Conspiracy to evict neighbors. Prayers and conspiracies to pacify noisy neighbors. Conspiracy from neighbors Natalia Stepanova: words

If you are unlucky with your neighbors, then this can ruin your life to a large extent. After all, the constant parties of neighbors and noise do not allow you to fully relax in your own home. But it is absolutely not necessary in order to rein in the neighbors, to seek help from law enforcement agencies, and certainly there is absolutely no need to make scandals and quarrels. To solve the problem, you need to use magic.

You can ensure a peaceful stay by using a conspiracy from noisy neighbors. This is a very effective tool that, on an energy level, will completely painlessly affect your neighbors. And the directed influences can be different. A conspiracy from noisy neighbors can lead to the fact that the neighbors simply move out, or circumstances develop in such a way that you make friends with them and can easily negotiate.

Rite for the neighbors to move out

If it is not possible to agree with the neighbors regarding the observance of the rules of the hostel, then you can conduct a ceremony aimed at ensuring that they move out. In some cases, this rite works in such a way that the neighbors remain, but due to reasons only known to them, they become complaisant and accommodating.

In the ritual, you will need to use the following attributes:

  • a tablespoon of table salt;
  • glass bottle;
  • Bay leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 3 heads;
  • Dill seeds - 3 grains;
  • Peppercorns - 3 pcs.

One evening after sunset, you need to throw all the ingredients in turn into a bottle.

All actions are accompanied by the following words:

“All natural and strong components unite into one and protect me, the Servant of God (proper name) and my home and family. Amen".

After all the ingredients are placed in the bottle, it must be tightly corked.

Then you need to shake the vessel three times and say other words:

“The composition of the magical, created by me, help calm the noisy and restless neighbors. In the name of all protective forces, I ask you to protect me and my family so that no one interferes with our peaceful life. May what I say come true. Amen".

After such words, a bottle with mixed ingredients turns into a charm. Therefore, it must be stored in a secluded place. Until other people's hands touch the charmed bottle, or it falls into the eyes of other people, there will be no more problems with the neighbors.

Against evil neighbors

It happens that the neighbors, in addition to not behaving tactfully, are also trying to harm you. Such manifestations of unkindness towards you can also be dealt with with the help of magic.

This rite should be performed at any time when you hear noise behind the wall. If such a manifestation can be predicted in time, then the ceremony can be performed half an hour before.

You need to turn towards the neighbor's apartment and say the following conspiracy 40 times:

“You, neighbor, want to seem like an ataman. So I, the Servant of God (name), I order you, do not make noise and do not be foolish. Go to the dense forests, there is a riot, raise a noise above the black waters and mud, let it spread over the hazels and marsh bogs. As the weeping willow and the trembling aspen cannot grow without roots, so in my house there will be neither noise nor shadows. You will not frighten me, but there will be peace and quiet in my home. In the name of the Lord Almighty, and with the intercession of the Holy Mother of God. Amen".

After such a ritual, the neighbors will soon behave adequately.

To reconcile with neighbors

Far from always wanting to get rid of neighbors, more often there is a desire to find a way of reconciliation in order to coexist peacefully in the future.

In order to be able to peacefully resolve the problems that have arisen, you need to conduct a special ceremony on one of the days in the phase of the waning moon. A conspiracy aimed at reconciliation with neighbors is read three times: at dawn, at noon and at sunset.

Before pronouncing the magic words, you should cross yourself, and then say:

“Scream and noise, go into the deep dark water to the king of the swamp, to the snake under the well. Live freely there, but do not interfere with my life. Amen".

Soon, you will notice that the neighbors began to behave more calmly and soon you will be able to establish relations with them, and maybe even make friends.

If you notice that the neighbors are spreading gossip about you, then you can perform the most harmless ceremony, but at the same time very effective. To do this, you need to bake pies or buns, speak them, and then treat them to your neighbors.

The dough for pies must be kneaded on Sunday early in the morning, and pies must be cooked with church candles lit.

On the filling that is planned to be used in pies or powder for buns, you should pronounce the following conspiracy:

“I, the Servant of God, (my name), command evil tongues to be silent, in vain not to raise gossip about me and my family, and not to spread them. It will be as it is said! Amen".

After you bake pies, you need to treat them to gossip neighbors, coming up with any excuse.

