Knitted blouses for a 3 year old girl. Knitting sweaters for girls. Schemes with descriptions, videos. Lessons on knitting original blouses

Beautiful knitted items on small children evoke affection. Tiny blouses, caps, and pants cannot help but delight. But for kids, knitted clothes not only serve an aesthetic function. It is of particular value, since newborns have not yet established independent heat exchange - they really need additional thermal insulation and protection.

Clothes for legs

First of all, the child needs to insulate his legs. Knitted socks and booties do a great job with this. Socks for babies differ from adult models only in size, but booties are the first shoes, they are presented both in the form of shoes, boots, and are a kind of sandals. Booties and booties usually have ties to keep them firmly on the foot; It is not recommended to use Velcro, otherwise it will scratch the skin. Sandals can be worn in the summer, but they act only as decoration and will not protect you from dust and drafts. In summer, socks are safer. Standard sizes of socks and booties range from 8 cm to 13 cm. The size is equal to the length of the baby’s foot. Every 3 months, the leg adds 1 cm, so when calculating, you can also take into account the age of the baby. Foot length is measured from the heel to the tip of the big toe.

Knitted hat - beautiful protection

A child under one year of age has a soft area called the “fontanelle,” and until it heals, it is mandatory to wear a hat, which will protect and insulate the head. Such hats should be seamless and have a minimum of different fasteners - knitted ones are suitable for this role. In our catalog you will find knitting patterns to create beautiful hats of different types:

  • classic hats;
  • caps;
  • hats-helmets.

And perhaps knit something individual for your boy or girl. The size of the cap is determined by the circumference of the head. A small baby’s girth is approximately 35 cm, then every 3 months it increases by an average of 4 cm and by the first year of life it reaches 47 cm. The hat should be knitted so that it can stretch slightly and at the same time not slide down onto the child’s forehead.

Knitted overalls for newborns

Overalls are a practical item in a child's wardrobe; they are easy to put on. There are two main types: overalls-bag and overalls with pants. The first type is convenient for home use, since the lower part can be unfastened and the diaper can be quickly changed, while the second type is mainly relevant for walks.

The size of overalls for newborn girls and boys is calculated based on the circumference of the chest, waist, hips, and height. It should be taken into account that babies grow quickly, and by the time the knitted item is ready, it may be small.

Accessories and decorations for babies

A one-year-old child does not need separate decorations, since knitted clothes are beautiful in themselves. Small details can be dangerous - children at this age love to taste everything. The only thing is that you can safely knit a scarf for your baby in addition to the hat and mittens. There is no need to make the scarf long; it is enough to knit it long enough to last one and a half turns.

If you still need to decorate your clothes, you can improvise with piping, tying things with picots or scallops, or adding lace. Such decorations are not suitable for things for boys up to the first year; in this case, it is better to rely on color and texture. For example, on hats for boys, patterns with braids and arans, alternating stripes of garter and purl stitch, will look great.

Choose the right yarn

The yarn must match the season for which the item is being created. Acrylic is suitable for winter clothes - it is warm, does not prick, and can withstand multiple washes. Despite its synthetic origin, it is hypoallergenic. Cashmere and angora are also suitable. Many manufacturers produce lines specifically for newborns - you can safely buy such yarn. Wool and mohair are not suitable for baby's delicate skin; they cause unbearable itching. Summer clothes are knitted from cotton yarn and bamboo. You should not use threads with the addition of lurex, sequins, etc. The yarn must match the number of knitting needles.

The simpler the clothes, the more comfortable and safe the baby

Avoid buttons - a child may tear them off and swallow them. The same goes for bells, tassels and other elements. There is no need to make applications - a child under one year of age spends most of his time in a lying position, the bulges can get in the way. In addition, overly decorated items are difficult to wash.

Pay attention to the density of the knit and the pattern

Choose simple patterns to knit an item faster. Do not knit the garment too tightly, otherwise it will pinch. Also, if you knit tightly, you risk getting a smaller size.

