow of additional air through the blower and the gaps between the bars of the grate to the fuel in the furnace. In appearance, this fireplace attribute looks like a flat box. It can be put forward at any time to free from ash.
  • The deflector is a windproof device installed on the chimney and increases traction due to wind energy, sucking gases from the chimney.
  • Khailo - this is how stove-makers have long called a fireplace smoke box. It is the place where there is a smooth transition from the firebox to the chimney. That is why the beginning of the chimney is equal in cross section to the firebox, and the end is equal to the chimney.
  • Gate - this is the name of one of the types of furnace valve that regulates draft and does not allow heat to be rejected freely. The rotary gate rotates around an axis that passes through its diameter (usually called a "ram"). These devices are made in modern conditions in such a way that they rotate under the influence of a gas flow, fixing automatically at an angle that is optimal for regulating the flow.
  • The pre-furnace leaf performs both a practical and a decorative function. It improves, firstly, the appearance of the fireplace by creating the effect of volume and depth of the fireplace portal. And its practical function is that the sparks and coals that fly from the fireplace fall on the pre-furnace sheet, and not on the open floor. As a result, the floor does not burn through, does not get dirty or scratched.

Additional elements of the fireplace

1. Fireplace insert or convector is a modern electric heater. It looks like a direct furnace tank in which firewood is burned.

2. The flame cutter, forced convection and double ignition system have the mission to "control" and "pacify" the fire in the furnace in order to protect it from excessive overheating of its parts, as well as to ensure maximum heat return to the room.

3. Additional lining - an optional part in the installation of fireplaces, which is an insulating material with foil or cast iron plates that radiate additional heat.

4. Protective doors, which are made of fire-resistant glass. Usually there are double oven doors. In this case, the internal lattice doors protect the coals from falling out and sparks from flying out of the external open oven door, which is made solid or with holes to regulate the air flow that enters the furnace.

For proper and convenient maintenance of the fireplace, special accessories are needed. Choosing the right products, first of all you need to buy a set for the fireplace. Usually it includes a poker, a scoop, a panicle, tongs. However, if you need to buy a fireplace set, you can find ""shortened versions"", for example, without tongs. Which option to choose is up to the owner of the house.

Why is each tool needed?

  • The poker is used for turning and laying out coals;
  • A scoop and a brush will help to quickly remove the ashes and prepare the fireplace for subsequent ignition;
  • Tongs are used for laying logs, moving coals.

An excellent option for small spaces would be a set for a fireplace with a woodshed. Such a 2-in-1 kit will allow you to conveniently place a supply of logs and accessories necessary for servicing the hearth. For all its functionality, the fireplace set with a firewood rack has the same aesthetic appearance as conventional models.

Properly selected accessories for the hearth give the interior of the room a complete look, make it more spectacular and presentable. High aesthetics have forged sets for fireplaces. Products decorated with intricate patterns are often stylized "antique". Therefore, even the simplest forged fireplace set with a firewood rack may well claim the title of the most interesting element of the interior.

The fireplace set goes well with And

How wonderful it is to sit by the fireplace on chilly autumn or cold winter evenings. Especially if this fireplace is real and is heated with wood. The fireplace is rightfully considered the center of the house, its soul, because it gathers the whole family and guests around it, it becomes the detail around which the entire interior of the room is built.

Luxury or necessity?

And now the dream has come true: the fireplace is installed, lined with beautiful tiles chosen by the owners, little things dear to the heart are located on the mantelpiece, there is a fence for the fireplace - the interior is thought out right up to the front doors. But the fireplace not only gives off heat, but also requires care. This process is quite labor intensive. A forged fireplace set will come to the rescue.

A fireplace set is necessary for the proper functioning of your favorite hearth. Such a set both decorates the interior and complements it due to its original and unique forging. It can be created in any style, from classic to high-tech.

The most practical and convenient is the set, which is a stand with a rack on which all the tools are placed - a servitor. It is better to give preference to forged sets. They not only look elegant and noble, but also give greater stability to the structure. There are two types of kits:

  • Forged cast. This is a massive structure that requires a large area next to the fireplace.
  • Made. It can be packed in a box and convenient to move. The usual height of a forged set is 70 cm, less often - 80 cm.

A wrought iron fireplace set is placed next to the fireplace on the floor or on its side wall, or on hooks on the nearest wall. It will give completeness to the look of the fireplace area.


A fireplace set can be made from different materials and presented in different shapes. Practice has shown that the most convenient shape is round, and the most popular material is metal or ceramics. To create forged fireplace sets use:

  • steel (it is durable, has high heat resistance, scratch resistance). The sets are reliable and elegant.
  • cast iron (an inexpensive material that differs little from steel in its strength and wear resistance). Good for forging and cutting.
  • bronze (this is an expensive and noble alloy). Her sets are incredibly good.
  • brass (due to excellent casting properties). It is used in decorative castings.

To create brushes, horse hair is used because of its elasticity and flexibility. A cheaper option is artificial bristles, but it can only be used in those fireplace sets that are placed for decorative purposes near gas or biofireplaces.


