Toasts to the old New Year's work. What toasts are made and what they wish for the old new year. Toasts for the Old New Year in prose or in your own words

A collection of New Year's greetings and toasts from the editors of the site "Alkofan" in verse and prose. Our selection is useful for any occasion: congratulations to relatives or friends, corporate colleagues, lovers of jokes, funny and short toasts. Most of the individual holiday wishes and phrases are placed in a standard phone SMS.

Every New Year is like a fairy tale,
Like the birth of a dream.
New joy comes
To our world, full of beauty.
Happy New Year
And I wish you well
Lots of happiness and good luck
And warmth!

To the sound of fireworks
champagne splash,
At the first minute of the year
Let happiness give
Your eyes shine
In wallets - a crunch from the currency.
good luck, wealth,
So that the darling is the boss.
Fate does not regret let the colors.
Any heaped
Complex issue,
Find a hundred of the best interchanges.

May the New Year be happy
And so that he happily passed,
Let those who love be near
And those with whom it is very good!

I raise a glass, I congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Do good and give love,
Despite the years and the weather!

Glasses are poured, and again,
Follow the minute hand
We are waiting for the New Year's word.
So let's drink to happiness, friends!
Happy New Year!

I wish you happiness
On this holiday, on the New Year,
Mountains of money, sea of ​​passion
And the cycle of love.
Let friends not upset
And colleagues protect.
Let your relatives give you
Kindness, warmth, comfort.

In Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys, there is a glorious tradition of seeing off the old year. On the eve of the holiday, the inhabitants of this country throw out of their windows all the things that they do not need or are tired of over the past year. Of course, we are not wasteful Brazilians, but economic Russians. Therefore, I propose to throw out old grievances, bad thoughts, sadness, disappointment from your soul. And let's raise our glasses to the fact that 2017 will be lived no worse, but better than the previous one!

Happy New Year,
Let him give you
Just what you want
Well, let the trash take it.
All hopes and dreams
Must be brought to life
In the New Year already at dawn
Your dreams will come true!

In the New Year outside the window
Quietly the snow falls
Let at your table
There will be joy and laughter!
May enviable success
Waiting for you in any business
And enter without interference
Happiness in your bright home!

Upcoming New Year
Let consent be
And with friends, and with the weather,
Both with work and with nature.
Who lives in harmony
Find happiness in life.

In the New Year, so that without sadness,
We ran away from the old
Holiday to pass brilliantly
Well, life - to become sweeter!
To make things easier
And health was stronger.
So that without troubles and without adversity
We've made it this year!

Let a merry New Year
He will come to us with a lot of joys,
And let him bring with him
Friends, health, life take off.
Let work be passion
The family is the rest of the soul,
And let all bad weather disappear
And all the cool turns.

Tells us New Year today again
Count losses and finds.
I propose to drink for love,
Which intoxicates no worse than vodka!

Let nothing upset us:
The heart will be calm, the mind will be frisky.
I raise my glass to
To be joyful all year round, but sober!

Everything returns. Life is like a boomerang. Good will return good. Tenderness and care - tenderness and care. Respect comes back with respect. And evil will return evil. The more you give, the more you get what you gave. In these passing minutes of the year, let's remember what we did good and bad in the past year. What more will come back to us. And we will try to correct mistakes in the new year with good deeds and deeds. And then we get more good. Happy New Year to you, friends!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall
There is a knock on our window.
On this moonlit night
Can't be without smiles
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

All the best to you, the very best,
Good luck with everything and happy occasion.
Let your worries be pleasant
And let only work bring joy.
Let the New Year not bring grief,
I wish you a great mood!

May the coming year
New successes will come
Good luck in everything
And all tasks will be solved.
And so that this coming year
He was happier than the previous one!

Meeting the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is comprehended, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!” Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

May all bad things be erased in the New Year,
How an eraser erases a stroke we don't need!
May the best smile upon you
And let every moment be bright in the year!
Health, success and a lot of luck,
Prosperity and blessings in the coming year!
Great ideas and always inspiring!
Just good luck to your destiny!

Let's drink so that in the new year any mood is always with someone to share.

May next year we have as many good and joyful events, as many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights burn in our New Year's garland!

Blizzard let for a whole year
Will give you health
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To a cold backyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks
To brighten up your faces
And the wicked moon
On the night of love will deprive you of sleep.
Let one of the brightest stars
Give your talents growth
Your thought will lift up!
Let friends decorate life!

They say that the Rooster with his cry dispels the darkness and wakes up the sun. So let the darkness of sorrows and hardships not fall on us for a whole year, and let the bright sun shine on all of us, warming with joy and success!

Let all the flowers at your feet fall
Let the stars turn into emeralds
Let grief and sorrow go away
May your dreams come true in the New Year!

May this year be kept by fate
From all adversity, sorrows and misfortunes.
Let it give to everyone around and to you and me
Hope and dream, love and happiness!

May fate save everyone from adversity
And he will allow you to rest in the Canary Islands.
Let's drink to the New Year
And for friends - reliable, sweet, old!

