White mucus in the feces of the baby. Video - Baby's chair: what is the norm and what is not. Does mucus always indicate danger

Many parents are faced with problems of stool disorders from the very first days of a child's life. After all, the ideal option is when the baby eats well, sleeps calmly and for a long time, does not cry or act up, poops normally, is extremely rare. With any deviations and changes in the stool, mothers usually begin to panic.

Mucus in the feces of the baby is present quite often, and this is not considered a pathological phenomenon. These stools are light in color and have a jelly-like or watery consistency. With the help of mucus, the intestines are protected from the effects of aggressive substances such as alkalis and acids, so the presence of mucus in the feces is absolutely normal. However, at the exit, it should not be noticeable, since normally it should be mixed with feces even in the large intestine. Therefore, the presence of individual fragments of mucus that stand out strongly and are visible to the naked eye should alert parents.

If the appearance of mucus in the feces is a very rare phenomenon, and its amount is small, then there is no particular cause for alarm. In the event that mucus elements are present with each emptying, as well as a sharp, strong unpleasant odor, sleep disturbance, frequent regurgitation, weight gain, diarrhea and blood inclusions in the stool, we can talk about serious health problems for the baby. At the same time, the absence of other symptoms, in addition to the presence of mucus in the stool, most often indicates that the causes of its appearance are milder.

Symptom: mucus in the feces of the baby

The appearance of mucus in the stool in infants may be associated with the following problems:

  1. If mucus is found in the feces of a child who is breastfeeding, it is first necessary to check the mother's milk for sterility. For this, there is a special analysis. However, this does not mean that you need to stop breastfeeding your baby. Even if any microorganisms are found in the milk, breastfeeding is most often continued. But in this case, the mother and baby will have to undergo a certain course of therapy.
  2. One of the causes of mucus in the feces is lactose deficiency.
  3. It is also worth reviewing the diet of a nursing mother, because mucus in the feces of a baby may manifest intolerance to certain foods or an allergic reaction. It is also advisable to do a blood test to detect allergens (MAST test). A food diary can help mom determine which foods the baby has such a reaction to.
  4. Mild diarrhea and mucus in the feces may appear in the baby after the introduction of new foods into his diet. Especially often, babies react this way to vegetable purees. If there is a reaction to complementary foods, it is worth abandoning the new product for a while or reducing the single serving.
  5. If diarrhea and mucus are not associated with the introduction of complementary foods, then they can be symptoms of a digestive disease. You can check this by passing tests to determine the intestinal microflora.
  6. In the first few days, the formation of mucus in the stool in newborns is associated with transient dysbacteriosis. This condition does not require treatment.
  7. In rare cases, the appearance of mucus in the feces occurs with respiratory diseases, for example, with a runny nose.
  8. The cause of mucus may also be taking certain medications, for example, Espumisan.

Thus, when mucus appears in the feces, it is first necessary to check the mother's milk and review the diet of the nursing mother. Then, in the absence of results, they proceed to the examination of the baby. If there are any health problems, it is necessary to diagnose and start treating the disease immediately, without delay, because otherwise you can lose time and aggravate the pathology. The correct course of examinations will be compiled by a specialist, including all the required tests. If it is not possible to immediately go to the doctor, then you can give the baby probiotics and Smect.

Normally, at birth, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is sterile. After he begins to eat, even mother's milk, various microorganisms appear in the intestines, a certain microflora develops. Beneficial microorganisms are considered bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. There are also conditionally pathogenic microbes, saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms.

In the first month of a child's life, in his intestines there is a "struggle" for the predominance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. By the end of this period, such a balance should normally be resolved in favor of lacto- and bifidobacteria. And the threat of colonization of the intestines by pathogenic microorganisms must be eliminated.

The period of struggle is characterized by a transitional chair. At this time, mucus in the stool and a greenish color are not considered a pathology. By the end of 3-4 weeks of the baby's life, the stool should improve, acquire a natural color and texture. But there are various situations that go beyond the norm, which can affect the color, frequency, consistency and the appearance of various impurities, such as mucus in the stool.

