Payments to pregnant working women per year. Types and amounts of payments and benefits to pregnant working and unemployed women

The procedure for calculating maternity benefits in 2019 will remain unchanged, the same as last year - based on the average earnings for 2 calendar years, but taking into account the new limits (limit values ​​​​of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund). The maternity benefit is paid for the period of maternity leave.

Calculation of maternity benefits in 2019

For working women, the maternity allowance is set at the rate of average earnings. The average earnings include all types of payments and other remuneration for which insurance premiums were accrued to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018 inclusive.

What amounts are included in the calculation, what is taken in the numerator? This is your salary, bonuses, vacation pay, financial assistance over 4,000 rubles, travel allowance, compensation for unused vacation, etc.

What is NOT included? Non-contributory payments - sick leave payments, benefits, payments at the birth of a child not more than 50,000 rubles, financial assistance less than 4,000 rubles, etc.

At the same time, the average earnings (SZ) for each year are taken into account in an amount not exceeding the maximum base for calculating insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • for 2018 - 815,000 rubles.
  • for 2017 - 755,000 rubles.
  • for 2016 - 718,000 rubles.
  • for 2015 - 670,000 rubles.
  • for 2014 - 624,000 rubles.
  • for 2013 - 568,000 rubles.
  • for 2012 - 512,000 rubles.
  • for 2011 - 463,000 rubles.
  • for all previous years, until 2011, this amount is 415,000 rubles.

If the total earnings for the year exceed the limit value, then the calculation is limited to the specified sum insured. For example, income for 2017 amounted to 760,000 rubles, which is more than the established value, so the amount of 755,000 rubles will be taken into account.

To determine the average daily earnings (SDZ) for calculating the maternity benefit, it is necessary to take the accrued earnings on which insurance premiums were calculated two calendar years, up to the year of maternity leave. So, if the vacation occurs in 2019, then the period from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018 is taken into account, that is, all of 2017 and all of 2018. Earnings received in 2019 will not be included in the calculation of maternity leave.

The amount of earnings for 2 years when calculating the maternity benefit in 2019 must be divided by the number of calendar days in this period (calendar days for 2017 and 2018 are 730), with the exception of calendar days falling on excluded periods.

Excluded periods. When calculating benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, an exception is provided for calendar days falling on the following periods:

  • periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave;
  • the period of release from work with the preservation (in whole or in part) of earnings, if insurance premiums were not charged on it.

Important! If a woman in the billing period took a vacation without pay (vacation at her own expense), then such days are NOT excluded from the billing period.

Thus, the denominator for calculating benefits may include days from 1 to 730(365 days in 2017 + 365 days in 2018). This number can also be 732 if a woman takes two leap years to calculate maternity payments (replace, for example, 2017 with leap year 2012, and 2018 with leap year 2016).

Ability to replace years with earlier ones

When calculating benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, a woman has the right to replace the year (s) with any previous ones. If in two calendar years immediately preceding the year of maternity leave, or in one of the indicated years, a woman was on maternity leave and/or parental leave, the corresponding calendar years (calendar year), upon her application, may be replaced for the purpose of calculating the average earnings by the previous calendar years (calendar year), provided that this will lead to an increase in the amount.

For example, if in 2017-2018 at least part of the time falls on maternity and (or) parental leave, then a woman can write an application to include one and / or two earlier years in the calculation, for example, 2015-2016 .

How to calculate maternity benefits yourself

Algorithm for calculating benefits for women who go on maternity leave in 2019: SDZ = (SZ_2018 + SZ_2017) / (730 - ) * 140.

  1. It is necessary to calculate the amount of accruals subject to contributions to the FSS for the two calendar years preceding the year of the BiR vacation (that is, for 2017 (from January 1 to December 31, 2017) and 2018 (from January 1 to December 31, 2018)).
  2. Average earnings for each year are taken into account in an amount not exceeding the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums in the FSS - 755 000 (2017) and 815 000 (2018) rubles.
  3. The data obtained are summed up and divided by 730 minus the exclusion periods. SDZ = (SZ_2017 + SZ_2018) / 730 minus excluded calendar days.
  4. The value of the average daily earnings (SDZ) is legally limited. The allowable maximum SDZ is defined as the sum of the marginal base for each year divided by 730. In 2019 SDZ max \u003d (815000 + 755000) / 730 \u003d 2150.68 rubles. More than this value for the calculation of benefits can not be taken.
  5. The total amount payable is determined by multiplying the average daily earnings by the number of calendar days on the disability certificate (for example, 140).

Maximum maternity benefit

The maximum maternity benefit in 2019 is 301095.20 rub, based on the maximum SDZ and calendar days on a sick leave: 2150.68 * 140 \u003d 301095.20 rub.

Minimum maternity benefit

The minimum maternity benefit is calculated from the minimum wage (minimum wage) and is paid to a woman who has worked for less than 2 years with low wages or had no earnings during this period.

Minimum allowance for pregnancy and childbirth from January 1, 2019 is 51 919 rubles 00 kopecks., since the minimum wage has been increased to 11,280 rubles per month since January 1, 2019.