Let's drink so that every next New Year our holiday table will be more and more full of dishes, the phone will be torn more and more by congratulatory calls from friends and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts!

May the New Year deliver us all
From problems, from debts and troubles,
Let it add health
And finances will improve
And pour all the blessings with a full bowl.
Let them come with the clink of glasses
In the house of peace, happiness, comfort.
For good luck - sold out!
May it always be so
Only the chimes will strike twelve.

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us ... but only champagne, right on target and at close range!

Let like a cock's tail
There will be our career growth.
Let suddenly motley-bright
Life will give you a gift!
What will happen there - we do not guess,
Let's drink to surprises!

Let's look at Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! I personally envy them. They never get sick, they don't age, and most importantly, they always have money for presents! Let's drink to be like them!

Let the frost silver with powder,
Sweeping away any misfortune
I wish you only the best
In the upcoming New Year!

My dear beloved man!
In the new year I want to wish
To finally buy a car
To take me around Paris.
And your salary to be added
For gifts to your beloved,
After all, I want to please you so much:
Always be beautiful with you.

Let on an ice tray
New Year Santa Claus
The diamond cup will put,
To the brim of golden health will pour,
Adds fun for a snack!

If trouble knocks on your door on New Year's Eve, let happiness open it and answer: "No one is at home"!

May the New Year bring you good luck
And happiness will also be over the edge.
Health firmly let it stick to you,
Well, in the soul, let it be eternal May.
I also wish you all the best
And a sweet life, so that they can say:
"Life is good." Or maybe even modestly.
Caviar on oil to write it.

We wish you in the coming year
Do not know worries, do not measure money,
Love, hope and believe!

May the New Year be successful for everyone
For money and a career of cereal,
The sea will bring you success
And no grief will come to you.

We wish Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health.
Second bag of laughter
And let the third - with success!

May the New Year be good
And the door to the fairy tale will open.
And will certainly bring
All the best with you.

I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun sonorous, like ice,
Smiles bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January.
May this year be a happy star
Will enter into your family comfort.
Hurry with the old year
Let adversity all go away.

Let the New Year not let you down
Let only happiness bring.
And if you dare to upset,
The one that is too lucky.
Let friends not forget
More often invited to visit
They give you a drink by the glass,
But the main thing is not to sleep for a year!

I want to get wet under a big downpour,
But not rain, but dollar,
And let your house fall asleep with a big bunch:
Not snow, but happiness - and to the head!
And so that you enter with your foot
In the world where comfort and peace reign.
All year long let the fall of leaves reign and sweep -
Good luck leaf fall and good salaries!
Cry with joy, drown in love,
And beat your glasses for happiness,
Walk all night, have fun with the people,
I wish you a great New Year!

May joy and good luck
Knock on every house!
It shouldn't be otherwise
In the year we are waiting for.
So that all your plans come true
Dreams turned into reality
So that you are lucky in big and small
Let's raise our glasses.

I wish you happiness, best meetings!
More songs, happiness and laugh!
Yes, so much so that they could not count everything
Until the end of the next century.

Let with you next year
A miracle will happen
What I won't tell
Not to tempt fate!

Life has limits, it is short, and dreams are limitless. You yourself are walking along the road, and the dream is already at home. You yourself go to your beloved, and the dream is already in her arms. You yourself live in this hour, and the dream flies away for many years to come. She flies beyond the line where life ends in darkness. She flies through the ages.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year all our dreams come true!

May the New Year bring us success
And the days and nights will flow gloriously.
Let's drink for us all
So that in life you don’t get lost one by one!

Life is beautiful even when tears flow down your cheeks. So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year, tears of happiness will often flow down our cheeks!

I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Wish you in the New Year
Pinch off a piece of happiness
And good luck tearing it off.
And steal more love
Enough for two
And health is endless
Money so that - for seven!

For the New Year I will say a toast!
Let the toast be as simple as possible:
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
In all matters, great success,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Family life warmth!

Joy, love, health, happiness
Let the New Year let go in full,
And let's forget all our bad weather!
For him, for the New Year, to the bottom!

For the New Year, for the stormy fun,
For a celebration without quarrels and without a hangover!
So that we do not part with those who are dear to us,
And all dreams and plans came true!

Guys, let's drink now to our team, a team of professionals capable of doing everything and a little more to achieve their goals! I am glad that it is people like all of you that I call colleagues. For us!

For the old year we pronounce the first toast!
And let us miss the stars from the sky,
But there was happiness in him and a lot of joy,
Monkey helped us with this.
The Rooster is already in a hurry to replace her
At full speed, in full fighting spirit!
Without waiting for the hour to strike,
Glass - to the bottom! For the old New Year!

I want to drink to our close-knit team! Let our allergy to work be treated more often by a significant increase in the dose of wages. Let our superiors consider us outstanding wizards, and not failed storytellers. For our team!

