Party with Santa Claus games with adults. Christmas games for a small company. New Year's games at the table for a drunk company at a corporate party

Imagine the situation: a group of adults gathered in the same room to celebrate some event. And everything seems to be going as it should - the food is delicious, the drinks are flowing like water, the music calls to start dancing, but then there is a moment of satiety - the stomachs are full, everyone is a little tired of dancing, and the conversations are no longer so active. Familiar? This happens at every party where people with different interests and hobbies meet.

How to correct the situation or, even better, prevent boredom from appearing at the festival? The answer is simple - add more variety!

Adults are the same children who want entertainment. The company can be both old friends and complete strangers. It can be women, girls, boys and men. Everyone can have completely different views on recreation and entertainment, but even the most motley company can be united with contests and riddles, especially for the New Year 2019!

The funniest and coolest contests for adults

Draw an elephant (donkey, horse, cheburashka)

We will need:

  • 2 sheets of paper attached to a wall, board, easels, or anything that allows you to draw on them.
  • 2 markers.
  • Eye patches according to the number of participants.

How to conduct:

Divide all participants into 2 equal teams (the more people, the better), each of which lines up in front of its own sheet of paper. Choose the creature you want to draw. Each participant gets a certain part of the body and is blindfolded. Further, in turn, the members of each team blindly draw the parts of the body that they got. The winner can be determined by speed or by the similarity of the picture to a given animal.

Stomp the enemy balls!

We will need:

  • Balloons of two different colors according to the number of participants.
  • The same number of long threads of medium thickness.

How to conduct:

Participants are divided into 2 teams with the same number of people. Each team is given balls of its color on a thread that must be tied to the leg. The thread can be of any length, but the ball must be on the floor. The teams are shuffled and the task of each is to trample as many balls of the enemy color as possible, while not allowing your own to burst. The participant that did not save his ball leaves the general heap and waits for the end of the battle. The team that can deal with opponents faster wins.


We will need:

  • Sheets of paper according to the number of participants.
  • Handles are the same.

How to conduct:

There can be as many participants as you like, everyone sits in a circle, each is given a pen and a piece of paper. The host asks the question “Who?”, Each writes his character. After that, you need to fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the player on the right (each passes his sheet in this way and receives another from the neighbor on the left). The host asks a new question, for example, “Where did you go?”, And again everyone writes, folds the written part and passes it on to the next. Further questions may follow: “Why did he go there?”, “Whom did he meet?” and so on. The competition continues until the host runs out of questions.

At the end, there is a collective reading of the resulting stories and voting for the best one! There are no winners in the competition, but fun and laughter are guaranteed!


The competition is perfect for any conditions, because props are not needed here at all. All it takes is the participants and their imagination.

How to conduct:

Everyone sits in a circle. Either the hero of the occasion (if there is one), or the one to whom the lot fell (determined by the counting rhyme) starts. The first person says two completely unrelated words, such as "dinner" and "car". The second should make such a sentence that both words fit into the same situation: "I was late for a family dinner because the car would not start." The same participant must come up with another word that is not related to what was said: let's say "loaf". The next one should add this word to the current situation, for example, like this: “So that my wife would not be upset, I decided to buy her a loaf on the way.” And so on until there is enough imagination or until someone comes up with a logical conclusion to the whole story.

Bottle 2.0

We will need:

  • Empty bottle.
  • Prepared papers with actions written on them for participants. The bigger, the better.

How to conduct:

This game is very similar to the standard bottle: participants sit in a circle, put a bottle in the cent and spin it. The key difference is that you first need to throw rolled pieces of paper with certain actions into an empty bottle, for example: “kiss on the cheek”, “invite to a slow dance”, “lick your ear” and the like. As a result, the game looks like this: the participant spins the bottle, the person she pointed to takes out one piece of paper and reads out the action. It must be completed by the first participant. This is more interesting than a regular game, because you never know what you will need to do instead of a standard kiss.

Original riddles for adults

Not only competitions can cheer people up! In any sufficiently heated company, riddles will come in very well, which will make you think and give you a chance to show off your knowledge and logic to the rest of the audience. We have selected 5 riddles for adults that are not as simple as they seem at first glance!

apples per million

The man decided to trade in the apple business and began to buy fruits for 5 rubles apiece, and sell for 3. Within six months, he managed to become a millionaire!

  • Question: How did he do it?
  • Answer: Before that, he was a billionaire.


You boarded the plane. There is a horse behind you and a car in front.

  • Question: Where are you located?
  • Answer: Carousel.


Husband, wife, 2 daughters, son, cat and dog on a leash are walking in the park.

  • Question: How, standing together under one umbrella, they do not get wet?
  • Answer: If it doesn't rain.