Knit items according to the current sizes of the baby

Tying for growth doesn’t always mean doing better. You cannot knit hats of a larger size - they will slip off and not protect the head. A child can drown in overalls, and babies react sharply to inconvenience. If the item still turns out bigger, put it aside until the baby grows up and knit something else.

All parents want their child to look beautiful and stylish from a very early age, especially mothers of girls. This is where handicraft skills come in handy. After all, nothing diversifies the wardrobe of little fashionista girls more than knitted sweaters. If you understand the description, you can create very original things for little ones.

Clothes for every occasion

A jacket is very comfortable clothing for children. The traditional model has a front clasp, so it's easy to put on, easy to take off, and can be unfastened and fastened as needed. This item suits both boys and girls - as well as a blouse, which by definition is somewhat different from a jacket: such a piece of clothing can be with or without buttons, without a fastener and with a zipper or buttons. But in any case, the tips for selecting yarn and patterns will be the same.

When knitting sweaters, threads should be chosen according to two principles: the item should be comfortable and appropriate for the season. Of course, everyone has their own concept of convenience. In this case, we mean that knitting clothes for children, in particular, sweaters for girls, requires selecting the “right” yarn. If you are making something for the summer, then it can be acrylic or cotton threads. For autumn and spring, you can use half-wool, but winter options are usually knitted from wool and mohair.

The design is also selected using the same criteria: the hotter the season the item is planned to be worn, the more delicate it needs to be made. In the case of sweaters, very wide possibilities for choosing patterns open up. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable one from the point of view of both the idea and the experience of the knitter.

Models from 1 year to 3 years

Knitted blouses for girls from 1 to 3 years old require taking into account several nuances during the manufacturing process:

  • all details should be free so as not to restrict the movements of the baby who has just stood on her feet. Therefore, it is recommended to knit them in the form of rectangles;
  • a jacket with a hood is very comfortable: if the little one wants to walk, and the mother has a back pain, you can always grab the “tied” headdress and, holding on to it, lead the child;
  • It is not recommended to make the pattern too “holey” so that the baby is not tempted to stick her fingers into the cells. Otherwise, you can either damage the item or damage your finger.

Marshmallow blouse

This spring-autumn model looks very expressive on pink or mint threads.


  • 200 g acrylic yarn;
  • knitting needles No. 3;
  • scissors.


Jacket with collar

For this model, you don’t need to delve into the description for long: the pattern for the blouse in this case is the simplest.


  • 150 g cotton threads;
  • knitting needles No. 3;
  • hook No. 3.5;
  • buttons;
  • scissors.


  1. Let's start from the back. We cast on 70 loops, knit 3 cm with a 2 x 2 elastic band.
  2. We make “stars”. We knit 1 knit stitch, make 3 knit stitches from the next one, form a yarn over and knit it again.
  3. We knit the purl row the way the pattern “looks”.
  4. Repeat to the desired length and secure the loops with a crochet hook.
  5. For the shelf we cast on 40 loops. Repeat steps 1-4. We make two parts. On the right shelf we form loops at equal distances. To do this, we make a yarn over in an odd row, and in an even row we knit it purlwise, combining the next 2 loops.
  6. For the sleeve we cast on 36 stitches. We knit 3 cm elastic bands.
  7. We knit 9 knit, 3 purl, 12 knit, 3 purl and again 9 knit.
  8. We knit the next row according to the pattern.
  9. Next we do 3 purls.
  10. Then we remove 6 loops, make 3 for work, knit the next 3, and then return the first three and also knit them.
  11. We repeat the previous step, leaving only the 3 removed ones before work.
  12. After 9 rows of stockinette stitch, repeat steps No. 9-11. Having completed the knitting, fasten the loops and sew the parts.
  13. We crochet the collar, catching the loops along the neck. You can use threads of contrasting colors.
  14. We knit double crochets (even rows) and single crochets (odd rows) 4 cm.
  15. We sew all the details. Steam with an iron through a cotton cloth. The jacket is ready.

Model from 3 to 5 years

Patterns and descriptions of knitting patterns for sweaters for girls 3-5 years old are based on the same principles as for younger children. Only for this category it becomes possible to make striped blouses, because the growth of children already allows for 3-4 noticeable alternations.