At this table, all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year.
For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

Happy New Year
All those who sit here cordially
And with all my heart I wish
Spend it safely.
Let misfortunes pass you by
Let trouble pass you by.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
With a new life, gentlemen!

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
So that this year
Tears were out of order
To be appreciated by friends
And the family loved
Most of the awards were given
So that diseases do not attack.
This is the point. And we'll be alive
We'll get everything else:
By acquaintance or by pull,
Thanks for the salary.
Smile, up your nose!
Well, let's drink to make it happen!

What is the glass made of? From a support and a bowl for drinks. What is a person made of? From the body - the material support - and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses are often filled with fine wine, and our souls with wonderful feelings!

Let bad weather bypass you
Laughter in an energetic stream
Let it fill your whole house
Happiness jumps with him,
Good luck will follow them
And wealth at the same time
Fly through the window!

Schemer, blackmailer,
Bully and artist
We say goodbye to you
Our guest dear!
Pour, drink,
We accompany the monkey
We say thank you to her
For the whole year of solid undertakings!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
So that there is no bad weather,
Life seemed like honey to you -
Fragrant, tasty, sweet.
With a new episode in life -
Very loud, bright, hot!
Everything that you have long dreamed of
In the new year, so that it happens,
A lucky star
Always light the way!

Each of us represents half of humanity, which is always looking for the other, - said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes. We live in the hope of a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not yet met their other half, be sure to find it in the new year!

New Year's blizzard is flying
Sparkling, conjuring, trumpeting:
Device for a belated friend
Let's put it on our table.
And next, filling to the brim
A happy cup of wine
So that, playing in sparks and stars,
She was ready.
So the New Year's glass is higher!
Let's rise, guys, be bold
For all those who are not with us today,
For our good friends!

According to popular belief, there are moments when the wishes expressed aloud are fulfilled. These are the first minutes of the new year, when we look to the future with hidden hopes and desires. May our problems be resolved in the new year, we will gain strength, get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for everything good, inspiring and beautiful! For our happy future! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Beloved family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Rooster. I hope that this proud bird will reward us with love for our neighbor, the ability to defend our interests and fighting enthusiasm. I wish you cock-like confidence, chicken domesticity, chicken tenderness, impeccable harmony of forms and content, which the egg, a symbol of life, can boast of.

God save us from hardships and hardships
And let me come to the noisy feast in a new thing.
I drink for the fact that exactly in a year
Raise a glass in the same environment!

Mother asks adult daughter:
– And what are you expecting from the New Year?
“I don’t really know either. I want something ... Either seeds, or marriage! Let's drink to the fact that in the new year everyone has everything, including seeds!

The clock is rushing, the old year is passing,
His last pages rustle.
Let the best that was not pass
May the worst never happen again!

I would like to wish women of any age to be as irresistible in the new year as they were in the old one. Dear women, be charming, attractive and loved!

I don't promise good luck
I hope that the new year
Save us all from sorrow
And unforeseen worries.
Still hoping for something else
And I believe in it passionately:
That happiness awaits all of us,
What was not yet.

We're raising a toast today
For everyone who is away from home
For those who on New Year's Eve
Leads ships to lighthouses.

The New Year is knocking at the door.
Do not regret your desires -
Fill the glass with champagne
And wish, wish, wish!
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that everything comes true that you ask.

On the Christmas tree, the ball glows,
And the globe keeps spinning...
May everyone this New Year
Meet new happiness.
May all good things come true
What is prophesied by the stars
All wishes will come true
And everything will be as you want!

So let's drink to the fact that when we go late at night to the New Year tree, we will be attacked by money. And we fought them off, fought back, but could not fight back.

Fill your glasses with happiness
And drink it to the bottom.
Love, joy, luck
May your life be full.

Traditional Irish toast. May your hand always reach out for a handshake with a friend in the new year and never for alms!

Fill your glasses with fizzy drink
Call the closest people to the table.
Miracle night is coming - New Year will be the best,
Time to believe in a dream and good news!

May all our bright dreams come true
May we all be lucky in the most difficult cases.
Believe in a fairy tale, friends! Even Santa Claus!
And fate will bestow eternal happiness in full.

The old year is leaving, and the new one is on the threshold
Let's drink to those who are on the road now.
May happiness smile on them in the New Year,
Let a good companion be found on the way

Head: teacher, mentor,
And a formidable boss sometimes, -
Today we want to congratulate
Happy New Year to you.
We honor and respect you
Your work is not easy.
We appreciate and understand
We wish you love and warmth,
At work - great achievements,
And let there be good in life
Health, victories and accomplishments!
And know that we are with you!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The one who is truly rich is the one who is satisfied with his life. Let's drink to the fact that the coming year will bring us real wealth!

Our festive New Year's table is full of treats. May all those sitting at this table in the New Year have no reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And I wish you as many sweet moments and thrills as possible. Live with taste in the coming year every day!

The owner of the year is thrifty,
Prudent, but not greedy.
So give us, Cockerel,
Pay raise!
And we'll drink to it
Sparkling wine.
Will you promise bonuses?
So in one gulp and to the bottom!

