Allen Carr is an easy way to live worry-free. "An easy way to live without worries and worries" Allen Carr. About Allen Carr's book "An easy way to live without worries and worries"

Allen Carr

An easy way to live without worries and worries

© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2003, 2006

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. LLC "Publishing House "Good Book", 2007


“When a heavy burden of everyday problems is pressing on your shoulders and everything in life is not going the way you want, take courage and keep moving forward, despite the difficulties!”

I remember these words well from my childhood. They were written in beautiful handwriting and enclosed in a frame that hung in our house in the most honorable place, above the fireplace. This motto reflected my mother's attitude towards life. She believed that the life allotted to us on this earth is a punishment that we must bear.

Her life was a punishment. She was the eldest daughter in a family that included thirteen children in addition to her. Her mother suffered from alcoholism, and her father abandoned them. As a child herself, she took on the role of both mother and father to her younger siblings during the worst years of the Great Depression.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that my mother's attitude towards life greatly influenced me, my brothers and sister. Our mother used to say:

"Most of all I worry when I have no reason to worry."

This phrase seems contradictory: how can a person worry when there is no reason to worry? Meanwhile, I understood what she meant, and you, I believe, too. Agree: when we worry about something, the excitement takes possession of us, and we can't get rid of it. But even if what we fear does happen, nine times out of ten the event is not a tragedy. At the same time, a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, insignificant in nature, prevents us from seeing real troubles.

And the fact that at the beginning of the war during the evacuation I was separated from my parents, once again confirms the validity of the statement enclosed in a frame. As for my personal achievements at this age (for example, receiving a scholarship at a school where, as it seemed to me, all the boys surpassed me in social status, material wealth, physical fitness), they all only once again proved how right my mother was, considering that human life is a punishment. Later, the profession I chose was also a confirmation of this: I hated the work of an accountant.

Looking back, I think three things defined my life:

Excitement, excitement, continuous excitement!

It seems that in my life there was only one consolation: I had a real friend. But even with his help, I am absolutely sure of it, I could not cope with all my problems. That friend for me was a pack of cigarettes. More precisely, not one pack: I smoked cigarette after cigarette non-stop - from 60 to 100 cigarettes a day, and so for more than thirty years!

Of course, this "friend" had its drawbacks. I remembered the biggest of them: he would definitely finish me if I did not leave him. I had several painful attempts to quit with him, but each time I showed such cowardice that in the end I always found a new reason to take up the old one. I said to myself: if real life is a life without a cigarette, then I prefer to live a shorter but happier life as a smoker.

In 1983, I developed an effective technique that will allow any smoker to quit the addiction immediately, without much effort and forever. At the same time, the smoker will not have to strain his willpower, experience the pangs of abstinence. For obvious reasons, I called it The Easy Way. I left my job as an accountant and after a while founded the first clinic where the "Easy way" was applied. There are now more than forty such clinics around the world, and I am often invited to different countries on all continents as a leading expert in the fight against smoking.

I soon realized that The Easy Way was more than just a treatment for nicotine addiction. It is equally effective for any type of drug addiction. And more than that, in fact, it is a recipe for a happy life.

I'm trying to remember the last time I was worried about something. It was eighteen years ago when I decided to leave my career as an accountant and took out a bank loan of £30,000. I was worried that my idea of ​​putting The Easy Way into practice might end in failure and that I would not be able to pay off the loan I took out to build the first clinic. If I had to do the same today, I wouldn't be so worried. But not because then fortune smiled at me, but because there was no cause for concern.

Do I unequivocally state that since then I have never worried about anything? Not at all. But the fact that I can't remember ever worrying after inventing The Easy Way just proves my theory. I remember that my whole life was a series of endless worries until I discovered The Easy Way.

Do I claim that for the rest of my life I am insured against worries, problems, depressions and stresses? Not at all. I have a lot of problems, but I am very rarely depressed or stressed.

This book is not a collection of helpful tips to help you deal with life's anxieties and worries; rather, it is intended to explain why you can start living


Maybe I'm just lucky?