Savvy Wife

The husband asks his wife, "Honey, clean my jacket, please."
The wife replies: “I already cleaned it.”
The husband asks: “Then clean your trousers, be kind.”
The wife replied: "I did the same."
Husband again: “And the shoes?”

  • Question: What did the wife say?
  • Answer: “Do the boots have pockets too?”


  • Question: What is the difference between washing dishes by a woman and a man?
  • Answer: Women wash dishes after eating, and men before.

Contests and riddles for the New Year 2019

No New Year is complete without themed puzzles and fun contests, and 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig - no exception!

Best gift

Question: What is the best New Year's gift for any woman? Hint: 7 cm wide and 15 cm long. And the more the better.

  • Answer: $100 banknote.

Finish the rhyme

If crackers clap,
Animals have come to see you
If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
Dragged to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house...

  • Answer: Urgent

Breaking news

We will need:

Cards, each of which contains 5 unrelated words.

How to conduct:

The whole company is divided into several groups (by the number of cards). To be fair, each group must have the same number of people. Each team is given one pre-prepared card, in a minute they need to come up with a New Year's incident that can be described by a sentence from these words. For example, the card contains the words “dog”, “car”, “skates”, “traffic light”, “Lenin”, and the sentence can be written something like this: “A drunk man on New Year’s Eve on Lenin Street tried to overtake a car on skates, but crashed at a traffic light into a dog that ran across the road.

The team with the most original news wins.

What are boys made of?

The competition is suitable for a large group of friends who celebrate the holiday at home.

How to conduct:

Each girl chooses a guy and dresses him up with everything that comes to hand: the owner’s closet, a cosmetic bag, Christmas decorations and more will help here. You also need to present your creation to the guests in the most original way: with a verse, a song, a pair dance or an advertisement. The prize is given to the most resourceful and extraordinary girl.

Thematic games for an audience of adults for the New Year will help make the holiday unforgettable and filled with positive emotions. Everyone can play, frolic, have fun, share joy and resourcefulness with others - you just have to get carried away in the process.

The competition program for the holiday should be varied, interesting and focused on a certain range of interests. Logic, strategy games or active fun - the choice is up to the company.

Competitions for any company

Most often, the company consists of different types of people: someone is a tireless chatterbox, some are easy-going, while others prefer to strictly follow a previously agreed plan, there will definitely be a quiet and incorrigible modest.

Combining all these people in one gameplay is not an easy task. In our selection there are New Year's contests for adults, which will surely appeal to all participants in the celebration, leaving pleasant memories for many years to come.

Holidays with tickets only

This game will require an arbitrary number of people, but not less than 2-3 people. Cool games in companies will be more interesting if there are many participants. This will help to unlock the full potential of the gameplay, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the storyline.

In order to start playing the game "To a holiday only by tickets", you must have the following inventory:

  • box or hat;
  • a container like a vase for folding leaflets with tasks;
  • sheets of small sizes for assignments.

Rules of the game:

A box or hat is placed at the entrance, from which each person entering the room must pull out a task. It is important to maintain confidentiality during the gameplay: peeping and sharing content with others is strictly prohibited. The one who breaks the rules of the game performs the task: eats a slice of lemon or dances the dance of the symbol of the outgoing year.

The party hosts prepare the cards in advance, coming up with harmless tasks: crow, recite a verse, gather a few people for a group dance, and so on.

Adult games of this format bring a lot of positive emotions, funny pictures. In order for the gameplay to take place, stock up on the following details:

  1. Any accessories: garlands, jewelry, clothes, tinsel, masks, hats, etc. The main goal is to create the most effective image.
  2. Cards with invented names - it is best to choose an unusual name for the character: a clumsy snowflake, a funny snowman, a girl in a tangerine peel, and so on.
  3. A hat or card storage box.

Rules of the game:

The game will require a large number of participants: if there are less than 15, everyone is responsible for himself, otherwise it is worth splitting into teams. The essence of the game is as follows:

  1. One of the participants draws a card with a character. The person whose nickname is written must create an image from the proposed things within 2-5 minutes and come up with a mini-performance. In a team game, the task is performed by all participants.
  2. The rest of the participants enjoy the performance, take pictures, guessing the character at the same time. It is best to set a time limit of 3-5 minutes so that everyone has time to prove themselves.
  3. At the end of the game, there is a vote for the funniest and most resourceful member or team.

competition for attention

Do you love such games?


New Year's contests are a good opportunity to get to know each other better and laugh heartily. You don't need to have additional details to hold contests for attention.

The essence of the game is that two players go to the center of the room, examine each other for a minute, then turn their backs.

The one with the most correct answers wins.