New Year is a special holiday
Time for a fairy tale, magic.
Even an adult will suddenly believe
That there are miracles.
Always gloomy, angry boss
Smiling friendly.
And career growth is pleasant
It starts unexpectedly.
This year health, happiness
Let each one carry.
And let the wallet in volumes
Everything grows and grows.

The New Year is a holiday of contrasts: it is frosty, snowy, dark outside, and at home the lights are sparkling, fun, warm, an elegant Christmas tree, a festive table, a close circle of friends behind it. Let in the new year, no matter how the winds and hurricanes rage around, it will be light and warm in the house and in the soul. For the fulfillment of desires!

What do you wish to everyone sitting at this table? All the girls to get married, and the guys - to find brides! And further. You probably know the New Year's wish of Russian cosmonauts:
To eat and drink
To wish and be able!
So that next year
It was with whom and it was where!

New Year is a time of miracles
Magic and mysterious tales.
Fulfillment of bright hopes
And sleds sliding through the snow.
Let the snowflakes circle outside the window
Lifting everyone's spirits.
Glasses clinked, ding-dong,
I wish you all health and happiness!

What do you wish for the New Year?
To avoid hassle
Be healthy and loved
For friends - indispensable.
Let Santa Claus under the tree
The cart will leave you with happiness.
And yet, in addition to it,
Joy, fairy tale and good luck!

I am the kindest of grandfathers
I dedicate a toast!
Let us bring victory
And career growth!

The monkey was carried out
Petya was invited to visit.
Let the grain all year
He brings prosperity to the house,
Happiness attracts with singing,
Protects from trouble!
And for this you, friends,
I suggest you drink!

I'm not a magician, I'm just learning.
I know the basics of miracles by heart.
Do you want your eyes to shine with friendship?
Be yourself a comrade, a friend always.
Do you want to be more fun around?
Share your own smile.
Do you want beautiful miracles, magic?
Read more and study not for "two".
I'm not a sorceress, but on New Year's Eve
I will conjure: you will all be lucky!

One wise man said: “The most amazing thing about a person is that he often grieves over the lost state, and that his life is passing, he is not upset.” Let's drink so that every day passes brightly and profitably
new Year.

I drink to Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health!
Gave joy to everyone
Raised a glass of champagne
I took sickness, melancholy into a bag
And hid somewhere in the forest!

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked:
- Who you are?
– Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.
“Sorry, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in.
The sick mother said:
Let's let health in.
The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year in our house there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve we raise a glass of champagne. So let our life in the New Year be like this drink - light, exciting, sparkling, beautiful and overflowing.

To the beat of the clock, to the sounds of the waltz,
We wish you again on New Year's Eve
Raise a glass to peace and happiness
Hope, faith and love!

There is an ancient statue called Opportunity. It depicts a man standing on tiptoe, which symbolizes the brevity of a moment of opportunity. He has wings on his feet, signifying that a person can take off using the opportunity. He has long hair - a symbol of the good gained through an opportunity, and a bald head on the back of his head - a symbol of loss when an opportunity is lost. Opportunities come and go. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we do not miss our opportunities!

Let the New Year caress
Happiness in life will bring.
Let hope warm
And let fate take care!

May the New Year be generous
Let him not skimp on happiness
Let the stars light up on time
So that all your desires come true.

I'll raise a glass of wine
For the past year,
Year past.
And I'll drain it to the bottom
For the New Year
For the joy of the day
And for your big soul!

New Year is a unique holiday. If you did not have time to congratulate friends and family, in two weeks you will have a second chance for this. This means that you will need funny toasts and wishes for the Old New Year, which, according to a long tradition, is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, 2019.

What can you wish for 2019 Old New Year?

Another great occasion
Get together at the table.
Let frost and cold outside the window -
Here it breathes happiness and warmth!

Let the Old New Year, of course,
Will bring you good luck
May there be endless joy
May you all be lucky throughout the year!

He comes quietly, in a family way,
With the scent of pine needles and candles,
With fairy tales that are inspired by a blizzard,
With tea that you will not find hot,
With wines as strong as our friendship,
With the songs we sing in unison
With bright, like happiness, tangerines ...
We love this holiday!

Old New Year is knocking -
Open the door soon!
Everything beautiful will happen
There will be many bright days.
All hopes will be justified
This is the best year
And he will give love
And bliss will bring!

Toasts with wishes for the Old New Year in verse

May your mood be festive on the Old New Year, even in the cold, optimistic toasts, warm and sincere wishes to family and friends!

For words of congratulations on the Old New Year during a festive feast, short poems that everyone will certainly like are the best fit.

People say: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. So, you have a reason to have fun again and make beautiful toasts and express your heartfelt wishes for the Old New Year on the night of January 14, 2019.

Let the old year go
And take your sorrows with you
And the Old New will bring
What you have always desired.

Let the house of friends be full
And the heart is warmed with joy,
And in these winter days
Let summer play in your soul!

