Diminutive words for a man. How to call a man to make him better

If women love with their ears, then men simply adore with their ears (although they do not openly admit this). Just one kind word from the chosen one can inspire them to exploits or extinguish a quarrel. Many girls want to express their feelings in order to please their beloved, but do not know how to call a guy affectionately. Let's start a "master class" on the use of affectionate words!

Affectionate words that are intended for a guy should have a slightly different connotation than for girls. It's about male psychology. What affectionate words does a man want to hear from you? Words of love are pleasing to all. Therefore, no matter how banal the word “beloved” may seem, it is pleasant for the male ear.

All guys like affectionate words that emphasize their masculinity and exclusivity. The use of words such as "big", "strong", "smart", "priceless", "unique", "brilliant", "stunning" will fall as a balm on the heart of every man!

A woman should be able to choose for her lover such tender words that he is waiting for. It all depends on the nature of the man. Let's open a little secret: the more brutal he looks, the more he likes diminutive words. For example, a two-meter "jock" will melt from the words "kitten", "bunny", "chick", "lapusya". And a fragile intellectual with glasses will be delighted if his beloved calls him incomparable, a strong man or uses the words “beast”, “animal”, “Apollo”, “macho”, “cowboy”, “cool” in his address.

How can a guy be called an affectionate word so that he is really pleased? There are several main rules that will help the girl not to make a mistake with the choice:

  • better not to use hackneyed compliments. They will not cause a special reaction and may even cause irritation (these include: "expensive", "precious", "nice");
  • if you want your loved one to listen to your every word, then along with affectionate words, always use the prefix “my” or “at me”. If you turn to your close friend “my God”, “my desired”, “you are the only one for me”, then he will actually be only yours;
  • and finally, what not to say. Some words, even if they are pronounced with an affectionate intonation, still will not please a man. Even if he does not suffer from complexes, he will feel offended when he hears the appeals “goat”, “ram”, “cockerel”. You should not use those words that can hint to him of his weaknesses and secret fears (clumsy, soft-bodied, cutie, unlucky).

Kind words should also be used sparingly. If you sprinkle them with every phrase, then they will lose their freshness and can be perceived by a man as a preface to a request.

The magic of words: how can you call a guy affectionately?

Even if others know about your close relationship with a guy, not all affectionate words are suitable for addressing him at work or in a public place. Verbal displays of affection should be appropriate. For example, if in a circle of colleagues you call him insatiable, this will make him embarrassed, not delighted, although at home it would be very pleasant for him.

What affectionate words can you call a guy anywhere? We list the "permitted" manifestations of feelings:

  • my sun;
  • my handsome;
  • native;
  • my good;
  • You are so wonderful;
  • Cute;
  • talented;
  • My joy;
  • my protector.

These words will give the guy confidence and increase his self-esteem.

Happy moments of love: affectionate words in private

More sincere and intimate affectionate words can be used when lovers are alone. Then feelings and situations will surely tell the girl how to call the guy affectionately. The list of the most popular words that will not leave a man indifferent may look like this:

  • beloved;
  • desired;
  • sexual;
  • sweet (delicious);
  • gentle;
  • real;
  • the only one;
  • unusual;
  • passionate;
  • unique (inventive);
  • temperamental;
  • hot, best lover.

You can make a separate compliment to the features of the guy’s figure, strengthen him in the idea that he has an impeccable, muscular, athletic, seductive become.

Men like it when girls praise their hands, calling them gentle, strong, dear and affectionate. You can say about the lips: they are sensual, magical and sweet.

Unusual, but pleasant: secrets for two

Men are forced to hide their real emotions most of the time, as it is commonly believed that sentimentality does not suit them. Only if the relationship between a guy and a girl has reached such a level that absolute trust and mutual understanding has arisen between them, you can come up with some kind of funny (or even stupid), but very affectionate nickname for him.

How can you call a guy affectionately and unusually to give even more tenderness to the relationship? If he has a sufficient sense of humor, then he will like these words:

  • sweeties;
  • music;
  • fluffy;
  • fish;
  • mouse;
  • piglet;
  • bear;
  • kitten (cat);
  • hare, hare;
  • hairy;
  • ryashechka;
  • sex bomb.

Of course, there are many more options. An exclusive nickname can be completely unexpected, the main thing is that no one should be offended! These affectionate words are suitable only for home use, it is better not to use them in front of “witnesses”.