For fans of intellectual games

Funny contests for adults for the New Year can be beneficial by developing thinking, replenishing vocabulary and knowledge. You can play this game as a team, and every man for himself. Before the start of the gameplay, a list of rare and unusual words is created - they can be found in the dictionary.

New Year's verse

This game for adults provides an opportunity to show their creative side. First you need to get props:

  • cards with words and phrases in more numbers than the participants themselves;
  • card container.

Also, resourcefulness, imagination and good mood will not be superfluous.

Rules of the game:

Christmas tree games for a company of this type are best done with a large number of players. They are divided into teams equally, choosing the main representative. Leaders alternately draw cards from the container in the amount of 5-8 pieces.

Guess the Cocktail

Adult contests for the New Year are often created with the participation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. This is a great opportunity to have a good time and have a drink at the same time. For the game you will need props:

  • clean glasses;
  • scarf or eye patch;
  • beverages.

This is a team game for no more than 4 participants. During the gameplay, 1 person from the team is selected, who is blindfolded. The rest of the players create a drink for the opponent's taster within 2 minutes. Representatives of the teams alternately guess the components of the drink. The first person to guess all the ingredients of the cocktail wins.

Competition to see who gets the cookie

Funny contests for NG can be held without leaving the table. This will require:

  • any cookie;
  • popsicle sticks.

If the details were not prepared in advance, take any materials at hand: glasses, fruits, other sweets.

Rules of the game:

One participant clamps the end of the stick with his lips, and a stack of cookies lies on the opposite side. Next, he needs to go around the Christmas tree so that the structure remains intact. The person who holds the highest pile the longest wins.

Competitions for 3-5 people

It will be difficult to surprise adults with games at the New Year celebration, but it is possible. If the company has at least 5 people, the gameplay will be more interesting and exciting.

When choosing a suitable entertainment program, take into account the specifics of the society and their interests, otherwise the competitions will turn out to be unsuccessful and uninteresting.

Results of the year

This team game brings back pleasant memories and is ideal for a company where everyone has been friends with each other for a long time or have many moments together. Each participant in turn asks questions on topics known to all players, then everyone in turn says the answer.

The one who guessed first gets a candy or a point - the person with the most rewards is considered the winner.

Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden

No props are required to play. One participant sits down on a chair, taking the saddest expression on his face - he is the embodiment of Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden in a bad mood. The main task of the other players is to make him laugh without tickling.

As soon as the facial expression of the character in the image changes, the place of the seated player is taken by a new one.

Plans for the New Year

This entertainment will be relevant in cases where only couples gathered on New Year's Eve. The game will help to relax, open up and learn more about each other. Of the details, you will need two lists with questions on the New Year theme and honesty from each player.

Rules of the game:

One person from a pair is given a list with questions to which he must write answers within 3 minutes without voicing.

At the end of the time, the second person receives a similar questionnaire, then reads the contents aloud, answering to the point. The pair with the most matching answers wins.


A merry New Year's holiday will remain in the memory of the participants of the celebration for a long time. 2018 has become a symbol of brightness, non-standard ideas and an active rhythm of life. This selection of competitions will help determine the program for celebrating the outgoing and meeting the new year 2019.

Do you know interesting contests that have saved failed parties more than once? Feel free to share them with us in the comments.

Games and competitions for adults at the New Year's holiday.

Funny Games for New Year's corporate party, New Year's Eve

Game for adults. Mafia

Number of participants: from 10 people, you can play with less, but in this case the game quickly ends with the victory of the mafia.

Required Items: Card deck.

Game progress

The task of the game for civilians is to find out all the mafiosi who are hiding among honest people and neutralize them, and for the mafiosi - to kill all the inhabitants and seize the city in their hands. After that, the place of action is chosen, it can be the hometown of the players, the whole island of Sicily - the birthplace of the mafia, Palermo, Syracuse or another Sicilian city. Then each player tells about himself (i.e., invents a story for himself, the so-called legend). One can be a shopkeeper and sell spices and wine, the second chooses to serve in the police, the third is an official, the fourth is unemployed, and so on. After that, you need to divide all the participants into the mafia and honest citizens. To do this, the number of cards is selected from the deck according to the number of participants so that the number of red suits is 2 times the number of black ones, and 1 card is added - the king of hearts.

All selected cards are shuffled and distributed to the participants, the rest do not know which cards got to their neighbors. The host announces that night is falling in the city, all participants in the game close their eyes. Then follows the phrase: "The mafia is waking up." Only members of the mafia open their eyes, they look at each other and accurately remember all “their own”. After that, the leader says: “The mafia is falling asleep”, at this moment all participants in the game should be with their eyes closed. And, finally, with the onset of morning, everyone wakes up (all players open their eyes), after which the host says with a crushing look: “Citizens, a mafia has appeared among us. Be carefull".