Happy Old New Year to you
I congratulate you at this hour!
Let adversity go by
Let sorrows bypass us

And there will be only peace and joy,
There is always love around.
Her divine sweetness
I want to taste you again!

I wish you the Old New Year
So that all your dreams come true!
I congratulate you today.
Find a love that lasts a lifetime

Let everything in life succeed
Let joy shine in your eyes
Let sadness remain in the past
Snowflake melting on the lips!

Survived the end of the world
And as if nothing.
Only poured for the New Year,
Look, it's already Christmas.

Only winter bustle
We will not be knocked out of the rut.
Old New Year is coming to us too
Again, there is no reason not to drink!

old New Year
He brought joy to everyone.
Will gather us today
Under a beautiful spruce!

Meet him, my friend, with kindness,
Put in the effort
Share your warmth
Make a wish!

Old New Year - toasts and wishes in prose

Let the Old New Year bring down on you a ton of joy, a centner of love, a hundred kilograms of success and a spool of health. May happiness find you and stay with you for life. And the coming year will give a lot of pleasant smiles and cheerful laughter!

I wish you in the new year the same sparkling emotions as bubbles in champagne! As full of happiness as a glass in your hand! The same transparent feelings as the crystal of this glass! Happy New Year, which is now definitely here!

Meeting the Old New Year is no less important than meeting the official first holiday of the year. Naturally, tonight the whole country will gather at the festive table. Naturally, we will all raise our glasses and drink for good luck and happiness in the coming year.

In order to make your Old New Year's toast sound sincere and beautiful, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for short table speeches that we have prepared for you.

By tradition, we celebrate the Old New Year with champagne.
May our life in the new year be
like this champagne - light, exciting,
beautiful and overflowing.
Happy Old New Year!

New Year has come! Hooray!
Have fun - take two:
Old New Year is coming
Bring happiness to every home!

May all wishes come true
Confessions of love will sound
Magic will happen
This Old New Year!

Let the balm pour on the souls!
And in this turn, in this New Year's Eve moment,
With all my heart I wish you
More good days - like today!
So that we do not hide our eyes from each other,
Do not get upset over trifles!
Let the cup be drunk - for us, -
Who will continue to meet so easily!

Fires are burning on the Christmas trees -
On the square, in the apartment…
As if you and I are alone
All over the wide world
Leaving behind worries,
I hardly believe in love
We celebrate the Old New Year -
No brighter and newer!
May the New Year be like this toast
It will be beautiful, clean and simple!

Here is the Old New Year -
Holiday, but vice versa!
And still we say:
Happy New Year with a new happiness!

We wish you many blessings:
Live richly, do not get sick,
And goodness, and peace in the world,
And more smiles, wider.

And in the hearts - love and happiness,
Despite all the bad weather.
Let miracles happen
So that life is a fairy tale.

How frost sparkles wine
It is poured into glasses.
I congratulate you all now
And I propose to drink for the old one for the year.

Olivier, feast, toast,
Mummers go to visit.
Deja vu? Or maybe not?
Old New Year, hello!
Take it, friends
Congratulations from me:
All souls do not grow old,
Have fun, sing songs.
Festive mood
You until the very Epiphany!

Old New Year is not a luxury,
but a vehicle through time!
So let's have a drink
for his perpetual motion machine!

Wine froths in glasses
Snowball sparkles at the threshold.
Health, joy let
carries the Road of the coming year!

New Year's toast about love
Each of us is half
humanity, which is forever looking for another,
- said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes.
We live in the hope of a happy meeting.
I wish everyone who has not yet met their
second half,
be sure to find it in the new year!

One wise man said:
“The most amazing thing about a person is
that he often mourns over his lost fortune,
and that his life passes, he does not grieve.
Let's drink to bright and
enjoyed every day of the new year

The ancient philosopher correctly said:
Throw away old worries,
the whole world is striving for the future.”
Dear friends, throw away immediately
your old anxieties and worries - these heavy shackles,
for the chimes are striking. Let's take it with us to the New Year
happiness, joy and love!
Let's drink to it! Happy Old New Year!

As you know, a person learns all his life.
Studying every year, and every year, probably
getting a little smarter...
And that means, for sure, the years too
learn something - from the person and from each other.
So let's drink to
so that every next year
learned from the previous only good!

Dear friends!
A few more hours - and midnight
will announce to us that another year has passed
and a new one has arrived.
We don't know anything about what will bring
New Year, however, we do not want to raise
veil of the future hidden from us.
In the last hours of the old year we think
more about him than about the coming year,
since all desires and hopes for the future are connected
already lived and experienced.
Let them remain in our memory
only good and pleasant memories
about the old year and it will let
we look forward to the future with courage and joy.

Champagne. The smell of Christmas trees, tangerines.
All this gives rise to associations with the New Year in the soul of a person.
But what is the New Year without dreams and desires,
conceived under the chiming clock.
So let's drink to make all our wishes come true.