What problems can mucus in the stool be associated with, and when should you pay special attention to it?

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

This deviation from the norm is one of the most common causes of stool problems in young children. Pathogenic bacteria (clostridia, staphylococci, klebsiella, enterobacteria and others) in the baby's intestines can multiply and prevail over beneficial microorganisms, resulting in various stool disorders. With a mild form of dysbacteriosis, a child usually has mucus in the feces, flatulence and constipation. In more severe cases, diarrhea is noted, lumps of curdled milk, a lot of mucus and streaks of blood may appear in the feces. If red mucus is found in the feces, this indicates ulceration of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis is complex and rather lengthy. First, the baby's intestines are sanitized using drugs such as stop-diar, Enterofuril, or various bacteriophages. After that, a monthly course of microflora restoration is carried out with the help of Bifiform, Primadophilus, Linex, Normoflorin or other means as prescribed by a doctor.

Dysbacteriosis can easily recur, even correct and thorough treatment does not give a full guarantee that the disease will not recur. This can be prevented only with the help of proper feeding and careful rational care of the child.

Acute intestinal infections of bacterial or viral origin

Mucus in the stool in infants often becomes one of the manifestations of intestinal infections. The baby can get dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal flu, toxoinfections and other diseases. In such cases, fragments of mucus in the feces indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the intestines. To differentiate intestinal infections from dysbacteriosis, you need to see a doctor and test for infections by sowing feces.

For children under one year old, with noticeable changes in the stool, a consultation with an infectious disease specialist is indicated. You should not refuse the proposed hospitalization, because this can affect the health and even the life of the baby, especially with obvious signs of dehydration.

Intestinal invaginitis

This pathology is considered one of the most dangerous diseases. If you suspect it, you must urgently call an ambulance. Intestinal invaginitis is characterized by the formation of partial intestinal obstruction. This condition occurs as a result of squeezing a section of the intestine with another part of it. Symptoms of the disease are severe pain during feeding and after eating, uncontrollable vomiting "fountain". The stool is at first frequent, having a liquid consistency and impurities of blood and mucus, gradually it begins to lose its fecal character. A day later, the baby's feces are lumps of mucus with bloody streaks.

In this disease, the treatment is carried out by the surgeon, straightening the compressed intestine with a barium enema. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the baby may die from pain shock, sepsis or dehydration.

Incorrect introduction of complementary foods, errors in the nutrition of the baby

The reasons for the change in the stool may also lie in the improper organization of the child's nutrition. Lack of fluid, abrupt introduction of complementary foods, too long intervals between feedings - all this can cause the appearance of mucus in the stool, as well as various dyspeptic phenomena. Often the cause of such changes is the introduction of vegetable purees. In addition to mucus in the stool, in such cases, the consistency and color of the stool may change. If this happens, then you need to review and adjust the diet and daily routine of the baby. It may be better to give up complementary foods for a few days (until the stool normalizes), and then try to introduce a new product again, but more smoothly.

lactase deficiency

Another problem that can lead to the appearance of mucus in the stool in infants is lactase deficiency. The enzyme lactase is necessary for the body to ferment milk, more precisely lactose (the sugar it contains). A child may have a congenital deficiency of this enzyme, in addition, lactase is destroyed in the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the small intestine. The result is fermentation processes in the intestines, which are manifested by abdominal pain, flatulence, gases, diarrhea, milk lumps and mucus elements appear in the feces.

For diagnosis, a test for the content of carbohydrates in feces is used. Treatment consists in a special diet that excludes all dairy products. Also, the baby is prescribed drugs with lactase, if he is breastfed, artificial people are selected with a mixture that does not contain lactose.

Celiac disease or gluten deficiency

Pathology is in many ways similar to lactase deficiency, but in this case, lactase deficiency is not primary. The deficiency of other enzymes of the body, which forms gluten deficiency, becomes more pronounced. Modern medicine with its diagnostic methods allows you to determine this condition, and the selection of the right diet to cope with it.

