The wedding ceremony of the first wedding night in ancient Rome. position of women in the home. Customs and traditions of the wedding night among different peoples of the world: sex on the wedding night in antiquity

The traditions of the ancient Slavs and the modern exotic traditions of the peoples of the world about the wedding night were neither chaste nor safe.

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In some African tribes, there is a custom: on the wedding night, the groom knocks out the bride's two upper teeth. It becomes a kind of symbol of marriage. Toothless women are proud of their smiles, free - bashfully cover their mouths.

On Philippines in the first marriage there is a custom of abstinence. That is, at a wedding you can drink and walk with the guests without fear that a child pumped with alcohol from the blood of his parents will be born defective.

Some peoples Mexico, Peru and Brazil newlyweds abstain from sexual intercourse for several weeks - until the new moon. (For the same purpose - to help the body cope with intoxication before conception).

To young lovers who planned to marry in Samoa, it is supposed to spend the first night meeting in the overcrowded parental hut, in which livestock often also spend the night. The night of love should pass in complete silence - so that none of the relatives is awakened. Otherwise, the hero-lover will have to run away from a bunch of angry relatives. However, the inhabitants of Samoa are passionate lovers. Therefore, on the eve of nightly feats, every young man prudently smears himself from head to toe with palm oil - it is easier to endure beatings.

Newlyweds doing exciting business Macedonia. Their wedding night takes place in the struggle for the main wedding trophies - a hat and shoes. Whoever owns them will be the head of the family.

The most fun of all have fun in Bahutu tribe that in Central Africa (Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda). On the wedding night, it is forbidden to have sex - instead, the newlyweds arrange a scuffle. The ritual beating ends only at dawn, but is repeated the next night, and so on for a whole week. Night fights between spouses last until both understand: they have no anger for the future against each other. Deaths are extremely rare, but brawls sometimes last a week. In the daytime, the newlyweds go to sleep at their parents' houses.

And in one of the small towns of enlightened Germany to this day, the right of the "first night" has been preserved. Grooms believe that there is nothing terrible in the medieval custom (dissatisfied with the "savagery of the Middle Ages" leave to marry in other places). And the ritual act itself is considered simply as a trip to the gynecologist. Having done his job, the "feudal lord" - a descendant of the family that once owned this village, goes out to the feasting guests and ascertains the chastity of the bride. With his death, if there are no heirs, the custom will die.

The wedding ceremony is always and for everyone considered the beginning of a sinless family life. Life together.

The only exception are Nayars inhabiting part of the state of Kerala, in southern India. Their ceremony is practically no different from one of the types of an ordinary Hindu wedding. But three days later, the husband leaves his wife (during this time, the possibility is implied that the wife will be impregnated with his seed). He can walk wherever he pleases. She can have sex with anyone and kick her lover out of the house whenever she wants. Now there is nothing like it anywhere.

According to scientists, such a custom dates back to the days of early matriarchy - it would still appeal to modern fans of unsystematic sexual relations.

Only in Nayar, another lover is responsible for the upbringing and maintenance of all the children of the wife and herself, and "civilized" womanizers do not always have the habit of answering not only for strangers, but also for their own children.

For example, our ancestors did not attach much importance to virginity. They did not see anything shameful in premarital relations; moreover, there was a so-called trial marriage. The groom and could live for some time together to understand if they are suitable for each other. Even a girl with a child could be a bride, in some ways even more desirable than a childless one, in this case it is known for certain that a woman can give birth. And these traditions could not be eliminated even during the time of Christianity.

Nevertheless, the first wedding night was still considered something special and was accompanied by certain rituals. The young were closed in a separate room, but they were not left alone. All night long, various relatives walked around and teased the groom, gave advice, joked ... And it is natural that in such an environment it is not surprising for the groom to blunder. In this case, he was given two more attempts. If the young husband could not cope even for the third time, a temporary replacement was found for him: an older relative, a godfather, or the most honored guest.

There are even more amazing traditions.

In Europe, the right of the wedding night took place for centuries. The bride saw her off not with her legal husband, but with her overlord. Scholars cite various possible reasons for this custom. In particular, it was believed that a certain danger was associated with the deprivation of virginity, which goes back to the custom of giving virginity to deities. And the more experienced overlord protected his subjects in this way. Perhaps the custom was born in this way, but over time it degenerated into the satisfaction of one's own lust. So from unattractive brides, the overlord could well, and with beautiful girls this rule was strictly followed.