Calculation of the minimum benefit: (11,280 * 24) / 730 = 370.85 rubles * 140 days = 51,919.00 rubles.

If a woman has an insurance period of less than 6 months, then the allowance is paid in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage for a calendar month, and in areas and localities in which district wage coefficients are applied in the prescribed manner, this allowance is paid taking into account the district coefficient.

An example of calculating maternity benefits for self-calculation based on average earnings

Option 1. From January 17, 2019, a woman has a maternity leave of 140 calendar days. The average salary is 45,000 rubles. The calculation of the allowance must be made for 2 calendar years preceding the year in which the maternity leave falls. The billing period will be 2017 and 2018. For the specified period, the payments taken into account amounted to: for 2017 - 535,000 rubles. and for 2018 - 547,000 rubles. During the work, the woman did not take vacation at her own expense and did not take sick leave. The amounts do not exceed the marginal base. Therefore, the payment for BiR will be: (535,000 + 547,000) / 730 * 140 = 207,506.60 rubles.

Option 2. Let's take the conditions when a woman in 2017 was ill for 22 days, and in 2018 she took 14 days of vacation at her own expense. Numerator: 530,000 + 505,000 = 1,075,000 Denominator: 730 minus 22 = 708 (days at own expense are not excluded). The B&D allowance will be: (530,000 + 505,000) / 708 * 140 = 204,660.40 rubles.

Option 3. A woman's earnings for each year amounted to more than the marginal base for calculating insurance premiums. In 2017, the salary was 65,000, in 2018 the average earnings increased to 70,000. There were no excluded periods. To calculate the maternity allowance, we take the maximum base value: SDZ = (755,000 + 815,000) / 730 * 140 The BiR allowance will amount to the maximum payment: 301,095.20 rubles.

Option 4. The woman got a job in September 2016 (this is her first job). The average salary is 45,000 rubles. From December 25, 2018, she has a maternity leave of 140 calendar days. Since the vacation begins in 2018, the billing period will be 2016 and 2017. But the woman does not have a full two years of work. There are no excluded days. Therefore, the B&R benefit will be: (180,000 + 540,000) / 730 * 140 = 138,082.00 rubles. But a woman, having a sick leave in her hands, can write an application for maternity leave later than the date indicated on the disability certificate, for example, from January 1, 2019. And from December 25 to December 31, 2018, it continues to work. In this case, the billing period will be 2017 and 2018, and maternity leave will be reduced by 7 days. Therefore, the amount of payment for BiR will be: (540,000 + 540,000) / 730 * 133 = 196,766.85 rubles.

Documents for maternity benefits

To assign and pay benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, a woman submits the following documents:

  • certificate of incapacity for work issued by a medical organization in the prescribed form. And it is necessary to do so no later than six months from the end of maternity leave. When applying for benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, after a six-month period, the decision to assign benefits is made by the territorial body of the insurer if there are good reasons for missing the deadline for applying for benefits. Such reasons are: long-term temporary disability of the insured person due to illness or injury lasting more than six months; moving to a place of residence in another settlement, change of place of stay; damage to health or death of a close relative; other reasons recognized as valid in court when the insured persons apply to the court (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 N 74).
  • certificate (certificates) on the amount of earnings, from which the allowance should be calculated, from the place (places) of work (service, other activity) from another insured(from other insurers), that is, if a woman worked in another organization in the billing period. In the event that the insured person is unable to submit a certificate (certificates) on the amount of earnings from which the allowance should be calculated from the place (s) of work with another policyholder (with other policyholders) due to the termination of activities by this policyholder or for other reasons , the insured who appoints and pays the benefit, at the request of the insured person sends a request to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the provision of information about wages, other payments and remunerations of the insured person from the relevant insured (relevant insurers) based on the information of individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance. If the insured person does not have, on the day of applying for the maternity benefit, a certificate (certificates) on the amount of earnings necessary to assign the benefit, this benefit is assigned on the basis of the information and documents submitted by the insured person and available to the insured. After the insured person submits the specified certificate (certificates) on the amount of earnings, the assigned allowance for the entire past time is recalculated, but not more than three years preceding the date of submission of the certificate (certificates) on the amount of earnings(part 2.1 article 15).
  • in the event that the calculation of the maternity benefit will be made at one of the last places of work at the woman’s choice (one certificate of incapacity for work), then it is necessary to provide a certificate from another insurer stating that the appointment and payment of this benefit by this insurant (employer) is not carried out.

Deadline for claiming maternity benefit

Benefits for pregnancy and childbirth are assigned if they were applied for no later than six months from the end of maternity leave. When applying for maternity benefit, after six months the decision to assign benefits is made by the territorial body of the insurer if there are good reasons for missing the deadline for applying for benefits. Such reasons are: long-term temporary disability of the insured person due to illness or injury lasting more than six months; moving to a place of residence in another settlement, change of place of stay; damage to health or death of a close relative; other reasons recognized as valid in court when the insured persons apply to the court (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 N 74).

Terms of payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

Payment of state benefits for pregnancy and childbirth working women are paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

At the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, allocated to educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education for the payment of scholarships in the form of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, a lump sum allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy - women full-time students in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education and institutions of postgraduate vocational education.