I love to laugh: affectionate and funny nicknames

If you are in love and happy, then why not play a joke on each other? Give your loved one affectionate and at the same time funny words that will give you moments of joy. You can call your loved one such cool, but cute nicknames:

  • naughty (naughty);
  • baby elephant (elephant);
  • kisser;
  • lover;
  • badger;
  • bald cub;
  • glutton (belly);
  • dandelion;
  • splyushka;
  • carp;
  • slyushka.

In contact with


Words, like thoughts, have power. What we think about and what we say out loud, sooner or later can be realized. Gentle and affectionate words can inspire hope, give confidence, cheer you up, rude and evil words can simply destroy your interlocutor. Therefore, it is so important to say as many kind and affectionate words as possible.

You are deeply mistaken if you think that such words are spoken only to girls, guys need them no less. Especially if these words come from the lips of the girls they love.

Words not to say to guys

Affectionate words for a guy have a slightly different connotation than words for girls - it's all about our psychology. The words spoken to us, we begin to associate with our own "I" and adapt to their meaning. For example, if parents call their little son petty nicknames, tell others how shy, vulnerable he is, etc., then there is nothing surprising that the son will grow up just like that. From early childhood, it is useful for boys to say how strong and courageous they are, and that they are “on the shoulder” in any business.

Do not tell your boyfriend that he is touching, weak, suspicious and other similar definitions.

Words that are suitable for both a guy and a girl

There are words that can be said to both a girl and a guy. These include words and phrases:

my happiness;
My joy;
My love;
my destiny;
my heart;
the only one;

And also many other words. It is important to feel the situation and play with words, choosing the most appropriate ones.

The power of words can prevent a brewing scandal, defuse tension and improve the atmosphere around you.

Words your boyfriend will love

The male half of humanity is very sensitive to his person (however, like the female), so affectionate words to the guy about his figure, voice, hands and other parts of his body will not leave him indifferent.

  1. When talking about a shape, you can use words like luxurious, muscular, flawless, strong and athletic.
  2. Men are pleased when a woman notices the tenderness of their hands. Tell them what they are affectionate, courageous, strong, strong, warm, native and how you enjoy their touch.
  3. Compliment his chest - strong, beautiful, muscular, very sexy. Do not forget to say that behind his broad and strong back, like behind a stone wall, nothing is scary. And what strong, slender and fast legs he has!
  4. Tell me what he has sensual, magical, plump and sweet lips how nice it is to kiss them, and how beautiful his kisses are.
  5. His eyes are deep, dear, velvety, alluring, exciting and very beautiful, look - piercing, confident and mysterious.
  6. Don't forget to mark it charisma, purposefulness and masculinity.

The affectionate words you say for your beloved guy will make him live up to the definitions you have given. Say he:

the best

Cool affectionate words for a guy

Do you like to joke, and your boyfriend has a good sense of humor? This list of affectionate words is for you:

Samovar gold
Baby elephant
cigarette smoke
Murcat cat

Affectionate words can be different, they are multifaceted and meaningful. What one guy likes may not be for another. The tone with which you say these words is also important.

Affectionate words are the flower petals of the soul, carried away by a magical breeze towards Love, which calls them and beckons them along…

Dear girls, women, ladies, mademoiselles! Please admit that you are being selfish. In general, selfishness is characteristic of everyone, and therefore there is nothing shameful in it. Right now I am referring to that case of selfishness when you expect pleasant and affectionate words from your young people, but do not say them yourself. It's beautiful, right? Men have ears too!

How can you call your beloved boyfriend affectionately?

Affectionate words for your boyfriend

See bunnies - cats, how to verbally please your beloved men and guys. Watch to remember! See to write! See to say!

Verbal Compliments for the Most Romantic Guys

You have such tender and strong fingers

Many men and guys are pleased when a woman notices the tenderness emanating from the skin of their hands. Unfortunately, a very small percentage of girls “remember” that they can and should talk about such a guy or a man.

You are so sexy!

A man is glad that a woman verbally confirms and emphasizes, without embarrassment, his sexuality. He himself knows about what he is, looking at himself in the mirror. A man loves confirmation, even if he is two hundred percent sure of himself.

You have such beautiful and strong breasts….

You see how the bodies are arranged, it turns out that not only women want to hear something pleasant about their powerful and courageous breasts. Give men affectionate words. They are not one of those who remain in debt!

Your smile is contagious!

From such affectionate words, a man will surely bloom like thousands of bunches of flowers. And he smiles more often. Even so, he often smiles.

