Triangular holes on gel nails. How to make a moon manicure. White moon manicure

Very practical, but also beautiful and makes it possible to make different types of designs. Consider an option that, with a light suggestion from Dior, has become a trend of the latest fashion seasons and promises to stay on the pedestal for many years to come - moon manicure with gel polish.

Necessary varnishes, tools and fixtures

To create it you will need:

    Ultraviolet lamp.

    Base for manicure.

    Gel polishes. The design calls for at least 2 colors (or even 1 if you intend to leave the hole transparent). You definitely won’t go wrong if you choose classic combinations first. You can create them to your taste with the help of varnishes in red, black, white, golden, beige, gray, wine colors.

    Top coating.

    File, orange sticks, discs, buff.

    ZHDSL or a special liquid for degreasing and removing the sticky layer.

    Primer (if it is needed specifically for your varnishes).

Depending on the type of technology (this will be discussed later), also purchase a brush for painting or stencils. Select the necessary decor elements if desired.

We start the manicure as usual by removing excess tissue, sawing off the free edge, polishing the nails, and degreasing.

Consider the technologies and stages of creating a classic moon manicure using red and white colors.

Manicure using stencils

If you do not want or cannot draw the necessary highlight by hand (highlight the desired zones), use a simple device - French stencils. The step by step process looks like this:

    Apply and dry the base.

    Apply and dry 2 coats of red background.

    Using tweezers, very carefully secure the stencil so that the area you want to highlight remains open. Press the stencil as hard as possible, especially on the side areas, otherwise the smile line may be fuzzy.

    Apply white varnish to the desired area. Make sure that the layer is not too thick, otherwise it will be quite problematic to remove the stencil after polymerization. Dry your nails in a lamp.

    Remove the stencil with tweezers. Do not make sudden movements so as not to damage the clarity of the lines.

    Apply top, dry and remove the sticky layer.

The technology requires accuracy in the issue of fastening and removing stencils. Please note that you need to stick them the same way on all nails, leaving equal sections of the hole.

Variant of manicure with a layering brush

Let's try gel polish with a highlighted hole and a free edge. This technology does not require the use of stencils - only a brush for drawing, as well as elementary skills. Here's what it looks like step by step:

    We apply a background color to the nails (in our case, red). Dry for 2 minutes.

    We apply another layer and dry - the background should be very dense and deep.

    With white lacquer, using a thin brush (this is a special brush for drawing small details, it is slightly thicker at the base and becomes thin towards the end), select the hole.

    With a brush to accentuate the free edge (hair brush) with the same white varnish, draw a thin highlight with a curved smile line. Dry the nails in the lamp for 2 minutes.

    Apply a layer of top gel, dry for 2 minutes.

In this technology, the main thing is to accurately and clearly draw white zones. Practice on your nails or on tips before proceeding to the actual manicure. Do everything slowly and very carefully - the combination of so many contrasting varnishes is very impressive, but requires extreme caution in execution.

Butt-to-butt manicure technology

Another option is also possible - applying white accents and a red background directly to the base with a brush. For this:

    Dry the base for 2 minutes

    With a thin brush, apply white varnish to the hole. First draw the border and only after that paint over the area completely. Dry your nails.

    Apply red with a thin brush along the smile line so that the colors form an even, clear border. Then, with a regular brush, paint the rest of the nail to the free edge. Dry your nails in a lamp.

    Apply top, dry. Remove the sticky layer.

The advantage of the technique is that such a manicure can look neater if done carefully. Firstly, there is no layering of colors, and secondly, you do not have to paint over with white varnish at the base, going beyond the red background.

We recommend that before you make a moon manicure with gel polish, it will be determined exactly what design you will do, what colors to use, how much the hole will be highlighted and what method you will use. Make a sketch of a manicure or design on 1 nail (tips) and make sure that everything suits you.

Trendy moon design ideas with gel polish

The most interesting ideas of the moon manicure can be implemented using one of the three listed technologies. You can choose your favorite original, stylish design from our selection:

    Leave the hole transparent, but fix a small stone on it.

    Make the background or hole matte. The combination of 2 effects in one color looks very impressive.