After one of the neighbors picks up the pies, you need to mentally say:

“You have a delicious treat, and I have peace of mind.”

The main thing is that such a treat does not cause any suspicions among the neighbors. After such a ceremony, one must maintain relations with neighbors in order to exclude envy on their part.

Sometimes the people who live next door are not entirely friendly and adequate. And peaceful negotiations to resolve the conflict do not always help. To stop the intrigues, slander and aggression on the part of these people, you can use a conspiracy against your neighbors. After it is held, a conspiracy against evil neighbors will help to pacify, make contact, stop the flow of aggressiveness, calm the noise, stop slander and attacks in your direction. Also, with the help of magic, you can make them sell their property, move away from you.

Calm the wrath of the neighbors

A plot from neighbors is necessary in the following situations:

Make the neighbors turn down the music

  1. If people who live in the neighborhood behave loudly, swear and do not react to requests to be quieter. In this case, a conspiracy will help get rid of noisy neighbors.
  2. With constant partying and drinking, drug use of a neighbor from above or below. Getting rid of the bad habits of neighbors with the help of magic, one can expect that these people will simply change their place of residence.
  3. If these people specifically do nasty things, pads or damage.
  4. If they systematically flood you.
  5. With constant fights and debauchery, loud swearing, aggressiveness.

In such situations, a conspiracy from bad neighbors will help achieve reconciliation, make peace with neighbors. You can also survive the neighbors, conduct such rituals so that the neighbors move out. It is advisable to use a conspiracy from bad neighbors if conversations and a peaceful settlement of the conflict fail.

In addition to the use of magical rituals, prayers to various saints can also be used. During the ceremony, it is impossible: to stop abruptly halfway, to interrupt the ritual, in no case should you wish evil to other people, it is important to have a goal, after the ceremony, do not tell anyone anything and believe in the power of magic.

The main thing is to believe and not be interrupted in the middle of the way

Effective rites

White magic offers various options for rituals, the purpose of which is to pacify, reconcile, and reach a compromise. Or, in an opposite situation, you can expel negligent neighbors, make sure that they are evicted from their house or apartment (this primarily concerns unscrupulous tenants, those who live in a communal apartment).

From noisy neighbors

There is an effective plot against the noise caused by people living in the neighborhood. It is simple but effective. It is necessary to turn towards their house and say the following:

“I walk along the wide road, I walk. I drag behind me, dragging a black ox and chasing a viper. I will fill the eyes of my enemies and adversaries with poppy, consecrated in the church with light. Become dumb to my walls, so you will speak like a fire burns in the stove. So that the neighbors do not make noise, do not shout, do not interfere. Let it come true as it is said.

Cross yourself three times and read the prayer of Our Father.

Also at their doors you can read the protective words:

Read the words at the neighbors door

“Just as people cannot live without food, so my neighbors cannot live in noise and screams. Let silence reign in your house, and noise hide. They will no longer be heard and revered by you. May it be as it is said."

Repeat the spell three times.

How to punish for libel? If people are constantly behaving too loudly, inappropriately behaving, an effective ritual is performed. Collect morning dew, pour into different containers. Take three drops from each dish, drip on your left hand, wash your face and say:

“I wash myself with light dew, I will take the stars from heaven, they will become my helpers. Let an evil person not touch me, let there be no harmful neighbor. I pacify you with a word of light and a deed of God.

From evil neighbors

How to get rid of neighbors if they constantly pester with their nit-picking, swearing and rudeness? From evil neighbors, you can read the following words, turning towards their residence:

Get rid of the neighbors who pester you with their nit-picking

“Calm down, evil neighbor, calm down, evil neighbor. I drive you with a magic word, a magic word. I'm talking about noisy neighbors, an evil neighbor, but you won't look and hiss in my direction. Let it come true, what has been said."

When moving into a new home, you can perform a ritual that will protect you from bad neighbors. It is necessary to put treats on a saucer, put them on the first night after moving in a secluded corner of the house, while saying:

“The guardian of my house, father-domovoi. I will leave treats for you, reward for caring for me. Become our protector and guardian. We will not know sorrows and sorrows, insults and slander, slander and anger from others. And whoever wishes me harm, let it return to him.