In some African tribes, the groom knocked out the bride's two front teeth on her wedding night. And in some countries (in the Philippines or Mexico), on the wedding night, or even several nights, the newlyweds abstained from, as they use at the wedding feast. In other countries, by the way, including in Rus', on the contrary, newlyweds were forbidden to take intoxicating drinks.

And in other tribes of the same Africa, girls were deprived of their virginity even before the onset of menstruation, and an absolutely stranger had to do this. Most often some traveler passing through the village. If by the first menstruation the girl remained a virgin, this was considered a shame, and she could well remain an old maid.

In Samoa, the wedding night takes place in the bride's house, surrounded by sleeping relatives. And it must pass in complete silence so that no one wakes up. Otherwise, the passionate groom will be beaten. Men, by the way, with this in mind, smear themselves with oil before a date: it’s easier to break free and endure beatings.

An interesting custom in the Bakhtu tribe, Central Africa. There, instead of the newlyweds, they are engaged in a completely different matter: they enter into a fight. And they fight until dawn, after which they go to their parents' houses to sleep off. After all, the next night they will fight again. And so on until the young feel that they have exhausted all the anger at each other for years to come. Sometimes such battles dragged on for a week. And extremely rarely, but still there were deaths.

And the strangest customs associated with the wedding and the first wedding night are among the Nayars, a tribe in one of the states of India. That is, the wedding itself and the wedding night (or rather, three whole nights) are not much different from the weddings of other local tribes. But for all peoples, a wedding is the beginning of a life together. In the same tribe, on the fourth day, the husband leaves his wife, and then each of them lives his own life, with whom he wants and how he wants. And he changes lovers as he pleases. And another lover is responsible for the children born to a woman, until he is also replaced.

This is how diversely they relate to such an important event in life in different countries and among different peoples.

Every nation has its own wedding ceremonies. Somewhere the bride is led to the altar by the hand by her father, and somewhere the groom's friends secretly abduct her from the bedroom of her father's house. Somewhere newlyweds are thrown with rice, and somewhere they are showered with banknotes. African wedding ceremonies will certainly be considered exotic by Europeans. Well, those traditions of African tribes that relate to the wedding night will seem crazy to many!

Wedding night in a communal apartment

Among the Arikan Berber tribes, the bride and groom rarely manage to stay alone the night after the wedding. It is customary for them to spend their first wedding night as a team, for which several newly married couples settle down together in one large bedroom. This is considered a session of learning love games, and besides, according to the Berbers, it relieves stress before an important event. The bride and groom do not always know each other for a long time, and it is still more fun to engage in obscenity in the company of peers.

Assistant under the bed

In Swahili culture, arranged marriages between parents are accepted, and often before the wedding, the bride and groom do not know each other at all. In order for them to cope with the difficulties of the wedding night, from ancient times to the present day, in the bedroom, under the bed, the eldest relative of the bride is arranged - an assistant, or somo. If necessary, she gives advice to the newlyweds during the process, and in the morning testifies that everything went well, and shows her fellow villagers a sheet with traces of blood.

Mach virgins

Among the Zulu people, at a wedding, before the newlyweds leave for their wedding night, the families of the bride and groom arrange a kind of dance competition. The culmination of the competition is the bride's dance, during which she must raise her leg as high as possible and remain in this position for as long as possible in front of her mother, who, meanwhile, must look under her skirt and make sure that she is still virgin. If you think about it, this moment is a pure formality - if the mother is not an experienced gynecologist. But the guests are probably happy.

Fat night

In the Himba tribe living in Namibia, before going to the wedding night at the groom's house, the bride comes to the house of her father, who tells her about her upcoming marital duties, after which her relatives smear the girl's head with cow fat. Fortunately, usually a special cowhide headdress is first put on the bride's head - you can see it in the photo. I would like to hope that this structure is easily removed, and the newlyweds do not have to struggle with it all the wedding night.

Out of the blue

In the African Shona tribe, the first wedding night comes before the wedding, and for the groom it comes as a surprise. After the conclusion of the engagement, the bride herself chooses the day - or rather, the night - on which she, in a white wedding attire and accompanied by numerous relatives, comes to the groom's house with songs and dances. Neither the groom nor his family know this date, and this is not an accident: Sean believes that in this way the girl tests her beloved and his family for their ability to cope with unexpected problems. The unsuspecting relatives of the groom should notice the procession in time and, in turn, meet it with a joyful dance. After a mutual expression of joy, the bride remains in the mother-in-law's house, where, finally, she will be left alone with the groom. Well, the wedding ceremonies will begin in the morning.