The employer assigns the maternity allowance within 10 calendar days from the day the woman applied for it with all the necessary documents. Benefit payment maternity care is carried out by the employer in the nearest after the assignment of benefits, the day set for the payment of wages (Part 1, Article 15, 255-FZ).

Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth on one or more sick leaves

The appointment and payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is carried out by the employer at the place of work of the insured person. The amount of the maternity benefit may not exceed the specified maximum amount of this benefit for each place of work:

  1. If a woman at the time of the maternity leave is employed by several insurers and in the previous two with the same insurers., then the maternity allowance is assigned and paid all places of work(services, other activities) (part 2 of article 13 No. 255-FZ). That is, it is possible to receive benefits for pregnancy and childbirth on several sick leaves (at the main place of work and part-time). At the same time, the allowance is paid by each employer without taking into account earnings from other insurers. In this case, you do not need to provide a certificate of accruals from another insured.
  2. two previous calendar years was occupied from other insurers(another policyholder), maternity allowance is assigned and paid at one of the last jobs at the choice of the insured person (part 2.1 of article 13 No. 255-FZ). In this case, the calculation of the sick leave will be made for one sick leave at one place of work, taking into account all income, including the amount of earnings received from another employer. That is, you need to take a certificate of accruals for the previous 2 years. However, in this case, the size of the average daily earnings will be "cut off" by the limit value.
  3. If a woman at the time of the maternity leave is employed by several insurers, and in two previous calendar years was occupied both these and other insurers(another insured), the maternity allowance is assigned and paid either at all places of work based on the average earnings for the time of work with the insured assigning and paying the allowance, or by the insured at one of the last places of work at the choice of the insured person (part 2.2 of Art. .13 No. 255-FZ). That is, a woman has a choice to receive benefits from each employer (each counts only according to their accruals and with their own restrictions set for each year) or receive benefits at one place of work, taking into account all incomes (for all certificates), but with one restriction limit value.

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Exciting 9 months fly by unnoticed, and now the expectant mother begins to do pleasant chores - preparing a cozy "nest" for her baby, buying him clothes, diapers and toys.

The joyful expectation of the appearance of a peanut in the world is often accompanied by concern about the financial component of the issue. Therefore, expectant mothers and those women who are just planning to expand their families seek to obtain the maximum amount of information about what payments for pregnancy and childbirth they are entitled to. Can every pregnant woman count on financial assistance and support from the state? The answer will, unfortunately, be negative. In addition, the amount of financial assistance will be different in each individual case.

Maternity benefits in 2017

Payments for pregnancy 2017: types of benefits

There are several types of financial assistance in the form of benefits for women in a special position, which are assigned to expectant mothers in certain cases. What benefits are due during pregnancy?

  • “Maternity” - the right to receive this type of financial support is for women whose gestational age has “stepped over” 30 weeks (in case of waiting for one baby). If two or more little ones have settled in the female womb, then she can go on a well-deserved rest from the 28th week.
  • A one-time allowance, to which future mothers who applied to the antenatal clinic in advance are entitled (the waiting period for the baby should not exceed 12 weeks at the time of applying to the LCD).
  • Women in a position whose spouses are doing military service can count on a separate type of payment. This type of support for women is also a one-time payment for pregnancy.

Payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth 2017: grounds for receiving material compensation

In the course of processing any type of payment, and pregnancy benefits were no exception, documentary evidence of the existence of grounds for receiving material assistance is required. What documents do expectant mothers need to prepare for the calculation of benefits?

  • Hospital sheet.
  • Application for maternity benefits.
  • Income certificate, on the basis of which the amount of the allowance will be calculated.

The FSS makes a payment on sick leave for pregnancy, which is calculated individually in each case, within 10 days from the date of receipt of information from the enterprise. In addition, there are other nuances when applying for this financial assistance:

  • A woman must provide a certificate of incapacity for work to calculate the amount of material assistance no later than 6 months from the day the sick leave ends.
  • One of the most important differences between this type of assistance and other benefits for the baby, which the father of the crumbs can also apply for, is that only a woman can apply for this type of payment.
  • Material compensation is not provided to a woman in parallel with wages. The expectant mother must choose either to receive payments for maternity leave, or she does not interrupt her work activity and receives a salary in the general manner.

Pregnancy: claimants for payments and benefits 2017

Many women in a position mistakenly believe that only the fact of having a toddler in the womb entitles them to financial benefits from the state. This opinion is wrong. Financial support can be counted on:

  • Employed women. The amount of assistance is 100% of the average income for the 24 months preceding the decree. If, at the same time, the expectant mother was a part-time worker at several enterprises, each of the organizations is obliged to accrue payments for pregnancy and childbirth for a working employee.
  • Dismissed before the decree, but managed to register as unemployed during this period.
  • Students studying full-time (daytime) form of education. On a budgetary or contractual basis, training does not matter. The calculation of financial support is based on the amount of the scholarship. To calculate the entitlement assistance, you should contact the dean's office.
  • Pregnancy payments to non-working women are also made, although this statement is not true for everyone. Only those unemployed women who were deprived of their jobs due to the liquidation of the organization can claim payments.
  • Women who have registered IP. The amount of financial compensation will be affected by the amount of deductions that were made in the FSS.
  • Women in the military on a contract basis. In this case, the amount of her financial allowance is taken as the basis for calculating financial assistance.
  • Spouses of conscripts.