You can also pacify them with the help of another option. Take a new broom, sweep the house with it, while saying:

Buy a new broom for your home

“Let all misfortunes and hardships go away with this magical broom, and happiness and love increase.”

Throw a broom near the house of other residents. Whoever picks it up and takes it for himself will have all your failures and bad luck.

For the neighbors to move out

How to get rid of bad neighbors, a conspiracy will help in this, so that the neighbors move, move away from you forever. If you are constantly flooded, interfere with a quiet life, rowdy, you can conduct a strong conspiracy. You will need the following attributes: three wax candles, black fabric, photographs of haunting people. Cut out the silhouettes of people from the fabric, light candles. Put cut-out silhouettes and photographs on the fabric. Say these words:

“As the dead man rides for the last time along the crossroads, so you (names), cross the threshold of your house for the last time. Get as far away from me as you can, don't come back. This house will become torment and hard labor for you until you leave it. Let it be so".

For a good relationship

To reconcile with neighbors, to reconcile with a harmful or evil lady, you can use the following version of the ceremony. Bake a cake or cupcake on the day off. While kneading the dough, read the spell forty times:

“Evil old woman shut up, evil old man shut up, like all other evil tongues. I baked delicious pies and cupcakes for you. Just as my food is delicious, your speeches will be tasty and sweet. Let the hatred go far and forever. There will be peace and harmony between us, we will make peace, we will respect each other. There will be no envy and words of anger. But only peace and joy. My words are strong as a stone block, do not break them and do not destroy. Amen".

When the pastries are ready, treat your neighbors with a charmed pie. You also need to give a piece to the neighbor's pet. When they taste the treat, protection from evil neighbors will take effect immediately.

Other ritual options

Place an obstacle in front of the entrance to your house for neighbors

Neighbors can be not only noisy, but also annoying people. The following prayer will help to put an obstacle to entering your house:

“Lord, all-merciful, help, become for us a pacifier of the spirit of the neighbor. May there be protection from them, enemies, envious people, slanderers and ill-wishers. May it be so now and forever.”

Sometimes you may need protection from neighbors if they are jealous, behave too intrusively.

Getting rid of ill-wishers who live nearby is carried out in this way. Collect holy water in the temple, wash your face for three days in a row, and on the fourth day say:

“I will wash myself with water, I will wash away all hardships and bitterness. I can get rid of enemies on the other side of the wall by reading these conspiracies. Let the neighbor's negativity not pass on to me. What I get from them, I will give to them. We remove all curses from ourselves, we survive, we get rid of the bad and the bad. Let it be so".

Wash your face with holy water for three days in a row

Amulet from the curses of neighbors

If simple rituals and amulets are not effective, various amulets are used to get rid of envious people and to protect themselves. They will help even if it is a communal apartment. The amulet must be made with your own hands, for this, materials such as wax, wood or wool are used. After the amulet is made, strangers will not envy you.

To protect themselves from noisy and unpleasant people who live nearby, they make an amulet. You will need the following attributes:

  • a head of garlic;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few bay leaves;
  • allspice;
  • Dill seeds.

Mix all ingredients saying:

Mix the remaining ingredients with garlic

“My house will become quiet and calm. My neighbors will become peaceful, without thunder and lightning. As these words are said, so the action went. Amen".

Pour the spelled spices into a bottle and hide in a secret place in the yard or in the house. This is a strong protective amulet that will help all family members, bring good luck and protect against all evil.

From unkind people who live nearby, the following amulet will help:

  • juniper twig - absorbs negative energy;
  • souvenir broom - against the owners of the house they will not be able to slander, slander and slander;
  • willow branch;
  • sedge branch.

Ready amulets fix at the front door, this is an excellent protection. No evil person will be able to enter your house and harm its inhabitants.

Almost everyone is concerned How can you please your neighbors. This issue is especially relevant among those who live in an apartment. Many suffer from drunks, drug addicts who live nearby. There are those who try to poison your dog because it interferes with them. Situations may arise different, but for any of them there is a conspiracy.

Conspiracy from malicious neighbors

If you have neighbors who harm and harm you in every possible way, then do not waste time on disassemblies and quarrels with them, but do this:

Set three fish heads to boil at midnight, when the heads are cooked, start boiling water CONSPIRACY and pour it at the gate or entrance where the evil neighbor lives, you can sprinkle a little under her door.