Further, all the players, based on their guesses, the words from the legend of the participants, as well as on their facial expressions, gestures, express their assumptions about which of the players is the mafia, and after everyone has spoken, voting begins. Those who scored the most votes are “killed” by the players, after which the eliminated player shows his card, and everyone will find out if they killed an honest citizen or a real mafia.

On all subsequent nights, the mafia wakes up first, it decides which of the participants is the most dangerous to it, and kills him, then the Catani commissioner wakes up, he can once ask the host who, in his opinion, this or that participant, the mafia or an honest citizen. If the mafia manages to figure out the commissioner and kill him, he leaves his assumptions in a note. Any player designated by the Catani Commissioner is killed without a vote.

The game can go on for a very long time, new characters, additional rules may appear in it, it depends on the company of those gathered, on how long they play. For the first time, only very simple rules are introduced, which can then become more complicated.

Game for adults. new year drink

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: blindfold, large glass, various drinks.

Game progress

Players must split into pairs. One of them is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a large glass: Pepsi, mineral water, champagne, etc. The task of the second player is to guess the components of the prepared drink. The pair that most accurately describes the composition of the prepared "potion" wins.

Game for adults. New Year's sandwich

Number of participants: all comers

Required items: blindfold, festive table with a variety of dishes.

Game progress

This is a variant of the previous game, only pairs can switch places. The "sighted" player prepares a sandwich from everything that is on the table. The "blind" must taste it. But at the same time, pinch your nose with your hand. The one who correctly names the most components wins.

Game for adults. Mute Santa Claus and deaf Snow Maiden

Number of participants: all comers.

Game progress

Quite a fun game that will help bring out the creative abilities of those gathered at the festive table, as well as laugh heartily! A couple is selected, consisting of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The task of the mute Santa Claus is to show with gestures how he wants to congratulate all those gathered on the New Year. At the same time, the Snow Maiden should say all the congratulations aloud as accurately as possible.

Competition for adults. Elections

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Competition progress

It is announced to those present that the elections of the best Santa Claus and the best Snow Maiden are planned. After that, the men dress up as Santa Claus, and the women dress as the Snow Maiden. At the same time, it is advisable to show imagination and not try to look like these characters should. At the end, those present decide who coped with their task more successfully than the rest.

Competitions for adults. group rhythm

Number of participants: leader, at least 4 people.

Required Items: elements of uniforms in the form of red noses with an elastic band, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Competition progress

The participants sit in a circle, after which the leader puts his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and his right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Other participants act in the same way. The host starts tapping a simple rhythm with his left hand. His neighbor on the left repeats the rhythm on the leader's left foot. The leader's right neighbor hears the rhythm and also begins to beat it with his left hand on the leader's right foot. And so in a circle. Learning to beat the correct rhythm with all participants is not so easy, so for a long time someone will go astray. If there are enough people, then you can introduce a rule - the one who makes a mistake is out.

Competitions for adults. Mittens

Number of participants: all comers, in pairs (woman and man).

Required items: thick mittens, dressing gowns with buttons.

Competition progress

The essence of the competition is that men put on mittens and must fasten the buttons on the robe that women put on. The one who fastens the most buttons in the shortest time is declared the winner.

Competition for adults. new year wishes

Number of participants: 5 participants.

Competition progress

Five participants are given the task to name one New Year's wish in turn. The one who thinks about the wish for more than 5 seconds is out. Accordingly, the last one remaining wins.

Competition for adults. Spitters

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: pacifiers.

Competition progress

In this competition, it is proposed to take an example from the inhabitants of Kenya, among whom it is customary to spit at each other on New Year's Eve, which is the wishes of happiness in the coming year in this country. In Russia, the acceptability of this tradition is doubtful, but in the form of a fun competition it is quite suitable, and you only need to spit on pacifiers. The winner is the one who spit it the farthest.

Competition for adults. dressing

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: a variety of outfits.

Competition progress

The bottom line is to dress up in a pre-prepared outfit faster than others. Whoever is faster, he won. It is advisable to come up with as varied and funny outfits as possible.

Competition for adults. Song of the year

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: small pieces of paper with words written on them, a hat or some kind of bag, a saucepan, etc. P.

Competition progress

In the bag there are pieces of paper with words such as Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost and so on written on them. Participants pull notes from the bag and must sing a New Year or winter song that contains this word.

Competition for adults. Pihalshchiki

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: empty champagne bottles.

Competition progress

Newspapers are scattered on the floor. The task of the participants is to push the largest number of newspapers into a bottle of champagne. Whoever pushes the most wins.