In addition, if a woman belongs to one of the categories from the list above and plans to adopt a baby under three months old, she can also apply for state assistance.

One-time Financial Assistance: Early Registration Payments 2017

If a pregnant woman applied to the LCD with the intention of registering in the first weeks (up to the 12th) of an “interesting situation”, she is entitled to an additional payment. The amount is issued once, its size is 581.73 rubles. This type of assistance is assigned simultaneously with the accrual of sick leave payments for pregnancy (“maternity leave”), but no later than 10 days after the submission of the document from the LCD. The allowance does not exclude other accruals due to a woman, but has a number of features that a future mother should be aware of.

Applying for benefits and maternity benefits 2017

In general, a woman in a position to receive "maternity" financial support must contact her employer. The following situations are exceptions:

  • If within six months after the end of the period of the disability certificate issued in connection with the expectation of the baby and his birth, the woman did not turn to the employer for the due payment, she should go to the FSS. And then the fund will decide whether there was a valid reason for the absence and whether it is worth accruing state assistance.
  • The woman is registered as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, she must immediately contact the insurance fund. In this situation, the FSS calculates the pregnancy benefit.
  • If, when a woman contacts an organization, the latter has ceased to exist or has insufficient funds in her accounts, mom must also be sent to the FSS.

List of documents for receiving state compensation

A woman who registered for pregnancy earlier than 12 weeks is entitled to a payment not only on a “maternity” sick leave, but also a one-time fixed amount. To complete the latter, you will need:

  • A document from the LCD (certificate) confirming that the pregnant woman is observed earlier than 12 weeks of waiting for the baby.
  • Application for payment of maternity benefit.
  • Identification document (passport).

Calculation of payments for pregnancy in 2017

Financial assistance in connection with the expectation of the baby and its subsequent birth is paid in a lump sum, in full for the entire period on the disability sheet.

sick leave period

How many days of rest is due to the mother in connection with the upcoming appearance of the baby in the world?

  • 70 + 70. A total of 140 days is due to a mother who is expecting the birth of one baby.
  • 70 + 86. In total, a woman receives 156 days of “vacation” if she gave birth to one toddler, but the birth was pathological (caesarean section).
  • 84 + 110. A total of 194 days of sick leave should be paid for a woman expecting two or more crumbs.

Upper and lower limit of financial assistance

To determine the size of the due payments, an important role is played by the length of service of a woman preceding the decree.

  • If this moment the expectant mother has worked for less than six months, then the payment of financial assistance is made on the basis of the minimum wage - the minimum wage rate. Until June 30, 2017, its value is 7,500 rubles, so the amount of the minimum allowance during this period will be equal to
    7500 * 24 / 730 * 140 = 34520.00 rubles

From July 1, 2017, it is planned to increase the minimum wage to 7800 rubles. If this happens, the woman can count on 35,901.37 rubles of material assistance.

  • The upper limit of the allowance is also defined. For its calculation, I use the data of 2015 and 2016.

The maximum amount of payment 2017 = (718,000 + 680,000) / 730 = 1901.37 * 140 (days of disability) = 266,191.80 rubles in case of natural childbirth of one baby.

If the birth was pathological, the maximum amount of the pregnancy benefit will be 353,654.82 rubles. When two or more peanuts are born, the amount of material assistance is determined in the amount of 368,865.78 rubles.

Benefit calculation rules

Material compensation for a woman's pregnancy and the birth of a baby does not have a clearly defined value. Its size is influenced by several factors:

  • The value of the insurance experience of a woman.
  • The total income for the 2 years that lasted until the start of the decree.
  • Labor mode.

As you can see, the timing of registration for pregnancy does not affect the payments of "maternity" payments. When calculating the amount of state assistance for sick leave, the following formula is used:

C (amount of benefit) \u003d D (average daily earnings) * K (number of "sick" days - 140, 156 or 194), while the following algorithm is used to determine the average daily income:

D \u003d M (monthly income) * 24 / 730
When determining the amount of total monthly income, all types of payments from which taxes are withheld are used. There is no withholding tax on benefits received (personal income tax).

Thus, it is easy to see that most of the expectant mothers are entitled to state financial assistance. In order to meet the deadlines for the payment of financial support for pregnancy and childbirth, provide documents in a timely manner for the accrual of compensation due to you.

The maternity benefit is a type of material assistance paid to women for the entire period of maternity leave from the Social Insurance Fund (FSS). This type of allowance is also popularly called "maternity allowance".

Who will receive the payment and under what conditions?

The list of those who can count on state support when going on maternity leave includes:

  • working women;
  • recently lost their jobs due to the bankruptcy of the enterprise;
  • full-time students of universities, technical schools, colleges;
  • women under contract in military structures;
  • adoptive parents belonging to one of the above groups.

Maternity Benefit (M&B) is guaranteed only to women. Neither the spouse nor other family members can count on the corresponding payments. If the pregnant woman continues to work, then no allowance is paid, since the woman still receives a salary. If a woman is eligible for the B&D and child care benefits at the same time, then she must choose one.