"A slave lives on the ocean - a mother, I can't take her, but I'll take three heads. As these fish are dead and as these fish are dumb, so the slave (the name of the neighbor) would not open her mouth at me, the dumb tongue would not swear, and would not eat at me every time. My word is true and strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

Give the heads to the cats.

How to get rid of bad neighbors

For that for your neighbors to move out you can use the power of white magic. But to be more precise, this is white conspiracy on neighbors. It will help to calm even the most violent residents. Be that as it may, this rite will help you achieve what you want.

To do this, you need to prepare items such as:

  • salt, a pinch;
  • a small jar;
  • three leaves of lavrushka;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • a handful of dill seeds;
  • black peppercorns.

“Come together as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), protect my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. As you wish, so it will come true"

“In the name of all protective forces, help calm down noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm, do not wish bad things to me and close people living with me. Protect from the envious thought of those who think badly of me. Pacify the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think so of me. Help me find peace and quiet in my house. My words are strong as a stone block, do not break them and do not destroy. Amen".

This rite will allow you to calm or evict neighbors who are constantly trying to harm you. When CONSPIRACY read, you need to hide the container somewhere far away so that no one can find it.

Conspiracy to make bad neighbors leave forever

What needs to be done so that the neighbors leave forever? This is of interest to many, because there are absolutely, everywhere such “special” ones. Get rid of noisy neighbors, those who live in a multi-storey building constantly dream. After all, a person cannot live normally when the neighbors cannot calm their dog, yell or smoke so that it smells all over the house.

If you dream of your neighbors moving, then a conspiracy from evil neighbors will help you. After all, it will allow you to influence the fact that those who interfere with you move out in the near future.

Such rituals are performed only when the sun begins to hide behind the horizon. It is best to read such words on the young moon, because experienced sorcerers say that during this period all rituals are of great power.

In order to conduct the ceremony, you need to prepare your thoughts and some items. Among them:

  • salt;
  • church candle;
  • small chicken feather;
  • a little olive oil;
  • tablespoon.

Choose a place to read the plot, where it will be quiet and calm. You can go to the country, nature or go out into the open field. Next, you need to set the candle on the floor and set it on fire. We take some kind of container and put oil and a little salt in it. Place this mixture near the candle. Take the pen and say these words:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil deeds of the neighbors, from which everyone is tired, so that they fall behind, do not go here anymore, so that they do not bother people to live normally. Help drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and everything will be against them living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen."

Read this CONSPIRACY you need to literally and there is nothing to change. After that, put the pen in the container and use it to draw a transparent line that will protect your house and affect the eviction of noisy neighbors.

Don't worry, you won't hurt anyone. Indeed, there are often situations when the neighbors themselves make unkind conspiracies in order to leave you without a robot or try to poison the dog. Therefore, if you have such neighbors living through the wall, then be sure to put up protection and try to get rid of them.

Hidden conspiracy from evil neighbors

There is a very necessary CONSPIRACY which is recommended for everyone. He is not only against the neighbors, but also other bad people. To conduct the ceremony, you need to take a mirror. And keep it in such a position that your reflection can be seen in it and at this moment say the following:

"I'm walking, you can't see me.

I'm walking, you can't hear me.

As in glass I am not me, so all the malice is not mine.

People will argue with me, I will not find evil in anyone.

Around me are only those who are dear to me, the rest have no place here.

I will live without troubles and go without troubles,

As our ancestors used to say: "Don't choose your house - choose your neighbors!". There is truth in these words. When buying a house, we first of all choose a living space, we get acquainted with people living nearby only after moving. But, knowing in advance about noisy, angry or envious neighbors, we would more carefully consider our decision to buy a particular home.

If, in spite of everything, you have acquired a long-awaited living space and your neighbors turned out to be evil, unfriendly people, apply the conspiracy and everything will work out.

A conspiracy from evil neighbors is a great way to help you make contact with your neighbors, reconcile you or get rid of noisy and conflicting people, make you change your place of residence.

Conspiracy on the neighbor's door

To make the neighbors move out at midnight, stand in front of the door of annoying neighbors, take a candle with a lit flame in your right hand. A lit candle is driven clockwise in front of the door, and the following plot is read:

“My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise. How quiet the river is at night, so, neighbor, don't grumble. Bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor, be. We have nothing to share, we must be kinder. Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth. Let there be no quarrels and evil between us.