New Year's toast to women
I would like to wish a new year to women
of any age to be the same irresistible,
like in the old one. Dear women,
be charming
attractive and loved!

Twice on the same ... New Years do not come!
You can't celebrate the same New Year twice...
So let's drink to timeliness
inevitability and uniqueness
this recurring holiday!
For the Old New Year!

I hope this new year
will come with gifts for each of us.
Someone who wanted to buy a new car
finally buy it. Who wanted to do
some discovery will make it.
Whoever wanted to find love will find it.
Let everyone get their own happiness.
So let's drink to the new
light in our lives!
For the New Year.

Meeting the New Year is always a summing up of the old.
But no matter how the experience is interpreted,
his highest philosophy is simple and boils down
to one phrase: "Live and rejoice!"
Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

May next year we have
so many good and joyful events,
so many good and wonderful deeds,
how many lights are on
in our New Year's garland!

Friends! I propose to thank the old year
for the bright legacy left by him,
- for moments of joy, love, success
and invaluable experience for the mind and professionalism.

Let's drink to the fact that in the new year
our glasses would be filled more often
fine wine,
and the cups of the soul - with wonderful feelings!

I wish everyone here,
so that in the new year in your life there will be
and love, and worries, and doubts,
so that it never crosses your mind
that you missed something in this life.

What does the year have in store for us?
So away doubts!
It's time to raise our glasses
To our health, love and aspirations! So Happy New Year to you! Hooray!

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden:
as long as I can remember, they don’t get sick, they don’t age
And there is always money for gifts!
For us to be like that too!

Let's drink to the only day of the year
when you can sit on the Christmas tree ...
and do not visit the forest!
For the New Year!

Let's drink to each next
New Year our festive table was breaking more and more
from the phenomena, the phone was torn more and more
from congratulatory calls of friends
and more and more children
and grandchildren would give us gifts.

Raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
In all matters, great success,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Family life warmth!

Let's drink to the new year
any mood was always with someone to share.

Nelli Karchevskaya (Isaeva)

A toast said with soul, filled with sincerity and good wishes, or sharply, with humor, is worthy of thunderous applause. Agree, the ability to speak short speeches (toast) is not given to everyone. But you can learn this, especially since there is still plenty of time for preparation and rehearsals. Toasts for the New Year 2018 are special toasts. On the eve of a magical holiday, we all become a little kinder, more attentive to each other. We so want to express the whole gamut of our feelings on New Year's Eve, and no matter how toasts for the New Year 2018 will help to do it beautifully and soulfully.

Toasts for the New Year 2018 can be made in verse or prose, the main thing is that they come from the heart and be felt by those to whom they were addressed. There is such a joke: the main thing is that you would like to drink for the toast, and not get drunk. Our toasts for the New Year 2018 are aimed at making each of us feel comfortable and at ease this New Year's Eve, a kind of magician who firmly believes that everything he says will come true. You only need to speak looking directly into the eyes of the one or those in whose honor your toast sounds, and in no case read it from a piece of paper, otherwise that magical connection, a thin thread connecting the past and the future, will be interrupted, and the moment will be gone forever.

So that when raising a glass with champagne playing with cheerful lights, you do not come up with warm words and good wishes on the go, wanting to say a lot of everything at once in a fit of feelings, thereby turning a short toast into a long speech overflowing with emotions, we have already come up with and written toasts for you for the New Year 2018. Choose those that suit your heart and reflect what you would like to say or wish to relatives and friends, friends or colleagues. Perhaps, after reading our toasts, creativity will wake up in you, and you will come up with your own toasts for the New Year 2018. In the meantime, you can use ours.

First toast: "To the old year!",
Let it go without a hitch
Let him take with him
A heap of all sorts of worries!
Let us be lucky
And health to boot,
Joy, happiness and luck,
Let him leave in good spirits!

Fully pour glasses
To become happier
From what comes to us
The very best New Year!
So as not to upset him
We will go out to meet him.
But first we drink to the bottom
Each glass of wine.

Let's shoot sparkling champagne in the air:
Sweet, sincere, hooligan!
2017 is obscene
Was unpredictable, but great.
That Cockerel pecked us where it should be,
He rewarded suffering with victories,
That raised us a little light, until dawn,
It was hard to talk to him.
But still, it's a sin to be offended by him:
We learned how to fight well
For a place in the sun, wage increases,
For happiness, luck and mood.
And it's great, so bye
Let's drink for the Cockerel!

Who is wagging his tail?
What kind of happiness creeps into the house?
It's yellow, cute dog,
Nose up!
Chases away the Rooster
Yes, away from sin
To no longer wonder
The pack and fights did not start.
Need a drink? No problem!
For you, our dear Dog!

What would we drink to?
For loyalty and friendship -
For everything we need!
The dog takes over
And this toast will be to her heart for sure!
For this she will give us success,
Surprises, discoveries, life without interference,
Without quarrels, troubles and without sadness.
So let's drink to what sounded at the beginning!