The third is not superfluous

The Banyankole tribe of northwestern Uganda has a strange tradition. Before the bride gets married, her aunt must sleep with her fiancé. An experienced woman thus checks that the man is all right with potency, and at the same time evaluates his bed talents. Then, on the wedding night, the aunt is also present in the newlyweds' room - but this time in the role of a coach: she tells inexperienced young people what and how to do. I wonder how they generally cope in such an environment?

The candle burned on the table, the candle burned

In the villages of Tunisia, the groom, having fulfilled his marital duty, must immediately light a candle and put it on the window. So he informs the whole village, carefully watching the windows, that everything went as it should, and the bride was a virgin. It is not known whether the newlyweds are embarrassed by the fact that the entire village is immediately dedicated to the course of their intimate life?

Among girlfriends

In Morocco, virginity is strict. During the bachelorette party before the wedding, the bridesmaids are required to check if she is a virgin and report their findings to all interested parties. And in the most traditional families, bridesmaids come to the wedding night. Probably, in such a large company, the business of the newlyweds is difficult!

Let there be blood!

In Ethiopia, the bride's virginity is also a major concern on the wedding night. She must take her white head covering with her into the bedroom - it is on it that she should leave traces of blood. While the newlyweds indulge in pleasures, the newly-made mother-in-law and a witness from the groom's side are waiting outside the door. Immediately after the end of the process, the girl must take out a scarf stained with blood. If for some reason there is no blood, the young husband has the right to flog his wife with a whip and even refuse her, sending her back to her parents and demanding full compensation for the ransom.

In bed with a stranger

There are many countries where the bride meets the groom for the first time only at the wedding. But in Tanzania, things are even worse: the girl sees her betrothed for the first time only in the bedroom, during the wedding night. Marriages there are made exclusively by agreement with the parents, and the bride and groom do not meet before the wedding. The whole festival also passes without her: while the groom and relatives are having fun, the girl, dressed up and made up, sits at home and waits for her young husband. When he arrives, the girl is escorted into the bedroom - and here she first meets the one with whom she will share a bed today - and always.

Listen everyone!

For Libyan Muslims, a wedding is a long business, and usually lasts at least five days. The first three days the bride and groom spend each in their own home. On the fourth day, the bride arranges a friendly party at her home, where the groom arrives for her in the evening, taking his friends with him for courage. Then the couple, accompanied by the whole crowd of friends, goes on foot to the house of the young spouse. Among the friends of the newlyweds at this time, it is customary to make noise as loudly as possible and joke for all to hear about what will happen behind closed doors. True, in the house of the bride and groom they are still left alone, which distinguishes the Libyans from other African peoples.

Virginity in sacrifice

At a traditional Egyptian wedding, it is not the groom who takes the bride's virginity. This is done by a specially called midwife, wrapping her fingers with a white handkerchief. The blood on the handkerchief, which is immediately shown to the groom's relatives, is indisputable evidence of innocence, which, alas, the groom himself was not destined to fully enjoy.

extramarital night

In Namibia, they prepare for the wedding for a whole year, it is accompanied by mass festivities, a feast for the whole world, music, dancing and other fun. However, after the festival, the bride and groom each go to their own homes and spend the night separately from each other. They have to wait another whole day - only on the second night after the wedding they are allowed to lie down in the same bed. But, by the way, at the same time, a woman is not considered an official wife until she gives birth to a second child.

Under the typewriter

In the Sudanese Nuer tribe, after the wedding feast, friends take the bride to the groom's village, where they first shave her head baldly, and only then take her to her husband. The meaning of this custom is not clear, but the fact remains: a girl with hair does not have the right to go to bed with her lawful young husband.

Practice is the way to mastery

In Zambia, traditions are extremely liberal: there, the bride and groom arrange a wedding night on the eve of the wedding. On the pre-wedding day, the bride's older relatives give her a master class on sex, telling her everything they know, right down to how to properly wash each other in the bath. After that, the bride is taken to the groom's house and the young people are told to practice sex until they lose their strength. And the next day, all the girls in the village ask the bride how everything went, waiting for detailed answers.

Different countries, different cultures and customs. This applies to many aspects, including wedding traditions. Even the celebration of the first wedding night is completely different for many peoples. There are such customs that it is not enough to invent them!

Wedding night around the world


African countries have always been distinguished by their exoticism in everything, this also affected the wedding night. There are African tribes where, on their wedding night, a young spouse knocks out his chosen one's two upper teeth, probably out of love and passion. For some, a wedding ring is a symbol of married life, and for married women from these tribes, this is the absence of front teeth. Toothless women gladly demonstrate their smiles, and unmarried women do not smile once again.