After the ceremony is completed, you need to imperceptibly drip wax from a candle in front of a neighbor's door.

Prayer to George the Victorious

To tame neighborly enmity, you can apply the prayer to George the Victorious.

“Holy passion-bearer George the Victorious! As you cast down your evil enemies, so may my enemies be cast down. Protect me, servant of the Lord (name), from the machinations of my enemies, from evil deeds, from an unkind word, from an envious thought. Let them leave their unclean plans, may the Lord's forgiveness be to them for their sins. May my word be strong, may the Lord be merciful to my requests. Amen!"

So that the neighbors do not bother

A very simple rite to get rid of evil people. Read these words:

“It’s not you who spit in me, but I spit in your eyes (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Similar ritual:

“I spit on all my enemies. Go, my drools, to them forever, close their eyes to me forever. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Collective amulet

When not only you, but also other people suffer from a hated neighbor, you can apply such a conspiracy. It is necessary to write the name of the impudent woman on a piece of paper, write below "good soul". Roll the paper tightly and place it in a plastic bag, secure with tape.

Then you need to find a house where no one lives, or an apartment, put the packed leaf in the mailbox. As long as the amulet is in the mailbox, the annoying neighbor will not bother you.

Strong conspiracy on the photo

Such a ceremony is performed only as a last resort, when all measures to calm a bad person are no longer in effect.

Take a photo of your neighbor who is bothering you. The ceremony is performed with a waning moon. The photo is wrapped in a piece of black fabric. When the sun goes down, you need to light three candles (necessarily the same), arrange them in the shape of a triangle. A piece of fabric is spread out in front of you, the photo is placed in the middle. Read the following words twelve times:

“As the candles burn, and the wax melts from them, so let the anger of the servant of God (name) melt. The servant of God (name) will not touch me in word or deed. He will no longer do dirty tricks, spread gossip. My word is strong and tenacious. Amen".

When the candles burn out, they need to be removed in a bag. A photograph wrapped in a piece of cloth is placed in the same package. The package must be removed to a secluded place on the west side. For three days you can not take out or give anything from the apartment. As long as the photo is hidden from prying eyes, the neighbor will not bother you.

For the neighbors to move out of the house

This simple ritual will help you get rid of the bad person living next to you and help him move to another place as soon as possible. For the ceremony, you need to prepare the following ingredients: buy a yellow church candle, pour half a cup of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt and a chicken feather. You need to go to a deserted place. The candle is set in the ground, salt, pour the salt into a cup of olive oil. The cup is placed near a burning candle. Then they take a chicken feather in their hand and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes, and how the chickens will perish in a new nest. Let it be in my house. The servants of God (name) will always be quiet, but peace. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When the words have been spoken, the pen is dipped in olive oil. With such a pen, a line is drawn between the neighbor's apartment and your apartment.

Charms for the home

Having moved to a new home, you can also get rid of bad neighbors with the help of amulets:

  • Buy a decorative whisk in the souvenir shop. To make a charm out of a panicle, weave a willow branch with a stem of sedge grass. Hang a broom over the entrance to your house.
  • Take a juniper twig and place it in a vase. Such a talisman will help neutralize the bad energy emanating from the hated neighbors.

juniper twig

A conspiracy from neighbors will be useless if you yourself behave impolitely towards others. No matter how the relationship between you and your neighbors develops, it is better not to quarrel, but to try to find a compromise. Radiate more goodness and everything will be fine.

When purchasing housing in an apartment building, we pay attention to many points: cost, layout, number of rooms and the condition of the apartment. These criteria determine the choice.

But when buying a home, many overlook one important point - the soundproofing of the room. You are lucky if you live next to peaceful people, but it also happens vice versa, the neighbors from above stomp like elephants, interfere with your rest, you constantly hear a squeal, someone knocks something. This can seriously ruin your life.

You can try to negotiate and ask to create less noise, but as practice shows, this is not always effective.

What methods to use in the fight against people who do not consider the comfort of others? What to do if the neighbors from above got it, loud music is heard until late, children run and make noise, parents swear, constantly drop things, move furniture that creaks, depriving you of the opportunity to relax? Who to contact for help? You will find answers to these questions below.