Allergic reactions, atopic manifestations

The first manifestations of an allergy are usually skin lesions, which can be peeling, weeping, rash on various parts of the body, more often on the cheeks, face, head. However, an allergic reaction can also affect the mucous membrane of the digestive system, causing the appearance of mucus in the feces of the baby.

Runny nose

Small children still cannot clear their nose of mucous secretions with a runny nose. Therefore, most of the mucus enters the throat, rolls down it and is swallowed. This can cause clear mucus to appear in the stool.


Not always mucus in the feces is a sign of pathology. Her appearance can be triggered by taking drugs for bloating, such as Bobotik, Bebikalm, Espumizan and others. After the end of the use of the drug, the mucus impurities will disappear.

Thus, if any changes in the baby's stool appear, and even more so mucus in the feces, causing suspicion of pathology, it is worth consulting with the district pediatrician. Only a qualified physician will be able to determine whether active intervention, dietary changes, or a thorough examination are required.

The quality and consistency of stool in young children is an important indicator of their health. If diarrhea with mucus appears in a baby, an urgent consultation with a pediatrician is required. In order not to miss the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, you need to know the signs of pathological changes in the stool.

Where does slime come from

Loose stools with mucus in a newborn is a variant of the norm. In the first days of life, he excretes the original feces - meconium.

It contains:

  • water;
  • bile;
  • slime;
  • lactobacilli;
  • coli;
  • amniotic fluid swallowed in the prenatal period;
  • epithelial cells.

Meconium is formed before birth and is excreted in the first 2-3 days of life. The consistency of the original feces is viscous, it has no smell, it is distinguished by a dark color.

The stool then becomes yellow and jelly-like or watery in texture. Preservation of loose stools with mucus in an infant during the first 3-4 months of life should not be a cause for concern. The digestion of mother's milk is accompanied by the formation of acids and alkali in the intestines of the child, therefore the formation of mucus is a kind of protection against the aggressive consequences of biochemical reactions in the digestive system.

Normally, loose stools with mucus in infants are rarely recorded, because these inclusions are mixed with feces in the large intestine. If they occasionally appear in the form of separate fragments, there is no cause for concern.

What symptoms are considered dangerous

Delay in diagnosing a violation of the children's digestive system entails dehydration. For infants, the loss of water in the amount of 10% of body weight threatens coma and death.

In order not to miss the onset of mucous diarrhea in children, you need to be able to determine the atypical consistency of the stool and its pathological inclusions.

When is stool considered liquid?

For children who are breastfed, mushy stools are typical. Formula-fed babies are more likely to have diarrhea in the early stages because their stools are denser. With the introduction of complementary foods, feces thicken, change the smell and color of feces, so after 5-6 months in a baby receiving mixed feeding, it is easy to notice signs of trouble.

Attention! In children who are breastfed, the stool accompanies each meal, appears 1-2 times a day. With the introduction of complementary foods in infants, it happens no more than 3 times a day, for "artists" - no more than 2 times.

The main symptoms of diarrhea in young children are:

  • feces acquire a liquid consistency, sometimes it contains undigested food particles,;
  • single and total volume of feces increases;
  • bowel movements appear more often than usual;
  • the standard odor of the stool changes, becomes sharp and unpleasant.

The baby's anxiety, frequent crying, the desire to pull the legs to the stomach, elevated body temperature are manifestations of the pathology of the digestive tract.

Types of atypical mucous inclusions

By the appearance of the mucous inclusions in the baby's stool, the cause of the sudden deterioration of his condition is determined.