Who pays?

Payments to pregnant working women at the place of work are charged by the employer, who reimburses the funds from the Social Insurance Fund. If a woman was fired due to the cessation of the enterprise, then the application and the sick leave are submitted to the social security authorities. There are frequent cases when the employer delays the payment of funds, then you can contact the Labor Inspectorate or, if there is a delay of 2 months or more, the Prosecutor's Office.

Order of appointment and terms of receipt

  1. At the place of work. The employer undertakes to appoint the payment of benefits for BiR within 10 days from the date of submission of the necessary documents. The full amount of the benefit for all months of vacation is given to the employee with the next salary. If the employee has been working recently and has not provided a timely certificate of the amount of earnings for the last two years from the previous place of work, then the amount of the payment is assigned in accordance with the data available to the employer. After the insured person provides the relevant certificate, the benefit must be recalculated. The amount of maternity allowance overcharged to an employee cannot be recovered. An exception is a counting error or the provision of knowingly incorrect information by the recipient of the allowance.
  2. By place of study. Full-time students need to contact the accounting department of the educational institution. Funds can be transferred in the same way as a scholarship from the budget allocated to the educational institution.
  3. in the social security authorities. Funds are transferred through a bank or by postal order until the 26th day of the next month. The source of money is the FSS.
  4. By direct contact with the FSS. The payment is made directly through the FSS within the framework of the Direct Payments project and does not require the mediation of the employer.

The amount of the maternity benefit

The amount of payments under the decree depends on the social status of the pregnant woman:

  • employed women receive 100% of the average monthly earnings (before tax is taken into account);
  • full-time female students receive 100% of the scholarship;
  • female military personnel serving under a contract can count on the entire amount equal to the amount of monetary allowance multiplied by the number of months of vacation;
  • if the experience of a pregnant woman at the place of work is less than six months, then she will receive an allowance equal to the minimum wage for each month;
  • women fired due to the liquidation of the organization, the termination of the IP receive for each month of vacation - the amount of 628.47 rubles, which from February 2019 will be 655.49 rubles.

Maternity payments are calculated according to the following formula:

Income for the previous 2 years, excluding tax deductions ÷ 731 or 730 (number of days in the specified period) × number of days of maternity leave.

In 2019, the size of the minimum and maximum maternity allowances increased due to inflation calculated by Rosstat. The indexation of the R&D allowance and other payments is carried out in accordance with inflation at the end of 2018. Rosstat determined inflation at 3.5%, which corresponds to an increasing indexation coefficient of 1.035, but later changed this coefficient to 1.043, since the actual inflation was 4.3%.

In connection with the indexation of benefits, two more indicators have changed that affect the amount of payment:

  1. minimum wage rose to 11,280 rubles, which is 117 rubles. more than from 01 May 2018.
  2. Limit base for calculating insurance premiums amounts to 815,000 rubles and 755,000 rubles for the last two years.

The average salary of an employee should not exceed the established minimum and maximum. Let's consider the current figures according to the table of maximum and minimum payments after indexation.

Minimum allowance assigned to women employed (calculated based on the minimum wage for all days of the period of temporary disability).

  • RUB 51,918.90 - with a sick leave of 140 days;
  • RUB 57,852.49 - with an additional 16 days of vacation, 156 days of maternity leave;
  • 71,944.76 - for 194 days of maternity leave.

Maximum Benefit laid to working women.

  • 301,095.89 - for 140 days of decree;
  • 335,506.85 - if the vacation is 156 days;
  • 417,232.88 - with maternity leave 194 days.

The maximum and minimum values ​​may change if there are district coefficients in the region that increase the payment. These amounts can only be received by those who became eligible for the corresponding amount after February 1, 2019. Benefits that have already been calculated are not subject to indexation.

There are a few things to keep in mind when calculating cash.

  1. When calculating the average monthly income, periods of illness, maternity leave, and parental leave are not taken into account.
  2. The periods when the employee was released from work are also not taken into account, while the salary was retained in full or in part.
  3. If the employee has been on maternity or parental leave for the past two years, these dates will be excluded from the total calculation. But a woman has the right to replace the time when there was no salary for the previous year or two years. This is allowed if the woman receives a large amount.

Benefit Calculation Example

Let's consider a possible example of calculating the B&R benefit using the example of complicated childbirth, in which 156 days of vacation are required. Let's assume that during the previous two years there was not a single period of incapacity for work. Let's say that the salary in 2017 turned out to be 450,000 rubles, and in 2018, the funds received amounted to 522,000 rubles. The number of calendar days for two years, as mentioned above, is 730 days.

From here we start calculating the allowance: (450,000 + 522,000) / 730 × 156 = 207,715.07 rubles.

This amount will be paid in a lump sum to the employee with the next salary after the acceptance of documents and calculation. The pregnancy benefit is not subject to taxes and fees, so the woman will receive all the money at once.

Read also:

Required documents

To receive maternity benefits, the expectant mother must provide the employer with a small package of documents:

  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • an application for a one-time B&D allowance (it is drawn up in free form or according to a model issued by the personnel department);
  • for women who have been working for less than two years in this organization, an additional certificate may be provided with the amount of earnings for the last two years from the previous place of employment or from the enterprise where the woman works part-time.