    Make a hole on a shiny background, curved in the opposite direction. In practice, it looks like a strip applied along the nail growth line at the base. In this case, it is better to make the hole glossy or matte, but not shiny.

    The smile line can be made sharp. If you repeat the technique on the free edge, the nails will visually lengthen very much.

If your nail plates are short, the selected area should be small and curved, and if elongated, then it can be with a straight smile line and quite large.

For such a manicure, saturated color opaque varnishes are more suitable. At least one of the ones used should be just that.

The decor is very convenient to attach directly to the sticky layer. You can fix volumetric elements with 2 layers of top.

Lunar design is a beautiful and simple solution for a trendy manicure for all occasions.

Lunar manicure with gel polish is a modern interpretation of the “Hollywood nail art”, which was popular in the USA in the 40s of the twentieth century. In 2010, the fashion house Dior restored the design using other types of coatings. The result was an extraordinary manicure with shellac, which took a significant place in the world of the nail industry. How to make a moon manicure with gel polish correctly if you need to get it at home?

The secret of a beautiful design is the correct drawing of the hole and the tip of the nail with a plain varnish. The classic option is the use of white and light varnish, but these days there are new options. The hole can be in the form of a smile, a triangle, a pattern, or decorated with a brilliant decor. Consider ways to create a moon manicure with shellac using different materials.

How to make moon nail art with stencils

Method #1 - Use a Manicure Stencil

Lunar manicure with shellac is created using the following materials:

  • Base coat;
  • Colored shellac;
  • Fixer;
  • stencils;
  • UV lamps.

Stencils with an adhesive backing are sold in specialized stores. If you can't find them, you can take stationery tape or duct tape. Then follow the step-by-step instructions to get a beautiful design.

  1. Remove old coating residue with acetone or nail polish remover.
  2. Prepare a hand bath by adding a few drops of essential oil or a teaspoon of sea salt to warm water.
  3. Treat the cuticle area with oil or cream. Remove the cuticle with an orange stick.
  4. File your nails with a glass nail file, giving them a beautiful shape and length. This season, short and medium length nails are in fashion.
  5. Degrease your nails with boric alcohol or a degreaser.
  6. Paint your nails with one layer of base coat, drying it under a UV lamp for 2 minutes.
  7. Apply a color coat to the cured base. Dry it under a lamp. Apply a second layer, also dry.
  8. Next, you need to draw a hole and a smile line. Cover with a stencil the part of the nail that will not be painted over, and apply white varnish. Remove the stencil, dry the layer under a UV lamp.
  9. Apply a layer of fixative to the coating, and dry it. Design is ready!

This video shows four ways to draw a hole when performing a moon manicure.

Use a brush and foil to create moon nail art

Stencils may not always be at hand, but you really want to create a neat moon design. Buy a thin brush with a diameter of 1-2 mm, which will help you draw fine lines without significant errors. Method number 2 - moon manicure gel polish with a brush. This moon manicure gel polish involves a similar execution scheme, doing steps 1-7. The next step is to follow these steps:

  1. Apply white or another color of polish to your nails using a brush. Type a little shellac on the pile, and carefully draw a hole and a smile line. Dry the coating under the lamp.
  2. Cover the result with the final fixer, also drying it for polymerization. If you want to create a pattern on the nails, or attach a decorative detail to the design, remove the sticky layer from the finish with boric alcohol, attach the detail, and apply another layer of finish to the coating.

See how to make a moon manicure with shellac.

Method number 3 - moon manicure with shellac at home using foil. Food foil will not work, buy nail foil. The hole and the smile line are wrapped in this material, which gives the nail art brightness and shine. How to make a moon manicure with foil step by step:

  1. Cover the manicure with a base, colored shellac, drying each layer under a UV lamp.
  2. Take a thin brush, draw glue for the foil on it, and draw with it the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe edge of the nail and the hole.
  3. When the glue dries, attach the foil sticker to it so that the matte surface is on the bottom. When the coating dries, the sticker can be removed.
  4. If the foil is not interrupted neatly, errors remain - apply glue to the hole and the edge of the nail again. And repeat the manipulation.
  5. The last step is to cover the nails with a fixative. Cure the layer under a UV lamp. Shellac manicure with foil is ready!