What time can you make noise?

Many had to live in the neighborhood with harmful and conflicting persons. Such people, at the slightest noise from your apartment, immediately appear on the threshold, scandal, threaten the police and various troubles. But why do you need to fight again? In order not to become like a brawler, let's see what the law says in such cases.

The norms and rules of behavior for residents of an apartment building are prescribed in the law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population." From a legal point of view, you can make claims to neighbors about noise in the following cases:

  • if the neighbors turn on loud music, shout, stomp and otherwise create a lot of noise from 23 to 7 hours;
  • when the noise coming from the apartment during the period from 7 am to 11 pm exceeds 30 dB;
  • in cases where neighbors carry out repairs that create a lot of noise on weekends or between 19:00 and 07:00 during the working week.

Clarification of relations with neighbors should be started only if they violate the rules of conduct prescribed by law.

What to do if the upstairs neighbors are constantly noisy

If the sound insulation in your apartment leaves much to be desired, and the neighbors from above are constantly screaming, making noise, repairing or dropping something, listening to music loudly, and their child rolls cars on the floor, runs, jumps, and at the same time everyone stomps like elephants, survive difficult in such an environment. How to proceed in this case and where to apply?

You should not immediately run with a complaint to the district police officer or start "military actions" in relation to the neighbors from above. Remember that quarrels and scandals happen in your family, you also make repairs and bring guests into the house, and your children are not perfect. Therefore, try to solve the problem peacefully.

  • Start with a conversation. In a calm voice, without accusations and insults, express your claims to your neighbors. Show understanding for their renovation problems, noisy kids, and love of music. But at the same time, remind that others should not suffer from their increased activity. Perhaps the tenants upstairs do not even realize that you can hear everything, and do not realize how bad the soundproofing in the house is.

If your neighbors are normal people, they will treat you with understanding and try to be quieter. In this case, the problem will be forgotten and you can live in peace again.

Where to complain about upstairs neighbors

There are several ways to deal with legal neighbors. You can try to solve the problem like this:

  • Involve law enforcement agencies as defenders and contact the district police officer (the more residents complain, the better). Taking measures to ensure order in the entrusted territory is his duty. This employee can conduct a conversation, issue a warning, and also issue a fine. In other words, make an effort to calm the tenants.

However, it is not uncommon for police officers to be reluctant to accept such statements from residents, and sometimes ignore complaints. If the district police officer is inactive, write a complaint to the prosecutor's office against this employee.

  • Trial. Since the norms of behavior of residents are regulated by law, it is possible to take revenge on noisy neighbors in this way. If the court rules in your favor, the violators will pay a fine.

However, in order to appeal to the court or the police, evidence is needed that the neighbors really violate the rules of conduct prescribed by law. Is there such a strong noise coming from their apartment that this is the basis for starting proceedings?

Use the advice: Fed up with neighbors: how to evict asocial residents of the house

  • Please note that the permissible noise level is up to 40 dB during the day and up to 30 dB in the evenings. These indicators are determined by a special device. You can insist that an independent examination be carried out, in which case the noise figures will be recorded in the document. Thus, you will receive irrefutable evidence that the neighbors are disturbing the order.
  • The only case when it will be difficult to figure out the law is if children left unattended are making noise in the apartment, jumping, screaming, rolling cars on the floor and stomping terribly. Only conversations, requests to calm the child and limit his activity will help here. In extreme cases, you can contact the guardianship and guardianship authorities with a complaint that children are left unattended.

But what if even the threat of a fine under the law and other troubles does not stop violent and noisy residents? How to protect your peace?

If it didn’t work out according to the law, persuasion does not work, but upstairs they still drill, move, drop, shout and stomp, and even the music yells, it’s time for a “guerrilla war”.

The imagination of a person is sometimes amazing. There are many ways to harm a neighbor, but you should not take actions such as self-mutilation, damage to other people's property, and the like. This can backfire on you and you may well need the help of a lawyer. Consider safe and effective ways in which you can take revenge on neighbors for noise.

How to harm neighbors from above

Method 1

  • To teach neighbors a lesson, you can use a simple way - to block the front door. This can be done provided that the door opens towards the staircase.
  • Take the board and set it so that one end rests on the door handle of the harmful neighbor, and the other on the floor, step or railing, depending on where the entrance to the apartment is located.
  • Now it is impossible to get out of the apartment on their own, and the neighbors will have to wait until other tenants come to their aid and remove the board. If they want, of course.