For the health of family and friends
We are filling our glasses now.
We can't do without them
Life has become more beautiful with them.
Year of the Dog, New Year 2018,
Make them smile more often!

The Cockerel goes enchantingly and beautifully into the distance,
The playful dog rushes to visit,
We'll be fine with him!
He won't let you get bored
Will guard our house
All sorrows and worries
It will bark to drive away!
In anticipation of future bright events,
Perhaps we should have a drink!

Kindness, love and kindness
Will rule for a whole year
Because Year of the Dog
It will come to us very soon.
On a snowy road
He rushes tirelessly to us,
We do not languish in anticipation
We pour one hundred grams!

How often do we hear: "Tired like a dog",
Ile, that the "dog cold" came,
Delight in the people is called "puppy",
And someone, “like an angry dog”, happens sometimes.
2018 brings its own amendments
To the Yellow Dog with respect
Asks to be treated.
And puts it in front of everyone without exception:
The dog will not forgive us slander!
So let's drink for purity and kindness,
For devotion, love and beauty,
For the caress and warmth that our souls heal,
For the New Year, for the holiday and for the meeting!

New Year 2018
God bless us to smile
From the rise of high, wonderful moments
From all kinds of wonderful sometimes coincidences!
And let our life be just like in a fairy tale,
And we will fix it together with champagne!

Good friend Dog
Comes to visit us
Joy and good luck
It leads.
Loyalty and loyalty
Happiness and comfort
Joy and health
Let them live with us!
Let the dog bark
Drives away trouble.
Let's drink to all the good things
Next year!

Dogs are known to bite.
Only from life, from the life of a dog!
Our Dog is not at all dangerous,
We will make her life just beautiful!
Let it hurry to the house to us as soon as possible with good,
And we will close our glasses for health!

We drink champagne for
So that prices do not bite,
To happiness and good
The house was guarded throughout the year.
Let the mascot dog
It helps in this
And as a faithful, kind friend
Saves from adversity!

Of course, toasts for the New Year 2018, pronounced in verse, sound more solemn, but there is a moment when the soul requires not poetry, but prose. That prose, which seems to sound like poetry for everyone, but seems to apply to everyone individually. For example, something like this.

Friends, let's congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year 2018 - the Year of the Yellow Dog! May it be filled with goodness and warmth, constancy and happiness, health and prosperity. So let's drink to the fact that from this moment all wishes come true, and good luck and luck follow us like a faithful dog all year long!

Magical moments, good beginnings, family happiness, love, health and joy - all this and much more has been in store for us as a gift by the Dog. But in order to win her favor and trust, we ourselves will have to make an effort. Let's fill our glasses so that all our efforts will be crowned with success, and the Mistress of the Year will always feel good and comfortable with us!

The Old Year is leaving ... Let it take with it last year's problems and all unresolved cases. Let the farewell "Ku-ka-re-ku!" the past will end, and the present and future will resound with a loud, flooding bark! Let's drink to the noisy and good start of the New Year 2018!

Let's believe that the Year of the Dog will help us understand ourselves and see true, devoted friends. Let's drink to the fact that in the coming year there will be only sincere, kind fellow travelers next to us. For devotion, friendship, fidelity and disinterestedness!
Let's raise glasses filled with light wine so that with the advent of the New Year, what we dream about will come into the life of each of us! Let the Year of the Dog please us with new successes, new achievements, new interesting meetings. Let only close and dear people and our time-tested friends remain old in the New Year! For dreams, good luck and for you, my dear people!

And one more thing: we all would like to wish from the bottom of our hearts that toasts for the New Year 2018 make your holiday unforgettable and please your relatives and guests.

Happy New Year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

As well as for the meeting of the New Year, on the night of December 31 to January 1, we also always prepare in advance for the celebration of the Old New Year.

We make a festive menu in the circle of the closest relatives and friends, select bright and kind toasts and congratulations on the Old New Year for all guests.

Someone likes to say a toast to the Old New Year in verse, someone in prose, we offer a selection of both.

Beautiful and funny, touching and funny, comic and meaningful, Old New Year's toasts will turn your holiday into an unusual feast.

Toasts for the Old New Year in verse

The old year poured us
Invited to the winter ball
The prankster was waiting for the clink of glasses,
He poured for himself.
To everyone, I offer
Congrats on the new old.

Hello Old New Year!
We've been waiting for you!
We knew that the holiday would come to us,
Ate, drank...
Let's not drink for the last time
Under the fallen tree
For parents, for us,
So that everything was really!
So that we have health
Never failed!
To move forward
This New Old Year!

Garlands glow brightly
bewitching fire,
We will meet again
At the holiday table!
For the fact that the Old New Year
Gathered us all together
Let's rise, dear people,
Champagne glass!

We raise our glasses again
We are talking toasts again
We celebrate the Old New Year,
And thank fate.
I wish you all, friends,
So that the work was nishtyak,
And the wife was what you need,
And the boss is not stupid.
And fun until you drop
And good luck all year round.
This is how happy we are
This old New Year.