Method number 4 moon manicure with shellac using an applicator for shadows. Carry out all the necessary procedures for preparing nails at home. Paint them with the base, the main color, drying each layer. On a dry applicator, paint white varnish or varnish of a different shade with which you will draw the hole. With dotted movements, paint the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole with the applicator, and immediately dry the layer under the lamp. Do the procedure with all nails. Fix the result with a finish, remove the sticky layer with boric alcohol or a special agent. Do not use a wet applicator, otherwise the gel polish will dissolve and the manicure will immediately deteriorate. If desired, the applicator can create a smile line on the edge of the nail, perpendicular to the hole.

This type of nail art allows the use of decorative ornaments instead of nail paint. The hole can be decorated with sparkles, decorative sand. If you have a white nail pencil, it will be easier to outline the outline by decorating the design. Choose contrasts - instead of a glossy color, use two textures - glossy for the main tone, and matte for the hole.

Beautiful, well-groomed nails are the pride of any woman. Regardless of whether she goes to visit or to work, a manicure must be mandatory. Currently, with the advent of gel polishes that last long enough, it has become possible to develop such a direction as nail design.

There are a lot of ideas for creating a great manicure. A huge selection of colors, the use of various combinations, decoration with rhinestones, sparkles, foil. You can paint your nails in different colors, which was simply unacceptable before. Now there is complete freedom of action - everything is limited only by your own imagination and artistic possibilities.

With the help of various stencils and stickers, you can create whole pictures on your nails. A superbly executed manicure attracts attention, arouses pride in the hostess and envy in the surrounding women. It is best, of course, to go to the salon and get a manicure from an experienced master. But it's quite expensive.

Is it possible to make holes on the nails with gel polish at home? Yes, it is quite within the power of any woman.

Design with gel polish holes

One of the most beautiful and uncomplicated manicures is a manicure with holes.

There are many different methods for performing this type of nail design with gel polish. Let's dwell on some of them, they are not so complicated and do not require special skills. But you definitely need to have the skills to work with gel polish, a drying lamp, a full set of colored gel polishes, primers, bases and other attributes. Be sure to purchase a thin brush.

Using a stencil

Before work, you need to prepare your nails for coating with colored varnish. Apply the base, prepare two bright varnishes, top and stencils.

Apply colored gel polish to the base and let it dry. Depending on what color you want to get and the consistency of the varnish, apply 2 or 3 layers. It is not necessary to smear too thickly, during drying, a thick layer may be deformed. For this reason, they are applied in a thin layer.

After that, the stencil desired according to the drawing is glued. You can leave the natural shape of the hole open or an inverted jacket when sticking the stencil not on the base of the nail, but on its tip.

The stencil prevents the layers from mixing. The drawing is clear and even. No need to paint with a brush. But a bright-colored varnish is applied to the free surface, dried, and the stencil is removed. Nails are covered with top coat.

You will get an excellent result in a fairly short time and the manicure will be no different from the salon. The most important thing is to do it slowly, follow the entire sequence when working.

With transfer foil

  • Cover the nails prepared for coloring with a base, dry.
  • We cover the nails with gel polish in 2 or 3 layers, dry.
  • Apply the top, dry under the lamp. The base color is ready.
  • After applying the glue, apply the foil with the matte side, let dry, smooth, and then tear off
  • If for some reason it was not possible to glue the foil, then the attempt can be repeated again until a good result is obtained.

Manicure looks very beautiful and stylish. Used silver and gold foil.

Manicure with gel polish holes using a thin brush.

You need to prepare: base, gel polish of different colors, top and thin brush.

After the base, proceed directly to the design.

We paint the nails in 2 layers of the selected varnish and dry.

With the second color, using a thin brush, you need to make the holes with gel polish.

having previously outlined the crescent. Apply varnish to the hole area 2 times and dry.

The second way to make holes with gel polish

Using a brush, first draw the holes, and then varnish. After applying 2 layers of varnish to the area of ​​the holes, dry well. After that, apply the main color to the nail to the borders with the hole. After drying, apply the top coat.