What does the color, volume and consistency of mucus indicate if the child has diarrhea:

  • transparent mucus in a small amount - a consequence of an enterovirus infection that caused inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • white mucus in the form of foam or threads - appears with intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis), with helminthiasis;
  • yellow, regularly appearing mucus in secretions with a pronounced unpleasant odor is a sign of helminthiasis, enzyme deficiency or infection of the digestive tract;
  • pinkish-red mucus is a sign of intestinal disease, accompanied by the release of blood during hemorrhagic inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • green mucus - appears as a result of the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, may be accompanied by bloody inclusions, contain food particles.

In case of any deviation from the norm, the parents of the baby should immediately contact the pediatrician.

Causes of deviation from the norm

The search for negative factors leading to the appearance of diarrhea is very important for determining a treatment strategy.

The main causes of loose stools:

  • intestinal infections that develop due to an imperfect immune response;
  • lactose intolerance, when diarrhea is caused by a deficiency of an enzyme that processes milk sugar;
  • dysbacteriosis, as a result of taking antibacterial drugs by a nursing mother;
  • teething;
  • gluten intolerance;
  • violation of the diet of a nursing mother;
  • viral disease, enterocolitis;
  • the introduction of complementary foods that do not correspond to age, the capabilities of the digestive system;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • violation of hygiene rules for child care.

The reason for the appearance of green stools can be bacterial infections caused by staphylococcus aureus. With a delay in diagnosis, a baby with such a pathology quickly develops intoxication.

How is the diagnosis with a pathologically altered stool

If infants develop diarrhea with mucus, you should immediately consult a pediatrician or gastroenterologist for advice.

Laboratory tests to identify the cause of trouble:

  • complete blood count - assesses the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis - reveals the degree of colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic and beneficial bacteria;
  • bacterial culture for the dysentery and paratyphoid group, rotavirus, staphylococcus - reveals the presence or absence of infectious agents;
  • analysis of feces for worm eggs - determines the presence or absence of helminths.

A coprogram, or a detailed analysis of feces, can reveal enzyme deficiency, individual pathologies of the digestive tract. If, with the inclusion of mucus, it becomes acute, this analysis is useless.

Treatment of diarrhea with mucus in infants - drugs, diet

Self-treatment of an infant for diarrhea is unacceptable, its consequences can be fatal. Only a qualified specialist can assess the severity of the condition, prescribe the necessary diagnostics, and choose the tactics of treatment.

With vomiting and loose stools, the baby loses a lot of fluid. The body of the baby is dehydrated rapidly, so the doctor immediately begins to replenish the lost fluid.

Important! About 2 million childhood deaths from dehydration are recorded annually in the world. They most often occur in children under 5 years of age.

It is recommended to feed children more often, in small portions, if the appetite is preserved. They are actively fed with saline solutions (Regidron, Oralit), mixed with 5% glucose, or with sweet tea. Every 10 minutes you need to drink ½ teaspoon of liquid.

If signs of dehydration increase, the baby does not urinate, he has dry palms, lips, drowsiness overcomes - this indicates the need to seek emergency medical help.

To eliminate the cause of diarrhea, prescribe:

  • enzymes;
  • probiotics;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • bacteriophages;
  • intestinal antiseptics.

It is undesirable to use home remedies for the treatment of infants. If there is no allergy, after 7 months you can give therapeutic tea with chamomile and fennel.

Diet is an important therapeutic agent in the treatment of diarrhea. It is not recommended to stop natural feeding, on the contrary, the baby is applied to the breast as often as possible. In infants receiving complementary foods, they temporarily replace food rich in fiber with the following foods - crackers, tea, bananas, potatoes without the addition of butter and milk.

The first signs of diarrhea in children under one year old should not be ignored. Emergency diagnosis and timely treatment will help to avoid serious complications.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

The appearance of mucus in a newborn in the stool occurs from the first days of a child's life.

In the first year of life, mucus in a newborn in the stool is a common occurrence: it is common and not always a pathology.

Normally, mucus is secreted by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

It performs important functions:

Protects the mucosa from physical and chemical damage;

Helps promote food.