Considering that I, like most people, was inspired from birth with the idea of ​​the inevitability of unrest and that because of this I spent a significant part of the time that could have been the best years of my life in constant unrest, then the answer to the question posed is “no "! I'm definitely out of luck! However... Considering that I managed to avoid the so-called "brainwashing", while most people suffer from it all their lives, I am undoubtedly lucky!

Do you need luck?

Fortunately not! A person can pick up a code to the castle all his life, with the help of which he can get out of prison. You can free yourself from your imprisonment in a couple of seconds if you are simply prompted with the correct combination of numbers on this lock.

Anxiety is not a natural human condition.

This is the result of the same "brainwashing" - a favorite method of influencing the human mind. It took me a lifetime to find the key that would open the door of my imaginary dungeon. If you start to worry, you automatically fall into her dungeons. But the same key that set me free will set you free too. The "easy way" is the key to a new life in which there is no place for worries. In order for you to use this key to open the lock of the dungeon, you only need to strictly follow my instructions.

Get rid of prejudice

This is the first and most important indication. This is often the hardest one to do. Do you consider yourself a person free from prejudice? Of course you will say yes. All consider themselves as such. Try to find at least one person who would admit to being a person with prejudice - you will not find this! Therefore, you must agree: we are somewhat similar.

Is the earth round or flat?

Let's say you live in England. Can you imagine how the Australians live upside down on the other side of the globe, or the Spaniards somewhere on the other side? We have known for more than three hundred years that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa. Why, then, do we still imagine that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west? Here are two classic examples of how we, having objective knowledge about a subject, retain a completely distorted view of it. With regard to the so-called "brainwashing", it is extremely important here not only to prevent such an impact, but also to eliminate the misconception about the subject itself.

Allen Carr

An easy way to live without worries and worries

© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2003, 2006

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. LLC "Publishing House "Good Book", 2007


“When a heavy burden of everyday problems is pressing on your shoulders and everything in life is not going the way you want, take courage and keep moving forward, despite the difficulties!”

I remember these words well from my childhood. They were written in beautiful handwriting and enclosed in a frame that hung in our house in the most honorable place, above the fireplace. This motto reflected my mother's attitude towards life. She believed that the life allotted to us on this earth is a punishment that we must bear.

Her life was a punishment. She was the eldest daughter in a family that included thirteen children in addition to her. Her mother suffered from alcoholism, and her father abandoned them. As a child herself, she took on the role of both mother and father to her younger siblings during the worst years of the Great Depression.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that my mother's attitude towards life greatly influenced me, my brothers and sister. Our mother used to say:

"Most of all I worry when I have no reason to worry."

This phrase seems contradictory: how can a person worry when there is no reason to worry? Meanwhile, I understood what she meant, and you, I believe, too. Agree: when we worry about something, the excitement takes possession of us, and we can't get rid of it. But even if what we fear does happen, nine times out of ten the event is not a tragedy. At the same time, a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, insignificant in nature, prevents us from seeing real troubles.

And the fact that at the beginning of the war during the evacuation I was separated from my parents, once again confirms the validity of the statement enclosed in a frame. As for my personal achievements at this age (for example, receiving a scholarship at a school where, as it seemed to me, all the boys surpassed me in social status, material wealth, physical fitness), they all only once again proved how right my mother was, considering that human life is a punishment. Later, the profession I chose was also a confirmation of this: I hated the work of an accountant.

Looking back, I think three things defined my life:

Excitement, excitement, continuous excitement!

It seems that in my life there was only one consolation: I had a real friend. But even with his help, I am absolutely sure of it, I could not cope with all my problems. That friend for me was a pack of cigarettes. More precisely, not one pack: I smoked cigarette after cigarette non-stop - from 60 to 100 cigarettes a day, and so for more than thirty years!

Of course, this "friend" had its drawbacks. I remembered the biggest of them: he would definitely finish me if I did not leave him. I had several painful attempts to quit with him, but each time I showed such cowardice that in the end I always found a new reason to take up the old one. I said to myself: if real life is a life without a cigarette, then I prefer to live a shorter but happier life as a smoker.