Third way

First, we draw the borders of the hole, then we apply the main varnish in 2 layers, let it dry. After that, along the drawn borders, we make holes with gel polish

Clear wells

In order to make transparent holes, you need to prepare only one color of varnish. After applying the base to the prepared nails, dry well under the lamp. Glue the stencil onto the nail. Then we take the main color, cover in 2 layers with drying. We remove the stencil. Manicure with colorless holes is ready. Nails are well-groomed and unusual. It is very good to use pink or peach, white. For lovers of contrasts, you can use bright colors or even black varnish.

French moon manicure

Delicate, unique design that will not leave anyone indifferent. To create the main layer, use a pink, beige, peach tone. White varnish is taken for the holes.

Creation technique

It is better to use stencils so that all wells are the same. In the salon, stencils are practically not used, because experienced craftsmen make holes with a brush.

We apply pink or beige on the nails. Let dry under the lamp.

We paint in white not only the base of the nail, but also make a smile, as when creating a jacket. After drying the decorative elements, remove the stencil, apply the top and fix it.

The combination of colors to create a moon manicure

The choice of color depends on your own preferences, for what purpose the manicure is done - for a celebration or everyday. Making holes with gel polish in the salon is quite expensive.

Lunar manicure is absolutely not difficult to do on your own, but very interesting. The truth takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. Now your nails always look well-groomed and beautiful.

Well-groomed female hands are something that is always nice to see for any person. One of the elements of hand care is regular manicure and nail polish. There are a lot of design ideas - from a classic jacket to a gradient manicure, using magnetic varnishes and various stickers-drawings. One of the current ideas of this season is a moon manicure made with shellac.

What it is

Lunar manicure - a type of manicure in which part of the nail at the base (lunula) is covered with a varnish that is different from the main color, forming a crescent shape. It first appeared in the 30s of the XX century and was then called "reverse French". The second wave of popularity began in 2010 after the Christian Dior fashion show and continues to this day.

Over the past few years, shellac manicure has been gaining popularity. In this tool, which combines gel for nail extension and ordinary varnish, girls' dreams of a perfect manicure came true. Here are some of the many benefits of this type of coverage:

  1. Able to stay on the nails for an average of 2-3 weeks and remain attractive at the same time;
  2. Resistant to external environmental influences (does not wear off, does not chip, does not scratch);
  3. A rich palette that includes both basic basic colors and the latest fashion trends, which gives room for self-expression and experimentation;
  4. Also, one of its properties is the effect of strengthening, which can allow you to treat weakened and brittle nails;
  5. Shellac does not contain formaldehyde, various resins and other hazardous substances - it is non-toxic.

A lunar manicure made with shellac will last up to 3 weeks, will delight you with a variety of color schemes and help restore the nail plate.

Design novelties

When this type of design first appeared, the lunula was left unpainted, and pink varnish was applied to the rest of the surface of the nail. Then the reverse moon manicure became fashionable, when the hole curved, in contrast to the version adopted today, in the opposite direction. At the moment, there are a lot of options for execution, both in terms of colors and options for additional decoration, and they are limited, mainly, only by the imagination of a manicurist or a particular girl (when done at home).

Because Lunar manicure looks better on nails of medium length or long, That for short nails there is a solution - half moon manicure. To perform it, you need to repeat the contour of the base of the nail - you get a concave crescent.

Such a design with the use of metallic shades will look especially stylish - they are now very popular.

If traditional holes seem boring, then you can refresh the look with triangular manicure- by drawing at the base of the nail not a crescent, but a triangle. This design will also visually lengthen the nail plate, and the use of contrasting colors will attract attention and make you talk about yourself.

For an evening reception or a date, even a triangular shape is not enough - then it will help out design with rhinestones. When performing a manicure in discreet shades, rhinestones will give the necessary solemnity and brightness, but will not look superfluous.

For a more elegant look, designers advise using rhinestones not on all nails, but, for example, one at a time on the ring or ring and middle fingers - such a light accent looks very feminine.