Knitting sweaters for small children is one of the most favorite leisure options for mothers. On handicraft forums you can find photos of fashionable and modern blouses for girls knitted by needlewomen. In fact, knitting the same patterns is not at all difficult - it is enough to master the basic skills of knitting with stocking and circular knitting needles. And step-by-step master classes and clear video lessons will help you knit even complex patterns correctly and consistently.

Option #2:

Option #3:


Option #4:


Option #5:


Option #6:


Option #7:


Option #8:


Knitting sweaters for little girls -

We tried to collect patterns describing the process of knitting interesting blouses for girls of different ages in one article.

Let us introduce the following conventions: LP - front loop, IP - purl loop, NK - yarn over, P - loop.

For children of this age, it is very important not to restrict their movements, so we knit as simply and freely as possible so that the child does not feel constrained. We use only natural, pleasant to the touch yarn.

Scheme No. 1

The product will require pink or yellow yarn, No. 3 knitting needles and scissors. First you need to knit the back. To do this, cast on 72 stitches. We begin knitting with a 3*3 elastic band. Its approximate height will be 3 cm. Next is rapport. The sequence is as follows: 6 LP, 2 IP, 2 LP together, 4 LP, NK, 3 IP, 6 LP.

Sequence for even rows.

For step 4, repeat step 3, shifting the location of the yarn over - after 2 RL. According to this pattern, you need to knit the back, sleeves and front.

We simply sew all the details together and the girl’s blouse is ready.

Scheme No. 2

Girls at any age love models with collars. The following pattern is very simple; even a novice craftswoman can do it with knitting needles in a few hours.

We will start again from the back. On the needles - 70 stitches. An elastic band 2*2 will go along the bottom of the product. Its height is approximately 2-2.5 cm. We begin to create knitted stars. To do this, we perform 1 LP, from the second we knit 3 LP, 1 NK, 1 LP. Purl row - according to the drawing. Once the desired length of the shelf is reached, we finish it by closing the loops with a crochet hook.

We knit the shelves with knitting needles. To do this, dial 40P. We repeat steps 1-4 until its length is equal to the back. You need to form loops on the right shelf. We make 1 NK in the odd row, in the next row we knit it as a purl loop and the next 2 stitches together.

Time is on your sleeve. We cast on 36p and perform an elastic band 2*2. After the rubber band, the sequence follows: 9 LP, 3 PI, 12 LP, 3 PI, 9 LP. According to this pattern, we perform all the rows until the end of the sleeve. We close it along the edge with a hook. All that remains is to knit the collar with knitting needles and you can start sewing all the parts together.

Knitted blouse for girls: model from 3 to 5 years

Knitted items for girls of this age are becoming more interesting. Growth allows you to create interesting patterns and alternate multi-colored stripes.

Take about 130 g of yarn of different colors - usually 2-3 shades. You will also need buttons, a hook and knitting needles.

We cast on 71P on the knitting needles. To make a blouse for a girl fit more tightly to the body, we will make a 1*1 elastic band approximately 3 cm high.

The pattern is simple - smooth surface. The elegance of the model is given by the alternation of colors: 8 r. – first color, 2p. – second color, 8 rubles. – third color, 2p. – second color. Then everything is repeated from the first color.

We close the loops under the armholes approximately 25 cm from the beginning of knitting. When the height of the jacket becomes 35 cm, we begin to gradually close the necks - 3 stitches in each row.

Let's move on to the shelf. Its width is 33 sts on a knitting needle. We knit it with knitting needles according to the same pattern as the back of the blouse for girls.

We make the sleeve according to the diagram below: we start with 37p. We tie the neck separately with an elastic band. Then you can sew all the pieces together.

Knitted blouse for girls: model from 5 to 6 years

Suitable for girls from 2 to 6 years old. The blouse will be knitted from threads of bright pink, gray, white and black colors.