In 1983, I developed an effective technique that will allow any smoker to quit the addiction immediately, without much effort and forever. At the same time, the smoker will not have to strain his willpower, experience the pangs of abstinence. For obvious reasons, I called it The Easy Way. I left my job as an accountant and after a while founded the first clinic where the "Easy way" was applied. There are now more than forty such clinics around the world, and I am often invited to different countries on all continents as a leading expert in the fight against smoking.

I soon realized that The Easy Way was more than just a treatment for nicotine addiction. It is equally effective for any type of drug addiction. And more than that, in fact, it is a recipe for a happy life.

I'm trying to remember the last time I was worried about something. It was eighteen years ago when I decided to leave my career as an accountant and took out a bank loan of £30,000. I was worried that my idea of ​​putting The Easy Way into practice might end in failure and that I would not be able to pay off the loan I took out to build the first clinic. If I had to do the same today, I wouldn't be so worried. But not because then fortune smiled at me, but because there was no cause for concern.

Do I unequivocally state that since then I have never worried about anything? Not at all. But the fact that I can't remember ever worrying after inventing The Easy Way just proves my theory. I remember that my whole life was a series of endless worries until I discovered The Easy Way.

Do I claim that for the rest of my life I am insured against worries, problems, depressions and stresses? Not at all. I have a lot of problems, but I am very rarely depressed or stressed.

This book is not a collection of helpful tips to help you deal with life's anxieties and worries; rather, it is intended to explain why you can start living


Maybe I'm just lucky?

Considering that I, like most people, was inspired from birth with the idea of ​​the inevitability of unrest and that because of this I spent a significant part of the time that could have been the best years of my life in constant unrest, then the answer to the question posed is “no "! I'm definitely out of luck! However... Considering that I managed to avoid the so-called "brainwashing", while most people suffer from it all their lives, I am undoubtedly lucky!

Do you need luck?

Fortunately not! A person can pick up a code to the castle all his life, with the help of which he can get out of prison. You can free yourself from your imprisonment in a couple of seconds if you are simply prompted with the correct combination of numbers on this lock.

Anxiety is not a natural human condition.

This is the result of the same "brainwashing" - a favorite method of influencing the human mind. It took me a lifetime to find the key that would open the door of my imaginary dungeon. If you start to worry, you automatically fall into her dungeons. But the same key that set me free will set you free too. The "easy way" is the key to a new life in which there is no place for worries. In order for you to use this key to open the lock of the dungeon, you only need to strictly follow my instructions.

Get rid of prejudice

This is the first and most important indication. This is often the hardest one to do. Do you consider yourself a person free from prejudice? Of course you will say yes. All consider themselves as such. Try to find at least one person who would admit to being a person with prejudice - you will not find this! Therefore, you must agree: we are somewhat similar.

Is the earth round or flat?

Let's say you live in England. Can you imagine how the Australians live upside down on the other side of the globe, or the Spaniards somewhere on the other side? We have known for more than three hundred years that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa. Why, then, do we still imagine that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west? Here are two classic examples of how we, having objective knowledge about a subject, retain a completely distorted view of it. With regard to the so-called "brainwashing", it is extremely important here not only to prevent such an impact, but also to eliminate the misconception about the subject itself.

© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2003, 2006

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. LLC "Publishing House "Good Book", 2007


“When a heavy burden of everyday problems is pressing on your shoulders and everything in life is not going the way you want, take courage and keep moving forward, despite the difficulties!”

I remember these words well from my childhood. They were written in beautiful handwriting and enclosed in a frame that hung in our house in the most honorable place, above the fireplace. This motto reflected my mother's attitude towards life. She believed that the life allotted to us on this earth is a punishment that we must bear.

Her life was a punishment. She was the eldest daughter in a family that included thirteen children in addition to her. Her mother suffered from alcoholism, and her father abandoned them. As a child herself, she took on the role of both mother and father to her younger siblings during the worst years of the Great Depression.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that my mother's attitude towards life greatly influenced me, my brothers and sister. Our mother used to say:

"Most of all I worry when I have no reason to worry."