Competition for adults. Jumping into the unknown

Number of participants: 3-4 participants.

Competition progress

Germany boasts a curious tradition of "jumping" on New Year's Eve, where participants stand on chairs and jump forward from them at midnight. Who is further, he won. The same is proposed to be carried out in this competition. Moreover, the jump should be accompanied by a joyful exclamation. In principle, you can do without chairs, just jump from a place. Accordingly, the winner is the one who jumped into the New Year the furthest.

The cash register is closed, there is a big lock and an announcement on the door.
It explains that due to the refurbishment of the box office, tickets for the event will be issued here and there. Those gathered find the cashier. It is unusual: it is made in the form of a large birdhouse located under the ceiling (in the park it can be arranged on a tree).
There is a sign on the birdhouse: "Cashier". A cashier in a fancy dress sits in it and invites those who wish to see a wonderful performance, for which only he has free tickets. A ticket can be obtained by climbing to the ticket office on a rope or pole hanging in front of it.
But not everyone who dared to climb the tightrope manages to get tickets. The cashier, before issuing tickets, offers to sign for receipt of each ticket.
To do this, a black wooden board is nailed to the cash register and a piece of chalk hangs on a string. This turns out to be the most difficult, and for many, simply an impossible condition ...


To play outdoors, you need a playground measuring 3 × 9 meters.
In the middle across the site at a height of 1.5 meters, a rope or net is stretched, on each side of it, 9 towns are placed in squares drawn on the ground (3 × 3 meters).
The players are divided into two equal teams of 3-5 people.
Having played the “cities” and the right of the first strike, the teams take turns throwing plywood rings through the rope (or net) from the center of their square, trying to throw them at the towns that are in the rivals’ square.
Each player on the team throws two rings. When it is possible to throw a ring on the town, it is considered knocked out and removed from the field. The team that knocks out all the enemy towns wins.


This is an old Russian riddle game.
Children can play it themselves in small groups. Each player takes several cities, for example ten. In order not to forget your cities, you can write down each city on a separate piece of paper and keep these sheets in front of you. (The names of the cities playing should not be repeated, otherwise there will be confusion, disputes will begin.)
One of the players is appointed a riddle, he must guess ten riddles. Guesses the first one.
The players take turns approaching him and quietly, so that the others do not hear, say a guess.
Whoever failed to guess, rents one of his cities to the riddle.
When all participants in the game have given an answer, a new riddle is made. After the tenth riddle, they look at who has how many cities left.
It also happens that some players surrender all their cities.

After ten riddles, the second riddler offers his riddles. Game continues. The one who guesses correctly gets the city that he passed. Then a third riddle comes out with new riddles, and everyone guesses them.
After that, they consider who has how many cities left. The one with the most of them wins. The one who surrendered all his cities and failed to return them is forced to do something funny.

Forbidden movement

This game is played to music.
The participants of the game become in a circle. The leader goes to the middle and agrees with the players that they will repeat all his movements after him without delay. But one movement, such as “hands on the belt,” cannot be repeated. Anyone who breaks the rule is out of the game.
The game begins on a general signal. The leader does various gymnastic exercises or dance movements to the music on the spot or moving in a circle, but at the same time “penalizes” all those who make mistakes.

Who is first?

The game is played with gymnastic wooden rings.
Three people are called, who take this ring with their right hand.
A matchbox is placed at a distance of two meters from each of the players. On a signal, the players pull the ring towards their box, trying to get it. Everyone will pull in their own direction, so this will not be very easy to do. Whoever draws their box first will be the winner.


Put two players next to each other, blindfold them and offer them to take 3-4 steps forward, and then turn around twice in place, take the same number of steps back and shake hands.
Players and spectators must remain silent.


The players are divided into two equal groups. The participants of the game line up in lines on opposite sides of the site facing each other.
A line is drawn in front of the line. At the command of the leader, the players of one line join hands and go forward to the other line, which remains in place.
When the advancing team approaches the other by three or four steps, the mass officer gives a signal (two claps, a whistle). The attackers separate their hands, turn around and quickly run away beyond their line. Players of the other team catch the runaways. It is not allowed to pursue the enemy beyond the line, the tainted players are counted, and they again go to their team.
After that, the second team goes on the offensive, and the players of the first team, on a signal, catch them.
The game is repeated four or six times. The team that manages to tarnish more players from the opposing team wins.