Several types of knitting will be used. The front stitch is IP - in all purl rows, RS - in all front rows. Shawl method - all rows - with facial loops. The jacquard pattern is a stockinette stitch; when the color changes, the threads are crossed on the wrong side so that there are no holes. Always decrease by knitting 3 and 4 stitches together from the edge.

Back. With gray thread we dial 93/99/107p. First there are 2 rubles. garter stitch. Next, we begin to stitch the front stitch.

Decrease: every 10 r. – 2 in 1 p.. we knit together from both edges; every 8 r. – 6 in 1 p. After 80/88/100 r. We begin to close the armholes. To do this, 3 in 1 p. in every second row. From the edge of the armhole to its end we make approximately 13/14/15 cm of the pattern.

Let's move on to the shoulder slopes. From the edges we close through a row of 3 loops. At the same time, we begin to make a cutout for the neckline.

Before. The sequence is similar to the back. The only difference is the depth of the cutout. Sleeves. Sleeves start at 51/53/55 p. First comes garter stitch - only 2 p. Then we move on to the front surface. Increase on the sleeves: on both sides of the row, 2 sts from the edge - 3 sts in each 14p, and 2p. in each 12 r. The sleeve cap is formed at 23/25/29 cm.

Pocket. The jacquard knitting method is used for it. Pocket size is approximately 7 cm high, width – 27p.

Assembly of the finished product. We embroider the dogs with loops according to the diagram attached below. We place the drawing approximately 10 cm from the bottom edge of the girl’s blouse. We place the pockets on the shelves so that they are symmetrical. We knit the neckline with a scarf pattern - 3 rows in total. Now you can sew shoulder seams, sew in sleeves, and sew the sides of the product. Only the buttons remained. The girl's blouse is ready.

When making a blouse for an elastic band, use knitting needles of a smaller diameter - most often it is No. 2.5. Moving on to the main pattern, change the knitting needles to No. 3. This results in a smoother and denser fabric.

Such designs for children's things as strokes or purl stripes are interesting. These are the simplest drawings, perfect for those. Who takes the first steps in knitting.

If you have a free minute or two, and your son or grandson has outgrown an old pullover or sweater, it’s time to knit a zip-up sweater for a boy. We offer the most interesting children's knitted sweaters for boys and will be glad if you choose what you need. All models with diagrams and descriptions.

First of all, it will be easier for you to knit if you immediately decide on the sizes, since much depends on the height and other data of the child. Using a centimeter, measure the length of the product, the volume of the hips, the length of the sleeve, starting from the neck to the palm, and write down all the data.

This interesting knitted sweater with a hood for a boy is suitable for young people 7-8 and 10 years old. The front of the sweater is decorated with intarsia (a cat's face), and the hood is a striped cat's tail ending in a braid of thread.

We knit a cat according to the pattern below. The easiest way to knit such patterns is from separate balls, each section has its own ball. To avoid holes in the pattern, cross the thread on the wrong side, but do not tighten it too much. We always make sure that the drawing does not decrease as we work.

To work you will need:

  1. Cotton yarn 100% (10 (7-8 years old) and 12 skeins (8-10 years old) – 50 g/50 m). light gray color.
  2. Wool yarn, black and white - 100 g each.
  3. Knitting needles 3 and 3.5 mm thick.
  4. Additional 3.5 mm knitting needle.
  5. Pins or stitch markers.

We knit in 2 threads. It would be ideal to knit a 10/10 cm “tester” to determine how many stitches you need to cast on, since the description does not indicate the exact name of the threads. Most likely, these are “violet” type threads.

The knitting density is indicated as: 21 p. / 29 r. Corresponds to 10/10 cm. Designations: knit - k, purl - p, loop - p. Main knitting - knit stitch.

For 3 mm knitting needles. cast on 94 (102) sts with light gray yarn, knit 1 p/1 rib. Elastic band 3.5 cm - 10 rows. We switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles. Next, knit in stockinette stitch. Knitted 123 (134) rubles. – 42(46) cm. From the elastic we close the middle 32 sts for the neckline. Find the middle of the row and decrease 16 sts on one side and the other from the center. Next, leave one half of the work for additional work. knitting needle, and on the other half we close from the inside in every second r. 2 times 1 p. Next, close in this r. remaining 28 (32) shoulder stitches. Knit the second half symmetrically from the auxiliary needle.