Rhinestones do not always look appropriate in everyday life, but there are girls who like to be bright and noticeable even when going to the store and paying for purchases. For them, the way to stay like this - glitter manicure. He has several options for execution - for example, cover only the lunula with sparkles, only the main part of the nail, or use a shiny coating as a top to complete the manicure. And as in the case of rhinestones, it is possible to cover not all nails with sparkles, but one or two on each hand - for a moderate accent.

Very delicate design using a lighter shade of the base color(e.g. beige, pink, white, blue) and gold or silver elements- this is not painting over the lunula completely, but only the designation of the border between it and the rest of the surface of the nail. It combines the latest trend of the season - glitter, and a discreet base allows you to wear such a manicure for a long time and combine it with everything from t-shirts and jeans to evening dresses.

In order not to redo the moon manicure made with shellac, quite often (since the process of applying and removing it, although not very complicated, is still laborious), if, say, the color or pattern is no longer pleasing, you can get out of the situation with plain nail polish. With a thin brush, you can use it to supplement an already finished manicure with additional design elements - for example, polka dots, lines in different directions, draw flowers or decorate the border of a manicure.

Such additions will be washed off with a simple nail polish remover, it will not take long, and in this way you can ensure a renewal at least every day.

The trend of combining styles that are incompatible at first glance is supported not only in clothing, but also in nail design. A french moon manicure using decals on some nails, mixing a standard and reverse moon manicure, using a traditional and triangular lunula design at the same time - all this makes it possible to call a moon manicure one of the most versatile types of nail design.


The color options for the moon manicure are almost limitless - the main thing is that the colors are still combined with each other. A general recommendation before going to the nail art master is to analyze the color palette of your wardrobe. Since a shellac manicure lasts up to three weeks, it will take a long time to wear it, so it is important that it is in harmony with the clothes.

You should not choose too bright neon colors, if there is no special need, after a while they can become annoying.

The most natural version is transparent holes and covering the main nail with pink or white. Pink is close in shade to the color of the nail, and therefore such a manicure will be appropriate for those who work in an office with a strict dress code, and for going on a date, and for every day. Hands will look neat, pleasant and feminine, while not attracting too much attention.

If you want to try something more intense within the office, you can use red, blue colors for decorating the nail hole.

Gold and black colors are one of the most successful combinations for a solemn event. It will go with almost any outfit and give an image of luxury.

In order to create an image in the style of the 20-30s, most Varnishes of burgundy, cherry, red and scarlet colors will be suitable. It is important that lipstick be of the same shade - this is one of the conditions for this year's fashionable nail art.

This season, bright warm colors are in trend - yellow, red, orange and their shades. They will look fresh and summery in combination with white - no matter which part of the nail is covered with what color. It also looks interesting to use the same color in different shades - for example, blue and blue.

A good addition - shiny polishes, gold and silver - a hit this summer.

How to make at home

One of the advantages of a moon manicure is the relative ease of doing it at home. Every girl, regardless of financial situation, if desired, can try the latest trends and follow the fashion.

You can make a moon manicure with shellac at home in three ways: using a stencil, using foil or a brush.

Having considered how to step by step make a manicure with each of the proposed methods, you can choose the most optimal for yourself.

For a home manicure you will need:

  1. For pre-treatment of nails, a cuticle remover or special tweezers, nail files of different hardness for processing the edges and surface of the nail, degreaser;
  2. Base coat;
  3. Two gel polishes in contrasting colors;
  4. Top coat;
  5. Means for removing the sticky layer (suitable, for example, isopropyl alcohol);
  6. Lint-free wipes;
  7. Cuticle oil;
  8. Stencils, transfer foil and glue for it or a manicure brush, depending on the chosen method;
  9. UV lamp.

Using a stencil.

Stencils are a good solution for those who are just starting to learn the basics of manicure. They will help beginners achieve neat manicure and smooth lines. This method is the simplest and therefore widely popular. It consists of the following steps:

  1. If necessary, you need to do a manicure: remove the excess cuticle in any convenient way, file the nails, giving them the desired shape, degrease the nail plate - this will ensure better adhesion of the varnish to the surface of the nail and it will last longer;
  2. Apply a base coat and dry it in a UV lamp. Each layer of gel polish requires drying for 2-3 minutes;
  3. We cover the entire surface of the nail with varnish of the color that is intended for painting the hole and dry it. If necessary, for a more saturated color, gel polish can be applied in 2 layers, then each is dried separately;
  4. We cover the place of the hole with a stencil and apply gel polish of the main color in 1-2 layers, dry it;
  5. We fix the almost finished manicure with the help of a top, put it under the lamp for the last time and the fashionable manicure is ready!