The clown approaches a group of guys, holding an ordinary stick in his hands.
This stick is enchanted,” he announces. It is clear that everyone will be interested in what the miraculous properties of the stick are.
“I can hold her as long as I want, but any of you will leave her before I count to three!” the clown says.
Someone will certainly try to hold the stick while the clown is counting. The clown agrees to give a stick, but sets a condition:
“If you hold the stick while I count to three, then I will have to jump around this room on one leg. And if you don't hold out, then you'll have to jump.
Then the clown passes the stick to the one who argues with him, and begins to count:
- Once! Two! And I'll finish the count tomorrow morning. Will you keep the stick until the morning? No? Then jump!

Prizes (lotteries)

First option.
Tie the prizes to the twine and hide behind a high blank partition or screen so that only the ends of the twine come out.
A lottery participant can draw a prize for a string.
Of course, he is not allowed to try to pull first one string, then another. Which one you touched - pull that one.

Second option.
The prizes are packaged in packages of different sizes, but in such a way that a large package may contain a miniature trinket, such as a toy soldier, and a small package may contain a fountain pen, a bottle of perfume, a beautiful notebook.

Third option.
Selecting a lottery from the list (without seeing the things themselves).
The secret of the list: things are named so intricately that it is difficult to guess what they really are.
Let's say the list says "Pocket Vacuum Cleaner", and behind this loud name is a clothes brush; "writing apparatus" turns out to be a simple pencil.

Fun relay

The first stage of the relay race is sledding. Distance - 30-35 meters. Then the baton is taken by skiers who must climb the hill. Here the baton is taken by the guys on sleds.
Their task: going down the hill, to collect at full speed as many flags as possible, placed on both sides of the slope. Then the relay goes to the skaters. They need to rush between the towns without hitting them.
The next step is to roll up four snowballs and throw them in a circle so that you get eyes, nose, mouth.

New stage: to go down the mountain, standing together on one pair of skis.
The relay race again passes to the guys sitting on the sled. Now they must move by pushing with sticks.

At the final stage, it is required to drive as far as possible on the ice on one skate without losing balance.
Of course, the tasks at the stages can alternate in a different order.

Skiers, get in!

The guys on skis with sticks slowly move in a circle in a column one at a time, between them there is a distance of the length of two or three skis.
The driver (without sticks), approaching one or another skier, commands: “Follow me!”
The summoned one, having stuck his sticks in the snow, follows the driver at a distance of two or three skis.
Each next called is attached to the back of the head of the player called earlier and follows him.
Gradually, the leader takes all the skiers behind him at a distance of 50 meters away from the circle, now marked with sticks.
At the same time, he can go up and down the hills along the way, changing direction.
Suddenly, the driver commands: “To the places!”
Skiers run to the circle and take any place between the sticks, holding them.
The driver does the same.
Whoever is late and left without a seat becomes the driver, and the game continues again.

"Day and night"

Two teams go in two columns one by one at a distance of two steps from each other on both sides of the middle line of the site, two meters from it.
One team is called "Day", the other - "Night". For 25 meters from the middle line on each side - the sites of the "Day" and "Night" teams. The sites are limited by lines parallel to the middle line.
The host calls one of the teams: “Night!” The called team makes a turn towards its own court and runs behind its line. Players of the other team try to catch up with them. The one who is caught up stops.
The leader counts the stopped ones, and they join their team.
After a few runs, the game ends.
The team with the fewest stopped players wins.

Sled relay

The participants of the game form two teams and line up in pairs in columns. Each team has a sleigh with a rope installed on the start line. Flags or snowmen are placed 15-25 meters from it.
At the signal of the leader, one of the players of the first pair of each team quickly sits in the sleigh, and the second carries him to the flag.
Here they change places, and the player who previously sat in them brings the sled to the start.
The returning pair becomes the last in its column, and the second pair also quickly takes the sled, leads them to the flag and back, and passes them to the third pair, etc.
The team with all the players who finish skating first wins.


The game is best played on a warm winter day outside, when the snow is well molded. It involves several links, identical in number.
At the first signal of the leader, each link rolls up large snowballs and sculpts a snowman from them on the target line, which is 10-15 steps away from the throwing line.
The heads of snowmen are made small and are not attached to the body.
Then each link prepares a stock of snowballs and stacks them at the throwing line.
On the second signal, the links begin to throw snowballs at their snowman, trying to knock his head off. However, they do not cross the throwing line.
The link that first knocks down the head of its snowman wins.

catch up!

Two teams line up in columns at a distance of three meters from one another and face the judge.
Thirty meters to the side of each column, a straight line is drawn - the “city”.
At the command of the judge, “First, run away!” the players of the first team turn their faces to their "city" and run, trying to cross its line as quickly as possible. And the players of the second team run after them, trying to catch up with the fleeing ones and touch them with their hands.
The referee counts how many players managed to catch up and tarnish before they crossed the line of their "city".
Then both teams return to their places and the game resumes.