Make the elastic band the same as we did on the back. Next, we begin to make a drawing of a cat: on 3.5 mm knitting needles. Next, we stop at the front river. and make a pattern: 18 (22) sts in light gray, 58 sts according to the pattern, 18 (22) sts in light gray. For convenience, find the middle of the picture and mark it with a pin (arrow in the picture). Next, we knit according to the pattern. When the pattern is completed, use stockinette stitch in light gray (primary) color.

We knit 110(120) rows 37(41) cm. From the elastic we close the middle 24 sts to decorate the neck of the product. First we will make the left side of the shelf. To create a rounded neckline, you need to close it on the inside at the beginning of each r. 1 p. So we close until (20 r.) until 30 (34) p. remain on the knitting needles, this is the shoulder. Close these steps. Make the right part symmetrically with the left.


We cast on the knitting needles 3 mm. light gray thread 44 p. and knit 10 r. elastic band 1/1. Next comes the stockinette stitch. In the first r. add 6 p., you get 50 p., then in every 5th p. add 1 stitch on both sides. We knit this way until there are 78 (92) sts on the knitting needles. It turns out 27 (32) cm. From the elastic we close all the sts of the shoulder. The second sleeve is similar to the first.


We sew the shoulders together with a large needle and gray thread. Next, find the middle of the back and mark it with a pin. for 2 knitting needles 3.5 mm. Along the edge of the neckline we cast on 116 stitches with a light gray thread, (58 stitches on each knitting needle) first we knit on the 1st knitting needle, then on the 2nd and at the end of the work we will sew these 2 halves. In the middle of the front, on the 1st needle, we make a bar with a 1/1 rib on the first 5 loops. We knit the rest of the hood using stockinette stitch. From the back we will add loops and knit them with black and white yarn. If you want to make a regular hood, you can simply knit without adding anything until the height of the 56th row and close all sts. If you want a striped hood, add white and black stripes to the left. Add 1 point in each row. You will get 4 rubles. black yarn, 4 r. white, several stripes. We do this:

  • 1st row: 58 sts. gray yarn, add 1 stitch of black yarn.
  • 2nd row: 2 p. Black Ave., 58 p. gray ave.
  • 3rd row: 58 sts. gray ave., 3 p. persons. black ave.,
  • And so on.

They tied it up to 56 rubles. and close the st. On the 2nd knitting needle, do everything the same as on the 1st. Don't forget 5 stitches of elastic at the beginning. Next, we make, if desired, a braid of 20 threads of 2 or 3 colors, tied at the bottom with black thread.


Sew our hood inside out, not forgetting to insert a pigtail. Next, unfold the sleeves and sew them to the front and back. Sew the inside seams of the sleeves, and then the side seams of the product.

A sweater for a boy made of blue yarn with knitting needles is an excellent option for cool weather. Convenient button closure makes it convenient and versatile. We tried to explain everything in detail, so that the master class is understandable even for beginners. Cardigan sizes for boys: a) 4 years old, b) 5-6 years old, c) 8-9 years old, d) 10 years old, e) 12-13-14 years old.

Abbreviations: row - p., knit - knit., purl - purl., loop - loop, together - vm., edge - hem.

To work you will need:

  1. Alpaca cashmere yarn (48% alpaca, 52% acrylic), 100 g. – 133 m. – 8-9-11-14-16 skeins.
  2. Knitting needles 3 mm thick. and 3.5 mm.
  3. Buttons 5 pieces 20 mm. diameter, buttons 10 mm.
  4. Needle with a large eye.

The main pattern is the front stitch, the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket is 1 k/1 p, the pattern on the front and collar is patent ribbing.

Patent gum, sample.

Scheme for patent gum, option 1.

Patent elastic can have several options, but we chose option 1, it is knitted like this:

We dial an odd number of p.