Mucus in a newborn in the stool - the norm or pathology

In a healthy child, the mucus in the intestines is completely mixed with feces and is not visible in the stool. If pathological conditions occur, mucus appears in the newborn in the stool, the causes of which may be different. They are not associated with bowel disease.

Newborns often have green stools with mucus. This is the so-called transitional chair. It can be liquid, it occurs in connection with the formation of the intestinal microflora and the gradual inclusion in the functioning of the pancreas, gallbladder.

During the first month of life, a child has, for example, a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose), so jelly-like inclusions are observed in the feces. By the end of the first month of life, the chair is established.

Mucus in a newborn in the stool: physiological causes

If mucus appeared in a newborn in the stool, the reasons may be physiological and pathological. The most common are:

1. Feeding regimen: in the case of large intervals between feedings and a large amount of food at a time, a fermentation process occurs in the intestines and mucus is formed.

2. Complementary foods: its early introduction, non-compliance with the order of introducing products is the impetus for the appearance of mucus in the stool. It is necessary to refuse the introduction of new products until the stool normalizes. In the case of complementary foods, the stool is an indicator: its changes require a pause or refusal of that "suspicious" food.

3. Use of unsuitable mixtures. If the mixture is not properly selected, the child may be allergic to its components.

4. A large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods that increase flatulence, in the diet of a nursing mother leads to an increased content of mucus in the stool of a newborn. Therefore, you can not eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities: you need to focus on the condition of the child.

5. Incorrect feeding: if the baby is put on the breast for a short time, the newborn has time to suck out the fore milk. Namely, hind milk contains lactose, which creates a feeling of satiety.

5. Reaction to certain drugs: for example, a child's body reacts with increased mucus production to taking simethicone. Simethicone preparations are used to relieve intestinal colic in newborns.

Pathological mucus in a newborn in the stool - pathological causes

In addition to physiological reasons, the appearance of mucus in the stool of a healthy child is often a sign of serious diseases that require urgent medical attention or conditions that need correction.

1. Intestinal infections of various etiologies: dysentery, salmonellosis, rotavirus, etc. In addition to mucus, blood may be present in the feces. Accompanied, in addition to diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, severe lethargy, refusal to eat. Leads to dehydration. The condition requires urgent hospitalization.

2. Dysbacteriosis: the appearance of mucus in a newborn in the stool is the most common cause of dysbacteriosis.

3. Atopic dermatitis: in addition to changes in the feces, dryness, peeling, and redness of the child's skin are observed.

4. Intestinal obstruction: it can lead to intestinal invagination - the result of squeezing a section of the intestine. Accompanied by:

acute pain;


Frequent watery stools with mucus and blood.

This is an acute condition requiring an ambulance call if an obstruction is suspected. With intussusception of the intestine, immediate surgical care is required, which consists in straightening the transferred intestine with a barium enema. If this is not done in time, death from pain shock, infection and dehydration of the body may occur.

5. Lactase deficiency, as mentioned, occurs when there is a reduced amount or absence in the body of an important enzyme - lactase. In this case, there is an accumulation in the intestine of undigested lactose - milk sugar, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of the intestinal flora. There is a green foamy stool with a lot of mucus, pronounced flatulence. The general condition of the child is disturbed.

A study of feces for carbohydrates is carried out. If the norm is exceeded, the menu of a nursing mother is adjusted: whole milk is excluded, and sometimes fermented milk products. If this is not enough, lactase is prescribed in severe cases. Formula-fed children are given a lactose-free formula.

6. Gluten deficiency - celiac disease - is observed with the introduction of complementary foods:

Associated with the lack of an enzyme that digests gluten;

Much like a lack of lactase;

Diagnosed with the help of laboratory tests.

In this case, products containing gluten are excluded from the mother's diet: bread and bakery and cereals - semolina, wheat, barley, etc.

Mucus in a newborn in the stool - what to do

The appearance of mucus in a newborn in the stool should draw close attention to the condition of the child, since this can be a manifestation of a serious pathology, for example, an intestinal infection, dysbacteriosis. And then urgently need medical care, and often - in a hospital.