The referee gives the command "Run!", alternating it at his own discretion, so the players do not know in advance which team will have to run away, and which team will catch up.
The winner is the team that, as a result of several races, will be able to stain the largest number of players from the other team.
Of course, the number of runs must be the same.


At one end of the site they draw or mark with flags the line of the "city", at the other - the line of the horse.
The distance between them is up to 20 meters.
On the side, a line is also drawn between the lines.
One team stands behind the "city" line, the other - behind the side line.
Each member of this team makes three snowballs for himself (no more).
The referee takes a seat on the side and gives the signal to start the game.
At this signal, the participants of the first team try to run one by one, to move from the “city” to the horse line.
And the second team, throwing snowballs, tries to incapacitate as many crosses as possible.
Each player who is hit by a snowball must immediately go to the side - outside the playing area.
After the first team finishes the run, the judge counts the number of remaining in the ranks. Then the same team one by one runs back to the "city", dodging snowballs.
The judge again counts the number of "survivors".
Now the teams switch roles and the game resumes.
The team with the most players left at the end of the game wins.

Fast Runs

The players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. In the middle of the circle is the driver. He approaches one of the players and asks if the place is free.
The player calls any two numbers at his discretion. For example, he can answer: "No, the place is taken, but the third and twelfth will soon be free."
At this time, the guys whose places are named quickly change places among themselves.
The driver uses this moment, trying to quickly take one of the vacant seats. If he manages to do this, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. Otherwise, the driver remains in the center of the circle and the game continues.
This game can also be played indoors.

puck per circle

Players with hockey sticks in their hands form a large circle.
The driver with a hockey puck or a wooden ball becomes the center of the circle. By hitting the puck, he tries to bring it out of the circle line, and the players beat off the puck, substituting their clubs and trying to send it back to the driver.
The player who misses the puck for the circle on his right side becomes the driver and takes a place in the center of the circle, and the driver takes his place in the circle.
Game continues.

New Year's quiz

Which bird hatches its chicks in winter?
(Klest. Crossbills feed on spruce and pine cones. They hatch their chicks in winter, because there is plenty of food.)
What does not burn in fire and does not sink in water? (Ice.)
The more I spin, the more I get? (Snowball.)
Which animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat.)
He does not run, he does not order to stand. (Freezing.)
Can I bring water in a sieve? (Ice and snow, since this is water, but only in a solid state.)
What grows upside down under the roof? (Ice icicle.)
Comes quietly and leaves loudly. (Snow.)
What year lasts only one day? (New Year.)
Who starts having fun in one year and ends in another? (A person celebrating the new year.)
Blue nose - always in the cold. (Compass needle.)

In preparation, the collections "Games, entertainment, tricks" (M. Soviet Russia, 1961), "New Year Tree" (M. Soviet Russia, 1966), the magazine Scenarios and repertyar, regional publications of Magadan, Ulyanovsk, North Ossetia-Alania were used.

New Year's games and competitions for the entertainment of guests

New Year's competition. "New Year's cocktail"

Participants of the competition are divided into pairs, one of the participants is blindfolded with a towel or scarf.

The second player from the pair prepares a cocktail in a deep glass from the ingredients available on the festive table. Everything can be mixed in a cocktail, the main thing is not to overdo it, since the second participant will have to drink this cocktail inside ...

The participant, who is blindfolded, tries the "nuclear mixture", his task is to guess the ingredients of the cocktail. The pair in which all or most of the components are guessed wins.

New Year's competition "Dancing on Ice"

This competition is for those who love to dance literally until you drop. Participants are invited to remember the main characters of the film "Titanic" and to fully experience the acuteness of the experiences of two lovers who were on the verge of death. The host tells a beautiful and tragic romantic story: after the shipwreck, she and he find themselves lost in the ocean on a huge, unsinkable ice floe. The lovers have no hope of salvation and are aware that these are the last moments of their lives. A tragic ending is imminent...

So, after listening to the sad story, the participants are divided into pairs. An “ice block” is laid on the floor - a newspaper is spread out and lyrical music is turned on (it can be performed by Celine Dion). The participants begin their last dance. The task of the players is not to leave the newspaper even a single step during the dance. Then the "floe" begins to melt - the newspaper is folded in half. And the tempo of the music also changes to a more dynamic one. However, the water continues to wash away the ice floe, it melts ... The newspaper is again folded in half. The music becomes even more dynamic. As a result, the couple wins, which, continuing to dance, will be able to stay on a small piece of "ice".