What kind of muscles do you have

A man from such words will certainly “fall” into a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Self-esteem will be higher than Mount Everest.

Words with affection for beloved guys


A man, having read or heard such a word addressed to him, will understand how important he is!


Of course, a man is pleased to know that he is the only one of his kind, "having no likeness."

You are the best

Add - "most" .... And this phrase is the limit of all male dreams.


Who didn’t dream that he (or her) would be “called names” with such a word? A very healthy word!


Well, there is no doubt about it: the word is the most expensive (meaning priceless).


It's so nice when it comes in the direction of a single man ....


The word speaks for itself. There are no comments here. Everything is clear without them.


The sound of the word is simply angelic. Tell your loved one that he is exactly like that. And you will read a lot in his bottomless eyes!


No humor! Don't you think that your beloved is sweeter than any honey, any sweets, sweets?


And the "diamond" is also suitable. If you think that this “description” will suit your man, call him that.


Everything ingenious is so simple…. There is no need to sort out the words: this - it asks for itself in the list of the most affectionate words.


In general, you can take a look: “wonderful” - from the word “notice”. This means that a man will never go unnoticed by you.



Some people think that it is not very tactful to characterize and call a man that way. It is not true!

The only one

A beautiful, affectionate word, the letters of which cannot leave a man indifferent. Even the most "iron".

Cool affectionate words dedicated to your beloved guy


  1. Bagel.
  2. Busechka.
  3. Honey.
  4. Musipusik.
  5. Winniplyushek.
  6. My good fairy.
  7. Dinosaur.
  8. Dragon.
  9. Sparrow.
  10. Shmurichek is unsightly.
  11. Self-made gold.
  12. Starlet.
  13. Hesitation.
  14. Zlyushka.
  15. Reeds.
  16. Zilibobik.
  17. My steam locomotive.
  18. Darling.
  19. Baby elephant.
  20. Knopik.
  21. Cigarette smoke.

Did not like something - do not be upset: You can think of everything on your own. It is enough just to study the character of the chosen one thoroughly. Then, as a good experiment, see which of the words is his. Do not worry that you will be able to repeat something: you have a different love, because you are completely different people. So - and with the rest: we all do not lose our individuality. Affectionate words are multifaceted and meaningful. That is, for example, one person will like this or that word terribly, and another will not for anything.

Don't call guys rude!

They, taking it personally, will never think something that you said - complete nonsense, a joke, nonsense. Even if what you say will be taken from the collection of tenderness. And the tone, dear ones, must be followed.

Where is the best place to say affectionate words to your beloved guy?

Now it remains only to decide on the place where a flurry of tenderness and caresses will occur:


Expensive? There is a cafe, by the way, cool. Look at the sites that generally "live" in the city.


Yours or his - what's the difference? Say the words when you yourself want to see the joy on the face of your little one. Here…. Again, I was drawn to jokes. Solve housing issues ... bye!


Trite. But there is one huge “plus”: there are many places for confessions on the street. You can test your imagination in such a way that you will recognize all its possibilities and “impossibility”.

Car (or any other mode of transport)

Do "gentleness" in your ear, in a whisper, so that the people who travel with you do not hear your frankness. If you are traveling alone, there are no constraints.


Take a tent, something to eat and drink, a tape recorder or a laptop. Take whatever you want to take with you. You can not take anything, but just walk around. The point is something else. Enjoying the beauties of nature, looking into each other's eyes, tell your loved one everything that has accumulated (good and passionate) in your soul in love.

Examples of affectionate words are above. Yes, there are undoubtedly a lot of them in your “verbal collection”. It remains only to think - what, in what tone, and in what "sequence" to say. It certainly won't work for you. The main thing is courage and not stiffness.

Sweet sequel. . .

Caress your beloved ... -

How can you affectionately call a guy? -

If you are seriously thinking about how to affectionately call your beloved guy, then this means that he means a lot to you and you are trying to please him. In fact, almost all girls think at the beginning of a relationship about how to call a guy affectionately and unusually. Showing your imagination, be adequate. The nickname should be sweet, romantic, but not offensive. It is unlikely that you want to expose your man to ridicule in front of friends and girlfriends. By the way, remember that if the nickname, although it is affectionate, but stupid, it will not give you points in the eyes of a guy, but will only show your lack of imagination.