This phrase seems contradictory: how can a person worry when there is no reason to worry? Meanwhile, I understood what she meant, and you, I believe, too. Agree: when we worry about something, the excitement takes possession of us, and we can't get rid of it. But even if what we fear does happen, nine times out of ten the event is not a tragedy. At the same time, a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, insignificant in nature, prevents us from seeing real troubles.

And the fact that at the beginning of the war during the evacuation I was separated from my parents, once again confirms the validity of the statement enclosed in a frame. As for my personal achievements at this age (for example, receiving a scholarship at a school where, as it seemed to me, all the boys surpassed me in social status, material wealth, physical fitness), they all only once again proved how right my mother was, considering that human life is a punishment. Later, the profession I chose was also a confirmation of this: I hated the work of an accountant.

Looking back, I think three things defined my life:

Excitement, excitement, continuous excitement!

It seems that in my life there was only one consolation: I had a real friend. But even with his help, I am absolutely sure of it, I could not cope with all my problems. That friend for me was a pack of cigarettes. More precisely, not one pack: I smoked cigarette after cigarette non-stop - from 60 to 100 cigarettes a day, and so for more than thirty years!

Of course, this "friend" had its drawbacks. I remembered the biggest of them: he would definitely finish me if I did not leave him. I had several painful attempts to quit with him, but each time I showed such cowardice that in the end I always found a new reason to take up the old one. I said to myself: if real life is a life without a cigarette, then I prefer to live a shorter but happier life as a smoker.

In 1983, I developed an effective technique that will allow any smoker to quit the addiction immediately, without much effort and forever. At the same time, the smoker will not have to strain his willpower, experience the pangs of abstinence. For obvious reasons, I called it The Easy Way. I left my job as an accountant and after a while founded the first clinic where the "Easy way" was applied. There are now more than forty such clinics around the world, and I am often invited to different countries on all continents as a leading expert in the fight against smoking.

I soon realized that The Easy Way was more than just a treatment for nicotine addiction. It is equally effective for any type of drug addiction. And more than that, in fact, it is a recipe for a happy life.

I'm trying to remember the last time I was worried about something. It was eighteen years ago when I decided to leave my career as an accountant and took out a bank loan of £30,000. I was worried that my idea of ​​putting The Easy Way into practice might end in failure and that I would not be able to pay off the loan I took out to build the first clinic. If I had to do the same today, I wouldn't be so worried. But not because then fortune smiled at me, but because there was no cause for concern.

Do I unequivocally state that since then I have never worried about anything? Not at all. But the fact that I can't remember ever worrying after inventing The Easy Way just proves my theory. I remember that my whole life was a series of endless worries until I discovered The Easy Way.

Do I claim that for the rest of my life I am insured against worries, problems, depressions and stresses? Not at all. I have a lot of problems, but I am very rarely depressed or stressed.

This book is not a collection of helpful tips to help you deal with life's anxieties and worries; rather, it is intended to explain why you can start living


An easy way to live without worries and worries Allen Carr

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Title: An easy way to live without worries and worries
Author: Allen Carr
Year: 2006
Genre: Health, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Psychotherapy and counseling, Foreign psychology

About Allen Carr's book "An easy way to live without worries and worries"

Our whole life is a series of successes and failures, happy moments and sad stories. Every day we face something good and bad. We simply do not notice a lot, do not consider it important and quickly forget, but it happens that we begin to experience fears and excitement, worry about the future, without even trying to take a step forward. We are simply afraid of failure, condemnation, hostility. And then all our plans can be destroyed, dreams do not come true, hopes do not come true. Of course, society can be blamed here or just a bad coincidence, but often we are solely to blame for this.

Allen Carr is best known for his best-selling book on how easy it is to quit smoking. The author helped millions of people get rid of this addiction, improve their health, and most importantly, change their lives, ceasing to be dependent on marketing tricks and the impositions of society, because there is no other name for cigarettes.

Allen Carr has written many books, and one of them, The Easy Way to Live Without Anxiety and Worry, will help you improve the quality of your life. Anxiety and unrest are part of our lives, but this part should not take a huge amount of time. If you are constantly afraid to go to an interview, ask for a promotion, or ask someone out on a date, what will your life be like in the end? If you have such problems, you absolutely need to read this book.