Method 2

  • If the neighbors are completely fed up, you can decide on any muck. Including damage to the lock on the front door.
  • Lubricate several needles with glue and insert into the keyhole. As a result, the one who “does not bark, does not bite, and does not let them into the house” will not let the owners themselves in either. In this case, it is impossible to repair the lock, it will need to be changed.

Method 3

  • If you are haunted by a constantly screaming TV in a neighbor’s apartment, and he ignores requests, you can cut the antenna cable, or better, cut a piece. It will take time for the intruder to eliminate the trouble, and you can at least briefly enjoy the silence.
  • In the same way, you can damage the telephone cable. A trifle, but unpleasant.

Tabloid: Netizen found the perfect way to teach the noisy upstairs neighbors a lesson!

Method 4

This method is only suitable for those who are well versed in electricity and can do everything they need without the risk of injury.

If the music of the neighbors is too loud and the noise does not subside after 11 pm, you can “conjure” in the electrical panel and deprive the apartment of electricity. This is easy to do by cutting out a piece of wire so that it is difficult to connect the trimmings.

How to teach alcoholic neighbors a lesson

What to do with alcoholic neighbors who constantly arrange drunken brawls, and the police already know their address by heart? There is one way!

  • Come up with a credible occasion (it's your birthday, you got a bonus or a new position, the reason "drink to my health" will also fit) and treat your neighbors with vodka, which is mixed with a laxative. Of course, they will not be cured of alcoholism, but at least for some time they will not be up to fighting and dancing!

How to annoy: sounds for neighbors from above

Method 1

The enemy must be beaten with his own weapon - this is a well-known truth. Try to get your neighbor with his own noise!

  • To do this, make an audio recording of the noise that comes from the neighbors. Gather a larger “collection”, and then, using a special program, a large selection of which can be found on the Internet, mount the “track”. If you do not know how to do this, you can scroll through the same entry in repeat mode.
  • Then install the speakers closer to the ceiling (if the upstairs neighbors are bothering you), or to a joint wall (this is for those who live "through the wall") and turn on the recording at full capacity! It’s better for yourself to leave the house for this time, so as not to go crazy in such an environment.

Method 2

Upstairs neighbors love music, and you inevitably have to be a music lover too, because the equipment yells almost in the ultrasonic range? Maybe they even bought a percussion instrument? All your requests to be quiet and reminders that this is not a nightclub, there is no response?

Use the consultation: Neighbor disputes: we mark the boundaries of the site

  • Strike back and give them a concert in your performance! Let them listen to an exquisite composition that you will perform on radiators! The sound will be especially sonorous if you use metal objects, knock even with a spoon.
  • It is possible that the neighbors from below will “come to the light” to you, who will also hear the “concert”. Apologize and honestly explain the reasons for your behavior, complain about uncontrollable music lovers. Who knows, maybe in the face of a neighbor below you will find a like-minded person who agrees to play “four hands” on batteries?

Method 3

You can take revenge on your neighbors with a pot of water placed on a cabinet or shelf under the ceiling. You need to install it so that the edges are firmly pressed to the ceiling.

Put headphones on the pan, connect them to the music center or computer. And turn on the music at full power. It turns out an impromptu vibrocolumn, while it will be quiet in your apartment, which cannot be said about the neighbors from above.

Method 4

You can not only take revenge, but also survive the neighbors with the help of ultrasound. There are devices designed to repel rodents and insects with ultrasound. The sound of this device resembles the squeak of a mosquito.

If you are well versed in technology, then, by “conjuring” on the device, you can ensure that the unbearable squeak will also catch the human ear. It is extremely difficult to exist in such an atmosphere.

Why do neighbors from above roll metal balls on the floor

How to ruin the lives of upstairs neighbors

Method 1

  • You can use the method with the conditional name "Shame on the brawlers." Print leaflets with a detailed description of the life of N citizens living in apartment no. The flyer can be decorated with cartoons, pictures and slogans like "We ask for silence!".
  • Post these flyers at the entrance, near the elevator or mailboxes, and finally, stick the offender on the front door or windshield of the car, if he has one!