Girls want to not only express their feelings through actions, but also. Therefore, they do not like to call a beloved person simply by their first name, and in connection with this, various nicknames arise. Similarly, men in love behave towards women. What affectionate words to call a guy is up to you. An important point is the fact that this nickname should be liked by both and be unique, while being suitable for a person.

How to call a gentle word a guy?

Rule number one is no banality. As a rule, most men are annoyed when they are called bunnies, cats, suns, kitties, baby dolls, babies, babies or paws. How do they know you didn't call the previous man the same name? By the way, when choosing a nickname, consider the age of your man. It is possible that a 17-year-old guy will like it when you call him "kitten" or "bunny", while a respectable man will feel stupid at the very least. We will not talk about derivatives on behalf of now, because we invite you to think about the original options.

Very often, the “decisive moment” can be a joint viewing of a movie or cartoon. Why not call each other Kuzey and Nafanya? Pinky and the Brain? Lilo and Stitch? Winnie and Pooh? You can use the names of comic book characters: Superman, Batman Some “animal” nicknames sound affectionately: a tigress or a tiger cub, a tiger, a bee, a fish, a lion cub, a hedgehog, a deer, a dolphin, a bear cub, an eagle, a falcon. Even a “hippo” can sometimes be appropriate, the main thing is not to call your chosen one that way in society - if it sounds kind and gentle between you, then in public you can make a man a laughingstock.

You can call a man “beloved”, “native”, “dear”, “beloved”, “sweet”, “my gold”, “sweet”, “precious”, “only”, “affectionate”, “gentle”. It all sounds nice and romantic. Especially if you say it all from the heart. You can come up with something original, related to the profession or hobbies of a man.

Why not come up with a “worthy response” to your loved one and come up with an affectionate nickname that goes with what you call them?

Any man will be pleased with such words as “my prince”, “my king”, “my hero”, “my protector”, “knight of my heart”, “my fighter”, “my wall”, “my angel”, “ my God". “My sun”, “diamond”, “star”, “wind” or “breeze” sounds pleasant. If a man has a noble gray hair, the nickname "moon" may suit him. By the way, when you say "my man" or "my boy" - it will also sound dignified and gentle. You can call a man “my joy”, “ray”, “cake”.

Don't be afraid to show your originality when choosing a nickname for your loved one. Perhaps you will use our advice, or maybe you will come up with something of your own, more sincere and gentle.

Being in love, a girl often does things that should not be done, justifying it with her love. One example of such actions are the names or nicknames she gives to her lover. After all, often such names put the beloved in an unsightly light for him. So let's look at how you can call a guy affectionately? Moreover, to name a close beloved man is unusual, cool or funny. For example, in addition to Russian names, you can use words in English or Spanish that sound especially gentle.

Although men are considered the strong sex of humanity, they, like women, like tender relationships from a loved one. Using affectionate, touching, as well as well-chosen words for her beloved man, the girl will be able to achieve a lot from him, as well as make amends for any wrongdoing. But at the same time, it is important to choose such words for men so that they do not hurt their male pride. On the contrary, even somewhere their male ego was amused. Because they love to be called by some lofty names.

Probably, you ended up on the pages of this article because you are tired of calling your boyfriend different “cats, baby dolls or angels”? Do you think it's time to spice up the gameplay between you and your loved one? Then you have found the right article. Because we are also annoyed by all sorts of “baby dolls”, especially when it comes to male affectionate nicknames. For this reason, we have posted a list of beautiful, gentle names that you can call your husband, boyfriend or man that you really like.

  • Don't make nicknames out of a negative trait or flaw that your man is unhappy with. For example, calling, his shorty, silly, vial, glutton.
  • You can call an affectionate name derived from the real name of your lover. For example, Vanyusha, Igorek, Sashulka. But above all, make sure your boyfriend approves.
  • Be very careful when choosing a pseudonym if you want to avoid the names you have previously used for ex-cavaliers.
  • Nicknames can complement previously given nicknames to each other. For example, if he calls you Juliet, then call him Romeo.
  • If your friend knows a foreign language, such as Spanish, English, or some other language, you can choose to address him in that language. For example, "Mi Amor", or "Cheri", meaning "expensive" in French. (By the way, below is a list of words in English as well as Spanish).
  • The name should not just be affectionate, cool or funny. It should make a man feel special, respected, and not bewilder. (We recommend to find out).
  • An endearing nickname should not give a man's friends or colleagues a reason to mock him if they hear the woman he loves calling him.
  • Before we continue reading, it is worth considering that there are two types of terms for how to affectionately call a guy, which should be avoided when searching for the right words for your beloved. Too common and childishly affectionate names. The first type is the common names of animals (cat, kitty, hare). The second are the words that mothers or grandmothers of their sons usually call, such as: "honey, baby."
  • If you don't want to use the well-worn names for your lover, try some fun variations associated with his personality associations. For example, the names of his favorite cartoons, comedy films, artists or movie characters. This will enrich your relationship with a share of mischief.
  • It is important to remember to follow the measure and not to overdo it. After all, you are not dealing with ladies' men, but with men whose pride can be greatly hurt by inappropriate treatment from the female. (We recommend reading).
  • The best option for any representative of the stronger sex is his own name. A little affectionately reduced and gently pronounced in the loving voice of a beloved woman.