1st r.: hem., *1 p. and yarn over – remove as purl., knit 1*, repeat from* to*, finish: 1 p. and yarn over – remove, hem.

2nd r.(wr.): edge, *1 p. and yarn over - knit in. knits., 1 p. and yo* - remove as purl, repeat from * to *, finish: 1 p. and yo - knit in. faces, edges

3rd r.(face row): edge, *1 p. and yarn over - remove as if purl, 1 p. and yarn over - knit in. knit*., repeat from * to*, finish: 1 p. and yarn over - remove as purl, hem.
Repeat rows 2 and 3.

In principle, the collar can be knitted with a simple elastic band, k1/p1. or you can use a patent, whichever you prefer.

10/10 cm faces. satin stitch – 23 p./30 r.,
10/10 cm with patent elastic – 22 p./50 r.

We cast on needles with a thickness of 3 mm. a) 79 p., b) 85 p., c) 91 p., d) 97 p., e) 111 p., knit with 1/1 elastic band. At the beginning and end of the first river. – 1 purl. We knit 6 rows like this (2 cm).

Next, we switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles and knit in satin stitch to a height of 24-26-28-31-34 cm, which corresponds to 120-130-140-154-170 r. from the elastic, we make armholes, on both sides you need to close 10 sts: on one side - close 5 sts, 1 in each r., and on the other - 5 sts, 1 st in each r. Knit to the starting point of the shoulder only 14-16-17-18-21 cm, including the armhole. Remaining on knitting needles: 69-75-81-87-101 sts.

We divide the back in half and mark this place with a pin. At a distance from the elastic: 38-42-45-49-55 cm. (162, 178, 192, 212, 234 rubles) we make a neckline, while closing the st in the center of the back: 13-15-17-17-21 p., then remove one half (6,7,8,8,10 p.) onto an additional knitting needle, close on the working knitting needle 2 more times, 5 p. each. Then return to the additional knitting needle. knitting needle and knit symmetrically the second half of the neck. Then we decorate the shoulder: at a distance from the elastic 38-42-45-49-55 cm. (166-182-196-216-238 rubles) close on the side. armholes in each second row:

  1. 2 times 9 p.,
  2. 2 r. 10 p. each,
  3. 2 r. by 11p.,
  4. 2 r. 12 p. each,
  5. 2 r. 15 p. each

Right shelf

We cast on needles with a thickness of 3 mm. 37-41-43-47-53 p., perform an elastic band 1/1 6 r. (2 cm). Next, we switch to 3.5 mm knitting needles and perform patent elastic:

  1. 15 rows,
  2. 16 rub.,
  3. 18 rub.,
  4. 20 rub.,
  5. 22 rub.,

Then, at a height of 26-28-31-34-37 cm (130-138-154-170-172 r.), make 1 decrease (beginning of the neckline). To get a beautiful neckline, we must remove evenly: 9-11-11-15-17 stitches along the neckline, do not touch the shoulder yet. Therefore, we remove every 4th r. 1 p. (for all sizes).

We form the shoulder. At a distance from the elastic band 38-42-45-49-55 cm. (166-182-196-216-238 r.) close on the side. armholes in each second row:

  1. 2 times 9 p.,
  2. 2 r. 10 p. each,
  3. 2 r. by 11p.,
  4. 2 r. 12 p. each,
  5. 2 r. 15 p. each

We knit the left shelf symmetrically to the right one.


We cast on the knitting needles 3 mm. 48-50-52-54-58 sts and knit 5 cm with a simple 1/1 rib. Next, we continue with satin stitch on needles 3.5 mm thick. Our task is to add 16-22-26-28-38 sts along the sleeves. On the sleeve add: in every 4th p. 1 p. This should be done in the middle of the row. We tie it to a height of 20-25-29-32-38 cm, not counting the elastic band. It will be 62nd-76th-88th-98-114 r. from an elastic band.

It turns out in the end at the starting point of the okat - 64-72-78-82-96 sts.