Method 2

  • If you are completely fed up, try this method: distribute advertisements for the sale of an apartment, car or cottage in newspapers, on relevant websites and in social networks. Whose? Of course, the neighbor! And the phone number of both home and mobile, do not forget to include. If you know your work phone number, you can add that as well.
  • The main thing is that the conditions of sale should be very favorable for the buyer, just fabulous! In this case, there will be no end to calls and your neighbors will be tormented to explain that they do not sell anything. Or maybe they will give up and move out, selling the apartment to one of those who want to buy it?

Method 3

Order a bunch of goods in online stores to the address of your neighbors, sign them for catalogs and other promotional products. Talking to the managers of online stores and filling out refusals is a troublesome business that takes a lot of effort.

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Method 4

  • If the neighbors have a metal or wooden door upholstered with leatherette, you can use the following method: shake a raw chicken egg in a bowl, and then collect it in a douche. In an inconspicuous place, make an incision in the upholstery and pour the mixture there. The smell of a rotten egg is terrible and to get rid of it, the neighbors will have to not only remove the upholstery, but also wash the door.
  • Instead of an egg, you can use iodine, vinegar and chlorine bleach, mixing them in equal proportions.

Method 5

  • If the neighbors are superstitious and believe in omens, throw objects to their front door that can pass for the attributes of magical rituals. It can be earth, bird feathers, wool, salt, the remains of candles, needles, and so on.

How to deal with neighbors from above if they constantly flood

You are constantly flooded with neighbors from above, and it would seem useless to complain? You can contact a lawyer and sue, but what to do when this is not possible?

Without legal assistance, of course, it will be difficult, but you can try. Under the place where water drips from the ceiling, pour your own floor! At first glance, this looks silly, because the water will get to the lower neighbors. But when they come to you to find out what's the matter, complain to them on the top, show the stains on the ceiling. In this case, it’s not only you who will complain about the fans.

How to teach noisy upstairs neighbors a lesson

These small mischief do not require serious preparation or any additional knowledge, but they are great for getting on your nerves. So, what else to do to annoy the harmful neighbors:

  • Call a landline phone (preferably at night) and be silent on the phone. Those who have a computer "on you" can install an auto-dialer program that can be found on the Internet and calls will be distributed in a neighboring apartment without your participation.
  • Burn the doorbell button to harmful neighbors. This act may seem stupid, but war is war!
  • Use spray paint and decorate your neighbor's metal door with a three-letter inscription (of course, the words "home", "peace" or "noise" are meant).
  • Buy a GSM jammer. This device will deprive neighbors of the opportunity to use the phone and the Internet. You can even anonymously warn them that this will always be the case if they do not begin to respect others.
  • This method is only for those who are not distinguished by disgust, it can be called "shit on the door." The door of the offender can be smeared with feces (dog, cat or human). You can bring the “weapon of revenge” in a bag (or better in two), and use rubber gloves.
  • If funds allow - buy a speaker system and let the neighbors from above enjoy hard rock! Only install speakers closer to the ceiling.

These tips will help you emerge victorious from the "neighbor war" and make noisy tenants reckon with the comfort of others.

How to take revenge on a neighbor who has a car

  • put a cobblestone or brick on the hood of the car (this will serve as a warning);
  • pour more grain on the car and the surrounding birds will flock for a treat (and they will not only peck at the hood and roof, but also “decorate” the surface with their waste products);
  • douse the car with valerian - and all the cats of the area will "drop in" (traces of dirty paws and claws are provided).

Do not break car windows, puncture tires, or drop water-filled balloons on the roof of a car. If you get caught, without the help of a competent lawyer, you will have a hard time.

How to calm the neighbors upstairs

If noisy neighbors ignore requests to be quiet, and you decide to start "military action", adhere to the following rules:

  • first use "sparing" methods, perhaps the hint will be understood immediately;
  • if you decide to harm your neighbor, act carefully and do not get caught;
  • having performed this or that action aimed at revenge on a neighbor, accompany him with a note explaining the reasons;
  • do not try to influence problem tenants by assault;
  • do not create life-threatening situations for people or pets.

No matter how problematic the neighbors are, try to negotiate first. Try to avoid war to the last, and if conversations are useless, it is better to act through law enforcement agencies.

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