If these conditions are suspected, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician, pass all the necessary tests to clarify the diagnosis and further successful treatment, if necessary.

Urgent medical attention is needed in cases where there are:

Vomiting and diarrhea;

An increase in temperature to high numbers;

The admixture of blood in the feces;

Mucus in the stool is green or green, or pink in the presence of streaks of blood;

Stool up to 15 times a day or more;

Foul-smelling stools;

Decreased amount of urine

Change in the smell of urine: sharp, very unpleasant;

Decreased or lack of appetite;

Weight loss, sagging skin, retraction of the fontanel.

If a newborn has a green stool with mucus, first you need to make sure that this is diarrhea.

1. The green color of the stool is a physiological norm for newborns, as noted above: milk changes the color of feces. In addition, the rapid digestion and passage of food through the digestive canal contributes to this color: the faster the food is digested, the greener the feces.

Diarrhea, in addition to the characteristic color, is accompanied by the presence of mucus and foam. Since mucus can also be a physiological phenomenon, you need to carefully observe the behavior of the child: anxiety, refusal to eat, flatulence with a sharp discharge of gases are alarming signs and a reason to see a doctor.

2. Green mucus in a newborn in the stool - what to do with a large amount of it: pay attention to the amount, smell, behavior of the child. If the child feels well, he eats normally, does not refuse to feed, he does not vomit, he does not act up and sleeps normally - in this case, there is no need for treatment. Some pediatricians believe that it does not make sense to prescribe drugs containing beneficial bacteria for up to two years: they pass in transit without being absorbed in the intestines. In the case when the green stool acquires a fetid odor, the child stops eating, fever appears, vomiting - perhaps this is the result of a bacterial infection.

3. Yellow stool with mucus without any other manifestations: there should be no cause for alarm. Up to a year, yellow feces and its different shades are considered a variant of the norm. Especially if the child is bottle-fed. Color may change when transferred to another mixture. Therefore, a small amount of mucus in the normal state of health of the baby should not cause concern.

If the child is restless, poorly gaining weight - this should not be ignored.

If the child still has diarrhea, you should immediately consult a doctor, because this threatens with dehydration, which is deadly at this age.

Mucus in the stool of a newborn should not cause alarm.

The most important indicator of a child's health:

weight gain;

Normal appetite and sleep;

interest in the environment.

This means that the baby is not sick, there are no health problems.

But in any case, you can not self-medicate. All medications, even the most harmless at first glance, should be prescribed by a pediatrician. It is impossible to limit the child in feeding, and, moreover, to wean from the breast. No wonder folk wisdom says: "The health of the baby - in mother's milk."

Parents are faced with a violation of the stool in an infant from the first days of life. At the same time, mucus in the feces of the baby is found quite often. This is not a pathology. Such feces are colored light in color and have a jelly-like or watery consistency. The intestines are cleansed from the action of acids and alkalis with the help of mucus. The presence of mucus is absolutely normal. However, when exiting, it should not be visualized, since even in the intestines, mucus normally mixes with feces. Therefore, its obvious presence, which stands out among the feces, should be alarming.

If mucus in the feces is rarely found and its amount is small, then you should not worry. If the mucus is in each serving of feces and at the same time the smell of feces is unpleasant and pungent, there are sleep disturbances and constant regurgitation, the child does not gain weight, there is blood in the feces, then you should think about severe disorders of the child's health.

You need to pay attention to the following points:

The appearance of mucus in the stool in an infant may be preceded by the following conditions:

If mucus is found in the baby's feces, it is first necessary check the mother's diet and test breast milk for sterility. If this is not the reason, you will need to check the baby's digestive tract and conduct adequate treatment.

Causes of mucus in the stool in infants

At birth, the gastrointestinal tract of an infant is normally sterile. After the first meal (including mother's milk) the intestines are colonized by microorganisms, forming a certain microflora. Beneficial microorganisms are lactobacteria and bifidobacteria. There are also opportunistic and pathogenic microbes.