Then we must design the sleeve cap, to do this we decrease on each side:

  1. 3 times three sts, 4 times two sts, 2 times three sts.
  2. 2 times four p., 1 p. three p., 3 r. two p., 2 r. three p., 1 r. four p.
  3. 2 times 4 p., 2 r. 3 p., 1 r. 2 p., 2 r. 3 p., 2 r. 4 p. (abbreviation verbatim: 1 time - 1 p.)
  4. 1 time 5 p., 1 r. 4 p., 2 r. 3 p., 1 r. 4 p., 1 r. 5 p.
  5. 1 time 6 p., 1 r. 5 p., 1 r. 4 p., 1 r. 5 p., 1 r. 6 p.

We tied it to a height of 26-31-35-38-44 cm and closed the rest in one r. – 17-18 p. Make the second sleeve symmetrically to the first.

Fastener strip

On knitting needles 3 mm thick. cast on 13 stitches and knit with a simple 1/1 rib. All odd r. start and end with two persons. n. We knit a strip with a height of 29-32-35-39-44 cm. Make the second strip similarly to the first.

Shawl collar

For 3.5 mm knitting needles. cast on 93-99-103-107-113 sts and knit with patent elastic. After making 14 r. (3 cm), then close each. sides like this:

  1. In each 2nd row: *1 time 1 p. and 2 times 2 p.* repeat from *to* a total of 7 times.
  2. In each 2nd row: *1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p., then in each. 2nd row: *1 time 1 p. and 2 times 2 p.* – repeat from *to* 6 times.
  3. In each 4th row: 5 times 2 p and further in each. 2nd 14 times 2 p.
  4. In each 2nd r.: 1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p., then in every 2nd r.: *1 r. 1 p. and 2 times 2 p.* - repeat from * to * 6 times, then, 1 p. 1 p. and 1 p. 2 p.
  5. In each 2nd row: 1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p., each. 2nd r.: *1 time 1 p. and 2 r. 2 p.* repeat from* to* 6 times, then 2 times 2 p.

Knitted to a height of 11-11-12-12-12 and cast off 23–25-27-27-31 sts.


Sew first the shoulders and sleeve seams, then the side seams. Sew the sleeves into the armholes. Then we sew the strips to the shelves on one side and the other. Find the middle of the back neckline. We are looking for the middle of the collar. We combine these points and pin them together. We sew the shawl collar to the neck, the ends to the straps. We make 5 buttonholes, spreading the 8th stitch first 1 cm from the bottom and the rest - in places of 2 p. persons iron. We sew the buttons opposite the p. To make the collar cover the throat, you can sew buttons in addition to the buttons. The pattern is suitable for boys of all ages, as well as for three and five years old.

An excellent children's knitted sweater for a boy, decorated with 2 types of braids, with a comfortable hooded collar, will come in handy in cool weather. Knitting a sweater for a boy is very simple; it can be made from wool, wool with acrylic, or yarn with cotton.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy exactly the yarn that is recommended for this particular blouse - choose threads of the same thickness. If the thread is thin, knit in 2 threads. The main thing is that your “sample” matches the knitting density of this sweater.

Knitting density is:
10/10 cm with 5 mm knitting needles. stockinette stitch – 18 stitches/25 rows.

The description and pattern are given for a boy of 4, 2, 6, 8 years old.

To work you will need:

  1. New York yarn (50% wool, 25% alpaca, 20% polyamide), 50 g./110 m. 250-200-300-350 g.
  2. Knitting needles 4.5 and 5 mm thick.
  3. Thick needle for sewing.
  4. Additional knitting needle for the pattern.

The patterns used in this product are often used for jumpers:
Pearl Pattern:

1st row: *K1, P1* – repeat from* to *to the end of the row.
2nd row: *P1, k1* – repeat from * to * to * until the end of the row. That is, above persons. - purl, and vice versa.

Double elastic band:

1st row: k2, p2 - repeat until the end.
2nd row: how the knitting looks - faces. p. we knit with knits, purl. - purl.

Braid type number 2.

Braid number 2 is performed according to pattern 2. All even rows are knitted the way the knitting looks (that is, over the knitting stitch - purl, over the knitting stitch - knitting). All other rows should be read from right to left.