Using foil

Foil is also an option for those who want a neat manicure, but are not confident in their abilities. A variety of bright, brilliant shades, ease of execution made this technique attractive. Foil design is done as follows:

  1. We repeat steps 1-2, as when working with stencils (manicure-base);
  2. We cover the nails with the main color of the varnish in 1-2 layers, dry;
  3. We process the place of the hole with special glue (with its help the foil will be printed);
  4. When the glue dries a little, apply a small piece of transfer foil to this place with the matte side down, hold for several minutes;
  5. With a sharp movement, remove the foil. If the hole turned out to be uneven, then repeat steps 3-4 again. If the pattern turned out, apply a top coat and dry.

For a detailed guide on how to perform this manicure, see the following video.


A brush is a tool for more experienced girls. It requires accuracy and a firm hand and is interesting because, unlike foil and stencils, it offers more opportunities - for example, to make a reverse moon manicure. In order to make a manicure with brushes, you need:

  1. Treat nails and apply base;
  2. Apply base color varnish in 1-2 layers, dry;
  3. Using a brush, paint over the hole at the base of the nail with the desired color and dry again under the lamp;
  4. Apply fixer and dry one last time.

There are several techniques for applying varnish when performing a manicure with brushes, after considering which you can choose the most suitable and convenient:

    1 option- draw the contour of the hole with a brush, paint over it in two layers, drying each for 2 minutes, and then apply the main coat on the rest of the nail and dry it.

    Option 2- use the main coating in 1-2 layers, dry, then draw the outline of the hole and paint over it. This method is most common and, according to girls, is the most convenient in execution.

  • 3 option- apply the main coating, leaving the place of the future hole untouched and dry, and then paint over it and dry the layers.

The techniques for performing and lessons on them for moon manicure are in many ways similar, but at the same time they are different in terms of complexity, which will allow you to learn how to perform shellac manicure at home and gradually move on to more labor-intensive technologies.

To make a manicure look dignified and professional, you should be careful during its execution and remember some rules and nuances that will help you avoid mistakes. A properly executed manicure will last a long time if you follow some tips:

  • When performing a manicure using a stencil, carefully remove all stencils before placing your hand under a UV lamp. If you remove them after drying, when the varnish becomes hard, then the edges will turn out to be torn, sloppy.

To make the drawing made with a manicure brush even and neat, there are also stencils with a cutout of the desired shape (hearts, stars, drops). You can make them yourself by cutting out plain paper.

  • The optimal power of an ultraviolet lamp for drying varnish is 36 watts. It allows for a short time (about 2 minutes) to dry the varnish on the surface of the nails throughout the hand.
  • Sometimes it happens that the hand under the lamp is not quite even, and then the gel polish flows a little to one side. If this happened or other irregularities were found on the surface of the nail during the manicure process, do not rush to remove it and do it all over again. It is enough to file the irregularities, and the ugly look will be corrected with the application of the top coat.
  • Another cause of uneven coverage is applying layers too thick. It is better to apply two thin layers than one dense one - the color of the manicure will not suffer from this, and it will look many times better.
  • After the last, fixing layer of varnish dries, you need to wipe all the nails with a lint-free cloth soaked in a liquid to remove the sticky layer - this will add shine to the manicure. You should not save and use a cotton pad - the villi of the disk can remain on the surface of the nail.
  • It is also important to know how to properly remove varnish. First, the nails are lightly processed with a nail file with an abrasiveness of 180 units. Then each nail should be wrapped with a cotton pad dipped in a special gel polish remover, and wrapped with foil on top and kept for about 10-12 minutes. During this time, the varnish should come off almost completely on its own, and its remnants can be easily removed with an orange tree stick.