In 2019, a package of documents can be sent to the employer by mail, then certified copies or in electronic form are attached to the letter.

For the unemployed, maternity leave will be issued on the basis of the following documents:

  • application for the appropriate payment;
  • certificate of salary from the place of work or application for a request for information on the amount of wages;
  • certificate of incapacity for work from the antenatal clinic, signed by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Sick leave

The payment of benefits for BiR is made on the basis of a sick leave issued to a pregnant woman. It is obtained in the antenatal clinic, where a pregnant woman is observed. The document prescribes the exact number of days of maternity leave, and sick leave is issued on a certain day. The table will help you figure out when a woman can go on vacation.

The nature of the course of pregnancy and childbirthNumber of days before deliveryNumber of days after birthThe entire period of maternity leave
Uncomplicated delivery, pregnancy is uneventful70 70 140
Normal pregnancy, complications in the postpartum period70 86 (16 extra days)156
Childbirth occurred at 22 - 30 obstetric weeks- 156 156
Pregnancy is multiple84 110 194
Multiple pregnancy (established during childbirth)70 124 194

In addition to obstetrician-gynecologists in antenatal clinics, a sick leave certificate can be filled out and signed by general practitioners (family doctors) or paramedics. If a woman refuses to receive this document for a period of 30 weeks due to her unwillingness to leave her workplace and go on maternity leave, then when the pregnant woman reapplies, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued in the general manner. The countdown of the days set by the state still starts from 30 weeks.

The sick leave form for BiR is identical to the one that is issued for general diseases, but there are features of filling out:

  1. In the field "Cause of disability" code 05 is indicated.
  2. In the section "Exemption from work", the column "From what date" the day of the start of maternity leave is printed. The column “By what date” counts down the day when a woman can start work or write an application for leave to care for a newborn.
  3. When applying to a antenatal clinic with registration for a gestational age of up to 12 weeks, there should be a corresponding mark.
  4. The employer does not need to fill in the employee's TIN (the field should be left blank).
  5. The line "Amount of benefit" remains empty, since the Social Insurance Fund accrues the money.
  6. All other items are filled in the same way as for other sick leave sheets.

Important! In the column "Registration in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)" there should be a mark on the word "yes". This is necessary in order for the woman to receive a lump sum payment. An obstetrician-gynecologist will issue a special certificate confirming the right to receive funds. It will need to be presented to the employer or to the FSS.

The main document is issued, including to women who fall from decree to decree. For adoptive parents of children under three months of age, a decree is also provided for up to 70 days, the paper is drawn up from the moment of actual adoption. But the countdown of 70 days starts from the day the baby is born. If parents adopt two or more babies, then the duration of the decree increases and becomes, as in a multiple pregnancy, 110 days.

When studying the question of what payments are due, who continue to work, in 2019, it must be borne in mind that one part can be paid only before the date of birth, the other part only after the birth of the baby. This article will help you understand this rather popular question.

Women who are expecting a child, but continue to work, are fully entitled to the following types of monetary state support.

Lump sum allowance for women who registered at an early stage of pregnancy

To receive this assistance, you need to prepare the following documents:

Statement of a woman who is insured;
a special sheet that confirms disability;
information or a certificate that indicates that the woman was registered at an early date.

For women who got up before twelve weeks, they can count on a one-time payment, the amount of which today is 576 Russian rubles. This amount of money receives a new indexation every year. All this is paid to women along with other forms of benefits.

Payments to women for pregnancy and childbirth

Social benefits are rightfully considered the most impressive. They can only be issued, which is issued at the antenatal clinic.

In order to receive this benefit, you must have:

Statement of a woman who is insured about her desire to receive this payment;
sheet confirming disability.

This type of assistance can be paid from the Social Insurance Fund, and can also be calculated from all types of income for two full calendar years. This period precedes the receipt of leave in anticipation of the baby, for which it is necessary to calculate contributions to the Fund. But it is important to consider that not for every calendar day that falls on:

The time when temporary inability to work lasts, also leave to care for the baby;
periods that release employees from work activities while maintaining the volume of wages, full or partial. In addition, if deductions to the FSS are not accrued for a given time period.

27,455 Russian rubles is the minimum amount that is due to women in the Russian Federation.

Lump sum at birth

15,382 Russian rubles at the moment is the amount that is. Depending on the region or subject, this amount may vary. In addition, the amount may be increased for women who are military wives. Monetary state support can be paid at the woman's main place of work. This social benefit is due for each child born.

In order to receive this social payment, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

Statement of the expectant mother;
certificate of the appearance of the baby;
certificate with information from the place of work of the father of the child that he did not receive benefits;
if the expectant mother divorced her husband, then you must provide a certificate of divorce.

Monthly child care allowance

For a year and a half, women who have an official place of employment can receive a special allowance every month. Its amount is calculated from the official salary. This is forty percent of the salary, in addition, it must be at least forty percent of. This allowance can be 5,768 Russian rubles and 19,855.