Very soon he will come -
This Old New Year!
The tree is still beautiful
And the company is nice!

Let life be beautiful
Let love be passionate!
Let the New Year sow with happiness
The wallet always gets fat!

Let's raise a toast to all of us
Let's kiss now!
May we have the Old New Year
Only happiness will bring!

New Year, the arrows converged,
Ringing like bells
Time after the shootout
Summing up the battles.
Life is not an enemy, but there are losses,
Every day is the same fight
The old year, closing the doors,
He took some of his friends with him.
But we are alive and we breathe
And we need each other
Wisdom is with us, God hears us,
And colored dreams.
I drink for us, for our old age,
I ask everyone to pour wine,
How long would we live,
Let's be together, let's live!

On your doorstep all gray-haired with a beard
The old year is old, old at all,
He leaves us, he waves his hand to us
And wishes you good luck with everything!
But then someone came - someone softly calls,
Three white horses at the door
It's exactly midnight on the clock - then the New Year has come.
Pour champagne into glasses!
Raising a glass - I congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Do good and give love,
Despite the years and the weather!

Today is Old New Year,
And he slowly walks towards us.
But together we wish that -
Became Old New and Special!
Walked for thirteen days, late
And the long-awaited very became.
We sit together at the table
Winter itself was waiting for him.
With you, we were waiting for him too -
Now we will not postpone the meeting
Glass for a meeting! All is ready?
Happy New Year - Old New!

Throws snow on the bed.
Toasted the winter pipe
Somewhere quietly will respond.
How sweet it is to drink today!

Happy Old Year, friends!
You can't drink today.
Wine or something stronger
May life be easier for all of us.

Here is the Old New Year
Pour it, honest people!
Congratulations and wish
Know no worries:
So that the glass does not empty,
So that the wife always wants
So that a full tank of gasoline,
So that the enemy is afraid of you
To make the girls smile
To keep the money running
And any desire
Completed very quickly!

Guests, toasts and kutya,
I congratulate all of you
Happy new year the old fashioned way.
These winter pictures
Together with vodka I give you
And for the old year pour.

It's a sin not to drink, not to pour.
wash the old new year
Need urgently. May be,
He will have to live with him for a long time.

The old new year has come.
For a long time something, brother, wandered.
Where have you been for two weeks?
And now he's drawn.
For him, we’ll hit a hundred,
On the second pour and say
That it's time for the third -
For love, please pour.

How frost sparkles wine
It is poured into glasses.
I congratulate you all now
And I propose to drink for the old one for the year.

All cut salads
Vodka lined up in a row
Ham and Servelata
We went to the parade in order.
Failing to return home
Santa Claus is coming again.
Let's dive in brothers
In a wonderful Old New Year!

Let the holiday go with the holiday
All in a calendar round dance.
We met the old one, and behold,
We are looking forward to the Chinese New Year.

Vasiliev day. He is and was
But the calendar opened it,
Like a New Year's holiday.
Let's drink to that today!

For the Old New, for sclerosis,
That made the country laugh to tears.
He came like new
There was a smell of wine and pine.
Now he has declared again
Sobered up in two weeks.

Well, here's the Old New -
For a long time and seriously.
Crawls completely ready
Grandfather Frost.
It drags behind him indirectly
Worn Backpack
Snegur - that is, a lady,
Who did Balzac write about?
Bra number five
So let's drink and sing:
Balzac, brothers, is dead,
And we are still alive!

Toasts for the Old New Year in prose or in your own words

Just as a good athlete does not set a record without training, so a real holiday does not come immediately. On the first of January we trained, and today we have already reached the finish line of the celebration of the new year.
- So let's drink to the Old New Year and go for a new record!

I propose to drink for the chiming clock (double two), for the opportunity to reconsider our desires, which seemed relevant to us, but lost their relevance in two weeks.
- Happy New Year, and with new desires.

I propose to drink for Peter the Great! Praise be to him and glory for the "cut window to Europe" and for the wonderful occasion to celebrate the New Year twice!

Congratulate each other on the Old New Year and pour to the fullest. This is an amazing Russian holiday, always cheerful and drunken, rollicking, and with scuffles at the end.

May the Old New Year be cheerful and fabulous, and may it take all the old problems and hardships with it, and give us new problems that will still become old in a year.

Let's drink to the Old New Year to the fullest. Happiness to all new for the Old New Year, new events and old prices.

I would like to propose a toast to the Old New Year, to that which gives us a reason not to relax, but to pour, and pour, leaving “a hundred” to get sober.

I am glad that our family gathered together at a wonderful table on this festive, quiet evening on the eve of the Old New Year. This is a holiday of joy and hope. On this occasion, the lines of Joseph Brodsky come to mind:

Page and fire, grain and millstones,
Axe-pointed and truncated hair
God saves everything, especially words
Forgiveness and love, like your own voice.

I want to wish all of us love for each other, attention and forgiveness. This is what makes you kinder and cleaner. For the Old New Year!