Fireplace accessories are not only necessary tools, but also perform two important functions:

  • Maintain the fire in the fireplace, making this process safe.
  • Decorate the fireplace area. A well-chosen fireplace set is not just an element of the decor of the room, helping to create an atmosphere of comfort. He can say a lot about the owners of the house.

Today, there are so many fireplace accessories on the market, both in sets and individually, that the only problem is the choice problem. To any fireplace, in whatever style it is decorated, you can choose the right kit.

The fireplace set consists of several tools, the number of which depends on the desire and needs of the buyer, but each of them has its own purpose. The classic fireplace tool kit includes: a poker, a brush, a pike, tongs and a shovel. In fact, there are more of them.

Firewood for the fireplace must be stored somewhere, preferably near the hearth. Often a special niche is made for them by the fireplace or under it. Another option is to use a firewood.

  • Drovnitsa. This tool is intended to ensure that firewood is always at hand. And also protects the floor and carpet from bark, chips, dust from firewood. It is impossible to put a firewood close to the fire due to fire safety. At its core, a firewood rack is a stand with a handle for storing and carrying logs. Due to the variety of models, the shape, size and type of firewood can be any. A variety of the usual form is the basket.

To make it more convenient to use the woodcutter, it is placed on wheels. A wrought iron fireplace set with a firewood rack is much more profitable both functionally and visually. It will become an integral part of the interior of any style and will save the owners of the house from other products that are not very suitable for storing firewood.

  • Scoop. Its purpose is to free the fireplace or stove from ash, preparing for the next use. The scoop must be metal to avoid deformation, because the ash is often removed while still hot. Therefore, you should choose a capacious, durable scoop in which the handle will not bend under the weight of coals. Now you can find scoops with interchangeable handles.

  • Poker or peak. Not a single set of accessories for a fireplace can do without it. She rakes out ashes, stirs firewood and coals. The length of the poker is 50-70 cm, depending on the height of the serviter, it is selected according to the height of the owner. Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the handle, as well as factors such as strength, weight, tenacity.
  • Metal pan. At the bottom of the firebox, a stand for firewood is installed - grate. This is a cast iron grate, through the slots of which ash and coals fall onto a special metal pallet.

  • Fireplace grate. If the firebox by the fireplace is open, a protective screen must be installed. It can be made in a variety of styles, starting with the classics, forged from bronze, and ending with the most modern ones, equipped with refractory glass. Fire grates are also used as a frame for the firebox. They prevent firewood and coals from falling out of the fireplace, ensuring fire safety. If there are children and animals in the house, the grates for the fireplace will become an obstacle for them, preventing them from approaching the fire.

There are the following types of fireplace grates:

  1. Embedded. They are installed right in the fireplace, next to the fire.
  2. Separate. These are grills on a stand, they are installed near the fire.
  3. Decorative fireplace grates. They can only be used with an extinguished fireplace. Metal for their production is used ordinary. But you can decorate such lattices with any materials, including stones, glass, gilding.

  • Forceps. They will help to neatly lay the firewood or fix it, rake the coals. The most common are two types of tongs in forged fireplace sets:
  1. In the form of scissors, with a tip in the form of a ring or a handle.
  2. Like tweezers.

In the old days, logs were stirred with tongs, coals were taken out of the stove to heat the room. Now this item is used less frequently and is more of a decorative element.

  • Furs. If desired, the classic forged fireplace set can be equipped with furs. These are small leather bags, equipped with wooden handles, with a spout that releases air. Their purpose is the same as in the forge - to increase the strength of the fire during ignition, or to fan the smoldering coals when the firewood in the fireplace is almost burned out.

  • Coal bucket. This item will be needed to pour ashes into it. The requirements for buckets are the same as for other tools: with external attractiveness, high practicality (fire resistance, the presence of a handle with thermal insulation). If the fireplace is kindled using coal and special pellets, the bucket in this case will become a container for storing these funds.

  • Scraper and brush. Needed to clean the fireplace from the ashes. The length of their handles is the same as that of pokers and tongs. The brush is also useful for tidying up the bottom of the chimney. A good brush has bristles made of horsehair or fine wire. The length of the bristles is from 12 to 18 cm. The brush should have thick, dense bristles. Bristle made of synthetic materials for existing fireplaces should not be chosen, because. it is easily damaged by high temperature

  • Doors. Currently, fireplaces are increasingly equipped with special doors. There are many advantages to fireplace doors, but there is only one drawback: since they are most often made of heat-resistant glass, they get dirty very quickly, soot and soot settle on them. Advantages of fireplace doors:
  1. Fire protection, as embers and sparks often fly out of an open firebox.
  2. No odors from burning fuel.
  3. Hiding noise from crackling firewood.
  4. Improving heat dissipation, since the draft is stronger behind the closed door, respectively, there is more heat.
  5. The opportunity to calmly contemplate the living fire while enjoying a cup of coffee.

There are also forged cast doors - an intermediate option between a deaf and glass door. In addition to metal and glass, ceramics are also used to make doors. Fireplace doors are very often decorated with various forged or cast parts, relief elements or mosaics, stained glass patterns or regular tinting. All kinds of images, patterns and ornaments are applied as decorations.