For the first three days, the newborn has black-green or black feces, the consistency of which is similar to thick sour cream. Then its color becomes lighter (gray or gray-green), and the consistency is semi-liquid. A week after birth: becomes yellow or brown, reminiscent of liquid semolina. When breastfeeding, unusual colored inclusions in the feces may be found if the mother ate brightly colored fruits or vegetables.

In the first months of a baby's life in his intestines going on "struggle" between pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms for dominance. At the end of the first month of life, under normal conditions, the intestines are populated with beneficial microflora. The period of formation of the microflora, as a rule, is accompanied by an unstable transitional stool. At this stage, green stool with mucus is not a pathology. By the third or fourth week of life, the stool should be back to normal color and consistency, and any impurities should be gone.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

This condition is quite common in infants. A variety of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococci, enterobacteria, klebsiella, clostridia and others) can multiply in the intestinal tract of a child and prevail over beneficial bacteria. As a result, various stool disorders occur. If the dysbacteriosis is insignificant, the baby develops flatulence, mucus in the feces and constipation. For more severe diarrhea occurs, streaks of blood, a large amount of mucus or curdled milk in the form of numerous lumps are found in the feces. If reddish mucus is present in the stool, this is a sign of ulceration on the mucosa of the digestive tract.

Therapy of dysbacteriosis is a rather lengthy process. First, the child's intestines are sanitized with the help of drugs: « Enterofuril » , « stop diar » and various bacteriophages. Then begins a thirty-day course to restore the microflora with drugs « Linex » , « Bifiform » , « Normoflorin » , « Primadophilus » and so on. Dysbacteriosis is prone to frequent relapses. Even careful and adequate therapy does not guarantee that the disease will not recur. Prevention of dysbiosis comes down to proper nutrition and caring for the baby;

Acute viral or bacterial intestinal infections

Often the appearance of mucus is a sign of intestinal infections. The child can get sick with salmonellosis, dysentery, intestinal flu and so on. In these cases, mucus in the feces indicates the occurrence of inflammatory processes. A stool culture is performed to confirm the diagnosis of an intestinal infection. For children under one year old, the occurrence of any changes in the stool requires consultation with an infectious disease specialist.

Intestinal invaginitis

They are considered to be the most dangerous diseases. At the slightest suspicion of this pathology, it is necessary emergency medical care. Intestinal invaginitis is characterized by partial intestinal obstruction. This condition can occur when parts of the intestine are squeezed together. Pathology manifests itself with severe pain during and after feeding, as well as vomiting « fountain » . The stool is at first frequent and liquid, containing mucus and streaks of blood, then its fecal character is lost. A day after the development of the disease, the stool is a lumpy mucus with bloody streaks.

Treatment of this pathology is carried out in surgery, performing a barium enema to straighten the intestines. In the absence of timely treatment, the child may die from dehydration, sepsis or pain shock.

Improper feeding

The causes of the presence of mucus in the feces and dyspepsia can be malnutrition, dehydration, abrupt introduction of complementary foods, large intervals between meals. In addition to the admixture of mucus, the color and consistency of feces may change. To treat such manifestations, it is necessary to normalize the baby's nutrition, cancel the introduced complementary foods, and after the condition improves, introduce it again, more smoothly.

Lactase deficiency

Often becomes the cause of mucus in the feces of infants. Lactase is an enzyme necessary for the fermentation of lactose (sugars), which is part of milk. The cause of an insufficient amount of lactase can be its congenital absence or the destruction of the enzyme in the small intestine under the influence of a large number of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, fermentation occurs in the intestines, the consequence of which is flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, the appearance in the feces of mucus and lumps of fermented milk.

To diagnose this condition, it is necessary to conduct a test that determines the presence of carbohydrates in the feces. For the treatment of lactase deficiency, it is necessary to follow a diet (exclusion from the diet of any dairy products) and the use of special drugs with lactase (if the baby is breastfed) or lactose-free mixtures (for artificial people).