So, whether you're funny, handsome, strong, smart, or adventurous, the list below has the right names for everyone. Therefore, check out the entire list, and then decide how to affectionately call your beloved man?

List of affectionate names for a guy

  1. Handsome - simple but effective if the guy is really amazing to you.
  2. Amore Mio means "my love" in Italian.
  3. My grizzly is the perfect name for a big, strong and formidable man.
  4. Beloved is the name given to those who are truly loved.
  5. My giant is a nickname suitable for a large, strong man, or it can be ironic for a frail, short man.
  6. Captain is a fitting name for a man who is used to taking things into his own hands.
  7. Chief - suitable for someone who takes responsibility for making decisions.
  8. Cowboy - intended for a man with a steely and slightly wild character.
  9. Sonya - perfect for a phlegmatic guy
  10. Daredevil is the perfect nickname for a brave and adventurous person.
  11. My heart is for the one you love most in the world. (Find out by the way)
  12. Favorite - for the best guy.
  13. You are my fireworks - an affectionate name for a person with an unpredictable character and spontaneity.
  14. Cheerful is a great name for a guy who loves to laugh or make others laugh.
  15. Hercules / Atlantean - this is how they refer to a strong gentleman.
  16. Hero is another way to affectionately call a man, and refers to a brave man who will do anything for his lady.
  17. Bear - an appeal to a large powerful man on the one hand, but cute and pleasant on the other.
  18. My hard worker - ideal for a hardworking person who is not afraid to work.
  19. The spark is for a hot guy.
  20. Iron Man - perfect for a man with nerves of steel.

List of how to call a guy affectionately unusual

These can be words taken on the basis of his name, interests or hobbies. But if you want to call your beloved man not like everyone else, but really unusual, then you can pay attention to foreign languages, for example, the emotionality of Spanish.
Below is a list of Spanish nicknames that you could use to spice up your relationship with your loved one.

  1. Mi alma is used to show deep affection and means "(my) soul".
  2. Tramposo - this nickname is best suited for a guy who knows how to manipulate his woman. (Useful information about that, you can find out by reading the article).
  3. Amante means "lover". Women often use it for their men.
  4. Amigo is a commonly used name that translates to "friend".
  5. Marido means husband. Usually used by women to address their husband.
  6. Pastelito: Do ​​you like to call your boyfriend sweetie? This word means "pie, cake" and is associated with something sweet or tasty.
  7. Pedacito de Cielo is an affectionate nickname meaning "little piece of heaven".
  8. Mi precioso means (my) precious.
  9. Principe Hermosa - in the language of loving people, it sounds like "handsome prince."
  10. Querido (Querido) - this word corresponds to the word "dear".
  11. (Mi) Rey - this is how women talk about their beloved man, which means "(my) king."
  12. Tesoro - used to describe a truly valuable person and means "treasure".
  13. (Mi) Vida - Used by a wife to say "(my) life" about her husband.
  14. Lobo - the literal meaning of this word is "wolf". This is how women playfully tease their men.
  15. El cerebra means brain and can be used to refer to a serious or thoughtful person.

How to affectionately call a guy in English


Girls, don't you think that your loved one deserves a cute and unique name? For most of the fair sex, this is easy. After all, calling your boyfriend a charming nickname is not so difficult. Just a little creativity and imagination. For those who find it difficult, we have listed a list of 100 names of how you can call a guy affectionately at the next meeting or by calling him on the phone.

After considering the many options for affectionate male names, use the appropriate one for your loved one. Or come up with something original, different from all other names.

By the way, we offer women and girls to exchange in the comments a kind of experience of how you call your beloved man.

Sincerely, Andronic Anna/Elena.

Finally, watch a video about what words your beloved man wants to hear from you?