Allen Carr, in The Easy Way to Live Without Anxiety and Worry, describes in detail what anxiety is. In addition, he gives a lot of examples and arguments when you really need to worry, and when it's a waste of time and effort. The author has a unique approach to any problem. If in a book about smoking, he told readers that they simply do not need cigarettes, then here he talks in detail about the fact that it is pointless to worry and worry when there really is no need for this, when you still cannot influence the situation. You are simply poisoning yourself with anxiety.

There are many situations in life. If you can solve the problem in your power - go ahead! If you can't solve it, then what's the point of worrying? It's better to just go with the flow. This is what Allen Carr teaches in his book The Easy Way to Live Without Anxiety and Worry.

The author writes in a very simple and accessible way. The book is intended for a wide audience. Even if you do not have problems with self-esteem and self-confidence, the book "An easy way to live without worries and worries" will still be useful to you. You will find here very exciting thoughts and recommendations from Allen Carr - a man who knows how to get rid of bad habits and how to change my life for the better.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Live Without Anxiety and Worry" in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from Allen Carr's book "An easy way to live without worries and worries"

Golden Rule #2
Let's say you have a problem, real or potential. To solve it, first determine if you can do it. If yes, then consider that the problem is already solved. If you can't figure out how to deal with it quickly, sketch out a plan of action. You may need the help of friends, the experience of professionals - contact them for advice. If you are unable to solve the problem that has arisen, accept the fact of its existence and do not worry.

Live a full, active and happy life without worries and worries.
14. Always listen to the voice of conscience.
15. Honesty is the best tactic.
16. Do not waste the most valuable thing you have - life on

material independence.
This is one of the key conditions for living without worries. Did you know that most millionaires are not financial geniuses who carefully planned their careers? These are people who could not find work and were forced to survive on their own. One day a brilliant idea came to their mind. Having not found a job in their village or city, or working for someone else, one of them suddenly thought: “I am sure that I am capable of something more!”

Or become a champion? You already are. And I, and you, and any other person on our planet are already champions. In order to be born, you had to compete with millions of other sperm for the first place in the relay race and the right to fertilize an egg. So we all have something to be proud of. Perhaps luck also played a role, but endurance also played a big role, which deserves all respect. Even Olympic champions don't compete with millions. Each of us is a special person!

Among people who are in excellent shape, many smoke and drink alcohol. But remember, most people quit bad habits because they don't like feeling lethargic and weak.

Is it worth living for today?
No, it's not worth it. The main reason why people's lives are full of worries and experiences is that they live for today. You won't be able to enjoy your vacation if you haven't planned it and raised enough funds. Only then will you get great pleasure not only from the vacation itself, but also from its anticipation and even from the work that you have done to accumulate the required amount. The more successful your vacation is, the more unhappy you feel on Monday mornings when you return to work.

Golden Rule #7
Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Remember the saying "Only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes!" - and again think about the validity of this statement. If we approach the matter seriously, with all responsibility, then there is nothing terrible in the fact that we can make a mistake. Ignorance is not a crime. We are guilty if we are afraid to reveal our ignorance of something and, as a result, do nothing to correct the situation. Understanding that our oversight is not a reason for unrest, and is the key to a quiet life without worries and worries!

Fear of heights, fire, suffocation, fear that someone will attack you from around the corner, fear of drowning and so on - these are natural fears, and they are very important for us if we want to live happily. Fear is a kind of signal that warns us that we may be harmed or that we are in mortal danger, and thus helps to take protective measures. Fear is meant to help us, not harm us. A phobia, unlike fear, is an irrational fear that defies logical explanation.

Golden Rule #5
…is to stop perceiving fear as your enemy or as a sign of your weakness. Fear is one of the amazing abilities that mother nature has endowed all living beings to help them avoid injury or death. You should not be ashamed because you are afraid of something. After all, you, for example, are not ashamed to install a security or fire alarm in your house.