The causes of mucus in the stool are also:

Stool problems are one of the most common concerns for parents. Often, infants have mucous stools. Such a phenomenon should at least alert the mother and be stricter about her diet and feeding the baby. If there are streaks of blood in the feces, it has a greenish color, it smells sharp, then you should visit a pediatrician for a consultation. It is also necessary to pay attention to the general condition of the child, his appetite, sleep and mood.

Causes of mucous stools in babies

The causes of mucous stools in an infant can be very diverse, from nutritional errors to all kinds of diseases. The most common of these are:

  1. Incorrect feeding regimen. If a lot of time passes between meals, and the child eats a large amount of food at a time, then fermentation processes can begin in the intestines and mucus can form.
  2. Runny nose. With viral infections in a child, mucus is actively produced in the nasal cavity, which enters the digestive system and is excreted along with feces. In this case, the amount of mucus is small.
  3. Too early or incorrect introduction of complementary foods. In case of violation of the mode of introduction of complementary foods, too early feeding, non-compliance with the order of introduction of products, mucus may appear in the feces. In such cases, it is better to refuse the introduced products for some time, you can resume their introduction after the normalization of the stool.
  4. Inappropriate mix.
  5. Errors in the nutrition of a nursing woman. Especially often, the appearance of a mucous stool leads to the use of foods that increase gas formation, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits in large quantities.
  6. Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast. If the baby is at the breast for a short period of time, then he manages to suck out only the liquid front milk. Namely, hind milk contains the lactase enzyme necessary for the child, in addition, it is this milk that gives a feeling of fullness.
  7. Taking certain medications. Mucous stools may be a reaction to the use of certain drugs. So, for example, the body of babies often reacts to taking simethicone-based products, which are used to alleviate children's colic.
  8. Intestinal infections of various nature. It can be dysentery, amoebiasis, rotavirus, salmonellosis and others. In this case, in addition to mucus in the stool, there are other symptoms of the disease.
  9. Atopic dermatitis.
  10. Intestinal obstruction.
  11. Gluten deficiency.
  12. Dysbacteriosis. This reason is considered one of the most common factors causing the appearance of mucous stools in infants.

Type of mucous stool in infants

Greenish or yellow stools and a small amount of mucus in infants is considered a normal variant. However, in some cases, such coloring of feces indicates the presence of pathologies. So, when a green or yellow liquid mucous stool appears, parents should call a doctor, especially if the baby refuses to eat, becomes restless, has a fever or weight loss.

The appearance of green mucus in the stool may indicate irritation of the large intestine. In such cases, it is worth paying attention to the general condition of the child, if he is gaining weight well, his appetite is not disturbed, then there is no reason to worry. But liquid green mucous feces with a sharp unpleasant odor, accompanied by fever, lack of appetite, vomiting, lethargy, is most likely a symptom of an intestinal infection. Mucous stools that are yellow in color are considered normal. This coloring of the feces can take on when changing the mixture.

The causes of liquid mucous stools in infants can lie not only in infections, but also in malnutrition or dysbacteriosis. When it appears, it is better to visit a doctor and find out the reasons for this phenomenon. However, you should not panic, especially if the general condition of the child is good. In this case, it is worth reviewing his diet and the nutrition of the nursing mother. In case of dysbacteriosis, you should consult a specialist and, on his recommendation, start a course of bifido drugs.

Mucous stool in the baby, what to do?

The appearance of a mucous stool in a baby should be the reason to take a closer look at the baby, pay attention to the presence of other signs of pathology. It is advisable to visit a doctor and find out the reasons for this condition. If you suspect dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections and other diseases, you should undergo examinations and take tests.

Urgent medical attention should be sought in the following cases:

  • the child has vomiting and diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • there is an admixture of blood in the feces;
  • the baby's stool is watery, observed 10-12 times a day and more often;
  • the amount of urination decreases, and the urine acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.