Cast on 4.5 mm needles. 62-56-68-74 sts. First knit 14 rows with double rib. Next, change the knitting needles to 5 mm. and knit 8-5-11-14 p. with a pearl pattern, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1., 7 p. with pearl pattern, k1., 14 p. “braid pattern number 2” ”, k1, 7 p. with pearl, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 8-5-11-14 p. with pearl knot.

We continue until 27-23-31-35 cm from the beginning of the back. To decorate the armhole, close 3 stitches on each side, then 2 stitches, and 1 stitch. Then, without decreasing. Knit up to 43-38-48-53 cm from the beginning of the back and close off the remaining stitches.


We take 4.5 mm knitting needles. and dial 62-56-68-74 p. Knit 14 r. double elastic band. Change the knitting needles to 5 mm. and knit like this: 8-5-11-14 p. with a pearl knot, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 7 p. with a pearl knot, k1, 14 p. according to “braid pattern number 2”, k1, 7 p. with a pearl knot, k1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 8-5-11-14 p. with a pearl knot. We knit with this pattern to a height of 27-23-31-35 cm from the beginning of the front. Then for the armhole we close on both sides 3 points, 2 points, 1 point each. After we have reached 40-36-44-48 cm from the beginning of the front, we close 12 points in the center of the front under the neckline. Next, on both sides of the neckline we close 3 sts, 2 sts, 1 st. After we knit to 43-38-48-53 cm, we close all the remaining sts.


We cast on needles with a thickness of 4.5 mm. 28-24-32-36 p. We perform 14 p. double elastic band. Next, change the knitting needles to 5 mm. and do this: 10-8-12-14 sts with a pearl pattern, k1, 6 sts according to “braid pattern number 1”, k1, 10-8-12-14 sts with a pearl pattern. knot Then we knit with this pattern, not forgetting to add eight times on both edges in every sixth row.

After 28-25-31-34 cm are knitted from the beginning of the sleeve, close 3 stitches on both sides of the sleeve, and then close 1 stitch on both sides in every 2nd r. 9 times. This is the cuff of the sleeve. When the length reaches 38.5-34-42-47 cm, close all sections. We knit the second sleeve in the same way.


We take 5 mm knitting needles. and cast on 64-58-70-76 sts and perform the following pattern: 3 sts with a double elastic band, 7-4-10-13 sts with pearls. pattern, knit 1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, knit 1, 28 p. with pearl knot, knit 1, 6 p. according to “braid pattern number 1”, knit 1, 7-4 -10-13 p. pearl pattern, 3 p. with double elastic band. So we continue to knit 3 cm (8 r.) from the beginning of the hood. Next, on both sides of the 2 central sts, add 1 st in every 2nd r. 3 times.

Next, we reach 20-18-22-24 cm from the beginning of the hood and begin to decrease 1 st on 2 sides from the 2 central sts in every 2nd r. 4 times. Fold the hood in the middle and distribute the sections of the hood evenly onto 2 knitting needles. Close the stitches of the 2 halves of the hood, purlwise, using the 3rd knitting needle.


First we sew the shoulder seams. Sew the hood along the entire neckline. Sew the side. seams of sleeves and back with a shelf. We make 2 pom-poms and sew them in the place indicated in the diagram.

Knitted sweater with a zipper for a boy 6-8 years old. Decorated with jacquard with horses. Description and knitting pattern are included.

Knitted sweater for a boy 2-3 years old. Knitted from multi-color yarn (wool with acrylic) with 4 mm knitting needles. For a sweater for a 3-year-old boy, a zipper with a length of 48 cm is suitable.

A gray jacket for boys 5, 6, 8-10, 12, 14-16 years old is decorated with simple braids and yellow trim. Suitable for both toddlers and teenagers. To enlarge the picture, click on the arrow.

It’s very easy to knit such a sweater for a child or teenager; descriptions and diagrams are included.

A wonderful jacket for a 1 year old boy. The pattern is also given for ages 3, 6 months, one and two years. The bear's face is embroidered with straight stitches.