Until the child is three years old, the mother has the right to receive this allowance every month. To date, the official amount of state aid is fifty rubles. But in some regions it increases to two thousand Russian rubles.

To receive this benefit, you must have the following documentation:

Statement of a woman who is insured;
provide a copy of the order stating that the expectant mother has been granted parental leave;
there must be a copy of the birth certificate of the baby, which must be certified by the head;
if this is not the first child, then it is imperative to provide copies of all evidence of the appearance of the previous baby;
it is also very important to get information from the father's place of employment that he is no longer on parental leave, and that he has not received social benefits;
information that parents did not use this type of state support. To do this, you need to provide a special certificate.

Is it possible for expectant mothers to work

At the thirtieth week, a woman officially goes on maternity leave. But it is important to remember that it officially begins with the provision of sick leave, which was issued by the antenatal clinic. But not every woman can immediately go on vacation, especially when it comes to money. Russian legislation does not prohibit the continuation of labor activity. But in this case, the mother must choose between wages and this allowance.

It is important to remember that social assistance is accrued in the amount of one hundred percent of the average salary for two years, this is the main difference from the sick leave. It is for this reason that it is very beneficial to refuse payments to those expectant mothers who receive official wages in a small amount, and receive the rest of the money unofficially.

Registration of benefits and assistance for pregnancy and childbirth

It is very important to remember that only formally working women can receive this allowance. They also include women who work part-time, they are also entitled to payment if they are officially employed. But if a citizen of the Russian Federation does not work under an employment contract, then she completely loses the right to receive this allowance and payments.

In addition, if a Russian citizen has several official jobs, then she has every right to apply for social benefits for each job. This became possible if contributions to the insurance social fund were transferred from each place.

As soon as the mother of the baby has decided to go to work, she completely refuses all social benefits that she is entitled to. But when a woman starts working, but the working day is not full, then she can receive payments.

Many people think that only the mother of a child can receive benefits. But this is far from the case, even a grandmother can receive benefits. To do this, it is necessary to draw up all the relevant documents in the name of the person who will actually care for the baby.

Payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth is assigned to refugee mothers, Russian citizens, mothers with foreign citizenship living in the territory of the Russian Federation. The main categories of women who are eligible for benefits include:

  • young mothers with official employment;
  • women in labor who were declared unemployed due to the liquidation or reorganization of the company in which they worked;
  • pregnant female students studying at stationary departments of vocational schools, institutes, technical schools, universities;
  • citizens of Russia who are in military service under a contract, who are on the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or fire fighting structures;
  • adoptive mothers of children who can be attributed to the above categories.

In the case of a normal pregnancy, assistance is accrued and paid for, 140 days (70 days before the birth of the baby and the same after). If a pregnant woman has complications, then maternity holidays may be increased up to 156 days (86 before childbirth and 70 after). In case of birth 2nd and subsequent child, maternity holidays increase up to 194 days (84 before childbirth and 110 after them). The allowance is paid by the employer or the social service during the maternity holidays.

In a situation where a woman has decided to be on maternity leave until the child reaches the age of 3, she must refuse to receive assistance for childbirth and write an application for the provision of appropriate payments to her. All issues related to the appointment of benefits are regulated.

The amount of maternity benefit in 2019

Government appointed maternity benefit in 2019 for several categories of expectant mothers, in the following sizes:

  1. To women in childbirth-students in the amount equal to their scholarship.
  2. For mothers who are in military service under a contract - in the amount of their monetary allowance.
  3. For women, the company where they were registered - 655.49 rubles for 1 month of sick leave.
  4. For working women in labor - a lump sum payment in the amount of their 100% average wage(paid by the employer). In this case, the minimum benefit will be at least 51,919 rubles(calculated from the minimum wage). The maximum allowance is 301,096.6 rubles for 140 days.

Calculation of maternity benefit can be done independently, using a calculator and a simple calculation method. It consists of several actions:

  • the total official salary is determined (if there is a “black” salary, then it is not taken into account) for the last 730 days(two years) before the decree - its value can be found in the salary certificate from your employer;
  • the average daily salary is determined - the value of the total salary is divided at 730;
  • the final amount of the benefit is calculated - the average daily salary is multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave.

The amount of child benefits in 2019

Benefit Size from 01/01/2019 (in rubles) Size from 02/01/2019 (in rubles)
On pregnancy and childbirth for working women (general procedure) Average daily earnings for each day of maternity leave
Minimum maternity benefit 51 919 rubles - 140 days of maternity leave
The maximum amount of maternity benefit 301,096.6 - 140 days of maternity leave
Monthly allowance for the unemployed and dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization 628,47 655,49
Mothers, full-time students The amount of the scholarship established in a higher or secondary educational institution
Women serving under contract The amount of monetary allowance, acting at the place of service
Lump sum in early pregnancy 628,47 655,49
One-time allowance for pregnant spouses of conscripts 26539,76 27680,97
One-time payment at the birth of a child 16759,09 17479,73
One-time allowance for the transfer of a child to be raised in a family 16759.09 or 128053.08 if a disabled child, a child older than 7 years old, or several children at once were transferred to the family for upbringing, if they are brothers or sisters to each other 17479.73 or 133559.36 if a disabled child, a child older than 7 years old or several children were transferred to the family for upbringing, if they are brothers or sisters to each other
Maternal capital 453026
Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (working mother) 40% of average monthly earnings (billing period 2017 and 2018)
Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for employed people) 4512 - for the first child;