You should not replace shellac remover with alcohol products, acetone-based nail polish removers, vinegar and other solvents - they can dry out the skin of your fingers and even leave burns behind.

  • Since ultraviolet light dries out the surface of the skin of the hands and the skin close to the nails, do not forget about the care after the manicure. To keep your hands well-groomed, you should use a moisturizer and cuticle oil. A light massage of the skin close to the surface of the nail will also be useful - blood flow will provide additional nutrition, restoration and strengthening.
  • It is recommended to give your nails a break from any coatings from time to time. No matter how restorative and strengthening properties gel polish would have, the nail plate needs to receive oxygen for nourishment. Usually, it takes at least a week to restore the water-fat balance of the nails. The best regimen for nails is two cycles of manicure followed by 20-25 days of recovery.
  • If the varnish peels off ahead of time, you should not always blame the manicurist or yourself if the manicure was done at home. Detachment can also be due to the individual characteristics of the body, vitamin deficiency, the use of certain types of drugs, and disorders in the hormonal system.
  • Also, sustainability is affected by the frequency of household chores - cleaning, washing, washing dishes. A change in temperature leads to periodic expansion and narrowing of the nail plate, as a result of which microcracks can form under the coating, leading to subsequent delamination.

Keeping these simple rules in mind, there is no doubt that the coating will please its owner and will not weaken or damage the nail plate. These tips on gel polish application and nail care are suitable for any type of manicure - moon, reverse, with rhinestones, with foil and many others.

Most women have already appreciated the benefits of modern gel polishes. They are easy to use, strong and durable. The rich color range of these coatings will allow you to perform the perfect moon manicure for all occasions.

It is necessary to monitor your appearance, because well-groomed women feel confident in any life situation. Attention deserves not only clothing and hairstyle, but also manicure. Lunar manicure with gel polish is especially popular now - such a coating is universal and stays on the nails for a long time.

Gel polish - what is it?

Surely every girl, having painted her nails in the evening and waiting for them to dry completely, went to bed with a clear conscience. But bad luck, in the morning the manicure looks simply disgusting: the varnish has shrunken, prints of the sheet are visible on the nails, and on some fingers the coating has completely disappeared.

Classic varnishes really cause a lot of unpleasant troubles: they quickly deteriorate, dry for a long time, and the coating lasts only a few days. That is why modern gel polishes are considered one of the best developments in the beauty industry in recent years.

Technology Benefits

The appearance of gel polishes has led to a real revolution in the field of nail service. This substance really has many advantages compared to classic varnishes:

  • Ease of application and removal
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Strength and stability
  • Rich color range

The appearance of gel polishes has opened up huge opportunities for the implementation of design ideas: while drawing, the varnish lays down in thin layers and does not roll off, and the colors do not mix.

The structure of the gel polish allows the nail plate to breathe, which is why many girls apply a coating to grow their own nails. After removal, the nails become much stronger and stop peeling.

What to expect from the procedure?

The procedure takes approximately 1.5-2 hours to complete (depending on the experience of the master). During this time, you will have a deep cleaning of the cuticles, give the nails the desired shape and perform the coating directly.

It is better to sign up for a salon one and a half to two weeks in advance. Practice shows that the most experienced masters have a schedule scheduled by the minute. Before you go to the session, be sure to ask what brand of varnishes the master uses. For example, Shellac products, despite their popularity, are not suitable for all girls.

Varnishes from ORLY and KODI are much more versatile and durable.

Latest trends

Manicure design depends entirely on your taste preferences. At the peak of popularity now French and moon manicure gel polish. These coatings are suitable for women regardless of the shape of the nails, making the hands more feminine and delicate.

Lunar manicure returned to you from the thirties of the last century. Then only the leading stars of Hollywood could afford such coverage. They painted the entire nail, leaving a small "hole" at its base. The color was chosen exclusively in the tone of the evening dress.

To date, there are several different ways to make a moon manicure with gel:

  • Classic - the coating is performed in the same style as that of Hollywood actresses.
  • Modern - in this case, several varnishes are applied to the nail: one along the entire length, and the other in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole
  • In the style of Dior - this design appeared quite recently, after one of the last shows of the famous French couturier. Dior designers suggested covering the tip of the nail and the hole with different colors, while leaving a small transparent gap. This design looks really unusual and simply attracts the attention of others.