Again, everything is in the same Africa, only in Central ( Rwanda), newlyweds from the Bahutu tribe on the first night after the wedding (and even more, sometimes for several weeks) with the customs of abstinence. Maybe that's why (in desperation) they are allowed to beat each other. Instead of love and affection, fights are arranged, and such that sometimes they don’t even stand up and the walls of the family nest-hut collapse. Fights between the newlyweds continue all night, the young wife, who is not shy about means, scratches and bites her chosen one, shows special activity. During the day, the spouses sleep off, each in the house of their parents, and at night everything repeats anew. Their relatives do not interfere and sleep peacefully, what can you do, such is the tradition! When strength runs out and aggression disappears, the wife completely moves into the husband's house, and the young live on in love and harmony.


In the independent state of Samoa, which is located on the islands in the South Pacific Ocean, the newlyweds stay on their wedding night in the bride's house, and all the bride's relatives sleep next to them. The custom does not prescribe the groom to refuse sex, but everything should happen silently so as not to disturb the sleeping ones. If the silence of the night is broken, then the relatives have the right to ruthlessly beat the young spouse, so he, just in case, lubricates his body with oil, which can help him slip away more easily.


In the Philippine Islands, which are part of the Malay Archipelago, the bride and groom are not limited in drinking, and you can celebrate with guests all night, as local wedding customs prescribe to refrain from intimacy on the first marriage day. This allows you not only to have fun at your own wedding, but also protects you from conceiving a child while intoxicated.

By the way, a similar tradition exists among some nations. Mexico, Peru and Brazil, where the time of abstinence (with the same goals) can last for a couple of weeks - until the new moon.


And in India, the custom continues today to prohibit intimate relations between newlyweds during the first three first nights after the wedding ceremony. Such a ban was introduced because, it is believed, the guardian gods of the young wife may be angry with her. A special stick made of udumbara wood, which is considered a symbol of female fertility, is placed between the bride and groom. For three days a stick separates their bed.

In Macedonia, which was once part of Yugoslavia and is located in the Balkans, the bride and groom spend their wedding night quite excitingly. They compete for the main wedding trophies, which are the hat and boots. The winner who takes possession of them will become the head of the family.


In such a civilized European country as Germany, in some places a medieval custom has been preserved to this day, which orders the groom, during the wedding night, to go out to the guests and show the sheet with stains to the public, confirming the innocence of the bride. Many do not like this demonstration, so they prefer to register their marriage in other places in Germany where such a tradition is not observed.

There are no wedding traditions! The Scots douse the bride with dirty slurry, among some peoples of India it is customary to marry first with a tree before marrying a man, in Korea the groom is hit on the heels with a fish. But in terms of originality ahead of the rest, of course, Africa. They even have some kind of bacchanalia going on there even during the wedding night.

1. Team of tutors

The bride and groom from the Berber tribes immediately after the wedding are never left alone. Their wedding night is collective. In the large bedroom, several couples join the newlyweds. And experienced people pass on their experience to the young and help the young get rid of embarrassment. This event lasts up to five days.

2. Everything is fine, I was holding a candle

In Rwanda, Kenya and other countries where they speak Swahili, they also do not leave newlyweds unattended. In order for them to understand all the intricacies of intercourse, from ancient times, the eldest relative of the bride fits under the richly decorated marriage bed. She gives all sorts of advice, and in the morning testifies how everything went.

3. Unexpected joy

In the Shona tribe, the wedding night is held before the wedding and comes as a complete surprise to the groom. After the engagement, the girl, accompanied by numerous relatives, can rush into the house of her future husband any day. The unsuspecting relatives of the groom should notice the procession in time and meet it with a joyful dance. This tests the ability of the groom and his family to cope with unexpected problems. If everything went well, then the bride stays for the night.

4. Test for lice

In the Banyankole tribe of northwestern Uganda, the bride's aunt plays an important role in concluding a marriage alliance. In order to make sure that the groom has no problems with potency, she spends the night with her niece's chosen ones before the wedding. Of course, the aunt is present in the room during the wedding night.

5. In bed with a stranger

In many African countries, marriages are organized by parents, and their children see each other for the first time only at a wedding. And in Tanzania it is still stricter. The bride does not participate in the celebrations at all. While everyone is having fun, she, all dressed up, sits at home waiting for her husband. He arrives at night and married life begins.

6. Night of humor

For Libyan Muslims, a wedding lasts at least five days. The first three bride and groom spend separately, each in his own house. On the fourth day, the bride organizes a party where the groom is invited in the company of friends. During the evening, friends simply have to make as much noise as possible and make greasy jokes about what will happen behind closed doors today. The humor does not stop even when the young retire.