New Year's competitions "Winter Blizzards"

For this competition, the host needs to prepare several small pieces of cotton wool (according to the number of players) and distribute them to the participants. At the command "The blizzard has begun!" all players simultaneously toss their "snowflakes" and start blowing them from below. The task of the participants is not to let the cotton wool fall to the ground. The winner is the participant who keeps his "snowflakes" in free flight the longest.

New Year's game "I know everything about you!"

Everyone who has gathered can take part in this game, and without getting up from the tables. The facilitator needs to write the question and answer on separate sheets. Answer cards are distributed to everyone present. The facilitator shuffles the remaining cards with questions and asks one question to each of the players, and they read out the answer they got.

Possible questions

♦ Do you like to go to the theatre?

♦ Are you able to fall in love at first sight?

♦ Do you have problems in your personal life?

♦ Do you have a sense of humor?

♦ Do you know how to have fun alone (alone)?

♦ Do you shave your legs often?

♦ Have you tried skydiving from a balcony?

♦ Do you like women's legs?

♦ Do you love your soul mate?

♦ Do you wash often?

♦ Do you remember the road well?

♦ Do you often paint your lips?

♦ Do you often kiss women's hands?

♦ Do you wash your feet before going to bed?

♦ Do you have endurance?

♦ Can you resist a beautiful woman (handsome man)?

♦ Do you smile at passers-by on the streets?

♦ Have you visited public baths?

♦ Do you trust yourself?

♦ Would you be able to date two members of the opposite sex at once?

♦ Are you satisfied with your appearance?

♦ Do you enjoy eating?

♦ Do you often frame unknown women (men)?

♦ Do you have a lot of free time?

♦ Do you pay enough attention to your significant other?

♦ Do you raid the fridge at night?

♦ Have you been told that you have beautiful eyes?

♦ Have you been told that you are damn attractive?

♦ Are you an amorous person?

♦ Do you often talk to yourself?

♦ Do you know how to have a good rest?

♦ Do you often find yourself in extreme situations?

♦ Are you a reliable person?

♦ Do you run after buses?

♦ Do you often reminisce?

♦ Have we met anywhere?

♦ Do you happen to jump on the trampoline in the morning?

♦ Are you able to control your emotions?

♦ Do you often get "sausage" with a hangover?

♦ Would you like to become a member of the Beer Lovers party?

♦ Do you want to change your gender?

♦ Are you good with people?

♦ Do you use public transport?

♦ Do you often take a bath?

♦ Do you like to daydream at your leisure?

♦ Do you like to sleep outdoors?

♦ Do you go hiking?

♦ Do you go fishing with your friends?

♦ Do you have sex with strangers?

♦ Do you like adventure?

Possible answers

I have been used to this since childhood.

I have big problems with this.

Definitely not here!

Yes, this is my nature!

I do it the best.

Only if you agree to keep me company.

Yes. And not only...

Only on Mondays.

This is how I spend all my free time.

If only there was a wish...

I have dreamed about this since childhood.

Isn't that what everyone does?

Certainly! After all, this is what makes humans different from animals.

Only in the bath.

Right after the first drink.

Yes. But that's not all...

Who do you take me for?!

And isn't that nice?

ABOUT! Great idea!

Let's do this together!

If only I'm in my underwear.

Yes, when I take off my socks.

Certainly! But today I'm taking a break from it.

If we are alone, you will learn much more about me.

I practice this often.

Yes! And in this I will be useful to you.

Alas, this is the sad truth...

Don't you think you got too carried away?

So what. I am not one (one) like this (like this). There are a lot of us!

It happened two or three times.

Yes. And it gives me a lot of pleasure.

Yes. This is one of my talents.

Well, once in a while it is not necessary.

Usually at night.

Especially at the dentist's office.

Yes, even on the phone.

Well, there are many different ways.

In crowded public transport.

I'm sure you like it too.

I had to a couple of times.

This is my hobby.

They made me!

Especially on trains.

Are you out of your mind?

Only in a hammock under a tree.

My head seems to be all right.

And how did you guess?

Speak quietly. I don't want everyone to know about it.

Why hide it. Yes! But this happens against my will.

Nothing human is alien to me.

New Year's game "Favorite knees"

The facilitator arranges chairs in a circle. Participants sit on them - men and women mixed. The driver is blindfolded. To the music, he begins to walk in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver must kneel to the participant next to whom he stopped. The one who is "lucky" in this should not give himself away. The rest of the participants ask the driver: “Whose knees?” If the driver guesses to whom he “landed” on his knees, then the “lucky one” becomes the driver. An important condition of the competition: the driver does not have the right to use his hands when guessing.

New Year's game "Candy"

Participants are divided into pairs - a man and a woman. The host gives the participants a chocolate candy. The task of each pair is to unfold the candy without the help of hands and eat it. The first couple to complete the task wins.