Learning to Coat

Many girls do not know how to do a moon manicure with gel polish at home. In fact, it is not difficult, but initially you will have to buy everything you need for the procedure:

  • Trimming manicure set (or its electric equivalent)
  • UV lamp (at home it is most convenient to use portable USB lamps, which take up a minimum of space and dry the coating in just 10-15 seconds)
  • Buff (special file for polishing)
  • The basis
  • Varnishes of the desired color
  • French stripes (with them your manicure will turn out much neater)
  • Fixer
  • Degreaser
  • Cuticle oil

Instruction for beginners

There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to do a moon manicure with gel polish. It is necessary to study it with special care - only with the correct execution of all stages of the procedure, you can achieve an ideal result.

You need to start with a classic manicure: remove the cuticles and shape the nails. Then, with the help of a buff, it is necessary to cut off the shiny layer of the nail. It is better to polish them with light movements so as not to damage the nail plate. It is better to wipe off all the dust with a special brush, without touching the nails with the fingertips.

After that, a thin layer of base is applied along the entire length and the nails are sent to the lamp (you need to keep them there for as long as indicated in the instructions for your device).

If you want to make a feminine and elegant manicure, stick two french strips on each of the fingers. One should be located closer to the tip, the other - at the base of the nail. Make sure that the stripes on all nails are glued at the same distance.

Next, varnish is applied. Classic white enamel will look natural and at the same time stylish. You need to paint over the nails with a thin layer, without going beyond the boundaries of the strips. After drying the first layer, if necessary, apply a second and also send your hands into the lamp.

Optionally, you can supplement the coating with various accessories: sliders, broths, rhinestones. It is better to do this on one or two fingers so that the manicure does not turn out to be sticky. Having fixed all the decorations, the nails are covered with a fixative and dried thoroughly in an ultraviolet lamp.

The manicure already looks ready, but the coating is still too tacky. That is why you should use a degreaser, which many experts replace with an alcohol solution. In conclusion, the cuticle area is smeared with oil, which gently nourishes the skin and promotes speedy healing after a trimmed manicure.

Moon Manicure Ideas

Lunar gel polish manicure looks stylish, but to really stand out from the crowd, you can diversify the coating with various patterns.

Transparent moon manicure gel polish

Most often, girls prefer to apply intricate designs on the eve of the holidays, whether it's New Year or Valentine's Day. Depending on the celebration, the theme of the coverage also changes accordingly.

Closer to Valentine's Day, many women apply the so-called transparent moon manicure. This technique is quite complicated, since it is impossible to perform it using stencils.

Many girls like it when the master draws a heart (or any other figure) on the ring finger and thumb, leaving it transparent, while the rest of the nail is covered with colored varnish.

Unusual decision

You can make a moon manicure more creative with black and white varnish. In this case, black varnish is the main one: they cover the entire nail, excluding the “hole” zone at the base.

Further, with the help of white varnish and a thin brush, two semicircles are drawn on each of the fingers, resembling a shirt collar. After that, several points are placed along the center of the nail: outwardly, such a nail resembles a funny shirt. This design looks quite fresh and at the same time funny.

In order for the gel polish to last really long, it is better to listen to the advice of nail service specialists. Masters recommend:

  • Perform cleaning a few days before applying gel polish. Before starting the procedure, you should avoid prolonged moistening of the hands.
  • Immediately after coating, it is better not to wet your fingers for several hours.
  • On the day of applying gel polish, you must refuse to visit the bath and sauna
  • It is strictly forbidden to tear off and “pick” the cracked coating (this usually happens after two weeks) - you risk damaging the nail plate.

Coating your nails with gel will save you a lot of the hassle that classic varnishes gave you. You will forever leave cracked nails and peeling pieces of paint in the past. In addition, with a neat moon manicure, you will feel confident in any life situation.

How to make a luxurious moon manicure with gel polish: video

This manicure got its name due to the technology by which the product is applied to the nail: a contrasting varnish is used to highlight the lunula, similar to a crescent moon.