It is like a prison in which we have imprisoned ourselves. Humans are the only creatures on Earth who force themselves to go to school and spend half their lives working for someone else. We are the only species that has learned to cry. What is the main factor driving the development of all living beings on the planet? FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL! Why? Yes, because the greatest gift of a person lies in his ability to enjoy life. And only a man turned the holiday into such grief that many of us would rather settle accounts with life than enjoy it.

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© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2003, 2006

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. LLC "Publishing House "Good Book", 2007


“When a heavy burden of everyday problems is pressing on your shoulders and everything in life is not going the way you want, take courage and keep moving forward, despite the difficulties!”

I remember these words well from my childhood. They were written in beautiful handwriting and enclosed in a frame that hung in our house in the most honorable place, above the fireplace. This motto reflected my mother's attitude towards life. She believed that the life allotted to us on this earth is a punishment that we must bear.

Her life was a punishment. She was the eldest daughter in a family that included thirteen children in addition to her. Her mother suffered from alcoholism, and her father abandoned them. As a child herself, she took on the role of both mother and father to her younger siblings during the worst years of the Great Depression.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that my mother's attitude towards life greatly influenced me, my brothers and sister. Our mother used to say:

"Most of all I worry when I have no reason to worry."

This phrase seems contradictory: how can a person worry when there is no reason to worry? Meanwhile, I understood what she meant, and you, I believe, too. Agree: when we worry about something, the excitement takes possession of us, and we can't get rid of it. But even if what we fear does happen, nine times out of ten the event is not a tragedy. At the same time, a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, insignificant in nature, prevents us from seeing real troubles.

And the fact that at the beginning of the war during the evacuation I was separated from my parents, once again confirms the validity of the statement enclosed in a frame. As for my personal achievements at this age (for example, receiving a scholarship at a school where, as it seemed to me, all the boys surpassed me in social status, material wealth, physical fitness), they all only once again proved how right my mother was, considering that human life is a punishment. Later, the profession I chose was also a confirmation of this: I hated the work of an accountant.

Looking back, I think three things defined my life:

Excitement, excitement, continuous excitement!

It seems that in my life there was only one consolation: I had a real friend. But even with his help, I am absolutely sure of it, I could not cope with all my problems. That friend for me was a pack of cigarettes. More precisely, not one pack: I smoked cigarette after cigarette non-stop - from 60 to 100 cigarettes a day, and so for more than thirty years!

Of course, this "friend" had its drawbacks. I remembered the biggest of them: he would definitely finish me if I did not leave him. I had several painful attempts to quit with him, but each time I showed such cowardice that in the end I always found a new reason to take up the old one. I said to myself: if real life is a life without a cigarette, then I prefer to live a shorter but happier life as a smoker.

In 1983, I developed an effective technique that will allow any smoker to quit the addiction immediately, without much effort and forever. At the same time, the smoker will not have to strain his willpower, experience the pangs of abstinence. For obvious reasons, I called it The Easy Way. I left my job as an accountant and after a while founded the first clinic where the "Easy way" was applied. There are now more than forty such clinics around the world, and I am often invited to different countries on all continents as a leading expert in the fight against smoking.

I soon realized that The Easy Way was more than just a treatment for nicotine addiction. It is equally effective for any type of drug addiction. And more than that, in fact, it is a recipe for a happy life.

I'm trying to remember the last time I was worried about something. It was eighteen years ago when I decided to leave my career as an accountant and took out a bank loan of £30,000. I was worried that my idea of ​​putting The Easy Way into practice might end in failure and that I would not be able to pay off the loan I took out to build the first clinic. If I had to do the same today, I wouldn't be so worried. But not because then fortune smiled at me, but because there was no cause for concern.

Do I unequivocally state that since then I have never worried about anything? Not at all. But the fact that I can't remember ever worrying after inventing The Easy Way just proves my theory. I remember that my whole life was a series of endless worries until I discovered The Easy Way.

Do I claim that for the rest of my life I am insured against worries, problems, depressions and stresses? Not at all. I have a lot of problems, but I am very rarely depressed or stressed.

This book is not a collection of helpful tips to help you deal with life's anxieties and worries; rather, it is intended to explain why you can start living