6284.65 - on the second and next

4512 - for the first child;

6554.89 - on the second and next

Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years (for unemployed or with less than six months of experience) 3142.33 - on the first;

6284.65 - on the second and subsequent

3277.45 - for the first child;

6554.89 rubles - for the second and subsequent children

"Putin's" allowance The size of the children's regional subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018
Monthly allowance for the care of a child of a soldier 11374,18 11863,27
Monthly survivor's allowance for a child of a serviceman 2287,65 2386,02
Monthly allowance for a child living in the Chernobyl zone 3241.05 - up to 1.5 years;

6482.10 - from 1.5 to 3 years

3380.42 - up to 1.5 years;

6760.83 - from 1.5 to 3 years

Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years The size of one children's PM
Monthly allowance for children under 18 from low-income families Installed at the regional level

Table of child care benefits from January 1, 2019

The procedure for applying for benefits

List of required documents

To be charged maternity allowance will need to submit:

  • statement;
  • on disability due to pregnancy or a certificate obtained at the antenatal clinic, which specifies the actual period of carrying the fetus of the child;
  • a certificate issued by the Employment Center confirming the status of unemployed;
  • a work book or an extract made from it, indicating the last job;
  • a certificate in which the amount of salary from the last places of employment (if any) is calculated;
  • a document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • a certificate with bank details - it indicates the name of the bank and the number of the account to which the funds will be transferred;
  • an identification number;
  • certificate of the liquidation committee on dismissal from the enterprise, due to the fact that it was liquidated;
  • a certificate issued by the HOA or housing office at the place of residence, which must indicate the place of employment or study of the woman or that she is unemployed.

Main nuances

There are several important nuances that should be taken into account when calculating pregnancy assistance. These points relate to issues related to the maximum average salary for the year, restrictions on the average daily salary and with the deduction of a certain number of days. from a biennium calendar period:

  1. Excluded from the biennium are days on which average earnings were retained (e.g. sick days, maternity or babysitting holidays) and on which no fear was accrued. contribution for the FSS (established , Article 14, point 3.1).
  2. The average salary for each of the 2 years taken should not be higher than certain the maximum amount (the maximum base for deductions of contributions for the FSS), which is established by law. In 2016, it was fixed at the level 718000 rubles, in 2017 - 755000 rubles. In 2018, the amount is 815,000 rubles. In 2019 - 865,000 rubles. Therefore, at the time of the calculation of assistance, a separate amount will be used to determine the size of the average salary in each year.
  3. The amount of the average daily wage is limited in size and will be separate for each year. It is calculated as follows: the marginal base for the FSS for each year is taken and divided by 730 (the total number of days for both years), and then the resulting two amounts are summed up.

An example of calculating maternity benefits

Ekaterina Petrova, born in 1990, has been working as an accountant at ZAO Vityaz Alco Group since 2010. In 2018, being pregnant, the girl went to the doctor of the antenatal clinic 70 days before birth your child in order to receive a sick leave certificate, which will indicate term pregnancy. Having received a sick leave certificate, the girl brought it to her enterprise and wished to arrange assistance for childbirth. Since the medical certificate indicated that the pregnancy was proceeding normally, it was decided to give Ekaterina maternity leave for 140 days.

To calculate the amount of assistance, the girl’s salary for 2017 and 2016 was taken. In 2016, the girl earned in the company 600000 rubles, and in 2017 - 680000 rubles. In the period 2016-2017, she did not get sick and did not apply for “sick leave”.

The average daily salary was calculated as follows: (600000+680000)/730 = 1753.42 rubles. The size of the lump-sum allowance turned out to be the following: 140 * 1753.42 \u003d RUB 245,479.45– this amount was paid to the woman at the cash desk of the company.


The most important points should be highlighted:

  1. Women of various categories have the right to take advantage of childbirth assistance: the unemployed, students, employed, contract servicemen.
  2. The standard period of maternity leave is full 140 days(for the first child) and 194 days(for the 2nd and subsequent child).
  3. The minimum amount of the maternity benefit for 2019 cannot be less than 51,919 rubles (the minimum wage).
  4. You must apply for benefits no later than 180 days after the birth of your child. Applying for an accrual after the 180th day does not qualify for childbirth assistance.
  5. Payment of maternity leave is carried out immediately for the entire maternity period.
  6. For reimbursement of expenses incurred for the payment of childbirth assistance, an enterprise should contact the FSS representative office.

The most popular questions and answers to them on maternity benefits

Question: My name is Angelina. I had this situation: my daughter works in a small company. A month ago, she gave birth to a child, but she did not apply anywhere to receive pregnancy benefits. And the question arises: is it too late to apply to the enterprise so that it pays my daughter an allowance?

Answer: Angelina, according to Article 12 (paragraph 2) of Law No. 255, a woman in labor has the right to apply for financial support for pregnancy within 180 days after the childbirth.

List of laws

Sample applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents.